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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Tuesday 12NOV24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.53 |

Nature paper shows the Covid "vaccines" increased your risk
of getting Covid - by Steve Kirsch / Substack 12NOV24.
Covid injections didn’t reduce deaths in care homes but
there’s evidence they slightly increased covid deaths -
by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 12NOV24.
British doctor asks on LinkedIn what autopsies of vaccinated
people might reveal; His post is flagged as “hateful speech”
- by Rhoda Wilson and Philip McMillan / Exposé 12NOV24.
Belief in Vaccines is a cult-like religion based on pure
Faith and not science - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget
Dr. Fauci Receives $15 Million in Taxpayer-Funded
Post-Retirement Security - by Ward Clark / Red State
As Private Citizen, Anthony Fauci Received a $15 Million
Taxpayer-Funded Security Detail - by Margaret Flavin /
Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Tips for any patient taking a prescription drug - by
Rhoda Wilson and Vernon Coleman / Exposé 12NOV24.
Get to the root cause - How to recognize and treat common
nutrient deficiencies - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget
Costco Recalls 80,000 Pounds of Butter Since Label Didn’t
Say ‘Contains Milk’ - by Leslie Eastman / Legal
Insurrection via WUWT 12NOV24.
Uniparty Establishment War on MAHA [Make America Healthy
Again] Heats Up - by Brian Robertson / American
Greatness 12NOV24.
RFK Jr. Promises Bureaucratic Bloodbath in National
Institutes of Health; Suggests 600 Will Be Fired Day 1 of
Trump Admin - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics via
Substack 12NOV24.
Pharmaceutical CEOs panicking over Trump victory as RFK Jr.
prepares to overhaul corrupt FDA - by Cassie B. /
Newstarget 12NOV24.
Why Assisted Dying Would Be a Disaster for Britain - by
Elizabeth Evans / Daily Sceptic 12NOV24.
Fired FEMA Worker Reveals Discrimination Against Trump
Supporters Was Even Worse Than First Reported - by Bryan
Chai / Western Journal 12NOV24.
FEMA worker accused of telling staff to skip
hurricane-ravaged Trump homes claims it was common practice,
‘This is not isolated’ - by Emily Crane and Ryan King /
NY Post 12NOV24.
Fired FEMA Worker Accuses Agency of Lying - Bypassing Trump
Homes 'Not an Isolated Incident' - by Rick Moran / PJ
Media 12NOV24.
FEMA Worker Fired For Ordering Workers to Skip Trump Houses
Impacted by Hurricanes in Florida Says It’s Not “Isolated” -
FEMA Workers Were Instructed to Do It in the Carolinas Too
- by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
FEMA not helping Trump voters wasn’t isolated and it’s a
massive scandal - by Isaac Schorr / NY Post 12NOV24.
FEMA Supervisor Who Allegedly Directed Staff to Avoid Homes
With Trump Signs Claims it Was a Widespread Practice Due to
‘Political Hostility’ - by Debra Heine / American
Greatness 12NOV24.
COP29 Preview - Hot Talk vs. Reality - by Kennedy Maize
/ Master Resource via WUWT 12NOV24.
‘Animal Protein Overconsumption’ - UN Climate Confab
Attendees Urge Countries to Implement Tax on Meat - by
Owen Klinsky / Daily Caller via WUWT 12NOV24.
Labour Should “Do to Farmers What Thatcher Did to Miners”,
Tony Blair Aide Says - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic
Experts Slam the World Health Organisation’s Advice to Set
Central Heating at a Chilly 18°C [/ 64°F] - by Will
Jones / Daily Sceptic 12NOV24.
Climate Litigation - The Dutch Case and a Pattern of
Vexatious Lawsuits - by Charles Rotter / WUWT 12NOV24.
