Sci & Fi
Abrupt Earth Changes (I)
Adapt 2030 (YT)
Ants Canada (YT)
APS Physics (I)
ASAPScience (YT)
Astrophysical Journal (I)
Backyard Brains (I)
Baud2Bits (YT)
Be Smart (YT)
Biology Dictionary (I)
Children's Health Defense (I)
Climate Depot (I)
Climate Realism (I)
CO2 Coalition (I)
Cosmos (I)
Curious Droid (YT)
Discover (I)
Electroverse (I)
Extraordinary Beliefs (I)
GeoEngineeringWatch (I)
Grunge (I)
Hatchard Report (I)
How Bad Is My Batch (I)
How Stuff Works (I)
Ice Age Farmer (YT)
IEEE Spectrum (I)
IEEE Spectrum (YT)
Inverse (I)
Johns Hopkins Med (I)
Joseph Mercola (Sub)
Judith Curry/Climate Etc (I)
Leak Project (YT)
Lesics (YT)
Livescience (I)
MedCram (I)
MIT Tech Review (I)
Mobile Instinct (I)
Master Resource (I)
Mr2Tuff2 (YT)
Nature (I)
News Medical (I)
No Tricks Zone (I)
Oppenheimer Ranch (YT)
Organic Prepper (I)
Paul Homewood (WP)
Phys.org (I)
Pipeline.org (I)
Plasma Universe (I)
Primative Technology (YT)
Principia Scientific (I)
Real Climate Science (WP)
Robert W. Malone (Sub)
Roy Spencer (I)
Sci News (I)
Science Alert (I)
Science Daily (I)
Science News (I)
Science News (YT)
Skeptical Science (I)
Skeptoid (I)
Sky Scholar (YT)
Skywatcher88 (YT)
Smarter Every Day (YT)
Smithsonian (I)
Space.com (I)
Spacenews (I)
Space Weather News (RMBL)
SpaceX (I)
Stuff Made Here (YT)
Suspect Sky (I)
Suspect Sky (BC)
Suspect Sky (RMBL)
Suspect Sky (YT)
Suspicious Observer (I)
Suspicious Observer (YT)
Thunderbolts Project (I)
Thunderbolts Project (YT)
Tony Heller (YT)
Veritasium (YT)
Watt's Up With That (I)

Activist Post (I)
AdVerbum (BC)
AlJazeera (I)
Aletho News (I)
All News Pipeline (I)
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Air Force Times (I)
Aim4Truth (I)
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America Out Loud (I)
American Greatness (I)
American Gulag (I)
American Mind (I)
American Thinker (I)
Antiwar (I)
AP (I)
Asher Press (RMBL)
Automatic Earth (I)
Axios (I)
Babylon Bee (I)
Babylon Bee (YT)
Banned.Video (I)
Banned.Video (ALT)
Banned.Video (ALT)
Banned Video (ALT)
Banned Video (BC)
Bannon's War Room (BC)
Bannon's War Room (RMBL)
Barstool Sports (I)

Bias (I)
Big League Politics (I)
Black Vault (I)
Blacklisted News (I)
Blaze (I)
BOE Report (I)
Bombthrower (I)
Breitbart (I)
Brownstone Institute (I)
Caitlin Johnstone (I)
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China Uncensored (YT)
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Daily Dive (IHR)
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DC Clothesline (I)
Deagel (aka Deagle) (I)
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DefenseOne (I)
Desert Review (I)
Diogenes Middle Finger (I)
Europe Reloaded (I)
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Federalist (I)
Forbes (I)
Fox News (I)
Fox News (RMBL)
Fox News (YT)
Francis Menton/Manhattan Contrarian (I)
Free Thought Project (I)
Gatestone Inst. (I)
Gateway Pundit (I)
GB News (BC)
Geller Report (I)
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Infowars (BC)
Intercept (I)
Janes (I)
Joe Hoft (I)
Judicial Watch (I)
Just The News (I)
Last American Vagabond (I)
Law Enforcement Today (I)
Lew Rockwell (I)
Libertarian Institute (I)
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Legal Insurrection (I)
Levtcs (BC)
Levtcs (RMBL)
Military Times (I)
Mises Wire (I)
Most Important News (I)
mrcTV (I)
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National File (I)
National Geographic (I)
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Off Guardian (I)
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Onion (I)
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Post Millennial (I)
Public Intelligence (I)
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Rasmussen Reports (I)
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Reuters (I)
Revolver (I)
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Right Wire Report (I)
RT (I)
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SGT Report (I)
SHTF Plan (I)
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Space War (I)
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Stefania Cox / NTD (I)
Strange Sounds (I)
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TruNews (BC)
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Waking Times (I)
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Washington Free Beacon (I)
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Watchers (I)
Western Journal (I)
Whatfinger News (I)
What Really Happened (I)
Wirepoints (I)
Wolf Street (I)
Your News (I)

