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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Tuesday 25JUN24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- House investigators release report detailing how Fauci, other NIH officials lied to journalists about gain-of-function research - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 25JUN24.

- German CDC documents show politics drove Covid response, not science - by Steve Kirsch / Substack 25JUN24.

- Pfizer Gets Sued Again - Why Is BioNTech Escaping Justice? - by Robert Kogon / Daily Sceptic 25JUN24.

- Here’s proof that covid injections cause cognitive decline - how does it happen and how do we treat it? - by Rhoda Wilson and A Midwestern Doctor / Exposé 25JUN24.

- A review of 325 autopsy reports reveals 74% of deaths were directly due to covid injections - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 25JUN24.

- Another “vaccine passport” bill Fails to pass in New York where medical legislation is disguised so the nanny-state can impose vaccine mandates later - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 25JUN24.

- Biden Admin Pressured Amazon to Suppress “Anti-vax” Books - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 25JUN24.

- Principled Opposition to Lockdown and Vaccine Coercion - by Nick Rendell / Daily Sceptic 25JUN24.

- Government Destroys £1.4bn of PPE From One Covid Deal - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 25JUN24.

- The Great Lockdown Swindle - by Alex Kriel / Daily Sceptic 25JUN24.

- The overhyped threat of a human bird flu pandemic is a hoax to “reset” our food system - by Rhoda Wilson and Alexis Baden-Mayer / Exposé 25JUN24.

- Bird flu in cows spread only through mammary tissue, not respiration, officials say - by Gabrielle M. Etzel / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- Why Do They Lie About Extreme Temperature Deaths? - by Kip Hansen / WUWT 25JUN24.

- Climate “Communicators” Discover the Best Way to Persuade Voters is to Lie to Them - by Charles Rotter / WUWT 25JUN24.

- No, Mainstream Media, “Extreme” Wildfires Are Not on The Rise Due to Climate Change - by Anthony Watts / Climate Realism 25JUN24.

- BBC praises open letter signed by 408 climate fanatics pushing extreme green tyranny - “the most distinguished of the country’s climate scientists” - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 25JUN24.

- Corporations that Concede the Science are Doomed - by Christopher Monckton / WUWT 25JUN24.

- It’s Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity - by Samuel Short / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Climate Protesters Out Of Control As They Attack Stonehenge And Disrupt PGA Championship - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 25JUN24.

- Portland plans $750 million climate agenda, but can't comply with state eco-law - by Tom Joyce / Just The News 25JUN24.

- This Energy Transition Thing Really Is Not Happening - by Francis Menton / Manhattan Contrarian 25JUN24.

- Fossil Fuel, CO2 Emissions Hit Record High In 2023 - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 25JUN24.

- How to unlock America’s full energy potential - by Michelle Steele and Susie Lee / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- Electric Vehicle Owners Ditch Battery Power as Majority Selling an EV Return to Petrol - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 25JUN24.

- China Premier Snubs German Vice Chancellor, As Beijing Agrees To Talk With Europe Over EV Tariffs - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 25JUN24.

- Is The Global Inflationary Depression Already Here? - by Peter St. Onge and Jeffrey A. Tucker / Brownstone Intitute via Zerohedge 25JUN24.

- 11 Signs That the U.S. Economy Is in Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think - by Michael Snyder / America First 25JUN24.

- The Law of Unintended Consequences? - Maybe, maybe not. With the imposition of the state's $20/hour minimum wage law for fast food workers, what's happening in California seems to have been inevitable - by Richard Truesdell / American Greatness 25JUN24.

- Twin Rulings Put the Kibosh on Biden's Latest Student-Loan-Forgiveness-for-Votes Bribe - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild - by Mike Lachance / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Federal prosecutors recommend Justice Department charge Boeing - by Allie Griffin / NY Post 25JUN24.

- Federal Prosecutors Have Enough, Target Boeing as Major DOJ Deadline Approaches - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 25JUN24.

- Airline Suspends Staff for ‘Fat Shaming’ In Private Texts - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 25JUN24.

- Gavin Newsom Delivers Dark State of the State Speech, Obsesses Over Gender Politics, Abortion - by Bob Hoge / Red State 25JUN24.

- Newsom's Wife, Kids Relocating to Posh Marin County So Their Oldest Can Attend $60k/Year High School - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 25JUN24.

