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Lauren Southern
Lauren Southern
Lauren Southern
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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Wednesday 14AUG24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.44 |

Remember When Tim Walz Bribed Minnesotans to Sign Their
Children up for Experimental Covid Injections? - by
Ethan Huff / Natural News via America First 14AUG24.
The twisted psychology of Covid mask-wearing and why so many
Democrats and Liberals Still wear them everywhere they go
- by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 14AUG24.
After 60 years of working on flu vaccines, they are unable
to develop vaccines that reduce mortality rates - by
Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 14AUG24.
ABIM: "Follow the consensus, not the science - Saving lives
is not a priority" - by Steve Kirsch / Substack 14AUG24.
WHO functions as Big Pharma’s profit maker and propaganda
pusher - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 14AUG24.
The WHO Warns That The New Mutant Strain Of Monkeypox Is An
Emergency “For The Entire Globe” - by Michael Snyder /
End Of The American Dream 14AUG24.
Poisoning Of The World's Population Is Picking Up Speed As
University Of Colorado At Boulder Finds Graphene Oxide
Particles In Dental Anesthetic - by Kathleen Gotto / All
News Pipeline 14AUG24.
Rate Of Cancer Deaths Projected To Increase by 93 Percent In
Men In 2050 - by Huey Freeman / Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Generic Brand Mucinex Found To Contain Cancer Causing
Benzene - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Texas Toddlers Walk Away Unharmed After Being Launched Out
of Car in Horrifying Wreck - by C. Douglas Golden /
Western Journal 14AUG24.
Arsonist set[s] themself on fire trying to burn down barber
shop - by Olivia Land / NY Post 14AUG24.
Dumb Head Girl Eco-Activist Explains How Best to Deal With
Your “Climate Feelings” in Perhaps the Stupidest Climate
Change Essay of all Time - by Eugyppius / Daily Sceptic
Wrong, New York Times, the Great Barrier Reef is Not in
Danger - by Anthony Watts / WUWT 14AUG24.
What Mad Miliband’s Screwy SpAds Tell us About His Crazy
Climate Agenda - by Ben Pile / Daily Sceptic 14AUG24.
Gaslighting on Gas Stoves - Biden’s Dept. of Energy Passes
New Rules They Claimed Were a GOP Conspiracy - by Brad
Slager / Red State 14AUG24.
"Experiment Gets An F-Minus" - Nantucket Residents Fume Over
Broken Wind Turbine Blade Polluting Beaches - by Tyler
Durden / Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Trump Addresses Energized Rally Crowd on the Economy in
Liberal Asheville, NC - by Becca Lower / Red State
Trump Unveils Economic Policy - ‘Make America Affordable
Again’ - by Rachel Acenas / NTD 14AUG24.
JD Vance Puts the Kibosh on Reporter Fluffing Kamala Harris'
Economic Record - by Bonchie / Red State 14AUG24.
The White House Just Threw Kamala Harris Under the
Bidenomics Bus - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 14AUG24.
White House Says Kamala Harris is Responsible For Dumpster
Fire Economy and Inflation as She Tries to Distance Herself
From ‘Bidenomics’ - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit
Under Biden, More Government Jobs Than Factory Jobs - by
Antonio Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Core Consumer Prices Hit New Record High - Up For 50th
Straight Month - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Inflation Isn't Down - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media
Harris Will Try to Blame Inflation on 'Corporate Greed' -
Will Voters Buy It? - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 14AUG24.
Kamala Harris would increase payroll taxes - by Mike
Palicz / Washington Examiner 14AUG24.
Famous Black Republican Elbert Guillory Who Is Running for
Congress Calls Out Kamala Harris - Pass No-Tax-for-Tips Now
If You Really Mean It - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
Who Owns America? - Oligarchs Have Bought Up the American
Dream - by John and Nisha Whitehead / New American
How [Brevard Public Schools] Florida school district turned
its education system around - by David Hoyt / Washington
Examiner 14AUG24.