ZeroHedge (I)

Academy Of Ideas (RMBL)
Academy Of Ideas (YT)
Alex Berenson (Sub)
Amazing Atheist (YT)
Andrew Lawrence (YT)
Andrew Tate (RMBL)
Andy Ngo (YT)
Angry Foreigner (OD)
Angry Foreigner (YT)
An0maly (BC)
An0maly (YT)
Avi Yemini (BC)
Awaken With JP (RMBL)
Awaken With JP (YT)
Badger Live Streams (YT)
Bari Weiss (Sub)
Bearing (BC)
Bearing (OD)
Bearing (RMBL)
Ben Shapiro/Daily Wire (YT)
 Black Pilled (BC)
Blaire White (YT)
Blogmire (I)
Brandon Tatum (YT)
Break The Rules (YT)
Brittany Sellner (YT)
Candace Owens (YT)
Cash Nasty (YT)
Charles Hugh Smith (BS)
Charles Hugh Smith (I)
CJ Hopkins (Sub)
Corbett Report (BC)
Corbett Report (I)
Count Dankula (BC)
Count Dankula (OD)
Count Dankula (YT)
Count Dankula 2 (BC)
Count Dankula 2 (OD)
Count Dankula 2 (YT)
Cullen/Computing Forever (BC)
Cullen/Dave Cullen Show (OD)
Dan Bongino (RMBL)
Delingpod (Pod)
Delingpole (I)
Diamond & Silk (YT)
Doomberg (Sub)
Dr Randomercam (BC)
Dr Randomercam (RMBL)
Dr Randomercam (YT)
Donald J. Trump (I)
Donald J. Trump (RMBL)
Drunken Peasants (YT)
Edward Snowden (Sub)
Elon Musk (I)
FelixRex / Black Pigeon (BC)
FelixRex / Black Pigeon (RMBL)
Freedom Toons (YT)
Glenn Greenwald (RMBL)
Glenn Greenwald (Sub)
Golden One (YT)

H.A. Goodman (YT)
Hodge Twins (YT)
Independent Man (YT)
JD Rucker (Sub)
Jimmy Dore (I)
Jimmy Dore (YT)
Joe Rogan (S)
Joe Rogan (YT)
Joel Davis (OD)
Joey B. Toonz (YT)
John Stossel (YT)
Jonathan Pie (YT)
Jordan B Peterson (YT)
Jordan Sather (BC)
Jordan Sather (RMBL)
Josh Friedman (YT)
Killstream (OD)
Kyle Becker / Becker News (I)
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Lauren Southern (I)
Lauren Southern (OD)
Lauren Southern (YT)
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Lotus Eaters (BC)
Lotus Eaters (I)
Lotus Eaters (OD)
Lotus Eaters (RMBL)
Lotus Eaters (YT)
Luke / We Are Change (BC)
Luke /We Are Change (I)
Luke / We Are Change (I)
Luke /We Are Change (RMBL)

Luke / We Are Change (YT)
Mark Collett (BC)
Mark Dice (BC)
Mark Dice (YT)
Matt Christiansen (BC)
Matt Taibbi / Racket News (I)
Michael Snyder / ECB (I)
Michael Snyder / EOAD (I)
Mike Cernovich (I)
Mike Shedlock / Mish Talk (I)
Morgoth's Review (BC)
Nick Fuentes / America First (RMBL)
Noel Plum (YT)
Noor Bin Ladin (I)
Owen Benjamin (BC)
Patriots.win (I)
PaulJosephWatson (BC)
Paul Joseph Watson (RMBL)

