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X22 Report
to the Grendelcat's Lair Central: Free Based Media
Prime Lairticles:
Global Warming
Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Friday 06DEC24 || Archive:
Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring:
YL0:1.49 |

Federal Judge Forces FDA to Release Over a Million Pages of
Pfizer’s Covid-19 Trial Documents They Wanted to Keep Hidden
for 75 Years - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Australian Medical Icon [Ian Brighthope] Breaks Down in
Tears During Debate with Government Officials Over Covid-19
Vaccine Catastrophe, “The Most Uncontrolled Experimentation
Ever on Humankind” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
CCDH agents threatened health freedom advocates and covid
truthers with lawsuits to silence them - by Cassie B. /
Newstarget 06DEC24.
Dr. Mike Yeadon’s message to Northern Irish politicians -
Speak out because if you don’t the consequences are
terrifying - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 06DEC24.
Millions of Entries Erased from World’s Largest Obituary
Database - by Debbie Lerman / Brownstone Institute
Vaccine hawk Peter Hotez says Multiple new “viruses” to be
unleashed day after Trump takes office - by Ethan Huff /
Newstarget 06DEC24.
USDA Mandates Nationwide Milk Testing as Bird Flu Cases
Surge - by Jack Montgomery / National Pulse 06DEC24.
USDA demands national milk supply get tested for bird flu
- by Elaine Mallon / Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
What right do we have to take our own lives? - by Ericka
Andersen / Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
U.S. healthcare system wastes 25 cents for every $1 spent -
can Team Trump fix it? - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget
House GOP demands investigation into FEMA’s ignoring of
pro-Trump rural areas in desperate need of aid - by
Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 06DEC24.
JD Vance visits hurricane-ravaged North Carolina to survey
recovery - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 06DEC24.
FEMA Illustrates Perfectly What's Wrong With Government When
Hurricane Victim Asks for New Window - by Becky Noble /
Red State 06DEC24.
FEMA Investigation Part 2 - O’Keefe Calls FEMA’s Mysterious
‘HAL’ Robot-Like Representative for Answers on Disaster
Relief Response - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit
It’s time to get real about climate change - by Liz
Heflin / Remix 06DEC24.
Climate Change, Sea Ice and Engineering New Trade in the
Artic - by Vijay Jayaraj / WUWT 06DEC24.
Reality Forces Reason into Power Choices - by Gordon J.
Fulks / WUWT 06DEC24.
Abusive DOE Energy Efficiency Policy Archives (60+ articles)
- by Mark Krebs and Tom Tanton / WUWT 06DEC24.
Biden EPA makes first-ever climate change arrest - by
Aubrie Spady / Fox News 06DEC24.
Wind and Solar Can’t Support the Grid - by Russ
Schussler / Climate Etc. via WUWT 06DEC24.
UK consumers have paid £1 billion this year to turn off wind
farms and start-up gas plants - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé
UK Government said last year it would mandate
methane-suppressing food additives for cattle - by Rhoda
Wilson / Exposé 06DEC24.
ESG Continues to Crumble - Goldman Sachs Leaves UN’s Net
Zero Banking Alliance - by James Murphy / New American
Half of all U.S. states going Bankrupt - by Ethan Huff /
Newstarget 06DEC24.
Trump Victory Sparks Biggest Jump In Consumer Sentiment
Since Clinton In 1992 - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge
El Salvador’s President Bukele Triumphant About His Big Bet
on Bitcoin - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
President Trump Appoints Tech Billionaire David Sacks as
White House A.I. and Crypto Czar - by Jordan Conradson /
Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Trump Taps Pro-Free Speech and Rumble Board Member David
Sacks to Lead AI and Crypto Push - by Rick Findlay /
Reclaim The Net 06DEC24.
Can Elon and Vivek Lead Us to a More Efficient Government? -
Not with Congress unwilling to give up money and power -
by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann / American Greatness
No more continuing resolutions - by Andy Biggs /
Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Canadian group urging Trudeau to adopt Trump’s DOGE
initiative to curb wasteful government spending - by
Laura Harris / Newstarget 06DEC24.
