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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Friday 07JUN24 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- Fauci's Halo Is Askew As the Narrative on His Time As Head of Covid Relief Efforts Comes Into Focus - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 07JUN24.

- Jordan demands interview with Fauci, accusing him of ‘false on its face’ testimony - by Gabrielle M. Etzel / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- 'False on Its Face' - Jim Jordan Calls Out Fauci's Contradictions, Demands Docs, Interview - by Susie Moore / Red State 07JUN24.

- Cuomo to be questioned by Covid subcommittee for nursing home deaths - by Gabrielle M. Etzel / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Covid and the Left - by David Solway / PJ Media 07JUN24.

- US doctors probing if Covid is to blame for ‘unusual’ spike in cancer after pandemic - by Emily Crane / NY Post 07JUN24.

- Study finds increased risk of epilepsy, severe allergic shock, myocarditis and appendicitis in children injected with Covid-19 vaccines - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 07JUN24.

- Dutch researchers say there have been 3 million excess deaths in 47 countries during 2020-2022; this could be 35 million globally - by Rhoda Wilson and Welcome The Eagle / Exposé 07JUN24.

- Covid injections cause tinnitus - by Rhoda Wilson and Jessica Rose / Exposé 07JUN24.

- Doctors routinely accept bribes from Big Pharma to write guidelines mandating pharmaceutical drug use - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 07JUN24.

- Cochrane Finally Confirms its Mask Review Will Not Be Changed, But the Damage Has Been Done - by Carl Heneghan / Daily Sceptic 07JUN24.

- The bird flu operation is looking like a repeat of the covid operation - So are the vaccines safe? - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 07JUN24.

- Doctors are ‘sounding the alarm’ over energy drinks, linked to sudden heart attack - by Reda Wigle / NY Post 07JUN24.

- UN Claims About ‘Extreme Weather’ Debunked - by Alex Kriel / Daily Scepic 07JUN24.

- Industrial Wind Power - A Depleting Resource? - by Charles Rotter / Master Resource via WUWT 07JUN24.

- Starmer’s Great British Energy Plans Would be a Disaster - by Ben Pile / Daily Sceptic 07JUN24.

- UN Chief Calls for Governments to Censor Fossil Fuel Advertisements - by Owen Klinksy / Daily Caller via WUWT 07JUN24.

- Virginia Terminates California’s electric vehicle mandate, which was being pushed on all 50 states - by Lance D Johnson / Newstarget 07JUN24.

- Enter MAGA Environmentalism: To Save America this Election, No Issue is Off-Limits - The GOP lags behind Democrats on dealing with the environment - We can flip the script and take that worry away with one word - China - by Saulius Anuzis / American Greatness 07JUN24.

- The WEF Denies Demanding the Arrest of Climate Deniers - by Eric Worrall / WUWT 07JUN24.

- Why voters don’t care about much else other than inflation - by Tiana Lowe Doescher / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Biden Refuses to Own Up to Housing Inflation - by Christopher Arps / Red State 07JUN24.

- Labor Dept.'s May Jobs Report Boasts Jump in Employment, but Downplays Dismal Unemployment Numbers - by Becca Lower / Red State 07JUN24.

- Flames shoot from Air Canada Boeing jet moments after take-off: ‘We’ve got an engine fire - holy s–t! - by Emily Crane / NY Post 07JUN24.

- 20 New Boeing Whistleblowers Emerge to Expose the Company’s Dangerous Practices in Airplane Manufacturing - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 07JUN24.

- Our Crisis Of Competence - by Charles Hugh Smith / Of Two Minds 07JUN24.

- An epidemic of loneliness in the age of boundaries - by Timothy P. Carney / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- The Leaky Bucket - If you do not have the family, your bucket has been punched full of holes. Not all the water in the world can fill it, because it leaks out as soon as you pour it in - by Anthony Esolen / American Greatness 07JUN24.

- Obese Woman Wins Miss Alabama And People Have Questions - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 07JUN24.

- Woke Culture Declares War on Beauty - Morbidly Obese Female Wins Miss Alabama and a Man Wins Miss Maryland USA - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Did You Hear the One About the Dad, Naked Man, and the Cop? - by Victoria Taft / PJ Media 07JUN24.

