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Lairdate: Wednesday 14JUN23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Covid ‘Patient Zero’ Was Wuhan Lab Worker in November 2019, U.S. Government Sources Claim. Really? - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 14JUN23.

- No intervention is “safe and effective” and covid era interventions have proven the opposite is true - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 14JUN23.

- House Passes Another Bill Protecting Gas Stoves From Being Banned - by Jackson Richman and Nathan Worcester / NTD 14JUN23.

- GOP House settles rift, returns to conservative agenda in passing bill protecting gas stoves - by Addison Smith / Just The News 14JUN23.

- Manchin blasts Biden and Democrats' 'craziness' on gas stove plans - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 14JUN23.

- GOP Seeking to Force US Energy Secretary to Disclose Meetings With CCP-Linked Group, Advocates for Gas Stove Ban - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 14JUN23.

- ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ - Top US Grid Official Sounds The Alarm On Coal And Gas Power Plant Closures - by Nick Pope / Daily Caller via Your News 14JUN23.

- Joe Biden Approves Chinese EV Battery Factory In Michigan - Taxpayers on Hook for a National Security Risk - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 14JUN23.

- ‘The Goal Is to Take Away Private Vehicles,’ Trump Alumni, Policy Expert Warn of EPA Electric Car Rule - by Nathan Worcester / Your News 14JUN23.

- Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 14JUN23.

- Lab-grown “meat” produces 25x more carbon dioxide “pollution” than traditional animal husbandry - by Joseph Mercola / Your News 14JUN23.

- Student Loans - Pay Your Own Debts - by Ward Clark / Red State 14JUN23.

- Audit Reveals ‘Improper Payments’ From Feds Ballooned To Over Half A Trillion Dollars Under Biden - by Will Kessler / Daily Caller via Your News 14JUN23.

- This Is Why Nobody Will Do Anything Until It's Too Late - by Charles Hugh Smith / OfTwoMinds via Zerohedge 14JUN23.

- Global Inequality at Lowest Level in Almost 150 Years - by Wim De Gent / NTD 14JUN23.

- California’s War Against Prosperity - The Golden State’s abundant resources and innovative people are not reflected in the way it is governed - by Edward Ring / American Greatness 14JUN23.

- Texas governor signs parental rights, education bills into law - by Bethany Blankley / Just The News 14JUN23.

- Detroit-Area Community Bans LGBTQ+ Pride Flags on Public Property - by Brittany Sheehan / Red State 14JUN23.

- SoCal Orange County Bans Pride Flags From Being Flown on County Properties - by Cristina Laila / Western Journal 14JUN23.

- Massachusetts Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School Push Back Against Forced Pride Celebration - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 14JUN23.

- Authorities Panic as Middle-Schoolers Rebel Against 'Pride' Force-feeding - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Biden Admin Has Made Exporting ‘LGBT Ideology’ A Key Foreign Policy Priority - by Kate Anderson / Daily Caller via Your News 14JUN23.

- Elon Musk Highlights Creepy as Hell Message Joe Biden Sent to ‘LGBTQ Kids' - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 14JUN23.

- ‘Radical’ Parental Rights Advocates Sound The Alarm On Biden DOJ, FBI Cozying Up With LGBT Activist Groups - by Reagan Reese / Daily Caller via Your News 14JUN23.

- Joe Biden Furiously Rails Against Protecting Children While Kamala Harris Does Kamala Harris Things - by Bonchie / Red State 14JUN23.

- Biden Press Sec. Accuses Reporter Of Saying “Transgender Kids Are Dangerous” For Asking A Question About Kids’ Sports - by Steve Watson / Summit News 14JUN23.

- Biden Spox Attacks Fox News Over Headline Accusing White House of Promoting Grooming and Pedophilia by Flying “Progress Pride” Flag at LGBTQI+ Event - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- 21 Federal Agencies Promote Pride Month With Taxpayer Dollars - by Gigi De La Torre / America First 14JUN23.

- AMA Doubles Down on Gender-Affirming Care for Kids - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Senior Space Force Officer Attacks Anti-Grooming and Mutilation Laws, Says They Damage Readiness - by streiff / Red State 14JUN23.