Biden’s parting gift to government unions - by
Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
A Sweetheart Union Deal Underlines the Fact That Only Six
Percent of Federal Workers Work Full Time - by streiff /
Red State 06DEC24.
Judge says no to DOJ Boeing plea deal over undue emphasis on
DEI requirements - by Katie Daviscourt / PM 06DEC24.
Department of Education was Weaponized under Biden to
attack, fine and bankrupt religious schools across America
- by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 06DEC24.
Transgender youth doctor faces historic lawsuit - ‘Damage
has been done’ - by Kaelan Deese / Washington Examiner
The real way to protect ‘trans kids’ - by Kimberly Ross
/ Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Senators demand answers regarding unreleased taxpayer-funded
study on transgender children - by Robert Schmad /
Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
In Transgender Case, Can SCOTUS Cut to the Moral Heart of
the Issue? - by Josh Hammer / Townhall 06DEC24.
'Elitist Snob' [Atlantic writer and Yale Review editor James
Surowiecki] Mocks Riley Gaines' Education Over Criticism of
Justice Jackson - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 06DEC24.
After Transgender Athlete’s Latest Win, Women’s Sports
Advocates Hope for Supreme Court Intervention - by
Susannah Luthi / Washington Free Beacon 06DEC24.
Transgender former intel agent Chelsea Manning arrested for
occupying Capitol Hill women's room with trans activists
- by Katie Daviscourt / PM 06DEC24.
Sterilized for the Resistance - Now Leftist Women Get
Hysterical Hysterectomies in Protest of Trump - by Brad
Slager / Red State 06DEC24.
- Grendelcomment: Loons like this removing their hosed code
from the gene pool. Oh no.
Feminism Needs Better Messengers - by C.A. Skeet / PJ
Media 06DEC24.
Judge gunned down by sheriff ran courthouse ‘like a brothel’
in sextortion scheme - by Jared Downing / NY Post
Smoggie Queens Shows How Far BBC Comedy Has Fallen - by
Steven Tucker / Daily Sceptic 06DEC24.
After Winning a Political Battle Nov. 5, Can We Now Win the
Culture War? - Selwyn Duke / New American 06DEC24.
The Uncivil Left Wrecks Domestic Civility at Home - by
J. Christian Adams and Hans Von Spakovsky / PJ Media
Marx’s Misanthropy - [The “woke” attack on the traditional
family has its roots in words of the Master, “bourgeois
clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed
co-relation of parent and child”] - by David Gordon /
Mises Institute 06DEC24.
Change the Debate and Take Back Liberty Locally - by Tom
DeWeese / New American 06DEC24.
Mads Mikkelsen Says Movie Industry is Beholden to
Ideological Narrative of “Those In Power” - Film won’t get
made if it counters left-wing diversity requirements -
by Paul Joseph watson / Modernity 06DEC24.
University of Michigan Makes a Stunning Announcement on
'Diversity Statements' - [it will “no longer solicit
diversity statements as part of faculty hiring, promotion
and tenure”] - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 06DEC24.
Why Does the [UK] Bar Standards Board Think the Law has a
Diversity Problem, Given That 16.9% of Barristers are BME
[Black and Minority Ethnic] ? - by Toby Young / Daily
Sceptic 06DEC24.
Federal Judge Upholds Racial Preferences in US Naval Academy
Admissions - by Mike Miller / Red State 06DEC24.
[US] Federal court upholds Naval Academy’s race-conscious
admissions policy - by Kaelan Deese / Washington
Examiner 06DEC24.
Race-Obsessed Rep. Jasmine Crockett Is Furious Texas Elected
White Congressmen Using 'Black and Brown and Asian Bodies'
- by Michael Schwarz / Western Journal 06DEC24.
FBI Arrests Leftist [Boston] City Councilor [Tania Fernandes
Anderson] Who Proposed 'Hijab Day' and Often Played Race
Card - by Bryan Chai / Western Journal 06DEC24.
