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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Friday 20DEC24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.49 |
Rand Paul seeks to press Fauci on gain-of-function research
with new chairmanship - by Gabrielle M. Etzel /
Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Funding Bill Includes Cash for a Dozen Biolabs to
‘Research’/Engineer New Viruses - by Ben Bartee / PJ
Media 20DEC24.
Research debunks cardiac safety Smear Campaign waged against
Hydroxychloroquine combination therapy - by Lance D
Johnson / Newstarget 20DEC24.
Ursula von der Leyen’s Pfizer Text Scandal - Delays Spark
Concerns Over Transparency and Accountability in the EU
- by Joana Campos / Gateway Hispanic 20DEC24.
How Taxpayer-Funded Pandemic Relief Programs Became a Cash
Grab for Hollywood Musicians - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 20DEC24.
Documents Show CISA Monitored and Influenced Domestic Speech
on Covid-19 Through Private Sector Partners - by Didi
Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 20DEC24.
WHO Expands “Misinformation Management” Efforts with “Social
Listening” [across 17 Pacific island nations] - by Didi
Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 20DEC24.
California declares state of emergency following discovery
of bird flu in dairy cows - by Ava Grace / Newstarget
DOJ accuses CVS of fueling the opioid crisis and charging
tax payers - by Willow Tohi / Newstarget 20DEC24.
FDA’s failure to act leaves Americans at risk from recalled
drugs - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 20DEC24.
Billions of dollars in NIH projects under threat because of
HHS secretary’s paperwork failure - by Gabrielle M.
Etzel / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
PETA first at Mar-a-Lago to urge DOGE to stop NIH animal
tests - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
5G ushers in aggressive growth in energy consumption -
by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 20DEC24.
Rocking Around The Plastic Tree - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Idiot’s Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists
- by Aaron Hertzberg / Brownstone Institute 20DEC24.
Sorry North Carolina Hurricane Victims, Biden Admin Gives $1
Billion to Ecuadorian Amazon - by Brittany Sheehan / Red
State 20DEC24.
An Intense Christmas Atmospheric River - No California
Drought This Year - by Cliff Mass / WUWT 20DEC24.
Ocean Temperatures and Climate Hysteria - A Lesson in
Perspective - by Charles Rotter / WUWT 20DEC24.
America needs a subzero blackout prevention program - by
David Wojick / CFACT via WUWT 20DEC24.
AK Governor Calls on Trump to Roll Back Drilling
Restrictions - by Ward Clark / Red State 20DEC24.
Montana Supreme Court Says Climate Change Harms State’s
“Environmental Life Support System” - by James Murphy /
New American 20DEC24.
A final invitation for fraud at Biden’s green bank - by
Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Another Megabank [Wells Fargo] Ditches UN-backed Climate
Alliance - by James Murphy / New American 20DEC24.
Are China's Big Gold Purchases For Protection Against The
Dollar Or To Attack It? - by James Gorrie / Epoch Times
via Zerohedge 20DEC24.
50% Of Canadian Manufacturers Considering Layoffs If Trump
Tariffs Enacted - by Andrew Chen / Epoch Times via
Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Bank of Canada Governor is on secretive BIS board of
directors; why should this matter to Canadians? - by
Rhoda Wilson and Dan Fournier / Exposé 20DEC24.
Trump Tariffs Could Slash Deficit by Trillions, With Modest
Impact on Inflation, Economic Output [per] CBO - by Tom
Ozimek / Epoch Times via America First 20DEC24.
How Trump can spark a new era of worker freedom and
productivity - by Whitney Munro / Washington Examiner
It's Dead Again - Johnson's 2nd Funding Bill Bites Dust -
Americans May Still Get Gov't Shutdown for Christmas -
by Jack Davis / Western Journal 20DEC24.
MTG: Time to take a bullet for Trump [Just Saying No To
Porky CR] - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner
Republican infighting gives embattled Democrats new hope for
no change - by W. James Antle III / Washington Examiner
Chuck Schumer Demands Return to Bloated 1,500-Page Spending
Disaster, Threatens Government Shutdown - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
“They’d Rather Shut it Down to Fight for Their Global
Censorship Bullsh*t” - JD Vance Slams Democrats for Voting
Against CR - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit
Mike Johnson’s funding mess is a bed he made - by
Jeremiah Poff / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Can Mike Johnson Survive As Speaker? - by Jeff Charles /
Townhall 20DEC24.
