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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Tuesday 15AUG23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Like refusing a Breathalyzer? - Ohio AG denies railroading Covid skeptic in medical board hearing - by Greg Piper / Just The News 15AUG23.

- Top 7 ways Covid-19 Vaccine DamageA is being covered up by the vaccine industrial complex - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 15AUG23.

- RFK Jr. Tells Tucker How Fauci’s US Bioweapons Research Caused the Covid Pandemic - by Richard Abelson / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- "Death Scientists?" - Tucker And RFK Jr. Talk Ukraine, Biolabs, And Who Killed His Uncle - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- Bill Gates’ newspaper, The Guardian, sees scientific fraud but can’t see journalistic fraud - by Rhoda Wilson and David Marks / Exposé 15AUG23.

- Fatal dog attacks skyrocket since pandemic, bites on children up 25% - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 15AUG23.

- CNN Brazil Host Suggests Mandatory Vaccination with the Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccine - by Fernando De Castro / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Chicago Mayor Fires Public Health Chief Who Fought Teachers Over School Closures - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- The Sad Truth About Drug Legalization - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- Why Are More Americans Than Ever Committing Suicide? - by Dennis Prager / Townhall 15AUG23.

- World Leaders Must Be ‘Ringmasters’ to Push Green Agenda, Says U.N. Climate Chief in ‘Doomsday’ Interview - by Ethan Huff / Your News 15AUG23.

- Last Year’s Nobel Physics Laureate Signs World Climate Declaration Stating ‘There is No Climate Emergency’ - by Chris Morrison / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- The Climate Change Con Has Literally Terrorized An Entire Generation Into Thinking The World Is Burning - The Only 'Man-Made' Climate Change Is From Geoengineering And Weather Warfare - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 15AUG23.

- Destroying Canada’s Farms, for What? - by Christopher Brunet / Strategic Culture 15AUG23.

- Young Activists Prevail in Landmark Climate-change Trial in Montana - by David Kelly / New American 15AUG23.

- Put Net Zero to a Referendum, Red Wall MPs Tell Sunak - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 15AUG23.

- Ten Cruise Robotaxis Brick On San Fran Streets Causing Massive Traffic Jam - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- 7 Reasons Why the Electric Vehicle Is Not Ready for Mass Consumption - by Olivia Cook / America First 15AUG23.

- Is It Time to Ban Electric Vehicles? - by Stephen Moore / Townhall 15AUG23.

- In Energy Production, Coal Is Still King - by Ward Clark / Red State 15AUG23.

- Biden seems to forget ‘Maui’ as he finally publicly speaks about wildfire disaster in Hawaii - by Steven Nelson / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Biden Announces He will Visit Hawaii Soon, Pledges One-Time Payments of $700 Per Household to People Displaced by Maui Fires - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Trump Notices Nasty Thing Biden Did While Giving 'No Comment' to Rising Death Toll in Maui - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Maui Residents Organizing Their Own Relief Efforts. Is This Biden's Katrina? - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- What Fuelled the Hawaiian Wildfires That Killed Dozens and Destroyed Historic Lahaina Town, Maui? - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 15AUG23.

- Maui Resident Says We Were Winning Against Fires “Until Water Shut Off” - by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Why Is There Such A Frenzy To Buy Up The Properties That Were Just Burned Down During The Fires In Hawaii? - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 15AUG23.

- Maui and the WEF - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 15AUG23.

- SCOTUS greenlights SEC v. Jarkesy hearing to reinstate Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 15AUG23.

- Fitch Warns Big Banks Face Downgrades - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- California housing affordability now nearly as bad as before the Great Recession - by Kenneth Schrupp / Just The News 15AUG23.

- Joe Biden Flew Over East Palestine, OH on His Way to Brag About ‘Bidenomics’ in Wisconsin - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- 'Dementia Joe' Rides Again During Bumbling Milwaukee Speech on 'Bidenomics' - by Bonchie / Red State 15AUG23.

- Russia Hikes Rates To 12% In Emergency Move To Halt Rouble's Collapse - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- China Halts Release of Youth Unemployment Numbers After Figures Soar to Record Highs - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Food and Gas Prices Continue to Rise, Putting Strain on Americans’ Budgets - by Casey Harper / America First 15AUG23.

- Harvard University Encourages Students to go on Food Stamps While Sitting on $53 Billion Endowment - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Vacation For Me, Not For Thee - European Workers' Hard-Won Summer Vacation Tradition Is Slowly Being Taken Away - by Conor Gallagher / Naked Capitalism via Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- Mother demands veterinarian (illegally) treat her son’s medical condition, “If my son says he is a cat, then he is a cat” - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 15AUG23.

