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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Friday 21JUL23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- White House admits to funding Wuhan Institute of Virology, just now cutting funds to the infamous bioweapon’s lab - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 21JUL23.

- 'Outrageous' - Republicans Blast Biden Administration For Long-Delayed Decision About Chinese Lab - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 21JUL23.

- Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Continue To Flow To NGO That Funded The Wuhan Lab - by Jason Cohen / Daily Caller via Your News 21JUL23.

- US Military Confirms Myocarditis Spike After Covid Vaccine Introduction - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via Your News 21JUL23.

- Pfizer and Moderna Face Legal Action in Australia Over Alleged Failure to Obtain Necessary “Genetically Modified Organisms” Licenses in Covid-19 Vaccines - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- German birth rate falls to 10-year low - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 21JUL23.

- Nonsense [peddling] USDA Researchers Contend Ultra-Processed Foods Can Make up 91 Percent of Healthy Diet - by Sheramy Tsai / Epoch Times 21JUL23.

- Bernie Sanders Backdoor Legislation Towards Government Run Healthcare - by Christopher Arps / Red State 21JUL23.

- WHO’s power grab through surveillance and “triple billion” targets - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 21JUL23.

- Plagued By Drought, China Turns To Coal To Keep The Lights On - by John Kemp / Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Multiple Explosions Hit Propane Tanker Yard Near Phoenix Airport - by JD Rucker / America First 21JUL23.

- Biden, Manchin, GOP Lawmakers Defend Gas Pipeline Challenged by Environmental Group - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 21JUL23.

- 9 GOP Reps Bail Out Buttigieg from Disclosing Travel Logs - Here Are Their Names - by Anthony Gonzalez / Western Journal 21JUL23.

- Electric car owners fed up with useless, overly complicated tech features - by Shannon Thaler / NY Post 21JUL23.

- Trump Ad Savages Biden's Auto Policies, We're 'Subsidizing Electric Cars for Rich People' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 21JUL23.

- ‘Bidenomics’ Spends Up to $7 million to Create Each $50,000 ‘Green’ Job - by Kevin Stocklin / Your News 21JUL23.

- Foreign Companies Are Raking In Billions In Subsidies From Biden’s Signature Climate Law - by Nick Pope / Daily Caller via Your News 21JUL23.

- That “Heat Wave” the Media Said Spread Through Southern Europe Last Week? - Just More Climate Lies - by Ethan Huff / America First 21JUL23.

- 56 Years of Climate Codswallop That Never Happened - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Latest Reuters ‘Fact Check’ is Even More Feeble Than Usual and That’s Saying Something - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 21JUL23.

- 'Dystopian Fantasy' Coming True Before Our Eyes As Nobel Prize Winner's Dire Warning About 'Global Warming Hoax' Hints Of Massive 'Depopulation' As Warned Of In Deagel 2025 Forecast - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 21JUL23.

- Climate engineering is already having severe negative impacts on our weather, food supplies, biodiversity and health - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 21JUL23.

- Risk of German de-industrialization is ‘very great’ due to increase in red tape and ‘problematic’ energy transition, leading CEO claims - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 21JUL23.

- Wake Up at 4, Be at Work By 6am to Tackle ‘Climate Change’, Says [Oxford] Study - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 21JUL23.

- Government Told to Scrap Unaffordable Green Policies After By-Election Ulez Revolt - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 21JUL23.

- Coutts Apologises To Nigel Farage After Bank Account Closure - by Owen Evans / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Coutts Bank Boss Apologises to Nigel Farage for “Deeply Inappropriate” Report - by Toby Young / Daily Sceptic 21JUL23.

- It’s Not Just Farage Being ‘Debanked’ in Britain - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 21JUL23.

- What’s Behind Jerome Powell’s Woke Turn? - Bidenomics - by Pete McGinnis / American Greatness 21JUL23.

