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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Friday 12APR24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- “Shame on You!” - Rand Paul to Feds for “Great Covid Cover-up” - by Rebecca Terrell / New American 12APR24.

- Australia Bins 35% of Multi-Billion Dollar Covid Vaccine Supply With Another 15% Set to Expire Soon - by Rebekah Barnett / Daily Sceptic 12APR24.

- WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 12APR24.

- Lancet Study Funded by Bill Gates Lays Bare Failure of Lockdowns and Vaccines - by Stephen Andrews / Daily Sceptic 12APR24.

- Fully vaccinated about to see “tsunami” of illness and death, warns virologist - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12APR24.

- As a Former NHS Doctor, I’m Appalled by the Damage Wrought by the Pandemic Response - by Colin M. Barron / Daily Sceptic 12APR24.

- Colleges backtrack as Covid vaccine mandate lawsuits proceed under SCOTUS mootness doctrine - by Greg Piper / Just The News 12APR24.

- Sen. Ron Johnson: Exposing and Defeating Covid Cartel and Global Elites - Part 1: Mishandling Pandemic to What Ends? - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 12APR24.

- Australia Prepares Its Own ‘National Guard’ to Enforce Lockdowns During Next Pandemic - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Avian Flu Found In Seventh State As Cattle Restrictions Grow - by Zachary Stieber / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Millions Of Americans Stomachs Are Being Paralyzed By The Deadly New Weight Loss Drug 'Ozempic' That 'Big Pharma' Keeps Pushing As An 'Answer' To The Obesity Epidemic In America - Now They Plan On Giving This Deadly Weight Loss Drug To Children - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 12APR24.

- Can the VA handle an influx of patients? - by Beth Bailey / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- President of Belgian’s Biggest Health Care Fund Advocates Euthanasia as Solution for Elderly Who are Tired of Life - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- California’s fire risk is so high its firefighters can’t insure their stations - by Ross O'Keefe / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Climate anxiety manufactured by activists and politicians is damaging an entire generation - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 12APR24.

- Why is the WHO Asking Doctors to Lie to Promote Climate Alarm? - by Ben Pile / Daily Sceptic 12APR24.

- Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations - by Charles Rotter / WUWT 12APR24.

- Illustrating The Absurdity Of New York's Energy Transition - by Francis Menton / Manhattan Contrarian 12APR24.

- “Absurd” ECHR Climate Ruling Against Switzerland Might Have Unintended Consequences - by James Murphy / New American 12APR24.

- The Real Victors of the ECHR Climate Decision are Green Billionaires - by Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 12APR24.

- ‘Spirit Whales’ (which ‘no-one believes exist’) hold up Australia’s most expensive energy project - by James MacPherson / Substack via WUWT 12APR24.

- "A Matter Of Economic And National Security," Sen. Brown Urges Biden To Ban Chinese EVs In US - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Intel, AMD Slide After Beijing Tells Telecoms To Phase Out Foreign Chips - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Twisted Fed Chair Jerome Powell Crashed the Trump Economic Boom by Raising Rates Far Too Soon - Now Lead Economist Admits He was Purposely Trying to Sink Trump - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- The Prices Are Not Right - by Matthew Continetti / Washington Free Beacon 12APR24.

- Top Economists Including Barack Obama’s Treasury Secretary Discover the Real Inflation Number Under Biden Reached 18% and Is Still Hovering at a 40-Year High - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Elizabeth Warren's Attacks on Cryptocurrency Are Coming Back to Haunt Her as Tycoons Work to Remove Her from Office - by Adelle Nazarian / Western Journal 12APR24.

- Say Goodbye to the Dollar as IMF Prepares for Financial Revolution - by Patricia Harrity and Brandon Smith / Exposé 12APR24.

- Credit Card Delinquencies Hit All-Time High, So Biden Caps Late Fees - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12APR24.

- Biden Announces Yet Another Student Loan Bailout - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 12APR24.

- White House announces new student loans moves and defends high cost to taxpayers - by Haisten Willis / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Biden Cancels Student Debt For 277,000 Borrowers Ahead Of Presidential Elections - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Biden buys votes, and you pay the price through inflation - by Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Harvard To Once Again Require SATs For Admissions - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Harvard and Cal Tech Strike a Blow to the Diversity Lobby - [Re: Using SAT/ACT Testing Again] - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12APR24.

- ‘Revolutionary Suicide’ - UCLA psychiatrists cheer self-immolation in leaked audio - by Aaron Sibarium / Washington Free Beacon 12APR24.

- Minnesota’s new academic standards seek to turn students into revolutionaries - by Mike Gonzalez / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- University of Texas at Austin, Taking Heat for Closing DEI Offices - by Ward Clark / Red State 12APR24.

