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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Thursday 19DEC24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.49 |
Researchers have never looked at autism onset rates post
vaccine in the short term - by Steve Kirsch / Substack
A more serious and deadly malaria has been identified in the
DR Congo - Are GMO mosquitoes creating new mutations? -
by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 19DEC24.
California Declares State of Emergency Over Bird Flu -
by Bryan Chai / Western Journal 19DEC24.
California Declares State of Emergency Over Bird Flu
Outbreak - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 19DEC24.
Gavin Newsom Declares State of Emergency Over California
Bird Flu Outbreak - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic
Genetic discovery reveals ‘direct link’ to autism - by
Tracy Swartz / NY Post 19DEC24.
San Francisco Hires Obese ‘Body Positivity’ Activist To Work
For Health Department - “Unapologetically fat” DEI guru will
tackle ‘weight stigma’ - by Paul Joseph Watson /
Modernity 19DEC24.
[Genetically Modified] High Yield Potatoes are Now “Climate
Change Resistant”? - by Eric Worrall / WUWT 19DEC24.
The Climate Change-Air Quality-Public Health Fallacy -
by S. Stanley Young and Warren Kindzierski / WUWT 19DEC24.
Montana Supreme Court’s Held Decision - A Loss for Climate
Realism and Common Sense - by Charles Rotter / WUWT
Sen. Kennedy Delivers Masterclass in Destroying Climate
Change Hypocrites - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 19DEC24.
How the Blob Sneaks Net Zero Amendments into British Laws
- by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 19DEC24.
Wind power produces almost no energy yet UK energy providers
still claim to deliver “green” energy - how? - by Rhoda
Wilson and David Turver / Exposé 19DEC24.
Greens Slowly Wake Up to Energy Reality - by Ben Pile /
Daily Sceptic 19DEC24.
International and state interference in US energy policy
must end - by Paul Driessen / WUWT 19DEC24.
Biden and Newsom’s backroom deal to ban gas cars is a
tyrannical power grab - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget
[Britain's] Factories Suffer Worst Output Since Covid as
Budget Triggers Widespread Cancellations - by Will Jones
/ Daily Sceptic 19DEC24.
Increasing food bank demand is an indicator for inflation,
failure of democratic leadership - by Willow Tohi /
Newstarget 19DEC24.
Gen Z is suffering a ‘midlife crisis’ amid ‘vicious cycle’
of overspending and job stress - by Asia Grace / NY Post
Amazon workers launch strike at warehouses across US during
busy holiday season - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 19DEC24.
Teamsters Strike Could Lead to a Blue Christmas for
Thousands of Americans Awaiting Packages - by Teri
Christoph / Red State 19DEC24.
A Modern-Day Monroe Doctrine - Supporting Our Foreign
Partners in the West to Achieve Domestic Growth - by
Jean-Pierre Conte / Red State 19DEC24.
The biggest budget deadline no one has heard of - by
Maya MacGuineas / Washington Examiner 19DEC24.
Mike Johnson Finds Out That the New Trump Order Has Taken
Effect - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Trump predicts Johnson will remain speaker if he nixes
'traps' set by Democrats in spending bill - by Nicholas
Ballasy / Just The News 19DEC24.
Trump predicts Mike Johnson will ‘easily remain speaker’ if
he course-corrects on government spending - by Ryan King
/ NY Post 19DEC24.
Trump Says Johnson Can ‘Easily Remain Speaker’ if He Acts
‘Decisively and Tough’ on Spending Bill - by Cassandra
MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Trump offers conditional support for Mike Johnson after
spending deal debacle - by Mabinty Quarshie / Washington
Examiner 19DEC24.
Trump's Stop-Gap Funding Power Play a Wake Up Call for Both
Parties - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Johnson Meets With Trump Team To Throw Federal Funding Hail
Mary - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19DEC24.
Speaker Mike Johnson Stuck Between Democrats and Trump on
Spending Package - by Jeff Charles / Townhall 19DEC24.
