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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Saturday 07OCT23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Despite the Mountain of Evidence proving Serious Harm, UKHSA encourages Pregnant Women to get the Latest Covid Injection - by Rhoda Wilson and Sonia Elijah / Exposé 07OCT23.

- The Covid Clots - by Joseph Mercola / America First 07OCT23.

- Science Journals Publish Pro-Lockdown Reports, Censor Anti-Lockdown Studies - by Kevin Stocklin / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- [Fenbendazole] - The Anti Parasitic Drug That is Cheap, Safe & Kills Aggressive Cancers But Has Not Been FDA Approved - by Patricia Harrity and William Makis / Exposé 07OCT23.

- Congress Must Stop Tangoing with Opioid Pushers - by Terry Schilling / American Greatness 06OCT23.

- No, Wind Power is Not Cheaper Than Gas - by Alex Kriel and Duncan White / Daily Sceptic 07OCT23.

- Wind farms are destroying wildlife while environmental organisations accept millions of dollars from wind energy companies - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 07OCT23.

- Over 115 Decomposing Bodies Found at Colorado ‘Green’ Burial Funeral Home - by Jane Nguyen / America First 07OCT23.

- Net Zero Fanaticism Won’t Attract Investment to Britain - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 07OCT23.

- Labour Trounces the SNP by Backing Off From Net Zero and Gender Woo - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 07OCT23.

- UAW strike shows Big 3 automakers are already in the scrapyard - by Kevin Williamson / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Trump Suggests He “May Drop Out”, Start Towtruck Business for When Biden’s Electric Car Mandate Fails - “I’ll Tow Those Suckers Right Back Home” - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Joe Biden’s latest loan giveaway spits on average Americans Again - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Why Gen Z workers are rejecting ‘hustle culture’ and what comes next - by Brooke Kato / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Democrats sell Colorado tax hike as a tax cut - by Washington Examiner 07OCT23.

- Why the Gang of 8 Who Helped Tank Speaker Kevin McCarthy Might Be Toast - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 07OCT23.

- The Lesson of ‘Ouster-Gaetz’ - The Most Dangerous RINO Is the One Claiming to Be a RINO Hunter - by Thaddeus G. McCotter / American Greatness 07OCT23.

- Bo Snerdley Slams ‘Spineless’ Republicans Mourning McCarthy - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 07OCT23.

- Joe Rogan Says Woke California Schools Tried to Turn His 5 Year-Old Child Into a Left Wing Political Activist - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- School Directs Trans-Averse Teens to Private Restroom, Charges Them With 'Harassment' When They Line Up - by Alex Parker / Red State 07OCT23.

- LGBTQ Public School Groomer [says,] ‘You Have to Catch Kids When They’re Starting Puberty’ - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 07OCT23.

- 'Fat Lesbian' - Swiss Court Sentences Writer Alain Soral to 60 Days in Jail for 'Homophobic Remarks' - by Amy Mek / Rair 07OCT23.

- 82-Year-Old Navy Veteran Brutally Stabbed to Death in Random Attack While Shopping for Birthday Cards in California - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Philadelphia journalist Josh Kruger was shot dead by teen he was ‘trying to help’ - by Nicholas McEntyre / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Carjackings in Washington, DC Have Spiked 111 Percent in the First Ten Months of 2023 - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- NYC Whole Foods Employee Brutally Beaten By Man With Long Rap Sheet - Previously Busted 8 Times For Assault and Theft - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- NYC felony assaults against women have soared more than 40% over four years - by Matthew Sedacca and Tina Moore / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Unaccompanied migrant kids seen selling candy in NYC subways - ‘Shameful, disgusting, blatant child abuse’ - by Matthew Sedacca / NY Post 07OCT23.

- In Democratic strongholds, illegal immigrants take precedence over military, veterans and their families - by Mitchell McKinley / Law Enforcement Today 07OCT23.

- Hungary and Poland Block Statement on Migration by EU Countries After Summit in Spain - Budapest and Warsaw Won’t Support Globalist Mass Migration Policies - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Mayorkas Furiously Backpedals After Claiming 'Acute & Immediate Need' For Border Wall - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- Mayorkas claims border wall 'is not the answer' after DHS cites 'immediate need' for it - by Post Millennial / PM 07OCT23.

- Chicago Youth Football Team Protests Plans to Take Away Field and Convert to Shelter For Illegals - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Bill Maher Calls Border Issue a Disaster for Democrats, Says They Look Like ‘Sanctuary City Hypocrites’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Maher: ‘Emotional Truth’ Is Just a Euphemism for Lefty Conspiracy Theories - by Ian Hanchett / Breitbart 07OCT23.

- Prepare To Defend The Freedom To Have Your Own Thoughts As 'The Enemies Of Liberty' Wage War Upon 'We The American People,' Targeting Half The Country For 'Formal Deprogramming' And Destruction - by Alan Barton / All News Pipeline 07OCT23.

- Biden official [Department of the Interior senior spokesman] Tyler Cherry has history of anti-police rhetoric, spreading Russiagate hoax on social media - by Sara Higdon / PM 07OCT23.

