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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Tuesday 19SEP23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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Stuck in my head: Creme Brulee - Voodoo Lady


- Hospitals Overcrowd in China Amid Surge in Covid-19 Variants and Other Infections - by Angela Bright / NTD 19SEP23.

- What You Need to Know About the Latest Covid Jab Rollout - by Joseph Mercola / America First 19SEP23.

- FDA Has 'Gone Rogue' In Its Approval Of New Covid-19 Boosters [per] Dr. Robert Malone - by Tom Ozimek and Joshua Philipp / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- Covid Juice 3.0 Hits the Shelves in Germany, With Interest at Such Record Lows That Many Doctors Have not Even Bothered to Stock it - by Eugyppius / Daily Sceptic 19SEP23.

- Timelines of Germany’s Covid-19 ‘Patient Zero’ and ‘Patient One’ Reveal Troubling Inconsistencies - by Robert Kogon / Daily Sceptic 19SEP23.

- Dr. Peter McCullough: No one should take another shot, covid vaccines are not safe for human use - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 19SEP23.

- South Carolina Professor finds 200 billion pieces of DNA contaminating a single dose of Pfizer’s covid injection - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 19SEP23.

- ONS recording of deaths are delayed by up to a year; it is only now we are getting a glimpse of the magnitude of the covid injection death toll - by Rhoda Wilson and Joel Smalley / Exposé 19SEP23.

- Vaccine Injury Victims Resort To Using Code Language To Bypass Online Censorship, UK Inquiry Hears - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 19SEP23.

- Evidence shows HPV vaccines like Gardasil are causing severe injuries and deaths - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 19SEP23.

- Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Linked to Multiple Cancers in Women, Says CDC - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 19SEP23.

- Maui Evidence - Fire Gained Unstoppable Momentum While Firefighters Were on Lunch Break - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- “Mind-blowing” Claims of Record Low Antarctica Sea Ice on BBC Contradicted by Statements Made Seven Years Ago - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 19SEP23.

- Treasury releases principles for net-zero carbon emissions targets for finance firms - by Zachary Halaschak / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- 20 Common Functions of American Life the Government Wants to Regulate, Restrict or Outright Ban - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Highly corrupt EPA literally just Banned sales of Berkey water filters, calling them “pesticides” - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 19SEP23.

- Radical Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Begins Implementing Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030 - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Why Canned Foods May Be Ideal for “Late Preppers” Who Aren’t Too Picky - by JD Rucker / America First 19SEP23.

- Protesters rage outside United Nations HQ in opposition to WHO, 'Great Reset,' human rights abuses - by Post Millennial / PM 19SEP23.

- The UN’s ‘harmony with nature’ goal is full of fantasy, waste and wasted opportunities - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 19SEP23.

- G20 Leaders Plot CBDCs and Digital IDs Worldwide - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 19SEP23.

- Nevermind Earthjustice, Families Need Economic Justice - by Manic Contrarian / Red State 19SEP23.

- 'Union Joe' Biden Teamed Up With GM Chief To Push a Transition to Electric Vehicles - It Could Come Back to Haunt Them - by Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon 19SEP23.

- The UAW Should Be Striking the Biden Administration Over the Push to End Auto Jobs - by T.LaDuke / Red State 19SEP23.

- Gas prices in LA soar to over $6 a gallon as oil keeps climbing - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 19SEP23.

- US Allies May Soon Be As Addicted To Chinese Batteries As They Were To Russian Fuel - by Nick Pope / Daily Caller via Your News 19SEP23.

- Furious Motorists Destroy More Ulez Cameras Across London - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 19SEP23.

- U.K. Regulator Slammed After Finding No Evidence of Politicians Being Debanked Over Views - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 19SEP23.

- Government Jobs Are Booming In Biden’s Economy - by Will Kessler / Your News 19SEP23.

- US National Debt Surpasses $33,000,000,000,000 - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 19SEP23.

- US national debt hits $33 trillion mark for first time ever - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 19SEP23.

