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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Saturday 16MAR24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Report Reveals 'Catastrophic Errors' Made During Covid Response - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 16MAR24.

- Doctor Challenges Official Narrative on Covid-19 “Vaccine” Safety - by Brian Gottstein / Heritage Foundation via America First 16MAR24.

- Dr. Peter McCullough, Covid Truth Hero, Goes on Offense Against Trump Over Vax Shilling - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- It's not the Covid vaccine that deserves the credit for the reduction in MIS-C cases - It's the virus - by Steve Kirsch / Substack 16MAR24.

- Harvard Medical School Professor Was Fired Over Not Getting Covid Vaccine - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 16MAR24.

- Meet the MO v. Biden Plaintiffs - Our Government and Big Tech Tried to Destroy Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya Because He Dared to Question Covid Policy - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Big Tech Alliance Targets Covid-19 “Misinformation,” Links it to “Extremism,” Calls for Content Censorship - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 16MAR24.

- The general public has now been firmly established as guinea pigs for Big Pharma - by Rhoda Wilson and Guy Hatchard / Exposé 16MAR24.

- As Tedros Keeps Lying, I Have to Keep Correcting Him - by Patricia Harrity and Meryl Nass / Exposé 16MAR24.

- Climate Loons Interrupt Broadway Play, Get Turfed Out By Sopranos Actor - by Steve Watson / Modernity 16MAR24.

- Where are the true environmentalists? - by Joe Bastardi / CFACT via WUWT 16MAR24.

- Paris Won’t Air-condition Athlete Housing at Summer Olympics Because of Climate Change - by James Murphy / New American 16MAR24.

- Federal Court Halts Biden Admin’s Corporate Emissions Disclosure Rule - by Nick Pope / Daily Caller via WUWT 16MAR24.

- Electric Transmission Buildout Could Cost Americans Trillions of Dollars - by Bernard L. McNamee / WUWT 16MAR24.

- California Wants Everyone To Drive Electric Cars - The State’s Energy Policies Make Charging Them More Expensive Than Ever - Soaring electricity prices have nearly doubled cost to charge EVs since 2022 - by Susannah Luthi / Washington Free Beacon 16MAR24.

- Offshore Wind Bribe Falls Short - by Robert Bradley / Master Resource via WUWT 16MAR24.

- Cereal For The Peasants? - How The Elites Use “Skimpflation” To Control Our Eating Habits - by Brandon Smith / Alt-Market 16MAR24.

- Researchers Suggest Grilling Up Some Snake Steaks to Save the Planet - by Jeff Charles / Red State 16MAR24.

- Biden admin tackles tough problem of McDonald's ice cream machine repairs - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 16MAR24.

- Civil Servants Threaten to Strike Over Two Days a Week in the Office - by Daily Sceptic / Will Jones 16MAR24.

- How Did American Capitalism Mutate Into American Corporatism? - by Jeffrey A. Tucker / Daily Sceptic 16MAR24.

- Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Inflation on Supply Chain Issues, the War in Ukraine, and the Pandemic - Mentions Nothing About Biden’s Trillions in New Spending - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- In Order to Curtail the Tyranny of Central Banks and Espionage Agencies, Americans Must Starve the State - by J.B. Shurk / America First 16MAR24.

- Harvard professor of honesty tampered with data and should be fired - by Matthew Sedacca / NY Post 16MAR24.

- Higher education faces a historic reckoning if GOP wins in November - by Zachary Halaschak / Washington Examiner 16MAR24.

- Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville Warns “We Are Losing Our Kids to a Satanic Cult - They’ve Basically Taken God Out of Everything” - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Nickelodeon’s ‘house of horrors’ - Inside the abuse allegations aimed at Dan Schneider’s kids’ shows - by Dana Kennedy / NY Post 16MAR24.

- Britain bans puberty blockers for transgender teens while voodoo ‘science’ still rules US - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 16MAR24.

- Judge Orders FBI to Release [Tr]anifesto from Deranged Trans Shooter to Nashville News Outlet - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Nicolas Cage Slams Disney, Confirms He's Not Returning to Popular Disney Franchise - by Michael Austin / Western Journal 16MAR24.

- Priming, predictive programming and Hollywood - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 16MAR24.

