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to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Friday 25OCT24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.56 |

The coronavirus spike protein encoded in mRNA injections
leads to autoimmune chaos - by Rhoda Wilson et al. /
Exposé 25OCT24.
Stanford doctor [Jay Bhattacharya] hailed as ‘intellectual
freedom’ leader for challenging gov’t on Covid-19 - by
James Samuel / College Fix 25OCT24.
“Remdesivir Papers” show that Fauci’s Covid drug of choice
Killed U.S. military servicemen - by Ethan Huff /
Newstarget 25OCT24.
Devastating House Report Reveals Biden Spent Massive Sum on
Covid Propaganda - by Bob Hoge / Red State 25OCT24.
CDC punishes food chain for hosting Trump event, claims
McDonald’s burgers caused deadly E. coli outbreak - by
Cassie B. / Newstarget 25OCT24.
Many Women Are One-issue Abortion Voters and They’re
“Keeping the Democrats Afloat” - by Selwyn Duke / New
American 25OCT24.
Urban Heat Island Effects Have Not Yet Been Removed from
Official GHCN Warming Trends - by Roy Spencer / WUWT
Clueless ‘Fact Check’ of Daily Sceptic Climate Article
Descends into Pure Gibberish - by Chris Morrison / Daily
Sceptic 25OCT24.
Elon Musk’s ‘Grease-meets-Jetsons’ Tesla supercharger
station rises in California - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post
Environmentalists detest the ‘little guys’ who get in their
way - by Paul Driessen / Washington Times via Climate
Depot 25OCT24.
If Green Energy is the Future, Bring a Fire Extinguisher
- by Steve Goreham / WUWT 25OCT24.
The US Is Now More Dependent On Fossil Fuel Power Than China
- by Tsvetana Paraskova / Oil Price via Zerohedge 25OCT24.
We are witnessing the rollout of the final stages of a
[sustainable development] plan that has been 50 years in the
making - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 25OCT24.
UK To Change Definition Of Debt So It Can Add $90 Billion
More - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Landlords and Savers Slam Starmer After he Suggests They
Don’t Count as “Working People” and Will be Hit With Tax
Hikes - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 25OCT24.
Peak Waste - Feds Set Record for Improper Payments - by
Bob Ivry / Real Clear Wire via Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
New IRS Unit Begins Targeting Pass-Through Businesses -
by Naveen Athrappully / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Small Business Owners are branded “terrorists” by Federal
Government - by Peter McIlvenna / Gateway Pundit
Trump Suggests He Could Abolish Federal Income Tax Entirely
And replace it with income from tariffs - by Paul Joseph
Watson / Modernity 25OCT24.
Trump’s Tax Free America Beckons - by William Upton /
National Pulse 25OCT24.
US Manufacturing Slump Continues Amid Economic Uncertainty
- by Tom Ozimek / Epoch Times via America First 25OCT24.
The University of Michigan dug its own DEI grave - by
Mike Gonzalez / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Portland State University lays off nearly 100 faculty
members amid declining enrollment - by Katie Daviscourt
/ PM 25OCT24.
39% Of US Couples Met Online - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs mixed star-studded bashes with raucous
‘Freak Off’ sex parties after VMAs and Super Bowl, videos
reveal - by Steven Heiling / NY Post 25OCT24.
During Taping of His New Netflix Special, Jamie Foxx
Reportedly Accused Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs of Poisoning Him -
Comedian Says He Denounced Embattled Rapper to the FBI -
by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Doctor refused to publish $10 million study showing puberty
blockers don’t help mental health of teens who want to
transition - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 25OCT24.
Neiman Marcus Scrubs the Word ‘Christmas’ From Iconic
98-Year-Old Holiday Gift Catalog - by Cassandra
MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
New York City needs to take back the ever-more powerful and
deranged City Council - by Betsy McCaughey / NY Post
Starmer Prepares to Give Ground on Reparations - by Will
Jones / Daily Sceptic 25OCT24.