Johnson rallies House GOP for third shot at avoiding
shutdown - by Cami Mondeaux / Washington Examiner
Will Mike Johnson's 'Plan C' Gambit Prevent a Government
Shutdown? - by Jeff Charles / Townhall 20DEC24.
Speaker Johnson says House will vote again Friday to avoid
government shutdown - by Charlotte / Hazard / Just The
News 20DEC24.
GOP Sources Say Continuing Resolution Vote Expected At
Midnight After Government Shutdown Deadline - by Jordan
Conradson / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
The Swamp’s Gonna Swamp - by Chris Talgo / Townhall
GOP To Split Bill, Hold Separate Votes - Debt Limit Not Part
Of It As US Agencies Prepare To Shut Down - by Tyler
Durden / Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Republicans Prepare Plan C to Avoid Government Shutdown Will
Include Three Separate Bills - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 20DEC24.
Trump encourages government shutdown if under the Biden
administration - by Charlotte Hazard / Just The News
Trump suggests government should shut down ‘now’ as GOP
preps 11th-hour vote - by Josh Christenson / NY Post
Trump Says “If There is Going to be a Shutdown of
Government, Let it Begin Now, Under the Biden
Administration” - Puts Pressure on GOP to Solve Looming
Shutdown - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Mike Johnson pushes for a new vote on spending, Trump
demands they not allow gov shutdown after Jan 20 - "This is
a Biden problem to solve, but if Republicans can help solve
it, they will!"
- by Thomas Stevenson / PM 20DEC24.
Spending mess shows Dems will try to stop Trump every step
of the way which is why he must act fast - by Douglas
Murray / NY Post 20DEC24.
Trump says Congress should abolish the debt ceiling - These
are the pros and cons - by Joseph Lawler and Zach
Halaschak / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Vivek Rewrites 1500-Page, Pork-Filled Budget Bill Using Just
75 Words - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 19DEC24.
Republicans rebuff Democrats’ taunts of ‘President-elect
Musk’ - by Emily Hallas / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Elon Hilariously Decimates Rosa DeLauro and Dems' Juvenile
Tactics Over Funding Battle - by Nick Arama / Red State
It Turns Out That Purple-Haired Lady Screaming About
'President Elon Musk' Is a Powerful Dem in the House - [Rosa
DeLauro of Connecticut] - by Brittany Sheehan / Red
State 20DEC24.
Larry the Cable Guy Takes Stand for Elon Musk, Absolutely
Obliterates 'Grandma Purple Hair' Unhinged Dem - by Joe
Saunders / Western Journal 20DEC24.
Larry the Cable Guy Rips ‘Grandma Purple Hair’ Rosa DeLauro
After Dem's Nutty Rant About Elon Musk - by Rusty Weiss
/ Red State 20DEC24.
Congress Must Deliver on Their Promises to the American
People - by Andy Biggs / Townhall 20DEC24.
Here are the 38 GOP reps who voted against the Trump-backed
spending package - by Post Millennial / PM 20DEC24.
Here is Full List of GOP Lawmakers Who Opposed Spending Bill
Which Received Unanimous Democrat Support - by Jim Hoft
/ Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
John Stossel Exposes Just How Big of a 'Crisis' a Government
Shutdown Is Not - by Brandon Morse / Red State 20DEC24.
Mike Johnson Caved Again - Breaks Promise on Split Spending
Bills, Excludes Trump’s Demand for a Debt Ceiling Increase
in Backroom Deal with Democrats to Avoid Shutdown - by
Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
House Republicans Reportedly Reach Agreement on Spending
Impasse - It Looks to Be the Best of Both Worlds - by
Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 20DEC24.
Government Funding Bill Passes Averting Government Shutdown
- by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
What is Included in the American Relief Act 2025 (H.R.
10545) - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Congress passes pared-down funding bill after Trump objected
to initial bloated spending package - by Steven Nelson
et al. / NY Post 20DEC24.
House Passes Spending Bill to Fund Government - by Chris
Queen / PJ Media 20DEC24.
House approves stopgap bill to fund government through March
14 - by Ben Whedon / Just The news 20DEC24.