The Crumbled Omnibus Carcass Is A Mess Of Speaker Johnson’s
Own Making - by M.D. Kittle / Federalist 19DEC24.
It's Dead - Bloated Budget Bill Bites the Dust, Marks End of
'Pass the Bill to Learn What's in It' Era of Gov't Spending
- by Jack Davis / Western Journal 19DEC24.
Democrats Just Handed Republicans a Spending Fight Slam Dunk
If They Are Smart Enough to Take It - by Bonchie / Red
State 19DEC24.
Rep. Cory Mills Explains Vote Against Continuing Resolution,
“We Need to Get President Trump’s Agenda to Succeed, and We
Need to Do That Responsibly” - by Jordan Conradson /
Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Nancy Mace rails against ‘bunch of woke nonsense’ stuffed in
failed ‘CRomnibus’ - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner
Kill the Damn Continuing Resolution, Stop Voting for Idiotic
Incumbents - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 19DEC24.
“VOX POPULI, VOX DEI” - Elon Musk Cheers Victory as Speaker
Johnson’s Spending Bill Stalls After Trump and Musk
Threatened to Primary Anyone Who Would Vote for It - by
Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Republicans Fume About CR’s Defeat as More Ugly Details in
1,500-Page Monstrosity Emerge - by R. Cort Kirkwood /
New American 19DEC24.
Congress grows weary of Elon Musk’s meddling as spending
bill crisis unfolds - by Mabinty Quarshie et al. /
Washington Examiner 19DEC24.
Crazed Purple-Haired Rep. Rosa DeLauro Melts Down Over
‘President’ Elon Musk, Blames Him For Looming Government
Shutdown - Elon Claps Back - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit
Elon Musk Destroys Florida’s Leftist Rep in Epic Clapback
Amid Meltdown Over Stalled Continuing Resolution - ‘Florida
Will Kick This Jackass Out’ - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 19DEC24.
Democrats' Musk Derangement Syndrome Hits a New Level After
Massive Spending Bill Crashes and Burns - by Randy
DeSoto / Western Journal 19DEC24.
Hey, How About Elon Musk As Speaker of the House? - by
Robert Spencer / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Rand Paul floats Elon Musk as Mike Johnson replacement -
by Ramsey Touchberry / Washington Examiner 19DEC24.
Sen. Rand Paul Calls for Elon Musk to Be Named Speaker of
the House - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit
Flamethrower Elon Musk floated for House speaker as
government funding mayhem ramps up - by Ryan King / NY
Post 19DEC24.
Rand Paul Breaks The Internet With Suggestion For Speaker Of
The House [Elon Musk] - “Nothing would disrupt the swamp
more” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 19DEC24.
Speaker Mike Johnson Isn't Going Anywhere - of That, Trump
Is Certain - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 19DEC24.
House Hammers Out 'Plan B' Continuing Resolution - by
Becca Lower / Red State 19DEC24.
Continuing Resolution Fails - by JD Rucker / America
First 19DEC24.
Trump-backed funding bill fails in the House after 38
Republicans oppose it - by Libby Emmons / PM 19DEC24.
House Rejects Slimmer Funding Bill as Shutdown Looms -
What's Next? - by Sarah Anderson / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Second House CR Spending Bill Vote Fails. What Happens Next?
- by Becca Lower / Red State 19DEC24.
Trump floats abolishing debt ceiling altogether as federal
funding fight with GOP intensifies - by Diana Glebova /
NY Post 19DEC24.
Trump Tells Democrats 'You Voted for a Shutdown, You'll Get
a Shutdown' - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 19DEC24.
Vance Gives Spicy Response to Second CR Failure, Others
React Just As Strongly - by Nick Arama / Red State
GOP’s budget revolt a hopeful sign of fiscal sanity but it’s
just a start - by Rich Lowry / NY Post 19DEC24.
Sen. Joni Ernst demands EPA halt its spending spree on
Biden’s way out of the White House - by Ryan King / NY
Post 19DEC24.