- The Reason Why Diva Don Lemon Didn't Get His Show on X Is Wow - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- Don Lemon Demanded Elon Make Him The First Man To Podcast From Space - by Steve Watson / Modernity 16MAR24.

- Don Lemon Tried to Squeeze Elon Musk on Production Deal, Demanded $5M, Tesla Cybertruck, X Equity - by Bob Hoge / Red State 16MAR24.

- Elon Musk compares Don Lemon to spoiled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character - by Jon Levine / NY Post 16MAR24.

- Megyn Kelly Slams ‘A**hole’ Don Lemon for Going After Elon Musk, Not Being Grateful for Opportunity - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- British Museum Believes Beautiful Landscape Paintings Evoke 'Dark, Nationalistic Feelings' - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- So Now Marriage is Racist - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- Six US Middle Schoolers Face ‘Hate’ Charges for Alleged ‘Racist Online Chat’ - by Warner Todd Huston / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- People Can't Believe What Was Picked to Replace Christian Missionary, Preacher Statues on Trafalgar Square's Fourth Plinth - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 16MAR24.

- AOC’s New York District Now Overrun With Illegal Aliens and Prostitution - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- AOC’s Once-Family Friendly District, Now Overrun With Illegal Aliens and Prostitution - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 16MAR24.

- Violent criminal only gets probation after stabbing 94-year-old woman several times in San Francisco - by Sara Higdon / PM 16MAR24.

- Eric Adams calls NYC the ‘safest big city in America’ after horrific subway shooting video goes viral - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 16MAR24.

- Former Philadelphia Officer Says Criminals Will Be Prosecuted Once Again - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 16MAR24.

- Americans Still Fleeing Blue States in Droves, Moving to Texas and Florida - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Why Democrats are losing minority voters - by Washington Examiner 16MAR24.

- Tyson Foods Under Fire and Boycott Calls for Replacing Hardworking Americans with Illegal Immigrants - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Illegal in US Under Biden Program Arrested for Rape - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- Haitian Arrested for Allegedly Raping Disabled Girl, 15, Is Reportedly Part of Biden’s Special Haitian Parole Program - by Allison Anton / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Leader of human smuggling ring admits to bringing over 1,000 illegal immigrants into Phoenix - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 16MAR24.

- Mass Illegal Crossing From Numerous Countries in Tucson Sector of Border - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Biden regime in cahoots with UN in providing interest free loans to illegals to travel to the US - by Noah Webster / Law Enforcement Today 16MAR24.

- GOP Lawmakers Warned Mayorkas About Crime Risk from Venezuelan Gangs But Were Completely Ignored - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Another country [Nepal] announces it will require its citizens to accept biometric digital IDs - by Leo Hohmann / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- World Bank and Verizon Chiefs Say Digital ID Part of “Social Contract” Between Government and Citizens - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 16MAR24.

- Top FDNY chief takes fall for commish declaring department will ‘hunt down’ NY AG Letitia James hecklers - by Susan Edelman and Rich Calder / NY Post 16MAR24.

- FDNY Official Who Wanted to ‘Hunt Down’ Staffers Who Booed Letitia James Gets Heckled at Parade, ‘You Suck!’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Control and Censorship and Why the TikTok Ban is So Dangerous - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 16MAR24.

- Canada Goes Full-Blown Tyrant With Newly Proposed Online Speech 'Crimes' Bill - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 16MAR24.

- The National Security State Is the Main Driver of Censorship in the US - by Joseph Mercola / America First 16MAR24.

- Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Public Can Sue Officials Who Block Them on Social Media in Some Circumstances - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 16MAR24.

- Mistakes Were Made - by C.J. Hopkins / Consent Factory via Zerehedge 16MAR24.

- Joe Biden Is Using Your Money to Fund 'DEI' and 'Misinformation' Training for Pakistani Journalists - by Jeff Charles / Red State 16MAR24.

- Media’s descent into political advocacy erases line between journalism and partisan activism - by Becket Adams / Washington Examiner 16MAR24.

- Family of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Not Happy with RBG Award's Star-Studded Honoree List, Calls It an 'Affront' to Her Memory - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 16MAR24.

- Prosecutors seek 40-year prison term for disgraced tech bro, Dem donor Sam Bankman-Fried - by Sara Higdon / PM 16MAR24.