FBI Arrests Boston City Council Member on Corruption Charges
Involving Her Family - by Becca Lower / Red State
FBI arrests Democrat Boston City Councilor Tania Anderson on
wire fraud and theft charges - by Andy Ngo and katie
Daviscourt / PM 06DEC24.
Urban Decline Continues in New York - Teens Attacked Over
Language Barrier - by Ward Clark / Red State 06DEC24.
Jurors deadlocked in Daniel Penny manslaughter trial over
subway chokehold death of Jordan Neely - by Ben Kochman
and Kyle Schnitzer / NY Post 06DEC24.
Jury Unable to Reach Verdict on Daniel Penny Manslaughter
Charge - by Cassandra MacDonald / Gateway Pundit
Jurors unable to reach unanimous verdict in Daniel Penny
case - judge presses for further deliberations - by
Hannah Nightingale / PM 06DEC24.
Daniel Penny manslaughter charge dismissed after judge
considers mistrial - by Brady Knox / Washington Examiner
Judge Drops Manslaughter Charge Against Daniel Penny After
Jury Deadlocks - by Joseph Simonson / Washington Free
Beacon 06DEC24.
Judge Dismisses Manslaughter Charge in Daniel Penny Case
After Jury Deadlocks - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media
Daniel Penny trial judge agrees to drop top manslaughter
count after jury deadlocks twice - by Kyle Schnitzer and
Ben Kochman / NY Post 06DEC24.
Judge in Penny Case Dismisses Top Charge, Lesser Charge
Still in Play - by Bob Hoge / Red State 06DEC24.
Manslaughter charge against Daniel Penny dismissed, jury to
consider lesser charge Monday - by Hannah Nightingale /
PM 06DEC24.
- Daniel Penny Show Trial - Judge Allows Prosecution to Swap
Out Charge in Bid to Secure a Conviction - by Chris
Menahan / Information Liberation 06DEC24.
The Judge in the Daniel Penny Case Is Trying to Rig a Guilty
Verdict - by Bonchie / Red State 06DEC24.
Golf legend Phil Mickelson speaks out in support of Daniel
Penny - Thank you, Daniel for protecting the passengers
- by Hannah Nightingale / PM 06DEC24.
Phil Mickelson Praises Daniel Penny for ‘Serving His
Country’ and ‘Protecting’ Subway Passengers from ‘Deranged
Individual’ - by Dylan Gwinn / Breitbart 06DEC24.
Lawmaker Wants to Award Daniel Penny With Congress' Highest
Civilian Honor - by Bob Hoge / Red State 06DEC24.
Rep. Eli Crane to Introduce Resolution to Award Daniel Penny
With Congressional Gold Medal - by Jordan Conradson /
Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Shooter of United Healthcare CEO Used Fake ID to 'Become a
Ghost' Before Attack; Backpack Found - by Jeff Charles /
Red State 06DEC24.
CEO Assassin May Have Used 'Covert-Type' Weapon - Took
Greyhound Bus To NYC Last Month - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 06DEC24.
DNA being processed from UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian
Thompson’s killer’s water bottle, bullets - by Joe
Marino and Matt Troutman / NY Post 06DEC24.
Taylor Lorenz defends jokes about UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian
Thompson’s murder - ‘It’s natural’ - by Taylor Herzlich
/ NY Post 06DEC24.
It Doesn't Get Any Lower Than the Leftist Outpouring of
Cheering at the Death of an Insurance CEO - by Rick
Moran / PJ Media 06DEC24.
Health insurance companies remove leadership from websites
after targeted killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO - by
Thomas Stevenson / PM 06DEC24.
Austin officer [Christopher Taylor] sentenced to prison
after doing his job, using reasonable force to protect his
community - by Jenna Curren / Law Enforcement Today
21 Soros-linked district attorneys replaced since 2022 by
voters seeking 'tough-on-crime' policies - by Hannah
Nightingale / PM 06DEC24.