Washington state county to pay out $1.25 million to family
of armed drug dealer shot by police - by Andy Ngo and
Katie Daviscourt / PM 25OCT24.
Harris’s nonexistent law enforcement credentials - by
William Perry Pendley / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
It Turns Out Kamala Wasn’t Much of a Prosecutor - by
Katie Pavlich / Townhall 25OCT24.
[Wisconsin Democratic Sen.] Tammy Baldwin Aide Participated
in Anti-Police Protest That Led to Brutal Assault on Officer
Outside His Home - by Alana Goodman / Washington Free
Beeacon 25OCT24.
Dem Rep. Jasmine Crockett Says We Need Illegals to Pick Our
Crops - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Dem US Congressional Candidate In Critical MI Race Caught On
Video - Americans “owe a debt” to Illegal Aliens” - Police
Asking Illegals For Papers is “Unwelcoming” - by Patty
McMurray / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Migrant Found Hanged in NYC Park After Allegedly Raping
Teenage Relative - by Antony Scott / Gateway Pundit
Tennessee AG’s Lawsuit Exposes ICE Plan to Release Illegals
Convicted of Violent Crimes Into State - by Margaret
Flavin / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Attorney General Liz Murrill Sues DHS Over Release of
Illegal Chinese National in Louisiana with Rare, Aggressive,
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 25OCT24.
Department of Homeland Security identifies hundreds of
illegal immigrants with ties to Tren de Aragua, the violent
Venezuelan gang - by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement
Today 25OCT24.
Abbott challenges Kamala Harris to declare Tren de Aragua a
terrorist org, ‘Americans deserve better’ - by Jennie
Taer / NY Post 25OCT24.
FY 2024 - Numbers of Illegal Immigration Encounters Explode
- by Ward Clark / Red State 25OCT24.
Judiciary Panel Reports Biden, Harris Created “Quiet
Amnesty” to Keep Illegals in Country “Indefinitely” - by
R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 25OCT24.
Right-Wing Dutch Government Keeps Its Electoral Promise,
Announces ‘Unprecedented Measures’ to Rein in Illegal
Migration and Enact ‘The Toughest Asylum Policy Ever’ -
by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
After Austrian Freedom Party Is the Most Voted, Globalists
Unite To Deny Leader Herbert Kickl the Chancellor Role -
Parliament Elects FPO’s Walter Rosenkranz as New Speaker of
Parliament - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Hungary’s Orbán Says That Poland’s Government and PM Tusk
Were ‘Installed’ by the European Union To Topple the
Previous Populist Leadership And Now Budapest Is the New
Target - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
New version of “hate speech bill” is rushed through Irish
parliament; it excludes “speech” but includes a new crime of
“aggravated by hatred” - by Rhoda Wilson and David
Thunder / Exposé 25OCT24.
Tommy Robinson Charged Under the Terrorism Act After Handing
Himself in to Police - by Toby Young / Daily Sceptic
Microsoft’s “Inclusivity Checker” Sparks Fears of a Looming
“Speech Police,” Flagging Terms Like “Mother” and “Father”
for More “Gender-Neutral” Alternatives - by Didi
Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 25OCT24.
Slippery Slope to Censorship - Senator Warner’s Push to
Police Web Infrastructure For Disinformation - by
Cristina Maas / Reclaim The Net 25OCT24.
The Babylon Bee Speaks Out After Scoring a Win Against
California’s Political Satire Policing - by Dan Frieth /
Reclaim The Net 25OCT24.
Only Weeks Before Election Day, Facebook Disables
Journalists' Accounts - by Michael Austin / Western
Journal 25OCT24.
Meta Slammed for Censoring Meme - Satirical Take on Kamala
Harris Sparks Oversight Board Reprimand - by Didi
Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 25OCT24.
Missouri AG launches investigation into Google over
censorship of 'conservative speech' during presidential
election - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 25OCT24.
