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Lairdate: Saturday 12FEB22 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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Stuck in my head: Björk - Army Of Me



- Tucker On Canadian Convoy - “Most Successful Human Rights Protest In A Generation” - by Darian Alexander / Big League Politics 12FEB22.

- Joe Rogan blasts Trudeau for 'demonizing' unvaccinated Canadians - by James Anthony / PM 12FEB22.

- MyPillow CEO Donates Thousands of Pillows to Trucker Convoy in Canada - by Lorenz Duchamps / NTD 12FEB22.

- Judge Orders Freedom Convoy Truckers To End US-Canada Border Blockade Or Face Arrest - by Niamh Harris / News Punch 12FEB22.

- Police moving to end Canadian trucker protest after court order - by Eileen AJ Connelly and Rich Calder / NY Post 12FEB22.

- Ontario Declares State-Of-Emergency To End Truck Convoy Occupation - by Darian Alexander / Big League Politics 12FEB22.

- Another Canadian Military Leader Breaks Rank, Government Rattled - by Amy Mek / Rair 12FEB22.

- Defiance from Canadian Truckers Continues As Justin Trudeau Warns 'Everything is on the Table' to End Convoy - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 12FEB22.

- Canadian Police Show Up to Woman’s Home and Harass Her Over Pro-Convoy Facebook Posts – Admit They are “Monitoring” Citizens’ Online Activity - by Julian Conradson / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Police Move in on Freedom Convoy Protesters on the Ambassador Bridge - by Nick Arama / Red State 12FEB22.

- Police Descend On Windsor Ambassador Bridge Protesters, Seem Ready To Arrest them - by Adam Wilson / 100%FedUp 12FEB22.

- Windsor Police Move In – Begin Removing Protesters Blocking Ambassador Bridge to US — Snipers on the Roof – City Buses Arrive for Arrests — Media Warned to Move Back - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Chinese-Canadian Woman Breaks Down Crying in front of Windsor Police as they Move in to Mop Up Freedom Protesters - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- ‘Not Giving Them a Choice is a Crime and Genocide’ – Canadian Army Major Sends an Urgent Message to Canadians and Calls on Military and Police Comrades to Stand Up Against Government Forced Medical Tyranny - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Justin Trudeau Convenes ‘Incident Response Group’ to ‘Illegal Blockades and Occupations’ - by Robert Kraychik / Breitbart 12FEB22.

- Fired-up Bill Maher Backs Truckers, Rips Trudeau's 'Hitler' Tactics - by Mike Miller / Red State 12FEB22.

- Bill Maher Says Trudeau Sounds Like Hitler, and He's Right - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 12FEB22.

- Toronto-Dominion Bank Takes Action Against Freedom Convoy Accounts - by Nick Arama / Red State 12FEB22.

- Justin Trudeau Has Completely Botched The Truckers’ Protest, But At Least He’s Looked Good Doing It - by PF Whalen / Blue State Conservative 12FEB22.

- Standoff Continues in Canada, While Police Attack Huge Freedom Convoy in Paris, Tear-gas Kids - by Nick Arama / Red State 12FEB22.

- Macron Police Hurl Tear Gas at Customers Inside Paris Cafe - Chase Hundreds of Freedom Protesters Down the Street - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Emmanuel Macron Unleashes Tear Gas on Peaceful Protesters, Random Families in Paris - by JD Rucker / NOQ Report 12FEB22.

- Hundreds of Thousands Demonstrate For Freedom from Tyrannical Government Outside Parliament House in Canberra, Australia - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- New Zealand’s Covid Cops Fail to Disperse Freedom Convoy with 80s Music - by Nathaniel Charles / Breitbart 12FEB22.

- Sen. Rand Paul - American Truckers Must Rise Up Against the ‘New World Order’ - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 12FEB22.

- Oligarchy’s Response to the Freedom Convoy Bodes Ill for Them - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 12FEB22.

- Dishonesty is a Bad Business Plan - The Democrats And Their Covid Tyranny - by James Howard Kunstler / Blue State conservative 12FEB22.

- LinkedIn blocked links to natural immunity data - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 12FEB22.

- All Cause Mortality - Why Have Deaths Skyrocketed After the Covid Vaccine? - by Renee Nal / Rair 12FEB22.