PaulJosephWatson (YT)
PJ Dubs Anything Goes (BC)
PJ Dubs Anything Goes (YT)
Politically Incorrect Humor (I)
Prager U (I)
Quartering (YT)
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Ramzpaul (RMBL)
Rand Paul (I)
Rand Paul (RMBL)
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Randomyoko (YT)
RedPill78 (BC)
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Salty Cracker (OD)
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Sargon Of Akkad (YT)
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Scott Adams (YT)
Seymour Hersh (Sub)
ShoeOnHead (YT)
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Sleazy P. Martini (RMBL)
Sleazy P. Martini (TW)
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Stefan Molyneux (BC)
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Steven Crowder (I)
Steven Crowder (RMBL)
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Still Report (RMBL)
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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Friday 22SEP23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring: grendelcat.com || DL0:0.94 ML0:1.14 YL0:1.55



Grendelcomment: Sad Programming Note . . .

    NTD has been regularly featured as a primary media platform since Lair Central's inception.  NTD provided access to many excellent but login-walled Epoch times articles.  By login-walled, I'm referring to a page blocking requirement to login and be tracked to read the article.  Popup ads that you have to click past are bad enough.  But pages you have to submit identity tracking to?  Well . . . that is antithetical to what Lair Central stands for.  The Grendelcat explicitly supports and promotes anon access to information like a public library is supposed to do as a core principle here.  Login with Google?  Really?  No.  Just no.  How is what you are doing not just the Informational form of CBDC with all the identity tracking and opportunity for misuse and abuse that goes with it?  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Also . . . NTD Evening News has been featured in the In Depth section every weekday since Lair Central was started.  NTD provided pleasant, adequate coverage of mainstream stories but with an alternative anti-CCP perspective that was nice to see.  More importantly, Stefania Cox has been their regular anchor.  Her adorable, sincere, though often tongue tied anchoring was a daily ray of sunshine to offset the often grim and brutal topics to be covered.  Stefania just got sweeter every show, it seemed . . .

    Sadly, it appears NTD has had some sort of revamp.  They've login-walled their article content both current and those previously published as open-access.  This means articles I've linked to that once were readily viewable, no longer are.  NO BUENO!  This is a cardinal sin in coding and security and is also both stupid and annoying.

    And also, very sadly, they seem to have revamped my Stefania off the Evening News anchor slot.  NOOOOOO!

    Thus, it is with a melancholy tip of the hat and a heavy heart, we must announce, Lair Central will be discontinuing linking to NTD articles and featuring NTD Evening News in In Depth.  Bon chance and adieu to sweet Stefania, heart-felt from The Grendelcat - your long devoted and ardent admirer.  You were the most uplifting of anchors ever.  Uplifting anchors are quite a rare thing.  Ha ha . . . get it . . . grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

- Fauci Claims He's 'Always Had an Open Mind' About the Origins of Covid - by Mike Miller / Red State 22SEP23.

- Newest “Vaccine” Campaign Is Not Going Smoothly - by Mac Slavo / America First 22SEP23.

- How Myocarditis Became the Censored Scandal of Covid-19 Vaccination - by Justin Hart / Daily Sceptic 22SEP23.

- Making a Killing - Americans Shelling Out up to $190 for Covid Boosters - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- Documents reveal horrific conditions in illegal medical lab in California owned by Chinese firm - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 22SEP23.

- The Measles Scaremongering Doesn’t Stand Up to Scrutiny - by Ros Jones / Daily Sceptic 22SEP23.

- CDC Data Reveals Obesity Rates Surge in More States - by Caden Pearson / NTD 22SEP23.

- California’s mental health courts can Mandate psychiatric “treatment” against the “mentally ill” - will Trump supporters and “climate deniers” be targeted? - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 22SEP23.

- NASA monitoring asteroid that could 'impact' Earth [Bennu] - by Conrad Hoyt / Washington Examiner 22SEP23.

- L A Times Article Falsely Asserts U.S. Had “Record” High Summer Temperatures in 2023 - by Larry Hamlin / WUWT 22SEP23.

