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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Thursday 23FEB23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Fauci Comes Clean About Never Expecting the Vaccines to Work and Natural Immunity Being Better - by David Bell / Daily Sceptic 23FEB23.

- The Lancet finally acknowledges that natural immunity is far superior to mRNA covid “vaccination” - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 23FEB23.

- Ed Dowd Joins Tucker Carlson to Discuss His Research and Insurance Data on the Excess Mortality Rates Following the Forced Government Vaccine Mandates - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Autopsies Confirm Covid Jab Is Killing Kids - by Joseph Mercola / NOQ Report 23FEB23.

- “Approximately Zero” - What the Best Evidence Shows Masks Do Against Covid - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 23FEB23.

- Canadian premiers tell PM Justin Trudeau they won’t be sharing citizens’ medical data with federal government - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 23FEB23.

- New Skin Rotting Drug Is Literally Turning Drug Users Into Zombies - by Patty McMurray / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- When I Covered Climate Change for Reuters I Thought CO2 Was to Blame for Rising Temperatures - I Was Wrong - by Neil Winton / Daily Sceptic 23FEB23.

- Biden Approves Campaign Donors' Solar Project Over Environmentalist Objections - by Collin Anderson / Washington Free Beacon 23FEB23.

- The Real Pandemic in America Today - Obesity - If you want to be difficult to control, get up and get after it - by Chris Buskirk Jr. / American Greatness 23FEB23.

- Net Zero to Blame for Vegetable Shortage - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 23FEB23.

- The Green Radicals Even Want to Ruin Our Ice Cream Now - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Ransomware Attack On Food Giant Dole Temporarily Shuttered US Production - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23FEB23.

- Three Huge Reasons Why Electric Vehicles Will Never Dominate American Roads - by Mark Tapscott / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Could Gravity Batteries Win The Energy Storage War? - by Felicity Bradstock / OilPrice via Zerohedge 23FEB23.

- Your Heating Bill Is Going Down, Lied Kamala Harris - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Kamala Harris Says Asphalt “Exasperates” Heat in Urban Communities - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- When it comes to debt, Joe Biden is the Six Trillion Dollar Man - by Stephen Moore / NY Post 23FEB23.

- Biden Quietly Funnelled $36 Billion in Tax Dollars to Teamsters Union for Mismanaged Pensions - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Real Estate Company Redfin Estimates U.S. Homeowners Have Lost $2.3 Trillion in Value Since June - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Ohio metal factory explosion sends smoke and toxins wafting toward dioxin-ridden train derailment site - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 23FEB23.

- Norfolk Southern Train Axle Appears To Be On Fire For at Least Forty Three Minutes Before Derailment - by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Ohio Department of Natural Resources Estimates 44,000 Animals Killed By East Palestine Train Derailment - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Five Environmentalists Flying to Ohio Die In Plane Crash Worked For Company Testing Water In East Palestine, Ohio - by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Dioxin exposure causes extremely dangerous, long-term DNA mutations - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 23FEB23.

- Pete Buttigieg finally visits East Palestine, Ohio train derailment site - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 23FEB23.

- Buttigieg Finally Makes It to East Palestine, but It Does Not Go Well - by Nick Arama / Red State 23FEB23.

- Pete Buttigieg Sneaks Into East Palestine at 7 AM Before the Locals Wake Up - What a Clown Show - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Buttigieg Vows to ‘Raise the Bar’ on Rail Safety in Visit to Ohio Derailment Site, Admits He Took Too Long to Respond - by Samantha Flom / NTD 23FEB23.

- Remarks From Buttigieg in East Palestine on His Late Visit Just Make Things Worse - by Nick Arama / Red State 23FEB23.

- Pete Buttigieg Is Not Ready for Primetime - by Matthew Continetti / Washington Free Beacon 23FEB23.

- Pete Buttigieg Bombed in Visit to East Palestine Big Time - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Pete Buttigieg Brutally Mocked After Twitter Users Spot What He Was Wearing in East Palestine - [Dapper Kicks] - by Christine Favocci / Western Journal 23FEB23.

- NTSB Chair Shuts Down Pete Buttigieg's Pathetic Blaming of Donald Trump for Train Derailment - by Bonchie / Red State 23FEB23.

