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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Thursday 04JAN24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Florida Surgeon General Warns Against Using mRNA Covid Vaccines Over Possible Cancer Risk - by Jacob Burg / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 04JAN24.

- Fauci’s returning to Congress - will he continue his Covid coverup? - by James Bovard / NY Post 04JAN24.

- BBC accidentally admits that Covid jabs created historic death spike - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 04JAN24.

- UK care home worker who was fired for not being vaccinated wins unfair dismissal case - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 04JAN24.

- Did People Fear the Virus or Fear the Lockdowns? - by Jeffrey A. Tucker / Daily Sceptic 04JAN24.

- Why Are So Many Californians Dying? - by Thomas Buckley / Brownstone Institute via Zerohedge 04JAN24.

- Statin drugs, i.e., “mitochondrial toxins,” linked to heart disease, even though they were pushed with promises of Protecting the vascular system - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 04JAN24.

- Zombie deer disease outbreak has reportedly spread to 32 states and 4 Canadian provinces - by Laura Harris / Newstarget 04JAN24.

- Could AI cause human extinction? Experts reveal how likely that really is - by Brooke Steinberg / NY Post 04JAN24.

- AI 'superintelligence' would pose 5% or greater risk of extinction, researchers claim - by Christopher Hutton / Washington Examiner 04JAN23.

- Politicized, Progressive Big Philanthropy - by Michael S. Kochin / American Greatness 04JAN24.

- US Oil and Gas Association President says Democrats know they overreached on energy policy - by Charlotte Hazard / Just The News 04JAN24.

- Germany’s renewable energy sector “facing the abyss” and leading to widespread economic decline - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 04JAN24.

- Developers Cancel Huge Offshore Wind Contract In Latest Blow to Biden’s Climate Agenda - by Nick Pope / Daily Caller via WUWT 04JAN24.

- Two Developers Just Backed Out of Their Contract for Big Offshore [New York] Wind Project - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 04JAN24.

- Wind turbines kill too many birds and bats. How can we make them safer? - by Paul Homewood / Not A Lot Of People Know That 04JAN24.

- What happened to EVs? ‘Supposed to be inevitable’ - But ‘the electric-vehicle takeover has hit some serious roadblocks - EV plan was flawed from the start’ - by Paris Marx / Business Insider via Climate Depot 04JAN24.

- One by One - The New World Order population reduction plan - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 04JAN24.

- BBC Claims Climate Change is Behind Increased Lightning Deaths in Bangladesh But It’s Utter Nonsense - by David Hansard / Daily Sceptic 04JAN24.

- Russia and Scandinavia Experiencing Record Cold - Northern Sweden Registered -46ºF, the Lowest Temperature Ever Recorded in the Region - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Federal Regulations Cost the U.S. Economy $3 Trillion in 2022 - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Teachers must embrace open-mindedness and doubt - by Peter Laffin / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- The Pic of Trump and the Union President That May Spell Doom for Biden's Chances - by Nick Arama / Red State 04JAN24.

- America’s Empire of Money Has Reached the Endgame - by Michael Snyder / America First 04JAN24.

- Bill Clinton spotted smiling in Mexico hours before being named in released Jeffrey Epstein files - by Alex Oliveira / NY Post 04JAN24.

- The Epstein Client List Has Been Released - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 04JAN24.

- Who Is and Isn't on Epstein's List, and What Does It Mean? - We've Got the Names - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Stephen Hawking, David Copperfield and Michael Jackson Named in Unsealed Documents - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 04JAN24.

- Bill Clinton and Donald Trump Both Appear in the New Epstein Documents, But in Very Different Ways - by Rachel M. Emmanuel / Western Journal 04JAN24.

- Unsealed Epstein Docs Exonerate Trump, Liberals Most Hurt - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking At An Orgy, And Michael Jackson - Here's Who's In Unsealed Epstein Docs So Far - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 04JAN24.

- Stephen Hawking Is Mentioned in the Epstein Docs, and the Memes Are Glorious - by Bonchie / Red State 04JAN24.