The Legacy Media Can’t Win it for Kamala - by James
Allan / Daily Sceptic 25OCT24.
GOP House Oversight panel widens probe on NewsGuard,
requests information on government contracts - by Steven
Richards and John Solomon / Just The News 25OCT24.
Guns for me but not for thee, Harris says - by Chris Cox
/ Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Kamala Is the Bigger Threat to the Constitutional Order
- by David Harsanyi / Townhall 25OCT24.
Progressive Regression - The coming election is, as the
media would have it, about potential danger to democracy But
which is the more serious danger, mean tweets or progressive
policies? - by John D. O'Connor / American Greatness
Stepping On The Snake - by T.L. Davis / Substack via
Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Archbishop Viganò Posts Open Letter to American Catholics on
Eve of the Election - by Publius / America First
Father Vigano says Kamala Harris is 'an infernal monster who
obeys Satan' - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 25OCT24.
Archbishop Vigano's Open Letter to American Catholics -
Kamala Harris is an Infernal Monster Who Obeys Satan -
by Carlo Maria Viganò / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Multipolarism appears to be nothing more than the
consolidation of globalism - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé
'Make America Great Again' Is A Rallying Cry For Americans
To Lift The Country Up Despite The Weight Of Deep State
Opposition - by J.B. Shurk / All News Pipeline 25OCT24.
It isn’t over, so don’t pretend it is - by Hugo Gurdon /
Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Republican irrational exuberance? - by Byron York /
Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
11 Days Until the Biggest Election of Our Lifetime - by
Katie Pavlich / Townhall 24OCT24.
American Hitler or stopping World War Three - the illusory
choice for U.S. voters - by Finian Cunningham /
Strategic Culture 25OCT24.
Most Americans Believe There Will Be Violence After the
Election - They Are Probably Right - by Jeff Charles /
Red State 25OCT24.
Dirty Mitch McConnell Attacks Trump and Rick Scott 2 Weeks
Out from Election - Refused to Fund Scott, Kari Lake and Ted
Cruz but Blew Millions on RINO Larry Hogan’s Losing Campaign
- by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
'Independent' [Nebraska] Senate Candidate Dan Osborn Gets
Boost From Bill Gates Progeny, Left-Wing Megadonors in
Campaign's Closing Stretch - by Collin Anderson /
Washington Free Beacon 24OCT24.
Biden-Harris admin seeks to stop Elon Musk from
incentivizing voter registration - by David Krayden / PM
Elon Musk’s PAC Ends Million Dollar Giveaways After Threat
from DOJ - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit
Head of NASA and Top Dems Demand Investigation of Elon Musk
- by Scott Pinsker / PJ Media 25OCT24.
Preparing For The Steal - by Jeff Carlson and Hans
Mahncke / Truth Over News via Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Biden-Appointed Judge Orders Noncitizens Back on Voter Rolls
in Virginia - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 25OCT24.
Judge orders Virginia to reinstate 1,600 voters removed in
program targeting noncitizens - by Kaelan Deese /
Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Biden Judge Orders Non-Citizens Put Back on VA Voter Rolls
Just As Poll Shows Kamala Tanking There - by Teri
Christoph / Red State 25OCT24.
Biden Judge Orders Virginia to Reinstate Over 1,600
Noncitizens to Voter Rolls Just 11 Days Before Presidential
Election - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Federal judge sides with Biden-Harris DOJ, requires Virginia
to allow non-citizens to vote in presidential election -
by Libby Emmons / PM 25OCT24.
Virginia must reinstate 1,600 noncitizen voters [per]
Biden-appointed judge - by Mark A. Kellner / NY Post
The DOJ Just Put Thousands of Non-Citizens Back on the Voter
Rolls in VA and Youngkin Isn't Having It - by Katie
Pavlich / Townhall 25OCT24.
U.S. Postal Worker Arrested in Florida After Stealing Over
1,000 Pieces of Mail Including Election Ballots and Dumping
the Items in the Woods - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway
Pundit 25OCT24.