- Trump Tells Biden To “Get Over Here” As He Visits Ohio Disaster Zone - by Steve Watson / Summit News 23FEB23.

- "You're Not Forgotten" - Trump Speaks From East Palestine - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 23FEB23.

- He's loving it - Donald Trump goes to McDonald's, tells worker he knows menu 'better than anybody' - by Ryan King / Washington Examiner 23FEB23.

- 'The View' Turns Pure Evil With Disgusting Attack on Residents of East Palestine - by Bonchie / Red State 23FEB23.

- Joy Behar says East Palestine residents got what they deserved after voting for Trump - by Joshua Young / PM 23FEB23.

- In a Time of Crisis, Joy Behar Tells “These People” in East Palestine “That’s What You Voted For” - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- British Airways Pulls Bizarre, Woke Publicity Stunt - by Noah Carl / Daily Sceptic 23FEB23.

- While Disney Treats Park Workers Like Garbage, Universal Is Rolling out the Red Carpet for Theirs - by Brandon Morse / Red State 23FEB23.

- A Shocking Percentage of Childless Women Actually Wanted Kids - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Transgender Hormones Increase Heart Attacks and Strokes, but the Left Still Pushes Them on Kids - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Shove Your Pronouns Where the Sun Doesn’t Shine - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 23FEB23.

- Federal Appeals Court Blocks WV Law Banning Biological Males From Playing on Girls Sports Teams - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Florida - Come for the Sunshine, Stay for the Rejection of Trans Fascism - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Tennessee bill bans public drag shows, sex changes for minors - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 23FEB23.

- Sam Brinton Story Gets More Bizarre, as FBI and Vanity Fair Enter Picture - by Nick Arama / Red State 23FEB23.

- There's Been a New Accusation Against Non-Binary Former Biden DOE Official - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 23FEB23.

- Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to Another 16 Years in Prison in LA Rape, Sexual Assault Case -by Becca Lower / Red State 23FEB23.

- Marilyn Manson's false accuser Admits she made up rape allegations, says she was 'manipulated' by Evan Rachel Wood - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 23FEB23.

- A Great American Music Lesson - In our current jihad of junkthought and racist hatred, forces outside of politics provide grounds for hope and change - by Lloyd Billingsley / American Greatness 23FEB23.

- In historic settlement, Comcast changes ‘woke‘ policy awarding race-based grants - by Benjamin Yount / Just The News 23FEB23.

- Famous Marxist Black Power Activist Finds out She's Descended From Whites - by Bonchie / Red State 23FEB23.

- Former Black Panther Angela Davis shocked to learn she is descendant of the Mayflower - by Alexander Hall / Fox News via NY Post 23FEB23.

- Black Panther Angela Davis asked to pay reparations after Mayflower ancestry revealed - by Joshua Young / PM 23FEB23.

- Scott Adams Leaves The Normiecon Plantation - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 23FEB23.

- The Project Veritas Board Is Feeling the Pain After Ousting Founder James O'Keefe - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Project Veritas Begs Donors Not to Abandon Them in Leaked Email - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Is Don Lemon a Dead Man Walking at CNN? - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 23FEB23.

- French and Dutch Publishers Pointedly Refuse to Censor Roald Dahl - by Bob Hoge / Red State 23FEB23.

- UN says that censoring “disinformation” and “hate speech” will protect “free speech” - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 23FEB23.

- UN Plan to Kill Free Speech Headlined by President [Lula] who was Convicted of Corruption - by Eric Worrall / WUWT 23FEB23.

- Google criticizes Brazil’s pre-censorship orders, complies with them anyway - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 23FEB23.

- AI-Created Images Cannot Be Copyright Protected, U.S. Copyright Office Says - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 23FEB23.

- Sam Bankman-Fried Charged With Conspiring to Make More Than 300 Illegal Political Donations - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 23FEB23.

- SBF Hit With More Charges in Effort to Influence Midterms via Straw Donor Scheme - by Nick Arama / Red State 23FEB23.

- Eric Swalwell is in Hot Water and It Isn't Over a Chinese Spy This Time - [Now we have alleged misuse of campaign funds] - by Katie Pavlich / Townhall 23FEB23.

