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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Wednesday 03JAN24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Former NIH Director Says Ignoring 'Collateral Damage' Inflicted by Covid-19 Policies Was 'Unfortunate' - by Jacob Sullum / Townhall 03JAN24.

- Financial Analyst Ed Dowd says Disability Claims Among Women Shot Up 55% After Rollout of Covid Vaccines - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 03JAN24.

- £550 Million of Covid Drugs Go to Waste in U.K. - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 03JAN24.

- Moderna’s influence over the US and UK governments is more than most realise - by Rhoda Wilson and The Underdog / Exposé 03JAN24.

- Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine makes “aberrant proteins,” warn experts concerned about autoimmunity - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 03JAN24.

- Uncovered Spike Protein “SARS-CoV” Blueprints Reveal Planned Release of Deadly Covid Bioweapon - by Ethan Huff / Natural News 03JAN24.

- Where Were the Left’s Comparisons to 1930s Germany When the Unvaccinated Were Barred From Society So They Didn’t ‘Spread Disease’? - by Andrew Barr / Daily Sceptic 03JAN24.

- Mask mandates back at NYC-run hospitals as Covid and flu cases rise - by David Propper / NY Post 03JAN24.

- L.A. General's Chief Medical Officer Pours Ice Cold Water on Barbara Ferrer's New Mask Mandate - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 03JAN24.

- 141% rise in use of psychiatric drugs used to restrain children in mental health facilities - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 03JAN24.

- WHO Head Declares War on Meat in the Name of Fighting “Climate Change” - by Cassie B. / America First 03JAN24.

- No Trends In Extratropical Cyclones [per] IPCC - Paul Homewood / Not A Lot Of People Know That via WUWT 03JAN24.

- Collapsing Antarctic Scare Narrative - 4 New Papers Find Antarctic Ice Is More Stable Than Thought - by P Gosselin / No Tricks Zone 03JAN24.

- AP Accepted Funding From Climate-activist Group - by James Murphy / New American 03JAN24.

- The Associated Press Tried to Hide Its Largest Climate Change Donor - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 03JAN24.

- Inflation Reduction Act re-routes Medicare savings into tax credits for electric vehicles - by Kevin Killough / Just The News 03JAN24.

- We Need to Talk About That 'Inevitable' Switch to Electric Vehicles - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Are You a Maker or a Taker? - by John Stossel / Townhall 03JAN24.

- 4,500 Walmart self-checkout kiosks offer “buy now, pay later” loans for basic items - by Zoey Sky / Newstarget 03JAN24.

- Hackers Attack America's Water Supply, Hits Multiple Utilities In Several States - Cyber Attacks Can Do More Damage To The U.S. Than Bullets, Bombs Or Ballistic Missiles Can - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 03JAN24.

- An Economic Bill of Rights for the 21st Century - by Edward Ring / American Greatness 03JAN24.

- Job openings fall to lowest level in nearly three years - by Zachary Halaschak / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- Regime Change Comes to Harvard - President Claudine Gay resigns, ending shortest tenure in university history - by Eliana Johnson / Washington Free Beacon 03JAN24.

- Claudine Gay Likely to Keep $900,000 Salary Despite Resigning in Disgrace as President of Harvard - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Despite Her Resignation, Claudine Gay Is Laughing at Us - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Claudine Gay Writes Pathetic Op-Ed Playing the Victim, Gets Fact-Checked Into Oblivion - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN24.

- After Refusing to Protect Terrified Jews, Former Harvard Pres Whines She's Now Scared of Racial Hate - by Jack Grist / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- Elon and Community Notes Have Field Day With Hilarious Media Spin on Claudine Gay Resignation - by Nick Arama / Red State 03JAN24.

- Al Sharpton to Lead Protest at New York City Office of Jewish Critic of Claudine Gay - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Ibram X. Kendi accuses 'racist mob' of being behind Claudine Gay's resignation - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- NY Times Moron Defends Ousted Harvard President Claudine Gay: ‘This is an Attack on Diversity’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- AP Pens All-Time 'Conservatives Pounce' Story About Claudine Gay, Hilariousy Redefines 'Scalping' - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN24.

- If AP Thinks Calling Out Claudine Gay's Plagiarism Is Wrong, They Should Check Their Own Rulebook - by Brandon Morse / Red State 03JAN24.