- State Senator [Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita)] Advises Parents to Flee California If They Refuse 'Gender Affirmation' Treatment for Their Kids - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Big Brother wants your children - by Briana Oser / Washington Examiner 14JUN23.

- Media Incited 'Trantifa' Terrorism Is Out Of Control As Transgender And LGBT Militants Continue Calling In Bomb Threats To Stores Across The Country - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 14JUN23.

- Cartoon Network Teaches Seven-Year-Olds Some People Are Neither Girls Nor Boys - by Alex Parker / Red State 14JUN23.

- Cartoon For Tiny Kids Features New Non-binary Characters With “They/Them” Pronouns - by Steve Watson / Summit News 14JUN23.

- Johns Hopkins University Raked Over the Coals for Erasing Women - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 14JUN23.

- Bud Light Sales Slump Deepens as Fallout From Transgender Controversy Continues - by Tom Ozimek / NTD 14JUN23.

- White House flasher Rose Montoya accuses companies of ‘caving to bullies’ amid Bud Light, Target backlash - by Lee Brown / NY Post 14JUN23.

- Joe Biden’s deviant ‘Pride’ exposed as White House turns into strip joint for transgender TikTok influencers - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 14JUN23.

- Former Disney Star Demi Lovato Uses She/Her Pronouns Again as She “Got Tired” of Using They/Them Pronouns, “It Was Absolutely Exhausting” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Jury Orders Starbucks to Pay $25 Million to Manager They Fired for Being White - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 14JUN23.

- Starbucks Fired Manager Because She Was White, Jury Awards Her $25 Million in Damages - by Brittany Sheehan / Red State 14JUN23.

- Amazon Shuts Down Customer’s ‘Smart Home’ for a Week After Delivery Driver Claimed he Heard Racist Slur Through Doorbell - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 14JUN23.

- Canadian BLM president charged for hate crimes against Catholic School - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 14JUN23.

- Black Lives Matter Leader Charged With Anti-Catholic Hate Crime in Canada - by Ben Kew / Red State 14JUN23.

- Daniel Penny, the Marine Who Subdued Jordan Neely, Speaks Out - by Megan Fox / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Daniel Penny Indicted for the Death of Jordan Neely - by Bonchie / Red State 14JUN23.

- Former US Marine Daniel Penny Indicted by Grand Jury in Chokehold Death of Jordan Neely - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- I hope Daniel Penny indictment won’t stop good Samaritans like the ones who helped me from acting - by Rikki Schlott / NY Post 14JUN23.

- Leftists are now calling Muslims “bigots” and “white supremacists” for wanting to protect their children from LGBT groomers - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 14JUN23.

- Jihadists dominated terror-related arrests last year, but left-wing attacks were most common across Europe - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 14JUN23.

- Gov. Newsom of California wants to Scrap the Second Amendment by pushing new 28th Amendment - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 14JUN23.

- Stop Calling Them ‘Uninvited’ - Unfortunately, illegal immigrants are invited into the United States as a result of the reckless agenda from those in power who claim to be protecting us - by Brian Lonergan / American Greatness 14JUN23.

- California college silences conservative faculty through weaponized investigations - by Greg Piper / Just The News 14JUN23.

- In Our Woke Universities, Even an Allegation Without Evidence Can Get You Cancelled - by Roger Watson / Daily Sceptic 14JUN23.

- The United Nations Is Plotting a “Code Of Conduct” For Online Platforms To Combat “Misinformation” - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 14JUN23.

- OpenAI’s CEO Asks China For Help In Shaping AI “Safeguards” - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 14JUN23.

- Fighting Woke - by John Stossel / Townhall 14JUN23.

- Your Efforts Make A Difference, And We Can Win This Thing - by Caitlin Johnstone 14JUN23.

- EU Regulators Seek Breakup Of Google's Ad Business Over "Illegal" Practices - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14JUN23.

- George Soros cedes control of $25 billion empire to his leftist son, who is inclined to help criminals roam free - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 14JUN23.

- Left-Wing Megadonor [Craig Newmark] Teams Up With Tech Giants To Tell Americans What News They Should Trust - by Will Kessler / Daily Caller via Your News 14JUN23.