Arizona Officials [say] It Will Take Nearly 2 Weeks To
Tabulate 2024 Election In Maricopa - by Jack Phillips /
Epoch Times via Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Ballots Affected After Alleged Arson at Swing State
[Arizona] USPS Box - by Jack Davis / Western Journal
Dallas County Elections Publishes Official “Die-Cut” Mail-In
Ballots to County Website - Complete with Signature
Endorsement - by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Michigan’s bloated voter rolls list nearly 500,000 names
more than the total eligible voting population - by
Belle Carter / Newstarget 25OCT24.
'Cheating and Skullduggery' - Trump Vows to Stop the 2020
Shenanigans From Happening Again in 2024 - by Teri
Christoph / Red State 25OCT24.
Court Rules That Ballots Must Arrive by Election Day -
by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 25OCT24.
Appeals Court Rules All Mail-In Ballots Must Be Received by
Election Day In Order to Be Counted - by Cristina Laila
/ Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Fifth Circuit Issues 'Massive' Election Integrity Win on
[Mississippi] Ballot Receipt Deadline - [ballots must be
received by Election Day and state laws allowing them to
arrive later are preempted by federal law] - by Susie
Moore / Red State 25OCT24.
Pennsylvania Officials Investigating Up to Thousands of
Fraudulent Voter Registration Applications - by Randy
DeSoto / Western Journal 25OCT24.
Lancaster County, PA Busts Fraudulent Voter Registration
Efforts - by Susie Moore / Red State 25OCT24.
Pennsylvania County Investigating Huge Trove of Fraudulent
Voter Registration Forms - by Rick Moran / PJ Media
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Uncovers and Halts Suspected
Voter Registration Fraud Scheme - 2,500 Potentially
Fraudulent Applications Submitted Just Before Deadline -
by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Lancaster County Pennsylvania Fake Ballot Registrations
Scandal Expands, Thousands of Fake Registrations - Involves
Two More Counties - Two Groups Mentioned in Scandal - by
Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Montana Senate Campaign Worker Fired for Tampering With
Ballot Box - by Ward Clark / Red State 25OCT24.
Trump Sends a Legal Warning to Anyone Trying to Cheat in the
Election - by Tyler O'Neil / Daily Signal 25OCT24.
Motivated Voters - by Susie Moore / Red State 25OCT24.
“Blatant Campaign Interference,” Trump Campaign Files FEC
Complaint as European Socialists Break US Law to Stump for
Kamala Harris - by Collin McMahon / Gateway Pundit
Chinese hackers target phones of Trump, Vance - by
Thomas Stevenson / PM 25OCT24.
Chinese hackers tried to break into Donald Trump and JD
Vance’s cellphones - by Josh Christenson / NY Post
Chinese Hackers Target Trump and GOP VP Candidate Sen. JD
Vance, Attempting to Breach Phones via Compromised US
Telecom Systems - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Foreign Government Hacked Trump and Vance's Phones in
Massive Cyber Attack - by Michael Austin / Western
Journal 25OCT24.
US investigating Chinese hackers targeting Trump and Vance
phones - by Misty Severi / Just The News 25OCT24.
Florida sues Merrick Garland over blocking probe into second
assassination attempt on Trump - by Thomas Stevenson /
PM 25OCT24.
The World Watches as Donald Trump’s Enemies Resort to Murder
as a Campaign Strategy - Progressive Democrats always had it
in them. Now they’re letting their murder flag fly proudly
- by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann / by American
Greatness 25OCT24.
Hilarity Ensues When President Trump Calls into JD Vance
Town Hall with Chris Cuomo and Asks Two Questions Including
a Funny One About Kamala Harris - ["How brilliant is
Kamala?"] - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit
Trump’s McDonald’s visit hits a nerve - by Kaylee McGhee
White / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Sorry, Harris, Trump is as authentic as it gets - by Ian
Haworth / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Barron Trump helps dad to 'break the internet' with podcast,
interview recs - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 25OCT24.