- With The COVID Con The Biggest Act Of Psychological Warfare Upon Americans In History, Those Who Launched 'The Attack' Must Be Held Accountable, Not Praised For Ending It - by Hailey Sanibel / All News Pipeline 12FEB22.

- “Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion” Finds That Globalist Psychopaths Used Covid to Commit “Crimes Against Humanity” - by Ethan Huff / NOQ Report 12FEB22.

- Populist Rebellion, Now and Then - by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch / American Greatness 12FEB22.

- Children "Struggle To Recognize Masked Faces" - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 12FEB22.

- Major Wall Street Banks Start Dropping Mask Mandates - by Tom Ozimek / NTD 12FEB22.

- Minneapolis and St. Paul Lift Vaccine-or-Test Mandates for Indoor Effective Immediately - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Greg Gutfeld To Democrats Trying To Take Credit For Ending The Pandemic, ‘Nice Try’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- The Astounding Difference In Media Coverage Over Blue States Ending Mask Mandates Versus Florida - by Hailey Sanibel / Blue State Conservative 12FEB22.

- Adele Smacks Down Critics, Says ‘We Love Being F***ing Females' - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 12FEB22.

- New York City Mayor Vows to Ban ‘Offensive’ Music - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 12FEB22.

- Groups tied to George Soros pump cash into NYC’s John Jay College - by Melissa Klein and Jon Levine / NY Post 12FEB22.

- Just Run All Western News Media Directly Out Of CIA Headquarters - by Caitlin Johnstone 12FEB22.

- Google Analytics in its current form is a privacy law violation, France rules - by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 12FEB22.

- San Francisco school board recall pits liberals vs. far Left - by Sarah Westwood / Washington Examiner 12FEB22.

- Who is leading BLM and where are their millions going? No one can say - by Charles Love / NY Post 12FEB22.

- California’s Homeless Housing Scam - by Edward Ring / American Greatness 12FEB22.

- BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Is Trying to Change the World Using Other People's Money - by Stacey Lennox / PJ Media 12FEB22.

- World Economic Forum 'Insane Pro-CRT Propaganda' Video Draws Sharp Rebuke - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12FEB22.

- Are historic declines in Democrats holding violent criminals accountable connected to rising violence - by Leonard Sipes / Law Enforcement Today 12FEB22.

- CrackPipeGate Just Got a Lot More Interesting and Confusing - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12FEB22.

- Admit It, It’s Fun To Watch Dems Self-Destruct - by Ray Cardello / Blue State Conservative 12FEB22.

- Boost gas production to avoid European-style energy crisis, industry tells Biden - by Jeremy Beaman / Washington Examiner 12FEB22.

- Making the Best of a Bad Situation - Schadenfreude in the Midst of the Biden Zeitgeist - by Betty Louise Tyndale / Blue State Conservative 12FEB22.

- A ‘peek’ inside the White House as bad news piles up for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 12FEB22.

- Republicans Roll out 'Hunter' Act to Ban Taxpayer-Funded Crack Pipes - by Mike Miller / Red State 12FEB22.

- Trained, Plainclothes Operatives Coordinating Break-In Through Capitol Window on January 6 - by Nick Mastrangelo and Laura Elizabeth Jenkins / American Gulag via Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- “It’s Open Season on Trump Supporters in the US Capitol” – Jim Hoft, Founder of the Gateway Pundit Discusses Latest Decision to Exonerate Police for Beating Unconscious Female Trump Supporter with Sticks as She Died - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Antifa Terrorist With Pipe Bomb Who Targeted Jan. 6 Patriot Event Is Released from Jail Without Posting Bond - While J-6er Jeremy Brown Is Still Held in Same Jail on Misdemeanor Charge - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- John Durham Drops a 'Shock and Awe' Filing About Spying on Donald Trump - by Bonchie / Red State 12FEB22.

- John Durham Filing Suggests Clinton Operatives Spied on Trump in 2016 and in White House - by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 12FEB22.

- Clinton Campaign Sought to Link Trump to Russia by Infiltrating Trump Tower, White House Servers - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 12FEB22.

- Donald Trump’s Response to Crooked Hillary’s Spying Revelations Is Fire, “Punishable by Death” - by JD Rucker / NOQ Report 12FEB22.

- Jake “the Snake” Sullivan Was Right in the Middle of Hillary’s Trump Russia Collusion Lies – Now He’s Biden’s Nat Security Advisor - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- After New Texas Law Requiring ID Information on Absentee Ballots – 28% of Mail-In Ballots in Primary Rejected - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Ballot Dropboxes Are to Remain Banned in the April 2022 Election - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- This Time Trump Is Going Down – No Really - by John Green / Blue State Conservative 12FEB22.