- Ted Cruz Demolishes Janet Yellen’s Absurd Claim About Biden Economy - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- House Defense Spending Bill Goes up the Flue - by Ward Clark / Red State 19SEP23.

- The GOP Is Hopelessly Divided As the Caucus Blows up Over Spending Bill - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- How a government shutdown could play in the 2024 election - by Mabinty Quarshie / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- House of Reps Clear Short-Term Budget Resolution as Shutdown Deadline Looms - by Lawrence Wilson / NTD 19SEP23.

- Biden Addresses World Leaders at UN General Assembly - by Emel Akan / NTD 19SEP23.

- Biden addresses UN as troubles swirl at home and abroad - by Naomi Lim / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- Biden warns United Nations AI could ‘govern us,’ poses ‘enormous peril’ - by Steven Nelson / NY Post 19SEP23.

- Biden Incoherently Mumbles After Brain Freeze During Speech at UN General Assembly - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Columbia University Shutters Program That Taught Educational Fad That Created Illiteracy - by streiff / Red State 19SEP23.

- They Were Too Young to Consent but Now They're Old Enough to Sue - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- CA Principal Claims There Are 13 'Genders,' Justifies Drag Queen Discussion in Health Class - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- She’s a Woke, “Hate Free” Activist and Pre-K Advisor and Now an Accused Child Abuser - by Selwyn Duke / New American 18SEP23.

- Progressive Politics Is a Poor Substitute For Talent - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 19SEP23.

- Howard Stern's Criticism of Lauren Boebert May Be the Biggest Self-Awareness Failure in History - by Bonchie / Red State 19SEP23.

- Russell Brand Demonetized After Sexual Assault Claims - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- YouTube suspends Russell Brand after sexual assault allegations - by Christopher Hutton / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- YouTube Suspends Russell Brand From Making Money on Site Because of Sexual Assault Allegations - by Nick Arama / Red State 19SEP23.

- YouTube Targets Russell Brand, Cuts Off His Income, Despite No Content Violations - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 19SEP23.

- The Need for Caution on Russell Brand Accusations - Part 2 - by Brad Slager / Townhall 19SEP23.

- Tim Ballard of 'Sound of Freedom' Fame Accused of Sexual Misconduct - by Bonchie / Red State 19SEP23.

- "They Were Laughing" - Rogue Gang Of Teens Brutally Beat Gas Station Clerk In Lawless Seattle - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- Suspect in fatal shooting of LA deputy was paranoid schizophrenic whose family tried to get him help - by Melissa Koenig / NY Post 19SEP23.

- Jury finds Florida black nationalist guilty of lesser manslaughter charge for killing officer execution-style - by Darian Douraghy / PM 19SEP23.

- Washington DC Area Police Department So Understaffed They’re Looking for New Recruits in Puerto Rico - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Border Patrol Under Biden Separated Migrant Families After He Slammed Trump For Doing The Same - by Arjun Singh / Your News 19SEP23.

- Biden Is in New York City But Will Avoid Meeting Mayor Adams - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- Biden Tells NYC to Drop Dead Over Illegal Aliens, Blows off Eric Adams - by Nick Arama / Red State 19SEP23.

- NYC Mayor Appears to Snub Biden Multiple Times as President Visits City - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- Panama intensifies efforts to prevent migrants from making their way to the U.S. - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 19SEP23.

- France’s Le Pen slams Meloni’s handling of Italy’s migrant crisis, refers to ‘cowardice’ - by John Cody / Remix 19SEP23.

- Giorgia Meloni's Betrayal - Collaborating with Globalists to Flood Italy and Europe with Illegal Migrants - by Amy Mek / Rair 19SEP23.

- Reeling Europe Crushed By Merkel's Catastrophic Legacy - by Bas van Geffen and Elwin de Groot / Rabobank via Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- Biden Admin Awards Over $4 Million In Grants To Programs That Target “Misinformation” - by Tom Parker / Reclaim The Net 19SEP23.

- Journalists Who Get Trolled Are Receiving Taxpayer-Funded Counseling to Fight 'Misinformation' - by Bonchie / Red State 19SEP23.

