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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Thursday 23JAN25 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.26 |

Fauci could still face legal troubles despite Biden’s
backdated pardon - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 23JAN25.
Pfizer used a ghostwriter to explain away the “hot lots,”
the deadly batches of covid vaccines - by Rhoda Wilson /
Exposé 23JAN25.
In California, we've vaccinated more elderly people with the
Covid vaccine than there are elderly people in the state
- by Steve Kirsch / Substack 23JAN25.
Covid Death Coverup - Trump-Hating Lawyers at DOJ Strike
Again - by Christian Adams / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Should Oxford Be Trusted to Assess the Safety of its Own
Vaccine? - by Mark Walker / Daily Sceptic 23JAN25.
Thacker Dismantles WSJ Propaganda Over Gain-Of-Function
Research - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23JAN25.
EPA to appeal federal court ruling against fluoridated
drinking water - by Ava Grace / Newstarget 23JAN25.
Senate Democrats Unanimously Defeat Anti-Infanticide Bill -
Would Require Doctors to Save Babies Born Alive During
Abortion Procedures - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit
Add World Health Organization (WHO) to your List of
Dishonest Climate Crisis Propagandists [claiming climate
change is causing “many, many diseases” including] Ebola
hype - by Jim Steel / WUWT 23JAN25.
Trump Battles Globalism in Public Health - by Betsy
McCaughey / Townhall 23JAN25.
Life-threatening cold grips U.S. as polar vortex descends
- by Kevin Hughes / Newstarget 23JAN25.
No USA Today, Associated Press, and Others, Record Cold and
Snowfall in the United States Aren’t Caused by Climate
Change - by Anthony Watts / Climate Realism 23JAN25.
Fire Explodes To Over 10,000 Acres North Of L.A. - by
Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23JAN25.
Tens of Thousands Ordered to Evacuate as Massive Fire
Explodes in Northern Los Angeles County - by Cristina
Laila / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Hughes Fire rages outside Los Angeles as new wildfire erupts
near busy 405 Freeway - by Steven Yablonski / Fox
Weather via NY Post 23JAN25.
As the Los Angeles Fires Rage, the California National
Guard’s Top Wildfire Response Expert Says the Newsom
Administration Fired Him Because He’s Jewish - by Andrew
Kerr / Washington Free Beacon 23JAN25.
Newsom Vetoed a Bill to Enhance Fire Mitigation So He Could
Grab the Land for Affordable Housing - by Jennifer
Oliver O'Connell / Red State 23JAN25.
Adam Schiff, Obama Bros Raise Wildfire Relief Funds Through
Charity That's Funneled Millions to Liberal Dark Money
Groups - by Susannah Luthi / Washington Free Beacon
Trump May Withhold Aid From Los Angeles if California
Doesn't Change Its Water Policies - by Rick Moran / PJ
Media 23JAN25.
The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many Humans As
Possible - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream
Government by Hysteria - The Climate and Covid Hobgoblins
Begin to Fade - by Tilak Doshi / Daily Sceptic 23JAN25.
Energy Experts Laud the 'Trump Effect’ as Trump Ditches
Climate Alarmism - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media
UK Wors[t] Place in World to Put Solar Power - by Paul
Homewood / Not A lot Of People Know That via WUWT 23JAN25.
In WEF Address, Trump Skewers Climate-change “Scam” & Vows
to Boost Fossil-fuel Production - by Paul Dragu / New
American 23JAN25.
President Donald Trump Accuses Financial Institutions of
Debanking in Fiery Davos Address - by Cindy Harper /
Reclaim The Net 23JAN25.
People collecting unemployment benefits rises to highest
point in three years - by Annabella Rosciglione /
Washington Examiner 23JAN25.
Saudi Crown Prince Vows To Invest $600 Billion in the US in
the Next Four Years - Will President Trump Make the Kingdom
His First Foreign Trip? - by Paul Serran / Gateway
Pundit 23JAN25.
World Economic Forum White Paper Pushes Public-Private
Collaboration to Accelerate Digital ID and Censorship
Initiative - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 23JAN25.
Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez Calls for Ending Online Anonymity,
Linking Social Media to Digital ID - by Didi Rankovic /
Reclaim The Net 23JAN25.
