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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Sunday 11FEB24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- New Jersey schoolchildren offered cash prizes for pushing Big Pharma vaccines - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 11FEB24.

- WHO’s Pandemic Treaty negotiations are failing - they are blaming it on vaccine patents - by Rhoda Wilson and Meryl Nass / Exposé 11FEB24.

- “The Great Reset” Is Here - Follow the Money - “Insane Lockdown” of the Global Economy, “The Green Agenda” - by Patricia Harrity / Exposé 11FEB24.

- Beware Of The Philanthropaths - by Jim Quinn / The Burning Platform via Zerohedge 11FEB24.

- Sadiq Khan’s £150m Pay-Per-Mile Road Charging Scheme is Straight Out of the C40 Cities Playbook That Sets London Target of Zero Private Vehicles by 2030 - by Laura Dodsworth / Daily Sceptic 11FEB24.

- Germany’s Industrial Superpower Days are Over, a Green Victory? - by Mike Shedlock / Mish Talk 11FEB24.

- EU Farmers Rise Against the Climate Cult - by David Thrunder / Brownstone Institute via Zerohedge 11FEB24.

- EU Farmers Protest Green Policies’ Threat to Greenest Lands - by Vijay Jayaraj / WUWT 11FEB24.

- Convoy politics hit Europe over farm policy, like those in North America over Covid and border - by Eric J. Lyman / Just The News 11FEB24.

- BBC Asks “Are the politics of climate change going out of fashion?” - [Labour opposition leader Keir Starmer’s election campaign decision to cancel a pledge to spend £28 billion per year on green projects has rocked the British political landscape] - by Eric Worrall / WUWT 11FEB24.

- Biden hides his climate agenda from Congress and voters - by Jonathan Turley / NY Post 11FEB24.

- Congress and Courts enable Energy and Climate Fantasy and Tyranny - Supreme Court should end “Chevron deference” to restore checks, balances and reality - by Paul Driessen / WUWT 11FEB24.

- Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for Release of Billions of Biopesticide Lab-Altered Mosquitoes - by Michael Nevradakis / America First 11FEB24.

- ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Tap Water Spread Cancer - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 11FEB24.

- UK Govt to Fluoridate Drinking Water of Millions of Britons - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 11FEB24.

- Changing the Food System From the Bottom Up - by Joseph Mercola / America First 11FEB24.

- Popular U.S. food brands linked to forced labor by prisoners - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 11FEB24.

- Biden Slams Bidenomics in Super Bowl-Influenced Video, Says it's Hard to Buy Game Day Snacks - by Joe Saunders / Western Journal 11FEB24.

- Fears of more regional bank failures grow as Moody’s cuts New York Community Bancorp’s credit rating to junk status - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 11FEB24.

- Biden defies Supreme Court on student debt cancellation, absurdly claims there’s no cost to taxpayers - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 11FEB24.

- Respect for Authorities ‘Died Suddenly’ - by J.B. Shurk / America First 11FEB24.

- Alberta's Bold Resistance Against Canada's March Towards State-Controlled Childrearing - by Amy Mek / Rair 11FEB24.

- Were Covid lockdowns and “distance learning” Planned to make today’s kids and the next generation of adults Dumb Enough to vote for more communism? - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 11FEB24.

- Professor Suspended After Refusing to Grade Students Based on Race Fires Back with Massive Lawsuit - by Rachel M. Emmanuel / Western Journal 11FEB24.

- Boy falsely accused of ‘blackface’ by Deadspin arrives at Super Bowl wearing full headdress - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 11FEB24.

- 9-Year-Old Chiefs Fan Smeared by Deadspin Goes to Super Bowl Wearing Face Paint and Native Headdress - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- The 'Black National Anthem' Gets Almost Non-Existent Applause from Super Bowl Audience - by Michael Austin / Western Journal 11FEB24.

- CNN Strains to Deflect From Woke Scolds Offended by 'Blazing Saddles' on Its 50th Anniversary - by Brad Slager / Red State 11FEB24.

- [UK] Armed Forces Hire Over 40 Diversity and Inclusion Chiefs and Aim to Ban Christian Tradition From Remembrance Day Ceremonies - by Richard Eldred / Daily Sceptic 11FEB24.

- Democrat D.C. Sees More 911 Calls Than Any U.S. State - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 11FEB24.

