Grendelcomment: If It's A Y It's A Guy - Re: "What is a woman" and the DEI Supreme
wannabe's inability to answer - Y chromosomes have an
analog in all gendered life forms in the animal kingdom.
Y is the deviation. Specimens lacking that Y are the
basic mold of any species. Meaning maleness is
the variant. This helps explain why in testing
of various abilities, women overall hug the average more
closely whereas male's tend toward the extremes - both
good and bad in nearly any kind of testing.
If you're a natural deviant already . . . further deviation
is more likely. It is evolutionarily advantageous for
a species to experiment with the half
that aren't necessarily involved in making the next generation . . . so
. . . the male of the species is nearly always less "stable"
in terms of phenotype.
So here it is, the only gender determination ever needed: Is
there a Y in somatic cells at birth? If yes it's male, if
no, it ain't. There's yer answer in case this
idiotic question comes up in any more confirmation hearings
. . . yer welcome.
And yes, this means the metaphoric Adam absolutely came from
Eve and the story of god making Eve from Adam must just be a
bit of theological ribbing . . . as it were. And
both were probably paramecium or some such at the time. Anywayz . . .