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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Monday 26AUG24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- All-Cause Deaths Are Surging Among Covid-Vaxxed - by Frank Bergman / Slay 26AUG24.

- Based MEP Christine Anderson - Next Plandemic on its Way? - by Publius / America First 26AUG24.

- Voluntary Lockdown Imposed at Four Massachusetts Towns to Combat Deadly and Incurable Mosquito-Borne Disease - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- The dangers of ultra-processed plant-based foods - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 26AUG24.

- People All Over The Globe Are Already “Eating The Bugs” On A Regular Basis - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 26AUG24.

- Study finds alarming link between popular weight loss drugs and increase in suicidality - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 26AUG24.

- Tom Cotton is right - Kamala Harris keeps trying to outlaw your health insurance plan - by Timothy P. Carney / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Biden-Harris Admin Warns Kindergartners Climate Change Will Leave Entire US Cities Underwater - Kids warned of 'inescapable death spiral' of climate change by federal government - by Thomas Catenacci / Washington Free Beacon 26AUG24.

- The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close [to] veering outside the range of natural variability - by Kenneth Richard / No Tricks Zone via WUWT 26AUG24.

- Saving Lives from Extreme Heat Requires Reducing Urban Heat Island Effects Not CO2 - by Jim Steele / WUWT 26AUG24.

- German State Media makes a game where players shoot down flying climate deniers - by Jo Nova 26AUG24.

- Give Congregation Blankets Instead of Heating Churches to Hit Net Zero by 2030, Vicars Told - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 26AUG24.

- The Terrifying Scale of Ed Miliband’s ‘Green’ Industrialisation is Coming as a Shock - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 26AUG24.

- The End of Australia’s Renewables Romance - by Sallust / Daily Sceptic 26AUG24.

- American Natural Gas Is America’s Clean Energy Standard - Hardworking Americans deserve a sensible energy strategy that maximizes the use of our existing nuclear plants and our abundant supplies of natural gas - by Jason Hayes and Timothy G. Nash / American Greatness 26AUG24.

- Dozens of Rivian EVs Go Up in Massive Ball of Fire at Illinois Manufacturing Plant - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Socialism, Not America, Made Venezuela Poor - by Antonio Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- The Eight Families - The Federal Reserve Cartel (Part I) - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 26AUG24.

- Trump will win by focusing on the economy - by James Rogan / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Will America be a Communist Country? - by Katie Pavlich / Townhall 26AUG24.

- Dems Run From Harris Price-gouging Plan - Say It Won’t Pass Congress - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 26AUG24.

- Harris' Price-Gouging Claims Wrecked by Grocery Store CEO - by Ward Clark / Red State 26AUG24.

- Real Estate Agent Exposes How Harris Policies Will Hurt Home Buyers - 'You Just Drove the Cost Up by $25k' - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- The Left’s Education Industrial Complex - by Marissa Streit / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris Wants Your Kids in Public School, and She Wants Them There Now - by Paula Bolyard / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- Cornell University To Offer Course On "Ecological Justice" Focused On "Feminist, Queer, And Trans Perspectives" - by Sarah Prentice / Campus Reform via Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris bragged about forcing policy change to require taxpayers to cover sex change surgeries for prisoners in California - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 26AUG24.

- Kamala Trying to Move to ‘Middle’ on Gender Ideology, but Extremists Have Her Back - by Bob Unruh / WND via America First 26AUG24.

- Vance: Trump Would Veto National Abortion Ban - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 26AUG24.

- Where Is the Outrage From the 'Pink Hat' Brigade? - Taliban Bans Women's Voices in Public - by Bob Hoge / Red State 26AUG24.

- UCLA Medical School Hired Students To Write Course Curriculum Emphasizing "Structural Racism And Health Equity" - by Justin Choi / Campus Reform via Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- Pedophile sentenced to 350 years in abduction, molestation of 5-year-old girl may be freed because he’s elderly - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 26AUG24.

- Biden-Harris Equity Commission Wants To Spend $20 Million To Disarm Traffic Cops - by Andrew Kerr / Washington Free Beacon 26AUG24.

- Biden-Harris DHS Lists DEI - Not Border Security - as Number One Objective of IT Strategic Plan - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 26AUG24.

- Biden-Harris DHS Restarts Fraud-Plagued 'Parole' Program That Directly Flies Illegal Aliens to US - by Mike Miller / Red State 26AUG24.

- California Democrats Are Close to Passing New Law That Gives Illegal Aliens $150,000 Interest-Free Mortgage Loans - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- California to Provide Subsidies of Up to $150K for Home Buyers - but Only If They're Illegal Immigrants - by Ward Clark / Red State 26AUG24.

