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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Tuesday 22OCT24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- VA data shows Covid boosters increased risk of hospitalization and flu shots don't work - by Steve Kirsch / Substack 22OCT24.

- Scientists Link Deadly Splanchnic Blood Clots to Covid ‘Vaccines’ - by Frank Bergman / Slay 22OCT24.

- Big Pharma makes Huge payments to peer reviewers in major medical journals - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 22OCT24.

- Ohioans fight to receive $1 billion that went unused during pandemic - by Annabella Rosciglione / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Infant mortality increased 7% over last 18 months - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 22OCT24.

- Democrats' Silver Bullet Issue [abortion] Is Losing Its Power This Election - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- How Democrats lie about Dobbs - by David Harsanyi / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Trump makes surprise visit to North Carolina, announces GoFundMe has raised $8 million for Hurricane Helene victims - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 22OCT24.

- Huge New Lithium Deposits Found in Arkansas - by Ward Clark / Red State 22OCT24.

- Harris 100% Supports Fracking Unless She Doesn’t - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Oil and Gas Association Trolls Harris Over Her Ever-Changing Fracking Stance - by Bob Hoge / Red State 22OCT24.

- Why No One Will Want to Buy Keir Starmer’s “1.5 Million New Homes” - by Margaret Rothwell / Daily Sceptic 22OCT24.

- Net Zero is Losing the Battle of Ideas - by David Turver / Daily Sceptic 22OCT24.

- Biden’s Climate Splurge Gives Billions to Nonprofit Newbies - by James Varney / Real Clear Investigations 22OCT24.

- No, The Carbon Sinks Aren’t Sinking - by Willis Eschenbach / WUWT 22OCT24.

- California police struggle with Electric police cars - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 22OCT24.

- The EPA’s ‘De Facto EV Mandate’ Faces Potential Supreme Court Scrutiny - by Kevin Mooney / American Spectator 22OCT24.

- The green lobby is about to get nuked - by Hugo Gurdon / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- The Democrats And Big Government - A Government Big Enough To Give You Everything You Want Is Strong Enough To Take It Away - by P.F. Kelly, Jr. / All News Pipeline 22OCT24.

- U.S. National Debt's Unbelievable Spike Over the Last Three Weeks - by Ward Clark / Red State 22OCT24.

- Struggling Harris-Biden step up student-loan-forgiveness bribes to win votes - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 22OCT24.

- If Rachel Reeves Wants to Fill the £22 Billion “Black Hole” She Should Start by Abolishing the Arts and Humanities Research Council - by Charlotte Gill / Daily Sceptic 22OCT24.

- The art of the tariff deal - another way Trump can boost our economy - by Richard Stern and Andrew Hale / NY Post 22OCT24.

- I’m Trying to Get Ready For my GCSEs, But my School Keeps Distracting me With Lessons on Multiculturalism, Racism, Mutual Respect and the Merits of Mass Immigration - by Jack Watson / Daily Sceptic 22OCT24.

- ‘Abercrombie & Fitch’ Fashion Mogul Arrested on Sex Trafficking Charges - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Abercrombie & Fitch Ex-CEO Arrested In Florida On Sex Trafficking Charges - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22OCT24.

- Ex-Abercrombie & Fitch CEO, partner arrested in twisted scheme to sexually exploit male models - by Emily Crane / NY Post 22OCT24.

- Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Arrested for Sex Trafficking Young Men - by Ward Clark / Red State 22OCT24.

- Why Are The Elitists That Run Our Society So Incredibly Sick? - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 22OCT24.

- Sean 'Diddy' Combs accused of raping 13-year-old at VMA after-party as two other celebrities watched in latest lawsuit - by Roberto Wakerell-Cruz / PM 22OCT24.

- Alleged Diddy Victim Claims He Raped Her As A Child While ‘Male And Female Celebrities’ Watched - by Steve Watson / Modernity 22OCT24.

- Sex change is physically impossible and sex reassignment surgery does not provide the long-term happiness people seek - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 22OCT24.