Los Angeles Council Approves 'Sanctuary City' Ordinance To
Protect Illegal Immigrants - by Kimberly Hayek / Epoch
Times via Zerohedge 06DEC24.
Feds Accuse HelloFresh Of Employing Migrant Kids At Factory
In Sanctuary State Illinois - by Tyler Durden /
Zerohedge 06DEC24.
Illegal immigrant arrested for violent crimes by ICE after
MA court refuses to honor detainer - by Jenna Curren /
Law Enforcement Today 06DEC24.
Illegal Kills Little Girl In [Houston] Drunk Driving Crash
- by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 06DEC24.
Biden White House Worked Directly with the City of Chicago
to Place Immigrants Across the State While Leaving Homeless
Chicagoans to Freeze - by Paul Drabik / Gateway Pundit
'Cancel me' - NYC Mayor Eric Adams responds to leftist
critics, seeks meeting with Trump's Border Czar Tom Homan
- by Matthew Holloway / Law Enforcement Today 06DEC24.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Doesn’t Rule Out Joining GOP After
Democrats Turn on Him - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway
Pundit 06DEC24.
Weaponized “Migration” Is More Destructive Than People Think
- by J.G. Martinez / America First 06DEC24.
Texas border officials discover unaccompanied 4-year-old
girl smuggled from Central America - by Richard Brown /
Newstarget 06DEC24.
Lawmaker Touts Bill on $1K Bounty to Report Illegals - ‘Gift
Wrapped And Ready For Deportation’ - by Rusty Weiss /
Red State 06DEC24.
[Former FBI Official Frank] Figliuzzi [says] Trump Will
Likely Use Sheriffs, Citizen Volunteers for Deportation
‘Roundups’ - by Pam Key / Breitbart 06DEC24.
Trump Has Plan To Deport Illegals Even If Home Countries
Refuse To Take Them Back - by Steve Watson / Modernity
Texas DPS Apprehending Illegal Border Crossers From Some
Dangerous Places - by Ward Clark / Red State 06DEC24.
The Fake Compassion of the Left [re: the great replacement]
- by David Solway / PJ Media 06DEC24.
Modi’s BJP Party Accuses U.S. Deep State and Soros of
Working To Destabilize India - by Paul Serran / Gateway
Pundit 06DEC24.
In Germany, a Man Who Was Stabbed by a Jihadi Has Been Fined
for Criticizing Islam - by Robert Spencer / PJ Media
British Universities are Riddled With Anti-Semitism - by
Toby Young / Daily Sceptic 06DEC24.
‘We’re Just Getting Started’ - Nigel Farage’s Reform UK
Party Overtakes Labour in National Opinion Poll for the
First Time - Brexit Hero and Trump Ally Wants to Be the Next
Prime Minister - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit
Trump must be wary of Macron, the magnificent chameleon
- by Tom Rogan / Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Governments of France, Romania, Georgia, Syria, Israel,
South Korea, Russia, Ukraine, the UK and US, Among Many
Others are in Political Turmoil - It’s No Accident - by
Leo Hohmann / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Trudeau Liberals seek to confiscate 324 kinds of firearms
from Canadian citizens, may send them to Ukraine - by
Hannah Nightingale / PM 06DEC24.
The Canadian Cautionary Tale Gets Worse All the Time -
by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 06DEC24.
Assisted dying of the West - by Dominic Green /
Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Rumble CEO Calls Out Big Tech Leaders Over Years Of
Censorship - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06DEC24.
Federal court upholds TikTok ban - by Thomas Stevenson /
PM 06DEC24.
TikTok on the Clock - US Appeals Court Hits the “Ban” Button
- by Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net 06DEC24.
Appeals Court Rules TikTok Has Six Weeks to Break Ties With
China or Go Out of Business - by streiff / Red State
TikTok sale-or-ban law upheld by US appeals court setting up
potential SCOTUS showdown - by Thomas Barrabi / NY Post
U.S. Appeals Court Says TikTok Must Divest From China or
Face Ban - by William Upton / National Pulse 06DEC24.
