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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Wednesday 17MAY23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Marco Rubio's Covid Origin Report Includes Some of the Most Chilling Revelations We've Heard to Date - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 17MAY23.

- Rubio Covid-19 report traces pandemic origins and Wuhan lab leak hypothesis - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Vaccine Roulette - Some vaccine batches far more toxic than others - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 17MAY23.

- Spike proteins in Covid-19 vaccines can cause Brain Damage, neurosurgeon reveals - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 17MAY23.

- The Israeli Survey That Shows the Pfizer Vaccine Hospitalised Hundreds of Times More People Than is Safe and How it Was Downplayed - by Eyal Shahar / Daily Sceptic 17MAY23.

- Failed Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine No Longer Available in US - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- RFK Jr. Outs New NIH Head Nominee as a Pfizer Lackey - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- NIH Cuts Off Funding to Wuhan Lab at Center of Covid Leak Controversy - by Eva Fu / NTD 17MAY23.

- NIH Begins Testing of Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine Based on mRNA - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- More Than Half of Brits Think Pandemic Is Still Ongoing - by Noah Carl / Daily Sceptic 17MAY23.

- $38 million in pandemic relief aid sent to dead people - by Brett Rowland / Just The News 17MAY23.

- Surge in Loneliness One of the Most Tragic Legacies of Lockdown - by Luke Johnson / Daily Sceptic 17MAY23.

- MP: Plummeting Birth Rates Are Biggest Threat to Western Society - by Paul Joseph Watson / Summit News 17MAY23.

- Big Medicine pushing women to start getting risky mammograms at age 40, subjecting them to MORE cancer-causing radiation - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 17MAY23.

- Scientists Pushing Net Zero Complain of Hurty Feelings on Twitter - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 17MAY23.

- The Great Meatless Diet Con (Part 4) - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 17MAY23.

- Lab-Grown Meat Produces Up To 25 Times More CO2 - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 17MAY23.

- Biden admin coordinated with liberal dark money behemoth on ‘transforming food system,’ emails show - by Thomas Catenacci and Joe Schoffstall / Fox News via Your News 17MAY23.

- Biowarfare Through the Food Supply - by Joseph Mercola / America First 17MAY23.

- Deagel Report's Numbers For 2025 America Were No 'Conspiracy Theory' - Cities Turning Into 3rd World Nations As Zombified Druggies Rule The Streets & Globalists Wage War On Americans - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 17MAY23.

- Biden and his leftist brigade want to shut down US power grid to achieve Absurd climate goals that will decimate the national economy (on purpose) - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 17MAY23.

- Biden Sides with China’s Solar Manufacturers, Vetoes Bipartisan Plan to Restore U.S. Tariffs - by John Binder / Breitbart 17MAY23.

- EPA Presents Their Best Possible Witnesses to Force Electric Vehicles on the Public - by JD Rucker / America First 17MAY23.

- [Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, Canadian Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra, and Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan] announce 878-mile binational electric vehicle corridor - by Scott McClallen / Just The News 17MAY23.

- Germany Brands Climate Protesters ‘Criminal Organization’ - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 17MAY23.

- Democrats to take next step with discharge petition in bid to bypass GOP on debt limit - by Ryan King / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Terrified Biden Will Cave on Debt Ceiling Talks, House Democrats Launch Campaign to Undermine McCarthy - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 17MAY23.

- Zimbabwe defies IMF, sells gold-backed digital tokens to stabilize volatile currency - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 17MAY23.

- An Unusually Terrible Freight Market May Get A Lot Worse - by Craig Fuller / FreightWaves via Zerohedge 17MAY23.

- What If AI Is Only A Cost And Not A Profit Bonanza? - by Charles Hugh Smith / OfTwoMinds via Zerohedge 17MAY23.

- Adidas ‘Pride 2023’ Ad Features Man in Women’s One-Piece Bathing Suit - by Paul Bois / Breitbart 17MAY23.

- Bud Light Hangover Puts Woke Miller Lite Commercial In Cancel Crosshairs - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 17MAY23.

- Joe Rogan mocks ‘woke’ Miller Lite campaign: ‘How many women are involved in making beer’ - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 17MAY23.