Government funding blowup a ‘taste of things to come’ under
second Trump term - by Samantha-Jo Roth / Washington
Examiner 20DEC24.
Mike Johnson jokingly asks Elon Musk if he wants to be House
speaker after spending bill drama - by Steven Nelson /
NY Post 20DEC24.
Trump’s IRS Chief Will Be a Blessing for Small Businesses
- by Julio Gonzalez / American Greatness 20DEC24.
Teamsters stage 'largest strike against Amazon in US
history' at 7 facilities nationwide - by David Krayden /
PM 20DEC24.
Amazon Workers Launch the Most Useless Strike in American
Labor History - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 20DEC24.
Police Break [Amazon] Picket Line, Allow Christmas
Deliveries to Stream Out - by Randy DeSoto / Western
Journal 20DEC24.
Starbucks employees launch five-day strike amid holiday
season - by Misty Severi / Just The news 20DEC24.
After Lying That Trump Wants to Cut Social Security, Dems
Rush Bill That Will Cut Benefits - Need Biden to Sign Before
Trump Arrives - by Samuel Short / Western Journal
More Tomfoolery on Student Loan Forgiveness From Biden -
by Rick Moran / PJ Media 20DEC24.
Biden OKs another $4.28B in student debt relief for public
service workers - by Diana Glebova / NY Post 20DEC24.
Biden Administration Pushes Another $4.28 Billion Student
Loan Bailout for 55,000 Public Sector Workers While
Hardworking Taxpayers Foot the Bill - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Education department withdraws proposed Title IX rule change
as administration winds down - by Misty Severi / Just
The news 20DEC24.
Biden Admin Folds Like a Cheap Suit on Transgenderism and
Girls' Sports - by Bonchie / Red State 20DEC24.
Parents' Rights Group Reveals Dept Of Ed Spent $1 Billion On
DEI Since 2021 - by Elad vaida / Campus Reform via
Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Indiana University Requires Students To Detail How Their
Privilege Caused 'Oppression' Over 'Subordinate Groups'
- by Jessica Costescu / Washington Free Beacon 20DEC24.
What a PhD on the “Politics of Smell” Tells Us About How
Elites Use Obscure Woke Gobbledegook to Exclude the People
From Power - by Steven Tucker / Daily Sceptic 20DEC24.
I am a very successful internet ‘catfish’ - here’s how I
make myself irresistible to men online - by Adriana Diaz
/ NY Post 20DEC24.
No sex can be hazardous to your health, experts warn -
here’s what happens to your body - by Alex Mitchell / NY
Post 20DEC24.
Democratic Men Cheat on Their Wives More and Many Are OK
With It - by Selwyn Duke / New American 20DEC24.
Wisconsin school shooter Natalie Rupnow had only attended
Christian school for less than four months before unleashing
deadly 8-minute-long attack - by Natalie O'Neill / NY
Post 20DEC24.
TikTok page allegedly linked to school shooter Natalie
Rupnow deleted after complaints at racist comments - by
Zoe Hussain / NY Post 20DEC24.
Wisconsin school shooter’s alleged co-conspirator called
‘very creepy’ and ‘quiet’ by current and former neighbors
- by Zoe Hussain / NY Post 20DEC24.
Trump should empower Bondi to tackle violence against women
- by Anna Giaritelli / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Another Left-Wing Race Hoax Exposed - Investigators at
Rhodes College in Tennessee Say the ‘F*ck N*rs, Trump Rules’
Messages Found on Campus Were Fabricated - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Progressives care more about illegal-immigrant rapists than
their child victims - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post
Auburn police searching for kids responsible for stealing
deputy mayor's car - by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement
Today 20DEC24.
Luigi Mangione could face death penalty under new federal
charges - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 20DEC24.
Mangione's High-Profile Lawyer Caught Off Guard - This Could
Mean the Death Penalty - by C. Douglas Golden / Western
Journal 20DEC24.
Luigi Mangione staying at same ‘barbaric’ NYC prison as Sean
‘Diddy’ Combs, whose lawyer is married to his lawyer -
by Nicholas McEntyre / NY Post 20DEC24.
Nick Fuentes says armed ‘would-be assassin’ wanted for
murder came to his home to kill him - by Natalie O'Neill
/ NY Post 20DEC24.
NY Cops and Feds Raid Tren de Aragua Safe House in NYC -
by Ward Clark / Red State 20DEC24.