- Dr. Phil Destroys Guest’s Argument for DEI Policies in Seconds, ‘That Was Called Marxism’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Boeing Doom-Loop Of Endless Crises Sends Shares Tumbling To Longest Losing-Streak In Five Years - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Biden can’t stop lying about Trump and abortion - by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- “This is 2024!” - Joe Biden Outraged Sexually Explicit Books and Pornographic Literature Banned From Elementary Schools - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Landmark Study Reveals 'Transgender' Kids Actually Have Other Mental Health Diagnoses - by Sara Parshaall Perry / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Canadian Court Approves Public Funding of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery - by Simon Kent / Breitbart 12APR24.

- Kansas Gov. Kelly vetoes ban on gender treatments for minors - by Ben Whedon / Just The News 12APR24.

- Man Strips Naked and Parades Around Planet Fitness Women’s Locker Room, Asks Woman to Shower With Him - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- CNN Reporter Slips Up, Suggests People Were “Happy” OJ “Could Get Away With” It Because He Was Black - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 12APR24.

- CNN Correspondent Marvels Over OJ Simpson for Being 'Famous and Black,' Getting Away with Crime - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 12APR24.

- Cambridge, Mass., Funds Theater Performances for ‘Exclusively Black Audiences’ - by Meghan Blonder / Washington Free Beacon 12APR24.

- The New Racists Detest 'Color-Blindness' - by Tom Patterson / Townhall 12APR24.

- Blacks Shouldn’t Have to Pay Taxes, Dem Congresswoman Muses - by Selwyn Duke / New American 12APR24.

- NY Times edits OJ Simpson obituary after readers express outrage - ‘His world was ruined’ by murder charges - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 12APR24.

- Office Buildings in New York City Set New Record for Emptiness - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- What’s really behind Gen Zers’ work dysfunction - by Adam B. Coleman / NY Post 12APR24.

- In response to NY's refusal to protect citizens, county to form citizens deputy program to assist police - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 12APR24.

- Blue City of Denver Has 'Great' Idea for How to Pay for Illegal Immigrants - Just Defund the Police - by Becky Noble / Red State 12APR24.

- Illegal Alien From Venezuela Tries to Rob Ohio Bank with Translator App - by Christina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Venezuelan man attempts bank robbery in Ohio by typing demands in translator app - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 12APR24.

- Venezuelan Illegal Tries to Rob Ohio Bank, Fails After Struggling With Translator App - by Ben Kew / Red State 12APR24.

- ICE criticizes Massachusetts court for releasing Brazilian illegal immigrant indicted on child rape charges - by Hayden Cunningham / PM 12APR24.

- Boston County Superior Court Ignores ICE Detainer, Releases Illegal Alien Indicted on 10 Counts of Aggravated Child Rape - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- California Assemblyman Bill Essayli Discusses Legislation to End Sanctuary Protections and Release of Illegals Convicted for Sex Crimes Against Minors - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Illegal Immigrant on Terror Watch List Released by Border Patrol, Spends a Year in the U.S. - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12APR24.

- Afghan Illegal Immigrant on Terror Watchlist Roams Free in U.S. for Nearly a Year After Release by Border Agents - Awaits Immigration Hearing in Texas with No Movement Restrictions - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Migrants Feel the Pain of Biden’s Virtue - by J. Peder Zane / American Greatness 12APR24.

- Most Democrats Believe Border Is In “Crisis,” Almost Half Believe There’s An “Invasion” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12APR24.

- EU [presents ultimatum] to Member States - Accept Migrants or Pay Up - by Luis Miguel / New American 12APR24.

- Hate Crime Call Handlers Given Script Defending Humza Yousaf - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 12APR24.

- Police Taking ‘Hate Crime’ Calls Forced To Read Script Defending Yousaf’s ‘Anti-White’ Rant - Email to staff tells them to say First Minister was “pointing out a matter of fact” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12APR24.

- 'This is twisted, it’s dangerous and it’s scary' - Justice Centre president John Carpay blasts Trudeau’s Online Harms Act "You don't place somebody under house arrest because they might commit a crime in the future" - by David Krayden / PM 12APR24.

- Republicans Are Getting Duped Into Backing Left-Wing Censorship - We all want to keep kids away from dangers on the internet But passing a bill that would sneak hate speech laws into America is not the way to do it - We have enough censorship as it is - by Paul Bradford / American Greatness 12APR24.

- Google Begins Blocking News From California Outlets Over State Bill - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- The plight of a Kansas newspaper shows the new face of censorship via AI - by William A. Jacobson and Kemberlee Kaye / NY Post 12APR24.