- [Seattle-area] Washington City Says No to Raising “Pride” Flag - by James Murphy / New American 07JUN24.

- Doctor who blew whistle on Texas hospital providing gender-affirming care to kids charged with HIPAA violation by DOJ - Patrick Reilly / NY Post 07JUN24.

- Fallen Trooper Gets Despicable Treatment by Woke Connecticut Town Council in Thin Blue Line Flag Debate - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 07JUN24.

- 'Transgender' Mass Shooter Audrey Hale's Journal Leaked, and It Paints a Narrative-Busting Picture - by Bonchie / Red State 07JUN24.

- Transgender Who Killed 6 at Nashville School Bought Guns with Federal Grant Money - by Awr Hawkins / Breitbart 07JUN24.

- Indiana Congressman Jim Banks Calls on WNBA to Take Action to Protect Rookie Caitlin Clark from Attacks - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Globalist Pope Francis Remains Under Heavy Criticism Over His Foul Mouth and ‘Homophobic Slurs’ - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Portland safety commissioner blasts $7 Million budget for new syringes, homeless tents - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 07JUN24.

- Minnesota Jury Finds Five of Seven Somali Defendants Guilty in $250 Million Covid Fraud Scheme After Juror Bribed with Bag of Cash - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Virginia’s Fairfax County is paying the price for Biden’s border crisis - by Stephanie Lundquist-Arora / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Hundreds of migrants pour across the US southern border undeterred by Biden ‘crackdown’ - by Jennie Taer / NY Post 07JUN24.

- More Than 1,300 Illegals Flood Into San Diego in One Day After Biden’s Executive Order on Asylum Seekers – Border Patrol Releases Them to the Streets - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Trump Pledges to Arizona Crowd, I'll Rescind Biden's Weak Border Executive Order on Day 1 - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 07JUN24.

- Trump Floats Putting U.S. Tariffs on Countries Refusing to Take Back Their Illegal Aliens - by John Binder / Breitbart 07JUN24.

- Germany Afghan man attacks police officers with long blade just days after Mannheim terror attack - by John Cody / Remix 07JUN24.

- A German and a Polish Policemen Stabbed to Death by Migrants as the Unchecked Mass Migration Scourge Hits Central and Eastern Europe - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Austria Police Officer Survives Gruesome Knife Attack by Migrant, Immigration Policies Under Fire - by Amy Mek / Rair 07JUN24.

- Criminalising the Truth - by Frank Haviland / Daily Sceptic 07JUN24.

- Colorado Passes Law to Create Ministry of Truth to Fight 'Disinformation' - by Jeff Charles / Red State 07JUN24.

- Brighteon Media lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government a fight for Free Speech in America - by Kevin Hughes / Newstarget 07JUN24.

- Google removes PragerU app from Play Store for 'hate speech' - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 07JUN24.

- Google removes PragerU from app store over alleged 'hate speech' violation - by Misty Severi / Just The News 07JUN24.

- Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Google Reinstates PragerU App to Play Store After Claiming App Promoted ‘Hate Speech’ - by Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart 07JUN24.

- Biden's Top Antitrust Enforcer To 'Urgently' Scrutinize AI Sector For Monopoly Risks - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07JUN24.

- Australia’s Opposition Calls for Extended Online Age Verification, Digital ID, to Combat Anonymity - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 07JUN24.

- EU Plans Major Expansion of Mass Surveillance: Indiscriminate Data Collection, Device Monitoring, Encryption Backdoors, and Mandatory Data Sharing - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 07JUN24.

- Just When You Thought Things Couldn't Get Any Worse, America Is Becoming A 3rd World Nation, With Out Of Control And Tyrannical Govt Crushing The Will Of The People - by Robert Weissberg / All News Pipeline 07JUN24.

- The Green Party is Terrifying - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 07JUN24.

- Conservative Party Could ‘Disappear’ as Farage’s Reform Surges in Polls - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 07JUN24.

- Sunny Hostin Goes on Ignorant Rant Claiming Black Conservatives Don't Exist - by Mike Miller / Red State 07JUN24.

- Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement - Alex Jones Provides Update - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Former D.C. Official Pleads Guilty to Corruption, Admits to Manipulating Government Contracts for Personal Gain - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Court Rules Lawless AZ Governor Katie Hobbs Violated State Law by Failing to Nominate Directors for Senate Confirmation - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Arizona AG Agrees to Launch Investigation Into Allegations of 'Pay to Play' by Gov Hobbs' Administration - by Becca Lower / Red State 07JUN24.

- Arizona AG to open investigation into Katie Hobbs for alleged 'pay to play' scheme - by Thomas Stevenson / PM 07JUN24.

- Arizona Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes to Launch Criminal Investigation into Gov. Katie Hobbs for Bribery and Fraud - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- J6 Capitol Police officers booed by PA House GOP during Biden campaign tour - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 07JUN24.

- Democrat Congressional Candidate, Proposes Re-education Camps for Trump Supporters - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Democratic Congressional Candidate Wants Trump Supporters in Re-education Camps - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 07JUN24.

- Another Democrat Suggests 'Re-Education Camps' For MAGA Supporters - These Aren't Fringe Liberals, This Is The Mindset Of Democrat Party Leaders, MSM Members And Leftists Across The Internet - by Susan Duclos / All News Pipeline 07JUN24.

- Laura Loomer says Dems should face treason charges and receive severe court-ordered penalties if found guilty - by Laura Harris / Newstarget 07JUN24.

- FBI Agents Fear Jail If Trump Is Elected, Says Ex-FBI Official McCabe - by Selwyn Duke / New American 07JUN24.

- Trump says no and then maybe on pursuing revenge prosecutions if elected - by Annabella Rosciglione / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Jim Jordan Demands Interview With Mar-a-Lago Prosecutor Jay Bratt - by Susie Moore / Red State 07JUN24.

- Trump Defense Team Notified of Comment Found on New York Court Page Predicting Outcome of Trial - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 07JUN24.

- Judge Merchan notifies parties in NYC Trump case of Facebook comment boasting of conviction before verdict - by Libby Emmons / PM 07JUN24.

- Hush money judge alerts Trump lawyer, prosecutors to Facebook post claiming prior knowledge of jury’s verdict - by Victor Nava / NY Post 07JUN24.

- Trump's Conviction Could Be Reversed, and a Mistrial Declared, If This Is Real - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 07JUN24.

- Don’t Be Shocked If the Story About the Trump Juror Spilling the Guilty Verdict Ends Up Being Fake - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 07JUN24.

- Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld Offers a Legal Roadmap for Trump’s Legal Team to Overturn ‘Guilty’ Verdict Before the Presidential Election - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- What’s next in the lawfare campaign against Trump - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Democrats Will Not Benefit From Their Own Republic-Destabilizing Lawfare - by Josh Hammer / Townhall 07JUN24.

- “President Biden Needs to Stop All of This - Don’t Be Naive People!” - Dr. Phil Interviews President Trump and Goes Off on Biden’s Destruction of US Justice System - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Trump Gets Level with Dr. Phil on Joe Biden, He's 'an Evil Guy' - by Allison Anton / Western Journal 07JUN24.

- Trump Has Raised $400 Million In One Week - by Steve Watson / Modernity 07JUN24.

- President Trump Announces $400 Million in Fundraising Since Guilty Verdict in New York Show Trial - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Trump’s Impressive Fundraising Numbers Are Starting to Concern Democrats and MSNBC - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Former Bill Clinton Staffer George Stephanopoulos Says it’s ‘Journalistic Malpractice’ for a Reporter to Interview Trump Live on TV - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Even After the Guilty Verdict, Trump Is Tied With Biden in Virginia - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 07JUN24.

- Trump gains 6 Million TikTok followers in 1 week - Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 07JUN24.

- Trump leads Biden by 6% in post-conviction poll when third-party candidates included - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 07JUN24.

- British Comic Russell Brand [says,] ‘If You Care About Freedom, I Don’t Know how you Could do Anything Other Than Vote for Donald Trump’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Time is running out for Biden to save his campaign - by Matthew Continetti / Washington Free Beacon 07JUN24.

