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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Thursday 12OCT23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Will the Nobel Prize for Covid Vaccines Turn Out to Be Like the One Once Awarded for Lobotomy? - by David Livermore / Daily Sceptic 12OCT23.

- British Columbia Court Hears Cases Pushing Back Against Dystopian Vaccine Passports - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 12OCT23.

- The Gain of Function (GOF) Lab Leaked Bioweapon Story is Pure Science Fiction - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 12OCT23.

- Big Pharma Fascism is rising - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12OCT23.

- Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital Depositions Reveal Terrifying Reality for Moms With Sick Kids - by Megan Fox / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Our Lady of the Holy Climate Change - While mainstream religion is nowhere to be found in our public schools, climate change evangelism is prospering - by Larry Sand / American Greatness 12OCT23.

- The myth of affordable green energy is over - Progress is stalled around the world as nobody wants to admit the real costs - by Marc Morano / Climate Depot 12OCT23.

- Net Zero Will Require a Command Economy and Massive Drop in Living Standards, Says Cambridge Professor - And for What? - by Guy de la Bédoyère / Daily Sceptic 12OCT23.

- Solar industry lives off China slave labor - Slavery poisons industry’s supply chains - by Marc Morano / Climate Depot 12OCT23.

- Bidenomics Has People More Stressed Out Than Obamanomics Ever Did - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Karine Jean-Pierre Left Stuttering After Reporter Points Out Bidenomics Has Failed to Lower Costs for Americans - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- US inflation rose 3.7% in September - higher than economists predicted - by Shannon Thaler / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Mortgage Rates Hit 20-Year High - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- CBDCs - Ultimate Tool of Oppression - by Laura Dodsworth / Daily Sceptic 12OCT23.

- The Extravagant Wonderfulness of Our Decentralized Economy - by Manic Contrarian / Red State 12OCT23.

- Trump Promises to Slap Tariffs on All Imports - by Luis Miguel / New American 12OCT23.

- Socialism Conference Discusses “Children’s Liberation” for Sex Work - by Selwyn Duke / New American 12OCT23.

- California passes race-based 'Ebony Alerts' program for missing black youth - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 12OCT23.

- DC crime victims tell Congress harrowing stories of violent attacks - 'Just evil' - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 12OCT23.

- New York City hospitals, medical centers being Overwhelmed by illegals - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 12OCT23.

- FDNY expected to issue vacate orders at more than half dozen migrants centers - by Craig McCarthy / NY Post 12OCT23.

- ICE admits record 5.7 million migrants in US - Biden wants to provide ‘medical services, housing’ to all - by Diana Glebova / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Tucker Carlson Episode 30 Drops - “What’s Happening at the Southern Border Isn’t Just an Invasion, But a Crime” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- NBC News Instantly Exposed As Liars After Claiming They “Gained Access” To X Community Notes System - by Steve Watson / Summit News 12OCT23.

- Anti-Defamation League Seizes on Hamas Attack to Push DEI Agenda - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- EU threatens to block X, Elon Musk demands EU provides concrete examples of alleged ‘disinformation’ - by John Cody / Remix 12OCT23.

- CEO says X took down hundreds of Hamas accounts in response to EU ultimatum - by Christopher Hutton / Washington Examiner 12OCT23.

- How Hamas Used Social Media to Share Its Violent Messages - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 12OCT23.

- People Receiving Draconian Prison Terms For Online Speech More Proof The Internet Has Never Been Less Free As Globalist Despots Use A.I. To Censor, Control & Carry Out Atrocities - by Rhoda Wilson / All News Pipeline 12OCT23.

- Understand What Time It Is In America - Our Lives Are Closer To Russia Under Stalin, Cuba Under Castro, China Under Mao Or Venezuela Under Maduro Than We Are To The Constitution - by Clarice Feldman / All News Pipeline 12OCT23.

- Lawsuit Pushes Back Against California Medical Board’s “Misinformation” Censorship Power - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 12OCT23.

- Gun Owners of America says horrific situation in Israel shows why Americans were afforded the right to “weapons of war” for Self-Defense - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12OCT23.

- Thai Hookers, Chinese Bribes - 'Star Witness' Ellison Unveils Chaos Behind FTX's Fake Balance Sheets - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12OCT23.

- Nervous Caroline Ellison blamed SBF for ‘borrowing’ FTX funds in recording played at fraud trial, ‘Sam, I guess’ - by Ben Kochman / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Sam Bankman-Fried directed executives to Commit Criminal Fraud for him, including donating over $10 Million to Biden - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 12OCT23.