- ‘These Are Our Kids’ - KJP Slams Restrictions on Trans Surgery - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- NY School Mandatory Sex Ed for Fifth Graders Features Graphic Depictions of Sex Acts - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- Top 7 ways the gender-fluid liberals and cancel culture enthusiasts are wrecking the moral fiber of our youth - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 17MAY23.

- Champion Cyclist Slams 'Entitled White Wealthy Men' Pushing Transgenderism in Women’s Sports - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- Free Speech in Peril as Trans Row Engulfs Oxford University - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 17MAY23.

- Target Says Rampant Shoplifting Has Cost Them $1.2 Billion in Profits - by Ben Kew / Red State 17MAY23.

- Coming to a Med School Near You - Segregation - A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine prescribes distrust, division, and separation in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion - Can we get a second opinion - by Emmie Lo / American Greatness 17MAY23.

- Joe Biden, the Habitual Racialist Demagogue - His racist commentary and demagoguery is an old story, deployed as needed and in the direction most likely to suit the moment - by Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness 17MAY23.

- Elon Musk Is Right About White-on-Black Crime - Musk dared draw attention to a cartoon based on official federal statistics - by Jeffrey H. Anderson / American Greatness 17MAY23.

- Soros-backed [St. Louis] prosecutor Kim Gardner resigns weeks before announced exit - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Soros-backed Boston federal prosecutor [Rachel Rollins] to resign after ethics report reveals 'egregious' misconduct - by Darian Douraghy / PM 17MAY23.

- Billionaire David Sacks Joins in on Exposing the Pure Evil of George Soros - by JD Rucker / America First 17MAY23.

- The New York Young Republican Club Urges Support of Daniel Penny Against Alvin Bragg’s Perversion of Justice - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 17MAY23.

- Barack Obama Destroyed After Revealing What Keeps Him Up at Night - Calls for Confiscating Guns from Law-Abiding Americans - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Ending Title 42 gives criminal cartels free rein - by Mark Lamb / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Five Ways the Leftist Bearhug of Illegal Alien Superiority Is All About The Great Reset - by JD Rucker / America First 17MAY23.

- Biden to Illegals: Stop, or We'll Give You More Money - by Ann Coulter / Townhall 17MAY23.

- California Legislature Proposes Unemployment Benefit for Illegal Aliens - by Ben Kew / Red State 17MAY23.

- Homeless Veterans Replaced by Illegal Immigrants at Hotel in NY Suburb - by Ross Muscato / NTD 17MAY23.

- Evicting Vets for Migrants Is Rock Bottom Amid Border Meltdown - A government that prioritizes foreign nationals over our children and homeless veterans cannot command the support of the governed - by Brian Lonergan / American Greatness 17MAY23.

- Illegal Aliens First, Everyone Last - by Betsy McCaughey / America First 17MAY23.

- Teachers union goes AWOL in fight to keep migrant shelters out of schools - by Natalya Murakhver and
Yasmina Palumbo / NY Post 17MAY23.

- Judge Blocks NYC From Busing Illegal Immigrants to Orange County - by Mimi Nguyen Ly / NTD 17MAY23.

- NYC Mayor Eric Adams Complains That 50% of City’s Hotel Rooms Now Occupied by Illegal Migrants - Hurting the Economy - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- At the Border, Another White House Lie Bites the Dust - by Guy Benson / Townhall 17MAY23.

- Map Tracks Illegal Aliens Biden Regime Is Strategically Placing Across America - Are They Moving To Your Community? - by Patty McMurray / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Counterterrorism Analyst Urges Border States to Shut Down Illegal Alien Invasion Facilitated by the Federal Government - by Belle Carter / America First 17MAY23.

- Impeachment of Major Biden Admin Official [Mayorkas] Gaining Momentum - Key Republicans Say It's Time - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 17MAY23.

- Mayorkas Impeachment Articles Introduced by Rep. Greene - by Joseph Lord / NTD 17MAY23.

- IG Report Reveals Criminal Corruption by US Attorney in Massachusetts, Garland Declines to Prosecute - by Bonchie / Red State 17MAY23.

- Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Feinstein Sparks More Concerns After She Appears to Deny Reality About Absence From Senate - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAY23.

- Feinstein Gets Feisty with Reporter, Doesn’t Seem to Remember Absence From Senate - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Dianne Feinstein literally forgot her three-month vacation from the Capitol - by Tiana Lowe / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Feinstein Doesn’t Remember Being Gone From Senate For 10 Weeks - by Steve Watson / Summit News 17MAY23.

- After Three-Month Absence, Dianne Feinstein Insists She Has Been in the Senate All Along - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- Dianne Feinstein says 'I haven’t been gone' after nearly three-month absence - "No, I’ve been here - I’ve been voting," she said - by Madeleine Hubbard / Just The News 17MAY23.

- Fetterman Raises Eyebrows With Incoherent Remarks During Bank Committee Hearing - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAY23.

- WaPo Reporter Makes up Fetterman Quote to Obscure the Senator's Incoherence, Gets Roasted and Deletes - by Bonchie / Red State 17MAY23.

- WaPo Reporter Blames Fetterman’s Office for Fake Quote But ... - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- WaPo Reporter Who Posted Made-Up Fetterman Quote Tries to Explain Himself, Ends up Making Things Worse - by Bonchie / Red State 17MAY23.

- Taking down loathsome lefty pol Dan Goldman - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 17MAY23.

- Trump-Endorsed Daniel Cameron Wins Kentucky GOP Primary for Governor - by Mimi Nguyen Ly / NTD 17MAY23.

- DeSantis Backed Candidate Loses Jacksonville, Florida Mayoral Race - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Ballots Stolen In Philadelphia On Election Day - by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- “This Was Completely Different Names” - Maricopa County Signature Reviewer Testifies in Kari Lake Trial Trial She Felt “Pressured” by Supervisors Sending Already Rejected Signatures Back to Them for Approval - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Democrat Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Add Four More Liberal Judges - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- The “Age of Democracy” Ushered in the “Age of Degeneracy” - by Luis Miguel / New American 17MAY23.

- Inside the drama of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s NYC paparazzi chase ordeal - by Joe Marino et al. / NY Post 17MAY23.

- Prince Harry and Meghan Markle NYC paparazzi drama only an attempt to grab spotlight - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 17MAY23.

- Harry and Meghan’s Latest Story about a “Near Catastrophic Car Chase” Is Quickly Debunked by Their Taxi Driver - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Harry and Meghan Accused of Pulling 'Smollett-Style Hoax' After Police Dispute Car Chase Claim - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 17MAY23.

- The Warped Unreality of the Leftist Mind - How Many Lies Will These Idiots Swallow? - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- Insane is now the New Normal - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 17MAY23.

- They’re using indoctrination tools on you right now, today. And it’s only going to get worse - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 17MAY23.

- The USA’s Soviet-Style President - by Patrick Lawrence / Strategic Culture 17MAY23.

- Americans under Biden hitting record-high depression levels - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 17MAY23.

- In a Powerful Interview, Elon Musk Shows He Doesn't Give a Flying Fig What the Left Thinks - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAY23.

- Elon Musk Educates CNBC Hack That “Some ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Have Turned Out To Be True” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 17MAY23.

- Crowder Declares “WAR” On YouTube For Removing Alex Jones Segments - by Steve Watson / Summit News 17MAY23.

- DHS engaged in massive censorship laundering scheme - your government is trying to erase your First Amendment rights - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 17MAY23.

- Salman Rushdie blasts publishers over censorship, warns free expression is under threat - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 17MAY23.

- Montana Becomes First US State to Completely Ban TikTok - by Mimi Nguyen Ly / NTD 17MAY23.

- The PBS 'NewsHour' Is a Democrat 'Spin Hour' - by Tim Graham / Townhall 17MAY23.

- CNN Prime Time Viewership Plummets Below Newsmax Days After Trump Town Hall - by Bo Banks / Big League Politics 17MAY23.

- ADL Ran An 'Extensive, Multi-Dimensional Counterintelligence Operation' to Destroy The John Birch Society - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 17MAY23.