- “Donald Trump is The Vote of Reason” - NASCAR Star Danica Patrick Slams “Trans” Athletes Taking Over Women’s Sports, Says She’s Casting Her First Vote Ever for Trump - Trump Responds - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Trans suspect accused of killing Pennsylvania officer was earlier released without bail by leftist nonbinary judge - by Andy Ngo and Katie Daviscourt / PM 22OCT24.

- Elon Musk Calls for Anti-Defamation League to Stop Spreading 'Anti-White Racism' - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics via Substack 22OCT24.

- Progressives Finally Realize That Latinos Don't Like Being Called 'Latinx' - by Jeff Charles / Red State 22OCT24.

- Progressive district attorneys on the chopping block in 2024 elections - by Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Road-Raging Cyclist, Schooled by 22-Year-Old, Caught Whimpering to Cop for Mercy - by Jim Thompson / Red State 22OCT24.

- Sheriffs Sound Alarm On Biden-Harris Migrant Crisis Taking Over America’s Small Towns - by Wallace White / Daily Caller 22OCT24.

- Thousands of migrants surge to US-Mexico border hoping to cross before election - by David Krayden / PM 22OCT24.

- Migrants Massing in Southern Mexico Looking to Come to U.S. Before Trump is Elected - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Border Czar Kamala Harris somehow blames Trump for surge in illegal immigration - by Laura Harris / Newstarget 22OCT24.

- Meloni moves to overrule court ruling blocking migrant transfers to Albania - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 22OCT24.

- Labour’s taking a wrecking ball to Britain and other passing observations - by Rhoda Wilson and Vernon Coleman / Exposé 22OCT24.

- “Big Up Keir Starmer!” - Prisoners Toast the PM as Hundreds Celebrate Early Release - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 22OCT24.

- Terry McMahon: One word sums up what the controlling class are doing to Ireland - Treason - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 22OCT24.

- Canada’s Trudeau Facing Liberal Revolt - by James Murphy / New American 22OCT24.

- Misinformation, Disinformation, & Conspiracy Theories - by Jack Kerwick / Townhall 22OCT24.

- Democrats Are No Longer Hiding Their Plan to Censor America - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 22OCT24.

- Soros Makes Another Move to Control American Media [Audacy's 200 radio stations] - Where Are the Rich Conservatives? - by Publius / America First 22OCT24.

- Take the threats to religious freedom in the US seriously - by Adam Carrington / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Giuliani ordered to give control of apartment and luxury items to Georgia election workers - by Brady Knox / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Judge Orders Rudy Giuliani to Give Control of Manhattan Penthouse Apartment, Valuables, and Luxury Items to Georgia Election Workers - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Could felons decide the election? - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- New Election Integrity Rules Blocked By Anti-Trump ‘Republicans’ - by Raheem J. Kassam / National Pulse 22OCT24.

- GA SOS Raffensperger Secretly Raising Millions Through Newly Created Organization to Silence Election Officials Fighting for Election Integrity - Georgia GOP Chairman Blasts Raffensperger’s Corrupt Tactics - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Georgia Supreme Court [decides] New Election Rules Will Have to Sit This One Out - by Susie Moore / Red State 22OCT24.

- Exposing the Lies About Georgia's Ballot Questions - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Judges in Michigan and North Carolina reject GOP challenge to overseas ballots - by Annabella Rosciglione / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Six noncitizens charged with voting illegally in Ohio - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Video Shows a Lady Easily Faking a Ballot in Seattle - No Wonder Washington's GOP Is Suing - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Video Shows How Anyone in US or Anywhere in the World Can Create and Print Official Ballot for Made Up Voter at Any Questionable King County, Washington Address - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Election Fraud Allegations Lead To Felony Charges Against California City Council Candidate - by Kimberly Hayek / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 22OCT24.

- Texas AG Demands FEC Take Action After Investigation Shows 'Suspicious Donations' Made Through ActBlue - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 22OCT24.

- Texas AG Petitions FEC for Stricter Regulations Amid ActBlue Scrutiny - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 22OCT24.

