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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Saturday 26AUG23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring: grendelcat.com || DL0:0.73 ML0:1.12 YL0:1.47


Stuck in my head: Van Halen - Panama


- Dr. Kevin Stillwagon: Why testing, face masks and “vaccines” don’t work for any virus - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 26AUG23.

- Pfizer Documents Show Covid-19 Vaccines Contain Potentially Harmful 'Modified' RNA, Not mRNA - by Megan Redshaw / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 26AUG23.

- 'Election Variant' - Citizens Push Back Against Mask Mandates - by Naveen Athrappully / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 26AUG23.

- California Church Fined For Defying Covid Lockdowns Sues County For Tracking Worshipers Without Their Knowledge - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 26AUG23.

- Aaron Kheriaty: The rise of the Biomedical Security State during the covid era - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 26AUG23.

- From Covid To Climate Change - Vehicles For Global Authoritarianism - by Brandon Smith / Alt-Market 26AUG23.

- Greece Arrests Almost 80 “Arsonist Scums” as EU’s Largest-Ever Wildfires Rage Across the Country - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Greece Arrests 79 ‘Arsonist Scum’ for Wildfires - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 26AUG23.

- 79 Arsonists Arrested Amid Deadly Greek Wildfires - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- Decoding the Climate Psychology Certificate - by Charles Rotter / WUWT 26AUG23.

- The Climategate Gang Rides Again - by Kip Hansen / WUWT 26AUG23.

- Scientific Paper Challenging Climate Emergency Narrative Retracted After Complaints by Climate Cult - by James Murphy / New American 26AUG23.

- Shock Retraction of Climate Science Paper Showing No Climate Emergency Draws Comparisons with Climategate Scandal - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 26AUG23.

- Paper Straws More Harmful to Planet than Plastic - by Alexa Mikhail / Your News 26AUG23.

- Multiple analyses find California plastic bag ban is failing - by Kenneth Schrupp / Just The News 26AUG23.

- Biden racks up social media flak for erroneous climate policy post - by Katherine Donlevy / NY Post 26AUG23.

- DOE rule regulating ceiling fans targeted by House Republicans - by Nancy Vu / Washington Examiner 26AUG23.

- Biden DOE’s new ceiling fan proposals threaten small businesses’ ability to stay afloat - by Sara Higdon / PM 26AUG23.

- Biden Administration Faces Legal Challenge Over Gulf Lease Amendments - by Savannah Pointer / NTD 26AUG23.

- Biden energy chief claims wiping out 60% of oil imports will help, not harm, energy security - by Addison smith / Just The News 26AUG23.

- Devestated Maui Resident Absolutely Demolishes Joe Biden - by Bonchie / Red State 26AUG23.

- Joe Biden Uses Whiteboard to Explain Bidenomics and It Goes Horribly Wrong - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Biden Tries And Fails at Using a Whiteboard to Explain 'Bidenomics' - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG23.

- United Auto Workers Union Votes to Authorize Strikes At GM, Ford And Stellantis - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Black Poverty Skyrockets Under Joe Biden - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- The Rulers Are Pushing for CBDC - Will We Push Back Hard Enough to Stop It? - by Mac Slavo / America First 26AUG23.

- Civil Forfeiture - How the Government Makes Billions by Taking Americans’ Private Property - by Katie Spence / Your News 26AUG23.

- Texas, Missouri Judges Issue Contrasting Rulings on Transgender Treatments for Minors - by Mimi Nguyen Ly / NTD 26AUG23.

- Federal Judge: Parents Can't Opt Children Out of Public School Grooming - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- Music Legend Carlos Santana Speaks Out Against Transgender Ideology During Concert, “A Woman is a Woman and a Man is a Man” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Oye Como Va - Legendary musician Carlos Santana dances around transgender issue - by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner 26AUG23.

- What Does Vogue Have Against Women’s Sport? - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 26AUG23.

- FBI Found One of Its Own Employees Sexually Abusing Children - by Mia Cathell / Townhall 26AUG23.

- Grieving Mother Desperate For Answers After FBI Busts Down Door, Fatally Shoots Her Disabled Veteran Son in Pre-Dawn Raid - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Disgusting Dallas Police Officers Laugh at Disabled Military Veteran in Distress” - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Times Square back to the bad old days - ‘It’s a sh-thole’ - by Georgia Worrell / NY Post 26AUG23.

- NYC tourists seeking authentic experience take late-night rat tours - by Deirdre Bardolf / NY Post 26AUG23.

- LA’s smash-and-grab epidemic - Voters helped break California’s justice system - by Susan Shelley / NY Post 26AUG23.

