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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Wednesday 24JUL24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.36 |
Stuck in my head:
Stevie Wonder - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)
Stuck in my head:
Stevie Wonder - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours) 1970
Stuck in my head:
Peter Frampton - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)
Stuck in my head:
Stevie Wonder - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours) 2009
Stuck in my head:
Blue, Stevie Wonder, and Angie Stone - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)

UK Covid Inquiry Calls for Deployment of Mass Surveillance
System To Prepare for Future “Emergencies” - by Didi
Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 24JUL24.
Court Ruling Permits Trudeau Government To Evade
Accountability for Vaccine Passport Mandates - by Ken
Macon / Reclaim The Net 24JUL24.
Mumps component of Merck’s MMR vaccine contains up to 4x the
approved amount of live virus - “fraud, pure and simple”
- by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 24JUL24.
Corporate media is used to advertise and lobby for the
pharmaceutical industry - by Rhoda Wilson and Guy
Hatchard / Exposé 24JUL24.
A Bill to legalise assisted suicide for the terminally ill
will be introduced to the UK Parliament on Friday - by
Rhoda Wilson and Voice For Justice UK / Exposé 24JUL24.
Wanted: Climate Researcher to Write Extreme Weather Just-So
Stories to Serve Up to Credulous Media - by Chris
Morrison / Daily Sceptic 24JUL24.
London Must Prepare for Climate Change Says Green Blob -
by Paul Homewood / WUWT 24JUL24.
More Bad Good News - Nitrate Fertiliser is Cooling the
Planet - by Eric Worrall and Eberhard Fritz / Max Planck
via WUWT 24JUL24.
Net Zero is Impoverishing the West and Enriching China -
by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 24JUL24.
Biden-Harris Admin Doles Out $400M in EPA Grants to Its Own
Environmental Justice Advisers - by Thomas Catenacci /
Washington Free Beacon 24JUL24.
The SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rule Is a Dark Cloud Over
Energy Abundance - by Stone Washington / Real Clear Wire
via Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Inside Kamala Harris's Plan To Make Biden's Unpopular EV
Mandate Even More Aggressive - by Thomas Catenacci /
Washington Free Beacon 24JUL24.
Today in Our Glorious Transition to EVs General Motors Balks
- by Stephen Green / PJ Media 24JUL24.
Project 2025 on Energy (just a start, remember) - by
Robert Bradley Jr. / WUWT 24JUL24.
Stop the hysteria about Project 2025 - by Brad Polumbo /
Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
House passes Interior bill with steep cuts to EPA - by
Nancy Vu / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Delta Air Lines struggles to recover from Crowdstrike global
tech outage - by Laura Harris / Newstarget 24JUL24.
Communism Made China Poor, and We’re Next - by Antonio
Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Oregon public schools among worst in the nation - by
Jarryd Jaeger / PM 24JUL24.
With Kamala Harris, Democrats return to empty feminism of
2016 - by Kinberly Ross / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Elon Musk Says His Son Has Been 'Killed by the Woke Mind
Virus,' Vows to Get Revenge - by Michael Schwarz /
Western Journal 24JUL24.
Fifteen Year-Old Swiss Girl Taken After Parents Refuse to
Consent to Course of Puberty Blockers - by Frederick
Attenborough / Daily Sceptic 24JUL24.
DOJ Asks Supreme Court To Allow Some Blocked Title IX Rule
Changes - by Caden Pearson / Epoch Times via Zerohedge
Whoopi Goldberg Loses Her Mind After Kamala Harris Gets
Called a ‘DEI Hire’ Live on CNN - by Michael Schwarz /
Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Joy Reid: DEI Is ‘a Good Thing,’ But It’s Racist to Say
Harris is a DEI Pick - by Ian Hanchett / Breitbart
Kamala Harris Is a Race Hustler Who Will Send White Men to
the Back of the Line and Ignite Racial Animus - by Betsy
McCaughey / Townhall 24JUL24.
