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Lairdate: Sunday 14JAN24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Fauci admits social distancing has no basis; Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is not conspiracy theory - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 14JAN24.

- Rand Paul Eviscerates Tony Fauci, 'For His Dishonesty, Frankly, He Should Go to Prison' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 14JAN24.

- Dr. Anthony Fauci deserves to go to prison over ‘dishonesty’ on Covid-19 origins [per] Sen. Rand Paul - by Carl Campanile / NY Post 14JAN24.

- Majority of Americans Blame Covid Vaccines for Unexplained Deaths - by Rebekah Barnett / Daily Sceptic 14JAN24.

- Majority of Americans Think Covid Vaccines Are Linked to Unexplained Deaths - Propaganda not working - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 14JAN24.

- 'Just Say No!' - Non-Compliance Is The Answer - by Jeffrey Tucker / Daily Reckoning via Zerohedge 14JAN24.

- What is Polio and was it Really Eradicated? - by Patricia Harrity and Simon Lee / Exposé 14JAN24.

- Are The Billions Of Cancer-Causing Plastic Particles That Are Getting Into Our Food A Form Of Global Population Control? - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 14JAN24.

- Volcano erupts in Iceland, forcing residents to evacuate fishing town - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 14JAN24.

- "Witnessing Final Chapter Of This Town" - Icelandic Volcano Erupts Outside Grindavík - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14JAN24.

- GOP Rep Running for Mitt Romney’s Seat Has History of Raking in Thousands From Green Energy Donors - by Mary Lou Masters / Daily Caller via America First 14JAN24.

- Not all “fossil fuels” are from fossils, so where do they come from? - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 14JAN24.

- Charging an Electric Vehicle in Canada’s Deep Freeze - by Eric Worrall / WUWT 14JAN24.

- Hertz to sell 20k EVs from rental fleet, says electric cars too expensive to repair - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 14JAN24.

- Seeking Green Utopia, the US and EU are Quietly Killing Vital Industries - by Mike Shedlock / Mish Talk 14JAN24.

- Will CBDCs reduce or increase corruption and crime? - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 14JAN24.

- Do The Heartless Crooks In Government Really Believe The Outright Lies And Propaganda They Spew? - Chaos Is Brewing While Janet Yellen Declares The Economy Is Going To Be Fine - by MN Gordon / Economic Prism via All News Pipeline 14JAN24.

- Something Strange Happening In Corporate America As Tens Of Thousands Laid Off In December 2023 Alone, With Ongoing Mass Layoffs In 2024 - Global Depression Soon To Manifest Beyond Anything The World Has Ever Known - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 14JAN24.

- D.C.’s New Min Wage is Driving Prices Up, Employment and Tips Down, and Customers Out - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 14JAN24.

- Another Shutdown-Averting Deal Has Been Reached on Capitol Hill - by Susie Moore / Red State 14JAN24.

- The Deception Of Today's Push For Diversity - by Todd Hayen / Off-Guardian via Zerohedge 14JAN24.

- Scholars Insist We Need More Gay People Studying Fish - by Alex Parker / Red State 14JAN24.

- Archbishop Viganò Calls for Swiss Guards to Arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Responsible for Pornograhic Book - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- [UK] Government Workers Told To “Think” Trans People Are Women - Not enough to just use preferred pronouns - by Steve Watson / Modernity 14JAN24.

- Dangerous FAA Promotes Diversity Over Safety-Wants to Hire People With “Severe Intellectual” and “Psychiatric” Disabilities - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- FAA Is Actively Recruiting People With 'Severe Intellectual' and Psychiatric Disabilities - by Ward Clark / Red State 14JAN24.

- Despite rising dangers, FAA says it will target hiring people with severe "intellectual" and "psychiatric" disabilities - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 14JAN24.

- FAA Now Hiring People With "Severe Intellectual And Psychiatric Disability" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14JAN24.

- Biden's FAA is actively recruiting people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities as part of 'Diversity and Inclusion' plan - by Sara Higdon / PM 14JAN24.

- People with ‘Complete Paralysis, Epilepsy, Severe Intellectual Disability, Psychiatric Disability’ to Lead Air Travel Operations in Pursuit of Woke DEI Quotas - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Pixar’s ‘Soul’ Ranks as Disney’s Latest Box Office Humiliation - by John Nolte / Breitbart 14JAN24.