Kamala Harris is anti-family - by Washington Examiner
UK Health Workers Ordered To Ask Men If They’re Pregnant
Before X-Rays - by Steve Watson / Modernity 14AUG24.
Conservatives Finally Had Enough Of Woke Corporate Tyranny
When Formerly Beloved Companies Began Grooming Children With
Explicit Sex Talks And Drag Queen Story Hours - by J.B.
Shurk / All News Pipeline 14AUG24.
Reporter for Utah paper fired for offering to buy sexually
explicit books for minors to skirt new state law - by
Noah Webster / Law Enforcement Today 14AUG24.
California Dad Gets Custody of Four-year-old Son Forced by
Mom to Be “Nonbinary” - by Michael Tennant / New
American 14AUG24.
The Latest Developments in the Martyrdom of the Irish
Christian Schoolteacher Jailed For Refusing To Call a Boy a
Girl - by Steven Tucker / Daily Sceptic 14AUG24.
Disney funds puberty blockers, sex changes for employees'
children - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 14AUG24.
Should Men Compete in Women’s Sports? - ESPN’s Kirk
Herbstreit Says ‘Of Course Not’ and He’s ‘Done Giving Any
Sh***’ About Pushback - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway
Pundit 14AUG24.
Olympic Boxer Imane Khelif Sues for 'Harassment' - by
Ward Clark / Red State 14AUG24.
J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk Named in Bullying Lawsuit by
Imane Khelif - by Toby Young / Daily Sceptic 14AUG24.
J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk Targets of a Harassment Lawsuit
by Algerian 'Female' Boxer Imane Khelif - by Rick Moran
/ PJ Media 14AUG24.
Elon Musk and J.K. Rowling Sued by Algerian Boxer Imane
Khelif for “Aggravated Cyber Harassment” - Trump Potentially
Next Target in Legal Battle - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 14AUG24.
Human Rights Lawyer [warns] Olympic Boxer’s ‘Cyberbullies’
Lawsuit A Threat To Free Speech - by Steve Watson /
Modernity 14AUG24.
US Women’s Olympic B-Ball Team Draws Lowest Viewership in 16
Years for Gold Medal Game After Angry Women Block Caitlin
Clark from Olympic Team and Tell Her Fans to Shove It -
by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
The Olympic Games closing ceremony was a homage to lucifer
- by Rhoda Wilson and Winston Smith / Exposé 14AUG24.
Russia, the ugly duckling, and France’s Woke Olympics -
by Declan Hayes / Strategic Culture 14AUG24.
What goes on at Bohemian Grove? - by Rhoda Wilson and
Greg Reese / Exposé 14AUG24.
Ivy League Student Organization Aims for “Total Eradication
of Western Civilization” - by Selwyn Duke / New American
The Real Story of Immigration Into Britain - by Andrew
Collingwood / Daily Sceptic 14AUG24.
Native Truths - by John Stossel / Townhall 14AUG24.
TikTok Personality Tribebiiiz Delivers a Powerful History
Lesson on Republican Freedom Fighters and Democrat Slavery
- by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Biden to establish new monument at site of Illinois 1908
race riot - by Misty Severi / Just The News 14AUG24.
How the Southern Poverty Law Center Betrayed Its Mission to
Black America - by Christian Watson / Townhall 14AUG24.
Seattle Children's Hospital segregates doctors by race to
train them to 'divest' from 'whiteness' - by Ari Hoffman
/ PM 14AUG24.
White Police Officers Win Discrimination Case; Were Not
Considered For Promotion Due To Skin Colour - by Steve
Watson / Modernity 14AUG24.
DNC delegate arrested in connection to Ferguson cop left
fighting for his life after vicious caught-on-camera attack
- by Michael Dorgan / Fox News via NY Post 14AUG24.
DNC Delegate Arrested in Connection to Ferguson Protest
Where Officer Was Left “Fighting for His Life” - by
Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Ohio Police Officer Charged With Murder for Shooting Woman
as She Accelerated Car Into Him - by Jack Davis /
Western Journal 14AUG24.