How Barron Trump has been influencing his dad’s presidential
run and helping him reach younger voters - by Diana
Glebova / NY Post 25OCT24.
Harris Spox Finally Answers If Kamala Is Doing Joe Rogan's
Show - The Response Could Not Be Lamer - by Nick Arama /
Red State 25OCT24.
Kamala Harris Officially Chickens Out of Doing Joe Rogan's
Podcast - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 25OCT24.
Harris Spokesman Confirms Kamala Said No to Joe Rogan
Podcast - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 25OCT24.
President Trump Will Sit Down with Podcaster Joe Rogan Today
in Historic Interview - Kamala Harris Turned Down Invite -
Obviously Couldn’t Handle It - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 25OCT24.
Trump And Rogan Have A Wild Interview - by Tyler Durden
/ Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Trump Appears on ‘Joe Rogan Experience’ for Three-Hour
Marathon Interview, ‘Could You Imagine Kamala Doing This?’
- by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 25OCT24.
Joe Rogan, Trump Roast Kamala Abandoning Her Left-Wing
Policies and Stealing Trump’s: ‘I’m Gonna Send Her a MAGA
Cap’ - by Alana Mastrangelo / Breitbart 25OCT24.
Trump calls being president a ‘very dangerous business,’
citing assassination attempts in highly anticipated Joe
Rogan interview - by Victor Nava and Anna Young / NY
Post 25OCT24.
Trump makes very late entrance to Michigan rally after Joe
Rogan interview - by Emily Hallas / Washington Examiner
Joe Biden’s Brain Breaks as He Insists Nothing is Wrong with
Him During Trip to Arizona to Apologize to Indians - by
Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Biden suggests very alive former Rep. Gabby Giffords is dead
after bizarre remark, ‘Nothing wrong with me’ - by
Victor Nava / NY Post 25OCT24.
Just two weeks before Election Day, Biden tells crowd about
Trump, “We’ve gotta lock him up!” - by Ethan Huff /
Newstarget 25OCT24.
Harris caps 40-year cycle of Democratic lawyer-candidates
- by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
All Aboard the Kamala Express - Next Stop, Press Conference
in Word Salad City - by Ward Clark / Red State 25OCT24.
Scott Jennings Skewers Kamala's Weightless, Witless Words in
Epic Fashion - by Nick Arama / Red State 25OCT24.
Harris Told to Drop the ‘Kumbaya Optics’ and Address
Bread-and-Butter Issues - by Simon Kent / Breitbart
The righteously blinded Kamala Harris - by Washington
Examiner 25OCT24.
Kamala police escort removes worshippers from their own
building after uproar over her claim that Jesus Christ and
his followers don’t belong at her rallies - by Ethan
Huff / Newstarget 25OCT24.
Americans Don’t Want Beyoncé, They Want Their Country Back -
Kamala has 99 problems and Beyoncé isn’t going to fix them
- by Steve Watson / Modernity 25OCT24.
Bruce Springsteen Delivers Dark Message and Dreary Bomb of a
Performance at Kamala Rally - by Bob Hoge / Red State
People Leave Kamala Rally; Only Came For Free Springsteen
Concert - They headed for the door again as she began
speaking - by Steve Watson / Modernity 25OCT24.
Kamala's Rallies Plagued by Audience Members Walking Out
- by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 25OCT24.
Kamala: I Oppose Political Violence but - Wink Wink - Trump
‘Is a Threat to America’ - by Rusty Weiss / Red State
Holocaust Survivor Absolutely Wrecks Kamala Harris for
Pretending Donald Trump Is Hitler - by Jeff Charles /
Red State 25OCT24.
Holocaust survivor rips Kamala Harris for boosting
Trump-Hitler comparisons, says ex-prez is ‘a mensch’ -
by Josh Christenson / NY Post 25OCT24.