Feds raid migrant Tren de Aragua gang house in NYC after
tracking GPS ankle monitor to hideout - by Joe Marino et
al. / NY Post 20DEC24.
Illegal immigrant who is on the Terror Watchlist was
arrested in NYC after being released back into the U.S.
- by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement Today 20DEC24.
Senile Biden Frees 100+ Illegals Who Rioted at Border
Because They're Not 'Border Security Risks' Under His Policy
- by Joe Saunders / Western Journal 20DEC24.
Donald Trump demands judge halt Biden’s alleged ‘fire sale’
of border wall materials - by Diana Glebova / NY Post
Trump team files amicus brief to support Texas, Missouri
suit to block Biden from selling border wall materials -
by Thomas Stevenson / PM 20DEC24.
Texas will purchase border wall materials being auctioned
off by Biden, will give to Trump administration to build
wall - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 20DEC24.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott unveils ‘horrific realities’
billboard in Mexico and Central America to defer illegal
border crossings - by Alec Gearty / NY Post 20DEC24.
Stoking Fears Of Rape By Coyotes, Texas To Use Mexican
Billboards To Scare Migrants Off - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 20DEC24.
I Can't Wait for Tom Homan's 'Day One - by Stephen
Kruiser / PJ Media 20DEC24.
Mexican President Sheinbaum Says She Is Ready to Receive
Mexicans Deported by Donald Trump - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Trump-Era Official Blasts Canada Over Fentanyl Super Labs
and Transnational Crime Gangs - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Canada Unveils New Border Measures Following Trump's Tariffs
Threat - by Madeline Leesman / Townhall 20DEC24.
Trudeau ally vows to bring vote to oust prime minister when
parliament returns in January - by Misty Severi / Just
The news 20DEC24.
Canada vs. Poland - A Tale of Two Countries on Firearms
Ownership - by Gabriella Hoffman / Townhall 20DEC24.
Masked Rapper Gaboro, 23, Shot Dead in Gruesome Livestream
Execution Despite Sweden’s ‘Strict Gun Laws’ - by Jim
Hoft / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Netanyahu to Skip Holocaust Memorial in Poland Due to ICC
Warrant - by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 20DEC24.
As Hungary grants asylum to Polish MP, Polish government
fires back at Orbán for what they say is yet another breach
of EU law - bu Liz Heflin / Remix 20DEC24.
Hungarian PM Orbán says he welcomes those fleeing political
persecution in Poland - by Liz Heflin / 20DEC24.
Horror at a German Christmas Market As Car Plows Into Crowd
at High Rate of Speed - by Susie Moore / Red State
Saudi National Rams Car Into Germans at Christmas Market in
Suspected Terrorist Attack - by Chris Menahan /
Information Liberation 20DEC24.
At Least One Dead, Several Injured After Driver Plows
Through Christmas Market in Germany in Suspected Terror
Attack - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Saudi Driver Plows Into German Christmas Market, Kills at
Least Two and Injures 65 - by Connor Freeman / Antiwar
Saudi Suspect Plows Car Into German Christmas Market; U.S.
Media Blames the Car - by Paula Bolyard / PJ Media
Saudi Arrested in Christmas Market Terror Attack in Germany.
Musk: Only AfD Can Save the Country - by R. Cort
Kirkwood / New American 20DEC24.
‘Only the AfD can save Germany!’ - Elon Musk endorses
right-wing party as Germany awaits Bundestag dissolution
- by Thomas Brooke / Remix 20DEC24.
Musk Continues to Flex His Geopolitical Muscles in Europe,
Rejects Warmongering by Mainstream German Parties, Says
‘Only AfD can Save Germany’ - by Paul Serran / Gateway
Pundit 20DEC24.
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini Aquitted in
Sham Trial Over His Preventing an Illegal Migrant Boat From
Docking on His Country’s Ports - by Paul Serran /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Far-Left UK PM Vows to Change Donor Rules Now Musk May Fund
Farage - by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse
Keir Starmer Says He Has No Regrets About Last Six Months
and Would Do it All Again - by Will Jones / Daily
Sceptic 20DEC24.