- 54 Percent Expect Cheating and Voter Fraud in 2024 Election - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Rasmussen: 54 Percent Expect Cheating, Voter Fraud in 2024 Election - by Ben Kew / Red State 14JUN23.

- Democrat Party Panics Over RFK Jr. Primary Challenge - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- [Maine] Republican Wins Special Election, Flipping District Democrats Won Just Months Ago - by Lorri Wickenhauser / Western Journal 14JUN23.

- Movement to decide presidency by popular vote gains states, momentum but also faces challenges - by Natalia Mittelstadt / Just The News 14JUN23.

- Dems Trash US Constitution - by Betsy McCaughey / Townhall 14JUN23.

- Motion to Censure Adam Schiff Defeated in Bipartisan Vote - by Jackson Richman and Joseph Lord / NTD 14JUN23.

- Resolution to Censure Adam Schiff Fails Because Republicans Can't Do Anything Right - by Bonchie / Red State 14JUN23.

- DeSantis Backer Rep. Massie Opposes Move to Hold Adam Schiff Accountable for Russiagate Lies - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 14JUN23.

- 20 Republicans Vote with Democrats - Refuse to Censure Serial Liar Adam Schiff - Resolution Fails in House - Here is the List of RINOs Who Voted with Democrats - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- The White House Shamelessly Announces It Will Keep Violating the Law Regarding the Hatch Act - by Bonchie / Red State 14JUN23.

- Biden Goes ‘Off-Script’, “We Have Plans to Build a Railroad From the Pacific All the Way Across the Indian Ocean” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- “Build Back Biden” - Audience Laughs at Joe Biden as He Malfunctions in Real Time - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- CNN Can't Find a Biden Scandal - by Tim Graham / Townhall 14JUN23.

- Not a Word by Any Major Mainstream Media on the Greatest Political Scandal in US History - The Biden Family Multi-Million Dollar Crime Spree - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Biden Hit with Second Articles of Impeachment Filing in as Many Days - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 14JUN23.

- FBI Deputy Director's Disturbing Revelation About 'Biden Bribery' Recordings That Should Concern Us All - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JUN23.

- Cruz Eviscerates FBI Deputy Director For Refusing To Comment On Biden Bribery Allegations - by Steve Watson / Summit News 14JUN23.

- What the FBI Deputy Director Said About the Biden Bribe Tapes Isn't Fooling Anyone - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 14JUN23.

- Republicans Question Murky Origin of $10M on Biden 2017 Tax Return - by Becky Noble / Red State 14JUN23.

- Where Did Joe Biden’s $10 Million Windfall In 2017 Actually Come From? - by Tyler Durden / Strategic Culture 14JUN23.

- Donald Trump's Arraignment - by Byron York / Townhall 14JUN23.

- Jack Smith Did It Again - Grand Jury Not Told About Clinton Socks Case or Presidential Records Act - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Lawyer Who Lost Clinton “Socks Case” in 2012 Defends President Trump’s Actions - by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Previous Target of DOJ's Trump Legal Hit Squad Alleges Misconduct - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Top FBI official flips, says bureau’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was rife with improprieties - by JD Heyes / Newstarget 14JUN23.

- Is This Proof the Trump Indictment Is a Scam? - by PJ Media / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Indict Walt Nauta? Why Not the Biggest Liars First? - The last thing this country needs is any more bottled-piety lectures on the rule of law from Special Counsel Jack Smith, Joe Biden, and the array of admitted lying former high government officials - by Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness 14JUN23.

- ‘Back Up Plan For Jack Smith’ - Corrupt Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Floats More Serious Federal Charges Against Trump in New Jersey - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Tucker Carlson Weighs in on Trump Indictment - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Tucker Carlson Pinpoints The Exact Moment That 'Permanent Washington' Decided To Send Trump To Prison - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14JUN23.

- Tucker Carlson: “Trump Is the One Guy Who Dissents from Washignton’s Long-Standing Pointless War Agenda - For That They Are Trying to Take Him Out” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Tucker Says This Is the Moment the DC Establishment Wanted to Lock Up Trump - by Julio Rosas / Townhall 14JUN23.

- Tucker Carlson Says Prosecution of Trump ‘Isn’t Just Political, It’s Ideological’ - by Katabella Roberts / NTD 14JUN23.