Harris Calling Trump ‘Fascist’ Is Too Much Even for Mitch
McConnell and Mike Johnson - by Robert Spencer / PJ
Media 25OCT24.
McConnell and Johnson tell Harris to stop ‘fascist’ talk
amid threats to Trump’s life - by Ramsey Touchberry /
Washingtin Examiner 25OCT24.
House Speaker, Senate GOP leader slam Kamala for calling
Trump Hitler over and over again - by Libby Emmons / PM
Hillary Clinton Claims Trump Is “Reenacting 1939 Madison
Square Garden Nazi Rally” - Everyone I disagree with is a
nazi - by Steve Watson / Modernity 25OCT24.
Disgusting Hillary Clinton Says Trump Rally Will Be
'Reenacting' 1939 Nazi Event, Team Trump Responds - by
Mike Miller / Red State 25OCT24.
Hillary Clinton claims Trump wants to 'reenact' Nazi rally
at Madison Square Garden, leans into rhetoric on 'fascism'
- by Katie Daviscourt / PM 25OCT24.
Trump Isn't Hitlering Enough to Help Kamala - by Stephen
Kruiser / PJ Media 25OCT24.
'Undecided' voters lean Trump after suffering from Hitler
rhetoric fatigue - by Libby Emmons / PM 25OCT24.
Kari Lake Zings Slick Willy After He Calls Her “Physically
Attractive” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit
Barack Obama Cuts Killer Ad for Donald Trump in the Election
Home Stretch - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
'I Was Deeply Offended,' Voter Tears Obama Apart in Front of
MSNBC Host, Slams Ex-President for Scolding Black Men -
by Samuel Short / Western Journal 25OCT24.
Campaigning with Liz Cheney Appears to Backfire on Kamala
Harris in Battleground State [Michigan] - by Jack Davis
/ Western Journal 25OCT24.
Dems in Full Disarray As 'Progressive' Wing Revolts Against
Kamala Harris' Coddling of Liz Cheney - by Sister
Toldjah / Red State 25OCT24.
Harris angers her left flank with appeals to Trump-skeptical
Republicans as lead shrinks - by Brady Knox / Washington
Examiner 25OCT24.
Harris's Radical-Left Base Is Angry She's Trying to Hide Her
Extreme Left-Wing Beliefs - by Rick Moran / PJ Media
Tim Walz’s wife Gwen yanked off campaign trail for being a
“Karen-like” weirdo - “At one point, she looked and sounded
like the Wicked Witch of the West” - by Ethan Huff /
Newstarget 25OCT24.
Ridiculous ‘Trump Groped Me’ Story Backfires, Causes
#KamalaGropedMe To Trend - Only helps Trump - by Steve
Watson / Modernity 25OCT24.
CNN Panel Melts Down As Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary Says
Harris Wasn't Democratically Nominated - by Brandon
Morse / Red State 25OCT24.
Anderson Cooper and Charlamagne Go Head-to-Head, Calling
Each Other ‘Bullsh*t’ as Democrats Tear Into Each Other Live
Over Kamala Harris - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
Kamala Harris’ failure to secure key endorsements suggests
her campaign is in free-fall - by Joe Concha / NY Post
WaPo Declares It Will Not Endorse a Presidential Candidate
This Election - by Susie Moore / Red State 25OCT24.
Washington Post refuses to endorse Kamala Harris for
president - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 25OCT24.
Washington Post announces it won’t endorse presidential
candidate for first time since 1988 - by Ross O'Keefe /
Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Decision to Kill WaPo's Presidential Endorsement Came From
Top Dog - by Ward Clark / Red State 25OCT24.
In Huge Blow to Kamala Harris, the Washington Post Won’t
Endorse a Presidential Candidate For First Time Since 1980s
After Tense Meeting with Editor - Bezos Killed Endorsement
- by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
It Was Bezos - WaPo Reveals Details Behind Decision To Dump
Harris - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 25OCT24.
