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Lairdate: Sunday 27NOV22 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- ‘Died Suddenly’ Continues Viral Run, Surpasses 10 Million Views - by Kari Donovan / National File 27NOV22.

- Dr. Mark Trozzi Issues Plea for Parents to Stop Poisoning Children With the Covid Jabs - by JD Rucker / NOQ Report 27NOV22.

- Here Is the Definitive List of Covid Jab Adverse Reactions to Learn and Share as More “Normies” Wake Up to the Truth - by JD Rucker / NOQ Report 27NOV22.

- Another Study Finds Heart Inflammation Higher After Moderna Vaccination Versus Pfizer - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 27NOV22.

- The Australian Government Lied: Doctors are Not covered by Government’s indemnity for Covid Injections - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 27NOV22.

- Pfizer CEO, who said online “misinformation” is criminal, is found guilty of “misleading” vaccine statements - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 27NOV22.

- Fauci Forgets - The white coat supremacist can’t seem to remember the destructive policies he imposed on the American people - by Lloyd Billingsley / American Greatness 27NOV22.

- The Many Lies of Covid Tyrant Fauci Revealed in Deposition Leaks - by Teri Christoph / Red State 27NOV22.

- Study Blames 'Misinformation' and 'Fear Mongering' For Adverse Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 27NOV22.

- World Shadow Government Has Built a Global Vaccine Regime That Has Infiltrated Governments and Public Health Institutions - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 27NOV22.

- Trudeau Says He Feels ‘Serene and Confident’ Over Illegal Decision To Freeze Protestors’ Bank Accounts - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 27NOV22.

- US grants Chevron approval to pump oil in Venezuela - by Emily Jacobs / Washington Examiner 27NOV22.

- Devastating Fires At Food Processing Plants, Shortages Of Food And Supplies, Illegal Immigration And Unrestrained Spending By Incompetent Govt Are All Part Of The Global Eugenicists Grand Plan To Destroy America - by Brian Wilson / All News Pipeline 27NOV22.

- As The Clock Quickly Ticks Down Towards Deagel's 2025 Forecast Of Less Than 100 Million People In America, A Catastrophic Die-Off Of Over 225 Million, The Globalists Try To Hide Their Genocide - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 27NOV22.

- Irish Government to Criminalize Hate Speech, Effectively Silencing Those who Hold Different Opinions - Penalty is up to 5 Years Imprisonment - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27NOV22.

- Australian company directors have just one week to be forced into mandatory digital ID - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 27NOV22.

- 1.8M Chickens Slaughtered In Nebraska As Bird Flu Pecks Away At Food Supply - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 27NOV22.

- EU Cost of Living Protests Grow Stronger by Each Passing Day - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 27NOV22.

- NYC DOE Staffers Tell Foreign Educators to Keep Quiet About Outrageous Cost of Living Or Risk Deportation - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 27NOV22.

- Jill Biden praises activist teachers, saying 'schools are where policies become people' - by Joshua Young / PM 27NOV22.

- The “Transgender” Lie - How We Got Here - by Trevor Thomas / Blue State Conservative 27NOV22.

- Tulsi Gabbard Names Those Responsible for Child Mastectomies Increasing by Nearly 400 Percent - by Mike Miller / Red State 27NOV22.

- Alleged Colorado killer Anderson Aldrich, like so many mass shooters, a male from a dysfunctional home - by Adam B. Coleman / NY Post 27NOV22.

- Study Finds Number of Americans Carrying Handguns Has Doubled in Four Years - by Mike Miller / Red State 27NOV22.

- Thousands of Migrants Waiting in Mexico to Rush U.S. Border When Title 42 Ends - by John Binder / Breitbart 27NOV22.

- ‘You Can’t Take It With You’ and An Argument for a More Civil Society - If our society prefers the “John Wick” world to the one Capra defined, it makes sense that we are in the mess we have - by Vincent McCaffrey / American Greatness 27NOV22.

- Politics Might Be Downstream From Culture But Everything is Downstream From K-12 Education - by John Conlin / American Greatness 27NOV22.

- Sam Bankman-Fried’s parents purchased $121 million in “vacation home” properties in Bahamas using illicit funds from FTX crypto scam - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 27NOV22.

- FTX showered left-wing media outlets like Vox, the Intercept and ProPublica with stolen investment cash - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 27NOV22.