- Illegal Short Attacks and the Regulators Who Enable Them - by J.M. Phelps / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Musk Awards Third Million-Dollar Petition Prize Amid Claims Of Illegality - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22OCT24.

- 'Definitely upgrading my security' - Elon Musk reacts to op-ed calling him 'Public Enemy No. 2' - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 22OCT24.

- Kamala's UK campaign advisors push to 'kill Musk's Twitter' - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 22OCT24.

- Kamala’s Secret Weapon - The British Operatives Determined to “Kill” Elon Musk’s Free Speech Platform X - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 22OCT24.

- How Kamala Harris' British Advisors Aimed to Take Down Elon Musk and Twitter - by Susie Moore / Red State 22OCT24.

- FCC Commissioner Slams Biden-Harris Internet Plan Facebook Censorship - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 22OCT24.

- Trump Media Expands Streaming Empire with Truth+ Rollout on iPhone, iPads, and Apple TV - by Rick Findlay / Reclaim The Net 22OCT24.

- Appeals court upholds Jan. 6 trespassing charge, boosts chances for Supreme Court review - by Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner 22OCT24.

- Dan Fleuette on His Book 'Rebels, Rogues, and Outlaws,' About Origins of 'Bannon's War Room' - by Neil W. McCabe / Red State 22OCT24.

- Steve Bannon slated for release from prison next Tuesday - by David Krayden / PM 22OCT24.

- Warden Admits to Illegally Imprisoning Steve Bannon in Violation of the First Step Act - Should Have Been Released on Oct. 19 - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Nathan Wade testifies that Fani Willis was planning to prosecute Trump ahead of taking office - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 22OCT24.

- Trump Prosecutor Met with Biden-Harris White House Multiple Times, According to Newly Released Testimony - by Joe Saunders / Western Journal 22OCT24.

- Donald Trump, Not Kamala Harris, Is Running A Campaign Full Of Joy - by Bianca De La Garza / Federalist 22OCT24.

- Trump's McDonald's Visit According to the Left As Shown by AI Is the Funniest Video You'll See Today - by Brandon Morse / Red State 22OCT24.

- The Great Democrat McMeltdown of '24 Might've Supersized Trump's Chances - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Democratic Senators Take Action Against McDonald's Just a Day After Trump's Visit - by Bryan Chai / Western Journal 22OCT24.

- Two Weeks to Go and the Democrats Are Watching Their 'Blue Wall' Crumble - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins - by Frank Miele / Real Clear Politics via Zerohedge 22OCT24.

- Will Democrats Accept the Results of the 2024 Presidential Election? - by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann / American Greatness 22OCT24.

- Without Massive Reform, a Trump Victory Will Be In Vain - by Christopher Roach / American Greatness 22OCT24.

- Latest Georgia Poll Spells Doom for the Harris Campaign - by streiff / Red State 22OCT24.

- Trump leads Kamala in battleground states of Georgia, Arizona, tied in Nevada - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 22OCT24.

- A Deep Dive Into the Democrats' Latest Polling - There’s a Rebellion Brewing - by Scott Pinsker / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Pennsylvania Voters Leaving the Democratic Party in Record Numbers - by Selwyn Duke / New American 22OCT24.

- Is New Mexico In Play? - Republicans Spending Big Money on Ads to Flip Longtime Democrat Stronghold - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Early Vote Numbers Show Potential Disaster for Democrats Just 2 Weeks Away from Election - by Samantha Chang / Western Journal 22OCT24.

- Trump Could Be 'President on Election Day' If Early Voting Numbers Hold Up - by Ward Clark / Red State 22OCT24.

- 'You Know Your Party Is in Trouble' - CNN Contributor Gives Democrat Strategist Brutal Reality Check - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 22OCT24.

- Is the Left Realizing That It Was Better Off With Joe Biden as Its Candidate? - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Politico Publishes Fan Fiction Fantasizing About Trump Overturning the Election - by Mia Cathell / Townhall 22OCT24.