- Louisiana Becomes First State to Mandate Surgical Castration of Child Rapists - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 25JUN24.

- Trans-identified male felon awarded $350,000 by NYC after suing for being housed with male inmates on Rikers Island - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 25JUN24.

- Biden's trans HHS assistant sec Dr Rachel Levine pressured WPATH to eliminate age guidelines for child sex changes - by Libby Emmons / PM 25JUN24.

- Woke LEGO Toy Company Offers Drag Queens and Furries for “Pride” Month - by Selwyn Duke / New American 25JUN24.

- LEGO wishes Happy Pride to children with mini-figures decked out as drag queens, furries - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 25JUN24.

- Elon Musk Savages Woke 'Star Wars' Producer Kathleen Kennedy - 'She’s More Deadly Than the Death Star!' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 25JUN24.

- Disney VP Flees in His Tesla When Confronted by James O'Keefe Over Professed Racist Hiring Practices - by Brandon Morse / Red State 25JUN24.

- Is Crime Down Under Biden? - The Truth About FBI Crime Statistics - by Selwyn Duke / New American 25JUN24.

- Arizona Man Dies In Accident After Witnesses Robbed Him Instead Of Helping - They went through his pockets while he was trapped under a car - by Steve Watson / Modernity 25JUN24.

- Massachusetts Tells Migrants at the Border Not to Come Because State Shelters Are Full - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- Jocelyn Nungaray’s distraught family demands ‘safer country’ after 12-year-old’s life ‘ripped away by illegal men’ - by David Propper / NY Post 25JUN24.

- 50 immigrants brought to US through an ISIS-tied smuggling ring are unaccounted for by DHS - by Misty Severi / Just The News 25JUN24.

- Rishi Sunak’s Deportation Plan Is ‘Crap,’ Admits Top Government Aide - by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse 25JUN24.

- Assange Is Free, But Justice Has Not Been Done - by Caitlin Johnstone 25JUN24.

- Turncoat Mike Pence Triggered By Julian Assange Plea Deal, Claims He Deserved ‘Fullest Extent of The Law’ - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Julian Assange dropping $500K for flight to remote island to avoid setting foot on US mainland - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 25JUN24.

- Tommy Robinson Arrested in Canada - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 25JUN24.

- British Activist Tommy Robinson Arrested in Canada by Undercover Police After Delivering a Powerful Speech on Censorship and Government Overreach - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Tommy Robinson Arrested in Canada on Immigration Charge - by James Murphy / New American 25JUN24.

- George Soros Seeks Help of Dem-Controlled FCC to Expedite His Takeover of America’s Second-Largest Radio Network - by Belle Carter / Natural News via America First 25JUN24.

- Australia’s eSafety Chief Doubles Down on Anti-Encryption Push Despite Industry Backlash - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 25JUN24.

- Mastercard To Expand Digital Biometric ID and “Behavioral Biometrics” - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 25JUN24.

- Bump-stock Bunkum - Chicken Little Media’s “Sky Is Falling” Narrative - by Selwyn Duke / New American 25JUN24.

- Surgeon general decries gun violence as public health emergency - by Gabrielle M. Etzel / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- Biden’s Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence in America a ‘Public Health Crisis’ - by Mike Lachance / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Surgeon General Bows to Gun-Grabbing Biden, Declares 'Firearm Violence' a 'Public Health Crisis' - by Mike Miller / Red State 25JUN24.

- Biden admin declares 'gun violence' to be 'public health crisis' after president's son convicted on federal gun charges - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 25JUN24.

- Feds Allow Crime, Fudge Numbers, Then Declare Guns a 'Public Health Crisis' - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- Eddie Hobbs: Globalists, we see you now and you’re in danger from the public who are waking up to your plan - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 25JUN24.

- Increasingly Unpopular Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Suffers Shocking Defeat as ‘Fortress Toronto’ Votes for a Conservative MP for the First Time in 31 Years - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Macron Threatens ‘Civil War’ if He Doesn’t Win - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 25JUN24.

- Oakland Mayor Raided By FBI Claims She Is Being Targeted By 'Radical Right Wing Forces' - by Tyler Durden Zerohedge 25JUN24.

- Democrats Have Been Complaining about Election Fraud for Years - by Daniel Oliver / American Greatness 25JUN24.