Race Hustlers, Cops, and No Excuses - With absolutely no
evidence, a new report suggests that racism is a factor in
school discipline - by Larry Sand / American Greatness
The future of DEI and the power of obscurity - by
Breccan F. Thies / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Not Prescribing Puberty Blockers Does Not Cause Suicides
- by Michael Tennant / New American 24JUL24.
Large Migrant Caravan Heads Toward U.S. Border Amid Fears of
Trump’s Reelection - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New
American 24JUL24.
The Media's Rewriting of Kamala Harris's History on the
Border Has Begun - by Brandon Morse / Red State 24JUL24.
The Media’s Total About Face on Kamala Harris as Biden’s
‘Border Czar’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit
Media Denies ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Was Ever In Charge of
Border - by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse
Axios Goes Full Soviet, Starts Editing Published Articles to
Protect Kamala Harris - by Bonchie / Red State 24JUL24.
Axios Writer’s Claim That Kamala Harris was Never Named
Border Czar Backfires Spectacularly After X Users Discover
What She Wrote Three Years Ago - by Cullen Linebarger /
Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
House votes on resolutions condemning Harris as 'Border
Czar' - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 24JUL24.
Biden's immigration agents 'sanitized' El Paso streets
before 'border czar' Kamala's only visit in 2021 - by
Jarryd Jaeger / PM 24JUL24.
Federal agents instructed to clear streets of migrants and
put on a ‘show’ for ‘border czar’ Kamala Harris’ only trip
to border - by Jennie Taer / NY Post 24JUL24.
Border Patrol Agents Ordered to Put on a 'Show,' Clear
Streets of Migrants Before Kamala Harris' First Trip to the
Border - by Jared Harris / Western Journal 24JUL24.
America First and the Role of Unions - America’s union
leadership has a chance to help put someone who is
unabashedly opposed to importing cheap labor and exporting
good jobs back into the presidency - by Edward Ring /
American Greatness 24JUL24.
Irish Integration Minister swamps small village with asylum
seekers - by Rhoda Wilson and Ben Bartee / Exposé
German court rules Syria is a safe country for the first
time, paving the way for deportations - Despite the ruling,
the pro-migration German government is unlikely to start
sending Syrians with deportation orders home - by John
Cody / Remix 24JUL24.
'Great Replacement' - Stéphane Ravier Blasts Parliament for
'Suicidal Toll' of Admitting Over 2 Million Foreigners Under
Macron's Rule - by Amy Mek / Rair 24JUL24.
CA Policy Arm Files Lawsuit Against Schools for Violating
Student and Teacher First Amendment Rights -by Jennifer
Oliver O'Connell / Red State 24JUL24.
Court Allows Gina Carano’s Free Speech Lawsuit Against
Disney To Proceed - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net
George Orwell is Being Cancelled - by Paul Sutton /
Daily Sceptic 24JUL24.
Thin-Skinned Maine Governor Refers Social Media Criticism To
Police - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 24JUL24.
Unelected Technocrats Are Now The Nation's Chief Executives
- by Ryan McMaken / Mises Institute via Zerohedge 24JUL24.
Farage Calls for Referendum on European Convention on Human
Rights - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 24JUL24.
The Threat to Democracy - by James Alexander / Daily
Sceptic 24JUL24.
Top EU Officials Scramble to Figure Out Kamala Harris’
‘Split-Persona’ - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit
Independent Investigator Yehuda Miller Asks Elon Musk To
Help CO. County Clerk Tina Peters By Examining Her Hard
Drive Copy of Dominion Voting Machine - Elon Responds -
by Patty McMurray / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Exactly Twp Weeks
From Today to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls - August 7th Is
Cut-Off Date - Where Is the GOP? - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 24JUL24.
FBI raids former Hochul aide Linda Sun’s home - by Ross
O'Keefe / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
FBI raids former Hochul aide’s $3.5M Long Island home -
by Larry Celona et al. / NY Post 24JUL24.
Mike Benz: FBI Has a Tape of the J6 Pipe Bomber Taking the
Bomb Out of His Bag by the DNC - But His Phone’s Meta-Data
Was Damaged and Unable to Use - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 24JUL24.
