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Welcome to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Thursday 06JUL23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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Stuck in my head: Journey - Lights


- Wall Street Investor Bill Ackman Says RFK Jr. Is Asking ‘Important Questions’ About Covid-19 Vaccines - by Catherine Yang / Your News 06JUL23.

- Can RFK Jr. Overcome the Confirmation Bias of American [Covid Gene Therapy] Roulette Survivors? - by Brian Robertson / American Greatness 06JUL23.

- Israeli Nursing Home Study Shows Evidence of Vaccine Deaths - by Eyal Shahar / Daily Sceptic 06JUL23.

- Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine - Journal Removes Study Within 24 Hours - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 06JUL23.

- What is ‘long vax’? - Symptoms linked to Covid-19 shot baffle docs - by Marc Lallanilla / NY Post 06JUL23.

- Doctor Warns EU Govt 'Millions Killed For Profit' And 'Covid Was State Sponsored Genocide' As Huge Blood Clots Killing People via Heart Attacks And Strokes Proven By Graphic Video - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 06JUL23.

- Britain Has “Practised the Drill” for Lockdown and is Ready for Future Pandemics, Says Nudge Unit Chief - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 06JUL23.

- “We no longer have freedom,” says son of persecuted Canadian pastor to EU Parliament - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 06JUL23.

- Next Pandemic Could be “Even Deadlier than Covid”, Government Adviser Warns - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 06JUL23.

- CDC Warns Of Another ‘Tripledemic’ This Fall, Promotes Shots For Covid-19, The Flu, And RSV - by Bo Banks / Big League Politics 06JUL23.

- CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Warns of the 'Politicization of Science' in Outgoing Interview - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- United Nations Rolls Out Humanoid Robots for ‘Great Reset’ Propaganda Display at Geneva Summit - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 06JUL23.

- Corporate Media Refocuses Energy On Climate Doom - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06JUL23.

- Greta Thunberg Charged by Swedish Prosecutors Over Climate Protest - by Katabella Roberts / NTD 06JUL23.

- Net Zero policies will make people poorer, colder and less free, MP says - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 06JUL23.

- WEF Partner Aimed to ‘End’ ‘Private Car Ownership’ to Save the Planet - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- Oil Giant Shell Warns Cutting Production “Dangerous and Irresponsible” - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 06JUL23.

- Norway invests $18B in fossil fuel after Canada's Trudeau asked country to accept green challenge - by Addison Smith / Just The News 06JUL23.

- China Seeks Military Dominance Through Fossil Fuels - by Ronald Stein / WUWT 06JUL23.

- Why Is Biden's FTC 'Helping China Win The Tech Race'? - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06JUL23.

- One Man Versus China - by John Stossel / Townhall 06JUL23.

- Biden's proposed conservation land rule rebuked by Western states in scathing new letters - by Breanne Deppisch / Washington Examiner 06JUL23.

- Americans Living in RVs Are Going to War With Major League Baseball and Democrat Hellhole Seattle - by JD Rucker / America First 06JUL23.

- Former director of BIPOC-focused Portland charity sentenced to federal prison for stealing over $320k in public funds - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 06JUL23.

- More Than 105 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job Right Now - by Michael Snyder / America First 06JUL23.

- Costco Food Items Are 70% More Expensive as Basic Grocery Items Become Impossible to Find - by Epic Economist / America First 06JUL23.

- 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Soars to 7.22% - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- There is a global epidemic of children being abducted and trafficked - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 06JUL23.

- Pennsylvania Republicans Get Played and Betrayed on School Choice - by Bonchie / Red State 06JUL23.

- “Breakfast Tacos are Smarter than Her” - Jill Biden Gets Roasted After Calling Her Husband the “Education President” - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Commie Pope Meets with Bill Clinton and Alex Soros After Meeting With the Artist Who Submerged Christ in Urine Last Week - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Disgusting DNA Denying Insanity - BBC Reports Boy Raped by Two “Women” - by JD Rucker / America First 06JUL23.

