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- Only Psychological Therapy Could Cure Long Covid, Major BMJ Study Finds - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 28NOV24.

- Trump Appoints Lockdown Sceptic Jay Bhattacharya to Head National Institutes of Health - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 28NOV24.

- Chronic Diseases Now Account for 75% of Deaths Globally - by Joseph Mercola / America First 28NOV24.

- Congressional GOP tell World Health Organization to stop giving guidance to treat trans with sex changes - The lawmakers believe it's time to "cut ties" with the globalist "gender identity cult" - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 28NOV24.

- Life of Agony rock singer de-transitions after living false life as a 'woman' - by Katie Daviscourt 28NOV24.

- Formerly ‘Transgender’ Singer from Iconic Metal Band Detransitioning After Curing His ‘Gender Dysphoria’ - ‘I Am a Man, I Always Was a Man’ - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Ohio bans boys from girls' bathrooms in schools - by David Krayden / PM 28NOV24.

- Ohio Gov. DeWine signs bathroom bill into law requiring single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms - by J.D. Davidson / Just The News 28NOV24.

- Boise State Women’s Volleyball Team Forfeits Semifinal Match Against Team with Biological Male - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Boise State wins semi-final round in women's college volleyball playoffs, withdraws rather than face trans player on San Jose State team - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 28NOV24.

- Is There a Right to Die? - by James Alexander / Daily Sceptic 28NOV24.

- Hitler and the Nazis would have voted for the UK Euthanasia Bill - by Rhoda Wilson and Vernon Coleman / Exposé 28NOV24.

- Medicaid blob keeps growing - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Kissinger speaks from the grave - To avoid AI wiping out humans, people should be biologically engineered to work better with AI - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 28NOV24.

- Australia passes first-ever social media ban for children under 16 - by Steve Janoski / NY Post 28NOV24.

- People who think are very dangerous and other passing observations - by Rhoda Wilson and Vernon Coleman / Exposé 28NOV24.

- Heavy snow blasts parts of Northeast as Thanksgiving winter storm wreaks havoc for travelers across US - by Steven Yablonski / Fox Weather via NY Post 28NOV24.

- Rain fails to dampen 98th Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in NYC as poncho-clad revelers pack the streets - by Alex Mead / NY Post 28NOV24.

- NHS advises doctors to tell patients with asthma how much their inhalers are contributing to “climate change” - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 28NOV24.

- IRENA’s Fake Wind Costs - by Paul Homewood / Not A Lot Of People Know That via WUWT 28NOV24.

- UN Cop delegates promise to take your money and do another junket - by Jo Nova 28NOV24.

- Scene from Billy Bob Thornton's New Show Goes Viral as His 'Landman' Character Savages Green Energy - by Jared Harris / Western Journal 28NOV24.

- Govt Climate Advisers Decree Public Eat Less Meat, Don’t Fly, Buy an EV and Start Walking - by Simon Kent / Breitbart 28NOV24.

- Time for Starmer to Be Honest About What Net Zero Means - Rationing, Blackouts and Travel Restrictions in the Next Five Years - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 28NOV24.

- Backlash as Cows Given Synthetic Additive in Feed to Hit Net Zero - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 28NOV24.

- For Millions Of Americans, This Holiday Season Will Be A Season Of Very Deep Suffering - by Michael Snyder / The Most Important News via Zerohedge 28NOV24.

- CNN Claims Elon Musk is ‘Terrifying’ Federal Workers - They Fear ‘Their Lives Will Be Forever Changed’ - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Maryland's Death Spiral - Reckless Democratic Lawmakers Spark Budget Crisis Fears As "Deep Recession" Looms - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 28NOV24.

- Minimizing the State as Co-parent - by Larry Sand / American Greatness 28NOV24.

- Universities Have a 2025 Rendezvous With Reality - Public confidence in universities has sharply declined due to rising costs, administrative bloat, ideological bias, student debt issues, and discrimination concerns - by Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness 28NOV24.

- The collapse of ‘diversity, equity, inclusion’ - by Rich Lowry / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Walmart, America’s largest private employer, drops anti-white DEI policies as activist Robby Starbuck slays another corporate woke program - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 28NOV24.

- PETA's Anti-Thanksgiving Ads Are Unintentionally Hilarious - by Mia Cathell / Townhall 28NOV24.

- Axios Tries to Cancel Thanksgiving, and the Ratio Is Unbelievable - by Bonchie / Red State 28NOV24.

- Why 'The Children' Won't Be There for the Holidays - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- Jaguar Doubles Down on Woke New Rebranding Ad - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 28NOV24.

- Ferrari’s Commitment to ‘Diversity and Inclusivity’ Called Out For Supreme Hypocrisy - They do background checks on ‘social status’ before you’re even allowed to buy one - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 28NOV24.