- Joe Biden calls for Trump to be ‘locked up’ during NH campaign stop - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 22OCT24.

- ‘We Gotta Lock Trump Up,’ Biden Says - Calls For Trump to be Jailed 14 Days Before Election - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Biden, Who Insists He's Not Trying to Lock Trump Up, Says 'We Gotta Lock Him Up' - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 22OCT24.

- 'We Gotta Lock Him Up,' Biden Drops Dangerous Statement Against Trump as Election Gets Closer - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 22OCT24.

- Reactions From Former and Current Biden Admin Officials to 'Lock Trump Up' Comments Are Something Else - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 22OCT24.

- Biden Speechwriter Makes Wild Claim, but WSJ Says Nobody Is Buying Dems' Trump 'Fascism' Nonsense Anymore - by Mike Miller / Red State 22OCT24.

- Democrats Must Face the Fact that the American People Don't Believe Donald Trump Is a 'Fascist' - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Divider In Chief Obama Says He Doesn’t Know How We Became so Divided, Toxic, and Bitter - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Unseen Middle-Class Black Voters Move Right - by Salena Zito / Townhall 22OCT24.

- Black Women in Philadelphia Explain to MSNBC Why They’re Voting for Trump, Not Kamala Harris - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Harris Appeals for the Anti-Catholic Vote - by Cal Thomas / Townhall 22OCT24.

- In an Open Letter, Archbishop Viganò Strongly Urges Catholics to Vote for President Trump - by Jerome Corsi / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Tulsi Gabbard Makes Huge Announcement at Trump Rally in Greensboro - by Susie Moore / Red State 22OCT24.

- Tulsi Gabbard Joins the Republican Party - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Tulsi Gabbard announces she is officially joining the Republican Party - by Misy Severi / Just The News 22OCT24.

- Tulsi Gabbard Announces She’s Joining the Republican Party Because Trump Made it the ‘People’s Party’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Democrat Billionaire Ackman Says Democrat Party Policies Will Destroy the Nation - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 22OCT24.

- LA Times declines to endorse Kamala Harris after backing Dems since 2008 - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 22OCT24.

- Faced With a Fractured Base, a Desperate Harris Campaign Turns to Republicans - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Was So Bad at Staged 'Town Hall' That Even Liz Cheney Was Left Cringing - by Bonchie / Red State 22OCT24.

- Kamala Almost Stumbles Into ‘Deplorables’ Moment During Michigan Campaign Event - “Trump and those who follow him” - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Nearly Has a 'Basket of Deplorables' Moment at Town Hall, Backpedals at the Last Second - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 22OCT24.

- Filmmaker Michael Moore claims US should be 'grateful' to 'end up like Detroit' - by David Krayden / PM 22OCT24.

- Moderator Admits Questions Are All “Pre Determined” At Kamala’s Fake Town Hall - Everything she does is scripted - by Steve Watson / Moderntiy 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris does fake ‘town hall’ with no real questions because she’s got nothing to say - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Takes the Entire Day Off to Prepare for Prerecorded Softball Interview with NBC 14 Days Before Election - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Plays Softball During NBC News Interview and Still Manages to Strike Out - by Bonchie / Red State 22OCT24.

- NBC News Begged Kamala Harris To 'Define' Herself - She Declined - 'I don't know if I heard a clear answer from you' - by Andrew Stiles and Thaleigha Rempersad / Washington Free Beacon 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Stutters as She Repeatedly Denies She Was Engaged in a Massive Coverup Around Biden’s Cognitive Decline - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- With Kamala Harris edit, CBS has gone full ‘fake news’ - GOP, time to boycott - by L. Brent Bozell III / NY Post 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris' Plagiarism Scandal Gets Much Worse - It's Not Just Her Book - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Busted for Plagiarizing Congressional Testimony from Republican District Attorney - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Plagiarized Pages of Congressional Testimony From a Republican Colleague - Plus, a Fictionalized Story About Human Trafficking - by Aaron Sibarium / Washington Free Beacon 22OCT24.