- Hillary Clinton Hit With Some Inconvenient Truths After Speech on ‘War on Truth,’ Journalists in America - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 19SEP23.

- It's 'Dangerous and Derogatory' for Us to Report on Court Cases Now - by Susie Moore / Red State 19SEP23.

- Roseanne Barr Criticizes YouTube Censorship, Praises Rumble For Supporting Free Speech - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 19SEP23.

- Elon Musk: “History Is Written by the Winners But Not if Your Enemies Are Still Alive and Have a Lot of Time on Their Hands to Edit Wikipedia” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Praises Netanyahu for Pressing Musk to Censor More - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 19SEP23.

- DOJ, SEC Investigating Elon Musk Over 'Perks' Paid at Tesla Going Back Years - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 19SEP23.

- The Rise Of The Pig People - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 19SEP23.

- The American Dream Is Completely Over - Most Americans Are Experiencing A Feeling Of Gnawing Dread As The Nation Fully Descends Into The Season Of Darkness And Gallops Into Chaos - by James Howard Kunstler / All News Pipeline 19SEP23.

- Something Really Bad Is Going To Happen - All It Will Take Is One Major Event, Cultural, Political Or Economic, Acting As A Match To Light The Unstable Powder Keg That Is America - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 19SEP23.

- Neutering The CIA - The Book On The Police State And Government Weaponization - by John Nantz / Townhall 19SEP23.

- Biden Administration Makes Unbelievable Move to Re-Employ James Clapper and John Brennan - by Bonchie / Red State 19SEP23.

- Biden admin appoints Clapper, Brennan, Kolbe - who called Hunter Biden laptop 'Russian disinfo' - to new 'Homeland Intelligence Experts Group' - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 19SEP23.

- Republicans demand that Schumer reinstate Senate dress code, say casual clothing ‘disrespects the institution - by Victor Nava / NY Post 19SEP23.

- Destroyer of California Newsom Hails Destroyer of America Biden - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- Gavin Newsom's Defense of Hunter Biden Is as Telling as It Is Ridiculous - by Bonchie / Red State 19SEP23.

- Hunter Indictment Is Merely Throwing Political Crumbs - by Christopher G. Adamo / America First 19SEP23.

- Indictment of Hunter Biden Is ‘a Smokescreen,’ Oversight Project Director Says - by Samantha Aschieris / Daily Signal via America First 19SEP23.

- Hunter Biden to Plead Not Guilty to Criminal Charges - by Tom Ozimek / NTD 19SEP23.

- Three ways Hunter Biden has gone on offense since felony gun charges - by Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- Inside Hunter Biden's lucrative Romanian business deal key to impeachment inquiry - by Sarah Bedford / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- Here’s All The Evidence Connecting Joe Biden To Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Dealings - by James Lynch / Daily Caller via Your News 19SEP23.

- 50% of Independents Support Impeaching Dirty Joe Biden Despite Zero Media Coverage of His Numerous Criminal Actions - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- The First Impeachment Inquiry Hearing Has Been Scheduled for Next Week - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 19SEP23.

- Republicans set first Biden impeachment probe hearing for next week - by Samuel Chamberlain and Steven Nelson / NY Post 19SEP23.

- House Republicans Set Date for First Biden Impeachment Hearing [Sept. 28] - by Zachary Stieber / NTD 19SEP23.

- Republicans to Hold First Impeachment Hearing Next Week, Subpoena Hunter and James Biden’s Bank Records - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Embarrassing Joe Biden Reads From Notecards During Meeting with Central Asian Leaders - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Biden Tries Desperately to Reassure Americans About His Age - Does Anyone Buy It? - by Jeff Charles / Red State 19SEP23.

- Joe Biden’s Age Isn’t the Problem - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- Democrats are Desperately Trying to Sell Kamala Harris as a Good VP and Failing Miserably - by Brandon Morse / Red State 19SEP23.

- Harris's unpopularity is the product of her liberal bubble - by Zachary Faria / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- Cruz's Prediction on How Michelle Obama Could Be the Democratic Nominee Makes a Scary Amount of Sense - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 19SEP23.