- Trump Smacks Down Special Counsel Assigned to Investigate Him as “Political Hit Man” - by JD Rucker / NOQ Report 27NOV22.

- Was Trump Our Captain Queeg? - And will the NeverTrumpers finally be exposed to have been as contemptible as the NeverQueegers were in The Caine Mutiny? - by Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness 27NOV22.

- Why Anti-Trump Zealots Might Help Trump Win the Primaries - by Adam Mill / American Greatness 27NOV22.

- Weak, Lost GOP Leaders Plan to Hold “Investigations” - Meanwhile Dems Create Three “War Rooms” with Goal to Destroy House Republicans - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27NOV22.

- Joe Biden's Much-Hyped Disinformation Czar Becomes a [British] Foreign Agent - by Bonchie / Red State 27NOV22.

- The Emperor Elonicus - by CJ Hopkins / Substack 27NOV22.

- The left throws a tantrum as Elon Musk reverses censorship on Twitter - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 27NOV22.

- The Media's Deranged Hysteria Over Elon Musk's Promised Restoration of Free Speech - by Glenn Greenwald / Substack 27NOV22.

- U.S. Tech War Shows Signs of Crumbling - by David P. Goldman / Strategic Culture 27NOV22.

- Facebook Confirms It Has Ties to a U.S. Military Propaganda Campaign - by Mac Slavo / NOQ Report 27NOV22.

- Were the Covid Plandemic and Hunter’s Laptop Engagements of 5th Generation Warfare? - by Mark Schwendau / NOQ Report 27NOV22.

- Europe Turns on Biden Administration for What It Has Done With Ukraine Conflict - by Jack Davis / National File 27NOV22.

- EU Accuses Washington Of Making A Fortune From Ukraine War - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 27NOV22.

- Running on Empty - by Stephen Lendman / Strategic Culture 27NOV22.

- Brazilian Military Stands with Bolsonaro - Is Prepared to Invoke Article 142 to Save the Nation - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27NOV22.

- Brazilian Military Declare Bolsonaro ‘True President of Brazil’ - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 27NOV22.

- Iran Arrests Khamenei's Niece for Criticizing the Regime - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 27NOV22.

- China Boasts About 'Thriving' Economy as Mass Protests, Police Violence Fill Streets - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 27NOV22.

- Crazy Scenes From China's Anti-Lockdown Uprisings, Journalists Being Attacked - by Bonchie / Red State 27NOV22.

- Shanghai Police Pummel and Kick BBC Reporter Edward Lawrence During Covid Protest in China - Then Detain Him for Hours - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 27NOV22.

- Chinese Police Claim They Physically Attacked and Arrested BBC Journalist 'For His Own Good' - by Nick Arama / Red State 27NOV22.

- China cracks down on internet discourse as biggest protests since Tiananmen Square break out - by Will Henney / Reclaim The Net 27NOV22.

- White House Responds After Protests Erupt Across China Over ‘Zero-Covid’ Rules - by Jack Phillips / NTD 27NOV22.

- WaPo's Taylor Lorenz cheers on China's lockdowns as CCP violently cracks down on citizens - by Libby Emmons / PM 27NOV22.

- Taylor Lorenz Hearts China Communist Party’s Authoritarian Covid-19 Lockdowns - by Jeff Charles / Red State 27NOV22.

- Chinese Anti-Covid Lockdown Protests Have Morphed Into Anti-Regime Demonstrations - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 27NOV22.

- Protests Spread in China as People Demand 'Freedom,' Call for Xi and CCP to 'Step Down' - by Nick Arama / Red State 27NOV22.

- Thousands of People in China Rise Up Against ‘New World Order’ Lockdowns - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 27NOV22.

- Tide Turning Against China as Sea of People Force Covid Enforcers to Retreat - by Ryan Ledendecker / Western Journal 27NOV22.


S0 News: Galactic Magnetism, Climate Errors, Big Coronal Holes 27NOV22.

S0 News: Peak Magnetic Pole Shift 100x Faster 27NOV22.

Styx: Alyssa Milanos AMAZING Self Own 27NOV22.

Styx: San Francisco; Soon to be Killer Robot Dystopia? 27NOV22.

Styx: PETAs Weird Turkey Fetish 27NOV22.