- Church of England Torn Between Liberals Who Embrace Gay Wedding and Conservatives Who Reject It - Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Takes Responsibility for Steep Decline in Attendance - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Largest Teachers Union in America Recommends Illustrative Pornography Book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” for Educators - by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- CDC Jumps the Shark, Advises Trans People on 'Chestfeeding' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 06JUL23.

- CDC Posts ‘Chestfeeding’ Guidance For ‘Transgender’ Parents - Fails To Consider Hormone Risk To Infants - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06JUL23.

- CBS Guest Reduces Women to ‘Menstruators,’ Says Feminine Products Should Be 'Gender-Inclusive' - by Mike Miller / Red State 06JUL23.

- Don’t buy Ben & Jerry’s saccharine take on the Native American story - by Rich Lowry / NY Post 06JUL23.

- Defund Rich Anti-Capitalist Hippies - Ben & Jerry's Episode - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- Ben & Jerry's parent company stock tanks after Vermont ice cream maker tweets anti-American July 4th message - by Jarryd Jaeger / PM 06JUL23.

- Is the NBA Going the Way of Bud Light? - by Chris Queen / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- R&B Singer [Jill Scott] Turns National Anthem into Awful, Angry Tirade Against America - by Bob Hoge / Red State 06JUL23.

- Kamala Harris ‘culture’ word salad stumps Twitter users - ‘Emptiest human being alive’ - by Lindsay Kornick / Fox News via NY Post 06JUL23.

- Kamala Harris’ Wacky ‘Culture’ Word Salad Appears to Befuddle Even the Hosts During ‘Essence Fest' - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 06JUL23.

- Anti-American dolts attack July 4th in brutal fashion - by Douglas Murray / NY Post 06JUL23.

- Do You Love America? - by Ben Shapiro / Townhall 06JUL23.

- Societies That Surrender Moral Foundation Historically Self-Destruct - by Allen Mashburn / American Greatness 06JUL23.

- The Defenders of Censorship Now Admit Everything - by Jeffrey A. Tucker / Americar First 06JUL23.

- A victory for free speech in a Louisiana courtroom - by Washington Examiner 06JUL23.

- Supreme Court Stymies the Left's Radical Agenda and the American People Love It - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- Harassment, Death Threats Against Web Designer Surge Since Supreme Court Decision Upholding Freedom of Speech - by Mark Tapscott / Your News 06JUL23.

- The Squad's wild, illogical attacks on the Supreme Court - by Adam Carrington / Washington Examiner 06JUL23.

- Two Americas Collide at the Supreme Court - by Matthew Boose / American Greatness 06JUL23.

- Arizona AG to Ignore Supreme Court Decision on Free Speech - by James Murphy / New American 06JUL23.

- Watchdog Group Warns Universities Of Lawsuits If They Fail To Observe Supreme Court Affirmative Action Rulings - by Ross Muscato / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 06JUL23.

- Investigative Journalist Destroys Creepy Deranged Mark Zuckerberg on Launch of His New Facebook Threads Platform - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- What Is 'Threads' and Will It Take Down Twitter? - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 06JUL23.

- Meta’s New Threads App is Censoring From Day One - by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 06JUL23.

- Twitter and Facebook Censor Gateway Pundit Post on Historic MO v. Biden Free Speech Ruling on Censorship with Gateway Pundit as Plaintiff - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Establishment Media Whines About Injunction To Stop Biden Censorship Via Big Tech - by Steve Watson / Summit News 06JUL23.

- Biden Admin Pressed Facebook About Censoring Tucker Carlson Post, Federal Lawsuit Alleges - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 06JUL23.

- Facebook Shadow Banned Tucker Carlson's 'Anti-Vaccine' Video At the Request of the Biden WH - by Sarah Arnold / Townhall 06JUL23.