- 'Defund The Police' Activist Charged With Misusing Over $75,000 Donations On Vacations & Shopping Sprees - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 28NOV24.

- Mayor of South Carolina town dies in head-on collision while being pursued by sheriff's deputies days after entire police force resigned - ["The pursuit was taking place in an effort to protect the well-being of Mr. Garner"] - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 28NOV24.

- Mug Shots Revealed After Ex-NHL Player Gets Jumped by 7 Assailants - by Bryan Chai / Western Journal 28NOV24.

- 'Enough is enough' - New York Democrat turns on party leaders after mentally ill man released from custody kills three - by Richard Moorhead / Law Enforcement Today 28NOV24.

- FOIA Finds Chicago Uses FEMA Funding for Democrat Donor Business to Feed Illegals - by Paul Drabik / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Police in Florida town arrest an illegal immigrant tied to violent Venezuelan gang - by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement Today 28NOV24.

- Gov. Greg Abbott wins legal victory over razor wire installed on southern border - by Mabinty Quarshie / Washington Examiner 28NOV24.

- Trump Says Mexico Will Stop Flow of Illegal Aliens After Conversation With Mexican President - by Nick Arama / Red State 28NOV24.

- Trump Deal Made With Mexico Leader To Close The Border - “She has agreed to stop Migration through Mexico, and into the United States, effectively closing our Southern Border” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 28NOV24.

- Mexico's president claims she did not agree to close border in phone call with Trump - by Post Millennial / PM 28NOV24.

- US oil execs urge Trump to bargain with Venezuela over illegal immigration - “In his first government, things didn’t go well for us with President-elect Donald Trump,” Maduro said in a recent speech - “This is a new start, so let’s bet on a win-win” - by David Krayden / PM 28NOV24.

- [UK] Net Migration Hit Almost One Million Last Year as ONS Revises Figures - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 28NOV24.

- Globalists Terrified With Georgescu’s First Round Victory in Romania - Will Investigate TikTok, Assemble Security Agencies, and Now Enact a Recount of the Vote - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Macron’s Minority Coalition About To Collapse - Left and Right Wing Parties To Call a Vote of No-Confidence - Over 60% of French Voters Want Macron To Resign if Government Falls - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Vienna police ban mass protest supporting excluded Freedom Party’s ‘People’s Chancellor’ Herbert Kickl - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 28NOV24.

- Three-quarters of Germans believe fear of repercussion is silencing free speech - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 28NOV24.

- For Britain’s Thought Police the Allison Pearson Fiasco Achieved its Purpose - Turning Up the Fear - by Steven Tucker / Daily Sceptic 28NOV24.

- SPLC Doxes Anonymous Babylon Bee Writers, Admits It Wants to Erase Their Speech from Society - by Michael Austin / Western Journal 28NOV24.

- MTA mulling using drones to track NYC buses, sparking outrage from union - by Haley Brown / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Fox News is Absolutely Crushing Both CNN and MSNBC in Ratings - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Trump’s FCC chairman pick vows to dismantle leftist disinformation cartel - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 28NOV24.

- The Establishment’s Scandal Scam Tactics Won’t Work Anymore - by Kurt Schlichter / Townhall 28NOV24.

- Silicon Valley Investor Marc Andreessen Stuns Joe Rogan Describing How the Government Has De-Banked Dozens of Startup and Crypto Figures - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- One Of FBI's 'Most Wanted Terrorists' Arrested In Wales For Bombings In 2003 - by Jack Phillips / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 28NOV24.

- The Trump Administration Will Bring Competence Back to American Cybersecurity - by Julio Rivera / American Greatness 28NOV24.

- Elon Musk Slams Trump [impeachment] 'Whistleblower' Alexander Vindman - You 'Will Pay' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 28NOV24.

- Putin Warns President Trump “Is Not Even Safe Now” From Assassination Attempts - Accuses Democrats of Being Worse Than Russian Gangsters and Criminal Gangs - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Trump Cabinet Picks Are Receiving Credible Bomb Threats and Being Swatted - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- Two-story tall bronze statue inspired by Trump surviving assassination attempt under construction - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 28NOV24.

- The Bullet We Dodged - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- In California, Vote-Counting Dampens Holiday Spirit - by Susan Crabtree / Zerohedge 28NOV24.

- Report Released Showing Impact Christians Had on 2024 Election - Christian voters proved decisive in Trump’s victory - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 28NOV24.

- All 50 States Moved to the Right in the 2024 Election - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Voters ‘abandoning’ the Democratic Party - by Paul Bedard / Washington Exmainer 28NOV24.

- All J6 charges against Trump to be Dropped, as requested by Special Counsel Jack Smith - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 28NOV24.

- Mark Zuckerberg Makes the Pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago - by Bob Hoge / Red State 28NOV24.