British PM Starmer Chooses Lord Peter Mandelson, Who Was
Jeffrey Epstein Acquaintance, as New US Ambassador - by
Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Starmer’s Pick for U.S. Ambassador Described Trump as a
“Danger to the World” and “Little Short of a White
Nationalist and Racist” - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic
Spain Proposes Law Requiring Social Media Influencers to
Issue Corrections for “Disinformation” - by Dan Frieth /
Reclaim The Net 20DEC24.
European Parliament Approves “European Democracy Shield”
Committee to Tackle Online “Disinformation” - by Dan
Frieth / Reclaim The Net 20DEC24.
The Marxism in Front of You That You Can't Unsee, Volume III
- The Common Denominator - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ
Media 20DEC24.
Based Actress Justine Bateman Celebrates End of ‘Mob
Mentality’ of the Last Four Years - ‘Never Want to Go
Through Anything Like That Again’ - by Mike LaChance /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
AP, 9 other news organizations amend stories about Chinese
‘dissident’ accused of being con man - by Ariel Zilber /
NY Post 20DEC24.
Trump Wins and the Censorship Begins - The legacy media has
lost all ability to influence the public - With Trump's win,
a concerted effort to censor alternative media and citizen
journalists will intensify - by Richard Truesdell and
Keith Lehmann / American Greatness 20DEC24.
Rumble Secures $775 Million Investment from Tether to
Bolster Free Speech and Decentralization - by Rick
Findlay / Reclaim The Net 20DEC24.
Weaponization committee releases sprawling 17,000-page final
report - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Democratic hypocrisy on a politicized justice system -
by Hugo Gurdon / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Pro-Life Leader Targeted by Biden's DOJ Delivers Shocking
Testimony Before Congress - by Mia Cathell / Townhall
Federal Agency Urges High-Level US Officials To
'Immediately' Switch To Encrypted Apps - by Jack
Phillips / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Americans Have Learned From The Horrific Four Years Of The
Biden Regime, That Our Government And Its Institutions - The
FBI, CIA, DOJ, Etc - Are Deeply Corrupt - by Patricia
McCarthy / All News Pipeline 20DEC24.
Kash Patel, onetime FBI target, now on track to run the FBI
- by Byron York / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ right-hand woman Ingrid Lewis-Martin
resigns - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 20DEC24.
Juan Merchan Ignores Supreme Court, Constitution In
Shameful, Latest Court Order That Further Erodes The
Integrity Of New York’s Legal System - by Paul Ingrassia
/ Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Joe Rogan Slams Democrats, Media, Deep State, for ‘Insanely
Dangerous Precedent’ of Using Judicial System Against Trump
- by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
GOP majority say Jan. 6 protesters ‘treated worse’ than BLM
rioters - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Federal judges warn against Trump's plans to pardon J6
defendants - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 20DEC24.
J6 Committee Star Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Caught in a New
Vicious Lie Where She Stomped on the Trust of a Friend -
When Will Miss Cassidy Face Justice? - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Pennsylvania Woman Working for Far Left “New PA Project”
Charged with Registering Dead and Non-Existent Voters -
by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
PA woman charged for registering Dead People to vote -
by Hannah Nightingale / PM 20DEC24.
The Minnesota Legislature Just Went Republican After a Major
Court Ruling - by Bonchie / Red State 20DEC24.
Republicans Win Minnesota House Majority After Judge Rules
Democrat State Representative-Elect is Not Eligible For
Office - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Donald Trump’s favorability is surging, with Americans weary
of Biden’s leadership and increasingly open to the
disruption Trump embodies - by J.T. YOung / American
Greatness 20DEC24.
America has a bright future once again - by Ben Carson /
Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Trump: This Time Everybody Wants to be My Friend - by
Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 20DEC24.
Victor Davis Hanson Calls Out Dems and Media for Hiding
Biden’s Condition - ‘Greatest Presidential Fraud and
Deception Since Woodrow Wilson’ - by Mike LaChance /
Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
“He has Good Days and Bad Days” - The Journal Exposes the
Concerted Effort to Conceal Biden’s Mental Decline - by
Jonathan Turley 20DEC24.
Ex-CNN pundit Chris Cillizza offers ‘confession’ after
explosive report on Biden’s mental decline from Day 1 -
by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 20DEC24.
Cillizza Apologizes for Not Pushing Against White House
Disinformation About Biden’s Deteriorating Mental Faculties
- by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 20DEC24.