- Kamala Hit With More Plagiarism Claims, Allegedly Copied Fictional Story for Human Trafficking Report - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 22OCT24.

- Did Kamala Harris Lie to Get Into a Law School Program for Impoverished Students? - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Kamala Harris Got Into Law School Via a Program She Didn't Qualify For - by Jim Thompson / Red State 22OCT24.

- Try Watching This Walz Clip From The View Without Dying Of Cringe - “They’re trying to kill the American people with cringe” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 22OCT24.

- Walz Defends Campaign's Association With Cheney - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 22OCT24.

- Tim Walz Claims Dick Cheney’s Endorsement Is The Same As Taylor Swift’s - What country did Taylor Swift get us to invade? - by Steve Watson / Modernity 22OCT24.

- Tim 'Jazz Hands' Walz Attempts to Mock Elon Musk, but Elon Gets the Last Laugh - by Teri Christoph / Red State 22OCT24.

- Trump trashes Obama as a 'jerk' who 'divides this country' amid pro-Harris campaign appearances - by Misty Severi / Just The News 22OCT24.

- Biden-Harris DOD Bribes Disgraced VA Employees to Return - The Biden-Harris administration considers losing your job for mistreating veterans a major recommendation - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- Meta's Israel Policy Chief Pushed to Censor Pro-Palestine Content, Internal Docs Reveal - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 22OCT24.

- Twitch Sparks Outrage with Account Restrictions in Israel and Palestinian Regions - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 22OCT24.

- 'Blatantly Supporting Terrorism,' Anti-Israel University of Minnesota Students Storm Campus Building, Trapping Employees Inside - by Jessica Costescu / Washington Free Beacon 22OCT24.

- 'Outrageous Betrayal of Trust': Cotton Presses Biden-Harris Admin To Hold Biweekly Briefings on Explosive Leak of Classified US Intel on Israel - by Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 22OCT24.

- Sources Point to Pro-Iran Defense Official as the Leaker of Top Secret Documents on Israeli War Strategy - by streiff / Red State 22OCT24.

- Netanyahu and Blinken Discuss ‘Uniting Against’ Iran - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 22OCT24.

- Netanyahu Declines Blinken Request To Publicly Reject Gaza Ethnic Cleansing Plan - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 22OCT24.

- How Iran-Hamas’ deadly alliance was born in America - by Lorenzo Vidino and Lara Burns / NY Post 22OCT24.

- With Schumer blocking bills to rein in Iran, let’s return to Trump’s pressure policy - by John Barrasso / NY Post 22OCT24.

- Ukrainian defense minister talks to WaPo about corruption, new recruits, and that Victory Plan - by Liz Heflin / Remix 22OCT24.

- South Korea Mulls Sending Artillery Shells To Ukraine, Angry On Reports Of DPRK Troops There - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 22OCT24.

- Russian ‘Queen Of Crypto’ stole $22M in scam to fund Ukrainian army - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 22OCT24.

- German news publication claims Zelensky boasts of being “ready” to launch nuclear weapons in weeks - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 22OCT24.

- The Battle for Selidovo - Russian Forces Develop Two Pincer Movements and Envelop the City, as Moscow Makes a Play for the Whole Donbas Region, ‘The Cradle of the War’ - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- A partitioned Ukraine could emerge prosperous like West Germany - by Ian Proud / Strategic Culture 22OCT24.

- Serbia, Slovakia and Hungary Together Against Illegal Immigration and for Peace Efforts in Ukraine - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Anti-West BRICS Summit Unites Biggest U.S. Enemies - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 22OCT24.

- As the BRICS Summit Begins, India and China Announce a Deal Ending the Military Standoff Over Their Disputed Frontier - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 22OCT24.

- Elon Musk says US government forced SpaceX to study if starships will hit whales, sharks on return to earth - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 22OCT24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Tropical Storms, Solar Watch, Starlink Satellites Lost 22OCT24.

Styx: CBS Circles Wagons for Kamala Harris 22OCT24.

Styx: Joe Biden... the Better Candidate? (Yes) 22OCT24.