Court Rejects Bid To Throw Out Trump Case Against Pulitzer
Board - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via Zerohedge
Matt Gaetz Pushes Federal Bureau of Prisons Director About
Refusal To Let Him Interview Political Prisoner Peter
Navarro, Presses for Answer to Interview Steve Bannon -
by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Trump Shooter Showed Interest in JFK Assassination in Days
Leading Up to Rally - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal
Trump gunman Thomas Crooks searched ‘How far away was Oswald
from Kennedy?’ before assassination attempt - by Josh
Christenson / NY Post 24JUL24.
Shooter Searched Info on JFK Assassination One Week Before
Attempt on Donald Trump - by Susie Moore / Red State
Rep. Eli Crane Reveals Trump Shooter’s Home Was Reportedly
Scrubbed Clean Like “Medical Lab” and No Silverware or Trash
Was Found in Home - by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit
Bodycam Footage Of Trump Shooter On Sloped Roof Is Released
- Officers heard saying they were taking pictures of the
shooter before he fired - by Steve Watson / Modernity
Bodycam Footage Released, Reveals Cop Had Multiple Pics of
Shooter Before Trump Attack - by Joe Saunders / Western
Journal 24JUL24.
Grassley Confirms Would-be Trump Assassin Was Photographed
Before He Fired; Demands Answers - by R. Cort Kirkwood /
New American 24JUL24.
Secret Service took nearly 6 seconds to stop Trump gunman
Thomas Crooks - by Ronny Reyes / NY Post 24JUL24.
Four Times as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill
Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot - by Randy DeSoto /
Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Local cops refusing to share info with FBI as agency suffers
‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires, damning whistleblower
report reveals - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 24JUL24.
Wray to face questions about FBI inquiry into Trump
assassination attempt - by Ashley Oliver / Washington
Examiner 24JUL24.
FBI Director Christopher Wray Testifies Before House
Judiciary Committee - by Susie Moore / Red State
FBI Director Chris Wray Testifies Before Congress on Trump
Assassination Attempt - Time to Recharge Your BS Meter -
by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Thomas Matthew Crooks live-streamed drone footage from rally
site hours before Trump shooting - FBI head Christopher Wray
confirmed to lawmakers that a drone that Crooks was believed
to have used was recovered in his vehicle - by Hannah
Nightingale / PM 24JUL24.
FBI Director Admits Would-Be Trump Assassin Flew Drone
Around Stage at 4 PM for 11 Minutes - Just 2 Hours Before
Trump Took the Stage - So Where Is the Video? - by Jim
Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Chris Wray Admits FBI Is Not Looking Into Why Trump Was
Allowed on Stage After Would-Be Assassin Was Spotted an Hour
Before Shooting Started - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
Person Affiliated with FBI Under Investigation After Trump
Assassination Attempt - by Jared Harris / Western
Journal 24JUL24.
Wray Says There Were At Least Two Instances Where FBI
Officials Expressed Disappointment That Trump Survived
Assassination Attempt - by Cristina Laila / Gateway
Pundit 24JUL24.
Poll finds 30% of Democrats wish Trump Had Been Killed in
the assassination attempt - by Laura Harris / Newstarget
Democrat Nadler Blames President Trump For Assassination
Attempt on His Life - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit
Trump demands FBI director resign instead of ‘sweet talking
Congress’ on Biden - by Brady Knox / Washington Examiner
House unanimously creates task force to investigate Trump
assassination attempt - by Rachel Schilke / Washington
Examiner 24JUL24.
Photo Of Trump’s Ear Without Bandage Sends Leftists Into
Conspiracy Frenzy - Eargate truthers claim it wasn’t a
bullet that hit Trump - by Steve Watson / Modernity
Secret Service Tells Trump to Change His Rally Plans -
by Jack Davis / Western Journal 24JUL24.
Secret Service Tells Trump To Stop Having Outdoor Rallies -
turning near-assassination lemons into Deep State lemonade
- by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 24JUL24.