- DC Council Appoints Paroled Murderer To Sentencing Commission - by Alicia Powe / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Thieves Rampaging in Upscale NYC Neighborhood Turn Tail and Run After Crossing Paths with the Wrong Doorman - by Anthony Altomari / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Assaults on NYPD escalate to record-breaking totals in latest anti-cop sentiment - ‘Full-blown epidemic’ - by Dean Balsamini and Tina Moore / NY Post 11FEB24.

- 'Stop Cop City' agitators take credit for torching Atlanta Police car, police search for suspects - by Sara Higdon / PM 11FEB24.

- Chaos Reigns in the Streets of America as an Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes the Nation - by Michael Snyder / America First 11FEB24.

- Illegal Alien in Midland, Texas Kills 10 Year Old Boy in Hit-and-Run - Is Detained by ICE - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- 'They told us we need to be prepared,' Sheriff warns FBI advised terror attack 'imminent,' ramps up training, security in his agency - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 11FEB24.

- Biden Campaign's Desperate Race-Baiting Attack on Trump Gets Ripped to Shreds by the People - by Nick Arama / Red State 11FEB24.

- Almost 7,000 Illegal Alien Encounters in One Day - Tucson Sector Highest with 2,500 - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- ‘Evil Democrats’ are ‘Opening the Door to Chaos’ - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Now it’s free cash - Hochul and Adams’ never-ending migrant-money spigot - by Nicole Gelinas / NY Post 11FEB24.

- VA Dems Want to Incentivize Illegal Immigration by Giving Migrant Minors Free Healthcare - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 11FEB24.

- Speaker Johnson reveals 64 instances Biden where sabotaged border security and encouraged illegal migration - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 11FEB24.

- Mayorkas rejects impeachment push, ‘We don’t bear responsibility for a broken system’ - by Ryan King / NY Post 11FEB24.

- DHS Secretary Mayorkas Tells NBC Hack, “We Don’t Bear Responsibility” for Open US Border and 11 Million Illegal Alien Invasion - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Mayorkas Says He Does Not Regret Terminating Trump’s ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy After Millions of Military Age Males Invade US - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Details Emerge About Trump's Plan For Mass Deportations - by Ben Kew / Red State 11FEB24.

- UK Steps Up War on Whistleblower Journalism With New National Security Act - Patricia Harrity and Kit Klarenberg / Grayzone via Exposé 11FEB24.

- Biden Targeting Military Veterans, Older Americans, Rural Communities And Those That Hold The Bible And Constitution Sacred, With Federally Funded AI Censorship Tool - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 11FEB24.

- “In The War Of Propaganda, It Is Very Difficult To Defeat The United States” - The US empire has by far the most sophisticated and effective propaganda machine ever to have existed, operating with such complexity that most people don’t even know it exists - by Caitlin Johnstone 11FEB24.

- Tucker Carlson Destroys Legacy Media - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- IRS blistered anew by internal watchdog for lax protections of taxpayer data after criminal leak - Agency failed to revoke access to sensitive tax systems from contractors who failed background checks and doesn’t have protections for some systems to prevent leaks, [says TIGTA (Treasury Department Inspector General for Tax Administration)] - by John Solomon / Just The News 11FEB24.

- McConnell resists calls for leadership change as foes consider McCarthy-like revolt - by Samantha-Jo Roth / Washington Examiner 11FEB24.

- Trump's New Montana Senate Pick Tim Sheehy Has Many Red Flags, Forcing the MAGA World to Side with His Opponent - by Warner Todd Huston / Western Journal 11FEB24.

- RINO Governor Kemp Says President Trump Should Not Get Presidential Immunity in Jack Smith’s Lawfare Case - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Michael Rapaport Admits 'I Was Wrong' About Trump in Fascinating Discussion on 'Fine People' Hoax - by Nick Arama / Red State 11FEB24.

- Trump Says Not So Fast, Taylor - 'No Way' Swift Will Endorse Joe Biden - by Bob Hoge / Red State 11FEB24.

- President Trump posts epic Taylor Swift message on Truth, 'Joe Biden didn’t do anything for Taylor, and never will' says her endorsing him would be 'disloyal' - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 11FEB24.

- Voters Rate Trump’s Tenure As Better Than Biden’s - by William Upton / National Pulse 11FEB24.

- Trump Calls For Mandatory Cognitive Tests For All Presidential Candidates - “I don’t think Nikki would pass the test” - by Steve Watson / Modernity 11FEB24.