Salty Cracker: Alyssa Milano Tries To Attack Musk On Twitter And It Goes Horrible For Her 27NOV22.

Mark Dice: Something's Going On With Old Joe! 27NOV22.

Jimmy Dore: Pediatricians Wanted Kids Back To School In 2020! 27NOV22.

Jimmy Dore: US Gov Pretends To Care About Persecuted Russian Journalist 27NOV22.

Jimmy Dore: This Is How America Ends 27NOV22.

Jimmy Dore: “Remote Workers Are Screwing Us!” Cries Corporate America 27NOV22.

Luke / We Are Change: HUGE: Their Massive Uprising Has Begun! 27NOV22.

In Depth

Salty Cracker: Democrat Groomers Getting Nervous ReeEEeE Stream 27NOV22.

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15 seconds

Scott Adams: The news is boring so let’s just make fun of famous people who are dumb. 27NOV22.


. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Sleazy P. Martini: Sleazy don't go to the supermarket today 27NOV22.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Elon Musk and the new Twitter Engineers 27NOV22.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Running Man Z: Epic Moments In DayZ's Latest Patch! (1.19) 27NOV22.

RazörFist Arcade: TREK TO YOMI 27NOV22.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


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Six Supermen Of Sanity: If you are just waking up or getting into your first cup-o-the-day, the Grendelcat suggests imbibing your recommended daily allowance of Styx clanker redpills with a side of optimism and a dash of perspective courtesy of this philosophical independent commentator.

For independent commentary from similarly unique perspectives in longer form try Sargon, Scott, Steven or even Stefan for some superlative barn-burners.  And if you are feeling a bit too black pilled lately and need a picker-upper, try adding a pinch of Salty.

- Image: Superman by Pixy.org (CC4.0) Link

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Dank Billy The Kid (BC)
Dank Blackbeard (YT)
Dank Bonnie & Clyde (BC)
Dank Budd Dwyer (BC)
Dank Burke & Hare (BC)
Dank Buster Keaton (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 1 (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 2 (BC)
Dank Dr. Ch@os (BC)
Dank Elizabeth Bathory (BC)
Dank General (BC)
Dank Gert Postel (BC)
Dank GG Allin (BC)
Dank Gombe Chimp War (BC)
Dank Gregor MacGregor (BC)
Dank Gustave (BC)
Dank Heaven's Gate (BC)
Dank Helge Meyer (BC)
Dank Hollywood Shootout (BC)
Dank Iron Mike Malloy (BC)
Dank Jack Thompson (BC)
Dank Johnny Rotten (BC)
Dank Julie d'Aubigny (BC)
Dank Ken Allen (BC)
Dank Ken Rex McElroy (BC)
Dank Killdozer (BC)
Dank Mark Defriest (BC)
Dank Mitsuyasu Maeno (BC)
Dank Murder Inc. (BC)
Dank Ned Kelly (BC)
Dank Roof Koreans (BC)
Dank Philip Luty (BC)
Dank Rasputin (BC)
Dank Red Baron (BC)
Dank Robert Liston (BC)
Dank Ross Ulbricht (BC)
Dank Ted Kaczynski (BC)
Dank Toyota War (BC)
Dank Vlad The Impaler (BC)
Dank White Death (BC)
DarkMatter2525 (YT)
Dave Chappelle (NF)
DVD Release Dates (I)
Edge Of Tomorrow (YT)
Expanse (I)
Frank TV (I)
Giver (BC)
Honest Trailers (YT)
How Not To Land (YT)
Infotoons (BC)
Idiocracy (BC)
Kyle Dunnigan (YT)
L.Southern-AmericanMirage (YT)
L Southern - Borderless (YT)
Lauren Southern - Crossfire (I)
Lauren Southern - Farmlands (YT)
LOTR - Born Of Hope (YT)
LOTR - Hunt For Gollum (YT)
Oliver Stone Ukraine On Fire (I)
Oversimplified (YT)
RazörFist Abraxas (YT)
RazörFist The Big Combo (YT)
RazörFist The Big Sleep (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner 2049 (YT)
RazörFist Black Rain (YT)
RazörFist Cobra (YT)
RazörFist Commando (YT)
RazörFist Cosby Rebuttal (BC)
RazörFist Death Wish (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 3 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 4 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 5 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2018 (BC)
RazörFist Demons (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Magnum Force (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Enforcer (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Sudden Impact (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Dead Pool (YT)
RazörFist Double Indemnity (YT)
RazörFist Escape From LA (YT)
RazörFist Hard To Kill (YT)
RazörFist The Hitman (YT)
RazörFist Invasion USA (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max (YT)
RazörFist (Mad Max) Road Warrior (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (YT)
RazörFist Malone (YT)
RazörFist Murder My Sweet (YT)
RazörFist Out For Justice (YT)
RazörFist Out Of The Past (YT)
RazörFist Predator (YT)
RazörFist Predator 2 (BC)
RazörFist Rambo Last Blood (YT)
RazörFist Revenge Of The Ninja (YT)
RazörFist Rock-'N'-Roll Nightmare (YT)
RazörFist Rutger Hauer (YT)
RazörFist Scorpion  (BC)
RazörFist Scorpion (1986)  (BC)
RazörFist Showdown In Little Tokyo (YT)
RazörFist Star Wars Force Awakens (YT)
RazörFist This Gun For Hire (YT)
RazörFist Universal Soldier (YT)
RazörFist Unauthorized.TV (I)
Riding The Dragon (I)
Ricky Berwick (BC)
Samuel Rivera (I)
Samuel Rivera (YT)
South Park (I)
Suspect Sky - Deep State (BC)
Tommy Robinson - Rape Of Britain 1 (RMBL)
Tommy Robinson - Rape Of Britain 2 (RMBL)
Uninformed Consent (LB)
Tubi TV (I)
Wag The Dog (BC)
War Games (BC)
Yoda Seagulls (YT)