World Bank Missing $41 Billion in Climate Funds - ‘40% of
all disbursed climate funds’ can’t be accounted for - ‘Yet,
climate activists are demanding $5 trillion in Annual
financing’ - by Martin Armstrong / Armstrong Economics
via Climate Depot 12NOV24.
Democrats Weren't the Only Election Losers - Certain Luxury
Beliefs Lost As Well - by Ward Clark / Red State
President Trump - The Final Nail in the Coffin of the Global
Environmental Agenda? - by Tilak Doshi / Daily Sceptic
Court Vaporizes 50 Years of Environmental Law, Leaving
Trump's EPA to Build on the Ashes - by streiff / Red
State 12NOV24.
How Trump can unleash US energy and abundance - by
Taylor Barkley / Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
Plastic-eating worm discovered - could help reduce pollution
‘faster and more efficiently,’ scientists say - by Ben
Cost / NY Post 12NOV24.
Trump Taps Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager [Scott Bessent] to
Lead Treasury Department - by streiff / Red State
Make Money Free Again - by Ron Paul / New American
Bill Ackman Says He is Hearing From Business Leaders Who Are
‘Giddy’ About Trump Election Win - Even People Who Didn’t
Vote for Him - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit
Trump taps Musk, Ramaswamy to lead Department of Government
Efficiency - by Ben Whedon / Just The News 12NOV24.
Trump taps Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to lead Department
of Government Efficiency - by Mabinty Quarshie /
Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy Appointed to Lead the
'Department of Government Efficiency' - by streiff / Red
State 12NOV24.
Trump Announces Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will Head
Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) - by Cristina
Laila / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Linda McMahon for commerce secretary gets high praise -
by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
How Donald Trump Plans to Attack Wokeness - by Rick
Moran / PJ Media 12NOV24.
It’s Already too Late to Stop the [UK] Four-Day Week -
by Charlotte Gill / Daily Sceptic 12NOV24.
Dismantling DEI Should Top Trump’s First 90-Day Agenda -
by Loyd Pettegrew / Townhall 12NOV24.
It’s Easier for Students to Come Out as Gay Than Christian
- by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Justin Welby Resigns as Archbishop of Canterbury - by
Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 12NOV24.
Church of England Leader, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin
Welby Resigns for the Coverup of Child Sex Abuse - by
Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Reportedly in Low-Security Jail Dorm
Alongside Fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried, a Place With Peep
Holes Where One Can Spy on Female Inmates - by Paul
Serran / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Seattle city councilmember helps neighbors save dog from
homeless shelter after video of animal cruelty goes viral
- by Ari Hoffman / PM 12NOV24.
They mislead you about crime - One reason why Trump won
- by Leonard Sipes / Law Enforcement Today 12NOV24.
Donald Trump Considers National Concealed Carry Reciprocity
- by Chris Queen / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Dallas Voters Pass Ballot Props to Re-Fund the Police and
Force City Council to Obey - by Lawrence Meyers /
Townhall 12NOV24.
Illegal migrant accused of murdering Laken Riley waives jury
trial, will be tried by judge - by Emily Crane / NY Post
Dem Rep. Torres: Biden Showed ‘Incompetence’ on Immigration
Because He Catered to ‘Far-Left Elites’ - by Ian
Hanchett / Breitbart 12NOV24.
In Shadow of Immigration Firestorm, Trump Made Gains in
Springfield and Won the Ohio City for the First Time -
by Collin Anderson / Washington Free Beacon 12NOV24.
Two-faced Gov. Kathy Hochul plays New York and Donald Trump
for fools - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 12NOV24.
Fed-up NYPD cops praise Trump’s newly minted ‘border czar’
Tom Homan, ‘He’ll be tough’ - by Larry Celona et al. /
NY Post 12NOV24.
New York City says they will not aid Trump admin in mass
deportations, Tom Homan says he'll 'do the job with or
without you' - “The bottom line is, sanctuary cities are
sanctuaries for criminals” - by David Krayden / PM
Incoming border czar tells illegal immigrants to 'self
deport' ahead of Trump's term - by Hannah Nightingale /
PM 12NOV24.
