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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Wednesday 29MAY24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- It’s time for a Covid truth and reconciliation commission - by Peter Laffin / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Rep. Brad Wenstrup on Fauci - What Did He Know, and When Did He Know It? - by Ward Clark / Red State 29MAY24.

- Happy International Vaccine Scepticism Day - by James Alexander / Daily Sceptic 29MAY24.

- Mayo Clinic Denies Life-Saving Lung Transplant to Mother for Refusing Covid Vaccine - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Tom Haviland: AstraZeneca Sued for Blood Clotting Pulls Vax from Market - by Rebecca Terrell / New American 29MAY24.

- A third of global trade in medicines and vaccines comes from EU countries; they are also WHO’s largest funders - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 29MAY24.

- GOP Governors Say No to WHO Pandemic Treaty - by James Murphy / New American 29MAY24.

- Geneva Showdown - the WHO Debates the Future of Pandemic Draft Texts - by Thi Thuy Van Dinh / Daily Sceptic 29MAY24.

- Talks to establish WHO Pandemic Treaty seem to have collapsed - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 29MAY24.

- Health officials warn about bird flu outbreak just in time for the vote on WHO’s pandemic treaty - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 29MAY24.

- And the Bird Flu Just Keeps on Coming - by Kit Knightly / America First 29MAY24.

- US “Looking Closely” at Vaccinating Workers Exposed to Bird Flu - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via America First 29MAY24.

- The Monopolization of Healthcare Is Becoming Even More Dangerous - by Jeff Charles / Red State 29MAY24.

- These Madmen Fully Believe In Their Minds That They Can Get Away With Full-Scale Genocide Because 'They Got Away With Mass Murder Once, They Can Get Away With It Again' - Our Message Is Loud And Clear - We Will Not Comply - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 29MAY24.

- Climate science keeps contradicting itself - by P Gosselin / No Tricks Zone 29MAY24.

- Climate change cult targets livestock; Northern Ireland slaughters cows at a younger age to comply - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 29MAY24.

- Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán’s think tank denounces net zero as ‘Soviet-like’ - Embarks on a mission to break Europe’s climate ‘consensus - by Federica Di Sario / Politico via Climate Depot 29MAY24.

- L A Times Editorial Hypes Massive “Climate Recovery Act” Penalties on Fossil Fuel Energy Suppliers that Account for 70% of California’s Annual GDP - by Larry Hamlin / WUWT 29MAY24.

- GAO Information on Peaking Power Plants Report - by Roger Caiazza / WUWT 29MAY24.

- Biden’s pathetic oil release - by Conn Carroll / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Coming to America - 'Low Emission Zones' Geared to Make You Buy a Chinese EV - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Who Gets To Say What the Rules Are? - by Dan Greenberg / WUWT 29MAY24.

- Biden’s Economic Quagmire Calls for Leadership Change - by Elliot Kaplan / American Greatness 29MAY24.

- Minimum Wage Folly - by John Stossel / Townhall 29MAY24.

- Billionaire Elon Musk says AI will eventually replace nearly all human workers - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 29MAY24.

- SF Public Schools Teach 'How to Go Broke on a Measly $3 Million a Day' - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Poll of 18 to 30-Year-Old Americans Finds Vast Majority See 'America in Decline' - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- High Schooler Gets Denied Diploma After Boldly Proclaiming the Gospel During Commencement Speech - by Warner Todd Huston / Western Journal 29MAY24.

- Chris Hemsworth Praises Wife in Hollywood Walk of Fame Speech, ‘Put Aside Her Own Dreams in Order to Support Mine’ - by Paul Bois / Breitbart 29MAY24.

- Caitlin Clark doesn’t check the Left’s politically correct boxes and that’s OK - by Anna Broussard / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Dept. of Labor Hears About It After Tweet on Feminine Hygiene and Monthly Cycles Goes 50 Shades of Wrong - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 29MAY24.

- Judge allows lawsuit to proceed against doctors who recommended teenage girl transition to a boy - by Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Target Pride collection back after backlash but has shrunk from 2,000 items to just 75 this year - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 29MAY24.

