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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Saturday 13MAY23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Teachers Get Their Due Two Years After School System Fires Them for Not Getting Vaxxed - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 13MAY23.

- IPCC Admits Many of its Gloomy Climate Forecasts Are of “Low Likelihood” - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 13MAY23.

- Fresh Blow to Net Zero as British Gas Refuses to Install Heat Pumps in Millions of Homes Because They Don’t Work - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 13MAY23.

- Can Anyone Now Stop the Greens From Destroying Germany? - by Eugyppius / Daily Sceptic 13MAY23.

- U.S. will start buying oil to refill Strategic Petroleum Reserve next month - by Addison Smith / Just The News 13MAY23.

- The Limits to Growth is deeply flawed yet advocates used it to claim societies need to be completely controlled to avoid catastrophe - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 13MAY23.

- Nearly 1,000 Scientists Sign Declaration in Favor of Animal Products' Health Benefits - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 13MAY23.

- Food Inflation Still Soaring In Latin America - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 13MAY23.

- ‘We’re Preparing to Restart Repayment’ - Education Secretary on Federal Student Loans - by Naveen Athrappully / NTD 13MAY23.

- Brutal new research shows how the government ruined higher education - by Brad Polumbo / Washington Examiner 13MAY23.

- Biden Administration Grooms Gen Z ‘Influencers’ to Become Digital Red Guard - by Ben Bartee / Daily Bell 13MAY23.

- DHS Listed Pro-Life Mothers as 'Radicalization Suspects' - by Ben Kew / Red State 13MAY23.

- Russia Fines Google For Not Deleting Content About Same-Sex Relationships - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 13MAY23.

- Pro-Drag Students at Loyola University Chicago Yell “I Hate Catholics” at Protestors - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Pope Francis Calls Pedophile as “Children of God” Who Deserve “Love” and “Pastoral Care” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Non-Binary Character In New Transformer Cartoon Goes Viral As People Call For "Another Brand Boycott" - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 13MAY23.

- Megyn Kelly vs. Charlize Theron - by JD Rucker / America First 13MAY23.

- Megyn Kelly Lights up Charlize Theron After She Curses out People Over Drag Performances for Kids - by Nick Arama / Red State 13MAY23.

- Oxford Union To Set Up "Welfare Spaces" For Students To Cope With Gender Debate - by Jonathan Turley 13MAY23.

- Should a Government That Would Leave a Jordan Neely on the Streets Even Exist? - by Selwyn Duke / New American 13MAY23.

- Ron DeSantis Throws His Support Behind Daniel Penny in the Jordan Neely Incident - by Jerry Wilson / Red State 13MAY23.

- Gov. DeSantis praises chokehold Marine Daniel Penny - ‘America’s got his back’ - by Mary Kay Linge / NY Post 13MAY23.

- Daniel Penny Defense Fund Raises Massive Amount on Crowdfunding Platform GiveSendGo - by Ben Kew / Red State 13MAY23.

- Legal Defense Fund for Hero Marine Charged in Jordan Neely Case Tops $1 Million - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 13MAY23.

- Daniel Penny’s Legal Defense Fund has Now Crossed $1 Million - Donate Here - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Daniel Penny fundraiser tops $1 Million as GiveSendGo servers crash due to overwhelming support - by Joshua Young / PM 13MAY23.

- Carjackings Surge in Democrat Cities So They’re Suing the Car Companies!? - by Jake Welch / National Pulse 13MAY23.

- Kari Lake tells Tim Pool Phoenix, American cities are no longer safe - by Sara Higdon / PM 13MAY23.

- CNN Claims Store Closures in Blue Cities Have Nothing to do With Crime - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Joe Biden Brazenly Lies About Being a Professor at UPenn in Howard University Commencement Speech - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Joe Biden Tells Howard University Graduates Ketanji Brown Jackson - Who Does Not Know How to Define a Woman - Is “Brighter than the Rest of Them” After He Picked Her Only Because She Was a Black Woman - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Joe Biden: ‘The Most Dangerous Terrorist Threat to Our Homeland Is White Supremacy’ - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 13MAY23.

- Biden at Howard University: “The Most Dangerous Terrorist Threat to Our Homeland is White Supremacy, and I’m Not Saying This Because I’m at a Black HBCU” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Biden slammed for calling white supremacy ‘most dangerous terrorist threat’ during Howard graduation speech - by Jon Levine and Katherine Donlevy / NY Post 13MAY23.

