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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Tuesday 11JUN24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.33 |

NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle
Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation
- by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 11JUN24.
Fauci is Called to Testify on Accusations of Covid Speech
Suppression - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 11JUN24.
Ex-NY Governor Cuomo to Answer to House Subcommittee on
Covid Nursing Home Debacle - by Ward Clark / Red State
Cuomo displays his Covid lies and bromides before Congress
but NY knows the truth - by Janice Dean / NY Post
NIH profited $710 million in royalties from vaccine mandates
and other corrupt dealings with Big Pharma - by Lance D
Johnson / Newstarget 11JUN24.
Dr. Clare Craig: It’s clear the covid vaccines are unsafe
- by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 11JUN24.
Why Are U.K. Courts Still Forcing People to Be Vaccinated?
- by Stephen Jackson / Daily Sceptic 11JUN24.
Vaccine injuries in the Canadian Armed Forces rose by over
800 per cent in 2021 - by Rhoda Wilson and The Canadian
Independent / Exposé 11JUN24.
Fauci’s testimony proves that mask suspensions in public
schools were politically motivated - by Stephanie
Lundquist-Arora / Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Keeping the Terror Narrative Alive - by Carl Heneghan
and Tom Jefferson / Daily Sceptic 11JUN24.
Massive Prescription Drug Shortages Ongoing Since 2023 Has
Worsened And 60% Have No Reason Listed As To Why They Are
Unavailable To Americans - by Susan Duclos / All News
Pipeline 11JUN24.
Report Reveals Massive Scale of Green Billionaire Funding of
‘Climate Emergency’ Reporting in Mainstream Media - by
Chris Morrison / Daily Sceptic 11JUN24.
Climate Alarmist Hype that May 2024 is the “Hottest” Global
Average Temperature Anomaly is Meaningless in the U.S. and
at other global locations around the World - by Larry
Hamlin / WUWT 11JUN24.
Global warming in the last 20 years has mostly been caused
by changes in the clouds, not greenhouse gases - by
Rhoda Wilson and Joseph Fornier / Exposé 11JUN24.
New Zealand Reverses Left-Wing Plan to Tax Cow Burps, Farts
- by Simon Kent / Breitbart 11JUN24.
Windless nights make net zero impossible - by David
Wojick / CFACT via WUWT 11JUN24.
Denver schools' solar grant program puts equity over climate
impact - by Shirleen Guerra / Just The News 11JUN24.
Exit the UN Climate Treaty Again - by Robert Bradley Jr.
/ WUWT 11JUN24.
The Five Stages Of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced With
Economic Collapse - by Brandon Smith / Alt-Market
Small Business Uncertainty Reaches Pandemic-Era High,
Inflation Cited As Top Concern - by Mike Miller / Red
State 11JUN24.
Records for gold, coffee, copper, cocoa - What commodity
prices say about inflation - by Joseph Lawler /
Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Martha's Vineyard residents demand regulators take action
before island runs out of weed - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM
Martha's Vineyard Is Running Out of Pot and I Can't Stop
Laughing (and I'm Not Even High) - by Stephen Green / PJ
Media 11JUN24.
Congress must step in to fix America’s shipbuilding crisis
- by Dan Sullivan / Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
‘Great British Tax Cut’ - Farage Launches Reform Economic
Policy - by Oliver JJ Lane / Breitbart 11JUN24.
U.K. grocery chain to sell Edible Insects as affordable
protein source amid cost-of-living crisis - by Belle
Carter / Newstarget 11JUN24.
Pro 'Eater' Joey Chestnut Endorses Vegan Hotdogs, Promptly
Gets Banned From 4th of July Contest - by Jim Thompson /
Red State 11JUN24.
San Francisco opens first 'free market where eligible
residents can shop once a month and not pay - by Jenna
Curren / Law Enforcement Today 11JUN24.
Most Americans Don’t Approve of Biden’s Student Loan Bailout
Scam - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Just 3 in 10 Americans Approve of Biden's Student Loan
Forgiveness Plan - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 11JUN24.
UCLA Was Poised To Launch Its Own Investigation of Medical
School Admissions But Refused To Protect Whistleblowers From
Retaliation - by Aaron Sibarium / Washington Free Beacon
North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park [warns] America Hatred at
Universities Worse than Taught in North Korea - by Alana
Mastrangelo / Breitbart 11JUN24.