- Scumbag Hunter Biden Drained Daughter’s College Fund for “Hookers and Drugs” But Corporate Media Yawns - by JD Rucker / America First 07OCT23.

- Hunter Biden Raided Daughter's College Fund For $20,000 To Buy Hookers And Drugs - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- Hunter Biden’s daughter Naomi ‘vandalized’ US Capitol while a Senate Page which led to groveling apology - by Jon Levine / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Robert F Kennedy, Camelot’s Kingmaker - by Declan Hayes / Strategic Culture 07OCT23.

- RFK Jr's Third-Party Run Could Spell Danger for Both Major Parties - by Ward Clark / Red State 07OCT23.

- Democrat Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to Headline CPAC Vegas Event - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Ukraine "Corrupt At All Levels" - Says Former EU Commission Chief Juncker - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- EU’s top diplomat says Europe cannot replace US support for Ukraine after chaos grips Congress - “We are scared. It’s a disaster for us,” said one senior Ukrainian lawmaker - by Denes Albert / Remix 07OCT23.

- Ray McGovern And Larry Johnson Discuss The Dire State Of U.S. Intel On Ukraine, Explaining Why Hillary Clinton Is Crazy - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Queen Warmonger Hillary Clinton Complains About “Men Starting Wars” - by Caitlin Johnstone 07OCT23.

- Putin And The Magic Multipolar Mountain - by Pepe Escobar / Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- The Putin-Kim Alliance in Action - Rail Traffic Between the Countries Spike, After Reported Beginning of North Korean Weapons and Ammunitions Deliveries to Russia - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Qatar Offers To Host Russia & Ukraine For Talks - by Kyle Anzalone / Libertarian Institute via Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- Iranian-Proxy Army Hamas Launches Surprise Missile Attack on Israel Three Weeks After Joe Biden Sends $6 Billion to Iranian Regime As Trump Predicted - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets Into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel Declares 'State of War' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 07OCT23.

- Palestinian Forces Infiltrate Israel in Multipronged Attack From 'Land, Air And Sea' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 07OCT23.

- Hundreds of Israelis Flee Nature Party Near Border after Hamas Terrorists Launch Surprise Attack on Israel - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- 'Bodies in the Streets' - War Breaks Out After Palestinian Terrorists Infiltrate Israel - by Katie Pavlich / Townhall 07OCT23.

- ‘We are being slaughtered’ - Israelis cry for help as Hamas militants break into homes - by Dana Kennedy / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Sickening video shows ‘disgusting’ Hamas terrorists parading naked, battered woman through streets - by Jon Levine and Matthew Sedacca / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Woman Whose Lifeless Body Was Seen in Back of Truck Identified as German Citizen Shani Louk – She Was Attending Peace Concert Near Gaza Border When Murdered by Hamas - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Iran Praises Hamas Terror Attack on Israel as a 'Proud Operation' - by Becca Lower / Red State 07OCT23.

- Hamas terror attack on Israel reveals Iran’s bloody intent - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Release Statements Holding Israel Responsible for Hamas Attacks - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Hamas Leader Issues Warning to Arab Nations That Normalized Relations With Israel - by Jeff Charles / Red State 07OCT23.

- Taliban Now Says They Want to Join in Hamas' Fight Against Israel - by Nick Arama / Red State 07OCT23.

- Taliban Releases Statement Following the Israel-Hamas War - Urges Islamic Nations and International Community to Act Against Israel - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Is Hamas Using Weapons the US Left Behind in Afghanistan in its War Against Israel? - by Jeff Charles / Red State 07OCT23.

- MSNBC Goes to Bat for Hamas in Stunning Coverage of Palestinian Invasion - by Bonchie / Red State 07OCT23.

- Why There Is Never Peace Between Israel and the Palestinians - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 07OCT23.

- Israel Declares 'Readiness for War' After Hamas Launches Rocket Barrage, Infiltration - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 07OCT23.

- Netanyahu Tells Gaza Residents To Clear Out, Says IDF "Will Use All Its Strength" To "Destroy" Hamas - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- A Ground Invasion of Gaza is Coming - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Issues Stark Warning to Hamas - Tells Gaza Civilians to “Leave Now Because We Will Operate Forcefully Everywhere” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Netanyahu Promises “Mighty Vengeance” Against Hamas, Warns Gaza Residents to Get Out - by JD Rucker / America First 07OCT23.

- Israel Strikes Back, Launches Devastating Counterattack Against Hamas After Its Attack on Civilians - by Jeff Charles / Red State 07OCT23.

- Israel Makes 'Roof Knock' Strike on Suspected Hamas-Occupied Building, Then Levels It - by Nick Arama / Red State 07OCT23.

- Dividing Lines on Israel/Palestine - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 07OCT23.

- Biden's Office of Palestinian Affairs urges Israel Not to defend itself against Hamas attack then deletes post - "We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing." - by Libby Emmons / PM 07OCT23.

- Biden Admin Palestinian Affairs Office Deletes Post Chiding Israel After Bloody Surprise Attack - by Jason Cohen / Western Journal 07OCT23.