In Wake of Trump Win, Biden State Department Issued Internal
DEI Cable Touting 'Reflection Rooms' and 'All-Gender
Restrooms' at US Embassies - by Adam Kredo / Washington
Free Beacon 19DEC24.
Idaho Board of Education bans DEI offices and initiatives in
all public universities - by Lindsay Kornick / Fox News
via NY Post 19DEC24.
Halfway house grant program requires applicants to support
LGBT community - by Robert Schmad / Washington Examiner
NCAA Pretends to Force Women to Simply Accept Men in Female
Sports - This Is the Last Straw - by Maria Herrera
Mellado / Gateway Hispanic 19DEC24.
A Hard Heart Kills - Why Liberal Values Breed School
Shootings - by John Nantz / Townhall 19DEC24.
Wisconsin school shooter Natalie ‘Samantha’ Rupnow had 2
guns, possible accomplice - by Isabel Keane / NY Post
Madison school shooter coordinated attack with California
man [per] FBI - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 19DEC24.
California Man Detained for Allegedly Conspiring with Teen
Behind Wisconsin Christian School Shooting in Chilling Plot
to Blow Up Government Building - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 19DEC24.
Man [California 20 year old Alexander Paffendorf] Arrested
After Allegedly Coordinating with Wisconsin School Shooter
- by Jack Davis / Western Journal 19DEC24.
Judge Orders Guns Taken Away from 20-Year-Old California Man
Who Allegedly Planned Bombing with Wisconsin School Shooter
- by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
“Toxic” (Heroic) Masculinity Saves Women’s Lives - by
Selwyn Duke / New American 19DEC24.
Judge Denies Diddy's Claim of Gov Leaking Assault Video to
CNN, Warns Against 'Last-Minute Surprise' - by Brittany
Sheehan / Red State 19DEC24.
Disney Cuts Transgender Storyline From New Pixar Children's
Series - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19DEC24.
The New Superman Trailer Gives the Impression That James
Gunn Is Finally Going to Make DC Great Again - by
Brandon Morse / Red State 19DEC24.
‘Superman’ trailer - David Corenswet soars into action as
the new Man of Steel - by Eric Todisco / NY Post
NYPD 'How Many Stops Act' predictably causes over $1.4
million in police overtime - by Matthew Holloway / Law
ENforcement Today 19DEC24.
Chauvin defense granted motion to examine George Floyd's
heart tissue for substance they believe killed him - by
Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 19DEC24.
Luigi Mangione hit with federal charges, making him eligible
for death penalty, as he arrives in New York - by Chris
Nesi / NY Post 19DEC24.
Luigi Mangione Perp-Walked to NYC Courthouse, New Fed
Charges Could Make Eligible for Death Penalty - by Bob
Hoge / Red State 19DEC24.
Luigi Mangione began plotting to ‘wack’ Brian Thompson as
early as August, investigators say - by Chris Nesi and
Ben Kochman / NY Post 19DEC24.
Investigators Believe UnitedHealthcare CEO Shooter Did Not
Act Alone in Cold-Blooded Murder Plot - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Warren, Ocasio-Cortez attempt to justify cold-blooded
killing of United Healthcare CEO - by Pat Droney / Law
Enforcement Today 19DEC24.
The Left Loves Lifestyles - Not So Much Life - [re: Luigi
fans] - by Bob Barr / Townhall 19DEC24.
Leftists Establish Legal Fund for Alleged CEO Shooter Luigi
Mangione, Raise More Than $160,000 - by Mike LaChance /
Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Nick Fuentes Targeted by Gunman at His Home After Being
Doxed on Elon Musk's Twitter - by Chris Menahan /
Information Liberation 19DEC24.
Man Suspected of Killing Family Goes to Nick Fuentes' Door,
Is Fatally Shot by Police - by Brittany Sheehan / Red
State 19DEC24.