- Senator Bob Menendez Indicted Again for FARA Violation - by Matt Funicello / Red State 12OCT23.

- Federal Judge Dismisses Hunter Biden's Original Gun Charge - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12OCT23.

- White House Cover-Up of Biden Classified Docs Scandal Worse Than Previously Thought - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Trump Suggests Biden Is Given Cocaine To ‘Liven Up’ - by Steve Watson / Summit News 12OCT23.

- NY Post Reporter Tells Press Secretary “You Should Be Ashamed” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 12OCT23.

- Hopes Fade for a Quick Election of Rep. Steve Scalise for Speaker - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Congressman Steve Scalise Doesn't Have the Votes for Speaker; Jim Jordan Expected to Step In - by Matt Funicello / Red State 12OCT23.

- Steve Scalise Does Not Currently Have the Floor Votes to Become the Next House Speaker - Here Are the GOP Members Who’ve Publicly Declared Opposition - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- MTG, Boebert, Mace, and the Republicans who could stop Scalise getting the gavel - by Julia Johnson / Washington Examiner 12OCT23.

- Steve Scalise Holds Close Door Meeting to Rally More Support for House Speaker; MTG Demands Open Floor Votes, “Kevin McCarthy Had to Go 15 Rounds - The Next Speaker Should be Able to Do the Same Thing” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Majority Leader Steve Scalise drops out of House speaker race after meeting GOP conference - by Victor Nava / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Steve Scalise Withdraws From House Speaker Race - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 12OCT23.

- Steve Scalise withdraws from House Speaker's race - by Libby Emmons / PM 12OCT23.

- Steve Scalise Drops Out Of Speaker’s Race - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 12OCT23.

- Steve Scalise Drops Out of Race for Speaker - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Steve Scalise Drops Out of Speaker Race and Explains His Reasons for Doing So - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- IRS Consultant Pleads Guilty to Leaking Tax Return Info, Including Donald Trump's - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12OCT23.

- IRS Contractor Pleads Guilty to Leaking Trump’s Tax Returns - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Fani Willis Attacks Jim Jordan For Demanding She Answer Questions About Her Garbage RICO Investigation Into Trump - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Polls Show Trump Beating Biden in Key Battleground States - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Joe Rogan: It Seems Like As S**t Gets Crazier, the More Trump Is A ‘Shoo-in’ for 2024 - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Republicans Are About to Get Caught With Their Pants Down in Virginia's Elections - by Bonchie / Red State 12OCT23.

- Democrat Election Clerk Gives Testimony in Court, Admitting She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Michigan Dem AG Nessel Issues Search Warrant to ‘GiveSendGo’ Demanding Bank Routing Numbers Tied to Contributions For Legal Defense Fund Of Alternate GOP Electors - by Patty McMurray / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- The Hilarious AP Double-Standard on Voting Box Fraud - A Concern for Dems, but a Conspiracy for GOP - by Brad Slager / Red State 12OCT23.

- Trudeau’s Horrible Year - Divorce, Economic Crisis, Chinese Influence Inquiry, Rift With India, NaziGate Scandal, Sinking in the Polls - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Russia Closing The Noose On Ukrainian Troops - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Putin's War, Week 85. The Curtain Goes Down on the Ukrainian Offensive and Russia Rolls for a Hard Six - by streiff / Red State 12OCT23.

- Biden Invokes Mystery Evil to Cover Up U.S. Criminal Responsibility - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture 12OCT23.

- The US Government Has Sent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Gaza Since Hamas Took Control - by Jack Smith / Western Journal 12OCT23.

- Secretary of State Antony Blinken Blames Trump For Biden’s $6 Billion Gift to Iran - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Joe Biden’s Special Envoy to Iran and Principal Architect on Resurrecting Nuclear Deal Accused of Sharing Classified Information with Islamic Regime - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Finally, Congress Is Investigating Iran Envoy Rob Malley, Whose Closest Advisors Are Linked to Tehran - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 12OCT23.

- US Blocks Iran From Accessing $6 Billion Fund After Hamas Attack - by Jake Smith / Daily Caller via America First 12OCT23.

- White House and Qatar Freeze Infamous $6 Billion to Iran, Leave Major Questions - by Bonchie / Red State 12OCT23.

- Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Taunts Israel - Posts Tweet in Hebrew Mocking Saturday’s Bloodbath by Hamas - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- NBC Says Conservatives Are 'Stoking Fears' of Terrorism Without Proof - Here's Your Proof - by Matt Funicello / Red State 12OCT23.

- The “Global Day Of Jihad” On Friday The 13th Will Only Be Just The Beginning - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 12OCT23.

- Hamas Calls on Palestinian People, Arab and Muslim Nations to Invade Israel on Friday and Confront Israeli Soldiers for ‘Al-Aqsa Flood Operation’ - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- U.S. Capitol Enhancing Security Ahead of Friday’s Pro-Hamas ‘Day of Rage’ - by William Upton / National Pulse 12OCT23.

- Capitol Police 'enhancing security' for Congress amid Hamas calls to action - by Rachel Schilke / Washington Examiner 12OCT23.

- Security Fencing Goes Up Around Congress, Even Though NBC News Says There Are No Terror Threats - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 12OCT23.

- NYPD orders all cops to report in uniform after ex-Hamas chief calls for global protests - by Joe Marino et al. / NY Post 12OCT23.

- New York City on High Alert - NYPD Orders All Officers to Report in Uniform After Ex-Hamas Leader Calls for ‘Jihad’ Worldwide - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- LAPD increases patrols following Hamas' calls for 'global day of jihad' - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 12OCT23.

- Muslims Riot in the Street of France after Hamas Leader Khaled Mashal Designates Friday a “Day of Jihad” After Slaughtering 1,000 Jews - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Things Get Spicy in France as Police Battle Pro-Hamas Protesters - by Bonchie / Red State 12OCT23.

- Pure Evil Muslim Women in London Rip Down Posters of the 200 Missing Israelis Following Saturday’s Hamas Massacre of Jews - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Some of the Hamas Terrorists Had Israeli Work Permits and Their Victims Recognized Them - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 12OCT23.

- Hamas Terrorist Group Turns EU-Funded Gaza Water Pipelines Into Missiles Used to Attack Israel - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Biden Says He's Seen "Confirmed Pictures" Of Hamas Beheading Children, WH Issues Immediate Clarification - by Caden Pearsen / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 12OCT23.

- Biden White House Walks Back Claim He Saw Pictures of 'Terrorists Beheading Children,' Admits He Has 'Not Seen Pictures or Confirmed Such Reports' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 12OCT23.

- After Demands for 'Proof,' Pictures of Murdered Babies in Israel Are Released - by Bonchie / Red State 12OCT23.

- Netanyahu shares horrific photos of babies burned alive by Hamas terrorists, says he showed them to Blinken - by Melissa Koenig / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Office of Prime Minister Netanyahu Releases Horrifying and Disturbing Photos of Babies Murdered and Burned by Hamas Terrorists That Was Shown to Antony Blinken - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- State of Israel Official Twitter-X Account Releases Gruesome Video Compilation from Saturday’s Pogrom in Israel by Hamas - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Hamas Insists They Were Not Shooting and Killing Kids at Israeli Concert - Then Cut the Audio of the Gunfire in Their Video - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Biden: ‘There’s a lot we’re doing’ to bring American hostages home - by Jamie McIntyre / Washington Examiner 12OCT23.

- White House Announces Evacuation Flights for Americans in Israel Amid War With Hamas - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12OCT23.

- Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide to Be Rescued by US Government - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- GOP Rep on Ground in Israel Says Stranded Americans Are ‘Getting Nowhere’ With Biden State Dept - by Harold Hutchison / Daily Caller via America First 12OCT23.

- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Issues Executive Order to Rescue 20,000 Americans from Israel for Free, Including 1,000 Floridians, Amid Ongoing Conflict - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Republican Congressman Cory Mills Rescues 32 Americans Trapped in Israel, "If I Have to Do Joe Biden’s Job Then So Be It" - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Black Lives Matter Showing Support for Hamas Amid Terrorist Attacks in Israel - by Rachel M. Emmanuel / Western Journal 12OCT23.

- Do Jewish Lives Matter Too? - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 12OCT23.

- Jews will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends - by Karol Markowicz / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Ben Shapiro Rages at Tucker Carlson for Questioning Why Our Politicians Care More About Israelis Dying Than Americans - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 12OCT23.

- War Crimes are being Condoned by British MPs - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 12OCT23.

- Cosmetics Brand Lush Displays ‘Boycott Israel’ Sign in Window of Irish Location - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Faculty, students and alum at University of Washington rally in support of Hamas terror group - by Ari Hoffman and Jonathan Choe / PM 12OCT23.