- "Bidenomics" Has No Answer For Eviction Crisis Or Much Else - by Conor Gallagher / Naked Capitalism via Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Housing Crash 2 Accelerates as Home Sales Drop to the Lowest Level Since 2009 - by Michael Snyder / America First 21JUL23.

- Time for nation's largest employer, the U.S. government, to rethink office space - by Brett Rowland / Just The News 21JUL23.

- Biden to Keep Left Wing Labor Secretary in Place Despite Lack of Senate Approval - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’ - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- FedNow Is Here, and The Federal Reserve Says It’s Not a CBDC (But It Would Make One Easier To Implement) - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 21JUL23.

- FedNow Is Live And The Framework Is In Place For CBDCs - by Daisy Luther / Organic Prepper via Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Argentina Begins To Roll Out Biometric ATMs - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 21JUL23.

- Amazon Wants To Bring Palm Payments To All Whole Foods Stores By The End of 2023 - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 21JUL23.

- The Freemasons’ MYCHIP programme used to track children - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 21JUL23.

- Trump Hosts Actor Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard at ‘Sound of Freedom’ Screening - by Carly Mayberry / NTD 21JUL23.

- Trump Announces He Will Work to Give Child Traffickers the Death Penalty After Watching Sound of Freedom - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- ‘Sound of Freedom’ Breaks Expectations, Hits $100 Million at Box Office - by Jack Phillips / NTD 21JUL23.

- Child Trafficking Rescuer on How to Fight Horrors of Sexual Exploitation - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Feds Charge Former N.H. State Rep Laughton for Sex Exploitation of Kids - Pedo Had Support of Democrat Big Shots O’Rourke and Swalwell - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 21JUL23.

- 5x Emmy Nominee, Ex-ABC News Producer [James Gordon Meek] Pleads Guilty to Horrific Child Porn Charges - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 21JUL23.

- Former ABC Investigative Journalist James Gordon Meek Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charges - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Teachers' Union President Seemingly Channels Demon, Speaks in Tongues - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- 'Barbie' Is Not Harmless Nostalgia - It Has an Agenda and 'Runs on Hate' - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 21JUL23.

- DeSantis Sets Sights on Woke Anheuser-Busch - by Michael Cantrell / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Bud Light's Popularity At Bars And Restaurants Is "Almost Non-Existent" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- AB InBev Still Doesn't Get It - CEO Reverts to Ridiculous Defense of Bud Light's Dylan Mulvaney Disaster - by Mike Miller / Red State 21JUL23.

- Dem Senator [Bob Casey - PA] Wants Tax Dollars for Pro-communist, Child Drag Show Org - by Luis Miguel / New American 21JUL23.

- 16-year-old female swimmer banned by YMCA swim team for not wanting to share locker room with men - by Sara Higdon / PM 21JUL23.

- Eventbrite Calls Women’s Free-speech Event “Hateful”; Removes From Platform - by James Murphy / New American 21JUL23.

- Kamala Harris Makes Stuff Up About Florida’s New Curriculum in Jacksonville Speech - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Whoopi Has Bizarre, Very Bad Take on Jason Aldean's Song - by Nick Arama / Red State 21JUL23.

- On Jason Aldean's 'Not in My Small Town' Fake Controversy the Left Resorts to Threats of Violence - by Jim Thompson / Red State 21JUL23.

- Rolling Stone Attempts to Shut Down the Jason Aldean Discussion When Hypocrisy Is Exposed - by Brad Slager / Red State 21JUL23.

- MSNBC Claims MTG's Rap Video Is Racist - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Senator John Kennedy Goes Off on Senate Democrats for Excusing the Evil, Racist Attacks Against Clarence Thomas - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- University of Florida Lied to Gov. DeSantis about money spent on DEI propaganda - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 21JUL23.

- Thousands of Black, Hispanic aspiring and former teachers who Failed licensing exam to be given $1.8 billion settlement - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 21JUL23.