- Gross NBC News Covers for Bill Clinton Even After Documents Show “Doe 36” Liked the Young Girls on Epstein Island - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Epstein offered ‘reward’ to disprove claim Stephen Hawking had ‘underage orgy’ - by Priscilla DeGregory and Ben Kochman / NY Post 04JAN24.

- Bill Clinton Allegedly Threatened 'Vanity Fair' Not to Write About Jeffrey Epstein - by Nick Arama / Red State 04JAN24.

- Bill Clinton allegedly stormed into Vanity Fair newsroom, ‘threatened’ outlet to not run sex-trafficking stories against ‘good friend’ Jeffrey Epstein - by Emily Crane et al. / NY Post 04JAN24.

- Bill Clinton Allegedly Stormed into Vanity Fair’s Office and Threatened Staff if They Wrote Sex Trafficking Stories Against His “Good Friend” Jeffrey Epstein - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Epstein documents show victim feared Bill Clinton backlash over Vanity Fair report - by Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Reporter Amy Robach Vindicated Over 6 Years After ABC News Spiked Epstein Story - by Allison Anton / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- All the A-listers named in the newly-unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents - by Olivia Land / NY Post 04JAN24.

- Epstein Docs put Glenn and Eva Dubin Back on the Spotlight - Former Butler Rizzo’s deposition Tells of Terrified ‘Abducted’ Girl and Underage Girls in a ‘Kissing Game’ - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Billionaire hedge funder Glenn Dubin was first person Epstein victim claims Ghislaine Maxwell sent her to have sex with - by Snejana Farberov / NY Post 04JAN24.

- Billionaire Hyatt Hotels Executive Chairman Thomas Pritzker from the Leftist Pritzker Family Named in Epstein Case Documents - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Court Documents Suggest Billionaire Grocery Store Magnate [Ron Burkle] Had Knowledge of Jeffrey Epstein's Activities - by Jeff Charles / Red State 04JAN24.

- Epstein’s Bizarre Plan to ‘Seed’ Humanity With Baby Harvesting Ranch - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 04JAN24.

- Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' Will Be Torn Apart, Sold for Parts; Private Island Turned Into Resort - by Bob Hoge / Red State 04JAN24.

- Video of Jimmy Kimmel's Tie to Epstein Re-Emerges After Late-Night Host's Social Media Tirade - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 04JAN24.

- Videos Of Ricky Gervais Roasting Hollywood Elite Go Viral In Wake Of Epstein Documents - “Shut up, I know he’s your friend” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 04JAN24.

- Minor Victim Trafficked to “Prominent American Politicians” to “Obtain Potential Blackmail Information” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Who Was Epstein Working For? - [did it start with 'Moss' and end with 'ad'?] - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 04JAN24.

- Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich [claims] Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- “Most People Understand That Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” - Tucker Carlson Interview - Mark Epstein Reveals Inside Info About His Brother’s ‘Suicide’ - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Sex Ring Involving High-Ranking Government Officials Was 'Honeypot' Blackmail Scheme - by Jeff Charles / Red State 04JAN24.

- Foreign Agencies Ran Domestic ‘Honeypot’ Prostitution Scheme to Blackmail Members of Congress, Defense Officials - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 04JAN24.

- More than 7,000 German women have been raped or assaulted by migrants since 2015 - by Richard Brown / Newstarget 04JAN24.

- 120 Medical professionals sign letter against use of Gender-Neutral language in medicine - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 04JAN24.

- Musk to Mark Cuban - If You Believe in 'Diversity,' When Will You Hire 'Short White/Asian Women' to Play on The Mavs? - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 04JAN24.

- Disney covered up top executive’s pattern of sexual abuse - by Alexandra Steigrad / NY Post 04JAN24.

- New ‘Star Wars’ Movie Predicted to Be Disney’s ‘Biggest Flop Yet’ After Clips Expose Director’s Agenda - by Jack Gist / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- “I Enjoy Making Men Uncomfortable” Feminist Star Wars Director Slammed for Setting Up Film to Be Disney’s ‘Biggest Woke Flop Yet’ - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 04JAN24.