- Popularity of Leaders in the West Is Tanking – Could the Globalist Project Be Over? - by Stacey Lennox / PJ Media 12FEB22.

- On The Brink Of Catastrophe, Things Will Get Really Crazy Really Quickly If Biden And Democrats Get Their Way - The Globalists Need An 'End Times' War To Cement Tyranny Into Place - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 12FEB22.

- Marxist Pope Warns Against Marxism - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 12FEB22.

- Dr. Li-Meng Yan Reveals CCP Plans to Spread Hemorrhagic Fever Bioweapon Via Olympics, and She Shares the Cure - by JD Rucker / NOQ Report 12FEB22.

- Xi the pirate faces new challenges to his South China Sea imperialism - by Tom Rogan / Washington Examiner 12FEB22.

- Last Chance to Prevent Ukraine Becoming Another Afghanistan - by Dennis Santiago / Red State 12FEB22.

- US evacuates embassy as warnings to Americans in Ukraine reach new levels - by Mike Brest / Washington Examiner 12FEB22.

- Both US & Russia Evacuate Embassies In Ukraine As Crisis Enters Uncharted Territory - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12FEB22.

- Biden, Putin to discuss Ukraine as US, allies empty embassies - by Eileen AJ Connelly / NY Post 12FEB22.

- Biden Called Putin, but Now There Are Big Questions About Threat and Ukraine Wants Answers - by Nick Arama / Red State 12FEB22.

- Some US Troops Departing Ukraine Amid Escalating Tension with Russia, Pentagon Confirms - by Allen Zhong / NTD 12FEB22.

- Biden Promises 'Widespread Human Suffering' After a Russian Invasion of Ukraine - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 12FEB22.

- The State Department Gives Instructions for Americans Fleeing Ukraine and They Make No Sense - by Bonchie / Red State 12FEB22.

- State Department says Americans fleeing Ukraine must show proof of vaccination to enter Poland - by Mia Cathell / PM 12FEB22.

- War Drums Over Ukraine Throbbing Louder - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 12FEB22.

- Remind Russia It Is Part of the West - by Gavin Wax / American Greatness 12FEB22.

- The Ultimate End of NATO - by Scott Ritter / Strategic Culture 12FEB22.

- US Deploys F-16s To Romania As NATO Mulls Permanent Black Sea Battle Groups - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12FEB22.


S0 News: Solar Flare, Another Rocket Failure & Geomagnetic Storm 12FEB22.

Styx: US Inflation Hits 7.5%; Kamala Says it Will "Ease by the End of 2022" as Biden Does Damage Control 12FEB22.

Styx: CNN Analyst Juliette Kayyem Calls for Terrorism, then Gaslights After Enormous Pushback 12FEB22.

Styx: Mask Mandates Fall... the Kids Are Alright 12FEB22.

Salty Cracker: Joe Biden Hires Puppy Gimp Degenerate To Department Of Energy 12FEB22.

Awaken With JP: Mass Formation Psychosis - 5 Things You Need to Know! 12FEB22.

Hodge Twins: Justin Trudeau Claims Racism to Attack Protests for Human Rights 12FEB22.

Jimmy Dore: MSNBC Lies About COVID Danger To Kids AGAIN! 12FEB22.

Jimmy Dore: No - Dave Chappelle DID NOT Oppose Affordable Housing 12FEB22.

Jimmy Dore: Surprise! Black Canadians Support Trucker Protest! 12FEB22.

In Depth

Jimmy Dore: Canadian Trucker Protest Headed To Super Bowl! Says Homeland Security 12FEB22.

Scott Adams: Let's Figure Out What is Going On in Ukraine, Great Clawback Update 12FEB22.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 1635 12FEB22.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 1636 12FEB22.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Kyle Dunnigan: Biden Remembers Justin Trudeau - KDS Clip 11FEB22.

It's A Gundam: The Faith Healer of TikTok: Kundalini Magic Energy 12FEB22.


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Six Supermen Of Sanity: If you are just waking up or getting into your first cup-o-the-day, the Grendelcat suggests imbibing your recommended daily allowance of Styx clanker redpills with a side of optimism and a dash of perspective courtesy of this philosophical independent commentator.