- 'The destruction of America' - Biden-Harris administration launch new illegal immigrant 'amnesty' plan - by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement Today 26AUG24.

- Trump-Appointed Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden’s Attempt to Give Amnesty and Pathway to Citizenship to Over a Million Illegal Aliens - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Texas Judge Blocks Biden Plan to Grant Legal Status to Spouses of Citizens - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 26AUG24.

- Harris sketches out plans on immigration amid GOP border attacks - by Anna Giaritelli / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Even ABC's Jon Karl Busts Huge, Hilarious Hypocrisy of New Harris Ad on Border - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris’ Record As Border Czar Has Been An Unmitigated Disaster And It’s Even Worse Than You Imagine - by Paul Ingrassia / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris Lied About Afghan ‘Refugees’ Brought to the US - by Christina Laila / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Three People Stabbed, 15 Officers Assaulted and 90 People Arrested on Opening ‘Family Day’ of Notting Hill Carnival - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 26AUG24.

- 145+ Arrested at Annual Afro-Caribbean Stab-Fest In London - by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse 26AUG24.

- Islamic State-Inspired Syrian Migrant Confesses To Triple-Murder At 'Festival Of Diversity' In Germany - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- Exploiting Germany's Open Borders - How a Syrian Refugee Outsmarted the System and Turned a Fatal Deportation Failure into an Islamic Bloodbath - by Amy Mek / Rair 26AUG24.

- Who will guard the guards? - by Declan Hayes / Strategic Culture 26AUG24.

- Klaus Schwab says WEF will unleash “an era of shock events” to bring about a globalist NWO - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 26AUG24.

- Megyn Kelly is Smashing the Fake News Media - Has More YouTube Views Than NBC, CBS, CNBC, and BBC Combined - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- France Extends Detention Of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov For "Questioning" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- France Charges Telegram CEO With 12 Counts - Complicity To Child Porn, Drugs, Fraud, & More - by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse 26AUG24.

- The Charges Against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov - by Rick Findlay / Reclaim The Net 26AUG24.

- Telegram Founder’s Arrest Signals Dangerous Times for Online Free Speech - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 26AUG24.

- Macron Claims France 'Deeply Committed to Freedom of Expression' After Durov Arrest - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 26AUG24.

- Durov’s arrest represents a new level of desperation from western elites - by Martin Jay / Strategic Culture 26AUG24.

- "Musk Should Be Nervous" - Deep State Lackey Admits Real Target Following Telegram Founder's Arrest - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- Elon Musk leads parade of tech titans boosting Trump as the true ‘freedom candidate’ - by Betsy McCaughey / NY Post 26AUG24.

- In Stunning Letter To Congress, Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Pressured Facebook To Censor Content - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- Zuck Comes Clean, Admits to Jim Jordan That Facebook Censored Americans at Behest of Biden-Harris Admin - by Susie Moore / Red State 26AUG24.

- Mark Zuckerberg Confirms Biden Administration Pressured Facebook on Censorship, Admits to Throttling Hunter Biden Story - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 26AUG24.

- Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Killed Hunter Biden Laptop Story After FBI ‘Warned’ of ‘Russian Disinformation’ - by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 26AUG24.

- Zuckerberg Claims He 'Regrets' Censoring Americans Under 'Pressure' From Biden-Harris Admin - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 26AUG24.

- Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits Biden-Harris Regime Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans - ‘Regrets’ Colluding with the Regime - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Labour Government Source Calls Free Speech Act “Hate Speech Charter” - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 26AUG24.

- The Democratic Party’s Google cartel - by Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris campaign colluded with Google to manipulate headlines, shadow ban Trump on search results - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 26AUG24.

- This Election Is A Referendum On Free Speech - by Kenin Spivak / Real Clear Politics via Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- Freedom Is Now Just One Election Away From Extinction - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- “One Man One Vote” is Out of Date - by Rhoda Wilson and Vernon Coleman / Exposé 26AUG24.