Rapper Jay Z Launched a School Choice Initiative and
Progressives Are Losing Their Minds - by Jeff Charles /
Red State 11JUN24.
Missouri AG Files Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood After
Project Veritas Exposé - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall
Missouri AG Claims Planned Parenthood Illegally Trafficked
Minors to Get Abortions - by James Murphy / New American
Texas, Montana AGs sue Biden's HHS over rule requiring
hospitals to perform child sex changes or risk federal
funding - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 11JUN24.
Judge overturns Florida's law banning child sex changes
- by Thomas Stevenson / PM 11JUN24.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Florida Law Banning Puberty
Blockers, Hormone Treatments for Children - by Jeff
Charles / Red State 11JUN24.
Clinton-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Florida’s Ban on Sex
Changes for Children - DeSantis to Appeal - by Cristina
Laila / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for using scientific term
“cervix” that some trans people find offensive because they
are delusional - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 11JUN24.
Teens Face Prison Time for Leaving Skid Marks on 'Pride'
Road Mural - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 11JUN24.
The Spokane 'Pride' Street Mural Drama Goes From Stupid to
Maddening - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 11JUN24.
Washington Teens Charged With ‘Felony Vandalism’ For Leaving
Skid Marks on LGBT Pride Mural – Face Up to a Decade in
Prison - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
LGBTQ Anger As More Skid Marks Appear On Another Pride Road
Mural - What do they expect? - It’s a road - by Steve
Watson / Modernity 11JUN24.
LGBTQ agitators violently attack man at South Bend drag show
for kids - by Thomas Stevenson/ PM 11JUN24.
It’s Open Season on Normal People - by Derek Hunter /
Townhall 11JUN24.
Reject groupthink this Pride Month - by Anna Broussard /
Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Marxist SPLC Brands Conservatives’ Response to Woke Culture
Takeover “Christian Supremacy” and “Ethnocide” - by
Tyler O'Neil / Daily Signal via America First 11JUN24.
Federal judge in Texas blocks new Title IX rules on
transgender issues - by Misty Severi / Just The News
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Says Justice Samuel Alito Wants an American
‘Ethno-State,’ Wants to Bring Back Segregation - by Ben
Kew / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Boston Celtics Head Coach Joe Mazzulla Has No Time for Those
Who Can’t See Past Skin Color - by Jerry Wilson / Red
State 11JUN24.
Toddler stabbed to death in random attack outside
supermarket; monster who did it laughs at her arraignment
- by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 11JUN24.
Black Woman Charged With Stabbing 3-Year-Old Boy to Death
Smirks in Court - Nationwide riots if roles were reversed
- by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 11JUN24.
Ohio woman arrested for fatally stabbing 3-year-old boy
grins as judge reads off charges - by Thomas Stevenson /
PM 11JUN24.
Juror in Minnesota pandemic benefits fraud trial excused
after being offered cash Bribe by mysterious woman - by
Ava Grace / Newstarget 11JUN24.
Boston’s Logan Airport is Starting to Look Like a Refugee
Camp and the Illegals Just Keep Coming - by Mike
LaChance / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
ICE Arrests 8 Suspected Terrorists Released by Biden Admin
- by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 11JUN24.
8 illegal immigrants, suspected ISIS terrorists arrested in
New York, Philly, LA after crossing border - by Thomas
Stevenson / PM 11JUN24.
Eight Suspected Terrorists With Ties to ISIS Nabbed in Three
Separate Cities - All Were 'Fully Vetted' - by Ward
Clark / Red State 11JUN24.
US Border Patrol Given ‘Updated’ Presidential Proclamation
Guidance - The Door Is Now Wide Open for Migrants - by
Mike Landry / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Biden moves to give mass amnesty to 'paroled' illegal
immigrants married to US citizens - by Thomas Stevenson
/ PM 11JUN24.
Majority Want All Illegals Deported - by William Upton /
National Pulse 11JUN24.
CBS News Anchor Discovers Majority of Americans Favor Mass
Deportations, Struggles to Understand It - by Anthony
Altomari / Western Journal 11JUN24.
No Más to Mass Deportation? - by Manic Contrarian / Red
State 11JUN24.