- Bring Back The Asylums - Half The Homeless And Drug Addicted Populations Have At Least One Mental Illness - We Should Be Taking Care Of Americans Rather Than Spending Trillions On Ukraine, Foreign Aid And Illegals - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 26AUG23.

- N.Y. Gov. Hochul Calls for Help From Biden to Deal With Migrants, Blames Texas for the Crisis - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- New York Gov Kathy Hochul Hands Out Jobs to Illegal Aliens as 380,000 New Yorkers Remain Unemployed - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 26AUG23.

- Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul still clueless about the ongoing migrant crisis rocking NYC - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 26AUG23.

- 10th Bus of Illegals Arrives in LA From Texas, Mayor Bass Whines City Hadn't 'Extended an Invitation' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 26AUG23.

- US DOJ suing Elon Musk and SpaceX for refusal to hire individuals who are not US citizens - by Mitchell McKinley / Law Enforcement Today 26AUG23.

- Feds bust human smugglers who were recruiting juvenile drivers in Arizona using Snapchat - by Cole Lauterbach / Just The News 26AUG23.

- Biden Admin Focusing On ‘Chestfeeding Awareness’ During Border Crisis - by Jennie Taer / Daily Caller via Your News 26AUG23.

- Another Day, Another CIA Press Release Disguised As News - by Caitlin Johnstone 26AUG23.

- The EU’s Censorship Regime is About to Go Global - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 26AUG23.

- Kamala Harris Believes Gun Violence is a “Disease” that Justifies More Gun Control - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 26AUG23.

- Biden Says Special Counsel Reviewing Classified Documents Has Not Requested Interview - by Emel Akan / NTD 26AUG23.

- Joe Biden Says Special Counsel Robert Hur Has ‘No Interest’ Interviewing Him in Stolen Classified Docs Case - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Supposedly Broke Hunter Biden Has a New Pad, and Your Money Is Involved - by Bonchie / Red State 26AUG23.

- Hunter Biden Has Moved Into a Malibu Home That Costs $15,800 Per Month - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Viktor Shokin Says Poroshenko Told Him Joe Biden Was Behind His Firing - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 26AUG23.

- "Yes, They Were Being Bribed" - Fired Ukraine Prosecutor Corroborates Biden Corruption - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 26AUG23.

- Fired Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Believes Biden’s $1 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine in Exchange for His Dismissal is Evidence of Corruption: “They Were Being Bribed” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- The Badges of Biden Bribery - by John D. O'Connor / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- Biden's Aliases, Particularly His Use of 'JRB Ware,' Were a Not-So-Clever Dodge - by Jim Thompson / Red State 26AUG23.

- Sen. Kennedy Delivers Savage Takedown of Sleazy Dealings by the Bidens - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG23.

- Senator John Kennedy Goes Off on Scandals Surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden, ‘Privilege and Sleaze’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Biden Gets Loudly Booed, Yelled at in Lake Tahoe - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG23.

- Biden Given “Middle Finger” Again, This Time While Leaving Extended Lake Tahoe Vacation - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Gen Z has made it loud and clear - They don’t want Biden for 2024 - by Rikki Schlott / NY Post 26AUG23.

- Is Joe Biden the Worst President in History? - by David Solway / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- Lawsuit Alleges Employees of Ultra-Secretive Elite ‘Bohemian Grove’ Club Are Overworked and Underpaid - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- 'Rich Men North of Richmond' Artist Trashes Fox, Candidates for Invoking His Song, 'I Wrote That Song About Those People' - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 26AUG23.

-Kinzinger Laughs That 'MAGAS Lost Their Richmond Singing Hero,' but Oliver Anthony's Knocking Him, Too - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG23.

- Singer Oliver Anthony Sets the Record Straight on His Political Views - by JD Rucker / America First 26AUG23.

- ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Star Sets Record Straight on Joe Biden - by Tom Ozimek / NTD 26AUG23.

- 'Rich Men North of Richmond' Singer Addresses Rumor He's a Biden Supporter - by Richard Moorhead / Western Journal 26AUG23.

- Oliver Anthony slams corporate news for painting him as a Joe Biden supporter, clarifies he’s against all corporate-owned politicians - by Sara Higdon / PM 26AUG23.

- Edward Snowden Suggests FBI Probably Already Has a File on Oliver Anthony - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Jim Jordan's investigations into Manhattan and Fulton DAs test congressional limits - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 26AUG23.

- Fani Willis Campaign Director Joined Joe Biden’s Campaign Team in 2020 - by Natalie Winters / Your News 26AUG23.

- Trump Attorney Trolls Fani Willis After Mugshot Release, but It's Not All Roses - by Bonchie / Red State 26AUG23.