Gaming Giant Riot Expands the Rules to Police Player
Behavior Everywhere - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net
Let's Curb the Kangaroo Court of Anonymous Sources - by
Tim Graham / Townhall 06DEC24.
Legacy media have no business lecturing anyone about the
‘truth’ - by David Harsanyi / Washington Examiner
Alleged Journalists are Freaking Out About Trump Allowing
Independent Outlets in Press Briefings - by Jeff Charles
/ Red State 06DEC24.
The [USA] Surveillance State Is A Reality And People Need To
Be Aware Of The Risks And Take Steps To Protect Their
Privacy - by John and Nisha Whitehead / All News
Pipeline 06DEC24.
The elitist tyranny of “Western democracy” is exposed and
crumbling - by Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture
Woke BLM Muslim Democrat and Former Illegal Migrant on
Boston City Council [Tania Fernandes Anderson] Arrested by
FBI for Corruption - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
How Democrats ‘debanked’ political opponents in shocking
attack on American freedoms - by E.J. Antoni / NY Post
Deeply Disappointed in USPS - by George Landrith /
Townhall 06DEC24.
Obama Suddenly Concerned About Election Rigging, Weaponising
Justice - by Steve Watson / Modernity 06DEC24.
Obama Just Accused Republicans of What Democrats Are Doing,
and It’s Nothing Less Than Ominous - by Robert Spencer /
PJ Media 06DEC24.
Sanctimonious Obama Warns 'One Side' Is Going to 'Rig
Elections and Weaponize the Justice System' - by Mike
Miller / Red State 06DEC24.
MTG wants ‘murder charges’ for officer who shot Ashli
Babbitt - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Internal Emails Reveal Democrats Bowing to Lt. Michael
Byrd’s Demands After He Killed Ashli Babbitt - Including
Allocating Him Funds for “Fallen or Wounded Officers” -
by Brian Lupo / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Dem Rep. Crow [says the] FBI, DOJ Are Stonewalling on First
Trump Assassination Attempt - by Ian Hanchett /
Breitbart 06DEC24.
Former Secret Service Agent [warns] Trump Likely To Be
Attacked Before Inauguration - “It’s going to be something
of a much bigger magnitude” - by Steve Watson /
Modernity 06DEC24.
Trump lawyers file motion to Dismiss president-elect’s hush
money case in NYC - by Ramon Tomey / Newstarget 06DEC24.
National Police Association endorses Kash Patel for FBI head
- by Hannah Nightingale / PM 06DEC24.
National Police Association Endorses Kash Patel for FBI
Director - by Jordan Conradson / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Trump allies threaten primary challenges against GOP
senators who fail to back nominees - by W. James Antle
III / Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Trump is tapping ‘unconventional’ leaders because that’s
what Americans voted for - by Lara Trump / NY Post
Trump and the new normal - by Hugo Gurdon / Washington
Examiner 06DEC24.
Trump Busts Out a New Dance Move As He Accepts 'Patriot of
the Year' Award - by Rusty Weiss / Red State 06DEC24.
Melania Trump Talks About Her Husband’s ‘Incredible’ 2024
Win in First Post-Election Interview - by Mike LaChance
/ Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Barron Trump advised president-elect dad on the campaign
trail, Melania Trump reveals, ‘He brought in success’ -
by Patrick Reilly / NY Post 06DEC24.
'He Knows His Generation' - Melania Stunned by Barron's
'Incredible' Advice That Helped Trump Beat Kamala - by
Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 06DEC24.
Melania shuts down question about returning to modeling,
‘Other important things to do’ - by Patrick Reilly / NY
Post 06DEC24.
Trump Won More Than Just the Election, He's Completely
Ruined the Dems - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal
Biden Roasted For ‘Wild Old Man’ Look At Christmas Gathering
- by Steve Watson / Modernity 06DEC24.