- Joe Biden Tells Howard Graduates White Supremacists are Greatest Threat to Country - Then Hours Later Mysterious Khaki-Clad Patriot Front Group Holds March in DC - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Feds on Parade - Hundreds of ‘Patriot Front’ Members March in Khakis and Masks Towards U.S. Capitol - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Biden Infrastructure Coordinator Decries Racist Roads, Trains, Rivers - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 13MAY23.

- California Facing $32 Billion Deficit as Leftists in the State Call for $800 Billion in Reparations - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Fake Refugees Destroy Ireland Hotel Industry - America Next? - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY23.

- NY Hotels Evict Struggling Homeless Veterans to Make Room for Illegal Aliens - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- NYC Buses Illegal Aliens to Upstate NY, Hotels Kick out Homeless Vets as a Result - by Mike Miller / Red State 13MAY23.

- Homeless Vets Kicked Out of Hotels in Favor of Biden's Border Boarders - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 13MAY23.

- Denver Mayor Warns Illegal Surge Could Mean Cutting Services as More Than 250 Arrive Each Day - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Biden Admin Seeks to Resume Fast-Track Release of Illegal Immigrants - by Allen Zhong / NTD 13MAY23.

- How Long Are Released Migrants Waiting to Start Court Hearings? - by Julio Rosas / Townhall 13MAY23.

- U.S. officials admit losing ‘operational control’ of border, drug cartels poised to seize it - by John Solomon / Just The News 13MAY23.

- Media play duck and cover up for Joe Biden - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 13MAY23.

- CNN Humiliated On Air as Migrant Destroys Left's Border Narrative, Network Abruptly Ends Interview - by Peter Partoll / Western Journal 13MAY23.

- National Guard holds off dozens of migrants attempting to cross Rio Grande - by Isabel Vincent and Steven Vago / NY Post 13MAY23.

- Veteran Confronts Texas National Guard for Ignoring Gov. Abbott’s Order to Stop Illegal Alien Invasion - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Fired-Up Ted Cruz Asks AOC the Perfect 'White Pantsuit' Question While Standing at the Border - ["Why is AOC - she still owns the white pantsuit - why is she not here with her head buried in her hands?"] - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 13MAY23.

- Actor Edward Norton among AOC’s top donors - by Jon Levine / NY Post 13MAY23.

- Former Aide to AOC Now Running the Communist Party of New York - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Deliver Us from Reality - The only silver lining in this minatory storm cloud is the fact that such movements, though unconscionably cruel, arbitrary, and destructive, are also astonishingly fragile - ["totalitarian movements use and abuse democratic freedoms in order to abolish them" from The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt] - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 13MAY23.

- The Full-Scale Invasion And Overthrow Of America Is Going Just As The Freedom-Hating Globalists Planned With Nothing But Lies Coming From The Pure Evil US Govt And MSM About Our Border - by Alan Barton / All News Pipeline 13MAY23.

- Armed Federal Agents Sent to Border to Protect Illegals Entering Country - As Democrats Try to Strip Americans of Their Second Amendment Rights - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- [House Majority Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota] Ready to Start Impeachment for Top Biden Official - 'People Are Getting Killed' - by Peter Partoll / Western Journal 13MAY23.

- The End of Online Privacy - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 13MAY23.

- Where The Internet Has Been Restricted - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 13MAY23.

- Chinese Companies Help CCP Manipulate Global Opinion on Social Media - by Cindy Li / America First 13MAY23.

- U.K. Government’s £600,000 Contract for Social Media Surveillance Of “Misinformation Narratives” - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 13MAY23.

- AP Lies About DeSantis, Gets Ratioed so Hard They Issue an Update - by Bonchie / Red State 13MAY23.

- Twitter has restricted interactions with Substack articles - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 13MAY23.

- “That Was President Donald J. Trump Ripping Us a New A**hole” - President Trump Truths Epic Meme Following Anderson Cooper’s Meltdown Over CNN Town Hall - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Former Prosecutor Against Trump Takes the Fifth in Deposition Before GOP Committee - by Mimi Nguyen Ly / NTD 13MAY23.

- Wisconsin Elections Commission ordered to rehear 2020 election complaint - by Glenn Minnis / Just The News 13MAY23.

- FBI Whistleblower Says RNC and DNC Pipe Bombs on Jan. 6, 2021 Were Inoperable - Something the FBI Never Admitted to the Public - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- The Potemkin Presidency and the Visceral Election - No high roads - Republicans and their PACs need to hammer past the media defense perimeter and expose the ugly presidential reality - It’s right there - by Rod Thomson / American Greatness 13MAY23.

- MTG to lead probe into Hunter Biden’s prostitutes amid concerns they were human trafficking victims - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 13MAY23.

