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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Sunday 27OCT24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring: grendelcat.com || DL0:0.97 ML0:0.59 YL0:1.55


Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 1963 (ft. Judy Garland)

Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 1969 (ft. Johnny Cash)

Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 1991 (ft. Whitney Houston)

Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 1992 (ft. Lee Greenwood)

Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 2015 (ft. Mormon Tabernacle Choir and West Point Band)

Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 2016 (ft. The United States Army Field Band)

Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 2018 (ft. USNA)

Stuck in my head: Julia Ward Howe - Battle Hymn of the Republic 2024 (ft. Alex Jones & Owen Shroyer / Infowars)

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


- Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 But Have Been Afraid to Ask - by Rachel Nicoll / Daily Sceptic 27OCT24.

- [San Francisco Bay Area Regional Transit BART] Workers Fired For Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine To Get More Than $1 Million Each - by Jack Phillips / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 27OCT24.

- They Lied about Flu - 50 years of data show cases are rare, 97.5% of symptoms are not caused by influenza and there have been no deaths - by Rhoda Wilson and Tom Jefferson / Exposé 27OCT24.

- Lazy GPs have found yet another way to harm their patients - [Blood sample delays] - by Rhoda Wilson and Vernon Coleman / Exposé 27OCT24.

- UnitedHealth Confirms Hack Impacted 100 Million Americans - by Naveen Athrappully / Epoch Times via America First 27OCT24.

- Bureaucrats: 'It Might Take a Year' to Cut a Road to Big Chimney - Coal Miners Do It in a Week - by Jim Thompson / Red State 27OCT24.

- ‘West Virginia Boys’ move a literal mountain to build a road so Helene victims can finally return home - ‘Nothing short of miraculous’ - by Jack Morphet and Olivia Land / NY Post 27OCT24.

- Why Do Policymakers Overestimate the Cost of ‘Doing Nothing’ to Mitigate the Risk of Climate Change and Underestimate the Cost of Doing Something? - by Andrew Sibley / Daily Sceptic 27OCT24.

- Emotionally Unstable “Climate Scientists” Don’t Like Being Criticized, Run to Daddy Nature - by Charles Rotter / WUWT 27OCT24.

- ‘Climate Extremism’ - Biden-Harris Admin’s Own Data Undermines Its Fav Selling Point In Push To ‘Electrify Everything’ - by Owen Klinsky / Daily Caller via WUWT 27OCT24.

- Britons urged to eat less meat to hit latest net zero target - by Jonathan Leake / Telegraph via WUWT 27OCT24.

- GOP Lawmakers Press Biden-Harris Admin Over Alleged Cover-Up Behind Major Fossil Fuel Crackdown - by Nick Pope / Daily Caller via WUWT 27OCT24.

- Rural and coastal residents delay, block green energy projects - by Paul Driessen / CFACT via WUWT 27OCT24.

- Americans Are More Dependent Than Ever On Government Handouts, New Report States - by Kevin Stocklin / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 27OCT24.

- We Need a Congress That Will Stop Borrowing Money - by Terence Jeffrey / Daily Signal 27OCT24.

- Food Banks Report Record Numbers in Swing States - by Jeff Charles / Red State 27OCT24.

- Trump Takes an Axe to Tax - by Martha Fain / Townhall 27OCT24.

- Trump Supports Tax Credit for Family Members Caring for Sick Loved Ones - by Nick Gilbertson / Breitbart 27OCT24.

- The 2024 choice on education - Trump sides with families, Harris with the teacher unions - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 27OCT24.

- Child services tied to Biden-Harris built 'confidential spreadsheet' of children's 'transgender ideology' - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 27OCT24.

- Women’s Equality Party to Euthanise Itself - by Toby Young / Daily Sceptic 27OCT24.

- A Grant of License - The idea of Democrats respecting or defending women is a myth as old as Gloria Steinem - by Richard C. Lyons / American Greatness 27OCT24.

- Nevada's women's volleyball captain blasts school for 'dismissing' players' concerns over trans competitor at San Jose State - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 27OCT24.

- Trump will champion women’s sports and end trans athletes’ unfair competition - by Bruce Blakeman and Caitlyn Jenner / 27OCT24.

- JD Vance calls out Biden-Harris admin for depriving poor kids of free lunches if schools didn't allow boys in girls bathrooms - by David Krayden / PM 27OCT24.