- House Republicans accuse Biden of advancing ‘radical gender ideology’ with Title IX rule change - by Cami Mondeaux / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Judge Who Put Transgender Child Rapist in Women’s Prison Nominated to U.S. District Court by Joe Biden - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Biden: DEI are the core strength of America, and it starts at the top with the Vice President - by Libby Emmons / PM 29MAY24.

- MLB Takes Records Away from Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb Overnight by Incorporating Negro Leagues Stats - by Connor Cavanaugh / Western Journal 29MAY24.

- UCLA Medical School in Critical Condition Thanks to DEI, Insiders Say - by Micheal Tennant / New American 29MAY24.

- How to destroy DEI statements - by Max Eden / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Silicon Valley School District Prepares 'Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive' Curriculum Makeover - by Susannah Luthi / Washington Free Beacon 29MAY24.

- As Civil War Consumes Black Lives Matter, $8.7 Million Goes Missing - by Andrew Kerr / Washington Free Beacon 29MAY24.

- NYC Serial Puncher Indicted on Hate Crime Charges Over ‘Anti-Female, Anti-White, and Antisemitic’ Attacks - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Liberal Boston Mayor Supports Ending the Prosecution of Criminals for Theft, Breaking and Entering - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Burglary gangs from South America allegedly planting recording devices in people's lawns to figure out the best times to break in - by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement Today 29MAY24.

- Illegal immigrants use Facebook 'black market' to work in NYC, buy fake IDs and access human smuggling services - by Savanah Hernandez / PM 29MAY24.

- Biden Admin Twice Released Terror Suspect into US - by Steve Watson / Modernity 29MAY24.

- Mayorkas Goes Full Stand-Up Comic, Claims 'We've Done an Extraordinary Job Dealing With Immigration' - by Mike Miller / Red State 29MAY24.

- The president of Mexico denies the bloodshed at his front door - by Jeremiah Poff / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- ‘Paranoia flourishes’ - Tension grows in Ireland as tent encampments spread throughout Dublin - by Grzegorz Adamczyk / Remix 29MAY24.

- Illegal migrant brutally stabs Polish soldier at border with Belarus, 50 migrants attack medical teams and soldiers attempting to aid their colleague - by Grzegorz Adamczyk / Remix 29MAY24.

- Uncovering mainstream media’s warfare against conservative organizations - by Kyle S. Reyes / Law Enforcement Today 29MAY24.

- Nigel Farage: Left Is ‘Begging’ Muslims For Votes in UK General Election with Promises to Recognise Palestine - by Oliver JJ Lane / Breitbart 29MAY24.

- Canada’s Online News Act Fuels Big Media, Harms Independent Outlets - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 29MAY24.

- Behind AP's 'Nonpartisan' Initiative To 'Reach New Audiences in an Election Year' - Democratic Megadonors - by Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon 29MAY24.

- Facebook bans pro-Israeli Hungarian-Jewish news portal - by Dénes Albert / Remix 29MAY24.

- Alternative Media Giants Sue The Censorship Industrial Complex - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 29MAY24.

- ADL brags about controlling All major tech platforms, determining what speech is allowed in America - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 29MAY24.

- Bragg Charges Political Candidate [Skiboky Stora] With Hate Crimes - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 29MAY24.

- Poland Erupts in Protests Over Warsaw Mayor’s Ban on Religious Symbols - by Ed Kozak / Breitbart 29MAY24.

- Human Rights Law isn’t Protecting the Individual Against the State, but Facilitating the Expansion of the State into Every Nook and Cranny of Our Lives - by David McGrogan / Daily Sceptic 29MAY24.

- Why Are Vast Numbers of People Relocating to Small Towns All Over the Country? - by Michael Snyder / America First 29MAY24.

- European Union Experiencing a ‘Vast Conservative Shift’ as Public Rejects Failed Globalist Policies - by Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart 29MAY24.

- Former Dutch Spy Chief Dick Schoof Proposed as PM by Geert Wilders’ Coalition - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- DOJ Tracked 'Moms for Liberty' As a Hate Group, According to Uncovered Emails - by Brandon Morse / Red State 29MAY24.

- San Francisco removes 'Appeal to Heaven' flag from city plaza after Alito 'scandal' - had been there for decades - San Francisco raised the "Appeal to Heaven" flag by its city hall building in 1964 - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 29MAY24.