- “Bi-Partisan” NGO Group with Ties to Soros and Southern Poverty Law Center Threatens GOP Senators from Highlighting the Epidemic of Dirty Voter Rolls and Bogus Registrations Numbering in the Hundreds of Thousands - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- RNC Sues North Carolina Election Board - Accuses Them of Flagrant Election Law Violations, Including Protecting Non-Citizens on Voter Rolls - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New Executive Order Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State - Also Mandates Citizenship Notice for Voter Registration - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Texas Governor Greg Abbott Removes Over One Million Ineligible Voters, Including Nearly 500,000 Dead People and Thousands of Non-Citizen from State’s Voter Rolls - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Dirty Brian Kemp Asks Georgia AG If He Has the Authority to Remove Courageous GA State Election Board Members Who Are Implementing Election Integrity Reforms - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Lara Trump Reveals Only 50 of 700 GOP Poll Watchers Accepted in Detroit While Over 2,300 Democrats Were Allowed - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Teacher Fired After Alleged Jan. 6 Involvement Wins Wrongful Termination Lawsuit - by Dave Huber / College Fix via Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- AG Merrick Garland Brags About J6 Prosecutions and Issues a Veiled Threat Regarding Upcoming Elections - by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Like Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy Likely Knew About the Steele Dossier Much Earlier than Previously Known And Said Nothing - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Jack Smith begins quest to revive Trump documents case - by Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Jack Smith Files Brief Appealing Judge Cannon’s Dismissal of Trump Classified Docs Case - by Christina Laila / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Why would-be Trump assassin Thomas Crooks remains an infuriating enigma weeks after shooting - by Jack Morphet et al. / NY Post 26AUG24.

- SWAT Counter-Sniper Questions 'Odd' Pattern of Evidence-Handling - by Ward Clark / Red State 26AUG24.

- Democrats Have Fired Their Best Shots, And Trump Is Still Standing - by Scott Morefield / Townhall 26AUG24.

- We Can't Stop Fighting - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- Secret Service Rescinds Protection For RFK Jr. After Trump Endorsement - by Steve Watson / Modernity 26AUG24.

- Secret Service Pulls RFK Jr.'s Protection After He Suspends Campaign and Backs Trump - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- Biden-Harris admin withdraws Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. after he suspends campaign, endorses Trump - by David Krayden / PM 26AUG24.

- Third Iconic Photo of Trump Campaign Captures Epic Moment as Trump, RFK Jr. Unite - by Samantha Chang / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- Leftists Melt Down Over New York Times Op-Ed Declaring 'Trump Can Win on Character' - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- Foo Fighters Frontman Cries About Trump Campaign Using His Music - Trump Campaign Wrecks Him - by Jeff Charles / Red State 26AUG24.

- Turns Out Trump Did Have The Rights To The Foo Fighters Song - The band sold the rights to a song licensing agency - by Steve Watson / Modernity 26AUG24.

- Trump would appoint Elon Musk to cut 'the fat' and put RFK Jr. in charge of Making America Healthy Again in second term - by David Krayden / PM 26AUG24.

- RFK Jr. Tells Dr. Phil He Withdrew from Swing States After Internal Poll Shows 57% of His Base Would Vote for Trump Over Harris If Ever He Quit - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Tulsi Gabbard endorses Trump for president - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 26AUG24.

- Former Democrat Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump - by Bob Hoge / Red State 26AUG24.

- Tulsi Gabbard Officially Joins Team Trump, Vows to Work to 'Save Our Country' - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- Biden seen 'visibly shaking' when departing Air Force One after DNC speech, White House schedule nearly empty - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 26AUG24.

- Is Joe Okay? - “Visibly Shaking” Biden Needed Help Getting in SUV Again But Reporter Held Story for a Week - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Biden Raises More Questions After 'Visibly Shaking' and Needing Help, More Revealed on Internal Dem Feuds - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG24.

- President Vacation - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- Secret Service Agents Shove Civilians Out of the Way As Joe and Jill Continue Endless Vacation - by Bob Hoge / Red State 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris Is Trying to Back Out of the Debates - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- Harris team fighting muted mics at ABC debate after Biden requested rule - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris' Fear Is Palpable As She Desperately Tries to Change the Rules of the ABC News Debate - by Bonchie / Red State 26AUG24.

- Kamala's campaign demands seated debate, with notes, for Sept. 10 ABC event - by Libby Emmons / PM 26AUG24.

- Trump takes up Harris campaign’s dare to debate without ‘muted microphones’ - by Josh Christenson / NY Post 26AUG24.

- Trump Says Harris Trying to Change the Debate Rules, Because She Doesn't Really Want to Debate - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- Trump Puts Out New Epic Ad With Kamala Harris Debating Kamala Harris - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG24.

- Harris Wants to Seize Guns, Ban Private Health Insurance; Said Covid Killed 220 Million Americans - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris is an Empty Signifier - by James Alexander / Daily Sceptic 26AUG24.

- More Proof That Walz Is a Pathological Liar - by Guy Benson / Townhall 26AUG24.