- Gay Built DEI “Empire” at Harvard That Controlled It, Promised “Reckoning” With Whites in “Denaming” Buildings - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 03JAN24.

- And just like that, Harvard University is fascist - by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- Sorry lefties, Claudine Gay’s ouster had nothing to do with ‘racism’ - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 03JAN24.

- Is the Higher Education Bubble Bursting? - by Susie Moore / Red State 03JAN24.

- Academia Needs a Purge, Not a Reshuffling - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Bill Ackman demands Harvard’s board resign in 4,000-word screed blasting university for ‘racist’ DEI policies - by Shannon Thaler / NY Post 03JAN24.

- Yale professor calls Bill Ackman a ‘bully’ over his crusade against Harvard - Shannon Thaler / NY Post 03JAN24.

- Appeals Court Unanimously Rejects Biden Scheme to Force ER Doctors to Perform Abortions - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Canadian court says drug users have 'constitutional right' to get high in children's playgrounds - by David Krayden / Just The News 03JAN24.

- Thanks to Feminism, More Young Men Today Are at Risk of Radicalization - by Luis Miguel / New American 03JAN24.

- DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label the “Manosphere” Movement a Terror Threat - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 03JAN24.

- From crucifying Kavanaugh to defending Hamas - The Left’s hypocrisy about sexual violence - by Mark Judge / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- Would-Be African Migrants Admit They Think They’re Entitled to Rape Women - Unable to even grasp the trauma of the victim - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 03JAN24.

- The Jeffrey Epstein Court Docs Have Been Released - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 03JAN24.

- Court Releases First Names on Epstein List - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- First names released as part of new Jeffrey Epstein document dump - by Hannah Nightingale / Just The News 03JAN24.

- Court Grants “Doe 107” a 30-Day Extension to Submit Evidence Regarding Allegations of Physical Harm and Hate Mail - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Judge Preska Unseals Cache of Epstein Documents - At Least 40 Attachments, Perpetrators Named - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- The 37 Epstein Documents Released Tonight In Their Entirety - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Cache of Unsealed Docs Detail How Ghislaine Maxwell Used “Kissing Game” to Coax “Very Girlish” Minor Teens to Pleasure Jeffrey Epstein - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Victim Describes How Prince Andrew Grabbed Her Breast - Epstein Brags About Taking Girl’s Virginity - “The Girl by the Pool” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Epstein Documents Unsealed - 'President Clinton Is a Key Person' - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- “Clinton Likes Them Young” - Wild Bill (DOE 36) Named Numerous Times in Epstein Documents Which Reveal His Alleged Sick Appetite for Girls - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Bill Clinton Named, Thomas Pritzker Accused, and Michael Jackson Mentioned - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN24.

- Unsealed Docs Reveal Michael Jackson Visited Epstein’s House in Palm Beach - by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Epstein Documents Confirm Donald Trump Never Went to Epstein Homes or Pedo Island - Never Had Contact with Witness - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Alan Dershowitz says ‘a lot of people hung out with Epstein,’ claims document dump will exonerate him - by Snejana Farberov / NY Post 03JAN24.

- Alan Dershowitz: 'Feminists' Upset Over Jeffrey Epstein Case Should 'Condemn Hamas' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 03JAN24.

- Jeffrey Epstein said if he revealed ‘what I know about both candidates,’ 2016 election would have to be canceled - by Reuven Fenton and Alex Oliveira / NY Post 03JAN24.

- Victim Claims Epstein Told Her Bill Clinton ‘Likes Them Young’ - by Paul Bois / Breitbart 03JAN24.

- AI Girlfriends Should Have Capability to Reject Men To boost authenticity of relationships - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 03JAN24.

- Women’s Rights Groups Protest UN Appointment Of Transgender Activist As ‘Women’s Champion’ - Campaigners charge that the person is anti-women, racist, and homophobic - by Steve Watson / Modernity 03JAN24.

- 'Republican' governor vetoes legislation protecting kids from being injected with puberty blockers, cross sex hormones - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 03JAN24.

- Man Dating Transgender ‘Woman’ Claims He is Not Gay and is an “Alpha Male” - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 03JAN24.