- Weaponizing the law is nothing new for Democrats - by Elizabeth Stauffer / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- Michigan House Freedom Caucus Leader Steve Carra Exposes RINO-Led Hiring Discrimination Scandal Targeting Conservatives - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 19SEP23.

- Motion to Vacate Found at Baby Changing Station in Capitol Restroom - by JD Rucker / America First 19SEP23.

- Resolution Declaring the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be Vacant Found in Capitol Restroom Under House Floor - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Republican [Texas AG Ken Paxton] Not Off the Hook Yet After Impeachment Acquittal - Biden's DOJ Will Make Sure of It - by Mike Landry / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- Sidney Powell’s Attorney Alleges Brady Violations - DA Fani Willis Withholding Key Evidence - by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- The Numbers Are Looking Outstanding for Trump, Not so Great for Biden - by Jeff Charles / Red State 19SEP23.

- Trump Has Plan to Upstage the Second Republican Debate - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- Trump to Skip Second Primary Debate for Speech to Auto Workers in Detroit - by Jeff Charles / Red State 19SEP23.

- Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Turley Savages Jack Smith, Lays Out the Truth About His 'Narrowly Tailored' Gag Order - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- Former Trump Aide [Mark Meadows] Urges 11th Circuit to Return State Election Interference Case to Federal Court - by Matthew Vadum / NTD 19SEP23.

- 3 additional Jan 6 defendants request Supreme Court to review the widely charged obstruction felony - by Comfort Ogbonna / Your News 19SEP23.

- DOJ's Harsh Treatment of J6 Defendant Drove Him to Suicide - 'They Completely Broke Him,' Relative Says - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- Ray Epps Charged With One Count for Role in January 6 - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 19SEP23.

- Ray Epps Hit With Weak Misdemeanor So DOJ Can Pretend to Do Its Job - by JD Rucker / America First 19SEP23.

- Well, Well, Well, Look at the 'Conspiracy Theory' the J6 Cat Finally Dragged in - Why Now? - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans - FBI Lost Count of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6 - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Former Capitol Police Chief Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi on Jan. 6 - Pelosi Said They Never Spoke But Sund Says He Has the Receipts - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Delaware Judge Greenlights Dominion's Next Defamation Suit, This Time Against NewsMax - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 19SEP23.

- Democrat Mayoral Candidate John Gomes Files Lawsuit to Block Certification of Stolen Connecticut Primary Race That Was Caught on Video - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Voter Registration Charities - A Massive, Overlooked Scandal - by Parker Thayer / American Greatness 19SEP23.

- George Soros Getting His Claws Wrapped Around Local Media in Swing State [Maine] - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- ChiComs Probably Can't Wait to Have a Go at Woke US Military - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- How the Air Force spent 25 hours hunting for missing $80 million stealth jet after in-air 'mishap' - by Rachel Schilke / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- New Footage Reveals Wreckage Of F-35 Jet Amidst Speculation Of Potential 'Cyberattack' - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- Democrat Representative Flags Biden's Prisoner Swap with Iran - It Doesn't Pass the Smell Test - by Samantha Chang / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- Trump Points Out Big Difference Between His Hostage Recoveries and Biden's 'Absolutely Ridiculous' Iran Deal - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 19SEP23.

- Has America Lost Its Diplomatic Mojo? - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- On Escalation, De-Escalation, And “Deterrence” - by Caitlin Johnstone 19SEP23.

- The mystery of the missing F-35 - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 19SEP23.

- Azerbaijan Launches Major 'Ground Operation' In Karabakh Against Armenians - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- Turkey’s Erdogan Says Country Could “Part Ways With EU” and Ditch Membership Bid - by Angeline Tan / New American 19SEP23.

- NATO Chief Warns West to “Prepare for Long War” in Ukraine - by Angeline Tan / New American 19SEP23.