Trump Border Czar: US Special Operations Will Wipe Out The
Cartels - “Trump’s gonna take ’em off the face of Earth”
- by Steve Watson / Modernity 12NOV24.
What to expect from Trump’s promised mass deportation -
by Anna Giaritelli / Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
‘We must do whatever it takes!’ - Netherlands reinstates
temporary border controls to curb illegal immigration -
by Thomas Brooek / Remix 12NOV24.
Only 56% of [British] Births Last Year Were White British
- by Noah Carl / Daily Sceptic 12NOV24.
Germany sets Feb. 23 for early Bundestag election,
Chancellor Scholz to seek confidence vote in December -
by Thomas Brooke / Remix 12NOV24.
Misinformation, The Fictional Foe of Free Thought - by
Charles Rotter / WUWT 12NOV24.
Internet age verification is a smokescreen to coerce us into
using digital IDs - by Rhoda Wilson and Edward Hasbrouck
/ Exposé 12NOV24.
Verizon Fios internet outages impact millions on East Coast
- by Richard Pollina / NY Post 12NOV24.
FBI warning that hackers are sending fraudulent police data
requests to big tech companies - by Jenna Curren / Law
Enforcement Today 12NOV24.
Analyst Testimony Suggests FBI Used Tool to Track and ‘Spy’
on Americans Engaged in Election-Related Talk - by Rusty
Weiss / Red State 12NOV24.
DC Swamp Lawyer Advises Impeachment ‘Whistleblower’ Eric
Ciaramella to Flee Country After Trump Landslide - by
Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
100% of the States Kamala Harris Won in 2024 Allows Voters
to Register Without a Photo ID - by Jason Sullivan /
Unleashed via Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Kari Lake loses Arizona Senate race to Ruben Gallego -
by David Krayden / PM 12NOV24.
Ruben Gallego defeats Kari Lake for Arizona Senate seat
vacated by Sinema - by Samantha-Jo Roth / Washington
Examiner 12NOV24.
AZ State Rep. Alex Kolodin Discusses Kari Lake’s Suspicious
Election and ACLU’s Failed Lawsuit to Delay Counting, Says
He’s Willing to Serve as US Attorney for District of Arizona
to Clean Up Elections and Fight The Cartels - by Jordan
Conradson / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Kari Lake’s Husband Files Motion to Dismiss RINO Maricopa
County Recorder Stephen Richer’s Defamation Lawsuit After He
Destroyed Evidence, Refused to Comply With Discovery -
by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Election Denier Bob Casey Still Won't Concede [Pennsylvania] Senate Race
- by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Democratic dirty trickster Marc Elias is trying to steal
[Pennsylvania] Senate seat - by Jonathan Turley / NY
Post 12NOV24.
Bucks County, PA is Breaking the Law by Counting Undated and
Incorrectly Dated Ballots in Race Dave McCormick Has Already
Won - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Rasmussen [says] GOP Seats Lost to Vote Fraud; Trump Must
Have Anti-fraud “Jihad” - by Selwyn Duke / New American
The forum that will decide who will be the next Senate
majority leader - by Conn Carroll / Washington Examiner
Republican Senators Hold Leader Candidate Forum Hours Before
Consequential Vote - by Bradley Jaye / Breitbart
Marsha Blackburn Backs Rick Scott for Senate GOP Leader
- by Matthew Boyle / Breitbart 12NOV24.
Judge pauses Trump hush money case as Bragg weighs next
steps - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
Judge delays ruling on whether to scrap Trump’s conviction
in hush money case - by Ben Kochman / NY Post 12NOV24.
Judge Merchan Weighs in on Presidential Immunity in Trump
Business Records Case - by Susie Moore / Red State
NYC Judge Juan Merchan delays decision on Trump sentencing
Again - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 12NOV24.