- I Know How to Save Star Wars (and Marvel, Too) - [Stop making them while the property still holds value] - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- UFC star rails against 'despicable' USA Boxing transgender policy - by Luke Gentile / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- USA Boxing’s New Transgender Rules for 2024 Allows Biological Men to Compete Against Women - “This Could Be Life Or Death For These Female Athletes” - Cara Castronuova / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Companies Rebranding DEI as 'Wellbeing and Inclusion' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 04JAN24.

- Active Shooter Neutralized in Perry, Iowa, High School - by Ashley McCully / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Iowa School Shooter Identified, Allegedly Part of the Transgender Movement - by Bonchie / Red State 04JAN24.

- The Iowa School Shooter Was an LGBTQ+ Activist - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Divide and Conquer - They are manipulating us in every which way - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 04JAN24.

- Why Are Americans at Each Other's Throats? - Ask Barack Obama - by Larry Elder / Townhall 04JAN24.

- Claudine Gay and America’s new class system - by Hugo Gurdon / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Claudine Gay and a World Without Standards - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 04JAN24.

- Harvard Corporation under fire for keeping secrets to protect Claudine Gay - ‘Must not be published’ - by Isabel Vincent / NY Post 04JAN24.

- Outgoing Harvard president Claudine Gay accused of ‘lying’ about ‘promptly requesting corrections’ to plagiarized works - by Melissa Koenig / NY Post 04JAN24.

- Did Harvard Just Make a 'Token' Hire? - by Michael Barclay / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Did Claudine Gay Plagiarize Her Resignation Letter? - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 04JAN24.

- President Gay Is a Symptom Not the Cause - by Cal Thomas / Townhall 04JAN24.

- AP and CNN Appoint Themselves Defense Lawyers for Harvard’s Disgraced Gay - by Milt Harris / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Associated Press Complains That Claudine Gay’s Resignation “Highlights” a “New Conservative Weapon Against Colleges - Plagiarism” - by Eugyppius / Daily Sceptic 04JAN24.

- Moronic Al Sharpton defense of Claudine Gay is pure race hustle - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 04JAN24.

- After Refusing to Protect Terrified Jews, Former Harvard Pres Whines She’s Now Scared of Racial Hate - by Jack Gist / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Harvard Out the Frying Pan Into the Fire - Gay’s removal is not the end of Harvard’s dilemma. Rather, it is the beginning - by Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness 04JAN24.

- GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Blames Liberal ‘White Guilt’ for Creating a ‘New Wave of Racism’ - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 04JAN24.

- WaPo Reporter Does Exactly What Vivek Predicted in His Terrific Takedown of Lib Media Tactics - by Nick Arama / Red State 04JAN24.

- WaPo Reporter Who Was Schooled by Ramaswamy Does Exactly What He Said She Would - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Elon Musk Schools Woke, Anti-Trump Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban with Brilliant Response After He Tries to ‘Educate’ Musk on Racist DEI Policies - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- BLM Branch co-founder [Mark Fisher recognizes] Democrats have 'manipulation' of the black community 'down to a science' - ["The Democratic Party and ... white liberals and black liberals as well are the most racist people in the country"] - by Mattthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 04JAN24.

- California Mob Uses Kia to Smash Through Bakery Door, Steals Everything, Destroys the Place - by Bob Hoge / Red State 04JAN24.

- Nearly Half of Police Force Resigns in Wisconsin Community That Tried to Disband the Department - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Broadway Shows Suffering as High Crime Keeps Tourists Away From New York City - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- NGOs “Carefully Planned” Mass Illegal Alien Invasion of America - by Ethan Huff / Natural News via America First 04JAN24.

- Border Officials Tell Lawmakers How Much Cartels Make Each Week in One Sector Alone - It's Staggering - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 04JAN24.

- Secret Illegal Migrant Center Exposed - Phoenix Migrant ‘Refugee’ Facility Worker Caught Trying to Bribe Journalist - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- California to provide free sex changes for illegal immigrants - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 04JAN24.