- The Horrific Attacks in Israel Are Brought to You by the Biden Administration - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 07OCT23.

- Biden MIA as Staffer Releases Statement on New War in the Middle East - by Katie Pavlich / Townhall 07OCT23.

- Where the hell is President Biden? - by Tiana Lowe Doescher / Washington Examiner 07OCT23.

- Horrifying Videos Out of Israel, as Biden Administration Delivers Shockingly Grotesque Response - by Bonchie / Red State 07OCT23.

- NSC Spox Response on $6 Billion Given to Iran Shows How Stunningly Naive the Biden Team Is - by Nick Arama / Red State 07OCT23.

- Biden NSC Spox Goes Into Damage Control, Claims $6 Billion in Funds Joe Biden Sent to Iran Have “Absolutely Nothing to do With” Hamas Attacks Against Israel - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Biden Issues Statement on Hamas Attacks in Israel - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 07OCT23.

- Biden's Live Remarks About Israel Response Raise All Kinds of Questions About His Ability - by Nick Arama / Red State 07OCT23.

- RFK Jr. Swipes Biden Reaction as Lacking in Statement on Hamas Attack on Israel - by Becca Lower / Red State 07OCT23.

- Gretchen Whitmer Manages to Confuse and Enrage With Her Palestinian Invasion Response - by Bonchie / Red State 07OCT23.

- The 'Squad' Responds to the Palestinian Murder Spree in the Most Morally Bankrupt Way - by Bonchie / Red State 07OCT23.

- ‘Squad’ reps blasted for calling for ceasefire following Hamas attack on Israel - by David Propper / NY Post 07OCT23.

- Jim Jordan condemns Hamas and 'Iran-backed extremists' over ‘sickening’ attack on Israel - by Sara Higdon / PM 07OCT23.

- Mike Pence Rips Trump and the GOP for Being 'Voices of Appeasement' After Hamas Attacks Israel - by Jeff Charles / Red State 07OCT23.

- DeSantis: Hamas Attacks on Israel Equivalent of What Happened in the U.S. on September 11 - by Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 07OCT23.

- Trump Drops Statement About Hamas Attacks on Israel But Nothing Yet From Bribery Biden - by JD Rucker / America First 07OCT23.

- “Israel is At War, And The United States Must Support Israel” - Trump Addresses Israel Attack and “Weak” Joe Biden’s Failures While Speaking in Iowa, Vows to Cut Off Funding to Palestinian Terrorists - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- “We Brought So Much Peace to the Middle East Only to See Biden Whittle It Away” - President Trump Releases Statement on Hamas War on Israel - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07OCT23.

- Trump blames 'weak and ineffective' Joe Biden for Hamas' attack on Israel - by Darian Douraghy / PM 07OCT23.

- Terrorist group’s attack on Israel is yet another Biden geopolitical failure - by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner 07OCT23.

- What Went Wrong? How Hamas Managed to Stagger Israel - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 07OCT23.

- Palestinians Use Drones To Attack And Cripple Israeli Tanks - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07OCT23.

- Surprise Attack on Israel Confirms the West Is in a State of Complacency - by Michael Flynn / Western Journal 07OCT23.

- Hamas Attacks in Israel Are a Precursor Before They Activate Sleeper Cells in America - by JD Rucker / America First 07OCT23.

- China’s Sub Glides Into Its Own Trap - by Milt Harris / PJ Media 07OCT23.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: Sun's Magnetic Reversal Begins, Coronal Hole 07OCT23.

Styx: The Al-Aqsa Storm: War Between Israel and Palestine 07OCT23.

Styx: Will SCOTUS Confer Immunity to Donald Trump? Should It? 07OCT23.

Styx: Trump Endorses Jim Jordan for House Speaker: Analysis 07OCT23.

Styx: The Democrats Fear of the No Labelers is Telling 07OCT23.

Salty Cracker: Weight Loss Drug Blamed For Lower Food Sales Instead of Economy 07OCT23.

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15 seconds

Bearing: Feminist 'Comedian' Won't Leave Cops Alone 07OCT23.

Hodge Twins: This Video Proves Why You Shouldn’t Have Sympathy for Inner City Voters! They VOTE for this! 07OCT23.

In Depth

Scott Adams: Coffee With Scott 07OCT23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3084 07OCT23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3085 07OCT23.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 07OCT23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: Flynn/Clark - [WEF] Is Involved In The Border Invasion,The People Are Fighting Back, The [DS] Is Fee 07OCT23.


Awaken With JP: Climate Change Deniers Are So Stupid 07OCT23.

Sleazy P. Martini: Jaguars in Arizona? 07OCT23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Walmart is racist 07OCT23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Black Basketcase 07OCT23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Veritasium: The Man Who Killed Millions and Saved Billions (Censored) 07OCT23.

All Lairticles

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Latest Lairclips

Burn Down The Straw Men - Sentient Cement

Sentient Cement - Burn Down The Straw Men (RMBL)

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15 seconds

15 seconds


Burn Down The Straw Men - Sentient Cement

Sentient Cement - Burn Down The Straw Men (BC)


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