- Disney Can't Stop Poking the Corpse of 'Star Wars' - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Disney Loses Overall Box Office Crown for the First Time in Years - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- Fed. Govt. Spent Millions on Diversity Training in 2023 - Here Is Some of the Tomfoolery You Paid For - by Becky Noble / Red State 03JAN24.

- California Introduces New Law, Limiting and Regulating Cops’ Posting of Mugshots Online, Forcing Chosen Names and Pronouns - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 03JAN24.

- In 2023 Birmingham, Alabama (69% Black/23% White City) 95% of Known Homicide Suspects Are Black - by Paul Kersey / DC Clothesline 03JAN24.

- Vivek Lets Loose With Amazing Response to Reporter Who Asks Him If He 'Condemns White Supremacy' - by Nick Arama / Red State 03JAN24.

- Vivek Ramaswamy destroys WaPo reporter after she asks him to 'condemn white supremacy' - by Jarryd Jaeger / Just The News 03JAN24.

- Ramaswamy Destroys WaPo Reporter Over Dumb Gotcha Question About ‘White Supremacy' - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Vivek Ramaswamy Obliterates Woke Washington Post ‘Reporter’ With Epic Response After She Asks Him a Stupid Gotcha Question Regarding White Supremacy - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- FBI Update About Wednesday Bomb Threats of 9 State Capitols Says It Was Hoax - by Becca Lower / Red State 03JAN24.

- Free Health Insurance For Migrants Is Lunacy - by Betsy McCaughey / Townhall 03JAN24.

- New Jersey Democrats divided as immigrants dropped off in state to bypass New York bus restrictions - by Eden Villalovas / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- New Jersey deploys cops to send dumped migrants to NYC in desperate move - by Craig McCarthy and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon / NY Post 03JAN24.

- Illegal Immigrant Who Was Already Caught and Released Once Arrested Wielding Machete at US Capitol - by George C. Upper III / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- "Guerrilla Camps" Set Up By Leftist Groups Assist Cartels In Southern Border Invasion - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 03JAN24.

- Bidenomics Works for the Cartels - They Rake in $32M Per Week in One Sector Alone Per CBP Estimates - by Susie Moore / Red State 03JAN24.

- Activists Call for More Refugees to Resettle in Minnesota Even as Many End Up on Welfare - by Warner Todd Huston / Breitbart 03JAN24.

- Denver Crews Sweep Migrant Encampments as More Arrive - by Paul Bois / Breitbart 03JAN24.

- More Chicago Suburbs Join Bus Bans to Stop Chicago-Bound Illegal Aliens - by Warner Todd Huston / Breitbart 03JAN24.

- Biden’s DOJ Sues to Stop Texas from Arresting, Deporting Illegal Aliens - by John Binder / Breitbart 03JAN24.

- Biden Admin Sues, Says Texas Razor Wire Keeps Feds From Arresting Illegals - by Rachel M. Emmanuel / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- Biden administration continues to lie about border crisis as millions of illegals flood into the USA - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 03JAN24.

- Biden Admin Fast-Tracks Chinese Illegals Into U.S. - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- KJP Makes Outrageous Suggestion to TX Gov. on How to Handle the Border Crisis - [to pass the immigration legislation that partially encouraged the border crisis] - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis Slam Illegal Immigration in Competing Iowa Guest Editorials - by Ward Clark / Red State 03JAN24.

- Donald Trump Writes Column - ‘How I Will End Joe Biden’s Border Disaster on Day One’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Speaker Johnson Heads to the Border to Put Pressure on Biden to Conclude Immigration Deal - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Speaker Mike Johnson and 64 House Republicans Assess the Crisis on the Southern Border - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 03JAN24.

- Illegal Immigrants Cross Right in Front of Speaker Johnson's Border Speech - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN24.

- Illegal Aliens Cross Border Feet Away From Speaker Johnson Live Presser on Biden Border Invasion - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Republican leaders eye border security deal in face of crisis as a winning issue in 2024 - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 03JAN24.

- House Republicans to Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Over Border Crisis - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- House Moves to Impeach Alejandro Mayorkas for Border Crisis Misdeeds - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN24.

- DHS Secretary Mayorkas Learns of Impeachment Proceedings Against Him on Live TV - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- Border residents to Congress [say], 'Stop holding press conferences, shut down the border' - by Bethany Blankley / Just The News 03JAN24.