- It Would Be Super Great If Tim Walz Could Tell the Truth About Anything - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- ‘Never Walz’ Booth is Popular Stop at Minnesota State Fair - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- No DNC Bump for Kamala, Trump Back in the Lead - by William Upton / National Pulse 26AUG24.

- Judge Deals Kamala Harris a Swing State Headache [in Michigan], Orders Leftist Candidate to Be Included on Ballot - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Gets Last Laugh As Democrats Suffer Crushing Defeat in Wisconsin - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 26AUG24.

- Democrats Panic After Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Can Remain on Ballot in Crucial Swing State - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- How Ironic That Democrats Call Republicans 'Nazis' Yet Themselves Follow the Goebbels Nazi Propaganda Playbook As They Repeat Lies Often Hoping To Make Them Truth - by Brian C. Joondeph / All News Pipeline 26AUG24.

- Kamala Harris’s media gambit is working - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Ethics Complaints Pile Up Against Eugene Vindman Over ‘Illegal’ Super PAC Coordination - by Jessica Costescu / Washington Free Beacon 26AUG24.

- Democrats Now Faced With Selling the One Person They Couldn’t Wait to Get Rid Of - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 26AUG24.

- Jon Stewart Suggests Bill Clinton Is Sexual Predator, Calls Out DNC Hypocrisy - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 26AUG24.

- Former Obama Intern and Democrat Campaign Worker Speaks Out After Attending the DNC as Volunteer - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- DNC Volunteer Finally Gets It, Says She Cannot Support Kamala, Not Sure If She Is Still Even a Democrat - by Becky Noble / Red State 26AUG24.

- Defecting Dems - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- Don’t Democrats trust men? - by Emma Fuentes / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- Pro-Palestine Insurrection at Democrat National Convention in Chicago - Where are the FBI and police with pipe bombs and tear gas, and mass arrests to follow like Jan. 6? - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 26AUG24.

- "We're Looking At Serious Civil Unrest Regardless Who Wins" - Martin Armstrong Fears Post-Election Chaos - by Greg Hunter / USA Watchdog via Zerohedge 26AUG24.

- The Broken Spoon of American Hegemony - The decline of American military and economic power has rendered traditional methods of asserting global dominance ineffective, leaving the U.S. with dwindling options to deter its adversaries - by Adam Ellwanger / American Greatness 26AUG24.

- How the Democratic A-Team blew it on foreign policy - by John Roberts / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- The western way of war - Owning the narrative trumps reality - by Alastair Crooke / Strategic Culture 26AUG24.

- How Qatar spreads chaos in the Middle East and fuels Islam in Europe - by Adam Starzynski / Remix 26AUG24.

- The De-Christianization of Spain Under Socialism - A Daily Reality Intensified in Catalonia - by Mamela Fiallo Flor / Gateway Hispanic 26AUG24.

- College students, follow the UNC frat bros this fall and stand up to campus hate - by Aryeh Lightstone / NY Post 26AUG24.

- Biden-Harris Admin Sued for Stonewalling Gazan Aid Probe - by Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 26AUG24.

- Former Israeli ombudsman warns of Imminent Collapse if conflict with Palestinian and Lebanese groups continues - by Richard Brown / Newstarget 26AUG24.

- Abbey Gate Anniversary - Trump Takes on Duty of President While Biden and Harris Go MIA - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG24.

- Trump Honors Afghanistan Troops as ABC, CBS, NBC Morning Shows Ignore Anniversary - by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 26AUG24.

- Trump pays tribute to service members killed in Afghanistan pullout on ISIS attack anniversary while Biden vacations in Delaware - by Diana Glebova and Caitlin Doornbos / NY Post 26AUG24.

- President Trump Visits Arlington Cemetery to Honor US Service Members Killed in Kabul Airport Attack - Joe Biden and Kamala Missing in Action - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Trump Honors Kabul Victims, Blames Biden-Harris - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 26AUG24.

- Trump Campaign Releases Heart-Wrenching Video Reminding Americans of Biden-Harris Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal and the Heroes Left Behind - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- Biden, Harris Release Statements on Anniversary of Abbey Gate Bombing - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 26AUG24.

- Biden-Harris push to memory-hole their deadly Afghan bugout disaster - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 26AUG24.

- Afghanistan Gold Star Father [says] Biden ‘Failed, on Every Level’, Prioritized Looking Good Leaving on September 11 - by Ian Hanchett / Breitbart 26AUG24.