- When did Congress tell the government to target online speech? - by Hudson Crozier / Washington Examiner 06JUL23.

- Canada Pulls Ads From Meta After It Refused To Hand Cash To Failing Legacy News Outlets - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 06JUL23.

- [Colorado] Supermarket employee fired for recording 3 men stealing $500 in laundry detergent - by Nicholas Mcentyre / NY Post 06JUL23.

- Target to spend $5 billion on its stores to prevent them from shutting down - by Arsenio Toledo / Newstarget 06JUL23.

- The Left Circles the Wagons, Insists Philly Shooter Is Not a Trans BLM Supporter - by Kevin Downey Jr. / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- Sharing Photos of Philly Mass Shooter Cross-Dressing as a Woman is 'Violence,' District Attorney's Office Advisor Says - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 06JUL23.

- DeSantis Outlaws Out-Of-State Driver’s Licenses Issued To Illegal Immigrants - by Harold Hutchison / Daily Caller 06JUL23.

- Illegal Immigrant Receives Sentence for Raping and Impregnating 9-Year-Old Girl - by Caden Pearson / NTD 06JUL23.

- Migrant rioters in France destroy one of world’s oldest public libraries - by Ethan Huff / Your News 06JUL23.

- French Legislation Grants Police Power to Remotely Activate Mobile Device Cameras and Microphones, Access to Geolocation Data for Surveillance - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Macron Is Challenged Over Threats To Cut Off Social Media To Curb Riots - by Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net 06JUL23.

- Utter Chaos Is Being Unleashed All Over The World - by Michael Snyder / America First 06JUL23.

- Germany AfD party reaches another record polling high, achieves first place in 4 out of 5 eastern German states - by John Cody / Remix 06JUL23.

- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Legislation to Stop Illegal Immigrants From Voting in DC - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Marjorie Taylor Greene Booted From House Freedom Caucus - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- MTG Ousted From the House Freedom Caucus - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- MTG Voted out by Members of House Freedom Caucus - by Becca Lower / Red State 06JUL23.

- “If It Wasn’t for Your Vote, We Would Not Have Joe Biden in the White House” - Audience Member Dresses Down Turncoat Mike Pence at Campaign Event - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Ramaswamy Could Soon Take Second Place In GOP Race As His Popularity Rises While DeSantis’ Falls - by Bo Banks / Big League Politics 06JUL23.

- Echelon Poll [says] Trump Has 7-Point Lead Over Biden in Swing States - by Solange Reyner / Your News 06JUL23.

- Trump Claims White House Cocaine Belongs To Bidens; Asks ‘Where Are The Security Tapes?’ - by Steve Watson / Summit News 06JUL23.

- Ex-CBP head: 'Literally should take' about 30 minutes to ID who brought cocaine into White House - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 06JUL23.

- Biden and His Team Play the 'Deflect the Cocaine Blame' Game - by Nick Arama / Red State 06JUL23.

- Hunter Biden’s Cocaine Is a Manufactured Distraction From Consequential Crimes - by JD Rucker / America First 06JUL23.

- Biden Laughs As Reporters Ask Him About Cocaine Found At White House - Press Secretary stonewalls as usual after Hunter Biden seen wired at July 4th bash - by Steve Watson / Summit News 06JUL23.

- Press Secretary Jean-Pierre Admits White House Has No Intention Of Finding Cocaine Culprit, ‘We’re Not Assisting In Anything’ - by Bo Banks / Big League Politics 06JUL23.

- WH Spox Gives Troubling Answer When Asked if They'll Tell Us When They Find Out Who Brought in Cocaine - by Nick Arama / Red State 06JUL23.

- The White House Cocaine Story Changes Yet Again - by Bonchie / Red State 06JUL23.

- White House Changes Its Story Again, Now Says Cocaine Was Found Near Kamala Harris' Vehicle - by Johnathan Jones / Western Journal 06JUL23.