Affordable Broadband Law in New York Led AT&T to Drop 5G
Home Service Entirely - by Mike Shedlock / Mish Talk
DOGE Targets Insane Budget Earmarked for Candy, Blankets,
Comic Books, and Stuffed Animals - by C. Douglas Golden
/ Western Journal 23JAN25.
Trump Executive Order Bans Central Bank Digital Currencies
- by William Upton / National Pulse 23JAN25.
A closer look at Trump’s sweeping executive orders on
immigration, energy, and federal bureaucracy on Day One
- by Cassie B. / Newstarget 23JAN25.
[Ending Discriminatory Affirmative Action] - This is
President Trump’s boldest move so far - even Reagan
chickened out on it - by Steven F. Hayward / NY Post
Trump's Reforms Could Radically Overhaul, Consolidate
Federal Workforce - by Mark Tapscott / Epoch Times via
Zerohedge 23JAN25.
Trump Orders All Federal Employees Back to the Office -
by Ward Clark / Red State 23JAN25.
Department of Justice Freezes All Civil Rights Division
Cases - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Trump deals a heavy blow to DEI - hopefully it’s lethal
- by Mike Gonzalez / Washington Examiner 23JAN25.
Trump Puts all Diversity Staff on Leave “Immediately” -
by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 23JAN25.
Trump Admin Taking Out the [indigenous] NASA Trash - by
Charles Rotter / WUWT 23JAN25.
Costco clings to DEI as other companies abandon practice
- by Jenny Goldsberry / Washington Examiner 23JAN25.
Trump Torches Globalist Cabal at Davos - by Catherine
Salgado / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Trump at Davos [remarks] The American People Want 'Nothing
Less Than a Revolution of Common Sense' - by Jennifer
Oliver O'Connell / Red State 23JAN25.
Bank of America Denies Debanking Conservatives After Trump
Publicly Shames CEO Brian Moynihan to His Face at Globalist
WEF Summit - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Davos Globalists Admit ‘We Have Lost To Trump’ - “This is a
phenomenon we shouldn’t try to understand only in the terms
we traditionally accept” - by Steve Watson / Modernity
Javier Milei Goes Nuclear at the WEF, Calls Out Pedophiles,
Says Davos Is 'Crumbling' - by Brandon Morse / Red State
“Davos Has Begun to Crumble’ - Argentina’s Milei Returns to
WEF Summit To Celebrate the End of Leftist World Hegemony
and the Many Conservative Leaders Working for Liberty -
by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Milei Gives Blistering WEF Speech, Slams DEI, Says Woke
Ideology "Cancer", And Calls For Limited Government - by
Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23JAN25.
Make federal buildings beautiful again - by Washington
Examiner 23JAN25.
Trump’s decision about Mount McKinley reflects a return to
American tradition - by Christian Papillon / Washington
Examiner 23JAN25.
Why the flag rule brings back unity and lowers the campaign
to divide us - by Douglas Murray / NY Post 23JAN25.
Woke Liberal Bishop Mariann Budde Doubles Down on Anti-Trump
Rhetoric, Claims Her Divisive Sermon Was ‘A Truth’ That
Needed to Be Said - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
Do We Want a 'National Cathedral' That Prays to the God of
Leftism? - by Michael Barclay / PJ Media 23JAN25.
How Religious and Civil Leaders Profit from Illegal
Immigration and the LGBTQ+ Agenda - by Carlo Maria
Viganò / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Canada ‘Woke’ ideology is on its way out - by Rhoda
Wilson and Christie Pritchard / Exposé 23JAN25.
Hollywood Nominates a Dude for 'Best Actress' - by Sarah
Anderson / PJ Media 23JAN25.
House GOP Could Grant Concealed Carry Reciprocity for 22
Million Gun Owners Nationwide - by Bronson Winslow /
American Greatness 23JAN25.
Portland police arrest 5 Antifa militants during anti-Trump
rally - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 23JAN25.
New Portland DA vows to hold criminal protesters accountable
after violent Antifa direct action - by Katie Daviscourt
/ PM 23JAN25.
Trump Ends Birthright Citizenship - by Joe Wolverton /
New American 23JAN25.
