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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Wednesday 09OCT24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.58 |

South Korea’s Excess Deaths Skyrocket Among Vaccinated
Population - by Frank Bergman / Slay 09OCT24.
Just like New Zealand, an alarming increase in people going
to hospital with chest pains after the rollout of covid
“vaccines” is reported in Australia - by Rhoda Wilson
and Guy Hatchard / Exposé 09OCT24.
The left is using bogus Covid-19 research to censor their
opponents - by Isaac Schorr / NY Post 09OCT24.
How can you tell which studies are right and which ones are
wrong? - by Steve Kirsch / Substack 09OCT24.
EcoHealth Alliance had ‘pending’ $4M grants to study
Marburg, other viruses before federal suspension - by
Josh Christenson / NY Post 09OCT24.
Is it time for a nationwide ban on fluoridated water? -
by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 09OCT24.
What Doctors won’t tell you about chemotherapy - by
Rhoda Wilson and Vernon Coleman / Exposé 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris’ $500B home care election bribe and her faulty
math - by Chris Pope / NY Post 09OCT24.
Harris’ plan for in-home elder care will cost tens of
billions more than projected - by Josh Christenson and
Diana Glebova / NY Post 09OCT24.
Elk Fire in Wyoming Now Ravages Almost 75,000 Acres as
Desperate Crews Scramble to Save Wildlife and Communities
from Raging Inferno - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
Coincidence or Not, the Storms Mark the Beginning of the
Most Impactful Days for America - by JD Rucker / America
First 09OCT24.
Milton Barrels Towards Tampa-Area As A Cat. 5 Hurricane
- by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 09OCT24.
Hurricane Milton reached CAT 5 status - the last time there
was a hurricane this strong barreling towards Florida was
pre-Civil War - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 09OCT24.
Hurricane Chasers Fly Through the Eye of Monster Storm
Milton As It Barrels Toward Florida - by Bob Hoge / Red
State 09OCT24.
Waiting for the World to End - by Scott Pinsker / PJ
Media 09OCT24.
Wavering Floridians Told to Get Moving as Hurricane Milton
Closes In - by Simon Kent / Breitbart 09OCT24.
Tampa Mayor Has Rather Sinister Plans for Those Residents
Who Refuse to Evacuate - by Teri Christoph / Red State
Health dept. issues flesh-eating bacteria warning, tells
people to avoid contact with floodwaters during Hurricane
Milton - by Chris Nesi / NY Post 09OCT24.
If Hurricane Milton wasn’t bad enough, monster storm is
spawning tornado supercells to wreak havoc on Florida -
by Isabel Keane / NY Post 09OCT24.
Hurricane Milton expected to be so powerful, it could
forever change Florida’s coastline - by Isabel Keane /
NY Post 09OCT24.
Hurricane Milton threatens economic and political chaos
- by James Rogan / Washington Examiner 09OCT24.
Hurricane Milton’s Wrath - “Take A Pen And Write Your Name
And Social Security Number On Your Leg So That We Have A
Contact If We Find You” - by Michael Snyder / End Of The
American Dream 09OCT24.
Trump Steps Up to House 275 Electrical Linemen as Hurricane
Milton Approaches - by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal
Joe Biden slams Trump over hurricane 'misinformation' -
by Misty Severi / Just The News 09OCT24.
Kamala Calls Into CNN and the Weather Channel to Explain
About Hurricanes - by Nick Arama / Red State 09OCT24.
Kamala Zoom Hurricane Meeting Goes South When She Gets
Caught Asking for Help From Aide - by Nick Arama / Red
State 09OCT24.
Gov. DeSantis Mobilizes Inmates to Fill Sand Bags in Florida
Ahead of Hurricane Milton - by Anthony Scott / Gateway
Pundit 09OCT24.
Storm Chasers on Scene in Florida as Hurricane Milton Makes
Landfall as Category 3 Storm - by Cristina Laila /
Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Florida county reports multiple fatalities after tornado
crashes through senior community - by Misty Severi /
Just The News 09OCT24.
DeSantis, Dark Brandon, And CNN Hit Kamala With Laser Eyes
Over Hurricane 'Phone Call' Stunt - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 09OCT24.