Former CNN 'Journalist' Issues Apology for His Coverage of
Joe Biden, But Nobody Is Buying It - by Samuel Short /
Western Journal 20DEC24.
CNN political analyst apologises for ignoring Biden’s mental
decline - Too Little, Too Late, F**k Off - by Steve
Watson / Modernity 20DEC24.
White House Aides Finally Reveal Who Really Ran The Country
As Biden Slid Into Mental Incompetence - His 'Inner Circle'
And Aides Have Been Running America Since The Start - by
Reagan Reese / All News Pipeline 20DEC24.
CNN’s Scott Jennings [asks] When is ‘Accountability’ Coming
for Those Who Lied to the American People About Biden’s
Condition? - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Embarrassing Biden Pic with Wonder Woman Goes Viral for All
the Wrong Reasons - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal
White House Reporters Grill a Peeved Karine Jean-Pierre on
Biden’s Disappearing Act - by Cristina Laila / Gateway
Pundit 20DEC24.
KJP Gets Absolutely Grilled By Reporters Over Biden 'Quiet
Quitting' His Duties - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall
Biden Says He Has Zero Regrets - Wouldn’t have done anything
differently - by Steve Watson / Modernity 20DEC24.
Mentally fatigued Biden skipped call from concerned pol
before disastrous Afghanistan pullout - by Patrick
Reilly / NY Post 20DEC24.
A Disengaged, Senile President Continues His Disgusting
Pardon Spree - by Guy Benson / Townhall 20DEC24.
Biden Mulls Commuting Sentences of All 40 Federal Death Row
Inmates After Trump Promises to Accelerate Federal
Executions - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
A nation misled - The lies that will define Biden’s legacy
- by Elizabeth Stauffer / Washington Examiner 20DEC24.
Speculation Erupts as Biden and Harris Both Abruptly Cancel
Their Plans and Rush Back to White House - by Bryan Chai
/ Western Journal 20DEC24.
Biden and Harris Rush Back to White House, Prompting Wild
Speculation - President Kamala? - by Paul Joseph Watson
/ Modernity 20DEC24.
Internet Abuzz As Kamala Cancels CA Trip; Biden Was Always
Set to Return to DC Thursday Night - by Bob Hoge / Red
State 20DEC24.
Cringe Tim Walz Posts Bizarre Video of Him Opening an Action
Figure of Himself - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit
The View Suggests Elon Musk And JD Vance Are Plotting To
Kill Trump - by Steve Watson / Modernity 20DEC24.
Another Biden Pentagon Scandal to Close Out the Year -
by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 20DEC24.
Arizona Dems Add ‘Severed’ Trump Head To Christmas
Decorations - Suggest adding sex toys to Christmas trees
- by Steve Watson / Modernity 20DEC24.
“Sit Your Ass Back Down” - Rep. Nancy Mace Smacks Down
Former SC Rep. Trey Gowdy Over Benghazi Fumble After He
Decries McCarthy Ouster and Attacks Matt Gaetz and Mace
- by Jordan Conradson / Gateway PUndit 20DEC24.
Marine-Moving Medium Landing Ship Critical To China Fight
Put On Hold Again By Navy - by Geoff Ziezulewicz /
Warzone 20DEC24.
Virginia man plotting to bomb Israeli consulate caught after
passing info to FBI informant - by David Krayden / PM
Egyptian Muslim Terrorist Plots to Slaughter Jews in New
York: America’s Immigration and National Security Failure
- by Amy Mek / Rair 20DEC24.
Pentagon Spox Makes Shocking Announcement - 'Recently
Learned' There Are More US Troops in Syria - by Nick
Arama / Red State 20DEC24.
Biden's Pentagon reveals there are 2,000 US troops in Syria
not 900 as the previously thought - by Hannah
Nightingale / PM 20DEC24.
Countering ISIS - America’s Intensified Mission in Syria
- by Antonio Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
U.S. to increase troop presence in Syria, meet with
previously designated terrorist group Hav’at Tahrir al-Sham
- by Lane D Johnson / Newstarget 20DEC24.
US says it killed ISIS leader in Syria in ‘targeted’
airstrike - by Sarah Rumpf-Whitten / Fox News via NY
Post 20DEC24.