- Pro-Harris PAC Goes Hard After the Key Wanker-American Demographic - by streiff / Red State 27OCT24.

- Porn-Addicts For Kamala Harris - Billionaire-Funded Far-Left PAC Pushes Cringe Ad - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 27OCT24.

- Democrat group backs Kamala with pro-porn ad featuring man masturbating while GOP tells him not to - by Roberto Wakerell-Cruz / PM 27OCT24.

- Judge Issues Gag Order Against Feds in Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Case After ‘Freak Off’ Parties Were Leaked - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Worthless Indiana Fever Coach Christie Sides Is Fired - Ran WNBA Star Caitlin Clark Into the Ground and Knew Absolutely Nothing About Coaching B-Ball - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- State Dept. Official Peddling DEI Via U.S. Foreign Policy - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 27OCT24.

- Kamala Sicced DEI Flunkies on Intelligence Analysts Over How Female Leaders Were Described - by streiff / Red State 27OCT24.

- Elon Musk accuses Anti-Defamation League of spreading “anti-white racism” - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 27OCT24.

- State’s attorney says end of cash bail an ‘abject failure’ in his Illinois county - by Greg Bishop / Just The News 27OCT24.

- Federal government caught shipping hundreds of thousands of migrant kids around the U.S., like commodities - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 27OCT24.

- Cuban support keeps Maduro in power, complicating a solution to the Venezuelan crisis - by Lara Miravent / Gateway Hispanic 27OCT24.

- Ireland’s new Hate Offences Bill undermines the rule of law - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 27OCT24.

- Center for Countering Digital Hate CEO orders “black ops” against RFK Jr. in shocking memo - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 27OCT24.

- Big tech censoring post that told the truth about the failure of Harris-Biden's broadband connectivity program - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 27OCT24.

- Tommy Robinson Arrested as 100,000 Peaceful Patriots March for Free Speech to Protest “Two-Tier Keir” in London - by Collin McMahon / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Trump Will “Unleash All-Out War” on Keir Starmer if he Wins U.S. Presidential Election - by Toby Young / Daily Sceptic 27OCT24.

- Americans Will Make ‘The Choice’ - “The Choice” on November 5 is existential for each American - It is whether you wish to live free from the monopoly of the single-party state or whether Americans will abandon their heritage - by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer / American Greatness 27OCT24.

- This Religious Freedom Day, Biden-Harris Are Persecuting Americans for Their Beliefs - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 27OCT24.

- Venture Capitalist David Sacks Calls Out Mainstream Media - Says Major Networks Should Lose Free Public Spectrum Licenses Since They Failed the Requirement to Serve Public Interest - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Elon Musk: Citizen Journalism Is the Future - by M Dowling / Independent Sentinel 27OCT24.

- Harris has no intention of following the law - by Washington Examiner 27OCT24.

- From the Classroom to Congress - The Rise of Anti-American Rhetoric in Critical Race Theory - Should Kamala Harris be installed in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come January, she and Tim Walz would depend upon destructive agents to carry out their radical agenda to “deconstruct” America - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 27OCT24.

- "Youngest black mayor' in hot water as [Earle, Arkansas] freezes budget due to improper spending allegations - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 27OCT24.

- Judge Throws Out Vote Payment Allegations Against Elon Musk - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via America First 27OCT24.

- Biden-Harris Judge Rules Noncitizens Can Vote [in Virginia] - by William Upton / National Pulse 27OCT24.

- Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Slams Corrupt Judge’s Shocking Ruling Allowing Noncitizens to Remain on State’s Voter Rolls - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Thousands of Votes Already Cast in Mesa County, Colorado, to Be Reexamined for Evidence of Fraud - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Appeals Court Rules All Mail-In Ballots Must Be Received by Election Day In Order to Be Counted - Major Shout-Out to Judicial Watch - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Prepare for Landslide Trump Victory on November 5th followed by Avalanch of Fake Kamala Ballots counted in the days that follow - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 27OCT24.

- “Six [Ways] from Sunday” and the Continuity of Government - by Sundance / Conservative Treehouse 27OCT24.

- Trump Tells Joe Rogan Who ‘The Enemy from Within’ Really Is and What They Are Doing to Our Country - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Kristen Welker Tries to Set JD Vance Against Trump on 'Enemies Within' - by streiff / Red State 27OCT24.