- The Weather Channel’s Absurd ‘Hot’ Propaganda - by Jim Lakely / Climate Realism via WUWT 22SEP23.

- Morano talking ‘climate emergency’ on Laura Ingraham on Fox: ‘This is the intentional collapse of our energy, transportation & food’ with no ‘vote of Congress’ involved - by Charles Rotter / Climate Depot via WUWT 22SEP23.

- ‘Decarbonizing Buildings’ - White House, Governors Coalition Pledge To Massively Increase Amount Of Heat Pumps - by Nick Pope / Daily Caller via Your News 22SEP23.

- One of Biden's Attempts to Kill Oil and Gas Gets Struck Down, but We're Still Getting Crushed - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 22SEP23.

- China’s Climate Envoy: ‘It Is Unrealistic to Completely Phase Out Fossil Fuel’ - by John Hayward / Breitbart 22SEP23.

- Rishi Sunak Rolls Back Multiple Environmental Policies in ‘Pragmatic’ Move That Leaves Climate Alarmists Fuming - British PM Worries About Financial Impact on Families - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Green Bubble Burst - US ESG Fund Closures In 2023 Surpass Total Of Previous Three Years - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Is the UN 2030 Agenda Plan Failing? - by David Kelly / New American 22SEP23.

- In So Many Ways It Feels Like The Barbarians Are At The Gates - by Benjamin Picton / Rabobank via Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Media Gaslighting Americans - Your Groceries Aren't More Expensive, Gas Prices Aren't Rising, Your Wallets Aren't Emptier, It Is All A 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 22SEP23.

- Governments Start Calling for Price Controls - Rationing and CBDCs Come Next - by Brandon Smith / America First 22SEP23.

- Public Numbs as government Debt Bomb explodes to $33T, annual budget Deficit approaches $2T - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 22SEP23.

- Shutdown looms as US House Republicans again block own spending bill - by David Morgan and Richard Cowan / Your News 22SEP23.

- McCarthy Throws Fit, Accuses GOP Hardliners Of Wanting To "Burn The Whole Place Down" As Shutdown Looms - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- McCarthy Fails For 2nd Time To Advance Bill Funding Defense Department As Ukraine Sows Division - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Kevin McCarthy Caves to Matt Gaetz's Demands After Spending Bill Is Massive Failure - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- McCarthy pledges to remove Ukraine funding from Pentagon spending package - by Ben Whedon / Just The News 22SEP23.

- Pentagon Exempts Ukraine Funding From Possible Government Shutdown - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23

- UAW Boss To Address Members Amid Stalled Negotiations; Strikes Likely to Expand Across Auto Plants - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- UAW announces major expansion of auto strike - by Zachary Halaschak / Washington Examiner 22SEP23.

- UAW Boss Says Ford "Serious About Reaching Deal"; Expands Strike To All GM & Stellantis Parts Distribution Centers - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Biden to Mich. on Tues. for UAW Strike, UAW Leaked Texts Reveal No Intent to Stop Striking or Bargain Honestly - by Benjamin Wetmore / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Commercials Set To Invade Amazon Prime Video Unless You Pay New 'Ad Free' Fee - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Author Of ‘Gender Queer’ Book Found In Schools Says “I Don’t Recommend This Book For Kids” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 22SEP23.

- Christian Church Hosts 'Drag Sunday' to Honor Men Who Moonlight as Sodomizing Nuns - by Alex Parker / Red State 22SEP23.

- Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’ - by Alana Mastrangelo / Breitbart 22SEP23.

- Poilievre Slams Trudeau for 'demonizing concerned parents' amid week of protests - by Post Millennial / PM 22SEP23.

- Massive Canada-Wide Protests Against the Sexualization of Children - Spotlight on the Ottawa March - by Amy Mek / Rair 22SEP23.

- Newsom Vetoes CA Bill Requiring Parents to Affirm Child's 'Gender Identity' In Custody Disputes - by Matt Funicello / Red State 22SEP23.

- Wholesome McDonald's Japan Ad Sends Shockwaves Throughout the Internet - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 22SEP23.

- A Wholesome Japanese McDonald's Ad Is Causing Bizarre, Angry Reactions From the Left - by Brandon Morse / Red State 22SEP23.