Harris Attempts To Blame Trump For FEMA Hurricane Relief
Failures - by Steve Watson / Modernity 09OCT24.
‘Still No FEMA’ As Blank Page Harris Plays Politics With
Hurricane Relief - by M.D. Kittle / Federalist 09OCT24.
Fox News Reporter Peter Doocy Provides 'Receipts' After
Karine Jean-Pierre Called His Question 'Misinformation'
- by Jack Davis / Western Journal 09OCT24.
Peter Doocy Drops the Receipts About 'Misinformation' on KJP
and Kamala - That's Going to Leave a Mark - by Nick
Arama / Red State 09OCT24.
North Carolina mayor claims his daughter was denied $750
FEMA relief payment even though her home was ‘wiped out’
- by Olivia Land / NY Post 09OCT24.
Harris-Biden Admin Turned FEMA Into a DEI Experiment and
Hurricane Victims Are Suffering for It - by Rusy Weiss /
Red State 09OCT24.
FEMA Industrial Complex hard at work in North Carolina
post-Helene, stealing resources, denying supplies while
victims suffer and die - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget
GOP Rep. Luna: We Need to End FEMA Migrant Spending and
Boost Disaster Relief Funding - by Ian Hanchett /
Breitbart 09OCT24.
Editor of Wall Street Journal Defends Column by JD Vance
About Slow Response to Helene After Morning Joe Calls it
‘Disinformation’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit
DHS head Mayorkas shops for luxury items in Georgetown while
western North Carolinians suffer post-Helene - by Ethan
Huff / Newstarget 09OCT24.
North Carolina National Guard Admits They 'Rotor Washed' a
Hurricane Helene Relief Site - by Jennifer Oliver
O'Connell / Red State 09OCT24.
Black Hawk Pilots Grounded After Rotor Washing Helene
Volunteers' Aid Cache - by Jared Harris / Western
Journal 09OCT24.
Metro Atlanta Community Is Still Reeling From Chemical Plant
Fire - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 09OCT24.
Georgia environmental official collapses and dies near state
Capitol after testifying about toxic BioLab fire - by
Patrick Reilly / NY Post 09OCT24.
Rockdale County Environmental Supervisor Dies Suddenly After
Collapsing Following Testimony on Toxic BioLab Fire - by
Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Rare, Heavy September Rainfalls Have Brought Back Lakes in
The Sahara - by P Gosselin / No Tricks Zone via WUWT
Climate Activists Frustrated by IPCC’s Refusal to Link
Extreme Weather With Carbon Emissions - by Chris
Morrison / Daily Sceptic 09OCT24.
Chevron Exec Nukes Gavin Newsom Over Oil, Gas Storage Scheme
- by Ward Clark / Red State 09OCT24.
Free Market Electricity - by Robert Bradley Jr. / Master
Resource via WUWT 09OCT24.
Offshore wind’s bogus benefits bragged on - by David
Wojick / CFACT via WUWT 09OCT24.
The Media Desperately Wants To Disprove Trump’s True Claims
About Kamala’s EV Plans - by Paul Bradford / American
Greatness 09OCT24.
Don’t trust her flip-flop - Kamala Harris Does want to ban
your gas cars - by Rich Lowry / NY Post 09OCT24.
Yes, Kamala Harris wants to tell you what car to drive -
by Washington Examiner 09OCT24.
eBay to Ban Private E-Bike Sales Over Fire Risk - by
Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 09OCT24.
Deficit Nearly Doubles to $2 Trillion As Lawmakers Continue
to Borrow and Spend Like Drunken Sailors - by Mike
Miller / Red State 09OCT24.
Voters put debt, economy at record level of concern - by
Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 09OCT24.
Most battleground voters fret about national debt -
‘Critical campaign issue’ - by A.G. Gancarski / NY Post
Three-quarters of Americans Surveyed Can’t Pay Their Bills
- by Bob Adelmann / New American 09OCT24.
The Cost of Free Money - by John Stossel / Townhall
Walz more worried about tampons than student test scores
- by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner 09OCT24.
Texas Teachers Busted Knocking Out Kids with 'Sleepy
Stickers' - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 09OCT24.
1 in 3 Homeschooled by 2030 as 16 Million Flee Public
School, Forecast Finds - by Alex Newman / Liberty
Sentinel 09OCT24.
