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- Covid-19 vaccinations for young children off to slow start as few parents opt in - by Abigail Adcox / Washington Examiner 06SEP22.

- Are Spreaders of Disinformation that “Vaccines Are Safe for Pregnant Women” Teaming Up with the United Nations and the British Army? - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 06SEP22.

- Embalmers Are Making Shocking Discoveries in the Blood of the Dead - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- Embalmers find footlong clots in dead bodies of the fully vaccinated - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 06SEP22.

- Biden-Harris Regime’s Covid Team Invokes God as a Reason to Get Covid and Flu Jabs Yearly - by JD Rucker / NOQ Report 06SEP22.

- Biden Covid Czar: “I Really Believe This is Why God Gave Us Two Arms - One For the Flu Shot and the Other One for the Covid Shot!” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- Fauci Is Still Spouting Off - Says Americans Will Likely Require Yearly Updated Covid Shot - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- Trudeau threatens winter of Covid restrictions if Canadians don’t get vaxxed and boosted - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 06SEP22.

- Chinese Cities Rush to Lock Down in Show of Loyalty to Leadership - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- Hunter Biden-Backed Chinese Energy Firm Posts Record Profit - by Natalie Winters / National Pulse 06SEP22.

- Congress Wants Answers on How China’s Slave Labor Goods Are Getting Into US - by Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 06SEP22.

- Why Biden's Pick to Oversee Billions in Climate Funds Raises Red Flags - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 06SEP22.

- Thousands without power in California's Bay Area during brutal heat wave - by Ari Hoffman / PM 06SEP22.

- Biden Energy Sec. Says California is “In the Lead” on Energy - Meanwhile Governor Newsom is Begging People to Not Use Appliances to Avoid Blackouts - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- Newsom's California Is Burning - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- 1 in 6 U.S. Households Can't Afford Their Energy Bills - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- Incoming PM Truss Drafts Colossal £130 Billion Plan To Freeze UK Power Bills - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06SEP22.

- Entire German economy being plunged into Dark Ages due to insane electricity prices; manufacturers Halt production - by Ethan Huff / DC Clothesline 06SEP22.

- Italy's Salvini Breaks Ranks: 'End Energy Sanctions Against Russia Because We Are On Our Knees' - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06SEP22.

- EU Signs Ukraine Aid Deal, New Partnerships on Green, Digital World Ambitions - by Caden Pearson / NTD 06SEP22.

- Europeans Are “Mad With Anger And it Will Worsen” - by Paul Joseph Watson / Summit News 06SEP22.

- Pakistan/UN Demand “Climate Reparations” to Assist With Monsoon Flooding - by James Murphy / New American 06SEP22.

- OPEC Delivers a Smackdown to Biden With Latest Move That Could Drive Prices Up - by Nick Arama / Red State 06SEP22.

- ‘You Count Pennies, We Count Casualties’ Ukraine’s First Lady Tells Struggling Brits - by Niamh Harris / News Punch 06SEP22.

- The Two Most Destructive Frauds in History - Through deliberate and easily reversed policies, the cost-of-living in America is being elevated to empower the wealthy and impoverish everyone else in the name of equity and fighting climate change - by Edward Ring / American Greatness 06SEP22.

- Australian banks embrace digital ID - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 06SEP22.

- Security Theater in a Bureaucratic State - by Hicham Tohme / American Greatness 06SEP22.

- Here's Why You Should Lawyer-Up Before Sending Your Kids Back to School - by Megan Fox / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- Why schools won’t tell parents what their kids are being taught - by Betsy McCaughey / NY Post 06SEP22.

- Hard-Working Americans Continue to Reject Biden's Plan to 'Forgive' Student Loans as PA Iron Workers Weigh In - by Levon Satamian / Red State 06SEP22.

- PA's Blue Collar Workers Take a Blowtorch to Joe Biden's College Bailout Plan - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 06SEP22.

- Instagram Fined Over 400 Million Euros by Ireland for Mishandling Children’s Data - by Naveen Athrappully / NTD 06SEP22.

- Irish teacher suspended from school, jailed over transgender pronouns flap - by Snejana Farberov / NY Post 06SEP22.

- Irish Teacher Gets Jail Time After Refusing to Use a Transgender Student’s Preferred Pronouns - by Cullen McCue / National File 06SEP22.

- Roads Are Racist - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 06SEP22.

- John Fetterman Names Black Panther Cop Killer Ally for Board of Pardons - by Cullen McCue / National File 06SEP22.

- Mexicans Are 'Fed up' With Americans Moving to Their Cities - by Bonchie / Red State 06SEP22.