- Milley & Stoltenberg Agree, 'We Must Prepare Ourselves For A Long War In Ukraine' - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- Ukraine to Receive M1 Abrams Tanks from the United States Amidst Ongoing Counter-Offensive - by Charles Nwoke / Your News 19SEP23.

- The Ukrainian Morale in the Battlefield - A Snapshot - by Pepe Escobar / Strategic Culture 19SEP23.

- Zelenskyy Visits Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers in New York City Hospital - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 19SEP23.

- NYT In Rare About-Face Now Says Ukraine (Not Russia) Behind Mass Casualty Missile Strike On Market - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 19SEP23.

- NYT: Evidence Suggests Ukraine Carried Out Missile Strike on Ukrainian Market Which They Blamed on Russia - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 19SEP23.

- Ukraine Sues Poland, Slovakia and Hungary Over Ban of Agricultural Products - EU, Germany, France and Spain Criticize - Romania and Bulgaria Divided Over the Issue - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.

- Trudeau Says There’s ‘Credible Information’ that India Is Behind the Assassination of Sikh Separatist in Canada - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 19SEP23.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Strong Solar Storm, Big Science Change, Earthquake 19SEP23.

Styx: US Senators Should Protest Dress Code Removal This Way 19SEP23.

Styx: Wacky Hunter Biden Sues the IRS lol 19SEP23.

Styx: Will RFK Junior Run Third Party? 19SEP23.

Styx: Trumps Draft Tax Plan in Focus 19SEP23.

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15 seconds

Styx: The Sahel Security Pact in Focus 19SEP23.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Youtube Demonetizes Russell Brand Over Rape Accusations 19SEP23.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Lauren Boebert Says Boobie-Gate Was Setup By a Democrat 19SEP23.

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15 seconds

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: Black people built Stonehenge 19SEP23.

John Stossel: Budget Gimmicks: Washington labels everything an “emergency” to spend more of your tax dollars 19SEP23.

Tim Pool: Democrat Says Biden DEATH IS IMMINENT Due To his Age, Even Biden Says HE IS WORRIED He May Die 19SEP23.

Tim Pool: FDA Plans ARTIFICIAL WOMBS Today, Panel Could Make Fake Wombs LEGAL To Grow Humans 19SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Russell Brand Under MATRIX ATTACK, Andrew Tate DEFENDS Brand Against Allegations 19SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Russell Brand CANCELED, Liberals Push INSANE Conspiracy That Brand Has Been Plotting Me Too Defense 19SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: US LOSES F-35, Marines Order STAND DOWN Of All Military Aircraft 19SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Over 2000 Migrants FLOOD Texas Town In Hours, Mass Migration IS DESTROYING The Economy 19SEP23.

Luke / We Are Change: Russell Brand DEPLATFORMED... For Being Accused 19SEP23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 19SEP23.

Tim Pool: YouTube SHUT DOWN Russell Brand, DISABLES Monetization, BBC PULLS Shows As Brand Is WIPED From Media 19SEP23.

Tim Pool: RAY EPPS CHARGED BY DOJ, One Misdemeanor Count Sparks MORE Theories About Epps J6 Involvement 19SEP23.

Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder: YouTube Demonetizes Russell Brand Over Unproven Allegations 19SEP23.

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Scott Adams: There Is Nothing In This Livestream That Should Demonetize Me Bring Coffee 19SEP23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #744 19SEP23.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Ray Epps CHARGED By DOJ, Faces ONE Misdemeanor Sparking MORE Theories w/Kevin Sorbo 19SEP23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3038 19SEP23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3039 19SEP23.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 376 19SEP23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3040 19SEP23.

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Dave / X22 Report: Voters Are Worried About Election Cheating In 2024,People Will Accept What Needs To Be Done 19SEP23.


Sleazy P. Martini: WTF? Of all the states... California is ban ing the pride flag! 19SEP23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: More doctors are gettung sued for what they are doing to kids 19SEP23.

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Styx: Cannibal Pirate Spiders! (Fascinating Science) 19SEP23.

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Count Dankula: Absolute Mad Lads - Jonestown 20SEP23.

All Lairticles

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