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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Sunday 17MAR24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Response to FOIs expose how UK’s drug regulator hid covid injection safety signals using “absurd calculations” - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 17MAR24.

- CDC Finally Releases 148 Page Study on Myocarditis Following Covid Vaccine And Every Single Word is Redacted - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Why is Moderna Substantially Expanding Manufacturing Capacity Despite Current Low Demand For Their “Poison?” - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 17MAR24.

- Stop using misleading and harmful term “long covid,” says Queensland’s Chief Health Officer - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 17MAR24.

- US Cancer Deaths Spiked In 2021 And 2022 In "Large Excess Over Trend" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 17MAR24.

- Jill Hines Spoke Out Against the Government Covid Regimen, So They Silenced Her - Tomorrow She Will Represent Millions of Americans in the US Supreme Court and Will Defend Our Right to Free Speech - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- NBA Hall of Famer Sues Washington State Medical Board for Silencing Dissent During Covid-19 Pandemic - by Jeff Charles / Red State 17MAR24.

- NBA Legend John Stockton Sues Gov’t Officials Over Covid Persecution - by Joe Saunders / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Lawsuit filed against Justin Trudeau for seizing Freedom Convoy protestors’ bank accounts - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 17MAR24.

- Just Like Any Other Third-World City, There's a Measles Outbreak in Chicago - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 17MAR24.

- Pandemic and Climate Change Response - by Roger Caiazza / WUWT 17MAR24.

- AI admits global historical weather data was sparse, “significant limitations to our certainty about global mean temperatures” - by P Gosselin / No Tricks Zone via WUWT 17MAR24.

- The “Insane” Plan to Save the Arctic’s Sea Ice - by Sallust / Daily Sceptic 17MAR24.

- Stupid Geoengineering Idea of the Week, No Year, No Decade ... of All Time? - [Dumping seawater on iceburgs to make them bigger] - by Charles Rotter / WUWT 17MAR24.

- Negligible future warming from CO2, CH4, N2O - by Ed Hoskins / WUWT 17MAR24.

- Matt McGrath of the BBC Goes Climate Banana Crazy - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 17MAR24.

- Another Casualty of Climate Change Hoax: Hertz CEO Out as Firm Seeks Traction After Big EV Bet Goes Bust - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge via America First 17MAR24.

- The Energy Transition Has Become a Big Green Hot Mess - by David Blackmon / Dialy Caller via America First 17MAR24.

- Swedish Wind Farms Facing Bankruptcy - by Paul Homewood / Not A Lot Of People Know That via WUWT 17MAR24.

- Net Zero, the Digital Panopticon and the Future of Food - by Colin Todhunter / America First 17MAR24.

- U.S. economy so bad under Biden that even Dollar Tree is closing stores - 1,000 of them - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 17MAR24.

- ‘Difficult’ talks to avoid shutdown hit snags in Congress over immigration and UNRWA - by Emily Jacobs / Washington Examiner 17MAR24.

- Lawsuit Filed Over School Orders Students Not Pray Together - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Chicago Teachers Union Under Fire For Urging Students to Attend Political Rally During School Hours - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- America Could Learn A Lesson From England Who Just Banned Puberty Blockers From Being Given To Children - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 17MAR24.

- Teacher Sacked After Refusing to Treat Eight Year-Old Girl as a Boy - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 17MAR24.

- Starting in 2026, Denmark's Military Will Conscript Woman As Well As Men - by Ward Clark / Red State 17MAR24.

- Candace Owens says Macron’s wife is a Man, “I would stake my entire professional reputation” - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 17MAR24.

- Oprah praised by LGBTQ advocacy group for promoting Jazz Jennings, sex changes for 'trans kids' - by Libby Emmons / PM 17MAR24.

- 'Woke' People More Likely to be Unhappy, Anxious and Depressed - by Ward Clark / Red State 17MAR24.

- Maryland town's 'racial equity' leader revealed to have made anti-white posts, wants society to 'collapse' - "I can't wait for society to collapse so MY ideology can rise from the ashes," her cover photo reads - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 17MAR24.

- Look Whose District Has Become a Third-World Brothel and Bazaar - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 17MAR24.

- NYC neighborhood in AOC’s district blasted as ‘third world’ conditions with illegal vendors, prostitution on streets - by Patrick Reilly / NY Post 17MAR24.