- Can You Spot The Difference? [McDonalds Ads] - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Parents Defend Themselves from Violent Antifa Militants at 'Education Over Indoctrination' Protest - by Brandon Morse / Red State 22SEP23.

- Germany Students arm themselves in city of Halle as violent robberies soar, parents describe ‘broken police force’ - by John Cody / Remix 22SEP23.

- Cesspool City [SanFran] That Defunded Police Looks for Officers in Red State - by Milt Harris / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- Police Chief Defunds Himself and Seattle Votes to Save Itself - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- Legit Question - How Is Chicago Even Still Here? - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- Man Who Tried to Shoot Rittenhouse and Ended Up Shot Himself Lands in News Again Under His New Name - by Mike Landry / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- The Man Who Attacked Kyle Rittenhouse Got Run Over by a Car - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 22SEP23.

- Kyle Rittenhouse Attacker Gaige Grosskreutz, Who Took a Bullet for BLM, 'Injured in Hit And Run' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 22SEP23.

- BLM 'fat liberation' activist, Dove spox, launches GoFundMe after staging hate hoax that got white student expelled over false allegations - by Libby Emmons / PM 22SEP23.

- Biden praises Congressional Black Caucus at Hispanic Caucus event - by Rachel Schilke / Washington Examiner 22SEP23.

- Biden’s Latest Gaffe-Praises ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ in Address to Congressional Hispanic Caucus - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags About What Happens to White Applicants - by Jack Gist / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- President Biden to Announce Gun Violence Prevention Office During Rose Garden Ceremony - by Michael Clements / NTD 22SEP23.

- Biden Taps 'Key Leader' Kamala Harris to Head First-Ever Gun Control Office - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- Tense Moments for Kamala Harris as Joe Biden Bumbles Through Rambling Gun Control Speech - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 22SEP23.

- Kamala Harris Exposes True Purposes of Biden's Office of Gun Violence Prevention - by Jeff Charles / Red State 22SEP23.

- Federal court strikes down California ban on gun magazines for second time - by Jenny Goldsberry / Washington Examiner 22SEP23.

- New York Mayor Eric Adams Introduces Surveillance Robots - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 22SEP23.

- Biden Is Still Trying to Hide His Border Crisis From the Public - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- Border encounters surge to nearly 233,000 in August - by Ben Whedon / Just The News 22SEP23.

- Biden Claims It’s Republicans Who Are “Undermining Our Border Security” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 22SEP23.

- Eagle Pass declares State Of Emergency as nearly 14K border crossers flood the city in less than two weeks - many more to come - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 22SEP23.

- Eagle Pass Mayor Reveals What Type of Response City Has Gotten From Biden Admin - by Julio Rosas / Townhall 22SEP23.

- Eagle Pass’ Fed up Democrat Hispanic Mayor Just Shreds Joe Biden on Border Crisis as Surge Worsens - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 22SEP23.

- Texas AG Paxton Returns After 4-Month Impeachment Trial to Find Biden's Border Antics - by Christine Favocci / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- ‘The Border Was Secured’ - Texas Official Rips Biden Admin For Ordering Agents To Cut Fences - by Harold Hutchison / Daily Caller via Your News 22SEP23.

- Gov. Greg Abbott Declares 'Invasion' at the Southern Border, Sends in National Guard - by Jeff Charles / Red State 22SEP23.

- As Migrants Pour Across the Border in Record Numbers, Biden Brags It Is By Design: “I’ve also directed my team to make a historic increase in the number of refugees admitted from Latin America” - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23

- Biden Admin Grants Temporary Protections to Thousands of Afghan Nationals - by Katabella Roberts / NTD 22SEP23.

- Trump Says If Reelected He Will Send Troops to Southern Border - by Kos Temenes / NTD 22SEP23.

- Trump Vows to Invoke 1798 Law to Handle Illegals as Part of 'Largest Deportation Operation in US History' - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- [Chicago] Gov’t-Funded Migrant Healthcare Staffing Firm Was Paying $200/Hour For Workers at Migrant Facilities; Two Made $14,000 and $20,000 in One Week - by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- [UK] - Illegal Immigrants Must Get at Least Three-Star Hotels, Says Home Office Contract - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 22SEP23.