- German Public Radio Promotes Sympathy for Pedophiles, Profiles Woman Who Lets a Pedophile Look After Her Children - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 15AUG23.

- Colonialism Is to Blame for the ‘Gender Binary’, NHS Staff Are Told, Amidst Deluge of Woke Gobbledegook - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 15AUG23.

- Cops Drop Autistic Girl’s ‘Lesbian Offence’ Case, Mother Says She’s Suing - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 15AUG23.

- Budweiser Gets Humiliated at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 15AUG23.

- Mouse House [Disney] Getting Nervous as Disney Shutters Lucasfilm Studio in Singapore - by Michael Cantrell / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- Star of Box Office Flop 'Shazam! Fury of the Gods' Torches Hollywood, Says They Keep Making 'Garbage' - by Michael Cantrell / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- Woke Aussie Woman Gets Triggered After Seeing “Too Many” American Flags and Gets Roasted So Badly that She Deletes Her Entire Web Presence - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Entire Minnesota Town’s Police Department Quits - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Another Homeless Camp in Democrat Hellhole Seattle Explodes, This Time Near Google’s Fremont Campus - by JD Rucker / America First 15AUG23.

- California Democrats Propose Eliminating Basic Policing Tool - [traffic and pedestrian stops] - to Aid Criminals - by Matt Dempsey / Red State 15AUG23.

- San Francisco's Nancy Pelosi Federal Building Is So Dangerous That Employees Are Told to Work at Home - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- Crime in San Francisco Has Gotten so Bad That Government Employees Are Being Advised to Work From Home - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Gavin Newsom's 'California For All' Is Paradise Lost - by Matt Dempsey / Red State 15AUG23.

- Soros Backed DA in Crime Ridden Oakland, CA Hires Boyfriend for Six-Figure Position - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Crippling Stupidity - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- San Francisco Retailers Are Abandoning The City In Droves - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- Woke Flash Mobber Gets More Than She Bargained for After Throwing Race Card at Target Employee - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 15AUG23.

- Appeals Court Says Washington D.C. ‘Selectively’ Enforced Statute To Arrest Pro-Life Activists But Not BLM Protesters - by Katelynn Richardson / Daily Caller via Your News 15AUG23.

- Appeals Court Rules DC Used 'Defacement' Law to Selectively Punish Pro-Life Activists - by streiff / Red State 15AUG23.

- Far-left NYC prof who threatened NY Post reporter with machete may receive jail-free plea deal - by Darian Douraghy / PM 15AUG23.

- Colleges Skirt Supreme Court Ruling Barring Race-Based Admissions By Asking About ‘Identity’ - by Brandon Poulter / Your News 15AUG23.

- The Effort to Mandate Movie Diversity at the Oscars Is Already Showing Signs of Trouble - by Brad Slager / Red State 15AUG23.

- Whitesplaining the 'Redskins' Mascot Controversy to Native Americans - by Larry O'Connor / Townhall 15AUG23.

- Biden Faces Backlash Among Democrats Over 'Federal Crisis of Inaction' at the Border - by Anthony Gonzalez / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- Biden’s phony claim of ‘just’ 45,000 migrants let in monthly is off by 334% - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Not Much Time Left To Save Julian Assange From Extradition - by Peter Hitchens / Daily Mail via Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- Oliver Anthony Is Attacked by Progressives and the GOP Establishment, He Must Be Doing Something Right - by streiff / Red State 15AUG23.

- House GOP Takes on Deep State-Funded Suppression of Right-Wing Media - by Jeff Charles / Red State 15AUG23.

- WaPo Bemoans Big Tech Bias After Years of Cheering It On - by Raheem J. Kassam / National Pulse 15AUG23.

- Judge Upholds Arizona Citizens’ Rights To Record Cops - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 15AUG23.

- Police Carry Out 'Illegal' Raid on News Outlet, Seize 'Everything' After Report on Local Business - by Richard Moorhead / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Scotland Takes Further Stance Against Free Speech, Vows To Criminalize Age-Related “Hate” - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 15AUG23.

- Simon Ateba, Online News Correspondent, Sues White House Press Secretary On Free Speech Grounds After Access is Cut - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 15AUG23.

- Biden Administration Argues Texas and Florida Anti-Censorship Laws are a First Amendment Violation - The Biden administration suddenly cares about the First Amendment - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 15AUG23.