The Washington Post Just Humiliated Kamala Harris - by
Matt Margolis / PJ Media 25OCT24.
WaPo Staffers Throw Delicious Temper Tantrums After
Announcement on Presidential Endorsements - by Sister
Toldjah / Red State 25OCT24.
Washington Post editor resigns after board declines to
endorse presidential candidates - by Misty Severi / Just
The News 25OCT24.
WaPo editor-at-large resigns after Jeff Bezos rumored to be
behind Dem-leaning outlet refusal to endorse Kamala - by
Hannah Nightingale / PM 25OCT24.
Far-left WaPo, LA Times Refuse to Endorse Harris - by R.
Cort Kirkwood / New American 25OCT24.
LA Times Dealing with Fallout of Presidential Endorsement
Controversy as Employees Quit in a Huff - by Randy
DeSoto / Western Journal 25OCT24.
The Post endorses Donald Trump for president - the clear
choice for a better future - by Post Editorial Board /
NY Post 25OCT24.
The New York Post Endorses Donald Trump, Calls Kamala Harris
an 'Unqualified Political Lightweight' - by Brandon
Morse / Red State 25OCT24.
The New York Post endorses Donald Trump for President, 'The
clear choice for a better future' - by Post Millennial /
PM 24OCT24.
Like Rats on a Sinking Ship - Why so Many Newspapers Are
Refusing to Endorse Kamala Harris - by Scott Pinsker /
PJ Media 25OCT24.
Mel Gibson Was Asked Why He Thinks a Kamala Harris
Presidency Would Be a Bad Thing, and Hoo-Boy - by
Margaret Clark / Red State 25OCT24.
It Takes Guts To Predict the 2024 Election - by Matthew
Continetti / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Las Vegas Oddsmaker Predicts Election Winner - Says This is
Exact Repeat of Reagan-Carter in 1980. Tied for Months, Then
on Election Day a Landslide. And Trump is the New Reagan
- by Wayne Allyn Root / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Trump erases Harris’s national polling lead with race tied
- by Haisten Willis / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
Trump, Kamala in dead heat nationally only 11 days before
election [per] NYT/Siena poll - by Hannah Nightingale /
PM 25OCT24.
New York Times 'Shock Poll' Shows a Double-Digit Pro-Trump
Swing With 10 Days to Go - by Scott Pinsker / PJ Media
Donald Trump on the Verge of Overtaking Kamala Harris in New
Hampshire - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
GOP internal poll shows Donald Trump could help flip Senate
- by A.G. Gancarski / NY Post 25OCT24.
Trump Breaks Major News at Two Key Thursday Events, “I’m Not
Supposed to Say It, But We Are Leading by So Much” - by
Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Harris can’t break away from Trump despite crushing him in
fundraising - by Brady Knox / Washington Examiner
Democrats Freaking Out, Fear Kamala Harris Is 'Blowing' the
Election - by Bonchie / Red State 25OCT24.
Rebuilding the Navy means building ships abroad - by Tom
Rogan / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
[UK] Armed Forces Not Ready to Fight a War, Says Defence
Secretary - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 25OCT24.
Low IQ Lefty Who Tore Down Flags She Thought Were Israeli
Arrested - Police Used Her Own Video to ID Her - by
Rusty Weiss / Red State 25OCT24.
Biden-Harris Admin Promotes Pentagon Employee [Ariane
Tabatabai] Tied to Iranian Influence Network - by Adam
Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 24OCT24.
Who Leaked U.S. Intelligence on a Possible Israel Attack on
Iran? - by Fred Fleitz / American Greatness 25OCT24.
7 Israelis charged with spying for Iran allegedly carried
out 600 missions for $300K - by Patrick Reilly / NY Post
Israel Launches Retaliatory Strike Against Iran, Targets
IRGC - Explosions Reported Near Iranian Capital Tehran -
by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25OCT24.
Israel Strikes Military Targets in Iran - by Tom Ozimek
/ NTD 25OCT24.