- The Fight Over Martin Luther King's Legacy - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- Martin Luther King Jr. - The best of America - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 14JAN24.

- Violent Crime on London Tube Rises by Staggering 75% in Two Years Under Sadiq Khan - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 14JAN24.

- Retired NYPD Officer Says Fear in NYC is ‘Palpable’ Amid ‘Disorder,’ ‘Decay’ - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- California City Struggles to Recruit Police Despite Six-Figure Salary and Massive Signing Bonus - by Mike Miller / Red State 14JAN24.

- Far-left Portland communist attempts to incite further arson attacks on political targets after city council member’s car is torched at family home - "Many people deserve to have their cars scorched" - by Sara Higdon / PM 14JAN24.

- 'Outrageous - what about us?' - Taxpayers now paying for new apartments and two years of rent for illegal immigrants - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 13JAN24.

- Despite Being Asked Three Times, Sanctuary City Mayor Brandon Johnson Refuses to Answer If He Will Raise Taxes to Help Pay For Biden’s Illegal Crisis - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- NYC Mayor Eric Adams kicks more students out of their school to house illegals - by Noah Webster / Law Enforcement Today 14JAN24.

- Democrat Hack Jerry Nadler Insults America - Illegal Aliens Are the 'Lifeblood of This Country' - by Mike Miller / Red State 14JAN24.

- DHS Secretary Mayorkas confesses more than 85% of illegal immigrants released into the U.S. 'On alternatives to detention' - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 14JAN24.

- Rep. Biggs Speaks Hard Truth on Border, Government Spending - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- There’s Proof Biden’s Border Crisis Was Intentional And It’s Being Covered Up - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- Secret Documents Reveal Biden's Border Crisis Was An Intentional Policy - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 14JAN24.

- Lawsuit Exposes Biden Admin's Troubling Change That Impairs Dealing With Criminal Illegal Aliens - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JAN24.

- The Bogus DHS Claim that Texas Authorities Were Responsible for Three Migrant Deaths - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- The National Security Implications of Biden’s Open Border Are Transformative for America - by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer / American Greatness 14JAN24.

- Manchin torches Biden policy holding up spending deal, ‘Shut that border down’ - by Emily Jacobs / Washington Examiner 14JAN24.

- Speaker Mike Johnson Says 'Absolutely Not' to Lankford’s Senate Immigration Deal - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 14JAN24.

- President Trump Speaks in Indianola, Iowa Ahead of Caucus - Promises “Largest Deportation in American History” - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Polish PM Tusk Doubles Down on Chasing Adversaries, Vows To Ignore Judicial Decision in Order To Prosecute Former Central Bank Governor - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Biden Regime Signals Its Approval of Poland’s New Globalist Govt Jailing Its Opponents - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 14JAN24.

- Supreme Court poised to end ‘constitutional revolution’ that’s marred US governance for 40 years - by Thomas M. Boyd / NY Post 14JAN24.

- FBI Director Says Public-Private Sector Partnerships Are Important for Guarding Against “Misinformation” - by Tom Parker / PM 14JAN24.

- U.S. Government is Demanding Details on Your Fertility, Bathing Habits, More - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Bill Gates Hopes AI Can Reduce “Polarization,” Save “Democracy,” Ignores Censorship Implications - by Cindy Harper / PM 14JAN24.

- Law-Abiding Americans Reject Biden's Border Invasion & Imploding Cities By Buying More Guns - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14JAN24.

- Americans Bought Nearly 16 Million Firearms Last Year in Defiance of Biden’s Gun Control Push - by Levi Mikula / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Cowardice of Late-Night Hosts Becomes Painfully Clear - Watchdog Finds What Majority of Their Political Jokes Are Really About - by Samantha Chang / Western Journal 14JAN24.

- UK Polls Show Brexit Leader Nigel Farage Set To Be Elected MP - Half of Conservative Voters Think He’d Be a Better Premier Than Rishi Sunak - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- 'Our Favorite Snowflake' - Man Roasts DeSantis Right to His Face at Town Hall Event - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 14JAN24.

- Never Trumper Bill Kristol Takes Break from Supporting Foreign Wars to Endorse Nikki Haley - by Bradley Jaye / Breitbart 14JAN24.