Deputy mayor's car stolen from City Hall while she was being
sworn into office of Auburn, WA - by Ari Hoffman / PM
FBI raids home of LA deputy mayor over alleged bomb threat
against city hall - by David Krayden / PM 19DEC24.
NYC Now Deploys "Largest Military Presence In Subways Since
9/11 Aftermath" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19DEC24.
NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s alleged hospital hoodwink in Nassau
County - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 19DEC24.
‘Perversion of compassion’ and Gov. Hochul’s lack of
leadership are dooming NYC [per] Rep. Ritchie Torres -
by Kirsten Fleming / NY Post 19DEC24.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ top aide Ingrid Lewis-Martin
surrenders to authorities on bribery charges - by
Patrick Reilly / NY Post 19DEC24.
Mayor Eric Adams’ former top aide Ingrid Lewis-Martin traded
favors with NYC hoteliers in exchange for bribes, including
$100K Porsche for DJ son - by Craig McCarthy et al. / NY
Post 19DEC24.
Eric Adams puts Dems on blast over constant comparisons of
Trump to fascists - 'We stopped speaking to people' - "I'm
hurting and you're asking, 'Is Donald Trump Hitler or not?'"
- by Katie Daviscourt / PM 19DEC24.
Big Apple Mayor Adams [claims] Over 500,000 migrant children
are missing inside the U.S. - by Pat Droney / Law
Enforcement Today 19DEC24.
Texas Unveils New Border Billboards - 'Your Wife & Daughter
Will Pay for Their Trip W/ Their Bodies' - by Bob Hoge /
Red State 19DEC24.
Senate starts ‘secret’ talks for bipartisan border deal for
early 2025 - by Patrick Reilly / NY Post 19DEC24.
Trump border czar Tom Homan says he will need funding from
Congress and beds for deportations - by Misty Severi /
Just The News 19DEC24.
Homan and Trump Aim to End ‘Anchor Baby’ Citizenship -
by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 19DEC24.
The ACLU, Who Once Helped Americans, Now Will Help Illegals
Evade Deportation - by Becky Noble / Red State 19DEC24.
Poland Conservatives issued over 366,000 visas to migrants
from Asian and African countries, now prosecutions are on
the table - by Liz Heflin / Remix 19DEC24.
Dominique Pelicot jailed for 20 years as all 51 defendants
found guilty in Mazan rape trial - by Thomas Brooke /
Remix 19DEC24.
Polish justice minister [says] Orbán must be removed for
rule of law to prevail - by Liz Heflin / Remix 19DEC24.
Trump’s mockery of Trudeau may topple Canadian government
- by Jeremiah Poff / Washington Examiner 19DEC24.
Chrystia Freeland’s Closet - by David Solway / PJ Media
Musk calls Reuters “paid propaganda” after Biden
administration gives them $300M in government contracts
- by Cassie B. / Newstarget 19DEC24.
Stephanopoulos Repeatedly Told Not To Say 'Rape' In
Interview That Cost Disney $16 Million - by Tyler Durden
/ Zerohedge 19DEC24.
ABC's Decision to Settle with Trump Came from the Very Top,
And It's Causing Internal Problems - by Ben Zeisloft /
Western Journal 19DEC24.
ABC News Rewards George Stephanopoulos With ‘Multi-Year
Contract’ - Days After Trump Inflicted Humiliating Libel
Loss - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Why Did ABC Roll Over and Beg Trump for Mercy? - by Kurt
Schlichter / Townhall 19DEC24.
CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce - What should its
new CEO do? - by Martin Jay / Strategic Culture 19DEC24.
Joe Scarborough's Buffoonery Reaches New Level As He
Desperately Tries to Downplay Scope of Trump Win - by
Mike Miller / Red State 19DEC24.
NYT Columnist Abandons 'Never Trump' Label, Admits 'We Never
Got the Point' of MAGA - by Mike Miller / Red State
If Democrats Can’t See The Slippery Slope Of Empowering
Politicians To Dismantle The Bill Of Rights, They Are A
Danger To Us And To Themselves - by J.B. Shurk / All
News Pipeline 19DEC24.