- ‘I Think about Quitting Every Day,’ Unpopular Canadian PM Trudeau Faces Calls To Step Aside as Conservatives Maintain a Huge Lead in the Polls - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Italy’s Meloni Becoming Force to Be Reckoned With in European Politics - by Luis Miguel / New American 16MAR24.

- What Was the CIA Doing at the January 6 Riot? - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- Elon Musk Calls It Like He Sees It, 'There Is Either a Red Wave This November or America Is Doomed' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 16MAR24.

- Elon Musk Gets Real, Warns There is ‘Either a Red Wave in November or America is Doomed’ - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Resignations in Congress At Near Record as Fed-Up Lawmakers Bolt For the Exits - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- US Senate Candidate and Trump Ambassador to Iceland Jeff Gunter Takes on Republican Sam Brown Who is Funded by Koch and Nikki Haley Donors in Nevada GOP Primary in Bid to Flip Seat - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- RNC to hire grassroots activist Scott Presler to lead a legal ballot chasing operation - by Charlotte Hazard / Just The News 16MAR24.

- Peter Navarro Asks Supreme Court To Allow Him To Avoid Reporting To Prison Pending Appeal - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 16MAR24.

- How Many Ethical Rules Did Fani Willis Break and Still Keep Her Job? - The List Is Long - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- Trump’s week filled with string of legal wins - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 16MAR24.

- President Trump Releases Second “Visiting Angels” Video to Roast Lost and Confused Joe Biden - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- “Just Put Me Back in Office, We’ll Get it Done Quickly,” President Trump [tells] Massive Crowd in Dayton, Ohio - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Donald Trump vows to ‘save America’ this November from ‘Biden disasters’ in sit-down interview with The Post - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 16MAR24.

- Trump Warns of Auto Industry ‘Bloodbath’ If Biden Wins, Leftists Including Biden Campaign Lie and Claim He Is Declaring Civil War - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Biden campaign, liberal media spread hoax that Trump threatened ‘bloodbath’ if not elected - he was talking about auto industry - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 16MAR24.

- Pence Declines to Endorse Trump But Won't Endorse Biden Either - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- While Counting Continues in California Senate Race, Ethics Charges Against Lying Adam Schiff Still Unresolved - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Are Democrats Really Losing Younger, Nonwhite Voters? The Data Sure Suggests It - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 16MAR24.

- Out of Touch Elitist Bill Maher Lectures Ordinary Americans to “Quit Living with Their Head in the Toilet” and Be Thankful for Joe Biden - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- The Biden Administration Attacks Democracy Abroad - by Thaddeus G. McCotter / Amnerican Greatness 16MAR24.

- WH Sends Scathing Letter to Mike Johnson Demanding to End Biden Impeachment Inquiry - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 16MAR24.

- Is the White House Panicking About the Impeachment Inquiry? - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- White House Report Card - Biden reelection stuck in neutral, approval at ‘fail’ - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 16MAR24.

- Biden Gets Confused by a Door, and the Concerning Nature of His Cheat Sheet - by Nick Arama / Red State 16MAR24.

- Biden Wanders Aimlessly in Rain, Karen Handlers Shoo Away Press - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 16MAR24.

- Critics Urge Kamala Harris to Step Aside Amid Failing Polls - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 16MAR24.

- The Washington Post Published a Brutal Op-Ed Calling on Kamala Harris to Step Aside - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 16MAR24.

- Washington Post Columnist Calls on Kamala Harris to Step Aside ‘For the Country’s Sake’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Is Raising Money for Group Tied to Oct. 7 Slaughter of Jews in Southern Israel - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Kamala Harris' Stepdaughter Raises Money for UN Agency Whose Staff Aided Hamas on October 7 - by Jeff Charles / Red State 16MAR24.

- Kamala Harris' stepdaughter Ella Emhoff raises funds for allegedly terrorist-linked UNRWA - by Sara Higdon / PM 16MAR24.

- Genocidal Psychopaths Celebrate International Day To Combat Islamophobia - by Caitlin Johnstone 16MAR24.

- Anti-Semitism as the Harbinger of Global Chaos - by Stephen Soukup / American Greatness 16MAR24.