- Sen. Rand Paul Declares 'Never Nikki' In Anti-Endorsement For 2024 - by Savannah Hulsey Pointer / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 14JAN24.

- Vivek Ramaswamy’s list of media-spread misinformation intended to damage Republicans - by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner 14JAN24.

- Trump Calls Out Vivek Ramaswamy, Says “Vivek is Not MAGA” - by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Trump: Vivek Is “Deceitful” And “Not MAGA” - Ramaswamy announces ‘save Trump by voting for me’ ploy - by Steve Watson / Modernity 14JAN24.

- Vivek Responds to Trump Saying He's Not 'MAGA,' and It Has the Internet Weighing In - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JAN24.

- Team Trump and Kari Lake Host Meet and Greet in Independence Iowa - Lake Says Trump Will Break Records in Monday Caucus Vote Amid Blizzard and Record Cold Temperatures - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Trump holds commanding lead in final poll before Iowa caucus - by John Solomon / Just The News 14JAN24.

- President Trump Delivers Pizza to First Responders in Iowa - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Trump runs victory lap in Iowa as DeSantis, Haley drive through blizzards for shot at distant second place - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 14JAN24.

- Nearly Half of Iowa Trump Supporters Are ‘Extremely’ Enthusiastic - Plurality of NeoCon Nikki Haley Backers Only ‘Mildly’ So - by Will Kessler / Daily Caller via America First 14JAN24.

- Top Pollster [Frank Lunzt] ‘I Thought He Was Done,’ But Trump Will Win - shocked at MAGA turnaround - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 14JAN24.

- Trump Expected to Win Big in Iowa - Final Poll Hints It'll Be a Total Blowout - by Ben Kew / Western Journal 14JAN24.

- Trump’s Resurgence Draws Parallels to Reagan’s 1980 Upset Victory - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 14JAN24.

- ‘Psyop’ polls and the Iowa Caucuses - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 14JAN24.

- Does It Matter Who Finishes Second in Iowa? - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- Judge Schedules Hearing on Allegations of DA Fani Willis’ ‘Improper Use of Funds’ and ‘Scandalous’ Affair with Trump Investigation Prosecutor - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Fani Willis Finally Makes Some Comments on 'Improper Relationship' Allegations, Says 'Racially Motivated' - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JAN24.

- Fulton County DA Fani Willis blames misconduct allegations on racism - by Jenny Goldsberry / Washington Examiner 14JAN24.

- “You Cannot Expect Black Women to be Perfect” - Fani Willis Plays Race Card After Allegations of ‘Improper’ Relationship with Top Trump Prosecutor - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Georgia State Senators Introduce Legislation to Remove Dirty Brad Raffensperger from State Election Board and Open Up Investigations Into His Alleged Violations - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Alaskans for Honest Elections Turn in Petitions to Repeal Ranked-Choice Voting - by Ward Clark / Red State 14JAN24.

- Pelosi Raises Eyebrows With Ominous Claim About Trump’s Campaign - “Many of us know that it’s impossible for him to be the president again with what he’s proposing” - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- What Was That About a Deep State? - Check Out These Plans to Deal With Trump If He Wins - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JAN24.

- NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Americans Identifying As Democrats Hits Record Low - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14JAN24.

- House Republicans to issue second round of subpoenas to Hunter Biden - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 14JAN24.

- House Republicans to Issue Second Round of Depositions to Hunter Biden After He Blew Off the First Round - Double Dog Dare Him to Blow Off This One, Too - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- The Brandon Entity Moves on Another Child Trapped in Coffee Shop Photo Op - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- ABC’s Jon Karl Sounds the Alarm on New ABC Poll: Only 28% of Americans Believe Joe Biden Has Mental Sharpness it Takes to Serve as President - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Disastrous, Historically Low Approval Numbers for Biden - Shocking How Many Think He Isn't Capable - by Nick Arama / Red State 14JAN24.

- Kamala Runs Away From D.C. to Escape Bipartisan Mockery - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- The Plan to Put Barack Obama Back in the White House - by Scott Lively / America First 14JAN24.

- If You’ve Just Started Paying Attention To US Foreign Policy - There are always, Always lies, obfuscations and manipulations involved in marketing a new war to the public, or in hiding its involvement in foreign wars from public attention - by Caitlin Johnstone 14JAN24.