Trump to Stop Holding Outdoor Rallies After Government
Officials Allow Would-Be Assassin to Fire Off Several Shots
at GOP Nominee Before Taking Him Out - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Election Interference Secret Service Pushes Trump Rallies
Indoors - by JD Rucker / America First 24JUL24.
Massive MAGA Crowd in Charlotte - Trump Takes the Stage to
Thunderous Applause in North Carolina - by Cristina
Laila / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Trump seeks ‘equal time’ on air during Biden’s Oval Office
address - by Annabella Rosciglione / Washington Examiner
Joe Biden owes the country an explanation - by Byron
York / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Biden decides to ‘pass the torch to new generation’ as he
outlines plan to finish out term in first speech since
dropping out - by Steven Nelson / NY Post 24JUL24.
A Haggard Biden Delivered a Slurred Speech From the Oval
Office - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 24JUL24.
Biden Claims U.S. ‘Not at War Anywhere in the World’ -
by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 24JUL24.
Biden Passes the Torch, Vows To Cure Cancer in Slurred
Primetime Address - by Andrew Stiles and Thaleigha
Rampersad / Washington Free Beacon 24JUL24.
A Confused Joe Biden Gives Address to the Nation, Only
Deepens the Scandal Around Him and Kamala Harris - by
Bonchie / Red State 24JUL24.
A Frail Joe Biden [Gaslights] My Record is So Good, I’ve
“Decided” to Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race - by
Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Joe Biden’s Mumbled Oval Office Speech Was Nothing But Lies
and Gaffes - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 24JUL24.
Nobody Cares - Joe Biden Drops Out of 2024 Race in
Much-Anticipated Address to Nation – Only 6,603 People Tune
in to White House YouTube Channel - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Crazy Joe Biden - The Biden presidency is over - Democrats
need to accept this reality - Joe needs to go now - by
Steve Gruber / American Greatness 24JUL24.
Left-Wing Media Only Rushed to Report on Biden's Cognitive
Decline When It Exposed Their Culpability - by Mike
Miller / Red State 24JUL24.
New York Times Now Suggests It’s “Far Right” To Question
Biden’s Health - by Steve Watson / Modernity 24JUL24.
A Liberal Narrative Is Born - Joe Biden Voluntarily Walked
Away From Power for the Good of the Country - by Mike
LaChance / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Hunter Biden's Legal Team Just Got Scorched by Judge for
Making False Statements in CA Tax Case - by Susie Moore
/ Red State 24JUL24.
Afraid of losing the 2024 election in a landslide, desperate
Democrats Stage a Coup against their own puppet - by
Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 24JUL24.
Don’t Buy The Kamala Psy-Op - by Paul Ingrassia /
Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Is Elevating Kamala Harris To The Presidency The Next Stage
In Their Plan? - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American
Dream 24JUL24.
Jill Biden Thanks Biden Voters ‘Who Never Wavered’ in
Support, ‘Time to Put that Trust in Kamala’ - by
Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 24JUL24.
Kamala's Coronation Was The Plan All Along - They Used Biden
To Win The Primaries So Harris Could Be Crowned The Nominee
After Forcing Dementia-Joe Out of The 2024 Presidential Race
- by Michael Snyder / All News Pipeline 24JUL24.
No, Hillary Clinton, you didn’t pave the way for Kamala
Harris - by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner
Chuck Schumer Finally Endorsed Kamala Harris and What a Mess
It Was - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 24JUL24.
Schumer Fails To Muster Applause As He Endorses Harris -
“I’m clapping! You don’t have to” - by Steve Watson /
Modernity 24JUL24.
Former RNC Chair [Michael Steele] Shows His True Colors with
Cringey Kamala Harris Endorsement - by C. Douglas Golden
/ Western Journal 24JUL24.
Laughable Hakeem Jeffries Says Kamala Harris Has ‘Earned’
the Dem Nomination From the Grassroots Up, Not From the Top
Down - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Elizabeth Warren Says Kamala Harris’s Biggest Accomplishment
as VP was Visiting an Abortion Clinic - by Cristina
Laila / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
CNN Reports That Liberal Hollywood Celebrities Are Excited
About Kamala Harris - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit
Kamala Harris secures endorsements from top Democrats except
Barack Obama - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 24JUL24.