Realtors’ Group Finds Member Guilty of “Hate Speech” for
Posting Bible Verses on Facebook - by Michael Tennant /
New American 19DEC24.
US Report Reveals Push to Weaponize AI for Censorship -
by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 19DEC24.
UK’s Online Censorship Law Drives Small Websites to Shut
Down - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 19DEC24.
House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan Investigates
Omnicom-Interpublic Merger Over Alleged GARM-Linked
Anticompetitive Practices - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim
The Net 19DEC24.
Feds issue another warning about texting dangers - the scary
reason to stop using two-factor authentication now - by
Brooke Kato / NY Post 19DEC24.
Trump Must Fix Cybersecurity in the First 100 Days - by
Julio Rivera / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Fani Willis Is Out - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Fani Willis Is Officially Kicked Off Trump's Case - by
Mia Cathell / Townhall 19DEC24.
Georgia Court Removes Fani Willis from Trump RICO
Prosecution - by William Upton / National Pulse 19DEC24.
Court Rules Fulton DA [Fani Willis] Disqualified From Trump
'Election Interference' Case - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 19DEC24.
Fani Willis disqualified from Trump RICO case - by
Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 19DEC24.
Fani Willis Disqualified from Trump case by Georgia appeals
court - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 19DEC24.
Georgia appeals court disqualifies Fani Willis from Trump
election interference case - by Ryan King and Josh
Christenson / NY Post 19DEC24.
Fani Willis Was Just Officially Disqualified From the
Prosecution of Donald Trump - by Bonchie / Red State
Georgia Appeals Court Disqualifies Fani Willis and Her
Entire Team from Trump RICO Case - “No Authority to Proceed”
- by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Trump Eviscerates Fani Willis After News She's Been Kicked
Off His Case - by Jeff Charles / Townhall 19DEC24.
‘Effectively Dead’ - Fani Willis’s Case Against Trump Is
Toast After Appeals Court Ruling - by Chuck Ross /
Washington Free Beacon 19DEC24.
Rogan and Blagojevich reflect on ‘madness’ and ‘corruption’
of Trump’s legal battles - by Asher Notheis / Washington
Examiner 19DEC24.
The Feds Lied About the National Guard on January 6 - by
Victoria Taft / PJ Media 19DEC24.
GOP report exposes Jan. 6 committee’s failures, calls for
criminal probe of Liz Cheney - by Willow Tohi /
Newstarget 19DEC24.
Trump Gives Crushing Assessment of Liz Cheney's Potential
Trouble with the FBI - by Ben Zeisloft / Western Journal
The Biden DOJ Is Still Persecuting J6 Defendant Raechel
Genco - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
The DOJ Is Trying to Stop January 6 Defendants From
Attending Trump's Inauguration - by Brittany Sheehan /
Red State 19DEC24.
Biden’s DOJ Blocks MAGA Grandmother from Attending Trump’s
Inauguration After She Walked Inside the US Capitol with a
USA Flag on Jan. 6 - Says It Would Be Traumatizing to
Capitol Police - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
House Ethics Committee votes to release Matt Gaetz report
- by Katie Daviscourt / PM 19DEC24.
President-elect Trump seals Electoral College victory to
become 47th US president - by Katie Daviscourt / PM
'He's the President Now' - Kennedy Suggests How Trump Can
Help Catch Congressional 'Free-Range Chickens' - by
Susie Moore / Red State 19DEC24.
Media 96% ‘negative’ on Trump Cabinet picks, focus on
weakest - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 19DEC24.
National Border Patrol Council endorses Gabbard for DNI
- by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 19DEC24.
Jeff Bezos spotted dining with Trump at Mar-a-Lago - by
Ari Hoffman / PM 19DEC24.
Biden Is Out of It Mentally, Has Been Since at Least 2021
- by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 19DEC24.