Crooked NY Judge Merchan - Whose Daughter Made Millions Off
Her Daddy’s Assault on Trump - Delays Decision on Junk Trump
Lawfare Case - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Kash Patel predicts Trump’s judge won’t stop ‘the
weaponization of justice’ - by Jenny Goldsberry /
Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
SCOTUS Rejects Mark Meadows' Bid to Remove GA Election Case
to Federal Court - by Susie Moore / Red State 12NOV24.
Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Biden-Harris DOJ to Block
Destruction of Jack Smith’s Records Exposing Lawfare Against
President Trump - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Trump Names Top GOP Election Attorney Bill McGinley as White
House Counsel - by William Upton / National Pulse
Democrats Self-Examine, but Not the Media - by Cal
Thomas / Townhall 12NOV24.
Elon Musk Calls for Defunding of National Public Radio After
Orwellian Clip of CEO Resurfaces Online - by Mike
LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
MSNBC shows hemorrhage viewers following Trump victory -
by David Krayden / PM 12NOV24.
MSNBC Gets Bad News on Ratings and Comcast Move - by
Nick Arama / Red State 12NOV24.
MSNBC Viewership Craters After Trump Victory - Morning Joe
Down 40%, Joy Reid Down 55% - Comcast Looking to Spin Off
Channel for Potential Sale - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 12NOV24.
MSNBC and CNN Suffer Staggering Ratings Plunge Following
Trump Victory - by Joe Saunders / Western Journal
First MSNBC, Now CNN Ratings Take a Big Hit, People on
Chopping Block - by Nick Arama / Red State 12NOV24.
It’s Not Just MSNBC - CNN’s Ratings Also Tank After Trump’s
Victory - Leftist Media in Total Freefall - by Ben Kew /
Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
James O'Keefe's suit against CNN can go forward after
appeals court rules against network - by Hannah
Nightingale / PM 12NOV24.
CNN to Lay Off Top ‘Talent’ Amid Massive Ratings Plunge
- by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse 12NOV24.
Less Than a Week After Trump’s Win, Chris Wallace Announces
He’s Out at CNN - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 12NOV24.
Chris Wallace Departing CNN After 3 Years To 'Explore
Podcasting' - by Aldgra Fredly / Epoch Times via
Zerohedge 12NOV24.
[Chris Wallace] Walks Away From the Sinking Ship That Is the
Mainstream Media - by Sarah Anderson / PJ Media 12NOV24.
CNN Host Reportedly Leaving Network After Short-Lived Stay -
His Career Change Is Completely Absurd - [leaving the
network to go into streaming and/or podcasting which is, he
says, “where the action seems to be”] - by C. Douglas
Golden / Western Journal 12NOV24.
Report Shows New Front-Runner for Trump's Press Secretary
Spot [is Alina Habba,] The Media Should Be Terrified -
by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 12NOV24.
Los Angeles Times Owner Fires Far-Left Editorial Board -
Wants ‘Factual and Balanced Coverage’ of Trump Presidency
- by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Trump to nominate Noem as Homeland Security secretary -
by Joseph Weber / Just The News 12NOV24.
Trump selects Kristi Noem to head Department of Homeland
Security - by Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
Trump Nominates Kristi Noem for Secretary of Department of
Homeland Security - by Paul Bois / Breitbart 12NOV24.
Trump taps Kristi Noem as Homeland Security secretary -
by Allie Griffin / NY Post 12NOV24.
Trump Taps South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem as New Homeland
Security Secretary - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
South Dakota's Kristi Noem tapped to head Trump's DHS -
by Post Millennial / PM 12NOV24.
Trump Makes a Surprising Choice for His Homeland Security
Secretary - [South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem] - by Matt
Margolis / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Donald Trump is Rumored to Nominate Florida Senator Marco
Rubio As Secretary of State - by Jose Nino / Big League
Politics via Substack 12NOV24.