Styx: The Enemy From Within 22OCT24.

Styx: The Secret Service Dun Goof'd Bigly 22OCT24.

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Styx: Josh Shapiro Freaks Out Over Elon Musks Constitution Pledge 22OCT24.

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Salty Cracker: Auto Workers Endorse Kamala Harris & Then They Get Fired 22OCT24.

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Salty Cracker: McDonald's Hit With E-Coli Outbreak Right After Trump Event 22OCT24.

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PJ Dubs / Modernity: It's Simply Hideous 22OCT24.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Truly Evil 22OCT24.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: North Korean Troops To Be Deployed In Ukraine 22OCT24.

Bearing: Donald Trump Gets a Job At McDonalds - MSNBC LOSE THEIR SH*T 22OCT24.

Mark Dice: Pollster Frank Luntz Has Dumbest Idea Ever for October Surprise Kamala Needs To Win 22OCT24.

Hodge Twins: Kamala the Chameleon Goes To BLACK CHURCH Without Her White Husband for Votes 22OCT24.

Hodge Twins: Lara Trump Destroys The Breakfast Club and Their Lies 22OCT24.

John Stossel: Why Letting Your Kid Walk Home Alone Could Land You in Jail 22OCT24.

Jimmy Dore: Trump Makes ACTUAL SENSE Talking About Iran 22OCT24.

Jimmy Dore: Reporter SHOCKS CNN Panel With Truth About Election 22OCT24.

Jimmy Dore: “Hamas Can’t Be Defeated!”-Says Israeli Soldier 22OCT24.

Jimmy Dore: Preschool Warns KIds Not To Mis-Gender ANIMALS! w/ Christian Parenti 22OCT24.

Jimmy Dore: Netenyahu Blocked Every Hostage Deal Says Israeli Newspaper 22OCT24.

Tim Pool: Democrats LOSE IT Over Trump Working At McDonalds, Trump CRUSHES Polls And Odds After HUGE Success 22OCT24.

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Tim Pool: Democrats PANIC As Betting Odds Show GOP SWEEP ENTIRE 2024 Election, Claim Trump CHEATING 22OCT24.

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Tim Pool: Tucker Carlson WARNED Democrats Will Become CRAZY If Trump Wins, The GREATEST Mental Health Crisis 22OCT24.

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Tim Pool: ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, More Chains Collapse And File For Bankruptcy, Democrat Policy HAS FAILED 22OCT24.

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Tim Pool: Actor Zachary Levi Calls On Closet Conservative Actors To SUPPORT TRUMP, Democrat LOSE IT, Roast Him 22OCT24.

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Tim Pool: Elon Musk Threatened With CRIMINAL CHARGES Over $1M Dollar Give Away To Voters In PA 22OCT24.

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Luke / We Are Change: DYSTOPIA Ahead in America! THIS Will Set It Off 22OCT24.

In Depth

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Joe Rogan CONFIRMS Trump Show This Friday, Kamal TAKES DAY OFF w/Arynne Wexler 22OCT24.

Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder: Can Trump Save the World From Neocon Kamala Harris? 22OCT24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 22OCT24.

Styx: Tuesday News LIVE: We Must Save the World, Meltdown, Kentucky Nightmare, Louisiana Ten Commandments 22OCT24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3994 22OCT24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3995 22OCT24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3996 22OCT24.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 639 22OCT24.

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Dave / X22 Report: At A Certain Point The Election Becomes To Big To Rig,Trump Says MAGA Close To 200 Million 22OCT24.

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Awaken With JP: Dictator Seen Working at McDonalds! News Update 22OCT24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Dems In Tennesse Are Reporting Voting Irregularities Including Vote Switching 22OCT24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Was Kamala Drunk When She Said Never Let Them Take Your Joy From You? 22OCT24.

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Blooprint's Bunker: I Tried a RUST-LIKE New EXTRACTION SHOOTER (Sand Gameplay) 22OCT24.

The Running ManZ: Sakhal Boat Hunter - DayZ 22OCT24.

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