- Trump Makes Hilarious Last Minute Pitch to Undecideds, “When I’m President the McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines Will Work Great Again!” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Trump in Madison Square Garden - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 27OCT24.

- More than 10K Trump supporters line up outside Madison Sqaure Garden ahead of blow-out NYC rally - ‘It’s worth the wait’ - by Kevin Sheehan et al. / NY Post 27OCT24.

- Massive Crowd at Madison Square Garden for Trump Rally Delivers Perfect Response to Dem Insanity - by Nick Arama / Red State 27OCT24.

- Tim Walz Calls Trump Madison Square Garden Attendees Nazis - by Grayson Bakich / PJ Media 27OCT24.

- Tim Walz Claims, Without Evidence, Trump Rally Is Nazi Reenactment - by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 27OCT24.

- MSNBC Chyron Compares Trump’s New York Event to Nazi Rally While DNC Projects ‘Trump Praised Hitler’ Outside - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Jews Flock to Trump Event at Madison Square Garden; Dems [falsely claim it a] ‘Nazi Rally’ - by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 27OCT24.

- Triumphant Trump vows to restore American freedom and prosperity during massive MSG rally - by Libby Emmons / PM 27OCT24.

- 'Bigger, Better, Bolder,' Trump Makes His Closing Argument to Americans at MSG Rally - by Becca Lower / Red State 27OCT24.

- Trump Reams Biden-Harris Over Report Saying We'd Lose to China, 'We Would Kick Their A**' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 27OCT24.

- President Trump Receives Hero’s Welcome at Madison Square Garden Rally - “The Day I Take the Oath of Office, the Migrant Invasion of our Country Ends, and the Restoration of our Country Begins” - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Trump at Madison Square Garden [says] Kamala Is Empty ‘Vessel’ for ’Crooked Radical Left Machine’ - by Nick Gilbertson / Breitbart 27OCT24.

- Adorable Melania Trump Laughs and Points as Donald Trump Starts Dancing on Stage to Village People at Madison Square Garden - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Melania Trump Dazzles Madison Square Garden in New York City - Crowd Goes Wild as First Lady Takes the Stage - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Melania Trump: New York City and America Need Their ‘Magic Back’ - by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 27OCT24.

- JD Vance at MSG [tells] Kamala 'get the hell out of the White House' and go 'back to San Francisco where you belong' - by David Krayden / PM 27OCT24.

- Madison Square Garden Crowd Howls with Laughter as JD Vance Reads Kamala Harris Quote 'Word for Word' - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 27OCT24.

- JD Vance Fires Up Madison Square Garden Rally - Promises to Restore American Dream, Secure Borders, and Uphold Freedom Under Trump’s Leadership - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Hulk Hogan Body Slams Dem Narrative at MSG Rally, While JD Vance Finishes Kamala With Just 6 Words - by Nick Arama / Red State 27OCT24.

- 'Put the Hat On, Let's Go!' Elon Had Everyone Cheering at Massive, Madison Square Garden Trump Rally - by Nick Arama / Red State 27OCT24.

- Tucker's Speech Was a Nuclear Fire, As He Motivated Trump Rallygoers in MSG to Experience 'Liberation' - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 27OCT24.

- Tucker Carlson Lights Up the NYC Crowd - Praises Trump’s Greatest Gift to the Country And Calls Out Democrats’ Big Lie on Kamala Harris - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Tulsi Gabbard Rallies in New York, “A Vote for Donald Trump is a Vote for Someone Who Will Defend Freedom and Every One of Our God-Given Rights!” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Robert Kennedy Jr. Electrifies New York Crowd at Madison Square Garden, “Today’s Democratic Party is the Party of War - It’s the Party of the CIA” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- RFK Jr.: Democrats Have Given Us ‘Sickest Children in World History’ - by Ryan Saavedra / Daily Wire 27OCT24.

- Vivek Ramaswamy takes the stage at MSG, says it's time to 'deport' unelected bureaucrats from Washington, DC - by David Krayden / PM 27OCT24.

- Hero Rudy Giuliani Delivers Historic Speech to Trump Crowd at Madison Square Garden, Slams Biden-Harris Regime, “The Deplorables Don’t Count - 20 Million from China Counts, We Don’t Count” - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Dr Phil makes surprise endorsement of Trump at epic MSG rally, denounces Democrat bullies, cancel culture - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 27OCT24.