Can Trump's Executive Order on Birthright Citizenship
Survive the Courts? - by Joe Cunningham / Red State
Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Birthright Citizenship
Executive Order - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Ron DeSantis Epically Schools Reporter for Calling Illegals
'Undocumented' - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Trump Administration Tells the Left What They Can Do With
Term 'Undocumented Noncitizen' - by Bob Hoge / Red State
Trump vows to stop gang-bangers with 'tattoos all over'
their faces from 'pouring' into America - by Katie
Daviscourt / PM 23JAN25.
Afghan refugee tracks down immigration caseworker at
Michigan home, stabs him repeatedly - by Thomas
Stevenson / PM 23JAN25.
Enraged Haitian Gang Member Arrested by ICE - ‘F**k Trump,
Biden Forever!’ - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 23JAN25.
'F*** Trump! Biden Forever!' - Haitian Criminal Goes
Ballistic As ICE Gets to Work Rounding Up Illegals - by
Brandon Morse / Red State 23JAN25.
Some of the Monsters Arrested by ICE Since Trump's
Inauguration - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 23JAN25.
ICE Digs in, Rounds Up Illegal Alien Criminals in Boston
- by Ward Clark / Red State 23JAN25.
ICE arrests irate Haitian gang member, murder and rape
suspects in Boston - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 23JAN25.
House OKs Laken Riley Act - Next Stop, Trump's Desk - by
Jack Davis / Western Journal 22JAN25.
Portland Church Vows To Protect Illegal Immigrants From
Deportation - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23JAN25.
Illinois and Chicago Defy Federal Deportation and Reject
Effort by Alderman Raymond Lopez to Assist - by Paul
Drabik / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Oregon issues mandatory training requiring law enforcement,
state officials to defy Trump administration - by
Matthew Holloway / Law Enforfement Today 23JAN25.
Acting Deputy AG [says] DOJ Will Investigate, Prosecute
Sanctuary Officials Who Try to Block Deportations - by
R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 23JAN25.
California enclave declares itself a ‘non-sanctuary city’
amid Trump’s mass deportation plan - by Louis Casiano /
Fox News via NY Post 23JAN25.
Encounters With Illegals At Border Have Already Massively
Reduced - by Steve Watson / Modernity 23JAN25.
Trump tears into violent migrant gangs with ‘tattoos all
over’ their faces ‘pouring’ into America - by Isabel
Keane / NY Post 23JAN25.
1,000 Soldiers and 500 Marines Deploying to Border, Trump
Plans to Send Thousands More - by Samantha Chang /
Western Journal 23JAN25.
"Just The Beginning" - Trump Plans 10,000 Troops On Border
To Restore National Security - by Tyler Durden /
Zerehedge 23JAN25.
10,000 troops headed to seal the southern border, as Trump
shuts down asylum process - by Jamie McIntyre /
Washington Examiner 23JAN25.
New York Times Complains Labeling Mexican Cartels Terrorist
Organizations Will ‘Hurt The U.S. Economy’ - by Ben Kew
/ Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Mexico President Calls for 'Cool Heads' as Trump
Effortlessly Sinks Peso - by Randy DeSoto / Western
Journal 23JAN25.
Marco Rubio heads to Panama for first official state visit
- by Hannah Nightingale / PM 23JAN25.
Russian Official Warns Trump Against Taking Control Of
Panama Canal - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23JAN25.
We Built It - We Paid for It - It’s Ours - by Daniel
Oliver / American Greatness 23JAN25.
God save us all from the Pax Americana - by Declan Hayes
/ Strategic Culture 23JAN25.
South Africa Passes Law to Seize Land From White Farmers
Without Compensation - by Jack Montgomery / National
Pulse 23JAN25.
One in 12 in London is an Illegal Migrant - by Will
Jones / Daily Sceptic 23JAN25.
One in 12 People Living in London Is an Illegal Migrant
- by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Illegal Afghan Migrant Kills Two and Wounds Three in Latest
Knife Violence to Afflict Open-Borders Germany - by
Eugyppius / Daily Sceptic 23JAN25.
‘Remigration now’ - AfD’s Weidel calls for mass deportations
after Afghan migrant stabs 2-year-old to death, Scholz
claims he is ‘sick’ of such acts of violence - by Liz
Heflin / Remix 23JAN25.