- Discovery Made Near Dead Body of Epstein-Linked Clinton Advisor That Directly Contradicts Initial Report - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 23FEB23.

- Billionaire financier Thomas H. Lee found dead of self-inflicted gunshot wound in NYC office - by Joe Marino, Tina Moore and Steven Vago / NY Post 23FEB23.

- NYC Billionaire Financier Thomas H. Lee, and Friend of the Clintons, Found Dead of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- Matt Gaetz breaks from MTG, says he's 'not for a national divorce' between red and blue states - by Conrad Hoyt / Washington Examiner 23FEB23.

- Presidential Poll Has DeSantis Ahead of Donald Trump in Hypothetical Head-to-Head - by Kira Davis / Red State 23FEB23.

- Bat-Guano-Crazy Georgia Grand Jury Foreman Is Apparently Also a Witch - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Karine Jean-Pierre Refers to 'President Obama' Currently Running White House - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 23FEB23.

- Like Every Other Slow Motion Coup Through History, The Tyrannical Ten Percent Are The Batsh*t Crazy Minority Who've Co-Opted Our Society Under The Illusion Of Being 'The Majority' - by D Parker / All News Pipeline 23FEB23.

- The Legacy Media Warns of the 'Dangers' of Tucker Carlson's Acccess to the J-6 Footage - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 23FEB23.

- Senator Schumer Panics About Tucker Releasing J6 Coverage - Cites “Grave Security Risks” - Didn’t Give a Damn When Pelosi’s Daughter Filmed the Entire Place - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- As We Suspected All Along, New Video Proves Capital Police on January 6 Started Firing on the Innocent Crowd Without Warning and Against the Law, Injuring Numerous Individuals - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- More GOP Names Surface in DCCC's Possible Theft of Personal Records of Air Force Veterans - by Brandon Morse / Red State 23FEB23.

- Military spent $1.5M to shoot down three UFOs this month - by Mark Moore / NY Post 23FEB23.

- Has Biden forgotten which country elected him? - by Elizabeth Stauffer / Washington Examiner 23FEB23.

- Only 19% Of Americans Have Confidence In Biden’s Handling Of Ukraine Conflict - by Steve Watson / Summit News 23FEB23.

- Marketing Ukraine’s Reconstruction to Fuel the War - by Laura Ruggeri / Strategic Culture 23FEB23.

- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Will Send Another $10 Billion to Ukraine - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 23FEB23.

- Republicans demand oversight of Ukraine funding - Where has the money gone? - by Casey Harper / Just The News 23FEB23.

- Biden reassures allies of Ukraine support as questions persist regarding exit strategy - by Naomi Lim / Washington Examiner 23FEB23.

- Biden’s Kiev Visit Threatens Direct U.S. War With Russia - by Andre Damon / Strategic Culture 23FEB23.

- Ukraine’s Friends May Doom It And Us - by Kurt Schlichter / Townhall 23FEB23.

- NATO Criticised For Tweet Comparing Ukraine Conflict To Harry Potter - by Steve Watson / Summit News 23FEB23.

- NATO Gets Destroyed For Tweet Comparing Ukraine-Russia Conflict To Harry Potter And Other Famous Fantasy Films - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- McCarthyism, Polish Style - by Michal Krupa / Strategic Culture 23FEB23.

- Putin's War, Week 52. US and China Face off, Prigozhin Goes for the Jugular, Mystery Weapon Strikes, and Happy Anniversary - by streiff / Red State 23FEB23.

- Putin talks deploying Satan II missiles as Ukraine repels Russian attacks - by Snejana Farberov / NY Post 23FEB23.

- China Takes the Leadership Mantle from Joe Biden - Calls for Peace Talks in Ukraine as Joe Biden Sends in Blackhawk Helicopters - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- China calls for peace talks, cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine - by Victor Nava / NY Post 23FEB23.

- China offers to join forces with Russia to ‘defend national interests’ as Xi’s Moscow visit confirmed - by JD Heyes / Newstarget 23FEB23.

- Dr. Hotze: CCP has infiltrated most sectors of American society, including government, media, business and schools, in preparation for an Invasion - by Arsenio Toledo / DC Clothesline 23FEB23.