- New York Assembly candidate slams AOC over prostitution, crime in her NYC district - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 17MAR24.

- Hero 11-Year-Old Chicago Boy Murdered While Protecting Pregnant Mom from Man Allegedly Paroled 1 Day Earlier and on Electronic Monitoring - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- UC Berkeley Parents Turn to Private Security To Protect Students From Raging Crime on Campus - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- How Lawmakers Seek to Use the CDC and NIH to Advocate for Gun Control - by Jeff Charles / Red State 17MAR24.

- DOJ Indicts Girlfriend of Minnesota Man for Buying Guns He Used to Kill 2 Police Officers, Paramedic - by Jeff Charles / Red State 17MAR24.

- If Immigrants Don't Steal Jobs, Why Is Tyson Closing US Plants and Hiring 84K Immigrants This Year? - by Connor Cavanaugh / Western Journal 17MAR24.

- Tyson Foods closes Iowa plant but looks to hire 42,000 immigrant workers - by Madeleine Hubbard / Just The News 17MAR24.

- 'Sanctuary City' Chicago Begins to Evict Illegal Aliens From City, State Shelters - by Mike Miller / Red State 17MAR24.

- Mayor Adams’ ‘right to shelter’ agreement will actually make NYC’s migrant crisis worse - by Betsy McCaughey / NY Post 17MAR24.

- Illegal Alien Repeat Offender Accused of Attacking Multiple Women Is Back on Streets of Dysfunctional NYC - by Mike Miller / Red State 17MAR24.

- Illegal Immigrant Confesses to Being a Hezbollah Terrorist Who Wanted 'to Make a Bomb' - by Jeff Charles / Red State 17MAR24.

- 'I'm going try to make a bomb' - Hezbollah terrorist apprehended at US-Mexico border attempting to enter illegally - by Sara Higdon / PM 17MAR24.

- Illegal Alien Caught at Border Admits He is a Hezbollah Terrorist, Said “I’m Going to Try to Make a Bomb” - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Guatemalan illegal migrant accused in police sergeant’s death is released - by Michael Dorgan and Sarah Rumpf-Whitten / Fox News via NY Post 17MAR24.

- Whistleblower Vicar Exposes Church of England's Role in Migrants Faking Christianity to Enter the Country - by Amy Mek / Rair 17MAR24.

- British Fish and Chips Shop Ordered to Remove Union Jack Mural ‘Because It’s Inappropriate for the Area’ - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Armed Police Shut Off Power and Remove Conservative Activist Martin Sellner Before Lecture in Switzerland - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Toronto Police Arrest Reporter David Menzies at Pro-Hamas Rally for Practicing Journalism - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- SCOTUS Set to Hear Free Speech Case on Biden Admin Colluding With Big Tech to Stifle 'Misinformation' - by Becca Lower / Red State 17MAR24.

- Ro Khanna Dishes on His Opposition to the TikTok Bill - by Susie Moore / Red State 17MAR24.

- TikTok ban bill could lead to broader surveillance and censorship by the U.S. government - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 17MAR24.

- US Pushes for Global AI Regulations at UN, Calling for “Effective Safeguards” - The resolution calls for "responsible" and "inclusive" AI - by Didi Rankovic / PM 17MAR24.

- In Joe Biden's 'New America', You Are 'Guilty' Until Further Notice - The US Govt Is Using Secretive & Deadly Technologies To Target And Carry Out Surveillance Upon Innocent Americans - by Robert L. Kinney III / All News Pipeline 17MAR24.

- FDNY Commissioner Gets Brutal Reception During St. Patrick's Day Parade - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 17MAR24.

- Biden's Once-Acclaimed Nominee for US Attorney Suffers Brutal Fall from Grace, Ability to Practice Law Suspended - by Warner Todd Huston / Western Journal 17MAR24.

- Law and Order in Flux - Crafting a New Image for Justice in America - The rule of law is inoperative in the United States. With every passing day, it becomes more obvious that we live under a two-tier justice system - It is not justice, but a form of injustice - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 17MAR24.

- Adam Schiff Is Big Mad at Justice Department for Taking Too Long to Prosecute Trump - by Jeff Charles / Red State 17MAR24.