California moves to reduce sentences for convicted felons,
murderers who have been locked up for more than 25 years
- by David Krayden / PM 14AUG24.
Brave Little Girl Beats Violent Robber with a Baseball Bat
After Thug Threatens Her Dad with a Gun at Liquor Store
- by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Oregon jury convicts violent Portland Antifa ‘ringleader’
Alissa Azar of felony over 2021 attack - by Andy Ngo and
Katie Daviscourt / PM 14AUG24.
Portland Antifa's John Hacker Arrested for violently
assaulting man outside Oregon courthouse - by Katie
Daviscourt / PM 14AUG24.
Biden/Harris Program Meant to Deter Illegal Immigration
Instead Allows Majority to Remain in US - by Ward Clark
/ Red State 14AUG24.
Palestinian whose name appears on terror watchlist captured
at southern border - by Jennie Taer / NY Post 14AUG24.
Kamala Promised to Abolish ICE, Welcome Unlimited Illegal
Aliens Into America - by Ethan Huff / Natural News via
America First 14AUG24.
Former ICE official on how U.S. can become 'law
enforcement-minded' country - by Jenna Curren / Law
Enforcement Today 14AUG24.
ICE Arrests Biden “Migrant” Rape Suspect Freed on $500 Bond
- by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 14AUG24.
Illegal immigrants arrested for rape beneath Coney Island
Boardwalk - had plead out on previous rape charge - by
Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 14AUG24.
Alarming Surge in Violence Against Border Patrol Agents in
El Paso - by Joana Campos / Gateway Hispanic 14AUG24.
Due to Unprecedented Border Crossings, 'Asylum Seekers' Will
Be Processed Faster at [U.S.-Canada] Sector - by
Madeline Leesman / Townhall 14AUG24.
Biden-Harris admin to speed up asylum processing at
US-Canada border as number of illegal immigrants skyrocket
- by David Krayden / PM 14AUG24.
Border Agents Told To Turn In Family and Co-workers Over
Election Beliefs - by Jeff Rainforth / Gateway Pundit
Chicago Mayor Johnson Moving Illegal Immigrants Out of
Downtown Ahead of DNC - by Becky Noble / Red State
Over 1,000 Anti-Mass Migration Protestors and Social Media
Posters Arrested - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse
Protestor, 61, Gets Lengthy Prison Sentence for Chanting
‘Who the F***k Is Allah?’ - by Jack Montgomery /
National Pulse 14AUG24.
61-Year-Old Man Gets 18 Month Prison Sentence For Chanting
“Who The Fuck is Allah” - by Paul Joseph Watson /
Modernity 14AUG24.
Does the UK have a two-tier justice system? - A comparison
of cases shows it does, but it is not consistent nationwide
- by Rhoda Wilson and JJ Starkey / Exposé 14AUG24.
Sir Keir Starmer’s Liberal Authoritarianism - by David
McGrogan / Daily Sceptic 14AUG24.
EU Accuses Breton of Going Rogue With Overreaching
Censorship Threats - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net
Texas AG Ken Paxton sues General Motors for collecting,
selling driver data - by David Krayden / PM 14AUG24.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues General Motors for
Illegally Harvesting and Selling Drivers’ Private Data to
Corporate Giants, Including Insurance Companies - by Jim
Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Notorious Global Hacking Group Has Possibly Stolen Every
Social Security Number in America and From Billions of
People Worldwide - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit
Patreon Feels the Squeeze as Apple Demands a Cut - by
Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 14AUG24.
Oversight Chairman Comer says Google should not receive tax
dollars over censorship concerns - by Charlotte Hazard /
Just The News 14AUG24.
The Unthinkable Just Became Thinkable for Google - by
Stephen Green / PJ Media 14AUG24.
VP Nominee JD Vance Calls for Breaking Up Google - by
Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 14AUG24.
Will the Justice Department Break Up Google? - by Ward
Clark / Red State 14AUG24.
Ford Could Be Teaming Up With Big Brother Soon - by
Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 14AUG24.