- Georgia's General Assembly Considers Legislation Making Antisemitism a Hate Crime - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Ireland’s Media Commission Chief Admits Considering Censorship Related to Recent Stabbing in Dublin That Sparked Riots - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 03JAN24.

- De-Islamizing France - Rising Conservative Star Marion Maréchal Fights for National Identity and Security - by Amy Mek / Rair 03JAN24.

- The Arrogance of the Media Creates an 'Illiberal Bias' - by Tim Graham / Townhall 03JAN24.

- California 's blatantly unconstitutional, anti-2A law 'openly defiant of the Supreme Court' takes effect - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 03JAN24.

- 'Good Guy With a Gun' Escapes the Claws of a Soros-Funded Prosecutor - by streiff / Red State 03JAN24.

- Harris County [Houston, TX] Grand Jury Declines to Indict Hero Customer Who Shot Taqueria Robber - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 03JAN24.

- Facebook Rolls Out “Link History” Showing How it Tracks All The Websites Users Visit - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 03JAN24.

- Google settles privacy washing lawsuit for an undisclosed amount - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 03JAN24.

- Here's What Happens When Commie Busybodies Fight the Gaming Market - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- How Digital Trickery Is Changing How We View WWI, WWII & Swinging London - by Ed Driscoll / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- The Juggling Act - Is 2024 A Pivotal Year For The Globalists - by Brandon Smith / Alt-Market 03JAN24.

- America's Demolition Is An 'All Government Operation' And Full Blown Communism, Aiding & Abetting Our Terrorist Invaders, Killing Americans And Carrying Out Global Terror - The US military and national security apparatus have thrown their lots in with the communists - by J.B. Shurk / All News Pipeline 03JAN24.

- Failing Badly in the Polls, German Chancellor Scholz May Be Forced To Resign Over His Role in Berlin’s Biggest Financial Scandal Since WW2 - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton Endorses Trump for President, 'Everything Has Gone to Hell' Under Biden - by Bob Hoge / Red State 03JAN24.

- Biden to Commemorate J6 With Speeches About White Supremacy - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Prosecutors Recommend an Outrageous Sentence for Ray Epps - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- DC Court Shoots Down Three of Five Civil Counts Alleging Trump Responsible for Death of Brian Sicknick - by Bob Hoge / Red State 03JAN24.

- First J6 Case filed Against Capitol Police - Derrick Vargo Sues Thug Police Officer Who Pushed Him Off Ledge Trying to Kill Him! Speaker Mike Johnson Also Named in Lawsuit! - “It Was Attempted Murder!” - by Cara castronuova / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Brace yourselves - The left will roil the country if Trump wins again - by Rich Lowry / NY Post 03JAN24.

- It’s No Wonder Why the Left Wants Trump Off the Ballot in 2024 - by Peter Roff / Daily Caller via America First 03JAN24.

- Kennedy Jr: Trump Ballot Removal ‘Makes Us Look Like a Banana Republic’ - by Jeff Poor / Breitbart 03JAN24.

- Trump Goes to War With Maine's Secretary of State - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 03JAN24.

- Trump appeals Colorado ballot ban to US Supreme Court - by Jarryd Jaeger / Just The News 03JAN24.

- Trump Takes Colorado Case to US Supreme Court Seeking to Get His Name Back on Ballot - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- Trump Asks SCOTUS to Overturn Colorado Primary Ballot Ban - by Becca Lower / Red State 03JAN24.

- Trump Asks US Supreme Court to Overturn Colorado Decision to Remove Him From 2024 Ballot - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- It’s not just Trump - Democrats are moving to bar Republicans from ballots nationwide - by Jonathan Turley / NY Post 03JAN24.

- True the Vote Wins Federal Election Lawsuit in Georgia - by Dan M. Berger / Epoch Times via America First 03JAN24.

- True the Vote Wins 'Monumental' Election Case Against Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 03JAN24.

- True the Vote Scores Huge Win for Election Integrity - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote Win Lawsuit in Georgia Against Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, and Fair Fight Org - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Georgia 2020 Voter Rolls Dirtier than Ever - Tens of Thousands of Ineligible Addresses Cast Votes in 2020 - by Jay Valentine / Omega4America via Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Judge Rules that Maricopa County Election Official’s Defamation Lawsuit against Kari Lake for Criticizing Rigged Election for Governor Will go to Trial - Lawsuit Backed by the Same Group that Sued Rudy Giuliani for $148 Million and Gateway Pundit - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Federal prosecutors decide not to proceed with a second SBF trial around illegal donations to mostly Democrats - by Laura Harris / Newstarget 03JAN24.