Marco Rubio Would Be a Brilliant Secretary of State Choice
for Trump - by Michael Barclay / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Shapeshifting RINO Marco Rubio Must Be Rejected for
Secretary of State - by Shane Trejo / Big League
Politics via Substack 12NOV24.
Marco Rubio leak sparks pressure campaign for Trump to
reconsider - by Mabinty Quarshie / Washington Examiner
Former DOD Official Kash Patel is Reportedly The Top
Contender for CIA Director - by Jordan Conradson /
Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Trump Picks John Ratcliffe To Lead CIA - by Dave DeCamp
/ Antiwar 12NOV24.
President-Elect Trump Taps Former DNI John Ratcliffe As CIA
Director - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State
Trump taps former Director of National Intelligence John
Ratcliffe to lead CIA - by Hannah Nightingale / PM
Trump’s national security picks are winning praise from
Democrats - by Ross O'Keefe / Washington Examiner
Donald Trump Hires Ukraine War Supporter [Rep. Mike Waltz],
Former Dick Cheney Underling as National Security Advisor -
This is bad - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics via
Substack 12NOV24.
House Republicans declare victory in 2024 election, ‘It’s
morning again in America’ - by Josh Christenson / NY
Post 12NOV24.
Republicans Will Have a House Majority But With Vacancies
Looming, How Big Will It Be? - by Collin Anderson /
Washington Free Beacon 12NOV24.
GOP Holds the House, So Trump's Two-Year Disruptor Clock Is
Ticking - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Heritage leader regrets ‘tactical error’ after Project 2025
backlash - by Emily Hallas / Washington Examiner
Chevron decision set stage for Trump 2025 agenda - by
Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
Introducing RINO Watch - Launched Ahead of Senate Majority
Leader Vote - Now You Can Track the RINOs Who Vote Against
Trump Agenda - We're Watching and We Will Vote Them Out
- by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Which Biden executive orders will be the first to go under
Trump - by Haisten Willis / Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
Trump's New Chief of Staff Susie Wiles Discloses His Day One
Plans - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 12NOV24.
Melania Trump to Give Jill Biden the Cold Shoulder This Week
- by Jack Davis / Western Journal 12NOV24.
Melania Declines White House Meeting With Jill Biden for a
Startling Reason - [Cuz "Jill Biden’s husband authorized the
FBI snooping through her underwear drawer"] - by Robert
Spencer / PJ Media 12NOV24.
At Veterans Day Event, Jill Biden and Kamala Harris Looked
Like They Wanted to Kill Each Other - by Matt Vespa /
Townhall 12NOV24.
Biden Admin Official Trashes Trump While Representing the
United States at UN Event - by Bryan Chai / Western
Journal via Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
How Trump shifted the electoral map and expanded his
coalition - by Elizabeth Stauffer / Washington Examiner
Trump Expanded His Base Because He Kept it Real - by
Christopher Roach / American Greatness 12NOV24.
How Trump won Pennsylvania’s Amish vote with the help of
missionaries and Elon Musk - by Caitlin Doornbos / NY
Post 12NOV24.
Democrats would have been better off with a red wave two
years ago - by W. James Antle III / Washington Examiner
The Democrats' 2020 Victory Was a Blessing in Disguise -
by Dennis Prager / Townhall 12NOV24.
Where Are Biden's 81 Million Votes? - Jordan Crushes CNN
'Gotcha' Question - by Luis Cornelio / Headline USA via
Zerohedge 12NOV24.
Mark Cuban's Social Media Disappearing Act - by Sarah
Anderson / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Democrats get whiplash trying to point fingers at who is to
blame for electoral bloodbath - by Pat Droney / Law
Enforcement Today 12NOV24.
Furious Democrats turn on Kamala, accuse her of picking
“wrong” running mate resulting in election loss - by
Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12NOV24.
