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Luke / We Are Change (I)
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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Monday 24APR23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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Stuck in my head: Def Leppard - Photograph




- Prion-based diseases can be induced by mRNA vaccines, according to study - by SD Wells / DC Clothesline 24APR23.

- Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA injections - by Rhoda Wilson and Eugyppius / Exposé 24APR23.

- Whose Job Is It to Make Sure the MHRA [Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency] is Competent? Nobody’s, it Turns Out - by Nick Hunt / Daily Sceptic 24APR23.

- Dutch nurse arrested for allegedly Killing at least 24 Covid patients - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 24APR23.

- Psychopath Tyrant Justin Trudeau The King Of Vaccine Mandates - Now Says He Never Forced Anyone to Get the Covid Vaccine - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Let’s Call It Fauci-ism - We are going to need a well-recognized term to help us understand this threat to American freedom, to communicate with each other about it, and to help us recognize it in whatever form it takes next - by Robert Curry / American Greatness 24APR23.

- Study Finds Face Masks May Increase Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline In Kids - by Steve Watson / Summit News 24APR23.

- Liberals keep telling young people they’re doomed - no wonder they’re so depressed - by Daniel McCarthy / NY Post 24APR23.

- John Kerry Says People will Soon ‘See Their Farms and Crops Ripped Away’ or “Their Homes Destroyed” Due to Climate Change - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Climate Crazies Target SUVs in Affluent Boston Neighborhood - by James Murphy / New American 24APR23.

- Electric vehicles performed Worse in EPA estimates than gas-powered cars - The EV push is a Rigged Scam - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 24APR23.

- How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America - by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. / America First 24APR23.

- Saudi Arabia Discusses OPEC+ Deal With Putin - by Angeline Tan / New American 24APR23.

- Biden’s mortgage ‘equity’ will screw up the homebuying market - by James Bovard / NY Post 24APR23.

- Both Major Parties Pursuing Lenin’s “Capitalism”-destruction Strategy - by Selwyn Duke / New American 24APR23.

- How To Ruin Your Kids - The great self-esteem experiment mistook the pedals for the steering wheel - Here's the result - by Christopher Gage / American Greatness 24APR23.

- A BBC instruction manual for kids to propagandize their parents - by Rajan Laad / American Thinker 24APR23.

- Joe Biden Says “There’s No Such Thing as Someone Else’s Child - Our Nation’s Children Are All of Our Children” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- How Are Drag Queens Any Different From Scary Clowns? - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 24APR23.

- Brides Today Features Hairy 'Transfeminine' Man in Ultra-Cringe Cover Story - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 24APR23.

- 42-Year-Old ‘Transgender’ Dressed as A Schoolgirl Arrested After Taking Photos of Girls in School Restroom - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Joe Biden Gets Creepy About Kids and Insults the Victims of the Nashville Trans Mass Shooter - by Bonchie / Red State 24APR23.

- Biden's Brain Breaks Mid-Sentence, Makes Bizarre Claim About 'TN Three' - by Nick Arama / Red State 24APR23.

- Riot police descend on Montana Capitol as left-wing protesters shut down proceedings - by Brandon Gillespie / Fox News via NY Post 24APR23.

- 7 Arrested as Trans Activists Disrupt Montana Legislature and Bring Proceedings to Halt - by Nick Arama / Red State 24APR23.

- Academia’s Woke Groomers - by Bruce Oliver Newsome / American Greatness 24APR23.

- Trans Rights Means No Rights at All - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 24APR23.

- Bud Light Sales Fall off a Cliff, Rivals Gain - by Bob Hoge / Red State 24APR23.

- Bud Light sales decline proof brands need to know their audience before going woke - by Charles Gasparino / NY Post 24APR23.

- Second Woke Bud Light Marketing Executive Placed On Leave Following Boycott Calls - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- When They Say 'Made for Modern Audiences,' This Is Who They Mean - by Brandon Morse / Red State 24APR23.

- Renowned Criminologist Sunny Hostin Reveals Underlying Cause of 'Gun Violence' - 'White Men' - by Mike Miller / Red State 24APR23.

