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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Sunday 31MAR24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Upside Down Japanese SLIM Moon Lander Survives Another Freezing Lunar Night - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Tucker Carlson Demands Doctors Apologize For Recommending Dodgy Covid Jab - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Bill Maher Mercilessly Drags the Media for Being Dead Wrong About Covid - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 31MAR24.

- Italy Investigating Covid Vaccine Death - by Peter Sweden / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Tennessee Senate Passes Bill Prohibiting Vaccines in Food, Awaiting Governor’s Signature - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Doctors Report Mysterious Worldwide Cancer ‘Epidemic’ - by Paul Anthony Taylor / Dr. Rath Health Foundation via America First 31MAR24.

- Top 5 reasons the Baltimore Bridge destruction was likely an Inside Job rather than an “accident” or “cyber attack” - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 31MAR24.

- A BBC Reporter Tried to Lecture the President of Guyana on Climate Change - It Didn't Go Well - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 31MAR24.

- BBC’s Failed ‘Fact Check’ of Daily Sceptic Report on Arctic Sea Ice - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 31MAR24.

- Climate Panic Movement Not Catching on - by Tom Patterson / Townhall 31MAR24.

- Can ‘Clean Energy’ Schemes Get Any Crazier? - by Paul Driessen / Townhall 31MAR24.

- The Green Energy Mess That Nobody Will Admit to - by Ben Pile / Daily Sceptic 31MAR24.

- Trucking Industry Slams Biden Regime Over Stringent New Regulations for Heavy-Duty Vehicles to Combat Climate Change - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Labour’s Dangerous Net Zero Plans Leave U.K. at China’s Mercy, Says Energy Secretary - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 31MAR24.

- Concern Over Food & Water Supply Grows Among Europeans - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 31MAR24.

- Cattle Tracking Provision in Omnibus Bill Will Limit Beef Supply Even Further - by Matthew Lysiak / Epoch Times via America First 31MAR24.

- "Capitalism Has Failed" - by Jeff Thomas / International Man via Zerohedge 31MAR24.

- The Associated Press Gaslights Struggling Americans, Claims Lower Prices Would Actually Be a Bad Thing - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Houston Mayor John Whitmire says city is “broke” after decades of overspending - by Ava Grace / Newstarget 31MAR24.

- BlackRock hit with 'cease and desist' after allegedly misleading investors about ESG practices - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 31MAR24.

- From Enlightenment to Ignorance - Society’s Dangerous Embrace of Stupidity - You are stupid when you gape indifferently at something excellent that you have the power to understand but without understanding it and without caring to - by Anthony Esolen / American Greatness 31MAR24.

- Biden WH Bans Religious-Themed Easter Eggs from Annual Contest - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 31MAR24.

- Biden Posts “Transgender Day Of Visibility” Message On Easter Sunday - by Steve Watson / Modernity 31MAR24.

- Kamala Harris Posts Longer Message For ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ Than Easter - Doesn’t Mention Christians or Jesus Christ - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- TransDay of Visbility It Is Then - by Kevin McCullough / Townhall 31MAR24.

- Caitlyn Jenner slams Biden for celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 31MAR24.

- Caitlyn Jenner Slams Joe Biden Over Blasphemous ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ Proclamation on Easter - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues Statement Criticizing Joe Biden’s Scandalous Proclamation of March 31 as ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- “A Profound Insult” - Pastor Depicted in Film “Jesus Revolution” Calls Out Joe Biden’s Blasphemous Declaration of ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ on Easter Sunday - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Joe Biden’s Easter insult in the name of trans activism - by Ginny Gentles / NY Post 31MAR24.

- White House Responds to Christian and GOP Backlash Over ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ Proclamation - Does Not Apologize - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- White House Posts ‘Misleading’ Defense of Biden’s Ban on Religious Themed Easter Eggs - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Biden Triples Down on Transgender Day of Visibility With New Statement After White House Releases Biden Comments on Easter - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- CNN Promotes Blasphemous Easter Day Message From ‘Theologian’ Who Claims ‘God is a Black Woman’ - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Kids Aged 4 In NYC Taught “Some Boys Have A Penis But Not All Boys Do” - As part of education on AIDS - by Steve Watson / Modernity 31MAR24.

- Why Are Three Biologically Male Trans Murderers Being Held With Female Prisoners in Women-Only Jails? - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 31MAR24.

- Minnesota School District Wants Assistant Superintendent Who Can ‘Examine Presence of Whiteness’ - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Public School District Seeks Superintendent 'Unwaveringly' Opposed to Whiteness - by Alex Parker / Red State 31MAR24.

- Priest Shares Beautiful Moment President Trump Prayed with Family of Slain NYPD Officer During Wake - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- The New York Times’ disgraceful, deceitful ‘report’ on Detective Diller’s funeral - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 31MAR24.

- Gov. Kathy Hochul Denies Being Kicked Out of Slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller’s Wake - by Jeff Charles / Red State 31MAR24.