- NYPD Ordered to Pay Mad $tacks to George Floyd Insurrectionists - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- NYC To Pay ‘2020 Summer Of Love’ BLM-Antifa Rioters $13M While Jan 6 Defendants Treated As Political Prisoners - by Bo Banks / Big League Politics 21JUL23.

- Data Shows America's Crime Spiral Correlates With BLM Riots, Not the Covid Pandemic - by Mark Tapscott / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Americans Tiring of Chief Diversity Officers - by Becky Noble / Red State 21JUL23.

- Corporate America Starting to Ditch Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officers - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- WSJ [says] Diversity Officers Are Being Laid Off En Masse, Companies Fear Legal Action in Wake of Affirmative Action Ruling - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 21JUL23.

- Following Affirmative Action's Demise, Slay the DEI Leviathan - by Josh Hammer / Townhall 21JUL23.

- Left Now Pushing Biden to Ignore Supreme Court Decisions He Disagrees With - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Brazil - More Guns, Less Crime - by Ward Clark / Red State 21JUL23.

- Chicago Neighborhood Tired of Illegal Immigrant Violence - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Illegal Immigrant Children With Tuberculosis Released Across US - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Biden Admin Threatens to Sue Texas Over Floating Barrier Blocking Illegal Immigration - by Tom Ozimek / NTD 21JUL23.

- Top Border Patrol agent Gregory K. Bovino ‘relieved of his command’ after talking to Congress - by Josh Christenson / NY Post 21JUL23.

- Whistleblower Alleges Retaliation Against CBP Witness Within Hours of Oversight/Homeland Security Interview - by Susie Moore / Red State 21JUL23.

- Border Patrol Chief Relieved of Command Same Day He Testified Before Congress, Raising Retaliation Concerns - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 21JUL23.

- Courts, Lawmakers Struggle to Restore Americans’ Fourth Amendment Rights - by Kevin Stocklin / Epoch Times via Your News 21JUL23.

- Judge Reveals the FBI Illegally Spied on a U.S. Senator, FBI Gives Astonishing Response - by Bonchie / Red State 21JUL23.

- FBI analyst improperly used intelligence database to snoop on US senator - by Victor Nava / NY Post 21JUL23.

- FBI Wrongfully Searched Foreign-Spying Database For Information About US Senator [per] State Judge - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- FBI Wrongly Searched Surveillance Data for US Senator’s Name, Court Finds - by Jack Phillips / NTD 21JUL23.

- Cruz-Klobuchar Amendment Would Give Lawmakers Powers To Scrub Private Information From The Internet - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 21JUL23.

- Why Freedom Conservatism Matters - by Matthew Continetti / Washington Free Beacon 21JUL23.

- The Government, My Enemy - by Ramesh Thakur / Daily Sceptic 21JUL23.

- By Waging War Upon The American People, Biden's Govt Has Lost All Credibility - It Is Our Duty To Throw Off Such Govt and Provide New Guards For Future Security - by Molly Slag / All News Pipeline 21JUL23.

- The Pandemic of Lies - by Joseph Mercola / America First 21JUL23.

- The “fact check” censorship scam is finally being exposed, dismantled - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 21JUL23.

- Biden Regulator Poised To Shove Left-Wing Priorities Into The Workplace - by Will Kessler / Daily Caller via Your News 21JUL23.

- Dems pile on RFK Jr. as racist, antisemite after censorship hearing disinvite fails - by Greg Piper / Just The News 21JUL23.

- JFK’s Grandson Attacks RFK Jr. by Reading DNC Talking Points From His Car - The Responses Are Brutal - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Big Pharma and Democrat Machine Out to Squash Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - by Greg Byrnes / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- Dem Minority Leader Jeffries Slanders Robert Kennedy, Jr. - Claims His Campaign is a “Living-Breathing False Flag Operation” Run by Right-Wing Political Operatives - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Scott Jennings Flattens Rolling Stone 'Journalist' in Exchange on RFK Jr. Being Given a Platform to Speak - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 21JUL23.