- Did the White House Coordinate With Special Counsel Smith Before Indicting Trump? - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides before Trump indictment - by Jon Levine / NY Post 26AUG23.

- The 'Party Of Chaos' Is Running Scared With A Massive Barrage Of Prosecutions Against Their Chief 2024 Election Adversary Proving How Broken, Craven And Degenerate Their Party Is - by James Howard Kunstler / All News Pipeline 26AUG23.

- The Great Backfire - Did Big Left Set the Conditions for Trump Persecution to Flip Their Captive Constituencies? - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 26AUG23.

- Trump - The Leader of a Faction or a Party? - by Thaddeus G. McCotter / American Greatness 26AUG23.

- Sarah Palin Responds to Trump Persecution, ‘Do You Want Us to Be in Civil War? Because That’s What’s Going to Happen’ - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Fox News Declares DeSantis Catching Up to Trump in Iowa By Citing Poll Done by DeSantis Campaign - by JD Rucker / America First 26AUG23.

- ‘Single-Digit Midget’ DeSantis Collapses Into 4th in New Hampshire - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 26AUG23.

- [Madison, Wisconsin] Democrats, Governor’s Office, Attorney General and WEC Administrator Plan to Remain in Office Indefinitely Openly Breaking the Law - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- 30 Signs You Might Be An Empire Simp - by Caitlin Johnstone 26AUG23.

- Tucker Carlson Roasts US Ambassador to Hungary at Speech in Budapest - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 26AUG23.

- Tucker's Remarks in Hungary Nail the Uniparty - by Nick Arama / Red State 26AUG23.

- Biden Admin Could Have Prevented Kabul Airport Bombing - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 26AUG23.

- On the 2-Year Anniversary of the Kabul Airport Bombing that Killed 13 American Servicemen and Women - Military Brass Knew Of The Attack 24 Hours Prior To Bombing - Would Not Let Snipers Take Out Bomber - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Biden finally honors US troops slain in Kabul hours after House GOP lowers Capitol flags - by Mary Kay Linge / NY Post 26AUG23.

- SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden Arrested in Texas, Police List Charges - by Richard Moorhead / Western Journal 26AUG23.

- NATO’s Noble Liars on Israel, Pervasive Rape in Haiti & Mexican Stand-offs in the Himalayas - by Declan Hayes / Strategic Culture 26AUG23.

- Top Ukraine Officials Embezzled Funds Meant for ‘Humanitarian Aid’ - by William Upton / National Pulse 26AUG23.

- High Ranking Ukraine Officials Accused of Embezzling Funds Worth 62.5 Million Allocated for Humanitarian Aid During War - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Mercenary fighters led by Russian intelligence likely successor for Wagner Group after Prigozhin’s death - by Jacob Geanous / NY Post 26AUG23.

- Western Officials, Media Grapple With Specter of Possible Ukrainian Military Defeat - by Adam Morrow / Your News 26AUG23.

- Judge Napolitano’s Round Table and the Continued Delusions of David Petraeus - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 26AUG23.

- Xi Jinping's weird week abroad marred by series of missteps and petty disputes - by Joel Gehrke / Washington Examiner 26AUG23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Watch, Solar Forcing, Breeding Failure 26AUG23.

Styx: Smash the System fo' Thug Life: Vote Donald Trump 26AUG23.

Styx: Argentina: Vote Javier Milei! 26AUG23.

Styx: Cancel Culture Comes For... Alice Friggin Cooper 26AUG23.

Styx: Free Speech Bad, The Establishment Continues to Claim 26AUG23.

Styx: Legacy Media Tries to Astroturf a Trump-Free GOP 26AUG23.

Salty Cracker: The 'Hood' Comes Out In Support For Trump After Arrest & Mugshot 26AUG23.

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15 seconds

Hodge Twins: New Black Group Supporting Trump 26AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Woke Media FURIOUS That Trump's Crew Is Smiling In Mugshots, They Can't Win 26AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Democrats Target Elon Musk, Biden DOJ GOES ROGUE Against Political Enemies 26AUG23.

In Depth

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Former DHS SLAMS Charges Against Donald Trump, Calls Charges Political 26AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Democrats PANIC, Desperately Try To LOCK TRUMP UP Because He Will Win 2024 26AUG23.

Scott Adams: Lots of fake news today. Goes well with coffee. 26AUG23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2983 26AUG23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2984 26AUG23.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 26AUG23.

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15 seconds


Awaken With JP: We're Doing It Again! 26AUG23.

RazörFist Arcade: ARMORED CORE 6 26AUG23.

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Latest Lairclips

Highwayman - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Highwayman (RMBL)

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


Highwayman - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Highwayman (BC)


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