Now, Even Many “Elite” College Students “Can’t Read Books”
- by Selwyn Duke / New American 09OCT24.
Gen Zs, millennials are using AI for emotional support,
calling it ‘more effective’ than a pet - by Asia Grace /
NY Post 09OCT24.
They'll Make Art Out of Anything These Days - by Chris
Queen / PJ Media 09OCT24.
CBS Refuses to Air Political Ad Discussing Kamala Harris'
Support for 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Minors - by Jeff
Charles / Red State 09OCT24.
14 State AGs Sue TikTok Over Alleged Harm to Children's
Mental Health - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 09OCT24.
Oregon Dem Congressional candidate accused of covering up
child sex abuse allegations involving former staffer -
by Katie Daviscourt / PM 09OCT24.
Over 13,900 U.S. Kids Have Received Damaging ‘Sex Change’
Treatments So Far - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media
Watchdog Finds That US Hospitals Made $120 Million From ‘Sex
Changes’ On Children In just five years - by Steve
Watson / Modernity 09OCT24.
The Top 12 'Worst-Offending' Hospitals Trans-ing Kids Were
Just Exposed - by Mia Cathell / Townhall 09OCT24.
3.3% of American teens identify as 'trans' and more than
5,700 underwent medical sex change from 2019-2023 - by
Libby Emmons / PM 09OCT24.
Virginia Teacher defended by ADF in 'preferred pronouns'
lawsuit wins settlement with 'seismic implications' - by
Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 09OCT24.
Democrats Insist That Transgender “Medicine” Is Essential to
Military Recruitment - by Tyler O'Neil / Daily Signal
Ellen DeGeneres Derides Trump As Anti-LGBTQ, Gets
Slam-Dunked in Replies - by Ward Clark / Red State
12-Year Ordeal May Be Over for Christian Baker As
Discrimination Lawsuit Dismissed by Colorado High Court
- by Becky Noble / Red State 09OCT24.
12 Years of Legal Battles Finally Come to an End for
Christian Baker in Colorado Who Refused to Bake a Pro-Tranny
Cake - by Katelynn Richardson / Daily Caller via America
First 09OCT24.
9-year-old NFL fan's defamation lawsuit against Deadspin to
proceed after writer accused him of wearing blackface to
game - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 09OCT24.
Black female Dem CNN strategist tells white male pundit she
won't 'be lectured by some white man' - by David Krayden
/ PM 09OCT24.
New York Gov. Hochul tanks police pensions after unions take
aim at crime record - by Richard Moorhead / Law
Enforcement Today 09OCT24.
Seattle activist, family arrested over fentanyl drug
trafficking ring - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 09OCT24.
Nordstrom CEO says Seattle area is worst market for violent
retail shoplifting in the US - by Ari Hoffman / PM
FBI Intercepts Election Day Plot by Afghan Migrant to Attack
Large Crowds - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 09OCT24
Afghan national living legally in the U.S. arrested for
plotting Election Day terrorist attack on behalf of ISIS
- by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement Today 09OCT24.
Afghan man arrested in Election Day terror plot was given
special visa under Biden-Harris admin - by David Krayden
/ PM 09OCT24.
Afghan National Who Entered US On Special Visa Charged With
Plotting Election Day Massacre - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 09OCT24.
DOJ Arrests Afghan Refugee and ISIS Supporter for Conspiring
to Conduct Election Day Attack - Arrived with Tens of
Thousands of Unvetted Afghans During Joe Biden’s Botched
Withdrawal from Afghanistan - by Jim Hoft / Gateway
Pundit 09OCT24.
Afghan Terrorist Arrested For Plotting Election Day Attack
Was CIA Security Guard - by Cristina Laila / Gateway
Pundit 09OCT24.
CNN Once Again Exposed As Hacks After 'Fact-Check' on
Afghani Arrested for Election Day Terror Plot - by Brad
Slager / Red State 09OCT24.
Group of Illegal Immigrants Tie Up, Assault Woman in
Affluent [Dallas] Neighborhood As They Rob Her Home - by
Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 09OCT24.
Illegal Alien From Guatemala Arrested, Charged With Raping a
Child, After Court Released Him - by Ward Clark / Red
State 09OCT24.