- White House Now Claims Cocaine Was Found in a “Much More Secure Place” Near Situation Room Next to Where Kamala Harris’s Vehicle is Parked - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Latest WH Response on 'Hunter Cocaine' Question Is Even Baffling Dems and Lawyers - by Nick Arama / Red State 06JUL23.

- Media Now Says We May Never Know Who Brought Cocaine to White House because Area “Wasn’t Covered By Cameras All That Well” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Cover-Up in Plain Sight - Secret Service Investigation Into Bag of Cocaine will “Conclude” Early Next Week Regardless of Whether a Suspect is Identified - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Biden keeps troubled son Hunter close by as troubles mount - by Haisten Willis / Washington Examiner 06JUL23.

- Hunter Biden’s Lawyers' Attempt to Discredit the IRS Whistleblowers Just Blew Up in Their Faces - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 06JUL23.

- Comer teases ‘disturbing findings’ made in Biden influence-peddling investigation - by Victor Nava / NY Post 06JUL23.

- 'I Am Now Being Hunted' - 'Missing' Biden Corruption Witness Details Allegations Against Biden Family - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 06JUL23.

- Whistleblower Gal Luft: ‘I May Have to Live on the Run For the Rest of My Life’ For Informing U.S. Gov. About Biden’s Influence Peddling - by Debra Heine / American Greatness 06JUL23.

- Karine Jean-Pierre Heaps Laughable Praise Upon Biden Admin for Having 'Restored the Rule of Law' - by Rebecca Downs / Townhall 06JUL23.

- NY Times Continues to Report on a Joe Biden Who Doesn't Exist - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- Our Alleged President Is a Corrupt Scumbag and the Ruling Class Is OK With That - by Kurt Schlichter / Townhall 06JUL23.

- America's Founding Fathers Are Rolling Over In Their Graves As The 'Biden Crime Cabal' Proves Itself The Most Ccorrupt Govt Ever And The 'Woke' Tyrannical Left Rewrites History - by Judy Wallen / All News Pipeline 06JUL23.

- Do We Have a “Republican Form of Government” as Guaranteed in the Constitution? - by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. / New American 06JUL23.

- Delaware Supreme Court Sides with University of Delaware, Blocks Release of Joe Biden’s Senate Documents - 1850 Boxes of Senate Records - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Hillary Clinton Approves the Canard That 'The Court Is Illegitimate' - by Jim Thompson / Red State 06JUL23.

- Biden Taps Notorious NeoCon & Iraq War Architect to Head Foreign Propaganda Ops - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 06JUL23.

- Video Shows Russian Aircraft ‘Harassing’ US Drones in Syria - by Lorenz Duchamps / NTD 06JUL23.

- Defense Contractor Funded Think Tanks Dominate Ukraine Debate - by Ben Freeman / Strategic Culture 06JUL23.

- Turkish Leader Claims “War Lobby” Caused Ukraine Peace Process Failure - by Jose Nino / Big League Politics 06JUL23.

- Zelensky blames slow pace of Ukrainian counteroffensive on delay in getting critical weapons and shortage of artillery shells - by Jamie McIntyre / Washington Examiner 06JUL23.

- Judge Napolitano Discuss[es] CIA Director Burns’ Disconnect From Reality - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 06JUL23.

- Failed Russian Coup Through a U.S. Looking Glass - by M.K. Bhadrakumar / Strategic Culture 06JUL23.

- Where in the World Is Wagner Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin? - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 06JUL23.

- Leaked photos show Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin in absurd disguises - by Snejana Farberov / NY Post 06JUL23.

- Raid of Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin’s home turned up gold bars, sledgehammers allegedly used to kill traitors and a framed photo of severed heads - by Allie Griffin / NY Post 06JUL23.