- European border agency Frontex confirms 92% of illegal migrants arriving in EU are fighting-age Men - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 22SEP23.

- French Globalists Seek to Jail Populist Le Pen And Ban Her From Office - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 22SEP23.

- Dave Portnoy Lights up the Washington Post After Hit Piece He Exposed Drops - by Bonchie / Red State 22SEP23.

- Paramount+ Yanks Russell Brand Comedy Special; Look Whose Movies Are Still Streaming - by Michael Cantrell / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- Is Russell Brand Being Used to Deter Others From Speaking Against the Government Narrative? - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 22SEP23.

- NATO’s Legion of Liars Target Russell Brand for Character Assassination As Part of NATO’s Much Bigger Wars - by Declan Hayes / Strategic Culture 22SEP23.

- Caroline Dinenage’s Authoritarian Pressure on Rumble Reportedly Wasn’t Cleared By Her Own Committee - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 22SEP23.

- Russell Brand slams UK Parliament for demanding social media companies deplatform him - Brand said "this happens in the context of the Online Safety Bill, which is a piece of UK legislation that grants sweeping surveillance and censorship powers" - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 22SEP23.

- Australian Government Is Urged To Include News Outlets In Censorial Social Media Crackdown On “Misinformation” - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 22SEP23.

- Canada Launches UN Declaration Pledging Restrictions On Online “Disinformation” - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 22SEP23.

- Speech code for lawyers? - Appeals courts poised to clash on constitutionality of state rules - by Greg Piper / Just The News 22SEP23.

- DHS is Still Withholding Information in its Efforts To Censor “Misinformation, Disinformation, And Malinformation” - by Tom Parker / Reclaim The Net 22SEP23.

- The Defunct Disinformation Governance Board Sought to Censor Opposing Views on Racial Justice, the Afghan Withdrawal and Other Political Subjects - by Jonathan Turley 22SEP23.

- Homeland Security's Behind-the-Scenes Censorship Operations on Social Media - by Jeff Charles / Red State 22SEP23.

- 'Public Broadcasting' Bored Silly by Republican Hearings - by Tim Graham / Townhall 22SEP23.

- “Mafia Tactics” - Massie Grills Merrick Garland For DOJ Investigation of Elon Musk After He Exposed Government Censorship - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 22SEP23.

- Merrick Garland has destroyed his credibility - by Washington Examiner 22SEP23.

- Merrick Garland’s Hunter lies blown up Yet Again by IRS whistleblowers - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 22SEP23.

- IRS Whistleblower Exposes DOJ's Attempt to Stop Special Counsel from Charging Hunter Biden - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- Contradictions Arise in IRS Agent Testimony Over Charging Hunter Biden - by Gloria Ogbonna / Your News 22SEP23.
- House GOP Points out the Interesting Email Involving Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Bob Menendez - by Nick Arama / Red State 22SEP23.

- Democrat U.S. Senator Indicted on Federal Bribery Charges - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- US Senator [Bob Menendez (D-N.J.)] Indicted on Bribery Charges - by Zachary Stieber / NTD 22SEP23.

- Democrat Senator Bob Menendez and His Wife Indicted for Bribery - by Bonchie / Red State 22SEP23.

- New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendz and Wife Indicted, Charged with Bribery - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Robert Menendez indicted - Democratic New Jersey senator faces federal charges of bribery - by Rachel Schilke / Washington Examiner 22SEP23.

- Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez, Wife Indicted Over Gold Bar And Other Bribery Schemes - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- This Indictment Against Senator Bob Menendez Is a Real Doozy - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 22SEP23.

- NJ Sen. Bob Menendez hit with federal corruption charges for second time; allegedly took bribes - including $100K in gold bars - by Ben Kochman and Priscilla DeGregory / NY Post 22SEP23.

- $500K Stuffed in Envelopes, Clothing Among Evidence Outlined by US Attorney at Presser re: Bob Menendez - by Jeff Charles / Red State 22SEP23.

- More Evidence that U.S. Intelligence Analysis is Broken and Politicized - Latest bribery allegations severely undermine CIA credibility and may gravely damage national security - by Fred Fleitz / American Greatness 22SEP23.

- Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez Acted As Foreign Agent, Indicted By Fed. Grand Jury - by William Upton / National Pulse 22SEP23.

- Bribery Indictment on Sen. Robert Menendez - Indictment depicts Menendez as foreign agent of Egypt
- by Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon 22SEP23.

- Bob Menendez had built reputation as Senate’s most unethical - by Thomas Anderson / NY Post 22SEP23.

- Bob Menendez's Day Just Got a Lot Worse, as Democrats Start to Turn on Him - by Bonchie / Red State 22SEP23.

- Dem New Jersey Governor, Top NJ Democrats Call on Embattled Sen. Menendez to Resign Over Bribery Indictment - Menendez Responds with Race Card - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Sen. Bob Menendez Issues Firm Denial of the Bribery Charges Against Him - by Jeff Charles / Red State 22SEP23.

- John Fetterman's Slovenliness and the Demise of Objective Social Standards - by Josh Hammer / Townhall 22SEP23.

- As Biden’s Condition Degrades, NBC's WH Reporter Seeks to Upgrade Him to 'President of the World' - by Brad Slager / Red State 22SEP23.

- Who’s Bossing Biden? - After Joe Biden Announces Trip to Join UAW Picket Line to Counter Trump, Former Jill Biden Press Sec Panics, “Ugh no, please don’t do this to him” - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Democratic Mayor Of Dallas: "American Cities Need Republicans... & I'm Becoming One" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Dallas Mayor Flips to GOP With Riveting Reason, 'America's Cities Need Republicans and I'm Becoming One' - by Nick Arama / Red State 22SEP23.

- Big-City Mayor, a Long-Time Democrat, Says America Needs More Republicans, Then Switches Parties - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- The Mayor of Dallas Flips to the GOP - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- Mayor of [Dallas, Eric Johnson] Flips to Republican Party, Slams Democrat Pro-Crime Policies - by William Upton / National Pulse 22SEP23.

- Dallas mayor joins Republican Party, slams progressive policies that 'coddle criminals,' hurt the average American - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 22SEP23.

- RFK, Jr. as a third-party candidate - by Hank Vanderbeek / American Thinker 22SEP23.

- Jack Smith Adds Radical Left-Wing Democrat Donor to Special Counsel Team Persecuting Trump - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23

- Trump Breaks Silence on Fox Foe Rupert Murdoch's Departure, 'They Pick Their Opponents' - by Maire Clayton / Western Journal 22SEP23.

- Lynda “Wonder Woman” Carter Spews Bile at Kari Lake, Who Delivers the Classiest Response Possible - by JD Rucker / America First 22SEP23.

- Lake records trial begins with focus on voter privacy over signatures of ballot affidavit envelopes - by Natalia Mittelstadt / Just The News 22SEP23.

- Thousands of troops live in 'substandard' barracks, exposed to sewage, toxic water, diseases - by Madeleine Hubbard / Just The News 22SEP23.

- Bizarre 911 call released in South Carolina F-35 crash, ‘We got a pilot in our house’ - by Snejana Farberov / NY Post 22SEP23.

- F-35 Stealth Fighter Only Mission Capable About Half The Time, Government Report Finds - by Ryan Morgan / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Israel's Newest High-Tech Tank Ready for Action - by Ward Clark / Red State 22SEP23.

- Paying Iranian Terrorists Billions in Ransom Is Nothing To Brag About, Mr. President - by David Harsanyi / Townhall 22SEP23.

- Federal IT Contractor Charged With Espionage, but Not for a Country You Would Expect - [Ethiopian Espionage] - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 22SEP23.

- MSM Slowly Comes to Grips With Ukraine’s Diminishing Support in Europe, in the US and Worldwide - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23

- Zelensky Departs Washington Mostly Empty-Handed Amid Mood Shift In West - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22SEP23.

- Mr. Zelensky Goes to Washington, and Finds That the UN, the US and the World Are Very Different This Time Around: ‘If We Don’t Get the Aid, We Will Lose the War’ - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Rand Paul Slams “Corrupt” Zelensky “Begging For More Money” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 22SEP23.