- How Can’t The Far-Left Nazis Of Today See They Are The Baddies? - by D Parker / Blue State Conservative 06SEP22.

- They Are Definitely Getting Prepared - Are You? - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 06SEP22.

- Sweden’s Psychological Defense Agency - Good disinformation is “basically true” - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 06SEP22.

- Gen Z and millennials do not trust the media, but 79% consume news daily - by Julia Johnson / Washington Examiner 06SEP22.

- Children’s Entertainment - A Dark System that May Never Be Resolved - by Tim Young / American Greatness 06SEP22.

- Elon Musk pans Amazon’s ‘Lord of the Rings,’ escalating feud with Jeff Bezos: ‘Tolkien is turning in his grave’ - by Ariel Zilber / NY Post 06SEP22.

- Elon Musk Slams 'Rings of Power' for Its Wimpy Portrayal of Male Characters - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- Jon Stewart Honors Ukrainian Neo-Nazi with “Heart of the Team Award” at Disney World - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- Virtuous Socialism Unleashed From Behind The Curtain - by Madame Defarge / Blue State Conservative 06SEP22.

- Trump argues world crises would have been averted if only he hadn’t been forced from office - by Jamie McIntyre / Washington Examiner 06SEP22.

- Bill Barr Had His Chance and Blew it - by John Green / Blue State Conservative 06SEP22.

- 13 Minutes of Never-Before-Seen Footage of Ballot Trafficking in Detroit, Michigan - Including Postal Workers - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- White House Press Secretary Asked Why Her Calling 2016 Election 'Stolen' Was Perfectly Fine - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 06SEP22.

- Hilarious Hillary Throws a Hissy Fit That People Are Comparing Her Emails to Trump Raid / Red State 06SEP22.

- “I Can’t Believe We’re Still Talking About This” – Hillary Clinton Lashes Out at Trump, Falsely Claims She Had “Zero” Classified Emails on Her Private Server - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- WaPo Drops Latest 'We Got Him Now' Story About Nuke Doc Seized in Trump Raid - by Nick Arama / Red State 06SEP22.

- More Evidence Revealed of Biden's Involvement in FBI Action Against Trump - by Nick Arama / Red State 06SEP22.

- Federal Judge Reveals President Biden Ordered ‘Unconstitutional’ FBI Raid on Trump - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 06SEP22.

- The Mar-a-Lago Raid Looms Large for November - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- Trump Goes On Offensive, Blasts “Radical Left Maniacs And RINOS” In Blistering Statement - by Chad Prather / Blue State Conservative 06SEP22.

- Steve Bannon responds after New York State indictment, ‘They are coming after all of us’ - by Libby Emmons / PM 06SEP22.

- If The Red Wave Comes Through, It Will Be Despite Republicans And Not Because Of Them - by Paul Yarbrough / Blue State Conservative 06SEP22.

- Biden Attacks ‘MAGA GOP’ in Labor Day Speech - by Liz Sheld / American Greatness 06SEP22.

- Joe Biden Attempts to Change Shape in Deranged Public Display - by Bonchie / Red State 26SEP22.

- Biden Attacks 'MAGA Republicans' Again. Can He Really Separate MAGA GOP From 'Mainstream' Republicans? - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- Biden Speech Attempted Intimidation That Actually Reflects Desperation - by Christopher G. Adamo / NOQ Report 06SEP22.

- White House Can’t Shake Major ‘MAGA Republican’ Miscalculation - by Katie Pavlich / Townhall 06SEP22.

- New Poll Shows What a Huge Blunder Biden's Bashing MAGA Americans Is - by Nick Arama / Red State 06SEP22.

- Democrats Threaten Civil War if They Lose in November - by Bonchie / Red State 06SEP22.

- “If You Don’t Want A Civil War, Vote For Democrats In November” - Psychopath Kathy Griffin Threatens Civil War On Republicans - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- Kathy Griffin’s Threat of 'Civil War' Shows Why It’s Always Doomsday for Democrats - by Cameron Arcand / Red State 06SEP22.

- Everyday Americans Respond To Biden Calling Them “Threat To The Very Soul Of This Nation” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 06SEP22.

- Biden Screams That He “Beat Pharma This Year” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 06SEP22.

- Biden Says He “Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 06SEP22.

- Biden [Malta] Ambassador Co-Founded Epstein-Led, CCP-Tied Humpty Dumpty Institute - by Frankie Stockes / National File 06SEP22.

- Here's What Job [Italy Ambassador] Pelosi Reportedly Wants if Dems Lose House - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 06SEP22.