- Watchdogs Call for Key Biden Administration Official [Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm] to Resign Over 'Litany of Abuses of Public Trust' - by Nick Pope / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Consoler in chief? - Lounge chair Biden revealing his true self on the beach - by Kirsten Fleming / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Biden, with a Straight Face, Tells a Story of Something That Never Happened - by Warner Todd Huston / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Joe Biden Claims He Saw the Pittsburgh Bridge Collapse - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- ‘Fact Checkers’ Nowhere to Be Found After Biden Tells Whopper on Pittsburgh Bridge Collapse - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 15AUG23.

- White House Press Sec KJP posts then deletes tweet written in Joe Biden’s voice - "When I ran for President, I made a promise that I would leave no part of the country behind" - by Darian Douraghy / PM 15AUG23.

- Biden’s Sock Puppet Team Posts His Message on the Wrong Twitter Account - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Absolutely Roasted for Epic Fail with Her Twitter Account - by Peter Partoll / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Karine Jean-Pierre's Incompetence Just Completely Exposed Joe Biden's X Account - by Bonchie / Red State 15AUG23.

- Superseding Indictment Against SBF Alleges Funds Used for 'Lavish Federal Campaign Contributions' - by Susie Moore / Red State 15AUG23.

- [Ohio] Sen. Sherrod Brown didn’t disclose wife’s six-figure pension - by Josh Christenson / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Emails From Hunter Biden’s Censored Laptop Shows Evidence of Covert Wikipedia Manipulation Attempts - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 15AUG23.

- Hunter Biden Lawyer Moves to Withdraw as Counsel, and Sets Up a Showdown With the DOJ - by Bonchie / Red State 15AUG23.

- Trump Announces What He Will Do to Joe Biden If He Retakes the White House in 2024 - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Trump to appoint special counsel to investigate Biden family corruption if reelected, "This is corruption like our country has never seen before" - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 15AUG23.

- Texas GOP Civil War Will Erupt if Impeachment Upheld - Paxton trial is the final play for the dying vestiges of RINO legislators - by Luke Macias / American Greatness 15AUG23.

- Special Counsel Jack Smith Objects to Trump’s Request for Secure Facility to Discuss Classified Documents - by Katabella Roberts / NTD 15AUG23.

- The FBI As Grand Inquisitor - by John Nantz / Townhall 15AUG23.

- Trump And 18 Allies Indicted in Georgia Under Anti-Mafia RICO Law, Accused of Criminal Conspiracy - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 15AUG23.

- Trump Faces 717 Years in Prison, Plus Death Penalty From Four Separate Indictments - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 15AUG23.

- Giuliani Says Latest Trump Indictment ‘An Affront to American Democracy’ as Lawyer Charged in Georgia 2020 Election Case - by Katabella Roberts / NTD 15AUG23.

- Trump, Giuliani, Powell, Meadows & 15 Others Indicted On 13 Counts By Atlanta Grand Jury - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 15AUG23.

- Trump’s Former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Indicted For Asking for Phone Number Over Text Message - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- The 12 tweets that could help convict Trump in Georgia election-tamper case - by Ryan King / NY Post 15AUG23.

- In Midnight Presser, Fulton DA Fani Willis Calls Trump's Election Integrity Team a 'Criminal Enterprise' - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 15AUG23.

- Fani Willis Gives President Trump Until Next Friday to Turn Himself In - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Georgia Arraignment Likely to Backfire if Trump Picks Strategic Day to Turn Himself In - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Donald Trump indicted - Former president slams Georgia charges as he claims 'Witch Hunt continues' - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 15AUG23.

- Trump Fires Back After Georgia Indictment, Raises Questions About Charging Documents - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Trump Responds to News of Latest Junk Indictments by Corrupt Fulton County DA Fani Willis - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Trump Campaign Issues Statements Regarding GA Indictment, Calls Out DA Fani Willis' Activism - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 15AUG23.

- Trump Attorneys Blast Latest Sham Indictment, DA Fani Willis - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- Trump Indictment Four Too much - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 15AUG23.

- Lawyer Mike Davis Calls Trump Indictments ‘Destructive Attacks’ on America - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- Is This the Most Absurd Trump Indictment Yet? - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 15AUG23.

- As Trump Hit with Fourth Indictment, Remember What He Really Said in Famous Georgia Phone Call - by Rachel Emmanuel / Western Journal 15AUG23.

- Trump Has Been Charged by the Epitome of a Kangaroo Court But There’s a Bright Side - by JD Rucker / America First 15AUG23.

- Wife of Judge Overseeing Trump’s Fulton County Case Donated to Obama, Hillary Clinton and Biden, Follows Them On FB Too - by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- District Attorney Fanni Willis Can Be Potentially Removed or Disciplined Based on the Law Signed by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Three Months Ago - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Hillary Cackles Like a Hyena on MSNBC About Latest Trump Indictments - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- On MSNBC Hillary Clinton and Rachel Maddow Cackle the Night Away - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 15AUG23.