- What the Heck Is With Higher Education? - Myriad Student Groups Express Support for Hamas Terror Attacks - by Bob Hoge / Red State 12OCT23.

- Hamas and Amoral Clarity - Support for Hamas killers by the college DEI crowd reveals the real moral and intellectual rot in higher ed - by Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness 12OCT23.

- The Shame of Academe - by Matthew Continetti / Washington Free Beacon 12OCT23.

- Pro-Palestinian Harvard Students' First Lesson in Job Hunting - CEOs Not Interested in Hamas Supporters - by Becky Noble / Red State 12OCT23.

- Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer quits Harvard board, blasts university’s president over Hamas student letter - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Jo Malone’s son is an organizer for Harvard Palestine group behind anti-Israel letter - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Even Now, Democrats Are Having a Hard Time Breaking Up With Their Terrorist Pals - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- AOC Argues US Should Stop Israel's 'Ethnic Cleansing' to Protect Human Rights - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 12OCT23.

- Terrorists Supporting Terrorists - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 12OCT23.

- Leftists Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here - by Kurt Schlichter / Townhall 12OCT23.

- Hamas horror quickly reveals the bigots in our midst - by Douglas Murray / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Left-Wing Host Amanpour Blames Hamas for Israel War - CNN Aired It, PBS Edited It Out - by Mike Miller / Red State 12OCT23.

- Far Left MSNBC Loses 33 Percent of Their Primetime Audience During Coverage of Middle East Conflict - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- A Rabidly Pro-Hamas Porn Star Got Fired, and I Don't Care at All - by Bonchie / Red State 12OCT23.

- 'Stranger Things' Star Shreds Followers on Instagram for Supporting Hamas - by Michael Cantrell / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Privileged Son of Perfume Tycoon Leads Harvard Pro-Palestinian Group Behind Disgusting Letter Blaming Israel for Hamas Terror Attack - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- ‘Doxxing truck’ drives around Harvard showing names, photos of students who blamed Israel for Hamas attacks - by Shannon Thaler / NY Post 12OCT23.

- After Backlash Against 31 Student Groups Supporting Hamas Killers and Threats of Wall Street Boycott, Harvard University President Releases Statement Condemning Hamas - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Catholics in New York City Draw Thousands for Eucharistic Procession in ‘Mass for Israel’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- White House: ‘Squad’ Democrats comments on Israel ‘wrong,’ ‘repugnant’ and ‘disgraceful’ - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Netanyahu Vows "Every Hamas Operative Will Die" As Israeli Citizenry Mobilizes For War - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12OCT23.

- Israel Will Maintain Total Blockade of Gaza Until All Hostages Are Released - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Israel Bans Gaza’s self-rule following Hamas attack - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12OCT23.

- Israel Warns UN to Evacuate the Northern Gaza Strip Within 24 Hours - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Israel Warns 1 Million Residents of Northern Gaza to Leave Until War’s End - by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 12OCT23.

- Hamas Told Gaza Civilians to Ignore IDF Warnings to Evacuate - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Up to 600 Americans Estimated in Gaza with Ground Offensive Near - by Kristina Wong / Breitbart 12OCT23.

- Israel refuses to restore power to Gaza until all hostages are freed, says every Hamas terrorist is ‘a dead man’ - by Melissa Koenig / NY Post 12OCT23.

- 'No Mercy to Terror,' Israeli President Isaac Herzog Defends Gaza Airstrikes in Fiery Press Conference - by Susie Moore / Red State 12OCT23.

- 'Are You Seriously Asking Me About Palestinian Civilians?' - Ex-Israeli PM Naftali Bennett Erupts With Anger During Live Interview - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 12OCT23.

- ‘Every Hamas Operative Will Die’ - ‘Old Testament’ Justice in Israel - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 12OCT23.

- Florida Sen. Marco Rubio appears to call for Open Genocide against all Palestinian women, men and children - “they have to be eradicated” - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12OCT23.

- "I Come Before You As A Jew" - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Visits Israel, Cites Holocaust in Push for War - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 12OCT23.

- Neocon Lunatic Lindsey Graham Calls for United States and Israel to Bomb Iran Over Its Alleged Role in Gaza Conflict - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 12OCT23.

- What Happens if Hezbollah Ramps up Its Assault Against Israel During War With Hamas? - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12OCT23.