Ford Motors files patent for in-car device to detect
speeding, report drivers to law enforcement - by David
Krayden / PM 14AUG24.
Two Contradictory Decisions on AR-15 Bans Reflect Clashing
Views of Supreme Court Precedents - by Jacob Sullum /
Townhall 14AUG24.
Tulsi Gabbard Suing Biden/Harris Admin For Placing Her On
Terrorist Watch List - by Steve Watson / Modernity
DOJ Retaliates Against J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang - Add
New Felony to His Case After They Dropped 1512 Obstruction
Charge - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
US Court Reimposes “Disinformation” Device Monitoring on
January 6 Defendant - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net
Video From January 6 Shows Police Officer Carrying a Bag
Toward Location of DNC “Pipe Bomb” 15 Minutes Before
‘Explosive Device’ Was Discovered - by Cristina Laila /
Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
New York AG Letitia James demands big tech 'protect' voters
from election-related misinformation - by Libby Emmons /
PM 14AUG24.
Letitia James Demands Big Tech Curb Election
“Misinformation” - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net
Is It Even Possible to Overcome the Left's Grip on
Information Anymore? - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media
Nation’s Top Hackers at DEF CON Conference Once Again Easily
Breach U.S. Voting Machines Yet Republicans Continue to
Ignore This Crisis Year After Year - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Kansas joins multistate challenge against ‘Bidenbucks’ voter
registration scheme - by Kaelan Deese / Washington
Examiner 14AUG24.
Unions and Republicans - by Star Parker / Townhall
Anti-Trump Pollster Frank Luntz Stuns CNN Panel - Admits
Trump is Winning Over Union Workers Like No Republican in
Decades - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
The Demographics of Realignment - This election, non-white
voters, along with their non-Hispanic white counterparts,
will have an opportunity to decide between two visions of
the future - by Edward Ring / American Greatness
Will Trump End Elections? - Anatomy Of A Failed Hoax -
by Frank Miele / Real Clear Politics via Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Hell No, He Won't Go - Judge Merchan Again Declines to
Recuse in Trump Manhattan Case - by Susie Moore / Red
State 14AUG24.
Judge Merchan Again Declines to Recuse From Trump’s Case,
Doesn’t Think His Daughter’s Ties to Harris Create Conflict
- by Katelynn Richardson / Daily Caller via America First
Democrats Are About to Push Lawfare Against Trump to a New
Level and Sentence Him to Jail - by Bob Unruh / WND via
America First 14AUG24.
The Deep State Is Still Targeting Trump Ahead of the
Election - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 14AUG24.
FBI Still Prioritizing ‘White Supremacy’ and Keeping Trump
Shooting Investigation Classified - by Catherine Salgado
/ PJ Media 14AUG24.
Secret Service Dir. Talks Agency Issues in Conference Call,
Saying Fixing Will Involve Budget Increases - by Ward
Clark / Red State 14AUG24.
GOP senator [Roger Marshall] calls for Google execs to be
subpoenaed over censorship of Trump assassination attempt
- by Hannah Nightingale / PM 14AUG24.
70% of Audience Sharing Musk-Trump Interview Was from 25-35
Age Group - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Elon Musk Trolls the Left With Video of Him and Trump -
by Nick Arama / Red State 14AUG24.
Adam Kinzinger, Eric Swalwell Tag Team for Most Ridiculous
Response to Musk-Trump Spaces Event - by Nick Arama /
Red State 14AUG24.
Far-Left Host Dana Bash Lies About Trump and Musk’s
Conversation on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings But She Got
Caught - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Liberal Group Wants Feds to Punish Musk For Talking to Trump
- 'Blatantly Illegal' - by C. Douglas Golden / Western
Journal 14AUG24.
EU Officials Throw Tyrant Thierry Breton Under the Bus Over
His Letter to Elon Musk - by Chris Queen / PJ Media
NPR Proves They Despise Trump 162 Times - by Tim Graham
/ Townhall 14AUG24.