- Matt Gaetz will not join 119th Congress after withdrawing from AG bid but vows to support Trump’s 2nd term - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 28NOV24.

- Trump transition will continue to run on private donors despite striking deal with Biden administration - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 28NOV24.

- Trump Sends '70s Dance Hit [YMCA] Shooting Straight to the Top of the Charts - by Bob Hoge / Red State 28NOV24.

- Trump and JD Vance Troll Democrats With Hilarious Thanksgiving Tweets - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Trump hits ‘Radical Left Lunatics’ in Thanksgiving message - by Chris Irvine / Washington Examiner 28NOV24.

- President-Elect Trump Hilariously Wishes a Happy Thanksgiving to All, ‘Including the Radical Left Lunatics Who Have Miserably Failed’ - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Trump sticks to spicy holiday tradition as he wishes ‘Radical Left Lunatics’ a happy Thanksgiving - [“Happy Thanksgiving to all, including to the Radical Left Lunatics who have worked so hard to destroy our Country, but who have miserably failed, and will always fail, because their ideas and policies are so hopelessly bad that the great people of our Nation just gave a landslide victory to those who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”] - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Sen. Kennedy Delivers Epic Thanksgiving Message to Trump Supporters and Hollywood Types Who Insult Them - by Nick Arama / Red State 28NOV24.

- Thanksgiving should be a patriotic holiday - by Adam Carrington / Washington Examiner 28NOV24.

- Happy Thanksgiving, You Crazy Patriots - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- Thanksgiving, the Holiday Founded on Freedom and Gratitude - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- Happy Thanksgiving 2024 - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Thanksgiving Day - A Celebration of America’s Greatness - One Nation Under God - by John L. Kachelman Jr. / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- We should be thankful that the future is in Trump’s hands and not Harris’ - by Douglas Murray / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Kamala Harris Releases a Thanksgiving Message, and Things Get Weird - by Bonchie / Red State 28NOV24.

- Kamala Harris Releases Thanksgiving Message and There is One Glaring Problem - [Harris was wearing the same outfit from her rambling drunk rant] - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Election Day was nearly one month ago - Harris is still asking for cash - by Robert Schmad / Washington Examiner 28NOV24.

- Kamala Campaign Chair's Hilarious Excuses in Wake of Loss, Including That Mean Media - by Nick Arama / Red State 28NOV24.

- Dem Strategist Pleads With Kamala; “Please Don’t” Run Again - by Steve Watson / Modernity 28NOV24.

- Hillary Clinton Sparks 2028 Presidential Campaign Speculation with Press Release - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Are You Ready for Hillary 2028? - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- Bill Clinton Spills the Tea on Scandals, Regrets, in New Memoir, and It’s Quite a Treat - by Jeff Charles / Red State 28NOV24.

- AOC Caught Taking Lobbyist Cash After Repeatedly Vowing Not To - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Staffer Goes off on Al Sharpton and MSNBC for Their Grift Op With the Kamala Campaign - by Bob Hoge / Red State 28NOV24.

- Leftists Threaten To Disrupt Trump Inauguration, Issue Death Threats To Cabinet Picks - by Steve Watson / Modernity 28NOV24.

- Former Democrat Donor John Morgan Says Barron Trump is ‘A Lot Smarter Than’ Entire Harris-Walz Campaign - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- New York State Senator Has a Plan [to] Secede From the U.S. to Escape Trump’s Presidency - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Joy Reid Has Thanksgiving Meltdown Over Trump Supporters “Suffering the Consequences” Of Their Vote - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 28NOV24.

- Democrats Scold Americans on Thanksgiving - Thank Illegal Aliens for Picking Your Food - by John Binder / Breitbart 28NOV24.

- Popular Feminist Website Urges People to Skip Thanksgiving Dinner with Pro-Trump Relatives - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Democrat Lawmakers Receive Chilling Threats on Thanksgiving Day - by Jeff Charles / Red State 28NOV24.

- Liberals let out 'primal scream' at Lake Michigan to 'release our pain and frustration' over Trump election victory - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 28NOV24.

- Liberal Banshees, Distraught Over Election Results, Convene to Scream at Lake Michigan - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- Don’t let the left do to Pete Hegseth what it did to Brett Kavanaugh - by Karol Markowicz / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Trump Picks Navy Outsider [John Phelan] to Fix a Thoroughly Broken Service - by streiff / Red State 28NOV24.

- Crowds flock to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade despite heavy rain, ‘The excitement is still there!’ - by Isabel Keane et al. / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade sees anti-Israel protesters arrested for blocking procession - by David Krayden / PM 28NOV24.

- A Pro-Hamas Mob Tried to Stop the Macy's T'giving Day Parade, Get Cuffed and Stuffed For Their Efforts - by Teri Christoph / Red State 28NOV24.