Report Exposes Massive Cover-Up of Biden’s Cognitive Decline
- by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 19DEC24.
The Cover-Up of Biden's Mental Decline Went Even Deeper Than
Previously Thought - by Christine Favocci / Western
Journal 19DEC24.
WSJ Report Confirms The Dems Lied Through Their Teeth About
Biden's Senility - by Teri Christoph / Red State
White House Covered Up Biden’s Senility From Day One of
Presidency - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 19DEC24.
White House aides hid Biden’s apparent mental decline from
Day 1 of his presidency - by Diana Glebova / NY Post
White House Staffers Knew of Biden’s Mental Decline from
Start of His Term - by Christopher Tomlinson / National
Pulse 19DEC24.
Department of Homeland Security Official Out at DHS After
Getting Caught on Undercover Video Discussing Biden’s
Accelerated Mental Decline - by Cristina Laila / Gateway
Pundit 19DEC24.
Why the Hell Is Joe Biden Still President? - by Stephen
Green / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Obama Bros Accuse Biden of 'Quiet Quitting,' Which Makes
Sense - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 19DEC24.
It Sure Seems Like Joe Biden Is a Sociopath - by Bonchie
/ Red State 19DEC24.
Black Widow Who Murdered Three Men Released by Biden -
by Rick Moran / PJ Media 19DEC24.
If Joe Biden can pardon his son Hunter, why can’t he do the
same for ‘best friend’ Devon Archer? - by Miranda Devine
/ NY Post 19DEC24.
After Hunter, How About Pardoning the Gun Owners Biden
Criminalized? - by Bronson Winslow / American Greatness
Parade Of Leftist Influencers Meet And Fangirl Over Hunter
Biden - by Steve Watson / Modernity 19DEC24.
Jill Biden still salty over Dems replacing Joe with Kamala,
may be urging pres to 'burn the whole thing down' ahead of
Trump term - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 19DEC24.
'Burn the Whole Thing Down' - FLOTUS Reportedly Pushing
Biden to Exact Revenge on Palace Coup Participants - by
Bob Hoge / Red State 19DEC24.
Report Reveals How Jill Biden is Pushing Her Husband to
“Burn the Whole Thing Down” Before Leaving - Pelosi, the
Obamas, and More in Her Crosshairs - by Cullen
Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Kamala Harris Cancels California Trip as Biden Rushes Back
to D.C. Amid Government Shutdown - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 19DEC24.
Kamala Lands $20 Million Book Deal And People Have Questions
- Prospering from complete failure - by Steve Watson /
Modernity 19DEC24.
Trump Pokes Fun at AOC After Her Failed Leadership Bid,
‘Keep Trying, Someday You’ll Be Successful' - by Rusty
Weiss / Red State 19DEC24.
DNC Official [Bob casey says] Our Party Carries the 'Stench
of Loser' - by Mia Cathell / Townhall 19DEC24.
“Tyranny of the Left” - James Carville Unloads on Democrats
Over Not Allowing Dissenting Opinions on Illegal Aliens and
Transgenders - by Jason Cohen / Daily Caller via America
First 19DEC24.
Whoopi Goldberg 'Steps in Poo,' Furiously Backtracks After
Floating Bizarre Vance/Musk Conspiracy Theory - by
Sister Toldjah / Red State 19DEC24.
Whoopi Goldberg Suggests Musk and Vance Want to Assassinate
Trump, Blames Cat in Apology - ‘The thing about this show -
There is no way not to step in poo,’ Goldberg says - by
Meghan Blonder / Washington Free Beacon 19DEC24.
Loony Joy Reid Being Forced to Take Pay Cut as MSNBC’s
Ratings Continue to Crash - by Mike LaChance / Gateway
Pundit 19DEC24.
Having learned nothing from the elections, Democrats turn
left again - by Zachary Faria / Washington Examiner
The Twelve Days of Schadenfreude - by Daniel Oliver /
American Greatness 19DEC24.