Israel Seizes New Villages in Southern Syria, Fires on
Protesters Opposing Occupation - by Jason Ditz / Antiwar
IDF Opens Fire on Syrians Protesting Israel's Expanding
Occupation of South Syria - by Chris Menahan /
Information Liberation 20DEC24.
The Syria they didn’t tell us about - by Lorenzo Maria
Pacini / Townhall 20DEC24.
My personal Christmas salute to the heroic women of the
Syrian Arab Republic - by Declan Hayes / Townhall
Several injured as Yemen’s Houthi rebels launch missile at
Israel - by Anna Young and Caitlin Doornbos / NY Post
Trump Could Tariff NATO Allies That Do Not Pay Up - by
Anders Corr / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Ukrainian M1 Abrams Commander Talks Tank’s Major
Vulnerabilities, Advantages In Combat - by Howard Altman
/ Warzone 20DEC24.
Putin’s “unstoppable” Oreshnik missile - A dangerous gamble
or empty threat? - by Willow Tohi / Newstarget 20DEC24.
Six Embassies Damaged In 'Barbaric' Russian Attack On Kiev
- by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 20DEC24.
Why sanctions against Russia have failed - by Ian Proud
/ Townhall 20DEC24.
Staffer for California Dem city council candidate charged
with acting as agent for CCP - by Post Millennial / PM
Pentagon warns China’s naval expansion is a growing threat
to global stability - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 20DEC24.
Chinese State Media Mocks Americans Over Drones “Delusion” -
Says US is a “laughingstock around the world” - by Steve
Watson / Modernity 20DEC24.
Drones and radiation spikes - Are NYC skies hiding a nuclear
threat? - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 20DEC24.
NJ Residents Near Drone Hot Spots Reporting Strange Tasting,
Weird Smelling Water - by Jack Davis / Western Journal
via Gateway Pundit 20DEC24.
Former Intel Officer Says ‘Drones’ Are Trying to Intercept
UFOs - “Confused public” is being misled - by Paul
Joseph Watson / Modernity 20DEC24.
Happy Fifth Birthday to the U.S. Space Force - Now, What's
Your Mission? - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 20DEC24.
Elon Musk seeks to turn SpaceX’s Starbase into a Texas city
- by Kevin Hughes / Newstarget 20DEC24.
Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Big Sunspot Alert, Pre-Quake Signals, Blazar Record 20DEC24.
Part of My Old and Occult Book Collection 20DEC24.
Lunatic Leftoid Tries to Kill Nick Fuentes, Thankfully Fails 20DEC24.
The Spending Bill Fiasco Was Entirely Predictable 20DEC24.
PJ Dubs / Modernity:
It Gets Worse 20DEC24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Impeachment Trial Starts Against South Korean President 20DEC24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Some Maniac Just Tried To Kill Nick Fuentes 20DEC24.
Raygun DEMANDS $10,000, Deprives Charity of Donation, Then Tries to Play Nice Girl 20DEC24.
Mark Dice:
The Times, They Are a-Changin 20DEC24.
Hodge Twins:
Georgia Appeals Court Destroys Georgia Election Interference Case Against Trump 20DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
Anderson Cooper Pushes PHONY Syrian Prisoner Story 20DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
“I’m Banned From Half The Comedy Clubs In NY!” -- Interview w/ Leonarda Jonie 20DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
SHOCKING Look At Wealth Inequality In America Today 20DEC24.
In Depth
Tucker Carlson:
Jenner Furst: Secret Chinese Biotech Programs, and the Documentary That Could Put Dr. Fauci in Jail 20DEC24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
LIVE From America Fest, Last Episode of the Year w/ Charlie Kirk, Matt Gaetz 20DEC24.
Scott Adams:
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4141
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4142
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4143
Ants Canada:
O Holy Night ft. All-Star Cast of the Ecosystem Vivarium Series 20DEC24.
Mobile Instinct:
The Crumbling Sanctuary of Forgotten Souls 20DEC24.
Count Dankula:
Absolute Mad Lads - The Gurkhas 20DEC24.
The Running ManZ:
Deerisle Fresh Start 20DEC24.
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RazörFist Ramones (YT)
Saxon (RMBL)
Real Samson - Pelosi Rap (YT)
Nation (I)
Bros (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Cement (Rumble)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement
Spare Daughter
Spotify (I)
Christopher (YT)
Tunelist (I)
Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT) |