Biden-Harris Administration Has No Clue How Many Unvetted
Aliens It Let In - by Helen Raleigh / Federalist
Two-Thirds of Americans Support Deportations for Illegal
Migrants - by Neil Munro / Breitbart 09OCT24.
London Police Settle With Street Preacher Arrested for
Offending Muslims - by Michael Tennant / New American
Concern over immigration in Spain rises sharply as majority
believes there are ‘too many’ immigrants - by Thomas
Brooke / Remix 09OCT24.
Europeans May Finally Be Trying To Speed Up Deportations
- by Christopher Tomlinson / National Pulse 09OCT24.
Austria faces political deadlock as federal president
resists giving victorious FPÖ a mandate to form a government
- by Thomas Brooke / Remix 09OCT24.
German government is rushing through a “security package” to
expand biometric surveillance - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé
Fiji plans to roll out national digital IDs over the next
three years - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 09OCT24.
DOJ Takes Aim at Breaking Up Google - by Dan Frieth /
Reclaim The Net 09OCT24.
DOJ may seek Google breakup after landmark antitrust case
victory - ‘Unlawful conduct’ - by Thomas Barrabi / NY
Post 09OCT24.
Up to Five Years in Prison for “Hate Speech” Under New
Australians Laws - by Rebekah Barnett / Daily Sceptic
Free Speech in the Crosshairs - by Betsy McCaughey /
Townhall 09OCT24.
The Democrats’ assault on free speech - by Dennis Kneale
/ Washington Examiner 09OCT24.
Free Speech Impediment - Too many of our nation’s college
students are anti-free speech zealots - by Larry Sand /
American Greatness 09OCT24.
YouTube Suspends Channel of Nationalist Advocate Keith Woods
- by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 09OCT24.
Radical Massachusetts' governor takes executive action with
extreme gun-grabbing legislation - by Pat Droney / Law
Enforcement Today 09OCT24.
‘Transparency’ Act Forces Small Businesses to Register
Personal Data With Federal Law Enforcement - by Peter
McIlvenna / Federalist 09OCT24.
Huge 'Vote for Trump' Sign Lights Up in Upstate NY Despite
Local Officials' Efforts to Shut It Down - by Bob Hoge /
Red State 09OCT24.
U.S. Govt Seems Committed To Disenfranchising, Persecuting,
Harming And Even Killing Citizens, But Apparently The Only
Real 'Danger' Is Americans Have Begun To Notice And Object
- by J.B. Shurk / All News Pipeline 09OCT24.
We Are On The Eve Of Destruction, Yet Despite The Events Of
The Past Years, From Covid To Wars And Much In Between, So
Many Tell Me Over And Over Again That We Are Not On The Eve
Of Destruction - by Rob Pue / All News Pipeline 09OCT24.
Poll Reveals the Massive Cultural and Ideological Divide
Between the Elites and the People They Want to Rule Over
- by Jarrett Stepman / America First 09OCT24.
Unhinged April Delaney Loses Composure at Maryland
Congressional Debate, Accosts Neil Parrott in Fit of Rage
- by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 09OCT24.
I have given up being shocked - by Rhoda Wilson and
Vernon Coleman / Exposé 09OCT24.
Have We “Lurched to the Right” or “Gone Down the Rabbit
Hole”? - by James Alexander / Daily Sceptic 09OCT24.
Arizona State University Caught in Free Speech Tug-of-War
Over Gov-Funded “Disinformation” Battle - by Didi
Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 09OCT24.
Disinformation Isn’t the Problem - Government Coverups and
Censorship Are the Problem - by John and Nisha Whitehead
/ New American 09OCT24.
WSJ Editor-at-Large Destroys Morning Joe for
'Misinformation' Claim, 'Quite a Bit of Chutzpah' - by
Bob Hoge / Red State 09OCT24.
Melania Trump Charms ‘The Five’ on Fox News, “I think it’s
the time that people hear from me and my story, my
perspective, and the truth” - by Margaret Flavin /
Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Barron Trump was denied a bank account due to ‘cancel mob,’
mom Melania claims - ‘Civil rights violations’ - by
Emily Crane / NY Post 09OCT24.
Barron Trump Shut Out by Bank Amid Cancel Culture
Accusations - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 09OCT24.