- Bill Maher: “Most Shootings Are Young Black Men Killing Each Other - Why Doesn’t Anyone Talk About That?” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 24APR23.

- Bill Maher says high Chicago crime rate isn’t talked about enough: ‘Why are you killing each other?’ - by David Propper / NY Post 24APR23.

- Soft-on-Crime NYC Judge Who Released a Child Killer Without Bail Removed from Criminal Cases - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- More and more Americans are bulletproofing their cars as crime and lawlessness worsen - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 24APR23.

- “Digi-Dog” Police Robots set to take over New York City and “Police” any protests about Big Government tyranny or the next plandemic - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 24APR23.

- Macron Gives “Le Doigt” to Free Speech: Protesters to be Prosecuted for Flipping Off the French President - bu Jonathan Turley 24APR23.

- Leftists Continue to Tear Down Statues - by Steve Byas / New American 24APR23.

- “Historical Monuments and Memorials Protection Act” Introduced in Florida - by James Kinneen / New American 24APR23.

- The Sins of Wokeness - by Casey Chalk / Strategic Culture 24APR23.

- Professor in Canada Convicted of Bombing Synagogue, Media Focuses on His ‘Ordeal’ - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 24APR23.

- 3,000-Strong Migrant Caravan Begins Walking Toward US–Mexico Border - by Tom Ozimek / America First 24APR23.

- Obama, Clinton, and Bush partner with American Express to fly illegal aliens into American communities - by Ethan / Huff / DC Clothesline 24APR23.

- DHS Announces New Measures to Tackle AI and Threats From China - by David Kelly / New American 24APR23.

- Homeland Security Plans to Integrate AI to Tackle Critical Missions - by Naveen Athrappully / America First 24APR23.

- Hearing to look at how FISA surveillance laws became “weaponized” against Americans - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 24APR23.

- Top Republican Subpoenas FBI Official Over Refusal to Answer Questions - by Zachary Stieber / NTD 24APR23.

- Don Lemon Fired from CNN - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 24APR23.

- Don Lemon Says He Was ‘Terminated’ by CNN - by Jack Phillips / NTD 24APR23.

- Intriguing Details of What Reportedly Led to Don Lemon/CNN Split Require Some Popcorn - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 24APR23.

- Don Lemon’s fiery exchange with GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy left CNN leaders ‘exasperated’ - by Allie Griffin / NY Post 24APR23.

- The Heated Segment That Left Don Lemon's Superiors 'Exasperated' Just Before His Firing - by Bonchie / Red State 24APR23.

- “The Dumbest Man on Television” - Trump Cheers Don Lemon’s CNN Firing - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- AOC Calls For Tucker Carlson to be Banned From Television For ‘inciting violence’ - by Paul Joseph Watson / Summit News 24APR23.

- Tucker Out At Fox - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Tucker Carlson Leaves Fox News - by JD Rucker / American First 24APR23.

- Tucker Carlson's Executive Producer Also Gone From Fox News - by Nick Arama / Red State 24APR23.

- LA Times: Fox News' Decision to Fire Tucker Carlson 'Came Straight From Rupert Murdoch' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 24APR23.

- Rupert Murdoch Was Reportedly Behind the Decision to Oust Tucker Carlson from Fox News - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Here’s the Reason Tucker Carlson Is Out at Fox News - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 24APR23.

- Fox aired promotions for Tucker Carlson’s show same day as exit from network - by Joshua Young / PM 24APR23.

- Brain Dead Fox News Puts Brian Kilmeade on the Air at 8 PM on First Night Without Tucker Carlson - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Tucker Highlighted the Existential Fight We Face (and Must Win) in Last Speech - by Nick Arama / Red State 24APR23.

- “I’m Shocked. I’m Surprised!” President Trump on Tucker’s Ouster from FOX News and Weighs in on Dominion Payout - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Fox Loses Nearly A Billion in Value on News of Tucker Carlson Exit - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 24APR23.