- Democrat Judge Teams up With Leftwing Nutters to Boot a Republican County Official From Office as an 'Insurrectionist' - by streiff / Red State 06SEP22.

- Judge Removes Cowboys For Trump Co-Founder Couy Griffin From Office, Bars Him From Seeking, Holding Public Office for Walking Inside US Capitol on Jan 6 - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06SEP22.

- Liz Truss Becomes New British Prime Minister, Succeeding Boris Johnson - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 06SEP22.

- US Expands With New Base In Oil & Gas Rich Syrian Province - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06SEP22.

- Turkish Strongman Erdogan Ramps Up Rhetoric Against Greece As Tensions Intensify - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 06SEP22.

- Study Finds More Social Media Bots Promote Pro-Ukraine Propaganda Than Pro-Russian Propaganda - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 06SEP22.

- The Ukraine Proxy War Has Been A Propaganda Win For Interventionists - by Caitlin Johnstone 06SEP22.

- Russia’s Far East is Host to Joint Military Drills with China, India, and Other Countries - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 06SEP22.

- 70,000 People Took to the Streets of Prague in Protest of Russian Sanctions, Ukraine Stance - by Cullen McCue / National File 06SEP22.



S0 News: Big Solar Eruption, Bigger Solar/Storm Prediction 06SEP22.

Styx: Maralago Raid Updates: FBI Took Medical Records, Court Halts Investigation, Water-Muddying 06SEP22.

Styx: Thibault, Bobulinski, and the FBI Coverup of the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal 06SEP22.

Styx: Canada Needs Common Sense Knife Control 06SEP22.

Salty Cracker: Miners Help push Lefties Dead Electric Car To Coal Mine To Charge Up 06SEP22.

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: Trump and Biden both finished? 06SEP22.

John Stossel: The Greens' New Target 06SEP22.

Luke / We Are Change: WHOA! What Does Putin Mean By This?! 06SEP22.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 06SEP22.

Tim Pool: First Poll Shows Biden ANTI-MAGA Speech BACKFIRED Pissing Off Most Voters, Say its DANGEROUS 06SEP22.

Tim Pool: Jennifer Lawrence Has NIGHTMARES About Tucker Carlson, New Interview Shows Degree Of Derangement 06SEP22.

Tim Pool Biden HECKLED At PA Rally, Smears MAGA As Embracing Violence, Trump Calls Biden ENEMY Of The STATE 06SEP22.

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Steven Crowder WHO ARE THE "MAGA REPUBLICANS" BIDEN IS TARGETING? | Louder with Crowder 06SEP22.

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15 seconds

Scott Adams: How Can Republicans Beat Biden's Fear Persuasion? I'll Tell You 06SEP22.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters:: #474 06SEP22.

Styx: Tuesday LIVE: Biden Knew, Trump Was Right as Russia Closes Nordstream, etc (Superchats) 06SEP22.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2132 06SEP22.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2133 06SEP22.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2134 06SEP22.

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15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: [HRC] Panics, The Storm Is Upon Us, Must Be Done By The Book, We Are Ready 06SEP22.


. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Awaken With JP: The Guy that Believed Biden’s Speech 06SEP22.

It's A Gundam: She Hulk EP3: The Cringe Twerked Round the World 06SEP22.

Jonathan Pie: Boris Johnson: A Tribute. 06SEP22.

Sleazy P. Martini: Some help for the Monkeypox sufferers 06SEP22.

Sleazy P. Martini: These titties will Destroy your computer 06SEP22.


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Six Supermen Of Sanity: If you are just waking up or getting into your first cup-o-the-day, the Grendelcat suggests imbibing your recommended daily allowance of Styx clanker redpills with a side of optimism and a dash of perspective courtesy of this philosophical independent commentator.

For independent commentary from similarly unique perspectives in longer form try Sargon, Scott, Steven or even Stefan for some superlative barn-burners.  And if you are feeling a bit too black pilled lately and need a picker-upper, try adding a pinch of Salty.