Deranged College Professor Says Any Man Who Doesn't Vote For
Kamala Should Be Lined Up and Shot - by Teri Christoph /
Red State 09OCT24.
Violence-Promoting Leftist [University of Kansas] Professor
Caught on Camera Telling Students What Could Happen to Men
Who Won’t Vote For “a potential female president” - ”We
could line up all those guys and Shoot them!” - by Patty
McMurray / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Instructor Placed on Leave After Saying Men Who Don't Vote
for a Female President Should Be Shot - by Jack Davis /
Western Journal 09OCT24.
Oversight Project Tracks Travel History of Would-Be Trump
Assassins, With Interesting Results - by Ward Clark /
Red State 09OCT24.
Trump Claims FBI Sitting on Information That Suggests
Assassination Attempts Were Foreign-Backed - by Paul
Joseph Watson / Modernity 09OCT24.
Iran’s Attacks on President Trump - Foreign Election
Interference Goes Unchallenged - by Antonio Graceffo /
Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Josh Hawley: Whistleblower Claims Secret Service Hiding Info
About Trump Not Getting Max Protection - by Bob Hoge /
Red State 09OCT24.
North Carolina Officials Change Election Rules in
Hurricane-Devastated Counties that Mostly Voted for Trump,
Fueling Republican Election Integrity Concerns - by Jim
Hoft / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
This 'Hurricane Election' Will Be Like No Other Election in
History - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 09OCT24.
Trump Campaign Sounds Alarm Over Potential
Disenfranchisement of More Than 530,000 Trump Voters in
Flood-Ravaged Western North Carolina - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Democrats Panic After Georgia Election Board Subpoenas All
2020 Election Records from Fulton County - Liz
Harrington Weighs In - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
MI GOP and RNC File Lawsuit Against SOS Benson and Director
of MI Elections - Challenge MI’s UOCAVA Rules That Could
Allow Non-MI Citizens to Cast Ballots in Critical Swing
State - by Patty McMurray / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Latest Michigan Lawsuit Against Jocelyn Benson Targets Her
Dangerous and Illicit UOCAVA Voter Regulations - by Jim
Hoft / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Spanish-Language Ads Reminding Non-Citizens 'Are Not Allowed
to Vote' in Federal Elections - by Rusty Weiss / Red
State 09OCT24.
68% of Voters Support Proof Of Citizenship For Voting -
by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 09OCT24.
Tina Peters Releases Her Mesa County Voting System Forensic
Examination to the Public After Sentencing by Venomous
Colorado Judge - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Rep. Bryan Steil raises concerns about people being
'unwitting straw donors' to ActBlue - by Charlotte
Hazard / Just The News 09OCT24.
VP Candidate Walz [proclaims,] “The Electoral College Needs
to Go” - by Veronika Kyrylenko / New American 09OCT24.
Campaign Does Damage Control After Tim Walz Says He Wants to
Radically Change Election Rules - by Randy DeSoto /
Western Journal 09OCT24.
The 2024 Presidential Election Really Isn't That Close -
by Rick Moran / PJ Media 09OCT24.
Harris/Walz Campaign 'In a Lot of Trouble' - by Ward
Clark / Red State 09OCT24.
CNN Claims Democrats Are Having 2016 Flashbacks, Kamala
Harris is ‘Not Moving the Needle’ - by Mike LaChance /
Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Journalist Mark Halperin Claims to Have Seen Harris Campaign
Internal Polling, ‘She’s in a Lot of Trouble’ - by Mike
LaChance / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
WSJ [reports] Harris in Trouble in Battleground States -
[far-left political commentator Mark] Halperin [says] She
Could Lose Six of Seven - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New
American 09OCT24.
Is the ‘Blue Wall’ Cracking? Shocking Poll Shows Rust Belt
Shift in 2024 - by Nick Arama / Red State 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris' 'Blue Wall' Crumbling Before Her Eyes - New
Battleground Poll Shows Incredible Trump Surge - by
Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 09OCT24.
“She’s Dangerous” - Black and Hispanic Women Break Down
Their Support for Trump Over Commiela Harris - by Jason
Cohen / DCNF via America First 09OCT24.