- Hillary And MSNBC Stooge Laugh About Kicking Trump Out Of The Country, Claim He “Hates America” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 15AUG23.

- Former GOP Georgia Lt. Gov. Cheers Junk Trump Indictment – It’s “Our Opportunity” to “Take the Party Back” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Alan Dershowitz: Fulton County Is Indicting Trump for What Democrats Did in 2000 - by Jeff Charles / Red State 15AUG23.

- Stacey Abrams denies the results of the 2018 election over 30 times - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 15AUG23.

- According to the New Rules, Shouldn’t Stacey Abrams be Prosecuted? - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Many Millions Believe Violence Justified to Keep Trump From Presidency - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Like him or loathe him, Trump deserves fair trials - by Betsy McCaughey / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Here are the 91 counts Trump is facing in four different cases - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Trump faces packed schedule of court dates for 6 potential trials before Election Day 2024 - by Steven Nelson / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Who is Judge Scott McAfee, Assigned to Oversee the Georgia Trump Indictment? - by Naveen Athrappully / NTD 15AUG23.

- Eastman Decries Fulton County Indictment, 'This Is A Legal Cluster-Bomb' - by Neil W. McCabe / Red State 15AUG23.

- How Serious Is the Fulton County Indictment of Trump? - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 15AUG23.

- “A Show Trial - Are We Next Going to Put Them in Cages and Throw Food at Them?” - Tom Fitton on Fani Willis’s Plan to Hold One Trial with 19 Defendants - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- National Constitutional Law Union Releases Strategy for President Trump to Defeat Bogus Indictments - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 15AUG23.

- Mark Meadows Files Motion That Could Be an Out in Georgia for Trump and Multiple Defendants - by Bonchie / Red State 15AUG23.

- Garbage Indictments Could Give Trump Electoral Superpowers - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 15AUG23.

- The Best and Worst Arguments Surrounding the Georgia Trump Indictment - by Bonchie / Red State 15AUG23.

- Ron DeSantis Reacts to Trump’s Bogus Indictment in Georgia: “As President, We are Going to End the Weaponization of Federal Agencies” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- GOP lawmakers rally behind Trump after fourth indictment - ‘Biden has weaponized government’ - by Yaron Steinbuch / NY Post 15AUG23.

- Trump Hosts Townhall With 130+ GOP Lawmakers - Talks Vaccines, 2024 Plans, & Explains The Lindsey Graham Thing - by William Upton / National Pulse 15AUG23.

- Trump Needs to Man-Up and Debate - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 15AUG23.

- Fox News anchors are Begging Trump to attend the channel’s upcoming Republican primary debate - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 15AUG23.

- Trump, DeSantis, and 2024 GOP hopefuls' stances on education - by Jeremiah Poff / Washington Examiner 15AUG23.

- Attorney Mike Davis: “Republicans are Weak and Stupid and Democrats Know This - Biggest Wimps on Planet” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- It’s Time to Cut Ties with the Republican Party - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Trump Vows to Release 'Irrefutable' Report He Says Will Exonerate Him in Georgia Election-Tampering Case - by Mike Miller / Red State 15AUG23.

- Trump Announces Press Conference Next Week Where He Will Reveal Fraud in Georgia Election - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Trump to Unveil ‘Irrefutable Report’ on Georgia Election Fraud on Monday - by Janice Hisle / NTD 15AUG23.

- Fani Willis Included Real Moments Of Election Fraud In RICO Case Against Trump - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Gateway Pundit Releases Statement in Response to Fani Willis’s Lies and Misrepresentations of Voter Fraud and Ballot Stuffing at State Farm Center in November 2020 - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Gateway Pundit Investigators Visit Registration Fraud Epicenter and Find FBI Has Stalled Investigation and Silenced Officials, No Prosecutions in 3 Years - by Ben Wetmore / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- It's Way Past Time To Stop Playing By The One-Sided Rules Of Totalitarians - History Is Repeating Itself And Making The Genocidal Dictatorships Of The Past Look Tame By Comparison - by D Parker / All News Pipeline 15AUG23.

- German Media and Political Establishment Ponder Whether to Ban the Political Preferences of a Fifth of the Population - by Eugyppius / Daily Sceptic 15AUG23.

- Germany Considers Banning a Political Party for the Sake of “Democracy” - by James Murphy / New American 15AUG23.

- Libertarian Economist Javier Milei Wins Primary Race for Argentina Presidency - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 15AUG23.