- Image: Superman by Pixy.org (CC4.0) Link

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Northernlion (YT)
Northernlion (T)
Pestily (T)
PewDiePie (YT)
Pyrocynical (YT)
Rad Brad (I)
RazörFist (BC)
RazörFist (OD)
RazörFist (RMBL)
RazörFist (YT)
Running Man Z (YT)
Shroud (YT)
Skye Storme (YT)
Sour Sweet (YT)
SuperMac (YT)
TommyInnit (YT)

Platforms, Games & Apps
Adblock Plus (I)
Archive Today (I)
Ark (I)
Bandlab/Cakewalk (I)
Brave (I)
Civ (I)
Davinci Resolve (I)
Default Gateway (LAN)
Epik Web Hosting/DNS (I)
Federation / Fediverse (I)
Freedom OS (I)
Give Send Go (I)
IPLocation (I)
IsItDownRightNow? (I)
Izotope//Ozone (I)
Linus Tech Tips (YT)
Mount & Blade II (I)
Noscript (I)
Open.Ink (I)
OpenOffice (Apache) (I)
Opera (I)
Pale Moon (I)
pCloud (I)
Plural Eyes (I)
Proton Mail (I)
Pure VPN (I)
Signal (I)
Social Blade (I)
Star Citizen (YT)
Starlink (I)
Streamlabs (I)
Streamyard (I)
Tallycoin (I)
Tom's Hardware (I)
uBlock Origin (I)
Valve (YT)
Virtual Shield (I)
WhoIs (I)

 Social & Media (S&M)
4Chan (I)
Bastyon (I)
BitChute (BC)
Brighteon (I)
Clouthub (I)
Dailymotion (I)
Discord (I)
Dlive (D)

Facebook (I)
Foxhole (I)
Gab (I)
Instagram (I)
Kiwi Farms (I)
Librti (I)
Locals (I)
MeWe (I)
Minds (I)
Not The Bee (I)
Odysee (OD)
Panquake (I)
Parler (I)
Periscope (I)
Pilled (I)
Pinterest (I)
Reddit (I)
RedditOld (I)
Rumble (RMBL)
Smashleft (I)
Snapchat (I)
Steemit (I)
Subscribestar (I)
Truth Social (I)
Twitch (T)
Twitter (I)
Uge Tube (I)
You Maker (YM)
You Now (I)
You Tube (YT)
Vimeo (I)
Zion (I)

Movies & Shows
2000 Mules (YT)
5G Health Dangers (BC)
Alex Jones - Endgame (BC)
Armchair Historian (YT)
Big Burb (YT)
Black Mesa Minecraft (YT)
Blacklisted - MDE (BC)
Cas van de Pol (YT)
Cinema Sins (YT)
CompletelyScrewedOverDub - LOTR (RMBL)
Corbett WW1 Conspiracy (I)
Critical Drinker (YT)
Dank Al Capone (BC)
Dank Alcibiades (BC)
Dank Aleister Crowley (BC)
Dank Andre The Giant (BC)
Dank Augustus (BC)
Dank Battle Of Athens (BC)
Dank Billy The Kid (BC)
Dank Blackbeard (YT)
Dank Bonnie & Clyde (BC)
Dank Budd Dwyer (BC)
Dank Burke & Hare (BC)
Dank Buster Keaton (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 1 (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 2 (BC)
Dank Dr. Ch@os (BC)
Dank Elizabeth Bathory (BC)
Dank General (BC)
Dank Gert Postel (BC)
Dank GG Allin (BC)
Dank Gombe Chimp War (BC)
Dank Gregor MacGregor (BC)
Dank Gustave (BC)
Dank Heaven's Gate (BC)
Dank Helge Meyer (BC)
Dank Hollywood Shootout (BC)
Dank Iron Mike Malloy (BC)
Dank Jack Thompson (BC)
Dank Johnny Rotten (BC)
Dank Julie d'Aubigny (BC)
Dank Ken Allen (BC)
Dank Ken Rex McElroy (BC)
Dank Killdozer (BC)
Dank Mark Defriest (BC)
Dank Mitsuyasu Maeno (BC)
Dank Murder Inc. (BC)
Dank Ned Kelly (BC)
Dank Roof Koreans (BC)
Dank Philip Luty (BC)
Dank Rasputin (BC)
Dank Red Baron (BC)
Dank Robert Liston (BC)
Dank Ross Ulbricht (BC)
Dank Ted Kaczynski (BC)
Dank Toyota War (BC)
Dank Vlad The Impaler (BC)
Dank White Death (BC)
DarkMatter2525 (YT)
Dave Chappelle (NF)
DVD Release Dates (I)
Edge Of Tomorrow (YT)
Expanse (I)
Frank TV (I)
Giver (BC)
Honest Trailers (YT)
How Not To Land (YT)
Infotoons (BC)
Idiocracy (BC)
Kyle Dunnigan (YT)
L.Southern-AmericanMirage (YT)
L Southern - Borderless (YT)
Lauren Southern - Crossfire (I)
Lauren Southern - Farmlands (YT)
LOTR - Born Of Hope (YT)
LOTR - Hunt For Gollum (YT)
Oliver Stone Ukraine On Fire (I)
Oversimplified (YT)
RazörFist Abraxas (YT)
RazörFist The Big Combo (YT)
RazörFist The Big Sleep (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner 2049 (YT)
RazörFist Black Rain (YT)
RazörFist Cobra (YT)
RazörFist Commando (YT)
RazörFist Cosby Rebuttal (BC)
RazörFist Death Wish (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 3 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 4 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 5 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2018 (BC)
RazörFist Demons (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Magnum Force (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Enforcer (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Sudden Impact (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Dead Pool (YT)
RazörFist Double Indemnity (YT)
RazörFist Escape From LA (YT)
RazörFist Hard To Kill (YT)
RazörFist The Hitman (YT)
RazörFist Invasion USA (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max (YT)
RazörFist (Mad Max) Road Warrior (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (YT)
RazörFist Malone (YT)
RazörFist Murder My Sweet (YT)
RazörFist Out For Justice (YT)
RazörFist Out Of The Past (YT)
RazörFist Predator (YT)
RazörFist Predator 2 (BC)
RazörFist Rambo Last Blood (YT)
RazörFist Revenge Of The Ninja (YT)
RazörFist Rock-'N'-Roll Nightmare (YT)
RazörFist Rutger Hauer (YT)
RazörFist Scorpion  (BC)
RazörFist Scorpion (1986)  (BC)
RazörFist Showdown In Little Tokyo (YT)
RazörFist Star Wars Force Awakens (YT)
RazörFist This Gun For Hire (YT)
RazörFist Universal Soldier (YT)
RazörFist Unauthorized.TV (I)
Riding The Dragon (I)
Ricky Berwick (BC)
Samuel Rivera (I)
Samuel Rivera (YT)
South Park (I)
Suspect Sky - Deep State (BC)
Tommy Robinson - Rape Of Britain 1 (RMBL)
Tommy Robinson - Rape Of Britain 2 (RMBL)
Uninformed Consent (LB)
Tubi TV (I)
Wag The Dog (I)
Yoda Seagulls (YT)