- Dr. Phil Risks It All with Explosive Speech Supporting Trump - Calls Out Democrats as Bullies Trying to Silence Free Speech and Punish Independent Thinkers - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Trump’s new coalition of MAGA ‘Avenger’ allies gather to back their ‘Captain America’ at MSG - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 27OCT24.

- Worst Nazi Rally Ever - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 27OCT24.

- Much to Democrats' Chagrin, No Nazis Were Found at Trump's MAGA Square Garden Rally - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 27OCT24.

- Vance CNN interview gets heated over Trump fascism claims, ‘That’s really your argument?’ - by Annabella Rosciglione 27OCT24.

- JD Vance Leaves Jake Tapper a Sputtering Partisan Mess As He Wrecks His Narratives - by Bob Hoge / Red State 27OCT24.

- JD Vance Leaves an Angry Jake Tapper Stunned After Exposing the Reason Ex-Trump Officials are Targeting Trump and Then Destroys Him Over CNN’s Lies About Trump - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Kristen Welker Tries to Set JD Vance Against Trump on 'Enemies Within' - by streiff / Red State 27OCT24.

- JD Vance Dismantles ‘Enemy from Within’ Hoax, Schools NBC’s Kristen Welker on Pelosi and Failed Leadership - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Vance says Russian election interference is ‘bad’ but not worth a response - by Naomi Lim / Washington Examiner 27OCT24.

- Far-Left Media Launches All-Out 'Trump Hitler' Blitzkrieg With 5,500 Stories In One Week - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 27OCT24.

- Trump Gains Unexpected Ally as New York City's Democratic Mayor Jumps in to Defend Him from Smears - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 27OCT24.

- Eric Adams Pushes Back on Critics Who Call Trump 'Fascist, Hitler' - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 27OCT24.

- 'My answer is no,' Eric Adams says Trump is not a fascist - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 27OCT24.

- Embattled Democratic Mayor Eric Adams Defends Trump, Refutes Kamala and Top Democrats for Calling Trump a ‘Fascist’ - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- From GOP Leaders to Holocaust Survivors, People Want Kamala to Quit It With the Hitler Comparisons - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 27OCT24.

- Megan Kelly Crushes Bill Maher’s ‘Trump Is Hitler’ Insanity, “I see; he hid his Hitlerism the first four years” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 27OCT24.

- The Rise of Political Vitriol - Trump/Harris Battle May Be Recalled As A Relatively Peaceful Contest Where The Harshest Insults Were Just 'He’s Worse Than Hitler' Or 'She’s A Communist' - by Robert Weissberg / All News Pipeline 27OCT24.

- Hollywood's Heaviest Hitters Are Going to Bat for Kamala And It's Not Making Much of a Difference - by Christine Favocci / Western Journal 27OCT24.

- Nasty Michelle Obama Berates and Attacks American Men in Vicious Campaign Speech for Kamala in Michigan - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Harris not seeing boost in independent voter support Biden had - by Naomi Lim / Washington Examiner 27OCT24.

- New Kamala Ad Makes Trump Out to Be Biden - Meanwhile, the Real Biden Is Still At It - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 26OCT24.

- Joe Biden Complains Elon Musk Broke Immigration Law 30 Years Ago - Musk Issues Perfect Response - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Kamala Harris keeps snubbing President Biden’s requests to campaign for her - by Ryan King / NY Post 27OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Seizes the Crown of 'Worst Presidential Candidate in History' From Hillary Clinton - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 27OCT24.

- Kamala Harris’ desperate talking-point flops are convincing no one - by Victor Davis Hanson / NY Post 27OCT24.

- Progressives feel left out as Kamala campaign keeps reaching out to Republicans [per] NPR - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 27OCT24.

- Kamala Overtaken by the Spirit, Breaks Out Cringe Preacher Accent for Philadelphia Church - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 27OCT24.

- A Desperate Kamala Harris Visits Barbershop in Philly and Breaks Out Her Fake Accent in Last-Minute Pitch to Black Voters - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Sen. Kennedy Lampoons Kamala Harris As Only He Can Do, Says Polygraph Would 'Explode' If She Walked By - by Bob Hoge / Red State 27OCT24.

- Liberals spread fake image of Kamala’s face superimposed on female Canadian McDonald’s employee who died of cancer in 2007 - by Post Millennial / PM 27OCT24.