- New York Times Declares MAGA is ‘Winning The War’ Over Election Fraud Narrative - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- The Perfect Storm = Drivers Licenses for Illegals + Noncitizens Voting + Mail-in Ballots + Private Funding of Elections + Partisan Hack SOSs - by Patty McMurray / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Former VP Mike Pence Says “Unacceptable” for President Trump to Refer to J6 Defendants as “Hostages” - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- David French, Mike Pence, and the Judas Iscariot Wing of Conservative Inc. - by Josiah Lippincott / American Greatness 17MAR24.

- Trump warns of ‘bloodbath’ in auto industry if he loses, says violent migrants are ‘not people’ but ‘animals’ - by Ryan King / NY Post 17MAR24.

- Trump Warns of a 'Bloodbath' if He's Not Elected. The Reaction Is Exactly What Trump Was Looking For - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 17MAR24.

- Media Runs Hoax Trump Said There Would be a “Bloodbath” if He Loses Election - He was talking about the economy - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 17MAR24.

- Biden Campaign Doubles Down on Bloodbath Hoax Using Fine People Myth, but Gets Done in by Joe's Own Words - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAR24.

- They Have No Conscience - Pelosi Spreads New 'Bloodbath' Hoax Against Trump - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAR24.

- Musk Defends Former President After Leftist Corporate Media Unleashes Trump "Bloodbath Hoax" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 17MAR24.

- Elon Musk Wrecks Joe Scarborough and His Wicked Take on the 'Bloodbath' Hoax - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAR24.

- Elon Musk Shames Joe Scarborough into Deleting His Bogus Tweet About Trump - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- You Know Biden/Media Are Panicking With Latest Fake Story Pushed About Trump - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAR24.

- 'Bloodbath' Headlines in Lockstep With DNC Talking Points - by Bob Hoge / Red State 17MAR24.

- What the Press Still Doesn't Understand About Its Latest Trump Hysteria - by Bonchie / Red State 17MAR24.

- How the Liberal Media Reacted to Trump’s Latest Comment Is Why Americans Have Lost Trust - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 17MAR24.

- ‘There’s Always The Hope’: Leftist Lunatic Keith Olbermann Fantasizes About Trump’s Assassination - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Biden campaign says it has $155 million cash on hand after raising $53 million last month - by Madeleine Hubbard / Just The News 17MAR24.

- Biden Is Losing It Over Reelection Chances Against Trump, 'Seething' Behind the Scenes - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAR24.

- Dementia Joe Biden Unleashes Nasty “Jokes” Toward President Trump at Gridiron Dinner Including Mocking Him as “Too Old and Mentally Unfit” - Social Media Users Respond with Fire - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Joe Biden Does Not Understand America - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 17MAR24.

- Biden’s Handlers Have Him In Massive Hoka Shoes To Stop Him Toppling Over - by Steve Watson / Modernity 17MAR24.

- Joe Biden Holds St. Patricks Day Brunch at White House And Once Again Is Incoherent and Slurring - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Biden's St. Patrick's Day Remarks Turn Into Gibberish, Irish Leader Helps Direct Him Off Stage - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAR24.

- Joe Biden Promotes Staffers He Blamed for Mishandling Classified Docs - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 17MAR24.

- American Cybersecurity Among Other Issues Has Become a Joke Under Joe Biden - by Julio Rivera / American Greatness 17MAR24.

- 70% Or More Of F-35s May Not Be Combat-Capable - by Mike Fredenburg / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 17MAR24.

- Haiti Prime Minister Ariel Henry Resigns amid allegations of Cannibalism, societal breakdown stemming from gang warfare - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 17MAR24.

- Dominican Republic Seals Border With Haiti, Deports Thousands of Illegal Migrants - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- BBC Journalists ‘Like’ Videos Celebrating Hamas Terror Attacks - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 17MAR24.

- Florida Jewish Center Hit by Arson Attack Amid Rising Antisemitism - by Jeff Charles / Red State 17MAR24.

- Pelosi Defends Schumer in Incredible Anti-Netanyahu Rant as Dana Bash Presses Bibi on Elections - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAR24.

- Wishy-Washy John Kirby Won’t Condemn Schumer's Israel Election Meddling - by Bob Hoge / Red State 17MAR24.