- Fox News Finds out That Cutting Tucker Has Serious Consequences - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JUN23.

- More Fallout for Fox News - After Dropping Tucker, They’re Now Getting Beaten in Ratings by MSNBC - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Trump ‘scared s–tless’ over federal charges, ex-chief of staff John Kelly says - by Victor Nava / NY Post 14JUN23.

- The Left's Trumped-up Charges Damage More Than Donald J. Trump - by Gwendolyn Sims / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Anti-Trump Agitator Immediately Pays the Price After Rushing Motorcade Outside Courthouse - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 14JUN23.

- Talk of ‘revolution’ reverberates across America after Biden’s politicized DOJ indicts President Trump, the candidate most likely to beat Biden in 2024 - by JD Heyes / DC Clothesline 14JUN23.

- The Trump Indictment Is the Quiet Canary in the American Coal Mine - by Brandon Morse / Red State 14JUN23.

- Say Goodbye to the America We Love - by Paula Bolyard / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- The Indictment Itself Is the Problem - This is the most egregious deep state election interference to date, and it is a sign of the government class’ hatred and distrust of the American people - by Christopher Roach / American Greatness 14JUN23.

- Trump Is Just the Tip of the Dems' Rogue Law Enforcement Harassment Iceberg - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Trump Says Federal Prosecution Amounts to Election Interference - by Caden Pearson / NTD 14JUN23.

- Corrupt Prosecutor Jack Smith Helps Trump Raise Big Money for His Campaign - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Trump raises $7 million in one day after being arrested by Biden DOJ - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 14JUN23.

- Trump Campaign Has Raised Over $7 Million Since Indictment News Broke - by Cassandra MacDOnald / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Trump’s 2024 Poll Numbers Mostly Steady After Federal Indictment - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 14JUN23.

- Trump's Enduring Appeal - He Never Does What Dems Want - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Dershowitz: American public should be able to 'see every aspect' of Trump's trial on TV - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 14JUN23.

- PBS Chyrons During Trump's Bedminster Remarks Were Something Else - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JUN23.

- Left Melts Down After Fox News Chyron Gives Biden a Jaw-Dropping Label - ["WANNABE DICTATOR SPEAKS AT THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER HAVING HIS POLITICAL RIVAL ARRESTED"] - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JUN23.

- WaPo Reporter and Karine Jean-Pierre Team Up to Bash Fox News for Running Chyron That Referred to Biden as “Wannabe Dictator” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- “Hope His Producer had His Binky Nearby”- CNN Leftist Jake Tapper Gets Obliterated After He Throws Fit over Trump Supporters Singing “Happy Birthday” to President - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Seriously, Where Was Florida’s Governor When This Assault was Going On in His Home State? - Trump Attorney Christina Bobb on DeSantis’s Response to DOJ Assault on Constitution and Trump - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Emergency Medicine Specialists Expose Cops’ Failed Attempt To Revive Roseanne Boyland On January 6 - ‘The Way This Code Was Run This Patient Had No Chance To Survive’ - ‘I’ve Never Seen Anybody Do That’ - by Alicia Powe / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- New Information on Jan 6 Bomber - Former FBI DC FBI Field Office Chief Says Data Used to Identify ‘Bomber’ Was Conveniently Corrupted - Blames Service Provider - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- ‘You’re a Grand Old Flag’ - A Musical Tribute on Flag Day - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- 'A Grand Old Flag' - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- Nuclear-armed nations are expanding and modernizing their nuclear arsenals in anticipation of a potential global power conflict - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 14JUN23.

- Leftist Coup Plotters’ WhatsApp Messages Leaked in Israel, Calling for “Civil War”, “Hand-to-Hand Combat” - by Richard Abelson / Gateway Pundit 14JUN23.

- Why is Biden appeasing a Putin pawn [Serbia] as NATO forces are attacked? - by Ivana Stradner / NY Post 14JUN23.

- US senator [Jim Risch, R-Idaho] blocks arms sale to Hungary over stalling Sweden’s NATO accession, but Hungary says it doesn’t want them anyway - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 14JUN23.

- Ukraine - How the Mainstream Media Learned to Love Nazis - by Selwyn Duke / New American 14JUN23.