- Facebook Censors Seymour Hersh’s Bombshell Ukraine Reports, Citing Nina Jankowicz’s Govt-Backed ‘DisInfo’ Group - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 24APR23.

- DeSantis makes trip to Japan, South Korea, Israel and Britain to boost foreign policy cred ahead of 2024 - by Joshua Young / PM 24APR23.

- Donald Trump Savages Joe Biden Ahead of His Reelection Announcement With Blistering Statement - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 24APR23.

- “Where am I? Where am I?”: Trump Mocks Biden For Always Getting Lost - by Steve Watson / Summit News 24APR23.

- Majority of Democrats Don’t Want Biden to Run For President in 2024 - by Paul Joseph Watson / Summit News 24APR23.

- NBC Poll Has Disastrous Numbers for Biden on Eve of Anticipated Announcement for 2024 - by Nick Arama / Red State 24APR23.

- RFK Jr. Is the Thorn We Need in Joe Biden's Side for 2024 - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 24APR23.

- RFK Jr. Slams Dems for Rigging the System - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 24APR23.

- Top Biden Advisor Susan Rice Makes High-Profile Exit From the Troubled Administration - by Bonchie / Red State 24APR23.

- This Democrat Donor Scheme Stinks to High Heaven - by Suzanne Downing / Daily Caller via America First 24APR23.

- 'Addicted to Funding From China' - Stanford Rakes in Chinese Cash - by Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 24APR23.

- House Judiciary FISA Hearing to Examine How Spy Powers Have Been ‘Weaponized Against’ Americans - by Sean Moran / Your News 24APR23.

- How leftist activists hijacked corporate America - by Justin Danhof / Washington Examiner 24APR23.

- Outrageous Ray Epps on 60 Minutes Plays Innocent Victim - Says “It’s Hard to See Our Capitol Under Attack” - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- 60 Minutes Basically Screams, 'Leave Ray Epps Alone!' - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 24APR23.

- CBS Suddenly Discovers Timing Is Everything With Epps Interview - by Becky Noble / Red State 24APR23.

- Former FBI Agent Who Refused to Raid Jan. 6 Suspect Warns of Agency’s Weaponization - by Joseph M. Hanneman / Your News 24APR23.

- Virginia Elections Department Discovers Nearly 20,000 Deceased Registered Voters - by Alex Parker / Red State 24APR23.

- Majority Of US Voters Think 'Cheating' Affected Outcome Of 2022 Midterm Elections - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 24APR23.

- Playing By the Rules Is for Suckers - by Kurt Schlichter / Townhall 24APR23.

- Biden’s corruption is enough to disqualify him from office now - by Andrew C. McCarthy / NY Post 24APR23.

- Is Hunter Biden Living at White House to Avoid His Ex-Stripper Baby Mama Sending Him to Jail? - Other Biden Crime Family Members Also May Be Living at White House - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Hunter Biden hides away at major Dem donor Joe Kiani’s $50 million vineyard during probes - by Samuel Chamberlain / NY Post 24APR23.

- 'Let’s Clear That Issue Up Right Now' - Arkansas Judge Orders Hunter Biden to Court To Answer Laptop Questions - by Alana Goodman / Washington Free Beacon 24APR23.

- We’re done with “gradually”. We’ve now reached the “suddenly” part - by Simon Black / Sovereign Man 24APR23.

- A Grand Alliance to Overcome the Elite Betrayal of America - The sooner we join together to save our civilization, the easier the path - by Edward Ring / American Greatness 24APR23.

- “Warmongering Isn’t a Strength!” Adam Kinzinger’s Attempt to Dunk on Based Utah Senator Mike Lee Over Ukraine Goes Horribly Wrong- Gets Brutal Lesson on Strength and Manhood - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Pentagon Announces New Security Policies After Classified Docs Leak - by Joseph Lord / NTD 24APR23.

- Biden Administration Will Not Evacuate U.S. Citizens Stranded in War-torn Sudan - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 24APR23.

- Why Chinese Dissident Miles Guo Was Denied Bail as CCP Police Plants Roam Free - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 24APR23.