Borders are not extreme - by Washington Examiner
Viral Video Shows ‘Illegal Immigrant’ in France Crying Over
Prospect of Being Deported - Emotional reaction to Le Pen’s
success in Euro elections - by Paul Joseph Watson /
Modernity 11JUN24.
Michael Stürzenberger Speaks Out - Exclusive Interview from
Hospital Bed Following Islamic Terror Attack in Germany
- by Amy Mek / Rair 11JUN24.
The media do not need swagger - they need humility and
courage - by Mark Judge / Washington Examiner 10JUN24.
NewsGuard Co-CEO [winging that a] Lack of Internet
Gatekeepers Allows Dangerous Opinions - by Didi Rankovic
/ Reclaim The Net 11JUN24.
EU on the verge of making “hate speech” a serious crime in
Europe - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 11JUN24.
Time is Running Out For Free Speech and Privacy Revisions on
Flawed UN Cybercrime Convention - by Didi Rankovic /
Reclaim The Net 11JUN24.
Huge Victory for Doctors Fighting Biden Censorship - by
Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Musk Declares War on Apple - Threatens to Ban Devices Over
“Creepy Spyware” AI Integration - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 11JUN24.
Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices at his companies
over tech giant's deal with OpenAI - by Jarryd Jaeger /
PM 11JUN24.
UK and Canada Probe DNA Company 23andMe’s Data Breach -
by Ken Macon / Reclaim The Net 11JUN24.
Garland Demands an End to 'Attacks' on the DOJ - by
Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 11JUN24.
5 ways Merrick Garland claims attacks against the DOJ are
'dangerous for our democracy' - by Libby Emmons / PM
Attorney General Merrick Garland Lambasted for 'Threatening
Americans' Over Criticism of Biden DOJ, 'This Must Stop'
- by Joe Saunders / Western Journal 11JUN24.
Tucker Carlson Investigation - FBI Interrogated and Purged
Trump Supporters from Its Ranks - The Police State Is Real
- by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
FBI Tried to Unmask Employee as Trump Supporter - by
Matt Margolis / PJ Media 11JUN24.
FBI Suspends Employee’s Security Clearance After
Investigating Trump Support and Covid-19 Views - by
Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 11JUN24.
“This Is Going to be a Mushroom Cloud When We’re Done” -
John Solomon on FBI Targeting and Harassing Conservative
Agents - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Europeans voted for maligned, climate denying, far right
parties - by Jo Nova / Climate Depot 11JUN24.
Can the European Union hear us now? - Populist victories
send a message to politicians - by Ryan Girdusky / NY
Post 10JUN24.
Warmongering Macron must be punished at French snap
election, claims Marine Le Pen - by Dénes Albert / Remix
First poll shows Macron losing upcoming snap elections -
by John Cody / Remix 11JUN24.
Defeated in European Elections, Macron May Resign if He
Loses the Snap Parliamentary Vote - MSM Sets Out to Pit RN’s
Le Pen and Bardella Against Each Other - by Paul Serran
/ Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Are the Tories Finished? - by Noah Carl / Daily Sceptic
Brexit Leader Nigel Farage Again Attacked on Campaign Trail
- by Oliver JJ Lane / Breitbart 11JUN24.
Farage Assaulted Again by Another Leftist, This Time Hurling
Cement - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 11JUN24.
Why Americans Mistrust Election Results More Than the
Citizens of Any Other Democracy - by Dennis Prager / PJ
Media 11JUN24.
An Urgent Call to Action for the 2024 Elections - We cannot
afford to be complacent - The left is not going to hand us
this election or even allow for a fair process to unfold -
They are preparing for an all-out battle, and so must we
- by Ned Ryun / American Greatness 11JUN24.
This Is How Democrats Stole The 2020 Elections And How They
Plan On Stealing 2024 As Well - If America Doesn't 'Combat
The Long Count,’ We May As Well Kiss Liberty And America
Goodbye - by Jonathan Gault / All News Pipeline 11JUN24.