JD Vance hits stride and defines Kamala Harris while
swatting away talking heads - by Elizabeth Stauffer /
Washington Examiner 14AUG24.
‘No light’ between Trump and Vance - by Paul Bedard /
Washington Examiner 14AUG24.
Hunter Becomes the Hunted? - The Deep State Might Be Done
Protecting the Smartest Guy Gropey Joe Knows - by Kevin
Downey Jr. / PJ Media 14AUG24.
Gov’t Docs Prove Hunter Biden Burisma Influence Peddling
- by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 14AUG24.
Hunter Biden Asked State Department To Aid Burisma Deal
While Father Was VP - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge
Hunter Biden hires high-profile defense lawyer for tax fraud
trial amid ‘financial crunch’ - by Josh Christenson / NY
Post 14AUG24.
Karine Jean-Pierre Turns Into Stuttering Mess When Asked
About Report Revealing Hunter Biden Sought Help From State
Department For Burisma - by Cristina Laila / Gateway
Pundit 14AUG24.
Biden Confirms the Coup Against Him, Feels 'Pushed Out' and
Betrayed - by Bonchie / Red State 14AUG24.
Socialist Bernie Sanders Breaks Silence and Exposes Democrat
‘Establishment’ for Allegedly Sabotaging His Presidential
Bid, “That’s What Happens When You Take on the
Establishment” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Biden is president in name only so Harris can duck blame for
their joint debacles - by Joe Concha / NY Post 14AUG24.
Biden Throws a Fit at the Press for Not Writing What He
Wants on Economy, Digs the Hole Deeper for Kamala - by
Nick Arama / Red State 14AUG24.
Kamala's policy plans mirror Biden's as she tries to
distance herself from his legacy - by Hannah Nightingale
/ PM 14AUG24.
Kamala Harris tries to distance herself from Biden in yet
another policy flip-flop, ‘Everything about her campaign is
fake’ - by Josh Christenson / NY Post 14AUG24.
Should Christians Fear Kamala Harris? - by Tim Donner /
Liberty Nation via America First 14AUG24.
Kamala Harris Campaign Caught Deceptively Editing News
Headlines - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal
Kamala campaign Busted for taking out Google ads with Fake
headlines to deceive voters into believing positive coverage
- by Thomas Stevenson / PM 14AUG24.
Kamala Harris’ campaign team is editing news headlines on
ads in her favor without outlets’ knowledge - by
Katherine Donlevy / NY Post 14AUG24.
Kamala Caught Red Handed Changing News Headlines to Make Her
Look Good - Misinfo Police Yawn - by Victoria Taft / PJ
Media 14AUG24.
Another Influencer [Lauren Mochen] Comes Forward Exposing
Harris Campaign Paying for Support - by Brandon Morse /
Red State 14AUG24.
Latino Political Organization Offers $1,000 Cash Incentive
to Voters Who Publicly Endorse Kamala Harris - by Jim
Hoft / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Kamala's 'allies' urge her not to speak to media - by
Thomas Stevenson / PM 14AUG24.
How Mainstream Media Will Protect Harris-Walz Against Real
Journalists - by Mark Tapscott / PJ Media 14AUG24.
Houdini Harris escapes media scrutiny - can it last? -
by Hugo Gurdon / Washington Examiner 14AUG24.
“Would It Kill You Guys to Have a Press Conference?” - CNN’s
Jim Acosta Asks Kamala’s Spox Why Harris is Dodging the
Press After Pushing Biden Out - by Cristina Laila /
Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
'Would it kill you guys to have a press conference?' CNN’s
Jim Acosta confronts Kamala spokesperson over campaign
dodging media - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 14AUG24.
CNN Anchor Presses Harris-Walz Campaign Spox About VP's
Refusal to Face Media - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall
Kamala Harris on Snob Hill - by Terry Jeffrey / Townhall
'I’m just here for the vibe' - Kamala Harris rally goers
unable to list a single policy or accomplishment - by
Hayden Cunningham / PM 14AUG24.