- Nonpartisan Election Validity Group Files Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- 49 States Are Now Supplying ‘Non-Citizens’ With Voter Registration Forms - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 25JUN24.

- America First Legal Sends Directive to All 50 States on Preventing Illegal Aliens from Voting Amidst Reports of Biden Regime Distributing Social Security Numbers and Voter Registration to Illegals - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Wisconsin Elections Commission Accused of Being in Contempt of Court for Disregarding Temporary Restraining Order - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- What’s Happening in Lynchburg, Virginia? Shocking New Video Reveals Ballot Dropbox Left Open for Days, Mail-In Ballots Collected After Election, and No Security Camera Present - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Maricopa County Election Worker Nabbed for Stealing Security Fob and Keys - by Bob Hoge / Red State 25JUN24.

- FBI Accused of Scrubbing Democrat’s Social Media Accounts After He Was Caught in Arizona Stealing Election FOB and Key from Maricopa County Tabulation Center - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Top RFK Jr. aide is Soros-linked climate activist who praised China’s ‘war on coal’ - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- FBI Raids Oakland Home Tied to Campaign Contribution Laundering Scheme - High-Profile Political Connections Including Biden, Harris, Newsom, Bonta, and Becerra Under Scrutiny - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- In Bizarre Closing Campaign, Jamaal Bowman and the 'Squad' Battle for the South Bronx Which Isn't In His District - by Meghan Blonder / Washington Free Beacon 25JUN24.

- Jamaal Bowman's Psychotic Rally Performance Has Somehow Managed to Get Worse - by Bonchie / Red State 25JUN24.

- AOC survives Democratic primary challenge from former Wall Street banker Marty Dolan - by Matt Troutman / NY Post 25JUN24.

- AOC Bails on Jamaal Bowman at Last Minute, Cites Mysterious Scheduling Conflicts - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 25JUN24.

- Jamaal Bowman Defeated in NY Primary - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- Rep. Jamaal Bowman Loses New York Primary After AIPAC Spends an Unprecedented $14M - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 25JUN24.

- Jamaal Bowman Falls in Primary as Voters Segregate Themselves Into Opponent's Camp - by Meghan Blonder / Washington Free Beacon 25JUN24.

- Hamas Caucus Member Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in Defeat As Democrats Choose Latimer - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 25JUN24.

- Hamas Sympathizer and Insurrectionist Rep. Jamaal Bowman Loses Reelection Bid - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Bowman out - ‘Squad’ Democrat loses to pro-Israel challenger in New York primary - by Rachel Schilke / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- Lauren Boebert Soars to Victory over 5 Opponents in Colorado GOP Congressional Race - by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 25JUN24.

- Boebert defeats five challengers in GOP primary for Ken Buck seat - by Rachel Schilke / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- Lauren Boebert Pulls Out a Win to Take Over Retired Rep. Ken Buck's Seat - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 25JUN24.

- Rep. Lauren Boebert Wins Packed Primary After Switching Districts - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Speaker Johnson says House to file amicus brief for Steve Bannon’s appeal - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 25JUN24.

- Speaker Johnson vows to take Garland case to federal court after DOJ refuses to prosecute him for contempt of Congress - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 25JUN24.

- FBI Turned Off Security Cameras During Mar-a-Lago Raid - Legal Experts Weigh In - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Merchan’s Sham Verdict Violated The Constitution In Spades - Unpacking Some Of The Most Grievous Abuses - by Paul Ingrassia / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Judge Merchan removed from Steve Bannon’s Trump wall fundraiser case - by Ross O'Keefe / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- Judge Merchan Gives Trump Partial Relief from Gag Order Just in Time for Debate - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 25JUN24.

- Judge Merchan Partially Lifts Gag Order on Donald Trump - by Susie Moore / Red State 25JUN24.

- New Gag Order Could Lead to Trump's 'Arrest' After Debate Against Biden - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 25JUN24.

- Trump Campaign Hit with Gag Order by CNN Days Ahead of Network’s Presidential Debate - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24JUN24.

- Trump Campaign Blasts CNN Debate Moderator’s “History Of Anti-Trump Lies” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 25JUN24.