- "Once You Start Censoring, You're On Your Way To Dystopia And Totalitarianism", RFK Jr. Wrecks House Committee - by Michael Nevradakis / Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Investigating The Pro-Censorship UK Group Expanding Across The US - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 21JUL23.

- Threads Flounders After Implementing Hard Rate Limits, Loses User Engagement Daily, And Continues Its Biased Censorship Tactics - by Bo Banks / Big League Politics 21JUL23.

- 'Out of Control' - Twitter Files Major Legal Action Against Top Democrat for Pushing FTC Investigation - by Ben Kew / Western Journal 21JUL23.

- Artificial Intelligence - The New Scapegoat - by Robert Aro / Mises Institute via Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Biden Talks About Artificial Intelligence and It Goes All Kinds of Wrong - by Nick Arama / Red State 21JUL23.

- Feeble Joe Biden Clenches His Fists, Shuffles Away After Speech on Artificial Intelligence - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Miami Federal Judge Sets Trump Trial Date for May 20, 2024 - by Greg Byrnes / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- New Trump Trial Date Set in Classified Documents Case, and It's a Democrat's Dream - by Bonchie / Red State 21JUL23.

- “Judge Cannon Blew It Big-Time,” Mark Levin Reacts to Judge Cannon’s Decision to Set Trump’s Classified Docs Trial Date For May 2024 - 6 Months Before Election - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Trump to face 'racketeering' charges in Georgia over 2020 presidential election - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 21JUL23.

- This Is Why Trump's 'Fake Electors' Say They Did Nothing Wrong - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- “I Was Troubled by the New York Case” - Former Prosecutor Robert Kennedy Jr. Weighs in On Trump Indictments - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- MSNBC Host Says Trump 'Squirms and Sweats' After Learning He's Target of January 6 Criminal Investigation - by Mike Miller / Red State 21JUL23.

- Trump State Department Aide Federico Klein Convicted in Jan. 6 Case - by Katabella Roberts / NTD 21JUL23.

- D.C. Central detention facility officers harass and mentally torture J6 political prisoner - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 21JUL23.

- Biden regime seizes phones of close Trump advisers as political persecution continues - by JD Heyes / Newstarget 21JUL23.

- Elon Claps Back With Humor and Legal Action Against Elizabeth Warren and Her Effort to Target Him - by Nick Arama / Red State 21JUL23.

- Twitter Wants To Subpoena Senator Elizabeth Warren For Communications With Government Agencies - Warren has been accused of trying to weaponize government agencies - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 21JUL23.

- Photo of Hunter’s Lawyer at Home Is Raising Big Questions About Hunter's 'Recovery' - by Nick Arama / Red State 21JUL23.

- Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Pictured Smoking a Bong on His Pacific Palisades Balcony during a Visit by Hunter - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Brutal FBI Source Doc Just Released, Says Dog Is Smarter Than Hunter Biden - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 21JUL23.

- It's Increasingly Clear the Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden, Not Hunter - by David Harsanyi / Townhall 21JUL23.

- From White House cocaine to J6 pipe bomb, Secret Service drawing intense scrutiny during Biden era - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 21JUL23.

- FBI Official Exposes Twitter Coverup That Could Have Changed Results of 2020 Election - by Peter Partoll / Western Journal 21JUL23.

- The Department of Justice must justify Hunter’s special treatment - by Washington Examiner 21JUL23.

- Bidenomics Explained - When Joe Biden Pressures Ukrainian President to Fire Chief Prosecutor Investigating His Son in Exchange for $5 Million from Burisma Owner - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- “This Is the Strongest Case I’ve Ever Seen” - Rudy Giuliani Admits the Evidence Against Biden Crime Family Is Greater than Evidence Against Mafia’s Five Families - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- James Comer Slams Hunter Biden, Says Multiple Criminal Referrals Are Coming - by Bonchie / Red State 21JUL23.