Republicans Must Confront the Democrat’s Fraudulent Voter
Registration Manufacturing Operation and the Bloated Voter
Rolls to Win in 2024 - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
Nevada Creates Online Voting System for Tribal Lands -
by Anthony Scott / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election
Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut - by Cristina Laila /
Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Nancy Pelosi blames ‘revisionist history’ despite video of
her taking responsibility for Jan. 6 - by Asher Notheis
/ Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Pelosi Has Desperate 'Revisionist' Response to J6 Video,
Former Capitol Police Chief Wrecks Her - by Nick Arama /
Red State 11JUN24.
Biden Camp Truly Fears ‘Man of Action’ Bannon - by Jack
Montgomery / National Pulse 11JUN24.
Steve Bannon files emergency request to delay reporting to
prison - by Ross O'Keefe / Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Johnson to huddle at Mar-a-Lago with Trump and House GOP
campaign chief - by Cami Mondeaux / Washington Examiner
Republican Leaders Will Meet With Trump at Mar-a-Lago to Try
and Save the House Majority - by Jennifer Oliver
O'Connell / Red State 11JUN24.
Trump-Backed Nancy Mace, Austin Theriault Win Congressional
Primaries in South Carolina, Maine - by Elizabeth Weibel
/ Breitbart 11JUN24.
It Sure Looks Like Fire Alarm Enthusiast Jamaal Bowman Is
About to Go Down in Flames - by Bonchie / Red State
MSNBC Contributor Wonders Why Trump Is “Allowed” to Speak
Freely About Democrat-Led Prosecutions - by Jason Cohen
/ Daily Caller via America First 11JUN24.
Leftist Humiliates Herself on TV With Inability to Explain
Trump’s “Crimes” - by Selwyn Duke / New American
DOJ Exonerates Themselves - Agency Investigates Themselves
and Finds No Contact Between Matthew Colangelo and Alvin
Bragg’s Office - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Alvin Bragg to testify before House Judiciary day after
Trump sentencing - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 11JUN24.
Trump moves to dismiss classified documents case over
‘evidence tampering’ - by Kaelan Deese / Washington
Examiner 11JUN24.
Trump Legal Team Files Motion to Dismiss Based on Spoliation
of Evidence in Classified Docs Case - by Susie Moore /
Red State 11JUN24.
Silicon Valley Billionaire David Sacks Explains Tech World
Support for Trump, ‘He is in Favor of Innovation, He is
Willing to Listen’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit
Trump’s ‘Revenge’ Needs to Be More Than Success, It Needs to
Be Revenge - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 11JUN24.
Dems Brace for Potential Trump 2.0 - by Lincoln Brown /
PJ Media 11JUN24.
House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a
Trump Victory in November - by Mike LaChance / Gateway
Pundit 11JUN24.
Maddow Meltdown - Liberal Host Goes on Narcissistic Rant,
Worries Trump Would Send Her to Internment Camp - by Bob
Hoge / Red State 11JUN24.
MSNBC’s Maddow Says She’s Worried Trump Will Put Her In A
Concentration Camp - by Steve Watson / Modernity
Biden Campaign Claims Trump “Has Praised The Third Reich”
- by Steve Watson / Modernity 11JUN24.
Biden and the Left Demonize Trump Supporters - Biden’s talk
of Our Democracy™ is a smokescreen - He and the broader left
have no faith in the electorate, voting, or majority rule,
as well as absolute hatred for at least a plurality of
voters - by Christopher Roach / American Greatness
Joe Biden’s Investor Allies Demand Mass Amnesty Before
Election Because They Fear Trump Will Win Anyway - by
Neil Munro / Breitbart 11JUN24.
Nate Silver Issues Dire Warning to Democrats About Biden
- by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 11JUN24.
Tennessee Rep. seeks accountability for officials who called
Hunter Biden's laptop 'disinformation' - "This is a serious
matter that was used for election interference," Burchett
said - by Charlotte Hazard / Just The News 11JUN24.
Hunter Biden Convicted On Felony Gun Charges - by Tyler
Durden / Zerohedge 11JUN24.
Hunter Biden guilty of all charges in gun case - by
Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Jury Finds Hunter Biden Guilty on All Counts - by Susie
Moore / Red State 11JUN24.
Hunter Biden guilty of felony gun charges, faces 25 years in
prison - by Ryan King et al. / NY Post 11JUN24.
Jurors Reach Verdict in Hunter Biden Gun Trial - Guilty of
all Theee Felonies - Faces Up To 25 Years In Prison - by
Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Hunter Biden juror reveals the damning evidence that lead to
conviction at gun trial - by Jack Morphet and Olivia
Land / NY Post 11JUN24.