- Mass arrests at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as anti-Israel protesters block procession - by Zoe Hussain et al. / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Mass Arrests at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade After It Was Stopped by Anti-Israel Protesters - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Leaflets in London - ‘Every Zionist Needs to Leave Britain or Be Slaughtered’ - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 28NOV24.

- To mark Islamaphobia Awareness Month, MP calls for Blasphemy laws to be reinstated to protect Islam - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 28NOV24.

- Muslim Schoolgirl Weeps in Court After Slandering Her Teacher as ‘Islamophobic’ - He Was Later Beheaded by a Jihadist - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Bangladesh’s Hindu Genocide - A Grim Warning to the West - by Amy Mek / Rair 28NOV24.

- Biden admin discussing Middle East peace talks with Trump team - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 28NOV24.

- Israel says Hezbollah cease-fire violated, fires on south Lebanon - by Steven Nelson / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Ceasefire Falters as Israel Launches Airstrikes, Artillery Shelling on Southern Lebanon - by Jason Ditz / Antiwar 28NOV24.

- Hundreds Killed in Heavy Fighting as Syrian Islamist Rebels Push Toward Aleppo - by Jason Ditz / Antiwar 28NOV24.

- WaPo Laments Ukraine Will Be Pushed To Negotiate Peace "Within Months" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 28NOV24.

- Outgoing Biden Regime Is Urging Ukraine to Quickly Lower the Age of Conscription From 25 to 18 To Keep Fighting Russia - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Russia now barreling through Ukraine at fastest pace “since the early days of the 2022 invasion” - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 28NOV24.

- NATO considering Preemptive “precision strikes” on Russia as West shifts from defense to offense against Russia - by Ethan Huff - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 28NOV24.

- Putin Threatens Ukrainian Capital With New Hypersonic Missile - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 28NOV24.

- Putin Says Russia Can Hit ‘Decision Making Centers’ in Ukraine With Oreshnik Missile - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 28NOV24.

- Putin threatens to hit Ukrainian ‘decision-making centers’ with new hypersonic missile - by Ronny Reyes / NY Post 28NOV24.

- Putin Warns New Missile Could Target Kyiv ‘Decision Making Centres’ if Western-Backed Strikes Don’t Stop - by Oliver JJ Lane / Breitbart 28NOV24.

- Putin’s nuclear brinkmanship and Potemkin’s village - by John Schindler / Washington Examiner 28NOV24.

- Trump Picks Longtime National Security Adviser [Keith Kellogg] to End Putin's War in Ukraine - by streiff / Red State 28NOV24.

- Chinese Ship Suspected of Severing Undersea Cables - by William Upton / National Pulse 28NOV24.

- Chinese Battle Tank Breaks Down During Air Show Display - by John Hayward / Breitbart 28NOV24.

- Why Christians Should Boycott the Chinese Communist Party - by Antonio Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Rep. Michael Cloud Celebrates Release of Mark Swidan After Over a Decade of Unjust Detention in China - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 28NOV24.

- Mysterious lights over Capitol Hill causes UFO panic in DC - by Katherine Donlevy / NY Post 28NOV24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Waiting for the Solar Storm, Ozone Destruction, Magnetic Tornados 28NOV24.

Styx: Happy Thanksgiving 28NOV24.

Salty Cracker: Lefties Freak as Elon Demands Treasonous Mayors/Politicians Be Arrested 28NOV24.

Salty Cracker: Transgender Cop Attacks other Cops 28NOV24.

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Paul Joseph Watson: The Mystery Is Solved 28NOV24.


Hodge Twins: Mexico’s Female President Retaliates & Threatens Trump’s Plans of Tariffs & Mass Deportations 28NOV24.

Jimmy Dore: Fauci SMEARED Him & Now He’ll Be Running The NIH 28NOV24.

Jimmy Dore: Maddow FLAT OUT LYING About Trump’s Picks For NIH & CDC 28NOV24.

Jimmy Dore: Israel STILL BOMBING Lebanon Despite Ceasefire Deal! w/ Max Blumenthal 28NOV24.

Jimmy Dore: Kamala Faces Donors Over Zoom About Election Loss & Appears Loopy 28NOV24.

Jimmy Dore: Kamala Campaign Staff ADMITS They Lied To Donors 28NOV24.

Luke / We Are Change: The Massive Shift Is Here And It Changes EVERYTHING 28NOV24.

In Depth

Scott Adams: CWSA 28NOV24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 4089 28NOV24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 4090 28NOV24.

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Freedom Toons: Thanksgiving at Kamala's 28NOV24.

Awaken With JP: Woke Hypocrites Getting Caught! Thanksgiving News Update 28NOV24.

The Running ManZ: Early Winter Chernarus Quest continued 28NOV24.

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