- People Have A Serious Case Of 9/11 Brain Right Now, And It’s Scary - by Caitlin Johnstone 12OCT23.

- Israel Bombs Damascus Airport - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 12OCT23.

- Syria Claims Aleppo, Damascus Airports Hit With Missiles by Israel - by Ward Clark / Red State 12OCT23.

- Israel Bombs Damascus & Aleppo Airports Before Iran's Foreign Minister Due To Arrive - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12OCT23.

- IDF's Flotilla 13 Elite Unit Rescues 250 Israeli Hostages, 'Neutralizes' 60 Hamas Terrorists - by Ward Clark / Red State 12OCT23.

- Egypt warned Israel ‘days’ before Hamas attack [per] Rep. Michael McCaul - by Olivia Land / NY Post 12OCT23.

- Egypt gave warning about Hamas attack, McCaul says - by Conrad Hoyt / Washington Examiner 12OCT23.

- Hamas planned Israel attack for 2 years but was shocked by success - by Snejana Farberov / NY Post 12OCT23.

- False hope and fracture kept Israel from seeing Hamas’ evil plan - by Jonathan Schanzer / NY Post 12OCT23.

- If Israel, Hezbollah and the U.S. All Do What They Say They Will Do, Prepare for the Hot Phase of World War III - by Michael Snyder / America First 12OCT23.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Storm Risk, Pre-Volcano Signals, Migration Impact 12OCT23.

Salty Cracker: Senator Fetterman Commits Brutal Self-Own Colbert Show 12OCT23.

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Paul Joseph Watson: He admitted it 12OCT23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Trans Hate Crimes Are Increasing 12OCT23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Nicholas Rossi Will Be Extradited To US 12OCT23.

Mark Dice: John Fetterman Accidentally Makes the Funniest Joke Ever 12OCT23.

Jimmy Dore: Ukraine Official ADMITS They’re Losing The War 12OCT23.

Jimmy Dore: Ukrainian Church In Philadelphia Erected Nazi Monument 12OCT23.

Jimmy Dore: YES – They Actually Created & Funded Their Enemy 12OCT23.

Jimmy Dore: The THREE BIGGEST LIES They’re Spreading Right Now 12OCT23.

Jimmy Dore: Here’s The ONLY WAY This Conflict Ends! – Scott Ritter 12OCT23.

Tim Pool: Woke Harvard Students Support For Hamas BACKFIRES, MORE CEOS Vow To NEVER Hire Woke Students 12OCT23.

Tim Pool: MSNBC Ratings COLLAPSE After Woke Defend Hamas, GET WOKE GO BROKE, Leftist LOSE Ratings DURING WAR 12OCT23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Joe Biden CONFIRMS Hamas Beheaded Babies, But Was Later DENIED 12OCT23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: BLM CELEBRATES Hamas Terrorists, Democrats ABANDON Black Lives Matter 12OCT23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Hamas Calls For GLOBAL JIHAD On Friday, They Want To DESTROY Israel 12OCT23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Cenk Uygur Announces RUN FOR PRESIDENT, Challenges Joe Biden For 2024 Nominee 12OCT23.

Luke / We Are Change: We've Been Warned: THIS COUNTRY Is Next!! 12OCT23.

In Depth

Tim Pool: Biden CAUGHT LYING About Seeing Hamas Beheading Children In Israel, White House LOST All Credibility 12OCT23.

Tim Pool: GOP Senator Calls For BOMBING IRAN, WORLD WAR 3 Is Looming As US Strike Group Arrives Near Israel 12OCT23.

Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder: Israel Lights Up Gaza! Will Trump Save the Middle East? 12OCT23.

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Scott Adams: Coffee With Scott 12OCT23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #761 12OCT23.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Police Prepare For Global Day of Jihad Tomorrow Friday The 13th w/Blaire White 12OCT23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3095 12OCT23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3096 12OCT23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3097 12OCT23.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 393 12OCT23.

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Dave / X22 Report: [DS] Shadow Deals Coming To Light, It Will Be An Epic Political Earthquake In Nov 12OCT23.


Freedom Toons: I had AI write my cartoons for me 12OCT23.

Sleazy P. Martini: Clear footage of a Colorado sasquatch 12OCT23.

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Sleazy P. Martini: It's official. The Bidens are into gay porn. Like, really into gay porn 12OCT23.

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15 seconds

Mobile Instinct: 800 Year Old Marvel - Inside Uvdal Stave Church 12OCT23.

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