Joe Biden has leveled the moral high ground for his son’s
benefit and possibly his own - by Jonathan Turley /
Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Biden gambles with preemptive pardons to shield Democrats
from Trump - ‘All bets are off’ - by Naomi Lim et al. /
Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Biden adds retired Gen Mark Milley to potential sweeping
preemptive pardons list - by Hannah Nightingale / PM
Biden White House considering pre-emptive pardon for retired
Gen. Mark Milley, who made secret phone calls to China -
by Victor Nava / NY Post 06DEC24.
Joe must say No to White House pardon party for Anthony
Fauci, Mark Milley, Adam Schiff - by Post Editorial
Board / NY Post 06DEC24.
White House Reporters Fume at Karine Jean-Pierre For Lying
About Hunter Biden Pardon in Brutal Press Briefing - by
Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Joe Biden, corrupt career politician, crawls offstage -
by Timothy P. Carney / Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Carville Criticizes Joe Biden in What Sounds a Lot Like a
Eulogy - by Ward Clark / Red State 06DEC24.
Biden’s Presidential Library Might Be More of a ‘Bookmobile’
As Democrats Threaten to Withhold Donations - by Rusty
Weiss / Red State 06DEC24.
Kamala Returns to the Spotlight, And Listeners Can't Believe
Her 'New Accent' - by Micheal Schwarz / Western Journal
After Burning Through More Than a Billion Dollars, Kamala
Harris Warns Democrats to be Careful Using Their ‘Limited
Resources’ - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Kamala HQ deletes post making false claims about Tim Pool
after successful conclusion to lawsuit - by Libby Emmons
/ PM 06DEC24.
Beyoncé, Bruce Springsteen, and Black Barbershops - How
Kamala Harris Whittled Away Her Campaign War Chest in the
Election's Final Days - by Chuck Ross / Washington Free
Beacon 06DEC24.
MSNBC claims it was 'unaware' Al Sharpton's nonprofit
received $500,000 from Harris campaign before soft interview
- by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 06DEC24.
Nat'l Black Church Group Scorches Al Sharpton, MSNBC for
'Moral Stain' Paid Kamala Interview Left on Black Churches
- by Jack Davis / Western Journal 06DEC24.
'Call Her Daddy' Podcast Host Roasts Kamala Harris Over
Infamous Interview - by Bonchie / Red State 06DEC24.
Outgoing DNC Chair Says Identity Politics Should Remain Core
of Democrats’ Message - by Mike LaChance / Gateway
Pundit 06DEC24.
Schiff Steps Down! - [California Representative Adam Schiff
(D-CA) resigned from the House of Representatives on Friday
to take up his new role as California's junior senator as
the] Notorious Democrat House Member Gets a Promotion -
by Ward Clark / Red State 06DEC24.
Scott Jennings Points Out Obvious Comparisons Between
Hegseth and Kavanaugh to CNN Panel in Denial - by
Brandon Morse / Red State 06DEC24.
Has Hegseth turned a corner? - by Byron York /
Washington Examiner 06DEC24.
Trump doubles down on support for DOD nom Hegseth as he
shores up Senate support - by Thomas Stevenson / PM
Trump doubles down on Pete Hegseth nomination for defense
secretary, ‘Pete is a WINNER’ - by Lee Brown / NY Post
Trump and Vance Throw Public Support Behind Pete Hegseth
- by JD Rucker / America First 06DEC24.
Trump Doubles-Down on His Support for Pete Hegseth for
Defense Secretary - Will Force RINOs to Be Called to the
Carpet and Cast Their Votes in Public - by Jim Hoft /
Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
'I Answer to My Lord and Savior,' Pete Hegseth Lights Up
Media, Shows Exactly Why Trump Chose Him - by C. Douglas
Golden / Western Journal 06DEC24.
Pete Hegseth won’t back down and America will be better for
it - by Séamus Ó Fianghusa / NY Post 06DEC24.
