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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Sunday 12MAY24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Mountain Song

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Uncle Fucka

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - It's Easy, M'Kay

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Blame Canada

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Kyle's Mom's A Bitch

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - What Would Brian Boitano Do?

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - La Resistance

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - I'm Super

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Mountain Town Reprise

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Kyle's Mon's a Big Fat Bitch (ft. Joe C and Kid Rock)

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - What Would Brian Boitano Do Pt II (ft. DVDA)

Stuck in my head: Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman - Bigger, Longer & Uncut - I Swear It (I Can change) (ft. Violent Femmes)


- Big Pharma have paid UK healthcare organisations £404 million during 2020-2022 - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 12MAY24.

- 70 Dairy Farm Workers in Colorado Monitored for Symptoms After Exposure to Bird Flu Virus - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- WHO aims to monitor and control the global food supply - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 12MAY24.

- Bill Gates funds $26.5 million livestock vaccine to stop cows from farting - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 12MAY24.

- Pope Francis: World Nearing ‘Breaking Point’ from Climate Change - by Thomas D. Williams / Breitbart 12MAY24.

- Climate Professor Thinks We Should 'Cull' the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12MAY24.

- The Rise of the ‘Stunt Protest’ - by James Alexander / Daily Sceptic 12MAY24.

- Storm Ravages World's Largest Floating Solar Plant, Takes It Offline Days After Launch - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 12MAY24.

- Sales of New Petrol Motorcycles Set to Be Banned From 2040 - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 12MAY24.

- Saboteurs Opposed to “Automobile Capitalism” Fail to Storm German Tesla Factory Before Claiming Credit for Stopping Production on a Scheduled Holiday - by Eugyppius / Daily Sceptic 12MAY24.

- More than half of US residents now affected by 100% clean energy legislation - by Breanne Deppisch / Washington Examiner 12MAY24.

- Biden Proves How Economically Illiterate He Is With Latest Vote Buying Remarks Over Housing - by Nick Arama / Red State 12MAY24.

- The Plan to Cripple the U.S. Economy and Trigger ‘Societal Decay’ - by Jonathan Lesser / Real Clear Wire via America First 12MAY24.

- Gen Z Struggling with Low Income, Higher Debt-to-Income Ratio Compared to Millennials - by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 12MAY24.

- US Restaurants, Bars Are Falling on Hard Times Because of Bidenomics - by Ward Clark / Red State 12MAY24.

- Leftists Triggered By Trump Policy To Potentially Execute Child Sex Traffickers Claim there will be “an execution spree” if Trump is elected - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12MAY24.

- South Carolina Passes Ban on Transgender Surgeries for Children and “Secret Transitions’ at Schools - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Mother Loses Fight Over Daughter’s Gender Treatment - by Sallust / Daily Sceptic 12MAY24.

- J.K. Rowling Doubles Down Amid Backlash for Criticizing World’s First Openly Transgender Football Manager - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Progressives are Mentally Defective - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 12MAY24.

- If Gen Z Cannot Handle Basic Adulthood To The Point Where They 'Freeze In Horror' When The Phone Rings, And Are Scared to Check Email, They Will Never Survive When SHTF - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 12MKAY24.

- San Francisco Spends Millions on Free Alcohol for Homeless Individuals, Igniting Controversy - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12MAY24.

- Banish the mainstream racists back to the fringes - by Stephanie Lundquist-Arora / Washington Examiner 12MAY24.

- DEA issues stark warning on fentanyl crisis sweeping Chicago and the US - by Eddie Killian / Law Enforcement Today 12MAY24.

- Actor Steve Buscemi Assaulted in Random Attack in Crime-Ridden New York City - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Howard University Cancels Graduation Mid-Ceremony in Chaotic Scene - by Bob Hoge / Red State 12MAY24.

- Howard University cancels graduation mid-ceremony after furious family members pound on doors, smash window - by Isabel Keane / NY Post 12MAY24.

- [Akron, Ohio] SWAT team officers discover they have been using counterfeit body armor from China - by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement Today 12MAY24.

- Dementia Joe Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters,’ Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’ - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- X Limits Posts Referring To ‘Hateful’ German Crime Stats - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12MAY24.

- House Committee Report Exposes Global Social Media Censorship Regime - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 12MAY24.

- Justice Alito warns that freedoms of speech and religion are under attack on college campuses - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 12MAY24.

- Beyond Reason - How Shame and Disgust Shape Law and Society - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 12MAY24.