Biden Gone, Democrats Rally Around Worst Possible Candidate
- by Byron York / Townhall 24JUL24.
DOJ Finds the 'Missing' Biden Audio From the Hur Report
- by Chris Queen / PJ Media 24JUL24.
CBS Implies Kamala Harris Should Be Exempt From Criticism
- by Tim Graham / Townhall 24JUL24.
Are Kamala’s Supporters “Crazy”? - by Selwyn Duke / New
American 24JUL24.
Both Sides Race to Define Kamala Harris the Presidential
Candidate - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 24JUL24.
Hillary Clinton Weighs in on What a Wonderful Candidate
Kamala Harris Is - by Ward Clark / Red State 24JUL24.
Hillary Pens NYT Op-Ed on How Kamala Can Beat Trump - by
Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 24JUL24.
Harris Campaign Working Overtime to Hide Her Far-Left Record
- by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 24JUL24.
The Liberal Media's Latest 'Cheap Fakes' Gaslighting About
Kamala Harris - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 24JUL24.
If You Thought Biden Was Bad, Look at the Promises of Kamala
- by Mike Shedlock / Mish Talk 24JUL24.
'Merciless' New Dave McCormick Ad Laying Kamala Harris'
Record Bare Has People Talking - by Sister Toldjah / Red
State 24JUL24.
Kamala Harris violated 2020 pledge to refuse cash from
lobbyists and corporations - by Gabe Kaminsky /
Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Best of Veep Thoughts With Kamala Harris - by Thaleigha
Rampersad / Washington Free Beacon 24JUL24.
Was Kamala's Ancestor a Notorious Slave Owner? - This
Resurfaced Family Discovery Could Ruin Her - by Samantha
Chang / Western Journal 24JUL24.
Kamala Harris is a Descendant of a ‘Notorious’ Irish Slave
Owner on Sugar Plantations in Jamaica - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Kamala Harris Kept Black Men in Prison Past Their Release
Date in California So She Could Milk Them for Cheap Labor
- by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Kamala the extremist - by Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
In Case You or Someone You Know Isn’t Aware That Kamala
Harris Is Awful - by Connor O'Keeffe / Mises via America
First 24JUL24.
It's Time to Focus on the Fact That Kamala Harris Is a
Commie - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 24JUL24.
Kamala Wants to Frame Campaign As Prosecutor Versus Felon -
That’s Not Good for Her - by Rusty Weiss / Red State
‘Absolutely Not’ - Kamala Harris Isn’t Ready for Prime Time
on the Global Stage - by Jake Smith / Daily Caller via
America First 24JUL24.
Kamala’s ‘Brat’ Summer Over Before It Begins as VP Falls
Flat with Youth - by William Upton / National Pulse
Democrats Seem Pretty Nervous About Kamala Losing Her War
Chest - by Katie Pavlich / Townhall 24JUL24.
House Democrats Attempting to Silence FEC Chairman for
Citing Campaign Finance Regulations - by Ward Clark /
Red State 24JUL24.
Will the Donor Class Prevent Kamala's Coronation? - by
Matt Margolis / PJ Media 24JUL24.
Obama Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris Because He Thinks She Will
Lose to Trump - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is
why he hasn’t endorsed her - by Isabel Vincent and Jon
Levine / NY Post 24JUL24.
James Carville warns of ‘realism’ facing Kamala Harris in
quest to beat Trump - by Alexandra Steigrad / NY Post
Impeachment Articles Filed Against Kamala for Mismanaging
Border, Covering Up Biden’s Decline - by Jack Montgomery
/ National Pulse 24JUL24.
Three Democrats who have said they won’t be Kamala Harris’s
vice president [Gov. Wes Moore (D-MD), Sen. Joe Manchin
(I-WV), Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI)] - by Jack Birle /
Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Vulnerable House Dem Runs from Questions About Kamala’s
Disasterous Record as Border Czar, “I Don’t Know Who Kamala
Harris Is” - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit
Haley Voters for Harris group vows not to step down after
cease and desist letter from Nikki Haley - by Brady Knox
/ Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Listeners to Hip-Hop Radio Show Are 'Hip' to Failed Democrat
and Kamala Harris Agenda, Support Trump - by Becky Noble
/ Red State 24JUL24.