Harris erases Trump’s lead in battleground states - by
Mabinty Quarshie / Washington Examiner 14AUG24.
Poll Shows That Kamala’s Honeymoon Is Ending - by Matt
Margolis / PJ Media 14AUG24.
“Not Anywhere Near as Strong,” Fake News CNN Data Guru Says
Kamala Chameleon Is Closing the Gap With Trump’s Key
Supporters - by Harold Hutchison / Daily Caller via
America First 14AUG24.
Trump won’t choke against a weak Kamala Harris, Dems trying
to fake their way to an election win - by Miranda Devine
/ NY Post 14AUG24.
Tear Down the Walz - Calamity Kamala’s VP choice is a
progressive nightmare - by Larry Sand / American
Greatness 14AUG24.
After ‘Letting Our City Burn,’ Former Federal Prosecutor Who
Charged BLM Rioters Says Walz is “Not Fit’ to Be VP - by
Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Kamala's running mate praised Hitler promoting Muslim leader
as a 'master teacher' - Tim Walz denies having 'personal
relationship' with him - by Thomas Stevenson / PM
Tim Walz Trying to Play the Victim Shows Stolen Valor Story
is Getting to Him - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit
Walz Agrees to Vice Presidential Debate With Vance - by
Bryan S. Jung / PJ Media 14AUG24.
Tim Walz agrees to October 1 VP debate against JD Vance on
CBS - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 14AUG24.
[Sen. Jon Tester (Mont.)] - The Democratic Senate Candidate
Pretending Kamala Harris Doesn't Exist - by Joseph
Simonson / Washington Free Beacon 14AUG24.
Army’s Top Enlisted Leader in Washington, D.C. Fired After
Investigation Allegedly “Due to a Loss of Trust and
Confidence in Her Leadership” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 14AUG24.
Special Forces Soldier Who Shot Chechen Illegal Won't Be
Charged; Details Reveal Tom Clancy-Like Scene - by
Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 14AUG24.
Taliban Celebrates 3rd Anniversary of Takeover With Parade
Featuring Equipment Biden/Harris Left Behind - by Bob
Hoge / Red State 14AUG24.
Far-left progressive 'Squad' member Ilhan Omar survives
Minnesota Democratic primary challenge - by Ari Hoffman
/ PM 14AUG24.
Following Primary Victory Ilhan Omar Goes on Unhinged Rant -
Claims Her Primary Opponent Is Allied with “Literal Nazis”
- by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Pro-Hamas Protesters Storm Democrat Kickoff Rally for
Harris-Walz Campaign with Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams -
Smoke Bombs Set Off, Mass Arrests Ensue - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Federal court orders UCLA to stop aiding antisemitic
activists to target Jewish students - by Ari Hoffman /
PM 14AUG24.
Embattled president of Columbia University Minouche Shafik
resigns - by Ari Hoffman / PM 14AUG24.
Columbia University President Resigns Amid Constant
Antisemitic Campus Controversies - by Joe Cunningham /
Red State 14AUG24.
Columbia President Resigns Months After Pro-Hamas
Demonstrations, Complains of ‘Threats and Abuse’ - by
Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 14AUG24.
Blinken Approves $20 Billion Arms Sale to Israel - by
Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 14AUG24.
Who Is Running America? - NYT Discloses Lloyd Austin
'Ordered' Major Deployment To Conflict Zone - by Tyler
Durden / Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Middle East at a very critical juncture - Will all-out war
be postponed again? - by Richard Hubert Barton /
Strategic Culture 14AUG24.
US Sending Saudi Arabia $750 Million In Bombs, Reversing
3-Year Ban - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Saudi Crown Prince Tells U.S. He 'Fears He Will Be
Assassinated for Normalizing Saudi-Israeli Ties' - by
Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 14AUG24.
Iran Stokes the Fires of Division Between U.S. and Israel
While Urging Hamas Not to Negotiate - by Rick Moran / PJ
Media 14AUG24.