- Trump Spox. Karoline Leavitt Responds After CNN Cuts Her Off and Ends Interview for Calling Out Jake Tapper’s Years of Comparing Trump to Hitler - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- CNN Contacts Social Media Companies to Censor Conservative Media During Live Presidential Debate - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- CNN’s Crackdown on Presidential Debate Commentary Sparks Backlash - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 25JUN24.

- Trump Explains How Agreeing to Debate Hosted by CNN Was a Strategic Move on His Part - by Michael Austin / Western Journal 25JUN24.

- RFK Jr. Says Trump Is the 'Greatest Debater' in Modern History, Doubts CNN Will Ask Tough Questions - by Levon Satamian / Red State 25JUN24.

- The Presidential Debate Should Expose a Fragile Biden - by Christopher Roach / American Greatness 25JUN24.

- Biden Spokeswoman Says President Will Be “Very Energized” During Debate - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 25JUN24.

- Joe Biden's Debate Tune-Up Is Alternately Pathetic and Hilarious - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- Biden’s high-stakes gamble risks everything including his nomination as he prepares for Trump debate - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 25JUN24.

- Media Is Prepped to Give Joe Biden His Participation Trophy for Walking Unassisted Into CNN Debate - by T.LaDuke / Red State 25JUN24.

- Top Biden Fundraisers Report 'Depression' as Their Strategy Goes Up in Smoke - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 25JUN24.

- Biden Campaign Forfeits [Florida] to Trump, Admits President Has No Chance to Win It as Democrats' Election Chances Spiral - by Michael Austin / Western Journal 25JUN24.

- Desperate White House claims all videos of Biden acting clueless are Deep Fakes - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 25JUN24.

- Young Voters Explain Why They’re Walking Away From Joe Biden and the Democrat - by Mike Lachance / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- Why Did Joe Biden Remortgage His Properties 35 Times? - by William Upton / National Pulse 25JUN24.

- CIA Contractors Colluded with Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- GOP report reveals CIA contractors colluded with Biden campaign to frame Hunter Biden's laptop as 'Russian disinfo' - by Libby Emmons / PM 25JUN24.

- Mike Morell, David Buckley Were on CIA Payroll When They Signed Hunter Biden Letter - by Jennifer van Laar / Red State 25JUN24.

- DA Alvin Bragg DRrops Charges against Columbia protesters for violence, destruction of property after politically prosecuting Trump - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 25JUN24.

- Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg condemned for dropping charges against 30 pro-Hamas rioters - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 25JUN24.

- Sens. Cruz, Cotton Shred Joe Biden Over 'Appalling' Reaction to Pro-Hamas Attacks at L.A. Synagogue - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 25JUN24.

- Enough with the Hollow Condemnations, Enforce the Law - by Jack Dunphy / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- States Restore Anti-Mask Laws In Response To Violent Pro-Hamas Demos - by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse 25JUN24.

- The Unstoppable Islamization of the West - by Amy Mek / Rair 25JUN24.

- Victims of the October 7 Attack Are Suing UNRWA for Skimming Aid Meant for Gaza and Diverting it to Hamas - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- Biden’s Gaza pier is an abject failure - by John Hannah / Washington Examiner 25JUN24.

- White House Tells Lebanon US Cannot Control Israel - by Kyle Anzalone / Antiwar 25JUN24.

- Why Won’t the US Help Negotiate a Peaceful End to the War in Ukraine? - by Jeffrey D. Sachs / Antiwar 25JUN24.

- US Admits Allies in Syria Using Child Soldiers - by Will Porter / Antiwar 25JUN24.

- Biden admin moves to allow deployment of US military contractors in Ukraine - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 25JUN24.

- Zelensky Sacks General Blamed for Massive Losses - by Will Porter / Antiwar 25JUN24.

- While Putin Wages War on Ukraine, Islam Goes to War Against Russia - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 25JUN24.

- Terror from all sides - The U.S.’ new bet against the Russian Federation - by Lucas Leiroz / Strategic Culture 25JUN24.

- Russian "Glide Bombs" Proving Highly Effective As Summer Offensive Begins - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 25JUN24.

- Russia opens second front in hybrid war against NATO’s eastern flank - by Grzegorz Adamczyk / Remix 25JUN24.

- Kremlin Summons US Ambassador Over American ATACMS Used in Crimea Beach Attack, as Unconfirmed Rumors Say Russian MIG Jet Shot Down US Reaper UAV Over Black Sea - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.