Jurors on Hunter Biden Gun Case Were Split at First, but
Overwhelming Drug Evidence Swayed the Panel - by Bob
Hoge / Red State 11JUN24.
[Special Counsel] David Weiss: Case Was Not Just About
Addiction but About Illegal Choices Made by Hunter Biden
- by Susie Moore / Red State 11JUN24.
Hunter Biden faces two judges with similar pattern of
handing down harsh sentences - by Ross O'Keefe /
Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Big Daddy Joe Biden couldn’t save Hunter this time around
- by Miranda Devine / NY Post 11JUN24.
What the Hunter Biden conviction does and does not mean
- by Byron York / Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Trump’s Campaign Releases Statement on Hunter Biden
Conviction - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Top Conservatives Issue Warning Minutes After Hunter Biden
Verdict, 'Don't Fall for It' - by Joe Saunders / Western
Journal 11JUN24.
'Shouldn't Even Exist' - Gun Rights Advocates React to
Hunter Biden Verdict in Firearm Case - by Jeff Charles /
Red State 11JUN24.
Hunter Biden's Baby Mama, Lunden Roberts, Speaks on His
Conviction - by Ward Clark / Red State 11JUN24.
“Everything With Hunter Was Gone!” - Lunden Roberts Reveals
Her Cell Phones Were Mysteriously Wiped After She Found Out
She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby - by Cristina
Laila / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
White House Cancels Press Briefing Following Hunter Biden's
Felony Gun Conviction - by Tanner Nau / Washington Free
Beacon 11JUN24.
Joe Biden Releases Statement After Son Hunter Found Guilty
of All Three Gun Felonies - by Cristina Laila / Gateway
Pundit 11JUN24.
Biden 'proud' of Hunter after guilty verdict in Delaware gun
trial - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 11JUN24.
Joe Biden Speaks Out After Hunter's Guilty Verdict, 'We Are
So Proud' - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 11JUN24.
Hunter Biden’s Gun Charge is An Attempt to Blunt Trump’s
Lawfare Complaints - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse
Biden Hosting Gun Control Event Hours After Hunter Found
Guilty on Gun Charges - by Katie Pavlich / Townhall
Biden Scheduled to Speak at Anti-Gun Event Just Hours After
Drug Addict Son Was Convicted of Federal Gun Charges -
by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
Biden calls for 'assault weapons' ban, fails to mention
Hunter's federal gun conviction at DC gun control conference
- by Hannah Nightingale / PM 11JUN24.
Biden's Massive Incoherence in Ironic New Remarks on 'Gun
Sense' After Hunter's Conviction - by Nick Arama / Red
State 11JUN24.
Biden Flies to Delaware and Has Fervent Conversation With
Hunter in Unscheduled Visit - by Nick Arama / Red State
Biden Sips Gatorade To Stay Awake At Juneteenth Event -
Looks and sounds totally gone - by Steve Watson /
Modernity 11JUN24.
Biden’s Celebrity-Packed Juneteenth Event Hit with
Widespread Mockery - ‘Lights on but No One’s Home - by
Paul Bois / Breitbart 11JUN24.
Biden appears to slur his words during White House
Juneteenth event - by Emily Crane / NY Post 11JUN24.
What the Heck Happened to Joe Biden at the WH Juneteenth
Celebration? - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 11JUN24.
Voters agree ‘Biden’s mental decline is real’ - by Paul
Bedard / Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Most Voters Think Old Joe's Mental Decline Is Real - by
Robert Spencer / PJ Media 11JUN24.
Doctor Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend
at Bernie's' Plan - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media
NappyGate makes Biden the most disgraced U.S. president in
history - by Martin Jay / Strategic Culture 11JUN24.
Biden Still Thinks He Can Win a Civil War - by Brandon
Morse / Red State 11JUN24.
Oceans can no longer protect America as space and cyber
technologies continue to grow worldwide - by Ava Grace /
Newstarget 11JUN24.
Portland, Oregon teacher's union wants to indoctrinate
Pre-K-12 students in anti-Israel, pro-Hamas propaganda -
by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 11JUN24.
Patagonia funneled thousands to Palestinian terrorism-linked
group - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 11JUN24.