Scott Jennings and Van Jones Hilariously and Brilliantly
Summarize How Lost the Dems Are Now - by Nick Arama /
Red State 12NOV24.
Harry Enten Says 'No Light at the End of the Tunnel' for
Democrats, No Real Heir Apparent - by Bob Hoge / Red
State 12NOV24.
Karine Jean-Pierre Triggered After Peter Doocy Asks About
Kamala Harris’s Awkward Lunch with Joe Biden - by
Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Democrats just can’t quit identity politics - by
Washington Examiner 12NOV24.
The Psychological Reason Why Democrats Keep Calling Trump
Hitler - by Scott Pinsker / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Megyn Kelly Says There’s No Way MSNBC Can Keep ‘Racist’ Joy
Reid on the Air - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit
Megyn Kelly predicts MSNBC will fire ‘racist’ Joy Reid for
saying Trump will deport ‘brown people’ - ‘She wants a race
riot’ - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 12NOV24.
Mentally Unstable Women Start ‘Poison Your Husband If He
Voted Trump’ Trend - “Make Aqua Tofana Great Again” - by
Steve Watson / Modernity 12NOV24.
MATGA [Make Aqua Tofana Great Again] and the Degeneration of
the American Mind - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Leftist Women Rage at Men Over Electing Trump, But the Blame
Largely Rests On Them for That - by Brandon Morse / Red
State 12NOV24.
Illinois Restaurant Attacked by the Left over Trump Sign -
Business Increases by 50% Since Hanging Sign - by Paul
Drabik / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Strategist Carville Blasts Democrats For Their “Goddamn
Arrogance And Stupidity” - “We told you this identity shit
was disaster” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12NOV24.
Carville: Dems ‘Fascination with Identity Politics’ Was a
‘Giant Mistake’ - by Pam Key / Breitbart 12NOV24.
Cultural Curators Face Reckoning for Mocking Middle America
- by Salena Zito / Townhall 12NOV24.
Has America Turned a Corner? - by Douglas Carswell /
Townhall 12NOV24.
Nancy vs. Bernie - The Ultimate Democrat Showdown and What
It Means for the GOP - by Sarah Anderson / PJ Media
Joe Biden’s Neighbors Never Had Any Love for Him or Kamala
- by Derek Hunter / Townhall 12NOV24.
MSDNC on Hot Seat After Revelations on Harris Campaign
Donations to Sharpton Organization - by Sister Toldjah /
Red State 12NOV24.
A Week After Her Landslide Defeat, Kamala’s Indebted
Campaign is Still Begging Supporters For Donations - by
Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Kamala's Campaign Is Still Aggressively Shaking Down
Supporters For Cash - by Robert Schmad / Western Journal
What Kamala Harris Spent on Those Celebrities Will Blow Your
Mind, and It Gets Even More Hilarious - by Bonchie / Red
State 12NOV24.
Oprah Refuses to Address Trump’s Massive Election Win -
Shuts Down Rumors that She Was Paid $1 Million by the Harris
Campaign - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Oprah Pressed Over Claims That Kamala Harris' Campaign Paid
Her $1M for Political Endorsement - by C. Douglas Golden
/ Western Journal 12NOV24.
Oprah Confronted Over $1 Million Kamala Endorsement - Denies
being paid off - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12NOV24.
"I Was Paid Nothing," Oprah Denies Million Dollar Payment By
Harris Campaign - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12NOV24.
Oprah insists she did not take a $1 million ‘personal fee’
from Kamala Harris campaign, ‘I was not paid a dime’ -
by Patrick Reilly / NY Post 12NOV24.
Oprah: 'I Was Paid Nothing, Ever' by Harris Campaign - So
What Was That Million Dollars? - by Stephen Green / PJ
Media 12NOV24.
Oprah, Kamala, and the Death of Celebrity Endorsements -
by Leesa K. Donner / Liberty Nation 12NOV24.