US Seeks Iran De-Escalation With Turkey's Help - by
Tsvetana Paraskova / OilPrice via Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Hackers Target Iranian Banks in 'Massive Cyber Attack' -
by Ward Clark / Red State 14AUG24.
US Says It’s Not Discussing Withdrawing From Iraq - by
Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 14AUG24.
German Military Base Locked Down After Suspected Sabotage To
Water Supply - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Germany Issues Arrest Warrant For Ukrainian Suspected of
Blowing Up Nord Stream Pipelines - by Paul Joseph Watson
/ Modernity 14AUG24.
Russia Invaded, Week 1 - The State of Play - by streiff
/ Red State 14AUG24.
Ukrainian troops ambush Russian military truck carrying
Putin’s soldiers - by Ronny Reyes / NY Post 14AUG24.
Ukraine’s offensive in Kursk region is the first direct
attack on Russia since WWII - by Belle Carter /
Newstarget 14AUG24.
Ukraine’s Kursk operation - Strategic masterstroke or
blunder? - by Grzegorz Adamczyk / Remix 14AUG24.
Kursk was low hanging fruit - What now for Zelensky and his
allusions? - by Martin Jay / Strategic Culture 14AUG24.
Ukraine’s incursion into Russian territory is ‘defensive
action,’ claims Polish PM Donald Tusk - by Liz / Remix
Biden Says US in ‘Constant Contact’ With Ukraine About Kursk
Offensive - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 14AUG24.
Polish F-16 jets intercept Russian reconnaissance aircraft
over Baltic Sea - by Grzegorz Adamczyk / Remix 14AUG24.
Russia ready to execute nuclear attacks on NATO targets,
according to leaked documents - by Liz / Remix 14AUG24.
First Biden, now Kishida - Scandal-plagued Japanese prime
minister stepping down - by John Solomon / Just The News
Japan's PM Kishida Announces Resignation Amid Scandals,
Opening Door To Political Chaos - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 14AUG24.
Thailand's Constitutional Court Removes Prime Minister From
Office in Shocking Ruling - by Matt Funicello / Red
State 14AUG24.
Tim Walz Lectured at State-Run School in China; GOP Rep.
Demands the Pentagon Investigate - by Ward Clark / Red
State 14AUG24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
X Class Solar Flare, CMEs, Solar/Alien Human Health Impact 14AUG24.
Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Solar Flare and CME - Impact Expected This Weekend 14AUG24.
The Legacy Media and Kamalas Big Money Buddies are Astroturfing a Trump "Meltdown" 14AUG24.
Elon Musk Tells the EU to Screw Off 14AUG24.
Hidin' Harris 14AUG24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Humza Might Sue Elon Musk 14AUG24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
Man Jailed For Chanting "Who The **** Is Allah?" 14AUG24.
Elon Musk Interview with Donald Trump TRIGGERS The Media, The Left & Europe 14AUG24.
Mark Dice:
Stephen Colbert Accidentally HUMILIATES CNN Anchor and Entire Network 14AUG24.
Hodge Twins:
Women Share Why THEY’RE Voting for Kamala Their Responses Are DUMB as it Gets 14AUG24.
Jimmy Dore:
Unraveling The Olympics Boxing Controversy! w/ Jennifer Sey 14AUG24.
Jimmy Dore:
Japan DARES To Snub Israel From Nagasaki Commemoration 14AUG24.
Jimmy Dore:
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Accepts Plea Deal 14AUG24.
In Depth

Jimmy Dore:
How To Take Back America From Globalists & Corporations! w/ Mel K 14AUG24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Harris WILL Become President By Fall Cruz Says, Biden LOSING IT w/Terrence Williams 14AUG24.
Scott Adams:
Sargon / Lotus Eaters:
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3830
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3831
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3832

Awaken With JP:
Olympic Boxing Champion Interview 14AUG24.
How Audio Illusions Trick Our Brains 14AUG24.
The Running ManZ:
Alpha 3.24 Latest, Jump Points Q&A & Fire Looks HOT - Star Citizen News 14AUG24.
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