Believe ‘anti-Israel’ protesters when they tell you they
hate Jews - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 11JUN24.
Rescued Israeli hostages were starved, beaten ‘almost every
day’ in Hamas captivity - by Emily Crane / NY Post
Palestinian Journalist Who Kept Three Israeli Hostages in
His Home Was Killed During Rescue Operation - by Rick
Moran / PJ Media 11JUN24.
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar believes Palestinian deaths are
‘necessary sacrifices’ - by Ronny Reyes / NY Post
Pro-Hamas Group Orders 'Day Of Rage' on NYC - Violence
Erupts, Authorities Nowhere to Be Found - by Margaret
Clark / Red State 11JUN24.
Protests Rage at UCLA As Pro-Hamas Mob Bloodies Security
Guard, Drags Around Fake Corpses - by Bob Hoge / Red
State 11JUN24.
Antisemitism Czar Scolds WashPost for 'Fostering
Antisemitism' by Reporting on Jewish Donors Pushing Protest
Crackdown - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation
In Egypt and then Israel, Blinken pushes on all fronts for
Gaza ceasefire - by Jamie McIntyre / Washington Examiner
Joe Biden and the left must know better than to deal with
the devil known as Hamas - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post
IDF Eliminates Senior Hezbollah Official; Highest Ranking
Officer Neutralized Since Oct. 7 - by Margaret Clark /
Red State 11JUN24.
Biden Regime Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov
Battallion - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.
US Lifts Ban on Arming and Training Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov
Brigade - by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 11JUN24.
What's Up With Putin's Russia Trying to Redraw Its Borders
With Finland and the Baltic States? - by streiff / Red
State 11JUN24.
A Russian Submarine Capable Of Launching Nuclear Missiles
Just Cruised Along The Coast Of Florida - by Michael
Snyder / End Of The American Dream 11JUN24.
US Deploys Sub Hunter P-8 Poseidon Off Florida Coast To
'Shadow' Russian Flotilla - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge
Thundering Loudspeakers, Leaflets and Excrement Balloons:
North and South Korea Restart Cold War-Era Psychological
Warfare - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 11JUN24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Solar Micronova 2 Million Years Ago? Mars, Magnetism, Frost 11JUN24.
Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Pole Shift Risk to Life 11JUN24.
PJ Dubs / Modernity:
They're not taking it well 11JUN24.
PJ Dubs / Modernity:
She said the naughty word 11JUN24.
John Stossel:
This School Helps Poor Kids Succeed, Teacher Unions Try To Shut It Down 11JUN24.
Jimmy Dore:
Russia Sends Ships & Nuclear Subs To Cuba 11JUN24.
Jimmy Dore:
Conservative Parties See BIG Wins in European Parliament Elections 11JUN24.
Jimmy Dore:
American “Aid” Pier Used For Hostage Raid 11JUN24.
Jimmy Dore:
U.S. Soldiers Accused 11JUN24.
Jimmy Dore:
France’s Macron Dissolves National Assembly & Calls For Snap Elections 11JUN24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
French Parliament DISSOLVED After Massive Victory By “Far Right” In EU Elections 11JUN24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Russia DEPLOYS NAVY NEAR FLORIDA, World War 3 Fears Growing 11JUN24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
German Conservatives Secure MASSIVE WIN, Germans Are DONE With Unchecked Immigration & Crime 11JUN24.
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Joe Biden Approval Rating Drops To ALL TIME LOW, DISASTER For Democrats 11JUN24.
Luke / We Are Change:
Joe Biden Will PARDON HUNTER... But Donald Trump Will NOT Get Off 11JUN24.
In Depth

Scott Adams:
Sargon / Lotus Eaters:
Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Hunter Biden GUILTY On ALL Counts, Facing 25 Years, Joe WILL Pardon Him w/Daniel Turner 11JUN24.
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3675
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3676
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3677
Dave / X22 Report:
[HB] Convicted, [NP] J6 Revealed, It’s Not What It Seems, Draft, Trump Is 5 Steps Ahead 11JUN24.

Ryan Long:
Australia Actually Has a 'Minister of Mens Behavior Change' 11JUN24.
The Running ManZ:
Livonia first, then Anastara Adventures 11JUN24.
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