- Measly Crowd Turn Out to See Nikki Haley’s Bus Arrive at South Carolina Stop including Grandma in a Lawn Chair - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Can Biden Win Reelection? Microsoft's New AI 'Healthy Information Ecosystem' Could Be the Difference - by Mike Miller / Red State 11FEB24.

- Georgia Rejects Data Specialist’s Assertion of Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2020, 2021, and 2022 - by Fred Lucas / America First 11FEB24.

- The Third-Party Impact on the Presidential Election Has Never Been So Big - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 11FEB24.

- 'Squad' Member [Cori Bush] May Lose Her Seat as Her Primary Opponent Gains Massive Lead - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 11FEB24.

- Democrats Hemorrhaging Black and Latino Voters as Biden Crushes Middle Class Dreams and Funnels Billions to Illegals and Foreign Regimes - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- New York Times' Editorial Shows How Special Counsel's Report Has the Left Absolutely Terrified for Biden - by Jeff Charles / Red State 11FEB24.

- Special counsel’s report gives impeachment inquiry new leads in Biden-Ukraine saga - by Steven Richard / Just The News 11FEB24.

- Jill Biden Lashes Out at Special Counsel Robert Hur in Shameful Statement - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Jill Biden defends Joe, suggests special counsel tried to ‘score political points’ using son Beau’s death - by Ryan King / NY Post 11FEB24.

- Biden White House Removes Joe Biden’s Disastrous Thursday Night Press Conference and Unlists the Video from White House YouTube Page And The Lame Excuse on Why They Did This Doesn’t Cut It - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- James Carville slams Biden decision to skip Super Bowl interview - by Jack Birle / Washington Examiner 11FEB24.

- Carville Explains How Bad Biden Throwing Over the Super Bowl Is, and How Deep His Problems With Voters Go - by Nick Arama / Red State 11FEB24.

- After Ducking the Super Bowl the White House Issues Tone-Deaf Video of Biden Carping About Shrinkflation - by Brad Slager / Townhall 11FEB24.

- Joe Biden Bitches About 'Shrinkflation' Affecting Super Bowl Snacks in Cringe Video - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 11FEB24.

- Joe Biden, Who Gave Consumers 33 Percent Food Inflation, Cuts Super Bowl Sunday Video Attacking Snack Food Industry for ‘Shrinkflation’; Says He’s ‘Most Angry’ Over Smaller Cartons of Ice Cream - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Medical providers call Biden's mental state into question - by Sara Higdon / PM 11FEB24.

- Stunning Majority of Americans Say Biden's Too Old to Serve Second Term - by Mike Miller / Red State 11FEB24.

- Almost Ninety Percent Believe Biden Isn’t Fit To Serve - by Steve Watson / Modernity 11FEB24.

- 86% of Voters Think Biden Is Too Old to Serve Another Term - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 11FEB24.

- Only People As Senile As Joe Biden Is Can’t See How Senile Joe Biden Is - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 11FEB24.

- Newt Gingrich says US ‘can’t have a commander in chief who doesn’t know what he’s doing’ - by Breccan F. Thies / Washington Examiner 11FEB24.

- Joe Biden’s Presidency is Over - It has been clear since Joe Biden took the oath of office, and long before that, that he was never in charge of his mental faculties, let alone the country - by Carpe Diem / American Greatness 11FEB24.

- Hillary Clinton Twists Knife on Biden, Calls His Age a 'Legitimate Issue' - by Ben Kew / Red State 11FEB24.

- Hillary Clinton Says Biden’s Age ‘Legitimate Issue’ and People in White House Talk About Biden’s Old Age Behind the Scenes - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- How Joe Biden can save his old-man image - by James Bovard / NY Post 11FEB24.

- Biden Is 'Never, Ever' Going to Drop Out, Campaign Chief Insists - by Ben Kew / Red State 11FEB24.

- David Axelrod Says Michelle Obama Will Never Run for President, 'She Doesn't Like Politics' - by Ben Kew / Red State 11FEB24.

- Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin transfers powers to deputy after being hospitalized anew - by John Solomon / Just The News 11FEB24.

- Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Transfers Power Hours After Return to Hospital - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- John Kirby Promoted, Now WH National Security Communications Adviser - by Bob Hoge / Red State 11FEB24.

- Meet the pro-Hamas activist courted by the Biden administration - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 11FEB24.