- LinkedIn Just Banned Me for Mentioning Durham Report - by Ben Sellers / Headline USA 17MAY23.

- Will Hack Reporter Lesley Stahl Ever Apologize to America and President Trump after She Is Caught Lying to American Public About Hunter Biden’s Laptop? - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Hunter Biden Lobbied State Department in 2016 on Behalf of Corrupt Romanian National, Records Show - by Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon 17MAY23.

- Why Did the IRS Axe Its Hunter Biden Investigators? - James Comer Is Ready to Investigate - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 17MAY23.

- Durham Report Shows ‘Massive Politicization’ of Justice in Trump-Russia Investigation [per] Former Assistant AG Jeff Clark - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 17MAY23.

- FBI Agents in Russia Probe Say Leaders Hid Intel About Possible Clinton Role - by Nick Arama / Red State 17MAY23.

- FBI Ignored Alleged Clinton Campaign Election Meddling Plan After CIA Briefed Obama And Biden, Durham Report Says - by Diana Glebova / Your News 17MAY23.

- "Damn, That's Thin", "I Know", "It Sucks" - The Untold Story Of The Trump-Russia Investigation - by Susan Schmidt / Racket News via Zerohedge 17MAY23.

- When Trump-Russia wiretap was 'dry hole,' FBI wouldn't stop digging - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Durham Report Fails to Bring Criminal Charges - by Steve Byas / New American 17MAY23.

- The FBI's Keystone Cops According to John Durham - by Hans A. Von Spakovsky / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- The Corruption of America Takes a Dangerous Turn - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- WaPo, NYT Refuse to Return Pulitzers for Spreading Lies About Russia Collusion Hoax - by Mike Miller / Red State 17MAY23.

- Karine Jean-Pierre ends press briefing after being pressed on Durham report: ‘Fled the podium’ - by Lindsay Kornick / Fox News via NY Post 17MAY23.

- FBI defenders misrepresent 2019 watchdog findings in attempt to discredit special counsel - by Sarah Westwood / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Idiot Congressman Learns This Isn't the Best Time to Be an FBI Fan Boy - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- Adam Schiff Still Insists Trump Colluded With Russia Despite Durham Report - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Files House Resolution to Expel Adam Schiff From Congress - by JD Rucker / America First 17MAY23.

- Anna Paulina Luna introduces resolution to expel Adam Schiff from House of Representatives for spreading Trump-Russia hoax - "Schiff lied to the American people" - by Libby Emmons / PM 17MAY23.

- GOP Representative Anna Paulina Luna Submits House Resolution to Expel Serial Liar Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Durham report makes it clear - FBI should be defunded or disbanded because it cannot be reformed - by JD Heyes / Newstarget 17MAY23.

- Whistleblowers Say Durham Report Should Be ‘Death Knell’ for Corrupt FBI - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 17MAY23.

- End the FBI - by Ryan McMaken / America First 17MAY23.

- Gen. Michael Flynn Nails Sen. Josh Hawley for Ranting on Fox News Instead of Doing Something - by JD Rucker / America First 17MAY23.

- J6 Footage - Defense Attorney Exposes The Exact Moment the Government Waged Attack, ‘I’ll Tell You Exactly Where Sh*t Went Crazy’ - by Alicia Powe / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Emasculation of the US military is the price it has paid for going 'woke' - by Jim Nelles / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.

- Do the Pentagon Leaks Reveal Biden's Agenda to Weaken America, Israel and Beyond? - by Ben Kerido / Western Journal 17MAY23.

- President of Ukraine’s top court arrested over $2.7 million bribe allegation - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 17MAY23.

- Ukrainian Supreme Court Chief Justice Arrested for Accepting $2.7 Million Cash Bribe - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Seymour Hersh: Poland and Baltic Countries Secretly Urging Zelensky to End War With Russia - Biden Is Receiving Incomplete Information on the Conflict in the Ukraine - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 17MAY23.

- Is peace even possible with someone like Zelensky? - by Zoltán Kaszab / Remix 17MAY23.