- NYC sues charter bus companies for $700 Million for transporting illegal immigrants into city - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 04JAN24.

- New York Mayor Adams Suing Bus Companies Over Expenses of Housing Illegal Immigrants - by Ward Clark / Red State 04JAN24.

- Greg Abbott Slams Eric Adams Over Laughable Lawsuit, Uses Left's Standards Against Them - by Bonchie / Red State 04JAN24.

- Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas Blames Climate Change for US Border Failure - by Eric Worrall / WUWT 04JAN24.

- Mayorkas Says Millions of Military-Age Men Have Invaded Southern Border on Biden’s Watch Because of Climate Change - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Mayorkas Won’t Commit to Not Using More Money for Catch and Release to Get ‘Needed’ Funds - by Ian Hanchett / Breitbart 04JAN24.

- Jake Tapper Flies Wingman for Biden's Border Crisis, Gets Fact-Checked Into Next Week by Speaker Johnson - by Mike Miller / Red State 04JAN24.

- Biden Sues Texas Over State Law to Stop Illegal-alien Invasion - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 04JAN24.

- Biden admin 'actively facilitating' illegal immigration [per] Elon Musk - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 04JAN24.

- Free Speech Union Cautions Against UK Financial Regulator’s “Diversity” Policy, Citing Free Speech Concerns - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 04JAN24.

- Julian Assange’s Trojan Wars With Mike Pompeo & Hillary Clinton - by Declan Hayes / Strategic Culture 04JAN24.

- Federally Funded United States Institute of Peace Calls for “Collaborations” Between the Public and Private Sectors To Address “Disinformation” - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 04JAN24.

- Judge Allows Challenge to New York 'Assault Weapon' Ban to Proceed - by Ward Clark / Red State 04JAN24.

- Americans rejected Biden gun control 15.8 million times in 2023 - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Ohio's Gun Violence Rates Show That Its Permitless Carry Law Prevents Crime - by Jeff Charles / Red State 04JAN24.

- DNA Genetics Company 23andMe Blames Affected Users For Data Breach - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 04JAN24.

- The Digital ID Rollout Is Becoming a Hacker’s Dream - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 04JAN24.

- California Court [decides] Police Drone Footage From 911 Calls Is Not Exempt From Public Records Law - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 04JAN24.

- Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 04JAN24.

- The Government’s Use of Controlled Chaos to Maintain Power - by John And Nisha Whitehead / New American 04JAN24.

- One Year Away From The Deagel Report's 2025 Forecast Date, 'Death By Government' Is Still The #1 Cause Of Death In The World And Ready To Explode As Global Govt Rushes To Impose Itself - 'Power kills, absolute power kills absolutely' - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 04JAN24.

- Biden leans into Jan. 6 messaging in first campaign ads of 2024 - by Christian Datoc / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Nikki Haley Makes Statement About 'Correcting' Iowa Voters, and It Isn't Going Over Well - by Nick Arama / Red State 04JAN24.

- Nikki Haley has a World Economic Forum Problem - She’s Every Bit the Globalist We Expected - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Nikki Haley Previously Said Americans Should Not Call Illegal Aliens ‘Criminals’ Because It’s ‘Disrespectful’ and ‘They’re Not’ - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Trump Totally Should Pick Nikki Haley for His Veep - by Kurt Schlichter / Townhall 04JAN24.

- Member of Jack Smith's Trump prosecution team discouraged FBI from investigating Clinton Foundation in 2016 - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 04JAN24.

- Jack Smith Goes Off the Rails, Claims Trump Immunity Argument Would Allow Him to Order His Supporters to Murder Opposing Lawmakers - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Trump Makes 'Powerhouse' Move to Hold Jack Smith in Contempt of Court - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 04JAN24.

- ‘Sympathy’ surging for Jan. 6 rioters, 43% agree ‘they had a point’ - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Police Grab Peaceful J6 Protester By The Face And Throw Him Over A Wall, Excessive Force Expert Explains Exactly How These Cops Broke The Law - by Alicia Powe / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Biden to Celebrate Dem J6 High Holy Day With White Supremacy Fairy Tale - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud That Stole the 2020 Election - by JD Rucker / America First 04JAN24.