- Raskin suggests DOJ force Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from Jan. 6 cases - by Brady Knox / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- The left and its scare tactics aren’t fooling the Supreme Court - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 29MAY24.

- Alito Rejects the Left’s Hypocritical Calls to Recuse Himself - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Justice Alito will Not recuse himself from J6, Trump cases despite Senate Dems' strongly worded letter over flag controversy - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 29MAY24.

- Samuel Alito Responds to Ridiculous Flag Controversy, Tells His Critics to Go Jump in a Lake - by Bonchie / Red State 29MAY24.

- President Trump Congratulates Justice Alito For Showing “Guts” in The Face of Radical Leftists Calling for His Recusal, “All U.S. Judges, Justices, and Leaders should have such Grit” - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- The Jokes Write Themselves After NY Times Reveals Cringe Details on Alito Neighbor at Center of Dispute - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 29MAY24.

- Biden claims Trump would not seek pardons for J6ers if they were black - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 29MAY24.

- Planning the Steal, ACLU Sues Pennyslvania to Force Counties to Count Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Biden's All-of-Government Vote-Buying Scheme - by Betsy McCaughey / Townhall 29MAY24.

- 'Irregular Voters' Will Decide the 2024 Presidential Election - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Trump, GOP favored to win White House, majority in Congress, forecast model shows - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 29MAY24.

- Trump considering White House advisory role for Elon Musk as they hold calls ‘several times a month’ - by Diana Glebova / NY Post 29MAY24.

- Navy veteran Jay Furman wins GOP primary, will face indicted Rep. Henry Cuellar in November - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 29MAY24.

- Texas GOP Rep. Tony Gonzales narrowly wins primary runoff - Gonzales now faces Democrat Santos Limon in the eneral election in November - by Misty Severi / Just The News 29MAY24.

- Former Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson upsets incumbent in Texas state House primary runoff - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 29MAY24.

- Texas’s RINO House Speaker Dade Phelan Prevails in Primary Election Thanks to Democrats, Defeats Trump Endorse Candidate By 366 Votes - AG Paxton Weighs In - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Bronx Teens Cheer Trump - Mock Joe Biden - by Cara Catromuova / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Jury Set to Decide Trump’s Fate in Unprecedented Trial - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Corrupt Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Celebrates Lawfare Trial Against Trump, Says He Has a “Man Crush” on Judge Merchan - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Judge Merchan Issues Last-Minute Jury Instruction Designed to Convict Trump, Even if Jurors Don't Agree - by Rachel M. Emmanuel / Western Journal 29MAY24.

- Stalinist Judge Merchan Directs Jury to Choose Among These Three Crimes to Convict Trump - Jurors Don’t Have to Unanimously Agree - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Judge Merchan's Instruction to the Jury Will Leave Your Jaw on the Floor - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Stefanik Questions Whether Trump Judge Selection Was Random - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 29MAY24.

- Trump blasts case, judge after day 1 of jury deliberations: 'Nobody knows what the crime is' - by Post Millennial / PM 29MAY24.

- Trump Goes Off on 'Corrupt' Judge Merchan as Verdict Nears, Says Even 'Mother Teresa Couldn't Beat Charges' - by Allison Anton / Western Journal 29MAY24.

- 'Mother Theresa Couldn't Beat These Charges' - Trump Outside Courtroom After Jury Begins Deliberations - by Susie Moore / Red State 29MAY24.

- Trump Fires Back at 'Small' Robert De Niro After Disastrous Biden Campaign Event - by George C Upper III / Western Journal 29MAY24.

- Trump Fires Back at ‘Wacko Former Actor’ Robert De Niro - Slams Actor as ‘Small, Both Mentally and Physically’ - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Biden’s courthouse folly - by Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- MSNBC’s Mika of Morning Joe Questions Biden Campaign About De Niro Stunt, ‘Doesn’t Feel Right to Me at All’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Sen. J.D. Vance: De Niro’s Biden Appearance Outside Trump Trial ‘Mask Off Moment for Biden Regime’ Similar to Hillary’s Deplorables Attack - by Matthew Boyle / Breitbart 29MAY24.