Unfunny Talk Show ‘Comedians’ Days Are Numbered - “Jimmy
Kimmel out here crying, it’s pathetic” - by Steve Watson
/ Modernity 12NOV24.
California [High School] teacher suspended after telling
students they will 'end up in a concentration camp' after
Trump win - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 12NOV24.
TDS Teacher Threatens Trump Voters, Women Shave Their Heads
Because Trump Won Election - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New
American 12NOV24.
Proof The Studies Are Correct About Liberals Being Crazy -
After A Steady Diet Of MSM Fake News About Trump, Women Are
Shaving Their Heads And Plotting Death For Trump Supporting
Men - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 12NOV24.
Woman Kills Own Father With Ax After Being “Overwhelmed” On
Election Night - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12NOV24.
Radical Leftists Gearing Up for Inauguration Day Protests
- by Becky Noble / Red State 12NOV24.
Columbia University Protesters Expose Anti-American Views -
Attempt to ‘Reclaim’ Veterans Day as ‘Martyrs Day’ to Honor
Terrorists - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit
What Trump Can Do for the Military - by Gary Anderson /
Real Clear Wire via Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Trump Preparing Executive Order to Cull the Military of Woke
Generals and Admirals - by streiff / Red State 12NOV24.
"America's Enemies Are On Notice" - Trump Taps Bronze Star
Recipient, Fox News Host Pete Hegseth For SecDef - by
Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12NOV24.
Trump Nominates Fox News Host Pete Hegseth for Secretary of
Defense, ‘Nobody Fights Harder for the Troops’ - by Paul
Bois / Breitbart 12NOV24.
How Pete Hegseth’s book on ‘woke’ Pentagon helped him land
secretary of defense nomination - by Anna Young / NY
Post 12NOV24.
Trump Picks Fox Host, Army Vet Pete Hegseth for Secretary of
Defense - by Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon
Pete Hegseth Nominated to be Secretary of Defense - by
streiff / Red State 12NOV24.
Sit Down, Pocahontas - Elizabeth Warren Gets Dragged on
Twitter/X for Criticizing Trump Choice of Pete Hegseth for
Defense Sec - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.
Moderate Dems breathe early sigh of relief over several
Trump picks including Elise Stefanik - by Ryan King / NY
Post 12NOV24.
Trump Names [Steven C. Witkoff] Special Envoy to Middle East
- by Ward Clark / Red State 12NOV24.
Trump Picks Jewish Real Estate Investor Steve Witkoff for
Middle East Envoy - by Chris Menahan / Information
Liberation 12NOV24.
'More Winning!' Ben Shapiro Celebrates Trump Assembling an
Israel First Cabinet - by Chris Menahan / Information
Liberation 12NOV24.
Trump Picks Mike Huckabee, Supporter of Israeli Annexation,
as Ambassador to Israel - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar
Israeli Minister Says Trump Victory Presents Israel
'Opportunity' To Annex West Bank - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 12NOV24.
Biden Gives Insane Response to Reporter's Question About
Hostages During Photo Op With Israeli President - [Can he
get a hostage deal done by the end of his term? - “do you
think that you can get hit in the head by the camera behind
you?”] - by Nick Arama / Red State 12NOV24.
Amsterdam ‘Pogroms’ Continue, Rioters Chant ‘Cancer Jews’
- by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 12NOV24.
Yemen’s Houthis Attack Two US Navy Destroyers in the Red Sea
- by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 12NOV24.
Trump's National Security Team Is Pro-India, Pro-Israel, and
Very Anti-China - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12NOV24.
UK’s Starmer To Urge Biden To Release $20 Billion for
Ukraine, Back Long-Range Strikes in Russia - by Dave
DeCamp / Antiwar 12NOV24.
European lackeys in panic mode as Trump signals detente with
Russia - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture
Here Comes the Russian Counter-Counteroffensive? - by
Stephen Green / PJ Media 12NOV24.