European right wing bringing MAGA abroad - ‘Europe cannot
miss this train’ - by Timothy Nerozzi and Brady Knox /
Washington Examiner 23JAN25.
US Government Agencies Caught Censoring and ‘Block-Listing’
The Gateway Pundit and Others with the Help of Radical UK
Anti-Conservative Censorship Group - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
MEP Hana Jalloul Muro Pushes EU to Target Elon Musk as
Emerging “Threat” - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net
Does Starmer Know What He’s Talking About on AI? - by
James Alexander / Daily Sceptic 23JAN25.
Big Tech’s Empire State - Silicon Valley seeks to run the
world using technocracy - by Rhoda Wilson and Jesse
Smith / Exposé 23JAN25.
European Commission Expands Censorship Law Enforcement,
Mandates 24-Hour Removal of “Hate Speech” - by Didi
Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 23JAN25.
Google defies European Union, refuses to include fact-checks
in search results and YouTube videos - by Arsenio Toledo
/ Newstarget 23JAN25.
CNN to lay off hundreds of employees - by Hayden
Cunningham / PM 23JAN25.
CBS Affiliate Fires Meteorologist Who Lambasted Elon Musk
For Making ‘Nazi Salute’ - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit
Milwaukee CBS weather reporter Sam Kuffel fired after
criticizing Elon Musk ‘Nazi salute’ on Instagram - by
Ariel Zilber / NY Post 23JAN25.
Snopes Knows Elon Musk Didn’t Give Nazi Salute, Won’t Debunk
Hoax - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 23JAN25.
How Come Elon Musk is Automatically a Nazi, But Axel
Rudakubana Definitely Isn’t a Terrorist? - by Steven
Tucker / Daily Sceptic 23JAN25.
Netanyahu Defends Elon Musk Salute, 'Elon is a Great Friend
of Israel' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation
Elon Musk Needs to Sue Everybody - by Kurt Schlichter /
Townhall 23JAN25.
DOGE, aka the Deep State made official? - by Lorenzo
Maria Pacini / Strategic Culture 23JAN25.
US Government Back Door FISA Searches Are Unconstitutional
[per] Federal Judge - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times
via Zerohedge 23JAN25.
Federal Court Rules Warrant is Required for Section 702
Backdoor Searches of Americans’ Communications - by Dan
Frieth / Reclaim The Net 23JAN25.
DHS Says I'm a Dangerous Extremist and So Are You, Comrade
- by Stephen Green / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Trump signs EO to declassify JFK, RFK and MLK files - by
Libby Emmons / PM 23JAN25.
Trump Orders Release of JFK, RFK, and MLK Assassination
Files - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 23JAN25.
Pres. Trump Orders Declassification of JFK, RFK, MLK Jr.
Assassination Files - by Ward Clark / Red State 23JAN25.
Trump Issues Executive Order to Create Plan for Declassify
JFK, RFK and MLK Assassination Files - by Chris Menahan
/ Information Liberation 23JAN25.
Federal bureaucrats planning to Resist Trump’s agenda -
by Ava Grace / Newstarget 23JAN25.
Biden White House Advisor Tells O’Keefe Media Group That the
Deep State is “Real” - Predicts Bureaucracy “Crushes” RFK
Jr. as HHS Secretary, “Make Him Think Something is Happening
When it’s Not” - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit
Reporters admit Politico snuffed out Hunter Biden laptop
story to protect Joe in 2020 - by Post Editorial Board /
NY Post 23JAN25.
Former Politico Reporters Reveal How Company Killed Negative
Stories About Joe Biden - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit
John Brennan Bellyaching About His Security Clearance Being
Pulled Over Laptop Intel Letter - by Nick Arama / Red
State 23JAN25.
Deep Stater John Brennan Upset About Losing His Security
Clearance, Claims He Only Used it to Advise Government -
by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Trump's New CIA Director Ratcliffe Torches John Brennan As
'One of the Worst Things' Ever to Stain Agency - by Bob
Hoge / Red State 23JAN25.
John Ratcliffe confirmed as CIA Director by Senate - by
Thomas Stevenson / PM 23JAN25.
Trump's Pick for CIA Director [John Ratcliffe (R-TX)]
Confirmed in Senate by Wide Margin - by Ward Clark / Red
State 23JAN25.