- YouTube Is Taking Down Content Featuring Wagner Mercenary Group - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 17MAY23.

- Hungary Will Block Further EU Aid to Ukraine - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 17MAY23.

- Sweden must prepare to leave the EU, says influential Sweden Democrats party leader - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 17MAY23.

- Patriot system in Kyiv ‘damaged,’ not destroyed by Russian missile - by Jamie McIntyre / Washington Examiner 17MAY23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: M9.6 Solar Flare, Large CME, Coronal Holes 17MAY23.

Styx: Why The Dems Are So Silent About the Durham Report and End to The Russiagate Hoax 17MAY23.

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Styx: My Thoughts on Being "Trad": Am I Trad? LET'S FIND OUT! 17MAY23.

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15 seconds

Styx: Coward Peter Strzok Blocks Me After Getting High on His Own Fart Gas 17MAY23.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Parents File Police Report Against Teacher Giving Students Book on Eating Poop 17MAY23.

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15 seconds

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: He just can't understand it. 17MAY23.

Mark Dice: Elon Is Now Bringing Attention To What Few Conservatives Will Dare Talk About 17MAY23.

Hodge Twins: Iraqi War Veteran ROAST Ex Marine Daniel Penny Says He Is No Hero 17MAY23.

Jimmy Dore: Peace Talks Are A Bad Thing! Says Dem Senator Jacky Rosen 17MAY23.

Jimmy Dore: You’ll Have No Privacy And Like It! Says WEF Head Klaus Schwab 17MAY23.

Jimmy Dore: “Ukraine Would Collapse In Days” w/o Western Support says Top EU Diplomat 17MAY23.

Tim Pool: LEAKED DOCUMENTS PROVE Hospital Performing Child Trans Surgeries, Leftists PURGE Evidence In Panic 17MAY23.

Tim Pool: Matt Walsh Calls For BOYCOTT Of Target Of Targeting CHILDREN With Gender Ideology 17MAY23.

Tim Pool: Matt Gaetz SLAMS Miller Lite Saying NO ONE Wants Beer From LIZZO, The Left Is Pride And GLUTTONY 17MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Durham Report EXONERATES Trump, Confirms Soft Coup AGAINST Trump 17MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: CNN FINALLY ADMITS Russia Probe Was Hoax, Durham Probe DESTROYS Democrat Narrative 17MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Bud Light SLAMMED For Offensive Veterans Camo Campaign, REFUSES To Apologize For Dylan Mulvaney 17MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Democrats' Support For Illegal Immigration BACKFIRES, Immigrants Placed In THEIR Schools 17MAY23.

Luke / We Are Change: This Just SHOCKED And UPENDED The Corporate Media! 17MAY23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 17MAY23.

Tim Pool: Fetterman Incoherent RAMBLING Goes Viral, Media PRAISES Garbled Nonsense, Democrats Are INSANE 17MAY23.

Tim Pool: Parents File POLICE REPORT On Teacher For GROOMING KIDS, NBC COVERS UP Scandal And Defends Predator 17MAY23.

Salty Cracker: Trump Vindicated ReeEEeE Stream 17MAY23.

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Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder: F*CK YOUTUBE: CROWDER HIT 5x! IT'S TIME TO UNITE! 17MAY23.

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15 seconds

Scott Adams: Trump Keeps Winning, Soros Motives, Is "Evil" Real, AI Risk, Ukraine 17MAY23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #655 17MAY23.

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Styx: Wednesday LIVE: Budweiser Self Owns Again, NH Commie Memorial, Dutch Farm Update (Superchats) 17MAY23.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: GOP Rep Files To EXPEL Adam Schiff Over Durham Report Revelations w/Donald Trump Jr. 17MAY23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2738 17MAY23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2739 17MAY23.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 295 17MAY23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2740 17MAY23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 17MAY23.

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Dave / X22 Report: Obama Panicking, FISA Is The Start, It Is Time For Accountability, Justice 17MAY23.

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. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Sleazy P. Martini: Actual clear video of a triangle UFO?!? 17MAY23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Police set up a camera to catch a mountain lion... instead film an ALIEN 17MAY23.

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