- Are Russia and China Moving towards a Mutual Defense Pact? - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- China Negotiating with Russia to Supply Kamikaze Drones Capable of Carrying Warheads into Battle - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 23FEB23.

- China and Russia are in relationship hell - America should make it worse - by James Jay Carafano / NY Post 23FEB23.

- US Threatens to Release Intelligence Showing China Considering Involvement in Putin's War in Ukraine - by streiff / Red State 23FEB23.

- Ahead of Possible Chinese Invasion, the U.S. Prepares to Increase Troop Presence in Taiwan - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 23FEB23.

- Rep. Gaetz Introduces War Powers Resolution to Pull US Troops Out of Syria - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 23FEB23.



S0 News: Galactic Superflare Risk, Earthquake Predicted 23FEB23.

Styx: Trump OWNS the Biden Admin On the East Palestine Disaster 23FEB23.

Styx: Trump Probe Grand Juror Emily Kohrs Shows the STUPIDITY of TDS 23FEB23.

Styx: Pedophiles Are Using LGBQ as a Smokescreen 23FEB23.

Salty Cracker: Leftwing Anger Addicts Are Mad That Trump Brought Bottled Water To Ohio 23FEB23.

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Salty Cracker: Based Chad Upsets Ugly Chick When He Says He Won't Bang A Transgender Woman 23FEB23.

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Salty Cracker: Gates & McDonalds Team up To Serve Possible Cancer Inducing Nuggets 23FEB23.

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Paul Joseph Watson: Bullsh*t 23FEB23.

Bearing: Tiger Woods did a Misogyny. Women affected everywhere. 23FEB23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: The Project Veritas Controversy 23FEB23.

Mark Dice: Trump Grand Jury Member Emily Kohrs BONKERS Interview about Recommending His Indictment in Georgia 23FEB23.

Scott Adams via Mark Dice: “Dilbert” Comic Creator Scott Adams Has Had Enough of Black Crime 23FEB23.

Hodge Twins: Cops Tell Blacks They Need Permit to Play Basketball 23FEB23.

Tim Pool: DEGENERATE Biden Official EXPOSED Stealing MORE Women's Clothing, Viral Tweet Shows REAL Owner 23FEB23.

Tim Pool: Pride Mural DEFACED, Mural SLAMMED For Targeting CHILDREN With Creepy Teddy Bear On Fat Gay Man 23FEB23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump DESTROYS BIDEN, Showers Gifts On Ohio Train Victims, Biden Betrays America 23FEB23.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Joe Biden COLLAPSES On Stairs, Mocked Ruthlessly For Weak & Frail Body 23FEB23.

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Luke / We Are Change: We might be headed FOR IT 23FEB23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 23FEB23.

Tim Pool: UNHINGED Anti-Trump Juror BACKFIRES On Democrats, DESTROYS Dem Attempt To STOP Trump 2024 23FEB23.

Tim Pool: PATHETIC Buttigieg RUNS From Reporter, REFUSES To Answer Why They ONLY Came AFTER Trump Did 23FEB23.

Scott Adams: Trump witch hunt grand jury, Ramaswamy versus cartels, Eric and the UFOs, more fun. 23FEB23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #596 23FEB23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Styx: Thursday LIVE: Emily Kohrs, Trump Clanks the Biden Stewardship, Mark Middleton, etc (Superchats) 23FEB23.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2539 23FEB23.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2540 23FEB23.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 241 23FEB23.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: Soros Is Targeted, When [HRC] Lost, They All Lost, Counterinsurgency 23FEB23.


. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Awaken With JP: If Everyone Acted Like Biden 23FEB23.

Sleazy P. Martini: Ghislaine is spilling more info on Epstein island 23FEB23.

Sleazy P. Martini: BREAKING NEWS! - 7 Foot Penis Has Been Arrested!! 23FEB23.

Sleazy P. Martini: It's pronounced Glenmorangie not Glenn Mrangee! 23FEB23.

Sleazy P. Martini: Witchy Wilma needs the Donaldus! 23FEB23.


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Latest Lairclip
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away


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Policy:  No adverts here, no cookies or trackers added, no bloggy debates and no greedy angles.  That's it.  Have fun.
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