- Comer shares suspicion that Joe Biden sold 'access to our enemies for decades' - by Jenny Goldsberry / Washington Examiner 21JUL23.

- Bribery Revelations Prompt Calls to Impeach Biden - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- The White House Settles on a Ludicrous Response to the Bombshell FD-1023 Release - by Bonchie / Red State 21JUL23.

- The Media Is Attempting a Blackout on the IRS Whistleblowers, And It's Not Only Liberal Outlets - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 21JUL23.

- Mainstream Media Devotes “Zero” Seconds to Joe Biden’s Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Scandal - 527 Minutes to Trump’s Garbage Indictments - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Joe Biden can’t keep dodging questions of corruption - talk Big Guy! - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 21JUL23.

- When Republicans Win, the Media Are Hearings-Impaired - by Tim Graham / Townhall 21JUL23.

- Confused Biden Has Difficulty Finishing Words in Philadelphia - by Nick Arama / Red State 21JUL23.

- Barack Obama’s Success - How His Election Created the Modern Democratic Party and Transformed America - by Michael Ginsberg / American Greatness 21JUL23.

- Maybe 2024 Will Give Us Some Third-Party Madness Just for Fun - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- The Real Reason Democrats Should Fear a Third Party - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 21JUL23.

- 'He's A Smart Guy' - Trump Reacts to Possible Team-Up With Democrat [RFK] for 2024 Election Bid - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 21JUL23.

- Trump Leads Biden by 18 Points Among Independent Americans - by Charles Nwoke / Your News 21JUL23.

- RINO Wannabe Candidates Dodge Defining 2024 Election Issue - by Christopher G. Adamo / America First 21JUL23.

- College-Educated Republicans Drop DeSantis En Masse, Joining Non-College Grads in Their Trump Support - by Raheem J. Kassam / National Pulse 21JUL23.

- DeSantis launches new campaign 'reboot' in attempt to catch Trump in polls - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 21JUL23.

- The DeSantis Campaign Is Rebooting Amid Worries It May Be too Late - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 21JUL23.

- Scott Presler Absolutely Nails the Topic of Early Voting - by Bonchie / Red State 21JUL23.

- The U.S. Military's Pronouns Are 'We're/Screwed' - by Buzz Patterson / Red State 21JUL23.

- The Navy And Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) - by Brett Ramsey / RealClearDefense via Zerohedge 21JUL23

- Biden picks Adm. Lisa Franchetti to be first woman to lead the Navy, join Joint Chiefs of Staff - by Caitlin Doornbos / NY Post 21JUL23.

- Air Force General Can't Answer Simple Question On Gender Identity When Pressed By Gaetz - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 21JUL23.

- Dogs, Squirrels, The West And Prigozhin - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- Historical Falsification in the Service of Pro-War Propaganda - by Tom Mackaman / Strategic Culture 21JUL23.

- Zelensky blames Western aid delays for giving Russia time to fortify - by Joel Gehrke / Washington Examiner 21JUL23.

- All those armored fighting vehicles the U.S. sent to Ukraine? - One third of them have already been destroyed by Russia - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 21JUL23.

- Western Weapons’ Support Has Failed Ukraine [per] President Putin - by Charles Nwoke / Your News 21JUL23.

- Ukraine has little defense against Russia’s feared Onyx missiles - by Magyar Nemzet / Remix 21JUL23.

- Putin's War, Week 73. Putin Eludes Arrest, Black Sea Grain Initiative Dies, and Ukraine's Offense Continues to Grind Away - by streiff / Red State 21JUL23.

- Poland Moves Troops to Belarus Border - Russia’s Putin Vows To Protect Belarusian Allies, Says Polish Want to Annex Ukrainian Territory - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- How Britain's Secret Cyber Unit Targets Russia And China Online - by Patricia Devlin / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 21JUL23.