Trump Revokes Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s
Security Detail Despite Alleged Threat From Iran - by
Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Trump Pardons Pro-lifers - by Rebecca Terrell / New
American 23JAN25.
President Trump Pardons Pro-Life Activists Imprisoned by
Biden - by William Upton / National Pulse 23JAN25.
Senator Mike Lee to Introduce Bill to Repeal Law Weaponized
Against Pro-Lifers - by Elizabeth Troutman / Daily
Signal 23JAN25.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Annihilates Reporter for J6 Obsession
- by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Nails a Reporter Hounding Her About
J6, and You Need to Watch Every Second of It - by
Bonchie / Red State 23JAN25.
“Everyone Here is F-king Tired of It - I’m Sick of You
People and All This Cr*p,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Blows
Up ‘Reporter’ Asking a Stupid Question About the J6 Pardons
- by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Freed Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio vows vengeance after
Trump pardon - by Patrick Reilly / NY Post 23JAN25.
Report Claims Lawmakers Allegedly Sent J6 ‘Star Witness’
Cassidy Hutchinson Sexually Explicit Texts, Asked Her For
Sexual Favors - Rep. Loudermilk Responds - by Cristina
Laila / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
Armed Man Somehow Made It Past Capitol Security Just a Day
After Trump's Inauguration, [US Capitol Police] Admits -
by Teri Christoph / Red State 23JAN25.
Trump promotes agent who rushed onstage after shots fired at
Butler rally to lead Secret Service - by Thomas
Stevenson / PM 23JAN25.
Trump’s Incoming Secret Service Director to Clean House on
First Day in New Role - Up to 10 Senior Leadership Officials
to be Ousted - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit
Democrats wage confirmation wars as Trump turns up pressure
on Senate - by David Sivak / Washington Examiner
Ogles introduces resolution to allow Trump to seek third
term - by Ross O'Keefe / Washington Examiner 23JAN25.
Team Trump Packed a Month's Worth of Work Into Its First 2
1/2 Days - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Honor Guard Sergeant Who Gave Melania a Twirl on
Inauguration Night Speaks Out, 'I Was Overwhelmed with Joy'
- by Ben Zeisloft / Western Journal 23JAN25.
CBS's King Blasts Trump for Having Too Few Blacks - 'The
View's' Hostin Says There Were Too Many - by Larry Elder
/ Townhall 23JAN25.
In Shocking, Completely Unexpected Twist, Karine Jean-Pierre
Blames Racism for Her Failures - by Bonchie / Red State
Ex-Obama strategist David Axelrod slams Biden’s ‘egregious’
pardons of family members as he left White House - by
Patrick Reilly / NY Post 23JAN25.
Kamala and Hillary Have Been Secretly Commiserating on Their
Shared Experience of Losing to Trump - by Rusty Weiss /
Red State 23JAN25.
Kamala's Marriage Strained - She Reportedly Blames Her
Husband for Loss to Trump - by Jack Davis / Western
Journal 23JAN25.
Is Kamala Headed For Divorce? - Harris Reportedly Blames
“Dead Weight” Husband Doug Emhoff For Crushing Election Loss
- by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
The Addicted, Petty, and Hysterical Left - by Victor
Davis Hanson / American Greatness 23JAN25.
Triumph [the Insult Comic Dog] Mocks Anti-Trumpers to Their
Face - ‘Your Need for Contraceptives Is Purely Hypothetical’
- by Rusty Weiss / Red State 23JAN25.
Lisa Murkowski to Vote Against Pete Hegseth - by Matt
Margolis / PJ Media 23JAN25.
Senator Bill Hagerty Slams Left Wing Media for False Smear
Campaign Against Pete Hegseth - by Mike LaChance /
Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
F-35 AI-Enabled Drone Controller Capability Successfully
Demonstrated - by Joseph Trevithick / Warzone 23JAN25.
Student Protesters With Their Faces Covered by Keffiyehs
Invade Jewish History Class at Columbia University - by
Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 23JAN25.
GOP-Controlled Congress Considers Bill Sanctioning
Palestinian Government Over 'Pay-to-Slay' Program - by
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 23JAN25.
President Trump redesignates Yemeni Houthis as terrorists
- by Ari Hoffman / PM 23JAN25.