- Federal Judge Tosses Democratic-Funded Lawsuit to Remove Witness Requirement on Absentee Ballots - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Democrats Team Up With Republicans To Derail MTG’s Attempt To Remove Speaker Mike Johnson - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 12MAY24.

- Politician who voted for rape bill that snagged Trump now says it's unconstitutional after he was accused of rape - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 12MAY24.

- Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- JD Vance slams NYC DA Alvin Bragg for not specifying alleged crimes committed in Trump case, “They can't even identify what it is that Donald Trump did" - by Sara Higdon / PM 12MAY24.

- This may be the week Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump falls apart - by Jonathan Turley / NY Post 12MAY24.

- Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Trial on Monday - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Bill Maher Destroys Alvin Bragg’s Sham Trump Lawsuit Following Release of Porn Star Stormy Daniels’ 2018 Interview - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Bill Maher Trashes Stormy Daniels Testimony over Blatant Contradictions in Past Interview - by Paul Bois / Breitbart 12MAY24.

- CNN's Zakaria Has Brief Moment of Clarity - Defends Trump, Calls Hush Money Trial 'Politically Motivated' - by Mike Miller / Red State 12MAY24.

- CNN’s Fareed Zakaria admits prosecutors would never have filed hush money charges against anyone ‘whose name was not Trump’ - by Ryan King / NY Post 12MAY24.

- Dems pin Trump in NYC courtroom and he just turns it into his own personal campaign stage - by Miranda Devine / NY Post 12MAY24.

- NJ Democrat Whines Trump 'Not Welcome' in Garden State; Trump Responds With Six-Figure Crowd - by Ward Clark / Red State 12MAY24.

- Trump Draws 100,000 to Rally on Jersey Shore - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12MAY24.

- “Bullsh*t! Bullsh*t!” - Massive MAGA New Jersey Crowd Erupts Into “Bullsh*t” Chants After Trump Blasts Democrat Lawfare Trials - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Biden looks to Hollywood for support while Trump goes to the people - by Sara Higdon / PM 12MAY24.

- Joe Biden Mother’s Day Message Sparks Outrage - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 12MAY24.

- Biden Makes Truly Strange, Snippy Comment Coming Out of Church in Delaware for Mother's Day - ["How did you celebrate Mother's Day, Mr. President?" - Biden: "I prayed for you all. You need help. Those of you who are mothers, happy Mother's Day."] - by Nick Arama / Red State 12MAY24.

- CNN Delivers More Worrisome News for Biden About His Fleeing Support - by Nick Arama / Red State 12MAY24.

- Pelosi Gets Schooled at Oxford Debate After Condemning 'Populism' - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12MAY24.

- Pelosi Dismantled In Real Time In Masterclass On Populism - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12MAY24.

- Republicans Need to Explain That President Biden Isn’t Simply Incompetent; He's a Malicious Liar - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 12MAY24.

- Trump-Hating Comedian Michael Rapaport Now Says He’s Unendorsing ‘Cadaver’ Joe Biden in Expletive-Laden Rant - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Connecticut drag queen tells little kids at story hour to repeat 'If you're a drag queen and you know it, free Palestine' - by Noah Webster / Law Enforcement Today 12MAY24.

- Radical Protest Leader Linked to the Anti-Israel Campus Demonstrations Traveled to Communist Cuba for “Resistance Training” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- Pro-Hamas Thugs Raise Palestinian Flag at Daley Plaza in Chicago Higher Than American Flag - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- ‘How dare you!’ - Israel Gets Top Public Vote From 14 Countries in Eurovision Plus ‘Rest of the World’ - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 12MAY24.

- Giant Antisemitic Sculpture Removed from Burning Man Art Installation - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- House committee opens probe of donations by Soros-linked Tides Foundation to U.S. Chamber of Commerce - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 12MAY24.

- Groups Behind Protests Seizing College Campuses Get Bad News as Senators Send Letter to IRS - by Rachel M. Emmanuel / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- GOP Senators Want IRS To Yank Tax-Exempt Status For Organizations Involved In Campus Protests - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12MAY24.

- Trump says he will deport international students who bring 'jihadism' or 'antisemitism' to college campuses - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 12MAY24.

- Gaza activists raise Palestinian flag higher than American flag in Chicago's Daley Plaza - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 12MAY24.

- Corrupt United Nations Agency Accused of Stealing and Selling Humanitarian Aid to Gaza - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12MAY24.