- Beijing-Linked Hackers Breach Email Account of U.S. Ambassador to China - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 21JUL23.

- 'Surgical in Nature' - Chinese Hackers Targeted US Ambassador's Email - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 21JUL23.

- US Marines Deploy to Deter ‘Iranian Destabilizing Activities’ in Middle East - by Aldgra Fredly / NTD 21JUL23.

- Biden Deploys Amphibious Assault Ships, Marines to Middle East - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 21JUL23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: Misleading Climate Models, Magnetic Stars, Solar Forcing 21JUL23.

RazörFist: Selling Disney by the Pound - Razör Rants 21JUL23.

Styx: The FBI KNEW the Hunter Biden Laptop was Legit 21JUL23.

Styx: AI Generated News? HAHAHA Do I Have Thoughts 21JUL23.

Styx: Boomeresque Ukraine Analysis In Focus 21JUL23.

Styx: Rand Pauls Bowling Green Office Torched After Antiwar Vote 21JUL23.

Salty Cracker: Socialist Leader and Pro-Abortion Advocate Dies Days After Aborting Baby 21JUL23.

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PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: maaate 21JUL23.

Mark Dice: I Got "Fact-Checked" by Snopes, Politi-Fact and USA Today for a Joke 21JUL23.

Hodge Twins: Man who looks like Crossdresser Says The Unthinkable About Her Son 21JUL23.

Jimmy Dore: Carl Sagan Warned Us About Fauci & Authoritarian Science 21JUL23.

Jimmy Dore: Establishment Tool Says Jill Stein Voters Regret their Vote - But Can’t Find One 21JUL23.

Jimmy Dore: “North Pole Will Be Ice-Free By 2013!” – Al Gore in 2009 21JUL23.

Jimmy Dore: This Should Turn Your Stomach 21JUL23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Gavin Newsom PUNISHES School For Rejecting Woke Curriculum, School Is Fined MILLIONS 21JUL23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Woke Stanford Dean Who Confronted Conservative Judge RESIGNS After Facing Backlash 21JUL23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Matt Gaetz Introduces Bill To DEFUND Trump Investigation, White House DEFENDS DOJ 21JUL23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: NYC Mayor WARNS Migrants 'We Have No More Room,' City Tops 50 THOUSAND Migrants 21JUL23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 21JUL23.

Salty Cracker: Congressional Record Dic Pics ReeEEeE Stream 21JUL23.

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Scott Adams: End Of Wokeness, Media Badness, Whistleblower Goodness, Lots Of Politics 21JUL23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #702 21JUL23.

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Styx: Friday LIVE: Trump Charges, Burisma Scandal EXPLODES, Twitter v Elizabeth Warren (Superchats) 21JUL23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Fox News Matches Donations to SATANIC Temple, Planned Parenthood w/ Larry Elder 21JUL23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2895 21JUL23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2896 21JUL23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2897 21JUL23.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 338 21JUL23.

Dave / X22 Report: Kari Lake - [DS] Has Been Exposed,People Are Leading The Charge,It’s Time To Take Back This Country 21JUL23.


Sleazy P. Martini: MTG whips out the Hunter Biden sex photos! 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Biden crime family caught... AGAIN!! 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Did you know funding the war in Ukraine is the best thing for global economy? 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Donald Trump dominates Ron DeSantis! 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Retired and frightened, Fauci needs tax-payer funded round the clock security!! 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Pfizer vaccine warehouse destroyed by tornado!! 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Rise of the Penis filler!! 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Beachgoers swamped by penis fish!! 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Toy collecting Zim/Zer attempts to add testicles to it's collection 21JUL23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: The Barbie burger's secret ingredient? It's pink! 21JUL23.

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Blooprint: Rust - Tug Of War 21JUL23.

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