IDF Speaks After Israel's Massive Air Strikes on 'Iran and
Its Proxies' - by Becca Lower / Red State 25OCT24.
Israeli Forces Attack Iran With "Precise Strikes On Military
Targets" In Retaliatory Response - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Israel Launches Long-Awaited Counterstrike on Tehran
Following Iranian Missile Barrage - by Adam Kredo /
Washington Free Beacon 25OCT24.
Israel Bombs Tehran, US Expects Iranian Response - by
Kyle Anzalone / Antiwar 25OCT24.
Biden announces new $425 million aid to Ukraine - by
Mike Brest / Washington Examiner 25OCT24.
EU lawmaker says West’s freezing of Russian assets
constitutes “theft” - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget
North Korean Soldiers Now Considered 'Fair Game' - by
Samuel Short / Western Journal 25OCT24.
GOP Chair [Republican Representative Mike Turner of Ohio
insists] US Must Consider 'Direct Military Action' If
N.Korean Troops Fight In Ukraine - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 25OCT24.
Putin: Russia Willing To Reach 'Rational Compromise' With
Ukraine To End War - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge
Putin welcomes Trump’s vow to end Ukraine war, ‘He said it
sincerely’ - by Olivia Land / NY Post 25OCT24.
The US Was Inadvertently Responsible For The Sino-Indo
Border De-Escalation Deal - by Andrew Korybko / Substack
via Zerohedge 25OCT24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Solar Storm Watch Tomorrow, Storms, Quake, Ozone, 3d Nova 25OCT24.
The DOJ is Trying to Bully Elon Musk For... Nothing Really 25OCT24.
North Korean Troops Enter Russia 25OCT24.
If Democracy in the USA is Backsliding There's One Fix... DONALD TRUMP 25OCT24.
Everything We Do is Wrong 25OCT24.
PJ Dubs / Modernity:
This Should Be The Top Story 25OCT24.
PJ Dubs / Modernity:
The Panic is Setting In 25OCT24.
Mark Dice:
Kamala's CNN Town Hall Train Wreck! Even Democrat Pundits Admit She's in Big Trouble 25OCT24.
Hodge Twins:
Anderson Cooper Shocks Everyone and Exposes Kamala’s Failures during CNN Town Hall Event 25OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
Kamala’s WORST ANSWER From Her CNN Town Hall 25OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
MSNBC DISAPPEARS Segment Criticizing Network’s Coverage! w/ Jose Vega & Scott Ritter 25OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
Kamala BADLY FUMBLES Border Wall Question On CNN 25OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
Israeli Soldiers Refusing To Fight In Gaza!– w/ Scott Ritter & Jose Vega 25OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
Opposition To U.S. Brings World Powers Together 25OCT24.
In Depth

Joe Rogan:
Donald Trump 25OCT24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Judge Rules Mail In Votes ILLEGAL After Election Day, TRUMP WINNING w/Mike Benz 25OCT24.
Scott Adams:
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4002
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4003
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4004

Ryan Long:
Behind Every Great Man is an Even Greater Woman? 25OCT24.
It's A Gundam:
Fallout Day Sucked, so here is RadioGundo! Mod preview 25OCT24.
Count Dankula:
Stalins Cannibal Island 25OCT24.
Planetary Orbits, Meshing Performance Boosts & Dynamic Not Far Behind - Star Citizen 25OCT24.
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Note Numbers (I)
My Little Armalite
Nikolas Schreck (YT)
Pallets Full Of Ballots
Peter Hollens (YT)
RazörFist Alice
Cooper (YT)
Black Sabbath (YT)
RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
Judas Priest (YT)
Michael Jackson (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
Saxon (RMBL)
Real Samson - Pelosi Rap (YT)
Nation (I)
Bros (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Cement (Rumble)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement
Spare Daughter
Spotify (I)
Christopher (YT)
Tunelist (I)
Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT) |