Foreign tech workers on visas warned to return to US before
Trump takes office - ‘Storm is coming’ - by Ariel Zilber
/ NY Post 19DEC24.
Trump Should Drain the Air Force Swamp - by Ed Woodson /
Townhall 19DEC24.
Biden admin, universities failed to crack down on
antisemitism in ‘disturbing pattern’ after Oct. 7, scathing
House GOP report finds - by Steven Nelson and Josh
Christenson / NY Post 19DEC24.
Islamized Texas - Terror-Tied ICNA Attacks Jesus and
Christians with Billboard Campaign During Christmas - by
Amy Mek / Rair 19DEC24.
Syrian Official Illegally Living in U.S. Indicted on
Immigration Fraud, Torture Charges - by Bethany Blankley
/ Just The News 19DEC24.
‘Islam Is Magic; Magic Is Science; Science Is Empire’ -
by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 19DEC24.
Egyptian National Arrested for Plotting Embassy Attack -
by Ward Clark / Red State 19DEC24.
Free Speech vs. Sharia - Dutch Politician Fights Leftist
Effort to Criminalize Criticism of Islamic Antisemitism
- by Amy Mek / Rair 19DEC24.
The Dumbest Fallacy in Foreign Policy - [re: Syria] - by
Ben Shapiro / Townhall 19DEC24.
Without Assad, Syria Will Fall Apart - by John Kennedy /
Mises Institute 19DEC24.
Anarchy in the Levant - Your future dream is a chaos scheme
- by Pepe Escobar / Strategic Culture 19DEC24.
Turkey Says US State Dept Claims of Ceasefire With Kurds
Untrue, Vows to Continue Offensive - by Jason Ditz /
Antiwar 19DEC24.
US Had Foreknowledge of HTS Offensive To Topple Assad and
Prepared Other Rebel Group To Join - by Dave DeCamp /
Antiwar 19DEC24.
Pentagon Reveals the US Has More Than Twice the Number of
Troops in Syria Than Previously Disclosed - by Dave
DeCamp / Antiwar 19DEC24.
Houthis Claim Hypersonic Missile Strike On Israel, Prompting
IDF Airstrikes On Yemen - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge
British media gloating betrays masterminds behind Kirillov’s
killing - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture
Zelensky Admits Ukraine Doesn’t Have the Military Might To
Retake Territory Conquered by Russia - by Paul Serran /
Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Moscow Vows Response After Ukraine Fires More US and British
Missiles Into Russia - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 19DEC24.
Why is the U.S. increasing the risk of nuclear war? - by
Lorenzo Maria Pacini / Strategic Culture 19DEC24.
Putin Signals Willingness to Talk With Trump Not Biden -
by Ward Clark / Red State 19DEC24.
Chinese spy pleads guilty to running secret police base in
Manhattan on behalf of CCP - by Thomas Stevenson / PM
American Pleads Guilty to Operating Secret CCP Police
Station in NYC's Chinatown - by Chris Queen / PJ Media
Drones spotted near at least 17 military bases located next
to Chinese-owned land in US - by Isabel Vincent and Mary
K. Jacob / NY Post 18DEC24.
FAA Issues Temporary Flight Ban On Drones In Areas Across
New Jersey - by Jack Phillips / Epoch Times via
Zerohedge 19DEC24.
FAA bans drones over parts of New Jersey, threatens ‘deadly
force’ for ‘imminent security threat’ - by Patrick
Reilly / NY Post 19DEC24.
Officials reject speculation NJ's mystery drones were used
in search for missing radioactive item - by Misty Severi
/ Just The News 19DEC24.
The Drone Invasion - Ignorance, Incompetence or Both? -
by Armstrong Williams / Townhall 19DEC24.
Biden’s Three Weasel Circus Enables Drone Chaos - by
John Mills / Gateway Pundit 19DEC24.
Dronomania - Drone swarms over American cities spark
frustration as a distrustful public suspects the Biden
administration knows more than it admits - by Victor
Davis Hanson / American Greatness 19DEC24.