- The 'Two Minutes Hate' for Donald Trump - by Adam Turner / Red State 29MAY24.

- Majority of Americans are 'worn out' by presidential campaign coverage - by Misty Severi / Just The News 29MAY24.

- CNN Data Analyst Points Out NYC Trial Not Affecting Public Opinion About Trump, ‘No Change’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Trump Attorney Alina Habba Delivers Smackdown to “Naive” Shannon Bream When She Tries Claiming the Biden Regime is Not Responsible for the Sham Trump Trial - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Reverent Media ['s invocation for Brandon's ritual observances] - Joe Will Break 'Vow of Silence' About his Elephant in his NYC Courtroom - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Democrat’s Newest ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Politician - New York Governor Kathy “Foot-in-My-Mouth-Disease” Hochul may have handed the state and its 28 Electoral College votes to Donald Trump in November - by Richard Truesdell / American Greatness 29MAY24.

- Why Was Alex Soros At White House State Dinner With The Clintons? - by Steve Watson / Modernity 29MAY24.

- Massive 73% Majority of Voters Say America is ‘Out of Control’ Under Biden Admin - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Majority Of Democrats Still Want Biden Replaced - Party sources claim Democrats are in a “full blown freak-out” over Biden - by Steve Watson / Modernity 29MAY24.

- 54% of Dems Would Be A-OK With Biden Being Jettisoned From Presidential Ticket - by Bob Hoge / Red State 29MAY24.

- It's Red Alert for Joe Biden in Minnesota - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Trump, Biden tied in deep-blue Virginia, shocking poll shows - by Diana Glebova / NY Post 29MAY24.

- Biden campaign starting to panic as Pennsylvania polls move in the wrong direction - by Elizabeth Stauffer / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Biden is stuck and Democrats are stuck with him - by Hugo Gurdon / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- Democrats Will Hold 'Virtual Roll Call' Before the Convention to Ensure Biden Is on the Ohio Ballot - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Biden to Be 'Virtually' Nominated in Ohio - Will It Make a Difference? - by Ward Clark / Red State 29MAY24.

- Biden campaign launches black voter outreach effort as minority support slumps - by Naomi Lim / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- “You Ain’t Black” Biden Camp Accuses Trump of ‘Anti-Black Agenda’ Ahead of Desperate Stop in Philly Today - CBS Philadelphia - Majority of Pennsylvania Voters Say They Would Be Financially Better Off With Trump - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Biden Gets Desperate, Will Use Capitol Police Against Trump in New Campaign Strategy - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 29MAY24.

- Biden's Democracy Smokescreen - by Star Parker / Townhall 29MAY24.

- The Campaign of Delusion - by Ben Shapiro / Townhall 29MAY24.

- Democrats Are Bathing in Desperation and Flop-Sweat - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Hunter Biden’s Stripper Baby Mama to Publish ‘Tell-All’ Memoir During The Democratic National Convention - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- 'Dirty cops' - Rep. Tenney slams FBI over revelations it knew Biden met with son's business partners - by Charlotte Hazard / Just The News 29MAY24.

- Biden Again Claims He Got Involved in The Civil Rights Movement as a Kid twice During Disastrous Stop at Black-Owned Business - Handlers Crank Music to Avoid Questions - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Biden Panders to Blacks in Philly Jazz Club, “We’re Rebuilding a $60 Zillion Bridge in Baltmur!” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Biden Remarks in Philly Are a Slurring Race-Baiting Mess, With Mind-Bending Brain Breaks - by Nick Arama / Red State 29MAY24.

- 'Calm and Steady' Joe Biden Flips His Lid on a Reporter During Senility Filled Trip - by Bonchie / Red State 29MAY24.

- “Did You Fall on Your Head?” - Angry Biden Snaps at Reporter For Asking if He will Serve His Full Term Or Hand Power Over to Kamala Harris - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Joe Biden’s Brain Breaks During Philly ‘Rally’ Held in the Corner of School Gym - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- “Only The 39 Kids That Had to be There Showed Up!” - President Trump Roasts Joe Biden’s Little League Rally in Deep Blue Philly - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Jill Biden Makes Silly Prediction on the Debates: “My Husband; You’re Going to See How Smart He is And Then You’ll See Somebody Who Can’t Put a Sentence Together” - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Jill Biden's Interview on 'The View' Is a Festival of Upside-Down Delusion - by Nick Arama / Red State 29MAY24.