For independent commentary from similarly unique perspectives in longer form try Sargon, Scott, Steven or even Stefan for some superlative barn-burners.  And if you are feeling a bit too black pilled lately and need a picker-upper, try adding a pinch of Salty.

- Image: Superman by Pixy.org (CC4.0) Link

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 Social & Media (S&M)
4Chan (I)
Bastyon (I)
BitChute (BC)
Brighteon (I)
Clouthub (I)
Dailymotion (I)
Discord (I)
Dlive (D)

Facebook (I)
Foxhole (I)
Gab (I)
Instagram (I)
MeWe (I)
Minds (I)
Not The Bee (I)
Odysee (O)
Panquake (I)
Parler (I)
Periscope (I)
Pilled (I)
Pinterest (I)
Reddit (I)
RedditOld (I)
Rumble (RMBL)
Smashleft (I)
Snapchat (I)
Steemit (I)
Subscribestar (I)
Truth Social (I)
Twitch (T)
Twitter (I)
Uge Tube (I)
You Now (I)
You Tube (YT)
Vimeo (I)
Zion (I)

Movies & Shows
5G Health Dangers (BC)
Alex Jones - Endgame (BC)
Armchair Historian (YT)
Big Burb (YT)
Black Mesa Minecraft (YT)
Blacklisted - MDE (BC)
Cinema Sins (YT)
Corbett WW1 Conspiracy (I)
Critical Drinker (YT)
Dank Al Capone (BC)
Dank Alcibiades (BC)
Dank Aleister Crowley (BC)
Dank Andre The Giant (BC)
Dank Augustus (BC)
Dank Battle Of Athens (BC)
Dank Billy The Kid (BC)
Dank Blackbeard (YT)
Dank Budd Dwyer (BC)
Dank Burke & Hare (BC)
Dank Buster Keaton (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 1 (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 2 (BC)
Dank Dr. Ch@os (BC)
Dank Elizabeth Bathory (BC)
Dank General (BC)
Dank Gert Postel (BC)
Dank GG Allin (BC)
Dank Gombe Chimp War (BC)
Dank Gregor MacGregor (BC)
Dank Gustave (BC)
Dank Heaven's Gate (BC)
Dank Helge Meyer (BC)
Dank Hollywood Shootout (BC)
Dank Iron Mike Malloy (BC)
Dank Jack Thompson (BC)
Dank Johnny Rotten (BC)
Dank Ken Allen (BC)
Dank Ken Rex McElroy (BC)
Dank Killdozer (BC)
Dank Mark Defriest (BC)
Dank Mitsuyasu Maeno (BC)
Dank Ned Kelly (BC)
Dank Roof Koreans (BC)
Dank Philip Luty (BC)
Dank Rasputin (BC)
Dank Red Baron (BC)
Dank Ross Ulbricht (BC)
Dank Toyota War (BC)
Dank Vlad The Impaler (BC)
Dank White Death (BC)
DarkMatter2525 (YT)
Dave Chappelle (NF)
DVD Release Dates (I)
Edge Of Tomorrow (YT)
Expanse (I)
Frank TV (I)
Giver (BC)
Honest Trailers (YT)
How Not To Land (YT)
Idiocracy (BC)
Kyle Dunnigan (YT)
L Southern - Borderless (YT)
Lauren Southern - Crossfire (I)
Lauren Southern - Farmlands (YT)
RazörFist Abraxas (YT)
RazörFist The Big Combo (YT)
RazörFist The Big Sleep (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner 2049 (YT)
RazörFist Black Rain (YT)
RazörFist Cobra (YT)
RazörFist Commando (YT)
RazörFist Cosby Rebuttal (BC)
RazörFist Death Wish (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 3 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 4 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 5 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2018 (BC)
RazörFist Demons (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Magnum Force (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Enforcer (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Sudden Impact (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Dead Pool (YT)
RazörFist Double Indemnity (YT)
RazörFist Escape From LA (YT)
RazörFist Hard To Kill (YT)
RazörFist The Hitman (YT)
RazörFist Invasion USA (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max (YT)
RazörFist (Mad Max) Road Warrior (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (YT)
RazörFist Malone (YT)
RazörFist Murder My Sweet (YT)
RazörFist Out For Justice (YT)
RazörFist Out Of The Past (YT)
RazörFist Predator (YT)
RazörFist Predator 2 (BC)
RazörFist Rambo Last Blood (YT)
RazörFist Revenge Of The Ninja (YT)
RazörFist Rock-'N'-Roll Nightmare (YT)
RazörFist Rutger Hauer (YT)
RazörFist Scorpion  (BC)
RazörFist Scorpion (1986)  (BC)
RazörFist Showdown In Little Tokyo (YT)
RazörFist Star Wars Force Awakens (YT)
RazörFist This Gun For Hire (YT)
RazörFist Universal Soldier (YT)
RazörFist Unauthorized.TV (I)
Riding The Dragon (I)
Ricky Berwick (BC)
Samuel Rivera (I)
Samuel Rivera (YT)
South Park (I)
Suspect Sky - Deep State (BC)
Tubi TV (I)
Wag The Dog (I)
Yoda Seagulls (YT)