- Conservatives Close Ranks Around Musk in His Fight for Free Speech Against Brazilian Tyrannical Censorship - Argentina’s Milei Meets Him and Offers To Help in the Fight - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Trump Demands an End to Funding for National Public Radio After Report Reveals Their Political Bias - ‘A TOTAL SCAM!’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- 'Public' Radio Isn't Dedicated to the Masses - by Tim Graham / Townhall 12APR24.

- The Biden administration pressures fact checkers to rewrite reality - by Zachary Faria / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Movie Industry’s Push for ISP Site-Blocking Legislation Sparks Controversy Over Internet Censorship - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 12APR24.

- UK Plans Facial Recognition Expansion, Empowering Cops To Scan Faces in the Street - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 12APR24.

- Property Rights Get a Boost From Supreme Court Decision - by streiff / Red State 12APR24.

- And Just Like That, Speaker Johnson's FISA Flip-Flop Just Got Worse - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 12APR24.

- Speaker Johnson Casts Deciding Vote to Allow the FBI to Spy on Americans Without a Warrant - by streiff / Red State 12APR24.

- US House Passes Bill Renewing Warrantless Surveillance Under FISA Section 702 Amid Privacy Concerns - The Fourth Amendment is being ignored in the name of national security - by Dan Frieth / Reclaim The Net 12APR24.

- The FISA Reauthorization Vote Shows How Little Congress Cares About Protecting Our Rights - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12APR24.

- House Votes to Surveil U.S. Citizens, but Will It Get to the Senate? - by Rebecca Terrell / New American 12APR24.

- Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Forces Another Vote on FISA Amendment to Require Warrants for Surveillance - by Jeff Charles / Red State 12APR24.

- Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Initiates Unprecedented Move to Stall FISA Bill - Demands New Vote After House Uniparty Approves Bill Granting ‘Deep State’ the Power to Spy on Americans Without Warrant - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Shorter FISA renewal period causing distress in Biden administration - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Trump-Hating Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe Finally Comes Clean After Years of Lying - Says Carter Page FISA Application to Spy on Trump Was “Wrong” and a “Mistake” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Time for a re-set on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and Section 702 Intelligence Collection - by John Mills / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Radical Leftist Arrested for Detonating a Bomb Outside Alabama’s Republican Attorney General’s Office Was Also Posting Stickers Promoting Antifa - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- A turf war threatens to break out after the EU takes the Irish government to court - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 12APR24.

- The Political Left Has Proven Beyond A Doubt That They Are Authoritarians - by Brandon Smith / Alt-Market 12APR24.

- FBI Interrogated Trump’s Valet Driver without Trump’s Knowledge And Turned Ambush Interview Into Perjury Trap - by Christina Laila / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Intelligence employee admits FBI was behind Alex Jones lawsuit and agents were in the crowd on January 6 - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 12APR24.

- Three D.C. National Guard Officers to Expose January 6th Committee - by Bonchie / Red State 12AAPR24.

- How Taxpayers Will Heavily Subsidize Democrat Boots On The Ground This Election - by Ben Weingarten / Real Clear Wire via Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Maricopa County Recorder Reportedly Had His Office Staff Compile News for His Personal Defamation Lawsuit Against Kari Lake - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- 16 GOP Attorneys General Challenge Garland's Comments On Voting Laws - by Matt McGregor / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Donald Trump, Speaker Mike Johnson Announce Election Integrity Bill - ‘Common Sense’ - by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 12APR24.

- Mike Johnson announces House GOP will introduce bill requiring voters to prove US citizenship - by Hnnah Nightingale / PM 12APR24.

- Speaker Johnson Unveils Voter Legislation During Press Conference with Donald Trump - Proof of U.S. Citizenship Required for Federal Elections - Will Remove Non-Citizens from Existing Voter Rolls - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Donald Trump Shows United Front With House GOP at Announcement of Bill Barring Illegals From Voting - by Becca Lower / Red State 12APR24.

- Former Army Special Forces Soldier Jeffrey McKellop Leaks Out His Horrific Story of Abuse in the US Prison System the Last Three Years - This J6 Prisoner Has Still Has Not Been Tried in Court - by JIm Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- National Guard Whistleblowers to Testify They Were Ready to Be Deployed on Jan.6 But Pentagon Delayed Orders - Will Destroy J6 Committee’s Big Lie - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- “There’s No Court That’s Found President Trump Tried to Steal the Election, Tried to Derail the Election or Tried to Start an Insurrection” - Robert Kennedy, Jr. Keeps Dropping Truth Bombs - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- ‘They Take Me to Court on BULLSH*T!” - President Trump Calls Out Joe Biden for His Illegal Lawfare Cases Against Trump for Purposes of Election Interference - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Judge Denies Motion to Delay 'Hush Money' Trial, Blames Pre-Trial Publicity 'In Part' on Trump - by Brittany Sheehan / Red State 12APR24.