- "The System Is Not Going To Let Trump Win" - Dems' Real Puppet Isn't Gavin, It's Nikki, Tucker, And Vivek - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 04JAN24.

- 'Transparency' group behind Trump ballot removal effort has long relied on left-wing dark money - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Massachusetts Voters accuse Trump of insurrection in bid to remove him from ballot - by Eden Villalovas / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- It's Not Just Trump - Democrats Trying to Disqualify Other Republican Candidates Using the 14th Amendment - by Jeff Charles / Red State 04JAN24.

- Fourteenth Amendment threats to Republicans spread beyond Trump - by Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Stop looking to the courts - Democrats must fight Trump at the ballot box - by Jeanne Sheehan Zaino / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Campaign to Bank Republican Votes Before Election Day Launches Phase 2 in All 50 States - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 04JAN24.

- Joy Behar Reaches New Low - Admits She Doesn't Believe Voters Should Choose Who Is President - by Rachel M. Emmanuel / Western Journal 04JAN24.

- Steve Bannon Issues Chilling Warning to Donald Trump, References 'Dark Forces' - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 04JAN24.

- Kari Lake Warns of Dark Days if Soros-Funded Defamation Lawsuit by Election Official Involved in her Rigged Election Succeeds - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- House Democrats Accuse Trump of Taking Millions in Foreign Bribes While President to Distract From Biden’s Crimes - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Another political cover-up at Biden’s DOJ - by Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Biden Has Been an Absent Failure, So Now He's Deflecting With a Desperate Attack Against Trump - by Nick Arama / Red State 04JAN24.

- Biden staring down 'five-alarm fire' with minority voters - Can he win back support? - by Christian Datoc / Washington Examiner 04JAN24.

- Biden Drops First Campaign Ad, and It’s As Dishonest and Embarrassing As You’d Expect - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 04JAN24.

- Biden's New Ridiculous Campaign Ad Is Just Hillary Clinton's 'Deplorables' 2.0 - by Brandon Morse / Red State 04JAN24.

- Joe Biden Calls Millions of Americans “Extremists” in First Campaign Ad of 2024 - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- “The Kamala Harris of Harvard” Just Resigned - Now It’s Time for America to Indict and Arrest the Real Kamala Harris - by Wayne Allyn Root / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Members of Joe Biden’s Team See Vice President Kamala Harris as a ‘Joke’ and Shut Her Out of Meetings - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Biden Goes Past Congress to Sell Weapons to Israel - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 04JAN24.

- Biden Campaign Staffers Mutiny Over Israel and Hamas - by Bonchie / Red State 04JAN24.

- CAIR's Leader Cheered Hamas's Terror Attack on Israel - Gavin Newsom is Sitting Down With the Group Anyway - by Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon 04JAN24.

- Comedian Michael Rapaport says antisemitism in America is rooted in ignorance - by Charlotte Hazard / Just The News 04JAN24.

- Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to remain prime minister after the war - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 04JAN24.

- New Jersey Muslim Tied to al Shabaab Arrested, Wanted to 'Execute Jihadist Mission of Death and Destruction' - by Amy Mek / Rair 04JAN24.

- Jewish deli set on fire in Toronto by anti-Israel arsonists, mayor says antisemitism 'not welcome here' - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 04JAN24.

- Top Terrorist Leader Gets Vaporized in Gaza - by Bonchie / Red State 04JAN24.

- Biden Admin Says US, Israel Not Behind Iran Blast As Death Toll Surpasses 100 - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 04JAN24.

- Islamic State [ISIS/ISIL] Claims Responsibility for Explosive Attacks in Iran, Tehran Vows Payback - by Ward Clark / Red State 04JAN24.

- We Are Entirely Too Close To Another Major War In The Middle East - by Caitlin Johnstone 04JAN24.

- 3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, as Polish Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 04JAN24.

- Putin ally Ramzan Kadyrov says if suspected criminals can’t be found, their family will be killed instead - by Timothy H.J. Nerozzi / Fox News via NY Post 04JAN24.