- 'Retaliatory Measures Will Certainly Follow' - Russian-Owned State News Threatens 'Americans Have Never Suffered A Full-Scale War On Their Soil - The Bombs Never Fell On Their Heads' - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 25JUN24.

- Putin's Visit to North Korea and Vietnam May Have Done Him More Harm Than Good - by streiff / Red State 25JUN24.

- Myanmar’s civil war - will the U.S. escalate a proxy war against China? - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture 25JUN24.

- China’s Chang’e 6 Probe Returns to Earth Bringing for the First Time Rock and Soil Samples From Our Satellite’s Far Side - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 25JUN24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Scariest Volcano, Saturn Unbalanced, Solar Data Outage 25JUN24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Are We About to Lose a Key Tool? 25JUN24.

Styx: Julian Assange is (Mostly) Free 25JUN24.

Styx: Trumps Immunity Case Will be Decided Soon 25JUN24.

Styx: Disallowed from Criticizing the FBI? Trump Might Soon Be 25JUN24.

Styx: CNNs Obvious Bias: the Presidential Debate in Focus 25JUN24.

Styx: HIV Spreads Among Hispanic Gays 25JUN24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: ANTIFA is Mad Cops Won't Help Them as Jews Beat Them Up 25JUN24.

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PJ Dubs / Modernity: Macron Sends Bizarre Warning 25JUN24.

PJ Dubs / Modernity: We Need More 25JUN24.

Count Dankula: Gulf War Syndrome 25JUN24.

Mark Dice: Cut The Feed 25JUN24.

Hodge Twins: This Video Exposes Difference Between Black and White Culture 25JUN24.

Hodge Twins: TikTok Fat Influencers Are Now Saying the Unthinkable to Further Their Agenda 25JUN24.

John Stossel: A Presidential Candidate Who Believes in Economic and Personal Freedom: Chase Oliver 25JUN24.

Jimmy Dore: Plea Deal Reached In Assange Case 25JUN24.

Jimmy Dore: Trump Prosecutor’s DISASTROUS Comedy Central Interview 25JUN24.

Tim Pool: Tim Pool & Steven Crowder SLAM CNN Attempt At CENSORSHIP Of Presidential Debate To Help Democrats 25JUN24.

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15 seconds

Tim Pool: Democrats LOSE IT After Trump Calls For DRUG TESTING Biden Before Debate, Says Biden Needs UPPERS 25JUN24.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Julian Assange IS FREE After Plea Deal With Biden Administration 25JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: CNN SHUTS DOWN Interview With Trump Press Sec PROVING Debate Will Be Biased 25JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: CNN Is THREATENING Timcast IRL Over Covering Presidential Debate, This Is FAIR USE 25JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Russia Threatens Consequences After American Missiles Used To Strike Crimean Civilians 25JUN24.

Luke / We Are Change: SCARY PRECEDENT SET: Assange Freed BUT Totalitarian Tentacles Now Reach WORLDWIDE 25JUN24.

In Depth

Tim Pool: FBI Now ADMITS To FRAMING TRUMP, Classified Documents Were Placeholders, FBI STAGED Evidence 25JUN24.

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Jimmy Dore: No One Shows Up For AOC & Bernie Rally 25JUN24.

Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder: Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool 25JUN24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 25JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: FBI ADMITS They STAGED EVIDENCE Against Trump In Mar-A-Lago Raid w/Amy Kremer 25JUN24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3709 25JUN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3710 25JUN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3711 25JUN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 562 25JUN24.

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Suspect Sky: Ancient Mercury Pools | Pig Soy Beans | Ying Yang Photons 25JUN24.

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Dave / X22 Report: Assange Free, June ETA, States Can Verify Citizenship Status Of Voters, It Has Begun 25JUN24.


Freedom Toons: tragedy at the GAY crosswalk 25JUN24.

Awaken With JP: The Hawk Tuah Girl's Boyfriend Speaks Out 25JUN24.

Jonathan Pie: Jonathan Pie: Heroes & Villains 25JUN24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Congressman Bowman and AOC Look Like Idiots Whipping Up Support in the Bronx 25JUN24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Gov Official Proves Replacement Theory True As He Confesses to Project Veritas 25JUN24.

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Veritasium: Why People Prefer More Pain 25JUN24.

The Running ManZ: Anastara Exosuit failing again 25JUN24.

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