- White House wants to see Netanyahu’s plan to attack Rafah - by Christian Datoc / Washington Examiner 16MAR24.

- Israel’s Netanyahu hangs by a paradox - by Joel Gehrke / Washington Examiner 16MAR24.

- ‘Healthcare workers’ raped innocents; UN ‘peacekeepers’ shelled civilians - by Eliyahu Tulshinski / Frontline News via Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Retired Gen. Mark Milley Reaping Massive Reward Despite Disastrous Afghan Withdrawal and Rampant Politicization of the Military - by Allison Anton / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Elon Musk's SpaceX May Be Building Spy Satellites for U.S. Government - by Ward Clark / Red State 16MAR24.

- Macron Again Talks Up NATO Troops For Ukraine: 'We Cannot Allow Russia To Win' - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 16MAR24.

- American Spectator Ukrainian Delusions - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 16MAR24.

- Ukraine Is Facing The Scenario Of Asymmetrical Partition - by Andrew Korybko / Zerohedge 16MAR24.

- Russian Nuclear Subs Increasingly Appearing Off US Coastlines And The US Military Trying To Hunt Them Down Is 'The Most Explicit Warning Yet' We're Racing Towards Armageddon - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 16MAR24.

- From Allowing China To Buy Up Millions Of Acres Of US Farmland To An Endless Stream Of Chinese Military Aged Men Flowing Over The Border, China Doesn’t Need A Trojan Horse, It Has Joe Biden - For The Chinese Communist Party Joe Biden Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving - by Peter Lemiska / All News Pipeline 16MAR24.

- Generational Differences Affect Americans Understanding of the PRC Threat - by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer / American Greatness 16MAR24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Watch, Pole Shift Weather Impact, Proton Storm 16MAR24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Magnetic Pole Shift | Two Critical Weather Impacts 16MAR24.

Styx: Sour Grapes! Mike Pence Refuses to Endorse Trump 16MAR24.

Styx: Venezuela Fixes its Crime Problem... By Sending Gang Members to the USA 16MAR24.

Styx: What in Tarnation is Happening With Boeing? 16MAR24.

Styx: Public Officials Can be Sued for Blocking Citizens Online, SCOTUS Rules 16MAR24.

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15 seconds

Styx: British Art Cucking 16MAR24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Royal Family Probably Killed Princess Kate Middleton 16MAR24.

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15 seconds

Hodge Twins: This Type of Policing Is Coming to All Democrat Cities Soon 16MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: HERE’S What They’re Not Telling You About Ozempic 16MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Neil Young Comes Crawling Back To Spotify! w/ Dr. Robert Malone 16MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Here’s How The Pandemic Censorship Regime Began 16MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Trump STILL Can’t Admit The Truth About The Vaxx! w/ Dr. Robert Malone 16MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: COWARDLY Judge In Trump Case REFUSES To Remove Fani Willis, ELECTION INTERFERENCE 16MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: J6 Committee Caught LYING, HID EVIDENCE That Proved Trump Called For National Guard On J6 16MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Global Elites "Future Sight" Device BREAKS, Hilarious Conspiracy Suggests 2024 Is The END 16MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Patrick Bet David HIRES Chris Cuomo To Valuetainment, Faces INSTANT Criticism 16MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Kate Middleton Is MISSING, Conspiracies Emerge That She DIED, Media CAUGHT Publishing Fake Images 16MAR24.

In Depth

Lauren Southern: Conservative Sensitivity Training 16MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Don Lemon Unwittingly Reveals He HATES Free Speech 16MAR24.

Scott Adams: CWSA 16MAR24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3467 16MAR24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3468 16MAR24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 16MAR24.

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Dave / X22 Report: Alina Habba - We Are Witnessing Election Interference At The Highest Level, In The End We Will Win 16MAR24.


Ryan Long: People are Going to JAIL for Memes on Their phone 16MAR24.

Awaken With JP: The Boeing Whistleblower DEAD 16MAR24.

RazörFist Arcade: SUPER MARIO RPG (Part 2) 16MAR24.

All Lairticles

The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics || Sun Nova & Crust Displacement
Bad Arguments & Hatespeech || Cyborg || Glyphosate Roundup || Plasma Universe || Crack For Kids


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