About JC Musically (R)
About Timmy Musically (R)
Alex Jones Eat My Neighbours (YT)
Alex Jones Eat Yer Ass (YT)
Alex Jones Gay Frogs (YT)
Alex Jones Goblins (YT)
Alex Jones Indie Folksong (YT)
Amazon Music (I)
Ariel Pink (I)
Ariel Pink (YT)
Audiogrotto (I)
beautifullymad (YT)
Beginner Guitar HQ (I)
CD Baby (I)
Chaospin (I)
Chord Namer (I)
Chris Graham (I)
C'mon Man (YT)
Damon Alire (I)
Factor Calculator (I)
Five Times August (I)
Fortiori (YT)
Greg Dombrowski (I)
Grendelcat (BC)
Grendelcat (T)
Gunther Anderson (I)
Insane In The Rain (YT)
ITunes (I)
JC Setlist (R)
Karma and Kerosene (YT)
KrainaGrzybowTV (YT)
Legolambs (YT)
Legolambs Aliens (YT)
Legolambs Conan (YT)
Legolambs Die Hard (YT)
Legolambs Musical Thrones (YT)
Legolambs Liam Neeson (YT)
Legolambs Predator (YT)
Legolambs Rambo (YT)
Legolambs Risa Skywalka (YT)
Legolambs Running Man Hunger Games (YT)
Midi Note Numbers (R)
My Corona (YT)
My Little Armalite (BC)
Nightwish - Over The Hills (YT)
Nikolas Schreck (YT)
Pallets Full Of Ballots (BC)
Peter Hollens (YT)
RazörFist Black Sabbath (YT)
RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
RazörFist Judas Priest (YT)
RazörFist Michael Jackson (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
RazörFist Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
RazörFist Saxon (RMBL)
Reverb Nation (I)
Remix Bros (YT)
San Cheezey (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement (R)
Sentient Cement Flashplayer (I)
Shnaff (T)
Spotify (I)
Transposer (I)
Tunelist (R)
Ultimate Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Latest Grendelcat Lair Release
Unknown Stuntman (Director's Cut) - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Unknown Stuntman (Director's Cut)


Purpose:  Tracking progress on topics that interest the Grendelcat and sharing his thoughts about them.
Policy:  No adverts here, no cookies or trackers added, no bloggy debates and no greedy angles.  That's it.  Have fun.
Copyright:  Use or share anything on Lair Central however you want.  A nod to the Grendelcat is appreciated.
Third party content here is published not for profit under fair use as commentary and criticism.
Disclaimer:  The Grendelcat does not claim any official scientific accreditation.
The Grendelcat is a fan of science, a musician by inclination . . .
And a tech dude by compulsion.