- Jill Biden Snaps on 'The View,' Says 'We Will Lose All Our Rights' in Deranged Rant - by Allison Anton / Western Journal 29MAY24.

- Biden Foreign Policy Has Destabilized the Entire Globe - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- ‘We the People Showed Up Today, But the Government Didn’t’ - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- US Admiral Warns Foreign Nationals Are Breaching U.S. Naval Bases 2-3 Times A Week Now - 'They Are Coming At Us Fast And Thick With An Unprecedented Surge Of Chinese Nationals' - 'This Is Part Of An Existential Threat That America Faces' - by Monica Showalter / All News Pipeine 29MAY24.

- Sen. Roger Wicker warns significant defense investment needed to counter threats - by Mike Brest / Washington Examiner 29MAY24.

- GOP senator urges $55B defense budget boost to counter China, Russia and Iran - by Josh Christenson / NY Post 29MAY24.

- Green minister’s speech drowned out as right and left protest against her pro-war policies in Nuremberg - by Dénes Albert / Remix 29MAY24.

- Green Election Candidate Claims Islamic State Is Run by Mossad - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 29MAY24.

- My name is Khan - I’m from the ICC and you’re under arrest - by Martin Jay / Strategic Culture 29MAY24.

- ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu: Unlikely and Unenforceable - by Antonio Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Biden’s twisted logic funding anti-Israel radicals to save the planet and fight inflation - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 29MAY24.

- Just How Many Pro-Hamas Officials Are in Biden's State Department Anyway? - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 29MAY24.

- Yale Group Welcomes You to the Global Intifada - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Maniac screams ‘I’m gonna kill all the Jews’ as he tries to run down students outside NYC Jewish school in antisemitic hate attack - by Joe Marino et al. / NY Post 29MAY24.

- Gaza Pier Operations Suspended Indefinitely After It Breaks Apart By Heavy Seas - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 29MAY24.

- $320 Million Gaza Pier in Shambles After 'Heavy Seas' Nearly Destroy It - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Israel Used US-Made Bombs in Rafah Tent Camp Massacre - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 29MAY24.

- Israel Used U.S. Bombs to Slaughter Palestinians in Airstrike on Rafah Tent City - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 29MAY24.

- Israeli Airstrike in Syria Kills Child, Wounds 10 Civilians - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 29MAY24.

- Missiles Pound Bulk Carrier Twice In A Day In Chaotic Red Sea - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 29MAY24.

- Houthis Say They Downed Another US MQ-9 Reaper Drone - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 29MAY24.

- Under Macron and Scholz, France and Germany Are Losing Relevance on the European Stage - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.

- Belgium will deliver 30 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine - by Dénes Albert / Remix 29MAY24.

- ‘We should not rule out any options’ - Polish troops could be deployed to Ukraine, warns Poland’s foreign ministry - by Grzegorz Adamczyk / Remix 29MAY24.

- Blinken Hints US Will Allow Ukraine To Strike Russian Territory With US Missiles - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 29MAY24.

- Trump says both he and Hungary’s Orbán are against war - "I think it's so horrible, so unnecessary and so costly in terms of lives and money, in that order, and destroying these countries" - by Dénes Albert / Remix 29MAY24.

- 'There Is a Lot at Stake Right Now' - If Xi Jinping Invades Taiwan, He Won't Stop There - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 29MAY24.

- North Korea accused of sending balloons of trash, poop into the South - by Olivia Land / NY Post 29MAY24.

- Poop Balloons - North Korea Floats Bags of 'Filth' Into the South - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 29MAY24.

- Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 29MAY24.

- North Korean Commies Launch Hundreds of Excrement Filled Balloons at South Korea - Regime Calls It a ‘Gift of Sincerity’ - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 29MAY24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Two Solar Watches, Pole Shift Complications, Extreme Weather 29MAY24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Flares Ramping Up 29MAY24.

Styx: TRUMP TRIAL! Verdict Watch Begins 29MAY24.

Styx: Bidens Haphazard, Insane De Niro Pitch Failed Abysmally 29MAY24.