About JC Musically (R)
About Timmy Musically (R)
Alex Jones Eat My Neighbours (YT)
Alex Jones Eat Yer Ass (YT)
Alex Jones Gay Frogs (YT)
Alex Jones Goblins (YT)
Alex Jones Indie Folksong (YT)
Amazon Music (I)
Ariel Pink (I)
Ariel Pink (YT)
Audiogrotto (I)
Beginner Guitar HQ (I)
CD Baby (I)
Chord Namer (I)
Chris Graham (I)
C'mon Man (YT)
Damon Alire (I)
Factor Calculator (I)
Five Times August (I)
Fortiori (YT)
Greg Dombrowski (I)
Grendelcat (BC)
Grendelcat (T)
Gunther Anderson (I)
Insane In The Rain (YT)
ITunes (I)
JC Setlist (R)
Karma and Kerosene (YT)
KrainaGrzybowTV (YT)
Legolambs (YT)
Legolambs Aliens (YT)
Legolambs Conan (YT)
Legolambs Die Hard (YT)
Legolambs Musical Thrones (YT)
Legolambs Liam Neeson (YT)
Legolambs Predator (YT)
Legolambs Rambo (YT)
Legolambs Risa Skywalka (YT)
Legolambs Running Man Hunger Games (YT)
Midi Note Numbers (R)
My Corona (YT)
My Little Armalite (BC)
Nightwish - Over The Hills (YT)
Nikolas Schreck (YT)
Pallets Full Of Ballots (BC)
Peter Hollens (YT)
RazörFist Black Sabbath (YT)
RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
RazörFist Judas Priest (YT)
RazörFist Michael Jackson (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
RazörFist Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
RazörFist Saxon (RMBL)
Reverb Nation (I)
Remix Bros (YT)
San Cheezey (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement (R)
Sentient Cement Flashplayer (I)
Shnaff (T)
Spotify (I)
Transposer (I)
Tunelist (R)
Ultimate Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Latest Grendelcat Lair Release
Desperado - JC Solo

JC Solo - Desperado


Purpose:  Tracking progress on topics that interest the Grendelcat and sharing his thoughts about them.
Policy:  No adverts here, no cookies or trackers added, no bloggy debates and no greedy angles.  That's it.  Have fun.
Copyright:  Use or share anything on Lair Central however you want.  A nod to the Grendelcat is appreciated.
Third party content here is published not for profit under fair use as commentary and criticism.
Disclaimer:  The Grendelcat does not claim any official scientific accreditation.
The Grendelcat is a fan of science, a musician by inclination . . .
And a tech dude by compulsion.