- 'Gold Bars' Menendez Is in More Trouble - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- New Jersey Dem Senator Bob Menendez accused of taking Qatari bribes - by Katie Daviscourt / Just The News 03JAN24.

- There Are Republicans Who Believe Democrats Are Running This Guy But Will Not Cheat in 2024 - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- What Did Joe Biden Do to His Face? - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Joe Biden Spotted with Massive Sunburn After Returning from His Latest Taxpayer-Funded Vacation - Just Months After Having Skin Cancer Surgery - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Biden's Back With Bad Answers on Border, Short Stairs, and More Confusion - by Nick Arama / Red State 03JAN24.

- Number of Voters Saying Biden's Election 'Illegitimate' Jumps 20% in WaPo Poll - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- Son of George Soros scored eight Biden White House visits in 2023 - 'Dark money machine' - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- Ex-AOC aide is leading push for Democrats to ditch Joe Biden - by Rachel Schilke / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- Charlamagne tha God Sours on VP Kamala Harris; You Get What You Vote For - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 03JAN24.

- “The Democrat Party is Done in Chicago and That’s a Fact” - Black Chicagoans Vow to Flip Chicago Red for 2024 Election Over Migrant Crisis - Want to Meet with Trump - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Biden's Weakness to Spark World War 3 in 2024? - Blackwater Founder Erik Prince's Prediction - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 03JAN24.

- The Future of War - The people of the United States are paying too much for too little - We need systematic changes in line with the real geopolitical and military situation that we face today - by Josiah Lippincott / American Greatness 03JAN24.

- U.S. War Plans Failed in 2023 - by Lucas Leiroz / Strategic Culture 03JAN24.

- DOD's 'Military Extremism' Investigation Is a Dud - by streiff / Red State 03JAN24.

- Pentagon's 'Extremism In Our Ranks' Propaganda Debunked By Their Own Study - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 03JAN24.

- Your Tax Dollars Helped Hamas Hide Their October 7 Planning From Israel's Intelligence Services - by streiff / Red State 03JAN24.

- Biden Campaign Staff in Revolt, Demand Pressure on Israel to Release Prisoners, Cite ‘Electoral Imperative’ - by Raheem J. Kassam / National Pulse 03JAN24.

- 'Squad' Democrats attack Biden over decision to bypass Congress to sell weapons to Israel - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- The New York Times's Israel Problem - by Drew Holden / Washington Free Beacon 03JAN24.

- Why Are So Many British Schoolchildren Going on ‘School Strike’ to Protest Against Israel? - by Steven Tucker / Daily Sceptic 03JAN24.

- US Admonishes Israeli Officials For Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud About Ethnic Cleansing - by Caitlin Johnstone 03JAN24.

- Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah Gives Speech After Hamas Deputy Chief's Assassination In Beirut - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 03JAN24.

- Iran Confirms Over 70 Killed By Terror Attacks On Memorial Event For IRGC's Soleimani - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 03JAN24.

- Explosions Rock Memorial Service for Iranian Terrorist Qasem Soleimani, Over 100 Killed - by streiff / Red State 03JAN24.

- More Than 100 Killed in Terror Attack in Iran Near General Soleimani's Grave - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 03JAN24.

- Massive Terror Attack in Kerman, Iran at Commemoration Ceremony for Deceased Terror Leader Soleimani - 100+ Dead - Regime Blames Israel for Attack - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- At least 103 killed in Iran ‘terrorist attack’ at event honoring general taken out in US drone strike, Tehran says - by Melissa Koenig / NY Post 03JAN24.

- Iran explosions - Country claims 103 killed at event honoring dead General Qassem Soleimani - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 03JAN24.

- Oil Jumps Afrer Libya's Sharara Oil Field Shut Down By Protesters; Terrorist Attack In Iran - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 03JAN24.

- [Per] White House, No Indication Israel Behind Massive Iran Explosion That Killed Over 100, U.S. Not Involved - by Bob Hoge / Red State 03JAN24.

- For The Middle East, There Is No Turning Back Now - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 03JAN24.