- Netanyahu blasts Schumer’s comments calling for new elections in Israel as ‘inappropriate’ - by Brady Knox / Washington Examiner 17MAR24.

- They’re Really Going To Try To Lay All The Blame For Gaza On Netanyahu - by Caitlin Johnstone 17MAR24.

- Gaza Genocide Exposes Fraud of U.S.-led NATO’s Humanitarian Wars - by Finiah Cunningham / Strategic Culture 17MAR24.

- What Will Biden Do When Israel Finally Invades Rafah? - by Jeff Charles / Red State 17MAR24.

- Niger Junta Severs US Military Cooperation Agreement, Orders Troops and Civilian Personnel Out of the Country - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Indian Navy Raids and Rescues Cargo Ship Hijacked by Somali Pirates - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Europe To Arm Ukraine Using Profits From Seized Russian Funds - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 17MAR24.

- UK Advises Ukraine to Stay on Defensive in East and Focus on Targeting Crimea - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 17MAR24.

- Putin's War, Week 107. Macron Goes for the Jugular, Johnson Goes for Broke, and Scholz Goes for a Drink - by streiff / Red State 17MAR24.

- Russian Hypersonic Iskander Missile Attack in Odessa Targets Mercenary Troop Gathering - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 17MAR24.

- Putin Forever? - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 17MAR24.

- Russia’s presidential vote starts final day with accusations of Ukraine sabotage - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 17MAR24.

- Vladimir Putin Wins a Fifth Term As Russia's President - by streiff / Red State 17MAR24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Flares, Filament Release, Information Overload 17MAR24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Eruption on the Way - Full Forecast/Analysis 17MAR24.

Styx: Trump Warns of an Automotive Bloodbath (Leftists Predictably Take it Out of Context) 17MAR24.

Styx: Kamala Harris Should Step Aside... But She Won't 17MAR24.

Styx: Niger Spurns the United States, Ends its Military Agreement 17MAR24.

Styx: Will Joe Biden Manage to Lose the Hispanic Vote? 17MAR24.

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15 seconds

Styx: The Rise of the Robot and Drone Wars 17MAR24.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Felix Rex / Black Pigeon Speaks: DUNE: Dispensing CRIMSON RED PILLS 17MAR24.

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15 seconds

Felix Rex / Black Pigeon Speaks: DUNE: CRIMSON RED PILLS Rejected by Hollywood 17MAR24.

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15 seconds

Mark Dice: The Truth About the "TikTok Ban" - What No Conservative Inc. Hosts Will Tell You About It 17MAR24.

Hodge Twins: Florida Braces for Invasion of Haitian Immigrants After Country Collapses 17MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Mossad Agent REVEALS How Israel Controls U.S. Politicians & Journalists 17MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: “The Pandemic Destroyed The Scientific Community!” – Dr. Robert Malone 17MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Here’s How Big Pharma CORRUPTED Medical Journals! w/ Dr. Robert Malone 17MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Proof January 6 Committee HID EVIDENCE Exonerating Trump 17MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Biden Invited TikTok Stars To SOTU Speech, Wanted Them To Make Propaganda For Democrats 17MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Americans Are REFUSING To Grow Up, Boomers Treat Millennials Like Children And They Act Like It 17MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Rumble Offers To BUY TIKTOK To Avoid Dangerous New Bill BANNING TikTok 17MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: CREEPY Humanoid Robot Powered By AI Shows NIGHTMARE Future Is Here 17MAR24.

Luke / We Are Change: Real 'BLOODBATH' Revealed As MSM Sensational Yellow Journalism Called Out 17MAR24.

In Depth

Dr. Randomercam: Simp Fight - Carlson vs Cuomo 17MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: TikTok Ban Is A TROJAN HORSE For Mass Online Government Censorship! w/ Dr. Robert Malone 17MAR24.

Salty Cracker: I Was Promised a Bloodbath ReeEEeE Stream 17MAR24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 17MAR24.

Suspect Sky: National Guard Slow Rollout | TikTok Ban | UFOs and Headlights 17MAR24.

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15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: Court Of Public Opinion Is Winning Against [DS] Narrative, Transparency Equals Game Over 17MAR24.


Count Dankula: Absolute Mad Lads - Mad Mike Hoare 17MAR24.

All Lairticles

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Dropped March 17th 2024

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