- IDF Reports Discovery of Top Secret Hamas Data Center Beneath UN’s Gaza Headquarters - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Hamas Tunnel Network Discovered Under UN Agency in Gaza That Fired Staffers Over Alleged Terror Links - by Jake Smith / Daily Caller via America First 11FEB24.

- Israeli soldiers and Gaza medical workers capture 20 Hamas terrorists hiding in hospital - by Ronny Reyes / NY Post 11FEB24.

- Israel Massacres Civilians in Gaza 'Safe Zone' While Advertising Their Own Victimhood During Super Bowl - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 11FEB24.

- IDF Airstrikes Pound Damascus As Syria Warns That It Is Ready For War With Israel - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 11FEB24.

- $96 Billion Ukraine-Israel Military Aid Bill Moves Closer to Passage Despite Trump's Opposition - by streiff / Red State 11FEB24.

- Disgusting US Senate Advances $95 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan in Rare Super Bowl Sunday Vote - Here are the 18 Republicans Who Voted with Democrats - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- The Media Is Lying About Trump’s NATO Comments - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 11FEB24.

- Examining the Controversy Surrounding Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin - A leitmotif in Putin’s remarks to Tucker in that marathon interview was, as he saw it, the serial betrayal of Russia by the West - by Roger Kimball / American Greatness 11FEB24.

- Media Hacks Receive Marching Orders - Trash Tucker Carlson for Speaking with Uniparty Arch Enemy Vladimir Putin - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- Chris Wallace Mocks Tucker Carlson for Putin Interview, Promptly Gets Flambéd by Greg Gutfeld - by Bob Hoge / Red State 11FEB24.

- Elon Musk slams ‘false news reports’ that SpaceX is selling Starlink to Russia - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 11FEB24.

- NATO and the CIA Are Waging a Secret War in Russia - by Sonja van den Ende / Strategic Culture 11FEB24.

- Stubb Elected President in NATO Finland, Vows ‘No Relations’ With Russia Until the End of the War - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 11FEB24.

- The Operational Impact of America’s Greatest Strategic Failure - The U.S. Navy’s decision to stop the production of critically important munitions are prima facie evidence of America's failure to perceive and respond appropriately to the threat from the PRC - by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer / American Greatness 11FEB24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Solar Flare, Impacts Expected, Bad Volcano Article, Solar Forcing 11FEB24.

Styx: Kamala Harris Gets Wasted and Becomes Even More Incoherent 11FEB24.

Styx: The Taylor Swift Superb Owl Is Today 11FEB24.

Styx: Trump Talks NATO Reform and the TDS Sufferers Pounce as Usual 11FEB24.

Styx: Hate Gang Rape? Legacy Media Says You're Far Right 11FEB24.

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Styx: Hillary Clinton Gives Biden Some Actual Good Advice 11FEB24.

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Salty Cracker: Cops Kill Lunatic Holding a Woman Hostage With a Machete 11FEB24.

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Mark Dice: Football - The Opiate of the Masses 11FEB24.

Hodge Twins: Old Joe Walks Out With A Milkshake and Says This About the Mexico Border 11FEB24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: The View’s Sunny Hostin SHOCKED That She’s A Descendant Of Spanish Slave Owners 11FEB24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Leaked Document REVEALS Disney MANDATES Racist Policies, Elon Declares War 11FEB24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Saudi Arabia Breaks Ground On “The Line,” INSANE Dystopian Future City For Globalists 11FEB24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: “The Boys” Star QUITS INSTAGRAM After Getting ROASTED Over Alleged Plastic Surgery 11FEB24.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Biden Says He Will Be President For Red States & Green States In Hilarious Gaffe 11FEB24.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Kamala Harris Could REMOVE BIDEN Via 25th Amendment, She Doesn’t Need Congress 11FEB24.

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Luke / We Are Change: Tucker Carlson Made Major Moves But Putin WOULDN'T Go There 11FEB24.

In Depth

Salty Cracker: Screw NATO ReeEEeE Stream 11FEB24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 11FEB24.

Suspect Sky: Extreme Cold Summit | The Putin Interview | Fall of Biden 11FEB24.

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Dave / X22 Report: When Do Birds Sing? The Stage Is Set, This Is The Final Battle To Take Back The Country 11FEB24.


It's A Gundam: The Man that hates Stellar Slade & his quest for clout 11FEB24.

The Running ManZ: Map: Bitteroot! Superb Owl SundayZ 11FEB24.


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