Styx: The Noble Savage, Magical Negro, Wise Chinese Master, and Other Stereotypes 29MAY24.

Styx: The Death of Gifted Programs is the Death of US Education 29MAY24.

Salty Cracker: Nobody Shows Up to Biden Rally As He Panders To Black Voters 29MAY24.

Bearing: INSANE Transgender Athletics Debate - Lefties Brains Explode 29MAY24.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Attempted Boogaloo In The Congo 29MAY24.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Police Told To Make Fewer Arrests 29MAY24.


Hodge Twins: Robert DeNiro Tries To Troll Trump Supporters and He Gets What He Deserves 29MAY24.

Jimmy Dore: 300 Boeing Planes At Risk Of Fire & Explosions! – Says FAA 29MAY24.

Jimmy Dore: Kid Rock Emergency 911 Call Is INFURIATING 29MAY24.

Jimmy Dore: “AI Safety Board” Filled With Corporate Plants 29MAY24.

Jimmy Dore: GOP Senator SCHOOLS Dem Rep On Climate Change 29MAY24.

Jimmy Dore: Zionists Fight Each Other As Palestinian Laughs 29MAY24.

Tim Pool: Leftists Threaten CIVIL WAR, If Trump Is Elected, Vow To HUNT MAGA Down, UNHINGED Posts On Reddit 29MAY24.

Tim Pool: Liberal Woman SLAMMED For "FAKE TEARS" After Ex Fiancé SHOT, Accused Of GRIFTING For Views 29MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Libertarians FLEE Party To Vote Trump 2024 After Nominating Far Left, Antifa Candidate 29MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Robert De Niro HECKLED At Biden Presser At Trump Trial, RUNS From Trump Supporters 29MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump’s Secret Service Prepares Trump Being JAILED, Meets With Local Jail Officials 29MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: US Gaza Pier BREAKS APART, Fails, Biden Admin Screwed This Up 29MAY24.

Luke / We Are Change: Here's How Trump Could End Up IN JAIL (which will lead him to victory) 29MAY24.

In Depth

Tim Pool: Trump Jury Get VEILED THREATS As Deliberations Begin, Secret Service PREAPARING JAIL, Biden In PANIC 29MAY24.

Tim Pool: Judge Just RIGGED Trial Against Trump, Tells Jurors NO NEED TO BE UNANIMOUS, Democrat CORRUPTION 29MAY24.

Salty Cracker: Black Voters Turn on Biden ReeEEeE Stream 29MAY24.

Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder: Watch these Gen-Z Chicks Flip for Trump in Real Time! Talking with People 29MAY24.

Scott Adams: CWSA 29MAY24.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #925 29MAY24.

The Quartering w/ Styx: Trump Judge Makes HUGE Mistake, Biden's Gaza Disaster, Brutal New Poll Data 29MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump Trial Judge RIGS JURY AGAINST Trump, Says PICK ANY CRIME w/Mike Lindell 29MAY24.

Luke / We Are Change: MASSIVE MILITARY Build-Up All Over The Eastern US! What's The Threat?? 29MAY24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3644 29MAY24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3645 29MAY24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3646 29MAY24.

Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 543 29MAY24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 29MAY24.

Dave / X22 Report: Is Trump About To Set A Precedent? Marker [9], Don’t Worry It Won’t Be Boring Forever 29MAY24.


Awaken With JP: What Dating app Dates are Like 29MAY24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Is China Gearing Up For an Invasion of Taiwan Soon? 29MAY24.

Sleazy P. Martini: UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell Announces He Won't Vaccinate His Newborn 29MAY24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Two Ratchets Duke it Out in a McDonalds Ending in a TKO 29MAY24.

Count Dankula: Absolute Mad Lads - The Booty Warrior 29MAY24.

The Running ManZ: Deadfall to start, then Livonia 29MAY24.

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Transposer (I)
Tunelist (I)
UDiscover (I)
Ultimate Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Latest Lairsong

Dropped May 26th, 2024

Available most places, including . . .

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Latest Lairclips

Shpadoinkle Day - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Shpadoinkle Day (RMBL)

JC & Timmy - Shpadoinkle Day (BC)

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