- Dem Bigwigs Caught Hobnobbing With Secret Chinese Police Mole - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 24APR23.

- Biden's Weakening Of The U.S. Military, While Provoking A Nuclear War With China And Russia, And Thousands Of Chinese Crossing The U.S. Border, Makes America A Sitting Duck - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 24APR23.

- Chinese Plan To Disrupt Enemy Satellites’ Comms in the Event of Conflict - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 24APR23.

- Thousands Rally Across Bulgaria to Demand Peace and Neutrality in Ukraine Conflict - by Vlad Tepes / Rair 24APR23.

- Will the West Turn Ukraine Into a Nuclear Battlefield? - by Joshua Frank / Strategic Culture 24APR23.

- Biden Preparing for Failed Ukrainian Counteroffensive - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 24APR23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: Level 4 Solar Storm, Electrical Fires, Big Earthquake 24APR23.

Styx: More Bizarre Cattle Mutilations in Texas 24APR23.

Styx: Will There Be 2024 Primary Debates in Either Party? 24APR23.

Styx: Methane... The Climate Change Bogeyman DEBUNKED! 24APR23.

Salty Cracker: Leftwing Propagandists Can't Stop Tucker So Deep State Forces Fox To Fire Him 24APR23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: Well, why not? 24APR23.

Bearing: The Young Turks VS SpaceX Starship. Sour grapes and Pettiness 24APR23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Free Speech Watchdog Sues University 24APR23.

Cullen / Computing Forever: California Dreaming: The Pod Life Part 2 24APR23.

Mark Dice: Celebrities Completely Melt Down Over What Elon Musk Did To Their Twitter Accounts This Weekend 24APR23.

Tim Pool: Kevin Bacon ROASTED For Promoting And Defending Drag Shows For Children With CRINGE Dancing 24APR23.

Tim Pool: Leftist Beauty Standards Have Become INSANE, Male Markets Bra To Women Despite NO BREASTS 24APR23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Creepy Video Shows Target Locking ALL PRODUCTS As Crime In San Francisco SKYROCKETS 24APR23.

Luke / We Are Change: They Just TOOK DOWN The LAST MAN Standing In Their Way! 24APR23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 24APR23.

Tim Pool: AOC Calls For ARREST OF TUCKER CARLSON, Accuses Him Of FELONIES And DEMANDS Government Intervention 24APR23.

Tim Pool: Tucker Carlson IS OUT AT FOX NEWS, Don Lemon FIRED At CNN, MAJOR BREAKING NEWS As Cable News DIES 24APR23.

Tim Pool: Bud Light REMOVES SECOND Marketing VP, Anheuser PANICS As Boycott WORSENS, Mulvaney STOPS POSTING 24APR23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Men Becoming OBSESSED With Creepy AI Girlfriends, LOSE IT When Company BANS Sex Posts 24APR23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Tucker Carlson WAS FIRED From FOX News, Bud REMOVES Another Exec w/Savanah Hernandez 24APR23.


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Scott Adams: Trump on DeSantis, Dershowitz on Fox News settlement, J6 Eppsurrection, UFOs, slavery reparation 24APR23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #638 24APR23.

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15 seconds

Styx: Monday LIVE: Trump v. Biden, I MADE THE TRANSPHOBE LIST!, etc (Superchats) 24APR23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2683 24APR23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2684 24APR23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2685 24APR23.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 279 24APR23.

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15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: Information Warfare,No Sleep In DC,Transparency Brings Accountability,The Perfect Storm 24APR23.

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15 seconds


. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Ryan Long: My AI Girlfriend Won't Stop Nagging Me! 24APR23.

Sleazy P. Martini: Someone call Dale Gribble! Islam has a MAJOR locust problem! 24APR23.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: The TraniFesto Cover-Up!! What could they POSSIBLY be hiding? 24APR23.

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15 seconds

Count Dankula: Absolute Mad Lads - Helen Duncan 24APR23.

Mobile Instinct: Uncovering 1800's Mine Construction 24APR23.


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