- Missing Sailors Confirmed to Be Navy SEALs Lost During Boarding Mission - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 14JAN24.

- Staffers quit Biden campaign due to his support of Israel’s war crimes against Palestinians - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 14JAN24.

- Hundreds of Biden Admin Employees Plan to Walk Out on Biden In Massive Protest - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 14JAN24.

- Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘f–k Joe Biden,’ damage fence outside White House - by Katherine Donlevy / NY Post 14JAN24.

- Texas Police, Patriots and a Lady in a Cowboy Hat Show Rest of America How to Deal with Screaming Pro-Gaza Clowns Interrupting Gov. Abbott Speech - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Biden and the Houthis - Just a 21st-century Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates? - by Joe Wolverton II / New American 14JAN24.

- More Than 200,000 Pro-Palestinian Protestors March Through London Chanting Support for Houthi Rebel Attacks - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 14JAN24.

- Police in the UK Arrest Six Pro-Palestine Protestors in Suspected Plot to Disrupt London Stock Exchange - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Hamas Releases Propaganda Video of Israeli Hostages; 'Tomorrow We Will Inform You of Their Fate' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 14JAN24.

- As Times Square Machete Attacker Pleads Guilty, Authorities Still Refuse to Face His Motive - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 14JAN24.

- Thousands Call for Release of Hostages at Pro-Israel Rally in London - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 14JAN24.

- Houthi Terrorists Conduct Training Drills in Houses Marked with The Star of David and Cowering Actors Dressed as Orthodox Jews - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Iran just reclaimed an oil tanker in Gulf of Oman that U.S. stole last year - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 14JAN24.

- Biden Admin's Strategy to Contain the Islamic Republic of Iran Has Failed, Utterly - by Ward Clark / Red State 14JAN24.

- New French FM Séjourné Pays Mandatory Kiev Visit to Pledge Aid as Zelensky Gears up To Meet Globalist WEF Masters in Davos - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 14JAN24.

- Installed UK Prime Minister commits additional £2.5 billion to Ukraine - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 14JAN24.

- Four police officers kidnapped, explosions rock cities as gang leader escapes prison; gangs declare war on nation [of Ecuador] - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 14JAN24.

- Chinese naval vessels could penetrate U.S. and allies' military radar systems - by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 14JAN24.

- Biden admin announces US does not support Taiwan's bid for independence from China - by Sara Higdon / PM 14JAN24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Watch, X-Rays, Ice 14JAN24.

Styx: Donald Trump Appears to Confirm My Suspicions About Ramaswamy and Christie 14JAN24.

Styx: Joe Bidens Dumb New War in Yemen 14JAN24.

Styx: Final Iowa Poll: Trump Leads By 28: My Final Prediction 14JAN24.

Styx: The Catholic pope Endorses Communism Again 14JAN24.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Styx: Bidens Vote-Buying Student Loan Scheme 14JAN24.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Police Investigate Metaverse Virtual "Grape" 14JAN24.

Felix Rex / Black Pigeon Speaks: The Instagram TikTok OnlyFans PIPELINE 14JAN24.

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15 seconds

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Diversity Hiring Is Causing Workplaces To COLLAPSE, Meritocracy Is DEAD In America 14JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Michelle Obama Says She’s TERRIFIED Of 2024 Election, Indicating Potential Presidential Run 14JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Mexico DEMANDS Joe Biden Grant Amnesty To 10 MILLION Migrants 14JAN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Ohio House Of Representatives OVERRIDES Governor’s Veto, State Will BAN Gender Affirming Care 14JAN24.

Luke / We Are Change: Trump Takes Gloves Off Vs. Vivek — MAGA Battle 14JAN24.

In Depth

Salty Cracker: Disease X to be Unleashed 14JAN24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 14JAN24.

Dave / X22 Report: Google Terms Changed To Prepare For A [FF],Time To Complete The Mission,Prepare Yourself 14JAN24.


Jimmy Dore: Chinese Doctor PUNCHES Patient During Surgery 14JAN24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Intelligence Sources Fear Terrorist Attacks in US 14JAN24.

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15 seconds

The Running ManZ: SundayZ - ALTERIA Map 14JAN24.

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