BLM blasts Dems as 'party of hypocrites' for 'installing'
Kamala without 'public voting process' - by Ari Hoffman
/ PM 24JUL24.
Black Lives Matter Calls DNC 'Hypocrites' Trying to
'Manipulate Black Voters by Anointing Kamala Harris' -
by Brittany Sheehan / Red State 24JUL24.
CNN Data Analyst Hits Kamala Harris with a Reality Check as
Manufactured Hype Builds - by Bryan Chai / Western
Journal 24JUL24.
Biden-Harris Admin Fails To Produce Congressionally Mandated
Report on Iranian Human Rights Abuses - by Adam Kredo /
Washington Free Beacon 24JUL24.
Islam Threatens the Olympics - Jihadists Target Paris 2024
Games and Infiltrate Security - by Amy Mek / Rair
Spies prevent a Russian attack on the Olympics - by John
Schindler / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Hamas Fanatics Menace Netanyahu and Israeli Delegation,
Spread Maggots, and Pull Fire Alarms - by Athena Thorne
/ PJ Media 24JUL24.
Anti-Israel protesters claim to have unleashed maggots and
crickets at Israeli delegation’s hotel ahead of Netanyahu
speech - by Caitlin Doornbos and Ryan King / NY Post
Netanyahu Faces 'Day Of Rage' Pro-Palestinian Protest In DC
As Many "Willing To Get Arrested This Time" - by Tyler
Durden / Zerohedge 24JUL24.
Thousands of Violent Pro-Hamas Agitators Assault Police and
Advocate Killing Jews on Day of Netanyahu’s Speech to
Congress - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit
Wave of Arrests as Anti-Israel Activists Storm Cannon House
Building - by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse
Anti-Israel Protesters Wave the Hamas Flag at Violent
Washington DC Protests - Vandalize Statues with “Hamas is
Coming” Graffiti - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Pro-Hamas Agitators Burn American Flag and Foist Palestinian
Flag Over Union Station as Bibi Addresses Congress - by
Jessica Costescu / Washington Free Beacon 24JUL24.
Pro-Hamas Agitators Torch American Flags and Effigies of
Netanyahu in DC Following His Speech to Congress - by
Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Palestinian Flags Fly Over Historic D.C. Landmark as
American Flags Burn - by Paula Bolyard / PJ Media
Anti-Israel activists who sought to oust Biden and disrupt
DNC put pressure on Harris - by Rachel Schilke and Naomi
Lim / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
Anti-Israel rioters burn US flag, attempt to breach Capitol
Police line as Netanyahu addresses Congress - by Ryan
King and Alex Oliveira / NY Post 24JUL24.
Kamala Harris and Democrats Stand with Hamas - Give Benjamin
Netanyahu the Shaft - Top Democrats Boycott Israeli Leaders
Speech to Congress - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
Kamala Harris Lied About Missing Netanyahu Because of
Long-Planned Scheduling Conflict - by JD Rucker /
America First 24JUL24.
Dozens of lawmakers boycott Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s
speech to Congress as Biden prepares for meeting - by
Josh Christenson / NY Post 24JUL24.
Every Democrat and Republican skipping Benjamin Netanyahu’s
address to Congress - by Brady Knox / Washington
Examiner 24JUL24.
Speaker Johnson rips Kamala Harris for skipping Israeli PM
Netanyahu’s speech just like Biden did in 2015 - by Josh
Christenson / NY Post 24JUL24.
Netanyahu’s congressional address comes at a pivotal moment
- by Paul Teller / Washington Examiner 24JUL24.
It's Sad, but Benjamin Netanyahu Understands America Better
Than Some Americans Do - by Susie Moore / Red State
In Congressional Address, Netanyahu Slams American
Protesters and Receives Standing Ovation - by Dave
DeCamp / Antiwar 24JUL24.