Trump To Put Steve Witkoff in Charge of Iran Negotiations
- by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 23JAN25.
Trump says Ukraine 'ready to make a deal' in war with Russia
- by Thomas Stevenson / PM 23JAN25.
Trump Wants Immediate Putin Meeting, Says Zelensky Willing
To Make Deal - by Steve Watson / Modernity 23JAN25.
Trump knows Ukraine conflict means nuclear WWIII, gives
peace a chance with Russia’s Putin - by Finian
Cunningham / Strategic Culture 23JAN25.
"Settle Now, And Stop This Ridiculous War!" - Trump
Threatens Tariffs As Russia Sees 'Small' Window For Deal On
Ukraine - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23JAN25.
Trump Revises Ukraine War Fix to 100 Days, Threatens Russia
With More Sanctions - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New
American 23JAN25.
Trump Says He Wants To Work With China and Russia on
‘Denuclearization’ - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 23JAN25.

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Double Solar Storm Coming Tomorrow, Ocean Collapse News 23JAN25.
Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Ocean Collapse - How Science Gets Twisted 23JAN25.
Bernie Sanders is a Total Idiot 23JAN25.
The Huge Success of DOGE 23JAN25.
Trump Has Overwhelmed the Uniparty in 72 Hours 23JAN25.
Salty Cracker:
Woman Cop Accidentally Shoots Man During Traffic Stop 23JAN25.
Salty Cracker:
AOC Continues to Have Meltdown Over Elon Musk 23JAN25.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Ross Ulbricht Is Free 23JAN25.
Mark Dice:
Hodge Twins:
Illegal Immigrant Gang Arrested After Burglarizing Joe Burrow’s Multimillion Dollar Home 23JAN25.
Jimmy Dore:
Liberals Scream “He’s A Nazi!” Over Musk Salute 23JAN25.
Jimmy Dore:
“Woke” Virtue Signaling Pastor LECTURES Trump 23JAN25.
Jimmy Dore:
Trump Pulls U.S. OUT Of World Health Organization 23JAN25.
Jimmy Dore:
“I’m DITCHING The Democratic Party!” – NYC Mayor Eric Adams 23JAN25.
Tim Pool:
Trump Deploys 1500 Troops To US Border, RAIDS BEGUN, AOC FIRIOUS Over END Of Birthright Citizenship 23JAN25.
Tim Pool:
Deep State CAUGHT Planning To Subvert Trump And RFK Jr, James Okeefe EXPOSES Trump Resistance NOW 23JAN25.
Tim Pool:
ITS DONE: Trump Approval At RECORD HIGH, Politico Calls Him GREATEST PRESIDENT, We Have WON 23JAN25.
Tim Pool:
CNN Host HUMILIATED On Live TV, GOP Rep Says More People WATCH SPONGEBOB, CNN FIRING Over 200 Staff 23JAN25.
Tim Pool:
Trump To PARDON Pro Life Activists Imprisoned By Biden For PEACFULLY Protesting At Abortion Clinic 23JAN25.
Tim Pool:
Pentagon CONFIRMS Air Force Flights To Begin DEPORTATION NOW, Democrats Are LOSING IT 23JAN25.
Luke / We Are Change:
EPIC REBUKE: Trump And Milei Call Out Davos Globalists And Banksters To Their Faces 23JAN25.
Luke / We Are Change:
SHOCK STATEMENT: World On Edge Of ENDING But Trump Makes MASSIVE Move For Peace 23JAN25.
Luke / We Are Change:
JFK, RFK And MLK Declassification BOMBSHELLS! "Everything Will Be Revealed" 23JAN25.
In Depth

Tucker Carlson:
Chamath Palihapitiya: Zuckerberg, Rogan, Musk, and the Incoming “Golden Age” Under Trump 23JAN25.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Trump Declassifies JFK Documents, Mass Deportation Raids HAVE BEGUN w/Jake Rattlesnake 23JAN25.
Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder:
How Trump's Deportation Plan will Save America... And Europe 23JAN25.
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4215
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4216
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4217

Freedom Toons:
The TRUTH Behind Elon Musk's Tesla AI 23JAN25.
Awaken With JP:
How to NOT be a P*SSY 23JAN25.
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