- Putin's War, Week 97. The Missile War Continues - by streiff / Red State 04JAN24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: The Dust is Here, Solar Flare Watch 04JAN24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Galactic Dust | Signs of the Great Shift 04JAN24.

RazörFist: Nikki Failey's FLOP: Was the Civil War ONLY About Slavery? 04JAN24.

Styx: The Epstein Unsealing and Resulting Fallout 04JAN24.

Styx: Donald Trump Just Nuked Biden From Orbit 04JAN24.

Styx: The USA is Now 34 Trillion in Debt: Analysis 04JAN24.

Styx: Oregons Antigun Measure 114 Deemed Unconstitutional 04JAN24.

Styx: Can You Get Metaverse-Raped? 04JAN24.

Salty Cracker: Lunatic Jumps Over Judge's Bench And Beats Her Crazy 04JAN24.

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Salty Cracker: Elon Musks Destroys Race Baiter Mark Cuban Over Hiring By Race 04JAN24.

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15 seconds

Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About the Epstein Files 04JAN24.

Mark Dice: Billionaire Activist Has Awakening About Diversity Agenda - And Is Now on a New Mission 04JAN24.

Hodge Twins: It’s Happening!? 04JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: Vivek OBLITERATES Washington Post Reporter Over White Supremacy 04JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: “Jimmy Kimmel Is On Epstein’s List!” – Aaron Rodgers 04JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: Celebrity American Idiots Push The Establishment’s Agenda 04JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: Harvard President RESIGNS Over Plagiarism Revelations Or Zionists Pressure? 04JAN24.

Tim Pool: Timcast Song Together Again NOT TRACKED Over "ERROR" STILL Hit #6 On Billboard, THEY CANT STOP US 04JAN24.

Tim Pool: Biden Launches Ad Calling YOU A Dangerous Extremist, Biden Blames VOTERS And Says WE Must be Stopped 04JAN24.

Tim Pool: MASS BOMB THREATS For 2ND DAY Force Government Evacuations Across Country, 2024, Civil War 2.0 04JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: EPSTEIN DOCS DROP, Docs Reveal Bill Clinton “Liked Them Young” 04JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump EXONERATED, Epstein Docs PROVE Trump Was NOT INVOLVED In Epstein Crimes 04JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: SHOCKING ACCUSATIONS Against Alan Dershowitz Engaging In EXTREME CHILD ABUSE, Working With Epstein 04JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Biden Admin SUES Texas For Enforcing Border Law, DOJ Has Gone Rogue VIOLATING Constitution 04JAN24.

Luke / We Are Change: HUGE DOCUMENT DROP - A Lot Of Evidence With BIG IMPLICATIONS Released 04JAN24.

In Depth

Tim Pool: Bill Clinton RESPONDS To Epstein LIST Release, Issues Vague Denial, POWERFUL Men ACCUSED In Doc Dump 04JAN24.

Tim Pool: Biden Admin GOES ROGUE, Declares WAR On American By SUING Texas To ASSIST INVASION At Our Border 04JAN24.

Scott Adams: News So Juicy I Can't Mention It In This Title. It's That Good 04JAN24.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #821 04JAN24.

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Styx: Thursday LIVE: Epstein Filings, Tom Emmer Endorses Trump, Pineapple on Pizza 04JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: SECOND EPSTEIN Drop Implicates Bill Clinton In COVER UP of Epstein w/Mona Salama 04JAN24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3291 04JAN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3292 04JAN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3293 04JAN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 445 04JAN24.

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Dave / X22 Report: The Start, Epstein Narrative Established, Crimes Against Children Unite All Humanity 04JAN24.


Freedom Toons: Reacting to LIBS of TIKTOK gives me a SINUS INFECTION 04JAN24.

Awaken With JP: Defending Claudine Gay 04JAN24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Rodgers Calls Out Kimmel on Pat McAfee 04JAN24.

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Primitive Technology: Crab and Fish Trap 04JAN24.

The Running ManZ: Jungle Namalsk 04JAN24.

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