- The utter gall of Biden’s Democratic NYC gala as city mourns murdered police officer - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 31MAR24.

- Happy Easter Amid The Squatters And Lunatics - by Donald Jeffries / Substack via Zerohedge 31MAR24.

- CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Touts High-Tech Surveillance System to Fight Oakland Crime, Is Mocked Into Next Week - by Bob Hoge / Red State 31MAR24.

- NYC Hands Out Prepaid Debit Cards Because Immigrants Threw Away Charity Food - by Samuel Short / Western Journal 31MAR24.

- 'Growing danger' - Illegal immigrant incidents at New Mexico schools raise safety concerns - by Eddie Killian / Law Enforcement Today 31MAR24.

- Illegal immigrant shoots and kills girlfriend, leaves her for dead on side of the road before stealing her car - by Leah Anaya / Law Enforcement Today 31MAR24.

- Freeloading Illegal Alien TikToker Who Urged Followers To Invade US Homes, Waved Cash Arrested By ICE - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 31MAR24.

- Texas judge orders Release of illegal immigrants accused of assaulting troops during violent storming of El Paso border - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 31MAR24.

- Joe Biden Is Funding Border Security In Foreign Countries As U.S. Border Exceeds Record Numbers - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 31MAR24.

- Biden secretly planning to grant amnesty, green cards to millions of illegals in deceptive ploy to rig elections and give Democrats permanent control - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 31MAR24.

- Is Hunza Yousaf guilty of “hate crimes” according to his new law? - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 31MAR24.

- Free Speech Union’s Lawyers on Standby As Hate Crime Act Comes Into Force - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 31MAR24.

- Washington State To Get Hotline for “Bias Incidents” Which Are Defined As “Hostile Expressions of Animus” - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 31MAR24.

- Hillary Clinton Takes Aim at “Disinformation,” “Negative, Virulent Content,” and Memes Ahead of the 2024 Elections - by Didi Rankovic / Recliam The Net 31MAR24.

- X Is Funding a Lawsuit Against Block After Employee Was Fired for Tweets - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 31MAR24.

- Third Employee Sues After Police Raid on Local Kansas Newspaper - by Jeff Charles / Red State 31MAR24.

- AT&T Confirms Personal Information Including Social Security Numbers of 73 Million Current and Former Customers Leaked on Dark Web - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Ben Shapiro, Israeli intelligence, and Express VPN - a tangled web of deception and corruption - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 31MAR24.

- Israel Deploys Facial Recognition Program, Utilizes Google Photos, in Gaza - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 31MAR24.

- FBI Agents Captured on Video During Home Visit Admit They Spend ‘Every Day, All Day Long’ Interrogating Americans About Their Social Media Posts - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- FBI pulls a ‘Hunter Biden’ to shield ex-informant Whitey Bulger - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 31MAR24.

- The fire and brimstone of our godless age - by Washington Examiner 31MAR24.

- George Washington’s Farewell Address in Today’s America - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 31MAR24.

- FDNY firefighters forced to remove flag honoring 9/11 heroes after lefty pol questioned if it’s a ‘political symbol’ - by Rich Calder et al. / NY Post 31MAR24.

- NY Firefighters Forced to Remove Flag for 9/11 Heroes After Leftwing Questioning, Backlash Saves Day - by Nick Arama / Red State 31MAR24.

- City Backs Down After FDNY Firefighters Told to Remove Red-Line Flag Honoring Brothers Lost on 9/11 - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- To Make America Great Again, We Need to Win the Ideological War - by Yuri Yarim-Agaev / American Greatness 31MAR24.

- “Never Forget Our Cowards and Weaklings” - Trump Slams RINO Mike Gallagher After He Refuses to Leave Congress Until After Deadline to Fill His Seat Expires - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Judge's Daughter Linked to Democrats Raising $93 Million Amid Trump Trial, Recusal Calls Intensify - by Brittany Sheehan / Red State 31MAR24.

- ‘We’re Not Going to Have This Conversation Again!” - MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Throws Childish Tantrum After Trump Posts Message Calling Out Leftist Judge Merchan’s Daughter - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Trump says Truth Social’s stellar stock market debut is ‘great sign of where the people in this country stand’ - by Jenny Goldsberry / Washington Examiner 31MAR24.

- Trump's Criminal Trials Are Powering Him to Victory - by Dick Morris / Western Journal 31MAR24.

- Trump Wishes Happy Easter to All, ‘INCLUDING CROOKED AND CORRUPT PROSECUTORS AND JUDGES’ - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Kamala Harris and the Art of Failing Up - Review [of] ‘Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House’ by Charlie Spiering - by Josh Kraushaar / Washington Free Beacon 31MAR24.

- Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Disrupted by Wicked Pro-Palestine Protesters - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Protesters disrupt Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, forcibly removed after ‘free Palestine’ chants - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 31MAR24.

- Anti-Israel Activists Disrupt Easter Vigil Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Find Out That's a Bad Idea - by Nick Arama / Red State 31MAR24.