- The MSM Smear Machine Turns on Conservative Javier Milei, Most Voted Presidential Candidate in Argentina’s Primary Elections - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- FBI Team Joins Investigation Into Murder of Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Villavicencio - by Wim De Gent / NTD 15AUG23.

- The incredible shrinking Joint Chiefs of Staff - by Jamie McIntyre / Washington Examiner 15AUG23.

- U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $400 Billion in Sales from War With Russia - by Arsenio Toledo / Your News 15AUG23.

- U.S. Capitalism and Why the Glut of ‘Wonder Weapons’ to Ukraine Won’t Make a Difference - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture 15AUG23.

- How Will The War In Ukraine End? - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 15AUG23.

- Biden gives Iran a $6 billion payday - by Washington Examiner 15AUG23.

- PRC’s Aggression in South China Sea Needs to Be Defeated - The Stand-Off at Second Thomas Shoal is a Moment of Historical Importance - by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer / American Greatness 15AUG23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: Sunspots Returning, Beaufort Gyre Signals 15AUG23.

Styx: Trump Indicted in Georgia as the Witch Trials Continue 15AUG23.

Styx: Bidenomics is a Disaster, and Most Americans Know That 15AUG23.

Styx: Gay Astronomy Activism 15AUG23.

Salty Cracker: Chrissy Teigen Implies She & John Legend Had Sex with Obama 15AUG23.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Cops Run Down Woman Waiving a Gun Around - Lefties Upset 15AUG23.

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: Feelings don't care about your facts 15AUG23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: The Ultimate Fedposter 15AUG23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Argentinian Libertarian Candidate In The Lead 15AUG23.

Mark Dice: Gee, What a "Coincidence" 15AUG23.

Hodge Twins: Massachusetts Governor Wants Citizens To Risk Their Lives For Illegal Immigrants 15AUG23.

Jimmy Dore: Biden Has “No Comment” On Devastating Maui Fire Death Toll 15AUG23.

Jimmy Dore: Ivermectin Is Now OK To Treat COVID! – Says The FDA 15AUG23.

Jimmy Dore: How Did The Devastating Maui Fires Really Start? 15AUG23.

Jimmy Dore: Pelosi REFUSED Request For Nat’l Guard On January 6! – Says Capitol Police Chief 15AUG23.

Jimmy Dore: Here’s Why Everyone Is DONE With AOC 15AUG23.

Tim Pool: Hawaii Announces It Will 'Acquire' Lahaina Property And BLOCK Sales Escalating SMART CITY CONSPIRACY 15AUG23.

Tim Pool: Leftists REJECT Possible Civil War, Claim Democrats Targeting Trump Is JUSTICE And GOP WONT CARE 15AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Georgia Court Posts Trump RICO Charges, Then DENIES, Insane Corruption 15AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: New Study Says 30 MILLION Americans Think Violence Is Needed To Prevent Trump Presidency 15AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Los Angeles Nike Store Sees MASS LOOTING As Smash & Grabs Are Now Normalized In Major Cities 15AUG23.

Luke / We Are Change: They GOT TRUMP! There's NO WAY He's Escaping THIS! 15AUG23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 15AUG23.

John Stossel: The FULL Erec Smith: A Diversity Trainer Speaks Out Against DEI 15AUG23.

Tim Pool: Trump AND His Lawyers Charged UNDER RICO, Democrats Are Engaged IN SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY Against US 15AUG23.

Tim Pool: MSNBC AND GOP Warn CIVIL WAR Is Coming, Trump Indictment And Democrat CORRUPTION WILL ESCALATE This 15AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: CNN LIES, Accusing Trump's Team Of Breaching Voting System, DISGUSTING Fake News Journalism 15AUG23.


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Scott Adams: The Newest Brainwashing Op, I'll Give You The Play-By-Play. Bring Coffee 15AUG23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #719 15AUG23.

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Styx: Tuesday LIVE: Trump Indicted, Biden Ignores Maui, Rich Men North of Richmond, Otters (Superchats) 15AUG23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Democrats Indict Trumps LAWYERS, Trump MUST Surrender In 10 Days w/Conservative Ant 15AUG23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2954 15AUG23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2955 15AUG23.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 355 15AUG23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2956 15AUG23.

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15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: Biden Is Bribed & Compromised, Trump To Produce Irrefutable Report On Election Fraud 15AUG23.


Awaken With JP: Corrupt Politician Responds to Viral Song 15AUG23.

Sleazy P. Martini: Chat GPT ruins professors life 15AUG23.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: The black Aquaman 15AUG23.

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Count Dankula: The Greenpeace Boat Attacks 15AUG23.

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