Over 100 Navy SEALS Set to Descend on Washington D.C. in
Explosive Show of Support for Army Veteran Pete Hegseth
- by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 06DEC24.
Investigators Uncover Orgy Involving 12 Officials and One
Official’s Sexual Relations with 32 Coworkers at Tennessee
Veterans Hospital - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit
California man shoots up Christian elementary school to
protest 'genocide' and 'oppression' of Palestinians - by
Thomas Stevenson / PM 06DEC24.
'Free Palestine' Supporter Shoots Two Kindergarteners at CA
Christian School - Where's Newsom's Outrage? - by
Jennifer Van Laar / Red State 06DEC24.
Students at Columbia University launch anti-Israel ‘Columbia
Intifada’ newspaper - by Matthew Sedacca and Chris Nesi
/ NY Post 06DEC24.
Erdogan’s Idlib shock shadows “Kursk” - by Alastair
Crooke / Strategic Culture 06DEC24.
Leader of Jihadist Rebels in Syria Declares “Diversity is a
Strength” - by Paul Joseph Watson / Modernity 06DEC24.
Israel Preparing For Possibility Of Syrian State Collapse
- by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 05DEC24.
Russia, China Tell Their Citizens To Evacuate Syria
Immediately - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06DEC24.
Western Powers Prepare a ‘Golden Exile’ in London for
Zelensky After Peace Agreement Ends the War, While Ukraine
Gears up for Elections - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit
Lavrov Warns Europe The New Cold War Is Turning 'Hot' -
by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 06DEC24.
Russia Closes Polish Consulate As Warsaw Accuses Moscow Of
'Sabotage, Terrorism' - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge
Tucker Carlson Interviews Sergei Lavrov - “No Reason Russia
and USA Can’t Cooperate” - by Collin McMahon / Gateway
Pundit 06DEC24.
Trump Names [former Georgia Sen. David Perdue] Our Next
Ambassador to China - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 06DEC24.
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol Apologizes for Martial
Law Declaration but Does Not Resign - by Caden Pearson /
NTD 06DEC24.
Trump Picks Billionaire Entrepreneur and “Polaris Dawn” Hero
Jared Isaacman to Head NASA - by Leslie Eastman / WUWT
NASA only provided a 7-hour warning before asteroid collided
with Earth - by Cassie B. / Newstarget 06DEC24.
NASA Sets Artemis Moon Mission Timelines - by Chris
Queen / PJ Media 06DEC24.

Ben Davidson / S0 News:
Solar Flare and Wind Watch, Big Earthquake, Quasare 06DEC24.
The Drug War Continues to be Ridiculous, Texas Plans to Ban THC Products 06DEC24.
Must Do, Should Do, Want to Do: My Philosophy 06DEC24.
Will DOGE Be a Success? HAHA It Already Is 06DEC24.
Will Trump Annex Canada? | The Bad-Ass Adventures of Super Trump #3 06DEC24.
Mark Dice:
It's All Part of Their Plan 06DEC24.
Hodge Twins:
Charlamagne Pisses OFF Whoopi Over Hunter Biden’s Pardon and Biden’s Lies 06DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
“Feds Were Behind January 6th!” Says Trump FBI Nominee Kash Patel 06DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
Waitress FIRED For Buying Homeless Man Pancakes 06DEC24.
Jimmy Dore:
The Homeless LIKE It That Way! - Says Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld 06DEC24.
Tim Pool:
Daniel Penny Jury DEADLOCKED, Judge May FORCE Jury To Pass Verdict, Democrats Crate ANARCHO TYRRANY 06DEC24.
Luke / We Are Change:
Why I Am NO LONGER Black Pilled 06DEC24.
In Depth

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL:
Daniel Penny Manslaughter DISMISSED, SCHEME To FORCE Secondary Verdict w/Wayne Dupree 06DEC24.
Scott Adams:
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4107
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4108
Bannon's War Room:
Ep 4109

12,419 Days Of Strandbeest Evolution 06DEC24.
The Marauders - Rust 06DEC24.
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