About JC Musically (R)
About Timmy Musically (R)
Alex Jones Eat My Neighbours (YT)
Alex Jones Eat Yer Ass (YT)
Alex Jones Gay Frogs (YT)
Alex Jones Goblins (YT)
Alex Jones Indie Folksong (YT)
Amazon Music (I)
Ariel Pink (I)
Ariel Pink (YT)
Audiogrotto (I)
Beginner Guitar HQ (I)
CD Baby (I)
Chord Namer (I)
Chris Graham (I)
C'mon Man (YT)
Damon Alire (I)
Factor Calculator (I)
Five Times August (I)
Fortiori (YT)
Greg Dombrowski (I)
Grendelcat (BC)
Grendelcat (T)
Gunther Anderson (I)
Insane In The Rain (YT)
ITunes (I)
JC Setlist (R)
Karma and Kerosene (YT)
KrainaGrzybowTV (YT)
Legolambs (YT)
Legolambs Aliens (YT)
Legolambs Conan (YT)
Legolambs Die Hard (YT)
Legolambs Musical Thrones (YT)
Legolambs Liam Neeson (YT)
Legolambs Predator (YT)
Legolambs Rambo (YT)
Legolambs Risa Skywalka (YT)
Legolambs Running Man Hunger Games (YT)
Midi Note Numbers (R)
My Corona (YT)
My Little Armalite (YT)
Nightwish - Over The Hills (YT)
Nikolas Schreck (YT)
Pallets Full Of Ballots (YT)
Peter Hollens (YT)
RazörFist Black Sabbath (YT)
RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
RazörFist Judas Priest (YT)
RazörFist Michael Jackson (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
RazörFist Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
Reverb Nation (I)
Remix Bros (YT)
San Cheezey (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement (R)
Sentient Cement Flashplayer (I)
Shnaff (T)
Spotify (I)
Transposer (I)
Tunelist (R)
Ultimate Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Supply Chain
Action PC (I)
Against Vaccine Passports (I)
Alaska Smoked Porter (I)
Amazon (I)
Behringer Speakers (I)
Breckenridge Brewery (I)
Buy Snus (I)
Door Dash (I)
Elgato Vid Capture (I)
Fender (I)
Freedom Convoy (I)
Grubhub (I)
Guiness (I)
Guitar Center (I)
Home Depot (I)
Jameson Whiskey (I)
Jersey Mike's (I)
Lava Soap (I)
Lowe's (I)
Martin Guitars (I)
MRE Mountain (I)
My Pillow (I)
Olde Town Pickin' Parlor (I)
Pacific Legal Foundation (I)
Penrose Sausages (I)
Pilgrim Ammunition (I)
Pioneer (I)
Rhinegeist (I)
Sennheisser Mics (I)
Skyline Chili (I)
Soundcraft Mixers (I)
Sweetwater (I)
Tesla (I)
Xidax (I)
Yamaha (I)

Latest Grendelcat Lair Release
Rooster - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Rooster (BC)


Purpose:  Tracking progress on topics that interest the Grendelcat and sharing his thoughts about them.
Policy:  No adverts here, no cookies or trackers added, no bloggy debates and no greedy angles.  That's it.  Have fun.
Copyright:  Use or share anything on Lair Central however you want.  A nod to the Grendelcat is appreciated.
Third party content here is published not for profit under fair use as commentary and criticism.
Disclaimer:  The Grendelcat does not claim any official scientific accreditation.
The Grendelcat is a fan of science, a musician by inclination . . .
And a tech dude by compulsion.