American Military Contractor Kratos Defense and Security
Completes First Test Flight of Stealth Combat Drone - by
Arsenio Toledo / Natural News via America First 19DEC24.
Flat-earthers admit defeat after seeing 24-hour Antarctica
sun - ‘Sometimes you are wrong’ - by Frank Chung / via NY Post 19DEC24.
Latest photo of Suni Williams, NASA astronaut stuck in
space, spurs concern - by Isabel Keane / NY Post
Ben Davidson / S0 News:
New Sunspots, Magnetic Pole Shift Info, Earthspots 19DEC24.
Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Earthspots - The Most Obvious Ignored Science 19DEC24.
Liz Cheney Must be Investigated for Witness Tampering 19DEC24.
The Biden Admin is Almost Done... MERRY ALMOST CHRISTMAS 19DEC24.
Donald Trump And Elon Musk Cuck Mike Johnson, Destroy "Bipartisan" Spending Bill 19DEC24.
Neil Cavuto Gets Fired From FOX News For Christmas 19DEC24.
Salty Cracker:
Dan Crenshaw Has Epic Meltdown Over Catturd Calling Him a Criminal 19DEC24.
Salty Cracker:
SF Barista Beats the Hell out of a Thief 19DEC24.
Paul Joseph Watson:
This Is Getting Ridiculous 19DEC24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Mass Brawl Breaks Out In Glasgow 19DEC24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
The Drones 19DEC24.
What I Eat in a Day as a HUMAN GARBAGE DISPOSAL 19DEC24.
Mark Dice:
Hodge Twins:
Whoopi, Sunny & Joy FIGHT the 2 logical women on the show about future of Democrat Party 19DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
CNN Host Brian Seltzer CAUGHT Lying About Lying 19DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
Congress FORBIDS Trump Administration From Investigating Jan 6 Committee 19DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
WNBA Team Owner Sh*ts On “Athlete Of The Year” Caitlin Clark 19DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
Elon Musk’s Mom Gives Mental Advice To Poor People 19DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
Pelosi SHIVS AOC In House Leadership Vote 19DEC24.
Tim Pool:
GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN Looms, Trump & Elon Will END Any GOP Reps Who Vote YES On Continuing Resolution 19DEC24.
Tim Pool:
Democrat DA REMOVED In MAJOR Trump WIN, Democrat Still move To JAIL TRUMP Despite WINING Election 19DEC24.
Tim Pool:
Hawk Tuah Project SUED Over Crypto RUG PULL, Haliey Welch Accused Of FRAUD And Scam MIA For 2 Weeks 19DEC24.
Luke / We Are Change:
NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: They're Now Rolling Out New PSYOP Strategies 19DEC24.
In Depth
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Nick Fuentes NEARLY ASSASSINATED, Man Took 3 Lives, MANGIONE EFFECT w/Luke Beasley 19DEC24.
Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder:
LWC Christmas Special 2024 | Giving Back with Santa Crowder 19DEC24.
Scott Adams:
Thursday LIVE: Trump and DOGE, Drone Updates, Elon Musk as House Speaker? 19DEC24.
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4138
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4139
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4140
Freedom Toons:
Liberals at Christmas After Trump Won 19DEC24.
It's A Gundam:
Tales From The TDS - Liberal white women create Fan Fiction & seek psychic help 19DEC24.
The Biggest And Oldest Musical Instrument on Earth 19DEC24.
The Running ManZ:
Winter Chernarus - It's cold outside 19DEC24.
INFORMATION OVERLOAD - Base Building, Crafting & Stations | Star Citizen 19DEC24.
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RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
Judas Priest (YT)
Michael Jackson (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
Saxon (RMBL)
Real Samson - Pelosi Rap (YT)
Nation (I)
Bros (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Cement (Rumble)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement
Spare Daughter
Spotify (I)
Christopher (YT)
Tunelist (I)
Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT) |