- As Christians Are Slaughtered “for Sport,” Biden Says Nothing - by Selwyn Duke / New American 03JAN24.

- Houthis Get Strongly Worded Memo From 12 Nations Demanding They Stop Attacks and Release Hijacked Ships - by streiff / Red State 03JAN24.

- Ukraine’s Leopard 2 tanks are nearly all destroyed or broken - by Denes Albert / Remix 03JAN24.

- Former CIA Officer Claims Ukraine Is a “Sinking Ship” - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 03JAN24.

- Russians Detain 3,000 Migrants in Saint Petersburg - Hundreds Are Illegals, Face Deportation - Several Given Military Summonses To the War - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.

- Vladimir Putin, Speaking to Wounded Soldiers, Sends the U.S. and NATO a Tough Message - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 03JAN24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Polar Radiation, Strange Clouds, SkyScholar 03JAN24.

Styx: Israel Bombs Beirut, Kills Saleh Al-Arouri 03JAN24.

Styx: Hilarious EV Fail in Minnesota, HAHAHA 03JAN24.

Styx: Republicans Would Win Big If They Weren't Republicans 03JAN24.

Styx: Kamala 2024? The Hill Gushes Over the Idea 03JAN24.

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: Well, that's the end of that then 03JAN24.

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: Whoops 03JAN24.

Syrian Girl: Epstein was a Mossad Agent 03JAN24.

Mark Dice: BUH BYE DEI 03JAN24.

Hodge Twins: Tucker Carlson Exposes Ben Shapiro 03JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: Jimmy Dore & Kurt Metzger Respond To Alex Jones Interview 03JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: October 7th Was A Planned 9/11 All Over Again! – Alex Jones 03JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: “Who Is Klaus Schwab? What Is MK Ultra?”-Bill Maher Asks Dumbest Questions 03JAN24.

Tim Pool: Disney DOUBLES DOWN On Woke Star Wars, Elon Musk Says Its RIDICULOUS, Rey Film Will be Feminist Mess 03JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Epstein Documents Releasing SOON, Reports Claim BILL CLINTON Named 03JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Dave Chappelle SLAMMED For Joking About Trans People In VIRAL New Comedy Special, Woke FURIOUS 03JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Rochester Sees Suspected TERROR ATTACK, Man Tried To Ram Crowd With Car 03JAN24.

Luke / We Are Change: BAD ACTORS Are Scrambling — Secretive Things Are Happening With THE LIST 03JAN24.

In Depth

Tim Pool: WOKE IS DEAD, Harvard FORCED To Oust Diversity Hire President, Woke Journalists CRYING Over Defeat 03JAN24.

Tim Pool: Epstein List IS NOT DELAYED, Jimmy Kimmel MAY APPEAR ON LIST, Threatens To SUE Aaron Rodgers 03JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Vivek Ramaswamy BLASTS CNN Town Hall, Vivek Announces EXCLUSIVE Town Hall With Timcast 03JAN24.

Jimmy Dore: Do Tucker & Alex Jones Believe “Aliens” Are Interdimensional Astronauts? 03JAN24.

Salty Cracker: Woke SCALP ReeEEeE Stream 03JAN24.

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Scott Adams: Lobster Joe, Iran, Iowa, And All Kinds Of Political Fun 03JAN24.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #820 03JAN24.

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15 seconds

Styx: Wednesday LIVE: Doe 107, The Whitmer Scandal, Soleimani Procession Attacked 03JAN24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3288 03JAN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3289 03JAN24.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 444 03JAN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3290 03JAN24.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 03JAN24.

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15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: The Stage Must Be Set, Crumbs Are Easy To Swallow, America Is No Longer For Sale 03JAN24.


Awaken With JP: The Aaron Rodgers vs Kimmel Feud Over Epstein's List 03JAN24.

Ryan Long: Epstein's Client List 03JAN24.

The Running ManZ: Deer Isle Continued! 1440p LIVESTREAM 03JAN24.

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Reverb Nation (I)
Remix Bros (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Sentient Cement (Rumble)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement (I)
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UDiscover (I)
Ultimate Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Latest Lairsong

Dropped November 29th 2023

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Game Of Thrones - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Game Of Thrones (RMBL)

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

JC & Timmy - Game Of Thrones (BC)

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