- Biden and Harris 'Never Once Reached Out' to Relatives of Soldiers Killed in Bungled Afghanistan Withdrawal, Families Say - by Alana Goodman / Washington Free Beacon 26AUG24.

- Pete Hegseth Blasts ‘Comrade Kamala’ Says Harris is ‘Completely Complicit’ in Kabul Airport Attack - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 26AUG24.

- House GOP lets military off the hook for Afghanistan debacle - by Jerry Dunleavy / Washington Examiner 26AUG24.

- GOP Rep. McCaul Leaked Questions to Generals Testifying in Afghanistan Withdrawal Probe - by Bonchie / Red State 26AUG24.

- Influencer faces backlash for ‘fangirling’ over Taliban fighters in Afghanistan - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 26AUG24.

- Putin's War, Week 130 - White House Says the Quiet Part Out Loud and a Storm Gathers in Southern Ukraine - by streiff / Red State 26AUG24.

- What Is Happening In The Ukraine War Should Scare The Hell Out Of Us - by Kurt Schlichter / Townhall 26AUG24.

- Russia Launches Massive Missile and Drone Strikes Across Ukraine - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 26AUG24.

- Chinese AI Developers Bypass U.S. Chip Export Controls with Global Computing Power - by Publius / America First 26AUG24.

- The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan? - Amid doubts about Biden's ability to effectively lead the U.S. in his remaining months as president, our enemies abroad might see an opportunity to alter the global balance of power - by Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness 26AUG24.

- Trump vows to create Space Force National Guard - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 26AUG24.

- Major Tom Not Coming Home on Starliner - What Next for Boeing? - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 26AUG24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Sunspots, Big Quake, Tropical Storms, Top News 26AUG24.

Styx: The Harris Campaign Is Trying to Change September Presidential Debate Rules 26AUG24.

Styx: Tim Walz Has Disturbing Views On China 26AUG24.

Styx: The Afghanistan Withdrawal Three Years Later: Political Gaslighting 26AUG24.

Styx: Soviet Kamala 26AUG24.

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Styx: ISIS Claims Responsibility for Solingen Knife Massacre 26AUG24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: West Nile Disease Almost Killed Fauci 26AUG24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Entire Fleet of Rivian "Green Trucks" Goes Up in Toxic Flames 26AUG24.

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Paul Joseph Watson: When Diversity Backfires 26AUG24.

Bearing: The "WHAT IS A WOMAN" Case: Judge Rules Male is "Legally Female" 26AUG24.

Mark Dice: RFK Jr. Endorsement of Trump ROCKS Kamala Campaign and Causes Media Meltdown 26AUG24.

Jimmy Dore: Obama BRAGS About How Great U.S. Healthcare Is 26AUG24.

Jimmy Dore: Atlantic Magazine Owned By Ghislane Maxwell’s Friend Denies Child Trafficking 26AUG24.

Jimmy Dore: The Chicago DNC - One Big WALL Of COPS 26AUG24.

Tim Pool: Jon Stewart ANNIHILATES Democrats Over DNC HYPOCRISY, Democrats Are A CULT And RFK Jr Proves It 26AUG24.

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Luke / We Are Change: This Was NOT A LONE WOLF! Feds Stonewalling And Covering Up 26AUG24.

In Depth

Lauren Southern: Why Mass Migration Is A Disaster (For Dummies) 26AUG24.

Tim Pool: Democrat Makes Veiled Arrest Threat Of Elon Musk After Arrest Of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov 26AUG24.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Zuckerberg CONFIRMS Harris-Biden Pressured FB To Censor Americans w/Joseph McBride 26AUG24.

Scott Adams: CWSA 26AUG24.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #986 26AUG24.

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Styx: Monday LIVE: Kamala the Corporatist, Debate Shenanigans, Afghanistan Anniversary, etc 26AUG24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3858 26AUG24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3859 26AUG24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3860 26AUG24.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 600 26AUG24.

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Dave / X22 Report: Trump Destroyed The Clinton,Biden & Obama Dynasty,Confirms Pause,People Have The Tools 26AUG24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: RFK Jr Joins Forces With Trump Making Dems Lose Their Shit 26AUG24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Trump Vows to Release JFK Papers If Elected 26AUG24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Russian Caught Having Sex with a Cow May Be Drafted by Army Now 26AUG24.

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Count Dankula: Absolute Mad Lads - The Nuclear Boy Scout 26AUG24.

Mobile Instinct: It's All in the Woods - Massive Abandoned Military Fort 26AUG24.

The Running ManZ: 1.26 Experimental Chernarus 26AUG24.

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