Far-Left Radio Host ‘Charlamagne Tha God’ Says Trump’s
Message is Resonating With Voters, Kamala’s Campaign ‘Very
Out of Touch’ - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
How many Republicans support Harris and how many Democrats
support Trump? - by Byron York / Washington Examiner
Fox News Makes Last-Minute Offer to Both the Kamala Harris
and Donald Trump Campaigns - by Randy DeSoto / Western
Journal 09OCT24.
Trump's Funny, No-Holds-Barred Interview Has Them Rolling
When He Explains Joe Biden's Real Talent - [Sleep] - by
Nick Arama / Red State 09OCT24.
Jill Biden Looking to Boost Kamala Harris by Hitting
Campaign Trail - by Simon Kent / Breitbart 09OCT24.
The Vibes Have Run Out For Kamala Harris - by W. James
Antle III / American Conservative 09OCT24.
Kamala's Parade of Mostly Pablum Interviews - by Tim
Graham / Townhall 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris' Attempt to Pander to Male Voters on Late
Night TV Goes Over Like a Lead Balloon - by Bryan Chai /
Western Journal 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris’s Softball Interview with Stephen Colbert Ends
in Disaster as She Botches a Key Biden Question Again and
Drinks Beer During the Lovefest - by Cullen Linebarger /
Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
Harris on Colbert May Be Her Most Inauthentic, Cringe
Interview Ever, With One Especially Bad Moment - by
Bonchie / Red State 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris Got a Second Chance at Answering the Joe Biden
Question, and It Didn't Go Much Better - by Samuel Short
/ Western Journal 09OCT24.
Kamala Again Fails to Explain What She’d Do Differently Than
Joe Biden - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris Struggles to Explain to Colbert the ‘Major
Changes’ She’d Make Versus Biden’s Presidency - by Simon
Kent / Breitbart 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris is pushing herself as the ‘change candidate’
but it’s clear she’s just Biden 2.0 - by Miranda Devine
/ NY Post 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris Admits She Won’t Do Anything Different To
Biden - by Steve Watson / Modernity 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris Causes Confusion with Her Most Bizarre Accent
Yet During Stephen Colbert Interview - by Michael
Schwarz / Western Journal 09OCT24.
Jewish Grandmother, African Farmer, Jamaican Pothead: The
Many Accents of Kamala Harris - by Thaleigha Rampersad
and Andrew Stiles 09OCT24.
Trump fires back after Howard Stern tells Kamala she 'won't
be safe' if Trump wins election, 'BETA MALE' - by David
Krayden / PM 09OCT24.
Megyn Kelly Slams The View’s Adoration of “Female Jesus”
Kamala Harris - by Steve Watson / Modernity 09OCT24.
I'm Starting to Miss Joe Biden's Relatively Coherent Public
Appearances - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 09OCT24.
CBS News Busted for Editing Kamala's '60 Minutes' Interview
- by Matt Vespa / Townhall 09OCT24.
Harris’ Word-salad Answer in 60 Minutes Interview Edited
- by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 09OCT24.
Fake News ’60 Minutes’ Caught Editing Kamala’s Nonsensical
Answer with Previous Soundbite to Make Her Sound Coherent
and Normal - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
CBS Embroiled in 'Huge Journalistic Scandal' After Major
Change to Kamala Harris' '60 Minutes' Answer Is Spotted
- by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 09OCT24.
Trump campaign calls on CBS to release full Harris '60
Minutes' interview, alleging deceptive edits - by
Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 09OCT24.
Trump tells Ben Shapiro Kamala ‘answers questions like a
child’ after disastrous 60 Minutes interview - by Thomas
Stevenson / PM 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris’ pre-election media blitz didn’t make her look
any better - it was just a massive flop - by Joe Concha
/ NY Post 09OCT24.
Claims Against Doug Emhoff Pile Up: New Report Says Kamala's
Husband Was a Creepy, Sexist Co-Worker - by Jack Davis /
Western Journal 09OCT24.
She's Married to An Alleged Abuser, So the Question Must Be
Asked Where is Your Empathy, Kamala? - by Teri Christoph
/ Red State 09OCT24.
Harris must be asked if her Kavanaugh standard applies to
her husband - by Zachary Faria / Washington Examiner
Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff Walk Away From Cashier at Coffee
Shop without Paying, Leaving Tim’s Daughter Scrambling to
Get Staffer’s Credit Card - by Cristina Laila / Gateway
Pundit 09OCT24.