- Suspended for Providing Balanced News on Ukraine - by Tony Kevin / Strategic Culture 14JUN23.

- Biden administration announces new $325 million aid package to Ukraine - by Mike Brest / Washington Examiner 14JUN23.

- Russia and The WW3 Watch - by Ward Clark / Red State 14JUN23.

- Biden Administration Tries Sneaking Kissy Faces With Iran While No One's Looking - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 14JUN23.

- Netanyahu Says Biden Administration Is in 'Indirect Talks' With Iran on a 'Mini Agreement' on Nukes - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14JUN23.

- The Invasion of Taiwan Is Already Underway - by Luis Miguel / New American 14JUN23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: A Dangerous Volcano, Sunspots and Coronal Holes 14JUN23.

RazörFist: An Indictment of the Indictment - Razör Rants 14JUN23.

Styx: The Trump Arraignment: Or, How Liberals Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Big Brother 14JUN23.

Styx: Vivek Ramaswamy is one Shrewd Muthafucka 14JUN23.

Styx: Bidens Pride Event Didn't Go Very Well... HAHAHA!!! 14JUN23.

Salty Cracker: Garth Brooks Backtracks After Conservatives Boycott His Crappy Bar 14JUN23.

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15 seconds

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: What happened in Nottingham? 14JUN23.

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: How convenient 14JUN23.

Mark Dice: Things Aren't Going As Planned After Trump Indicted (Again) - CNN Most Effected 14JUN23.

Tim Pool: School Kids REVOLT Against Pride, Chant USA ARE MY PRONOUNS In EPIC Rebuke Of Wokeness 14JUN23.

Tim Pool: Starbucks FIRED WOMAN For Being WHITE, Woman WINS $25M In BLM Related Lawsuit With Starbucks 14JUN23.

Tim Pool: Leftist Influencers FURIOUS As Companies END Sponsorships, Bud Light Effect Says GET WOKE GO BROKE 14JUN23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Starbucks BANS Pride Says Union Workers, Stores Pulling Down Pride Decorations 14JUN23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: White House BANS Trans Activist Who WAS NAKED At White House Pride Event 14JUN23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Target Stores EVACUATE Over Bomb Threats, Corporate Media LIES Blaming Conservatives 14JUN23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump Promises To FIRE EVERYONE & OBLITERATE The Deep State, The Case For Trump 2024 14JUN23.

Luke / We Are Change: NARRATIVE LOST: Now They’re In TOTAL FREAKOUT! 14JUN23.

In Depth

NTD: Evneing News 14JUN23.

Tim Pool: Biden ARRESTING Trump, His Political Rival & GOP Frontrunner Is UNPRECEDENTED, Civil War Is Starting 14JUN23.

Tim Pool: Tucker Carlson Calls Trump Arrest The END Of American Justice But Its WORSE, A 2nd Civil War Is Here 14JUN23.

Salty Cracker: Rainbow Fatigue ReeEEeE Stream 14JUN23.

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Scott Adams: Trump Arraigned, CNN & MSNBC Humiliate Themselves, Mind-Reading Hillary 14JUN23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #675 14JUN23.

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15 seconds

Styx: Wednesday LIVE: Trump Arraignment, Biden Bribery, White House Pride Incident (Superchats) 14JUN23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Daniel Penny INDICTED, Subway Hero Charged With Manslaughter In NYC w/BillBoard Chri.. 14JUN23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2805 14JUN23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2806 14JUN23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2807 14JUN23.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 213 [(aka 313)] 14JUN23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 14JUN23.

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Dave / X22 Report: Cyber Attack An Act Of War, WWIII, The Final Act, At Dawn Justice Will Be Done 14JUN23.

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. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Sleazy P. Martini: Marvel comics cancels The Punisher! Can you guess why? 14JUN23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Vampire children escape from the Amazon rainforest 14JUN23.

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15 seconds

Mobile Instinct: Abraham Lincoln's Lost Relative 14JUN23.

Blooprint Bunker: We built on a Mountain on Rustoria Main… (Duo ft. Disfigure) - Rust 14JUN23.


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Sentient Cement dropped their 3rd full length album this month!
(Release Date: 06JUN23).

Check it out via: Amazon  ITunes  Spotify


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