- Washington Post Columnists in a Fury Because Newspaper Didn't Endorse Kamala Harris - by Jeff Charles / Red State 27OCT24.

- Vile Leftist ‘Comedian’ Billy Eichner Melts Down on TikTok, Urges Democrats to “Panic” as Trump Gains Momentum in Polls - by Jim Hift / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Harris Gives Up on Men, Courts Angsty Resistance Women Who Scream at Children - by Andrew Stiles / Washington Free Beacon 27OCT24.

- Deranged Leftist Lunatic Screams In Toddler’s Face Outside Harris Rally - by Steve Watson / Modernity 27OCT24.

- Shocking viral video shows Kamala Harris supporter screaming in little girl’s face outside Houston rally with Beyoncé - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 27OCT24.

- CNN Data Analyst [suggests] Trump On Course To Win Popular Vote, “You might as well wrap your minds around it now” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 27OCT24.

- Does Anyone Think Kamala Is Going to Win Anymore? - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 27OCT24.

- Long-Time Nevada Early Vote Analyst Announces Code Red for Kamala Harris - by Bonchie / Red State 27OCT24.

- Harris Tells Reporter ‘My Internal Polling is My Instinct,’ Amid Poor Poll Performance - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Will America Elect Baron Münchhausen as President? - by John Kachelman, Jr. / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- Harris Campaign Panic - Even the British Can Smell It - by Ward Clark / Red State 27OCT24.

- Kamala Harris appears rattled after anti-Israel heckler interrupts her - drawing boos at Kalamazoo rally - by Ryan King / NY Post 27OCT24.

- Islam and Leftism - A United Strategy to Destroy Western Freedoms - by Vlad Tepes / Rair 27OCT24.

- A stunning de-capitation? - The Netanyahu “madness” - by Alastair Crooke / Strategic Culture 27OCT24.

- Israel used US-made F-35 stealth fighters in its largest-ever strike on Iran - by Ronny Reyes / NY Post 27OCT24.

- JD Vance: 'Our Interest is in Not Going to War With Iran' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 27OCT24.

- Roughly 51,000 Ukrainian Troops Have Deserted So Far in 2024 - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 27OCT24.

- Russian Forces Conquer Selidovo After Short Siege, Signaling Deteriorating Ukrainian Defenses in the Fight for Donetsk Region - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 27OCT24.

- US Approves $2 Billion in New Arms Deals for Taiwan - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 27OCT24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: CME Coming Tomorrow, Sun-Diving Comet, Key Papers 27OCT24.

Styx: Kamala Harris, Innate Sucker, Attempts to Drink Beer 27OCT24.

Styx: Trumps Madison Square Rally is Already Gargantuan... And It's Only 9:30AM 27OCT24.

Styx: Burlington Vermont Gets What it Deserves 27OCT24.

Styx: AI Powered Weapons Scanners Failed Abysmally in NYC 27OCT24.

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Salty Cracker: Kamala Calls On Her Diddy Friends To Rescue Her 27OCT24.

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Hodge Twins: Try not to Laugh The View Tries to Defend Kamala’s Horrible Media Tour 27OCT24.

Jimmy Dore: “I’m Not Right OR Left Wing!” – Tim Pool 27OCT24.

Jimmy Dore: Woke Cowards Hide Behind “Safety” BS! w/ Dr. Christian Parenti 27OCT24.

Luke / We Are Change: Kamala DEMOLISHED! Rogan And Trump ANNIHILATE Dems And Establishment 27OCT24.

In Depth

Salty Cracker: 75 Thousand Show up In NYC for Trump ReeEEeE Stream 27OCT24.

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Salty Cracker: 75 Thousand Show up In NYC for Trump Part 2 27OCT24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 27OCT24.

Styx: Donald Trump at Madison Square Garden LIVE REACTION STREAM 27OCT24.

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Dave / X22 Report: [DS] Does Not Have The Votes, Cyber Exercise Rescheduled, 10 Days, Darkness, Panic In DC 27OCT24.

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15 seconds


Destin / Smarter Every Day: I Called the Space Station and Talked to the Astronauts 27OCT24.

Styx: The Fascinating Story of Norways "Well Man" (The Sagas are Mostly True) 27OCT24.

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15 seconds

SuperMacBrother: New Star Citizen 4.0 Evo PTU - 3.24.2 Working? & IAE 3.24.3 Build 27OCT24.

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