- Don’t Mistake Cracks In The Biden Facade For Impending Surrender On Ukraine - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Biden tells Zelensky US will supply ATACMS long-range missiles to Ukraine - by katie Daviscourt / PM 22SEP23.

- Biden Approves $325 Million Ukraine Security Assistance Package After Zelenskyy’s White House Visit - by Katabella Roberts / NTD 22SEP23.

- Seymour Hersh: “It’s All Lies. The War is Over. Russia has Won.” - by Richard Abelson / Gateway Pundit 22SEP23.

- Russia's Black Sea Fleet Headquarters Demolished and Commanding Admiral Presumed Dead - by streiff / Red State 22SEP23.

- Xi, Assad Launch China-Syria Strategic Partnership Based On Belt & Road Initiative - by Tyler Durden / The Cradle via Zerohedge 22SEP23.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Triple Solar Storm Coming, Tropical Storm Alert, Top News 22SEP23.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Strengthen Your Protective Energy Fields 22SEP23.

RazörFist: The Good, The Bad, and Baldur's Gate 3 - The Rageaholic 22SEP23.

Styx: US Inflation (Bidenflation) is Seriously Insane 22SEP23.

Styx: Dems in Denial Over Bidens Lack of Finesse on Union Strikes 22SEP23.

Styx: Freedom vs Freedumb 22SEP23.

Styx: New York and the Mail in Ballot Fiasco 22SEP23.

Styx: The US Migrant Crisis Blame Shift Shuffle 22SEP23.

Styx: Project Veritas Collapses After Kicking James O'Keefe Out 22SEP23.

Salty Cracker: BLM felon who Attacked Rittenhouse Just Got Run Over by a Black Guy 22SEP23.

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Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Video Game Chat To Be Surveilled By AI 22SEP23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Elon Musk VS California Government 22SEP23.

Mark Dice: This is BEYOND a Joke 22SEP23.

Hodge Twins: Singer Sam Smith New Video With Teletubbies is Disturbing 22SEP23.

Tim Pool: Chicago Plans COMMUNIST Stores, Crime DESTROYS Business And Governments Plan To OWN Replacements 22SEP23.

Tim Pool: NYC Prepares To TEAR DOWN Statues Of Washington And Jefferson As Communists DESTROY American History 22SEP23.

Tim Pool: Dude FURIOUS He Can't Teach Kids About Adult Activities CANCELS School Lesson, GET WOKE GO BROKE 22SEP23.

Tim Pool: The US Has Become Sodom And Gomorrah, Celebrity Kid gets Boobs Done At 19, Smokes EVERYDAY Since 14 22SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: US Govt. Will SHUT DOWN In Days, Matt Gaetz BLOCKS McCarthy Omnibus Spending 22SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Biden's Lawyers EXPOSED Helping IMPEACH Ken Paxton, White House Is Targeting Political Rivals 22SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Texas DECLARES INVASION As Biden Secretly Flies In Illegal Immigrants 22SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: RUSSIA HAS ALREADY WON, Intelligence Official Reports The War Is ALREADY OVER 22SEP23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 22SEP23.

Salty Cracker: McDonald's Transvestite Burgers ReeEEeE Stream 22SEP23.

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Scott Adams: More Reports On The Gears Of The Machine. It Is Completely Clear Now 22SEP23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #747 22SEP23.

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15 seconds

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Democrat Senator INDICTED On Bribery Charges, Dem Mayor QUITS, Joins GOP w/Vince Dao 22SEP23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3047 22SEP23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3048 22SEP23.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 379 22SEP23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3049 22SEP23.

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Dave / X22 Report: [DS] Tries To Reverse Public Opinion, Evil Is Knocking, Will You Answer, Will You Fight 22SEP23.


Sleazy P. Martini: Ukraine Trans expelled from military 22SEP23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: The F.B.I. convieniently lost track of their informants on Jan 6... 22SEP23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Trump gives the Dems the Auto Shutdown Blues 22SEP23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Ray Epps charged by DOJ in attempt to cover for the FBI 22SEP23.

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15 seconds

[Flashback Classic] Running Man Z: THE PERFECT DAY In DayZ 18OCT20.

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