Anti-Israel activists protest Tim Walz appearance at elite
fundraiser in Seattle - by Ari Hoffman / PM 09OCT24.
Netanyahu and Biden discuss Israel’s attack on Iran in first
call in weeks - by Ronny Reyes / NY Post 09OCT24.
Biden, Harris Speak With Netanyahu To Discuss Attacking Iran
- by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar 09OCT24.
Biden, Harris Speak With Netanyahu as Middle East Awaits
Israeli Response to Missile Attack - by Ryan Morgan /
NTD 09OCT24.
Netanyahu pauses and reflects on how America has betrayed
him - What now? - by Martin Jay / Strategic Culture
Netanyahu: Trump Called to 'Congratulate' Me On War With
Hezbollah - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation
One Year Later - by Ben Shapiro / Townhall 09OCT24.
IDF soldiers raise Israeli flag in Lebanon during ongoing
assault against Hezbollah terrorists - by Olivia Land /
NY Post 09OCT24.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah reportedly agreed to a
ceasefire before he was Assassinated by Israeli military in
Beirut - by Richard Brown / Newstarget 09OCT24.
North Korea Now Sending Troops to Ukraine to Fight Alongside
Russians - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 09OCT24.
A Week After Ugledar, Russian Forces Now Enter Hilltop
Bastion of Toretsk in Another Example of the Crumbling of
the Ukrainian Defenses in Donetsk Region - by Paul
Serran / Gateway Pundit 09OCT24.
'Lack of Legal Guardrails' - Hundreds of Millions of US
Research Dollars are Helping China's Military, House Report
Finds - by Washington Free Beacon / Adam Kredo 09OCT24.
NSA Investigating CCP-Backed Hack of Major US
Telecommunications Companies - by Catherine Yang / Epoch
Times via America First 09OCT24.
Elon Musk reveals his thoughts on what he believes is behind
the UFO sightings in the US - by Richard Pollina / NY
Post 09OCT24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Another X Class Solar Flare, Bigger CME Coming to Earth 09OCT24.
Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Level 4 Solar Storm Predicted - X Class Impact Tomorrow 09OCT24.
Donald Trump is Almost Certain To Win the Election 09OCT24.
Kamala Harris, Expert Marksperson 09OCT24.
As I Was Saying 09OCT24.
Female Navy Commander PRAISED After Sinking 100 Million Dollar Ship 09OCT24.
Mark Dice:
Kamala Jumps the Shark on Stephen Colbert Last Night - MEGA CRINGE Stunt Gone Wrong 09OCT24.
Hodge Twins:
CNN Reacts to Kamala’s Disasterous 60 Minutes Interview 09OCT24.
Hodge Twins:
She’s Dumber Than I Thought! They Asked How She’s Going Turn the Country Around Then This Happens 09OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
“We Need TOTAL CONTROL Of Social Media!” – Hillary Clinton 09OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
THIS Is Why Americans Say “Dump The Electoral College!” 09OCT24.
Jimmy Dore:
HERE’S WHY They Won’t Allow Volunteer Hurricane Aid 09OCT24.
Luke / We Are Change:
PERFECT STORM: Destabilization And Lockdown Push 09OCT24.
In Depth

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Kamala CAUGHT On Hot Mic Being FED Questions, Trump WINS The Odds w/Terrence Williams 09OCT24.
Scott Adams:
Sargon / Lotus Eaters:
Wednesday LIVE: Biden Backstabs Kamala Again, Tawhedi, Liberals Blame Jill Stein 09OCT24.
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3963
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3964
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 3965

Awaken With JP:
The Genius Debate Coach for Tim Walz 09OCT24.
Ryan Long:
Problem Solved (FULL STANDUP SPECIAL) 09OCT24.
Blooprint's Bunker:
GREASE POLICE uses their 36,000 HOURS to SURVIVE - Rust 09OCT24.
The Running ManZ:
DayZ FROSTLINE Expansion Early Access with joito696 09OCT24.
Server Meshing Test Tomorrow 1000+ Players? - Star Citizen 3.24.2 Now Wave 4 & Alpha 4.0 PTU Soon!? 09OCT24.
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