'Iran's Useful Idiots!' Netanyahu Holds Nothing Back Calling
Protestors Out on Home Turf - by Margaret Clark / Red
State 24JUL24.
Netanyahu Demands U.S. Expedite Aid to Israel, Says
Americans Protesting Israel 'Stand With Evil' - by Chris
Menahan / Information Liberation 24JUL24.
Israel's War Is America's War, Bibi Tells Congress - by
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 24JUL24.
'America Is Next,' Netanyahu Offers Chilling Warning in
Speech to Congress - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media
Netanyahu Stands by His Call for Unity, Thanking Both Biden
and Trump - by Becca Lower / Red State 24JUL24.
Ping-Pong Paddle Sign Rashida Tlaib Brought to Netanyahu
Speech Sparks Hilarious Memes - by Sister Toldjah / Red
State 24JUL24.
Nancy Pelosi Tears into Netanyahu Speech After Boycotting It
- by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 24JUL24.
Trump Readies Mar-a-Lago for Netanyahu Visit While Harris
and Many Democrats Boycott the Speech - by Rick Moran /
PJ Media 24JUL24.
Trump shares letter from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas
condemning assassination attempt - ex-prez scribbles, ‘So
nice’ - by Victor Nava / NY Post 24JUL24.
Netanyahu Goes to Mar-a-Lago - World Leaders Line up to Talk
to President Trump as Kamala Harris Snubs Israeli Prime
Minister - by Richard Abelson / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Kamala Skipped Netanyahu's Speech, but She Was Right Behind
Zelenskyy When He Spoke - by Catherine Salgado / PJ
Media 24JUL24.
Zelensky Attempts To Approach Trump Team - Throws Biden
Under the Bus - Keeps a Firm Façade Against Inevitable
Territorial Losses in Peace With Russia - by Paul Serran
/ Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
Russia pays out record amounts of money to recruit new
soldiers - Moscow would need five years to replenish its
troops, one source has recently claimed - by Liz / Remix
Russian, Chinese Military Aircraft Intercepted Off Alaskan
Coast - by Ward Clark / Red State 24JUL24.
U.S. Military Intercepts Chinese and Russian Bombers Ahead
of Biden Speech - by Paula Bolyard / PJ Media 24JUL24.
US Military Intercepts China, Russia Fighter Jets Near
Alaska Prior to Biden’s Oval Office Address - by
Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 24JUL24.
China has achieved escape velocity - it is now unstoppable
- by Pepe Escobar / Strategic Culture 24JUL24.
US Says It’s Looking To Bolster Philippines Ability To
Operate in South China Sea - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Yellowstone Event, Venus Anomaly, Solar Update 24JUL24.
Joe Biden Should Just Resign 24JUL24.
Don't Forgive Kamala Harris for Lying to the Public for Years 24JUL24.
The ALA Is Spewing Out Propaganda About Project 2025 and Book Censorship 24JUL24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Humza Investigated Over Gaza Donation 24JUL24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Woman In Trouble For Getting Intimate With Statue 24JUL24.
Mark Dice:
One Republican Congressman Has Guts To Say It Like It Is 24JUL24.
Hodge Twins:
Dad Confronts Teachers After Catching Them Putting His Son In A Dress 24JUL24.
Jimmy Dore:
AOC Says Dems DON’T WANT Kamala Either 24JUL24.
Luke / We Are Change:
Assassination Attempt Testimony, Huge Speeches As Chaos Set To Erupt 24JUL24.
In Depth

Jimmy Dore:
Don Lemon “Kamala Is NOT African-American!” w/ Nick Cruse 24JUL24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Biden Oval Office Address Over Dropping Out, Far Left RIOT In DC w/Rachel Wilson 24JUL24.
Scott Adams:
Sargon / Lotus Eaters:
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3779
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3780
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3781

Mobile Instinct:
Once Famous Racetrack Still Holds Relics in the Woods
The Running ManZ:
Bitterroot Adventures
All Lairticles

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