- The Biden hostage betrayal - by Washington Examiner 12MAY24.

- When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters, That Tells You Something - by Caitlin Johnstone 12MAY24.

- Biden's Betrayal of Israel Is Worse Than We Thought - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 12MAY24.

- Coons warns Netanyahu his legacy could be the breakdown of relations between the US and Israel - by Jenny Goldsberry / Washington Examiner 12MAY24.

- Tom Cotton: Biden's Position Is for a 'Hamas Victory' - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 12MAY24.

- Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel - by Bonchie / Red State 12MAY24.

- Biden Admin Is Reportedly Bribing Israel to Not Invade Rafah - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 12MAY24.

- Biden Threatened to Pull US Support for Israel, But Tried to Keep Those Calls Hidden - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 12MAY24.

- Biden's Weakness and Bad Policy Have Now Led to More Trouble With Hamas and Hezbollah - by Nick Arama / Red State 12MAY24.

- "Israel, Do Whatever You Have to Do," Sen. Lindsey Graham Suggests Nuking Gaza - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 12MAY24.

- Warmonger Lindsey Graham Suggests Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Iran and Palestine to Protect Israel - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- UN Says About 300,000 Palestinians Have Fled Rafah as Israeli Forces Push Further Into the City - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 12MAY24.

- Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Now Equipped with Nuclear Bombs - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- "Investment Into European Security" - Poland Unveils New Fortifications On Belarus Border - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12MAY24.

- Ukraine - A War of Attrition and Funding - by Antonio Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 12MAY24.

- US shamefully still has no plan for Ukraine to win - by Jonathan Sweet and Mark Toth / NY Post 12MAY24.

- Ukraine’s parliament passes bill allowing certain Prisoners to join the military - by Richard Brown / Newstarget 12MAY24.

- Ukrainian Suicide Drone Attack At Russia's Volgograd Oil Refinery Sparks Fire - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12MAY24.

- Putin Sacks Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Shakes Up Russia's Security Council - by streiff / Red State 12MAY24.

- Russia’s New Invasion Is Targeting Ukraine’s Second Largest City, And That Could Bring Us To The Brink Of “Nuclear Armageddon” - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 12MAY24.

- Polish spy master claims Russia planning to test NATO response by Invading neighboring countries - by Richard Brown / Newstarget 12MAY24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Good News, VERY Bad News, More Solar Shockwaves Coming 12MAY24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: HAARP 12MAY24.

Styx: A Red New Jersey? Doubtful, but the Wildwood Rally was A Gigantic Win 12MAY24.

Styx: Another Biden Blunder as All US Troops Are Commanded to Leave Niger 12MAY24.

Styx: No Barron Trump at the Republican Convention, Sadly 12MAY24.

Styx: Joe Biden... Captain Clueless 12MAY24.

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15 seconds

Styx: Will Panama Successfully Block the Darien Gap? 12MAY24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Steve Buscemi Punched by Maniac in "Crime Free" NYC Attack 12MAY24.

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15 seconds

Sargon: Human Resources 12MAY24.

Bearing: Meet the Woman Trying Censor the WORLD! Australia's E-Safety Commissioner Mad with Power 12MAY24.

Hodge Twins: NY Governor Says Blacks Kids Don’t Know What A Computer Is 12MAY24.

Jimmy Dore: “The U.S. Economy Is A HOUSE OF CARDS!” – Says El Salvador’s President 12MAY24.

Jimmy Dore: Unions CAVED To Big Pharma During The Pandemic 12MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Social Security Is Going BANKRUPT, Biden IRS Is Targeting Middle Class With Audits 12MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Gen Z REJECTS Biden, Approval Rating PLUMMETS 12 Points In Last 2 Months 12MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Jews REFUSE To Vote Democrat Over Biden BLOCKING Israel Aid 12MAY24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Biblical Prophecies COME TRUE, The Red Heifer & The Snake From The Western Wall 12MAY24.

Luke / We Are Change: 2024 Is The FINAL TIME?! Musk Issues Dire Warning Echoed By Henry Kissinger 12MAY24.

In Depth

Salty Cracker: Trump Takes Over New Jersey ReeEEeE Stream 12MAY24.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Scott Adams: CWSA 12MAY24.


The Running ManZ: Checking out the Deadfall server! 1.24 Chernarus 12MAY24.

All Lairticles

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Dropped May 12th, 2024

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