US airman Jack Teixeira sentenced to 15 years in prison
after leaking classified Pentagon documents on Ukraine to
Discord - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 12NOV24.
Taiwan Mulls Massive $15BN Arms Package To Signal Trump It's
'Serious' About Defense - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge
Australian Ambassador to the US, Deranged Liberal Kevin Rudd
Pressured To Resign Over Insulting Anti-Trump Comments -
by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 12NOV24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Solar Eruptions, High Watch, Typhoons, Uranus Mystery 12NOV24.
Trumps Hirings so Far: Miller, Homan, Zeldin, Noem, Rubio 12NOV24.
Salty Schumer Pretends McCormick Hasn't Won in Pennsylvania 12NOV24.
How We Spanked the Brats; the Confusing Confusion of the Liberal Movement 12NOV24.
Salty Cracker:
Kamala Paid Millionaire Hollywood Weirdos to Endorse Her & Still Lost 12NOV24.
PJ Dubs / Modernity:
They Got a Big Surprise 12NOV24.
Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo:
The Equatorial Guinea Sex Tape Scandal 12NOV24.
Blue Balls For Trump Liberal Women Withhold S*x From Liberal Men Because Orange Man Bad 12NOV24.
Mark Dice:
They're Getting Worse 12NOV24.
Mark Dice:
MAGA Girls Rise Up 12NOV24.
Hodge Twins:
CNN Debate Panel EXPLODES when Black Republican Says LGBTQ is why DEMOCRATS LOST the ELECTION 12NOV24.
John Stossel:
Free-Range Parenting: A Mom’s Guide to Raising Independent Kids 12NOV24.
Tim Pool:
Tim Pool:
MSNBC & CNN Are DEAD, Ratings Collapse, David Pakman Says TRUMPERS Are Coming To DESTROY HIM 12NOV24.
Tim Pool:
Kamala Fundraises FOR RECOUNT, Democrats REFUSE To Accept LOSS, Trump & GOP NUKED Democrat Party 12NOV24.
Tim Pool:
Woman ENDS DAD's Life After Being OVERWHELMED By Election In Seattle, Media STEALTH EDITS Story 12NOV24.
Tim Pool:
Democratic Party IMPLODE Over Wokeness, MSNBC Says GET WOKE GO BROKE, AOC Says Dems Should STAY WOKE 12NOV24.
Tim Pool:
Kill Tony REFUSES To Apologize Over Puerto Rico Joke, Woke Media ANGRY Trump WON Record Latino Vote 12NOV24.
Luke / We Are Change:
Globalist SWAMP MONSTER Threat Looms As Trump Assembles Cabinet 12NOV24.
In Depth

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Elon Musk & Vivek Appointed By Trump To Department Of Efficiency DOGE w/Myron Gaines 12NOV24.
Steven Crowder:
Breaking Down Trump’s New Cabinet Superteam 12NOV24.
Scott Adams:
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4049
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4050
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4051

Freedom Toons:
republican (dance) party 12NOV24.
Awaken With JP:
When Patriots Get TOO Excited About Trump’s Win 12NOV24.
The Running ManZ:
First LIvonia and then back to Autumn Chernarus 12NOV24.
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Legolambs Rambo (YT)
Legolambs Risa Skywalka (YT)
Legolambs Running Man Hunger Games (YT)
Legolambs Willow (YT)
Note Numbers (I)
My Little Armalite
Nikolas Schreck (YT)
Pallets Full Of Ballots
Peter Hollens (YT)
RazörFist Alice
Cooper (YT)
Black Sabbath (YT)
RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
Judas Priest (YT)
Michael Jackson (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
Saxon (RMBL)
Real Samson - Pelosi Rap (YT)
Nation (I)
Bros (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Cement (Rumble)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement
Spare Daughter
Spotify (I)
Christopher (YT)
Tunelist (I)
Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT) |