- Ethnic Hungarian soldiers from Ukraine’s Transcarpathia region continue to lose their lives at the front - by Denes Albert / Remix 06JUL23.

- Putin's War, Week 71. The Fighters Go to Their Corners - by streiff / Red State 06JUL23.

- China supplies drones to both Ukraine and Russia - by Belle Carter / Newstarget 06JUL23.

- How China exploits globalism to its advantage - by Anne Pierce / Washington Examiner 06JUL23.

- Yellen Arrives in China for Talks as Beijing’s Unfair Trade Practices Come Under Scrutiny - by Dorothy Li and Frank Fang / NTD 06JUL23.



Ben Davidson / S0 News: Big Sunspot, Space Weather Incoming, Magnetic Microbes 06JUL23.

Styx: "Twitter is Dying!" Say People Who Dislike Twitter 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Styx: HYSTERICAL Cope from CNN As They Fret About Trump- and a New Form of Propaganda 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

Styx: "The Hottest Day Ever!" The Climate Change Myth Continues 06JUL23.

Salty Cracker: Jen Psaki Says Muslims Are Tricked by Conservatives to Throw Gays Off Roofs 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: French Police Remote Accessing Cameras & GPS on Phones To Stop Rioters 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

Paul Joseph Watson: It's a mystery 06JUL23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: New Damning Evidence Against Maddie Suspect 06JUL23.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Migrants Being Bussed From Texas To California 06JUL23.

Hodge Twins: The End is Near 06JUL23.

Tim Pool: Trump is WINNING Already, SMASHES $35M As Democrat Indictments BACKFIRE And HELP Him Fundraise 06JUL23.

Tim Pool: Sound of Freedom BEATS Indiana Jones At Box Office SHATTERING Expectations 06JUL23.

Tim Pool: TYT Ana Kasparian SLAMMED By Leftists For Saying 'Bonus Hole' Is CRINGE To Women 06JUL23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Bud Light Bottling Plant Shutters, 600 Employees Laid Off, Boycott IS WORKING 06JUL23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: TYT Ana Kasparian SLAMS 'BONUS HOLE,' Creepy Left Wing Terminology For Women's Parts 06JUL23.

Luke / We Are Change: HE'S BACK?! You Really DON'T Want THIS To Happen! 06JUL23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 06JUL23.

Tim Pool: Zuckerberg Launches TWITTER KILLER Threads And INSTANTLY Begins Censoring Conservatives, 23M Sign Up 06JUL23.

Tim Pool: Biden Admin Formally Files To OVERTURN 1st Amendment, Democrats Seek Authority To CENSOR Americans 06JUL23.


Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Peaky Blinders SLAMS DeSantis Over Anti LGBT Video, Using Clips From Show 06JUL23.

Steven Crowder: GUN WEEK w/ Mrgunsngear | Ep 4. Gun Myths Debunked: Chapter 2 06JUL23.

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Scott Adams: News, Propaganda, Narrative, And Delicious Coffee. I Have Everything Today 06JUL23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #691 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

Styx: Thursday LIVE: White House Cocaine Scandal, Epstein, Zaporizhzhia, etc (Superchats) 06JUL23.

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Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Zuck's Threads Faces LAWSUIT For STEALING Twitter Secrets Says Elon Musk w/Lauren Ch.. 06JUL23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2857 06JUL23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 2858 06JUL23.

Bannon's War Room: Battleground Ep 327 06JUL23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2859 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: Those In Power No Longer Pull The Strings, Hunters Become The Hunted 06JUL23.


Sleazy P. Martini: Cocaine in the White House? Say it ain't so Joe! 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Is this Ben and Jerry's Bud Light moment? 06JUL23.

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15 seconds

Primitive Technology: Undercover Brick Workshop 06JUL23.

Blooprint's Bunker: FIGHTING OVER our MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD (Duo ft. Wally1k PT.2) - Rust 06JUL23.

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Up On Cripple Creek - JC & Timmy

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