- Marjorie Taylor Greene Hints Hunter Biden’s Sex Workers May Testify in Front of Congress - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Marjorie Taylor Greene says Hunter Biden’s sex worker may testify before Congress - by Jon Levine / NY Post 13MAY23.

- Biden thinks it's just fine that his family monetized his office - by Washington Examiner 13MAY23.

- Biden Takes Off to Rehoboth Beach for Another Vacation - Biden Has Spent 331 Days - 40% of His Presidency on Vacation with No Visitor Logs - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Top German Newspaper Killed Major Corruption Story to Please Joe Biden - by Bonchie / Red State 13MAY23.

- White House Now Backpedaling and Scrambling After Comer's Interim Report Shows Big Biden Lie - by Nick Arama / Red State 13MAY23.

- Comer Suggests Obama Knew of Biden Family’s Foreign Deals But Chose to Ignore It - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 13MAY23.

- Judge Napolitano [on] Jack Teixeira, a Corrupt Department of Justice and Ukraine - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 13MAY23.

- Ukraine's Future Lies In The Great Reset - by Stavrolla Pabst / Unlimited Hangouts via Zerohedge 13MAY23.

- Play it Again Uncle Sam - Debunked Syrian Chemical Weapons Card in Ukraine - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture 13MAY23.

- UK Long-Range Missiles for Kyiv ‘Extremely Hostile’ Act, Says Russia - by Charles Nwoke / Your News 13MAY23.

- Russia Establishes Anti-Drone Police As Threat To Cities Grows - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 13MAY23.

- With Bakhmut Hanging In Balance, Will Putin Order Takedown Of Wagner Boss? - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 13MAY23.

- Wagner Chief Clarifies That Only His Forces Making Gains In Bakhmut - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 13MAY23.

- How Biden is being bamboozled by Xi regarding Russia-Ukraine war - by Rebekah Koffler / NY Post 13MAY23.

- Henry Kissinger remains wrong on China - by Daniel Samet / Washington Examiner 13MAY23.

- House GOP Demands Information From Homeland Security Chief on Chinese Tech Used at US Ports - by Ross Muscato / NTD 13MAY23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: Huge Solar Eruption, Tornados, Mars River, EMF Impact 13MAY23.

Styx: Elon Musk Hires Linda Yaccarino as Twitter CEO: Some (Intelligent) Analysis 13MAY23.

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15 seconds

Styx: CNNs Legendary Cope After Trump DESTROYS Them In Their Own "Town Hall" 13MAY23.

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Styx: Would-be Ministry of Truth Leader Nina Jankowicz Sues FOX News 13MAY23.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Ukraine Puts $300 Million of US Aid in One Warehouse & Russia Blows It Up 13MAY23.

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15 seconds

Mark Dice: New Transformers Cartoon Brainwashing ChiIdren to Be Gender "Non-Binary" and Use They/Them Pronouns 13MAY23.

Hodge Twins: President Trump Roast Accuser E. Jean Carroll During CNN Town Hall 13MAY23.

Jimmy Dore: Trump Gets Ukraine Question RIGHT! CNN Melts Down! 13MAY23.

Jimmy Dore: Proof 911 Hijackers Were CIA 13MAY23.

Jimmy Dore: Amy Klobuchar Forced To Leave Her OWN EVENT By Protesters 13MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Elon Musk Officially Appoints WEF Chair As CEO Sparking OUTRAGE 13MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Banks BANNING The Right Is A Push Towards Central Bank Digital Currency 13MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Feminism TRICKED Women, Liberation Resulted In Unhappiness & DEPRESSION 13MAY23.

In Depth

Jimmy Dore: Twitter’s New CEO Is a WEF Tool & Social Justice Warrior 13MAY23.

Jimmy Dore: How COVID Turned People Into Fascists – Explained By Psychologist 13MAY23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Democrats LOVE Transgenderism, But REJECT IT When It Affects Their Family 13MAY23.

Scott Adams: Noonan And The Return Of Trump, AI Admits Bias, Hero Marine Update, More! 13MAY23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2730 13MAY23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2731 13MAY23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 13MAY23.

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. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Freedom Toons: The Left When Someone Defends Themselves 13MAY23.

Awaken With JP: Interview with AI Czar Kamala Harris! 13MAY23.

Sleazy P. Martini: Got Wood Milk? 13MAY23.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: The Deep State behind another mass shooting 13MAY23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Veritasium: Why Lightbulbs Might Be The Best Invention Ever 13MAY23.


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RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
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Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Latest Lairclips

Hurt - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Hurt (RMBL)

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15 seconds

15 seconds

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