- Egyptian man arrested in connection to foiled Islamic State terrorist attack on Notre Dame - by Madeleine Hubbard / Just The News 31MAR24.

- Islamic Migrants in Italy Warn, 'With Our Numbers, We Are Going to Conquer the World, First We Take Italy and Will Kick Out the Jews' - by Amy Mek / Rair 31MAR24.

- Is Hamas in Gaza Collapsing? - Signs Point to Yes - by Ward Clark / Red State 31MAR24.

- Jamaal Bowman calls Netanhayu a ‘maniac’ who ‘needs to be removed’ - by Annabella Rosciglione / Washington Examiner 31MAR24.

- Asymmetric Response And The Perp Walk To World War III - by Tom Luongo / Gold Goats 'n Guns via Zerohedge 31MAR24.

- Time Is Running Out for Saudi Arabia - by Eric Bordenkircher / Real Clear Wire via Gateway Pundit 31MAR24.

- Concerns Grow Over ISIS-K Attack in the US; Former Top General Says, 'I Think This Is Inevitable' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 31MAR24.

- Destruction Of American-Made M1 Abrams Tanks Is A Sign Of Ukrainian Desperation - by Mike Fredenburg / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 31MAR24.

- Could Russia Have Averted the Moscow Concert Hall Attack? - by Susie Moore / Red State 31MAR24.

- Russian and Turkish intelligence find “substantiated evidence” linking Ukrainian nationals to the Moscow terrorist attack - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 31MAR24.

- Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Work Under Fake ‘Russian Partisan’ Flag in Belgorod - by Lucas Leiroz / Strategic Culture 31MAR24.

- This Is How Most People Will Die When There Is a Large Scale Nuclear War Between the U.S. And Russia - by Michael Snyder / America First 31MAR24.

- Are CCP agents and Chinese nationals gathering intelligence on U.S. military installations in Guam now? - by Eddie Killian / Law Enforcement Today 31MAR24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Sun Keeps Erupting, Flood Forcing, Pre-Quake Signals 31MAR24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Rain, Floods and the Sun 31MAR24.

Styx: Joe Bidens Campaign Has Lost the Plot 31MAR24.

Styx: On the Upcoming Total Eclipse 31MAR24.

Styx: Is Lizzo Quitting Music? Hope But Don't Expect 31MAR24.

Styx: Rich NIMBYists Worry About Squatters Now That They Are Approaching Richer Areas 31MAR24.

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Styx: Bidenflation Eases but Remains 31MAR24.

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Salty Cracker: Man Gets Stabbed During Easter Egg Hunt at Elementary School 31MAR24.

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Sargon: The Philosophy of Visibility 31MAR24.

Felix Rex / Black Pigeon Speaks: Canada: The Meme Nation is IMPLODING 31MAR24.

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Mark Dice: The Truth About Jesus 31MAR24.

Hodge Twins: Joe Biden’s Recent Gaffe is A Lie 31MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Ukraine War Is A Money Laundering Scheme FOR BLACKROCK! – RFK Jr. 31MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: The Fed Is Stringing Us Along On Interest Rates! w/ Paul Stone 31MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: How Peace Prize Winner Obama Became A War Criminal & Destroyed Libya 31MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Bill Maher Says He’d Support Biden’s CORPSE Over Donald Trump In 2024, He’s Got EXTREME TDS 31MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Timcast IRL First Podcast With FULLY AI Voice Guest ON SHOW, But The AI Is Really, REALLY Stupid 31MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: The View Says Men Are USELESS, Says Women DON’T NEED MEN After Reviewing Viral Video 31MAR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Ana Kasparian DEFENDS DeSantis Going After Squatters, The Left ATTACKS Her 31MAR24.

Luke / We Are Change: Once-Woke Pope Breaks With Ruling Establishment Again - Huge Easter Message 31MAR24.

In Depth

Salty Cracker: Happy Easter Bigots ReeEEeE Stream 31MAR24.

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15 seconds

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Tim Pool ROASTS Jon Stewart For LYING About Trump Fraud, Stewart Did The SAME THING, Hypocrisy 31MAR24.

Jimmy Dore: Banks Set To Crash Over Commercial Real Estate Collapse! w/ Paul Stone 31MAR24.

Scott Adams: CWSA 31MAR24.

Dave / X22 Report: [DS] Insurgency Is Exposed To The People, Patriot Plan Is Becoming Clearer, Freedom 31MAR24.


Sleazy P. Martini: Biden Declares Easter Sunday as Trans Awareness Day 01APR24.

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15 seconds

Destin / Smarter Every Day: NASA's Big Question 31MAR24.

All Lairticles

The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics || Sun Nova & Crust Displacement
Bad Arguments & Hatespeech || Cyborg || Glyphosate Roundup || Plasma Universe || Crack For Kids


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Latest Lairsong

Dropped March 31st 2024

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Free Fallin' - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Free Fallin' (RMBL)

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JC & Timmy - Free Fallin' (BC)

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