- Tight security planned ahead of Trump hush money trial - by Brett Rowland / Just The News 12APR24.

- Georgia's Lieutenant Governor Is Back in the Crosshairs of Fulton County's Trump Case - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 12APR24.

- Trump endorses Jerrod Sessler to replace 'pathetic RINO' Dan Newhouse in WA state's 4th Congressional District - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 12APR24.

- Trump Demands More Debates With Biden, And Sooner - by Steve Watson / Modernity 12APR24.

- Biden’s poor polling may be as good as it gets for him - by J.T. Young / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Biden to address Sharpton group after missing deadline on menthol ban it opposed - by Haisten Willis / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- 'Blexit' - Black Men Dumping Democrat Party to Support Trump Is Real, and Dems Are Terrified - by Mike Miller / Red State 12APR24.

- Dems Whine About GOP Denying Biden Ballot Access Because They Believe Lawfare Should Only Go One Way - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 12APR24.

- Joe Biden Used Campaign Donations to Pay His Legal Bills - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 12APR24.

- DNC picked up some of Biden’s legal bills during Robert Hur investigation - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Biden Caught Paying His Legal Bills the Same Way in Which He's Repeatedly Criticized Trump - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 12APR24.

- Biden Exposed for Rank Hypocrisy After Report on Use of Campaign Donations for His Legal Fees - by Nick Arama / Red State 12APR24.

- Bad News for Hunter Biden As Judge Denies Motions to Dismiss Delaware Gun Case - by Susie Moore / Red State 12APR24.

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Dem Primary Opponent Slams Her As Bad for Business in NY - by Ward Clark / Red State 12APR24.

- The Left’s Plan [is to] Turn America Into the Next Haiti - by Luis Miguel / New American 12APR24.

- Joe Biden Is Now Chasing the 'Death to America' Voter - by David Harsanyi / Townhall 12APR24.

- With Enemies Of America Within Shouting 'Death To America,' The Brainwashing Of America And Transformation Of Our Country Into A 3rd World Nation Are All But Complete - by Jeannie DeAngelis / All News Pipeline 12APR24.

- Pro-Palestinian Activist Threatens to Murder Bakersfield Mayor and City Council Members at Public Meeting - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Unhinged Pro-Hamas Woman Finds Out Threatening City Council Members Isn't a Good Idea - by Nick Arama / Red State 12AAPR24.

- Ceasefire activist arrested on 16 felony charges after threatening to murder Bakersfield city council members - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 12APR24.

- Idaho teen swore allegiance to ISIS, planned bloody assault on churches in Idaho - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 12APR24.

- New York City Council Opens Meeting by Praising Allah as the Supreme Lord of the World - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Italy Submits to Sharia - Only Male Police Officers Can Enter Islamic Areas, Blond Women Advised To Stay Out Due to Safety Threats - by Amy Mek / Rair 12APR24.

- Hamas Refuses to Release Hostages or Bodies of the Dead - by Antonio Graceffo / Gateway Pundit 12APR24.

- Israel kills son of Hamas leader inside his car in West Bank raid - by Melissa Koenig / NY Post 12APR24.

- Israel Lied about Flour Massacre - Report shows Israeli soldiers deliberately opened fire on starving Palestinians - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 12APR24.

- Americans Warned of Possible 'Coordinated Attack' on the Homeland - by Connor Cavanaugh / Western Journal 12APR24.

- US Restricts Diplomats' Travel In Israel, Bracing For Iran Attack By Week's End - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Iran Attack on Israel Expected Within Next 48 Hours - by Bob Hoge / Red State 12APR24.

- Israel braces for Iran drone attack within 48 hours - by Chris Irvine and Mike Brest / Washington Examiner 12APR24.

- Iran could hit Israel with 100 drones, missiles as soon as Friday - by Olivia Land / NY Post 12APR24.

- Israel in despair over possible Iranian retaliation - by Lucas Leiroz / Strategic Culture 12APR24.

- Israel to destroy Iran’s Nuclear facilities if Tehran follows through on retaliation threats - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 12APR24.

- With the U.S. on the Brink of War With Iran, the Biden Administration Tries One Last, Desperate Ploy - [Leaks letting Iran know we know they're coming] - by Bonchie / Red State 12APR24.