- Five Times Joe Biden Has Insulted American Voters - by Ward Clark / Red State 07JUN24.

- Hunter's Ex Proves That Joe Biden Is a Lousy Human Being, Too - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 07JUN24.

- Hunter Biden’s Stripper Baby Mama Says Joe Biden Has Never Reached Out to His Granddaughter - While Hunter Has Never Even Met Her - by Ben Kew / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Doesn’t everyone throw guns in trash cans? - by Christopher Tremoglie / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Just How Far the Media and Deep State Went to Lie to Americans About Hunter Laptop - by Bob Hoge / Red State 07JUN24.

- Hunter Biden trial Prosecution rests after show of overwhelming evidence - by Ashley Oliver / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Biden breaks with reality - by Peter Laffin / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Biden’s losing battle with the age issue - by Byron York / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Biden Looks Completely Lost, Confused, Asleep At D-Day Ceremony - by Steve Watson / Modernity 07JUN24.

- Biden's Pointe du Hoc Speech Falls Flat As He Tries to Explain What 'Democracy' Is About - by Nick Arama / Red State 07JUN24.

- Biden’s Identity Politics Push Disrespects Our Veterans - by John Ullyot / Townhall 07JUN24.

- Hillary Clinton Slammed For Using D-Day To Call Trump Hitler - by Steve Watson / Modernity 07JUN24.

- Hillary Clinton’s D-Day comments spark fierce backlash, ‘Sick and disgusting’ - by Kristine Parks / Fox News via NY Post 07JUN24.

- Clinton’s Trump-is-Hitler Narrative Rooted in Her Stunning Loss in 2016 - by R. Cort Kirkwood / New American 07JUN24.

- Google Snubs 160,000 Men Who Landed at Normandy 80 Years Ago, Instead Celebrates ‘Lesbian Chicana Activist’ on D-Day - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal via Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- American arrested in Turks and Caicos says it’s unclear if State Department was on ‘US side’ or ‘Turks side’ - by Audrey Conklin / Fox News via NY Post 07JUN24.

- The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All - by David Vine-Theresa (ISA) Arriola / Zerohedge 07JUN24.

- Who Is Funding the Taliban? You Are, Thanks to OId Joe Biden - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media 07JUN24.

- Biden Has Delivered Millions in Taxpayer Money to the Taliban - by Bob Unruh / WND via Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Portland teachers union believes the intifada starts in kindergarten, pushes anti-Israel lessons - by Ari Hoffman / PM 07JUN24.

- DEI at UCLA Gets Turned Against It, As Jewish Students File Lawsuit Over Encampments - by Margaret Clark / Red State 07JUN24.

- Stanford students who occupied president’s office charged with felony burglary - by Ross O'Keefe / Washington Examiner 08JUN24.

- An Angry George Clooney Called the White House to Complain About Biden's Israel Comments - by George C. Upper III / Western Journal 07JUN24.

- US Army's Failure-Prone Pier Connected To Gaza Beach Again After Breaking Apart - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07JUN24.

- Risking PR Disaster, Netanyahu To Address Congress On July 24 - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07JUN24.

- Rep. Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson Every GOP Member of Congress Has an 'AIPAC Babysitter' - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 07JUN24.

- Labour’s Pledge to Recognise a Palestinian State Rewards Hamas for its October 7th Pogrom - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 07JUN24.

- US ambassador slams Hungary for relying on Russian energy, but the US remains a huge buyer of Russian uranium - by Dénes Albert / Remix 07JUN24.

- European Union - From peace to bellicosity - by Hugo Dionisio / Strategic Culture 07JUN24.

- NATO preparing for potential ground war with Russia - including plans for US troop involvement - by Chris Nesi / NY Post 07JUN24.

- NATO chief [says] Ukraine needs at least €40 billion a year until Russia is defeated - by Dénes Albert / Remix 07JUN24.

- Biden Sends Groveling Apology to Zelensky for Aid Delay - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 07JUN24.

- Macron To Send Zelensky French Fourth Generation Mirage Fighter Jets That Ukraine Once Dismissed as Obsolete - by Pual Serran / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- War of words over supply of Western weapons to Ukraine to strike Russia - by Jamie McIntyre / Washington Examiner 07JUN24.

- Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 07JUN24.

- Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07JUN24.

- A Russian Submarine and Frigate Visit Havana - Now Let the Panic Begin - by streiff / Red State 07JUN24.

- Russian Fleet, Air Assets Expected to Begin Operating Near US Shores - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 07JUN24.

- Who Rules The Waves? US & Chinese Fleets, By Tonnage - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 07JUN24.

- Myanmar’s civil war - A golden opportunity for U.S. sabotage of China’s interests - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture 07JUN24.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: New Solar Flaring Region, Record Star, Cloud Forcing 07JUN24.

Styx: My Air Travel Nightmare Story ft. Memetics 07JUN24.

Styx: As Predicted: Election Polling Really Hasn't Changed Post Trump Verdict 07JUN24.

Styx: The WWII Ghost Army is Fascinating 07JUN24.

Styx: Merchan Sends Out Letter Indicating Possible Juror Misconduct in Trump Trial 07JUN24.

Styx: A War on... Mason Jars? 07JUN24.

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15 seconds

Styx: Disinfo About Disinfo ft. Gaslighting of the Highest Order 07JUN24.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: Get Ready For Trump Convictions To Get Thrown out in Yuge Mistrial 07JUN24.

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15 seconds

Sargon: The Right Side of History 07JUN24.

Lauren Southern: NYC Hotels TAKEN OVER By Migrants 07JUN24.

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15 seconds

PJ Dubs / Modernity: I've got some questions 07JUN24.

PJ Dubs / Modernity: Not funny though is it? 07JUN24.

Mark Dice: Old Joe Caused Quite a Stir 07JUN24.

Hodge Twins: White Feminine WNBA Star Explains Why She And Caitlin Clark Has Advantages Over Ugly Black Players 07JUN24.

Jimmy Dore: Lockheed Martin CEO Makes Oral Commitment To Pride Month 07JUN24.

Jimmy Dore: “I Only Feel Safe In Peru!” – Dylan Mulvaney 07JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Russia Preparing To STRIKE French Military Trainers, WW3 Is Here 07JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Joe Biden Appears To POOP HIS PANTS After He Does Weird Crouch On Stage 07JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Steve Bannon ORDERED To Report To PRISON On July 1st, Dems Continue To Jail Opposition 07JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump Says Campaign Raised Nearly $400 MILLION Since Guilty Verdict 07JUN24.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: HILARIOUS Ad Depicts BIDEN & TRUMP IN PRISON On “Layered” Silver Coin 07JUN24.

In Depth

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Pro Palestine Protestors CLASH With Pride Marchers, The Left Is DESTROYING Itself 07JUN24.

Steven Crowder / Louder With Crowder: Insane in the Ukraine: US-Made Weapons Strike Russian Targets 07JUN24.

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Scott Adams: CWSA 07JUN24.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #932 07JUN24.

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Styx: Friday LIVE: Did Biden Poop Himself?, Trump Veepstakes, Miss Alabama 07JUN24.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Trump Verdict MAY MISTRIAL, Alleged Juror Family PREDICTED VERDICT w/Christina Urso 07JUN24.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3667 07JUN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3668 07JUN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3669 07JUN24.

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Bannon's War Room: Batteleground Ep 550 07JUN24.

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Dave / X22 Report: Trump’s VP Pick Will Stun The World, [DS] Believes That Illegals Will Vote, They Won’t 07JUN24.


It's A Gundam: Pokimane's editors are down BAD 07JUN24.

TISM: Bearing, TheQuartering & A Special Guest 07JUN24.

Sleazy P Martini: Don't Get Hit By the Gay Chair Unless You want to Turn Gay 07JUN24.

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Sleazy P Martini: Pride Parade Descends Into Chaos After Pro-Palestinians Show Up 07JUN24.

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Sleazy P Martini: Tim Poole's Live Stream Cut After Laura Loomer Calls For Executions 07JUN24.

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Ben Fruit: Ruining peoples fun in DayZ (CROSSBOW EDITION) 07JUN24.

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