- Israeli Media Says Iran Postponed Attack 'At Last Minute' Due To Threat Of US Intervention - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Middle East Tensions Are About to Get Hotter and It's All on Joe Biden - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 12APR24.

- Can The US And Iraq Move Beyond Military Ties? - by James Durso / Responsible Statecraft via Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Biden Admin Lets Sanctions Waiver for Iran-Russia Nuclear Work Expire But Won't Commit to Enforcing Those Sanctions - by Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 12APR24.

- EU Parliament Refuses Decision On Budget Until Ukraine Gets More Patriots From Member States - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 12APR24.

- Germany Admits Missile Reserves Depleted; Looks for More Antiaircraft Systems for Kyiv - by Angeline Tan / New American 12APR24.

- Ukraine runs out of air defense missiles giving Russia a ‘free pass’ to Kyiv, warns Bild security analyst - by Thomas Brooke / Remix 12APR24.

- CIA officer confirms it has “advisors” in Ukraine - “a well-known secret” - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12APR24.

- The US is basically facing World War III but Biden & Co. aren’t acting like it - by Jonathan Sweet and Mark Toth / NY Post 12APR24.

- [EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell posits] Full-scale War in Europe More Likely Due to Faceoff With Russia - by Angeline Tan / New American 12APR24.

- Putin's War, Week 111 - Russian Offensive Grounds to a Halt and Ukrainian Refinery Attacks Pause - by streiff / Red State 12APR24.

- Oblivious U.S. Treasury orders China to stop selling tools, equipment to Russia, as if the U.S. thinks it can control world trade - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 12APR24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Flares Return, Massive Waves? 12APR24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News: Massive Wave Glitch - Full Analysis 12APR24.

Styx: OJ Simpson Dies of Cancer 12APR24.

Styx: It's Delusional to Think Ukraine Can "Win" 12APR24.

Styx: Bidenflation Remains Excessive, "Rises" to 3.5% 12APR24.

Styx: The "Senior Assassin Game" Moral Panic 12APR24.

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Styx: JK Rowling Tells Harry Potter and Hermione Granger to Suck It 12APR24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Mall Of America Looks Like Mogadishu 12APR24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Soccer Team With 5 Trans Players Breaks Opponent's Leg 12APR24.

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15 seconds

Sargon: Bugposting 12APR24.

Lauren Southern: UK Fails To Deport Serial Flasher Over Fear Of Oppressing Him 12APR24.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

PJ Dubs / Modernity: She said the quiet part out loud 12APR24.

PJ Dubs / Modernity: Did she really say this? 12APR24.

Mark Dice: Why They Love Him and What It Means for America 12APR24.

Hodge Twins: This is Why Republicans Don’t Win Elections 12APR24.

Tim Pool: Jimmy Kimmel MOCKS Roseanne For Saying DROP OUT OF COLLEGE, And Also That Democrats Worship Satan 12APR24.

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15 seconds

Tim Pool: Democrat MANSION TAX BACKFIRES, Tax Hits Low Income APTS Making Homeless Crisis WORSE 12APR24.

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15 seconds

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: A24 Civil War Movie SLAMMED As Anti Trump Film, Its CLEARLY Leftist 12APR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump Says DEFUND NPR After Senior Editor BLASTS Trump, Passes It As News 12APR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Nicolae Miu FOUND GUILTY, Internet Says It Was SELF DEFENSE 12APR24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Media Pushes George Floyd 2.0, BLAMES COPS After Dude Shoots At Them And Is KILLED 12APR24.

In Depth

Salty Cracker: They Want Dead White People ReeEEeE Stream 12APR24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 12APR24.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #892 12APR24.

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Styx: Friday LIVE: Trump on Abortion, Slenderman Murder Update, Antigunnery, etc 12APR24.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: GOP BETRAYS Voters ,Congress Approves FISA WARRANTLESS Spying w/Dennis Kucinich 12APR24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3532 12APR24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3533 12APR24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3534 12APR24.

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Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 513 12APR24.

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15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: [DS] Will Unleash Their Weapon After May, The People Are Becoming United Under Trump 12APR24.


Jonathan Pie: Smelly Criminals 12APR24.

Sleazy P. Martini: Woman Poses As 14 Year Old Home Schooler to Prey on 12 Year Old Boys 12APR24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: McDonalds Employee Serves it His Way to a Counter Jumping Moron 12APR24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Security Guard Really Doesn't Like the Word "Really" 12APR24.

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Sleazy P. Martini: Alex Jones May Sue FBI Now that Agent Bragged About Targeted Lawfare 12APR24.

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15 seconds

The Running ManZ: BR to finish 12APR24.

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