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The Grendelverse || Global Warming || Vaccines & Plandemics
Lairdate: Tuesday 03JAN23 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
Lairsharing Is Caring: grendelcat.com
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Stuck in my head: Pat Benatar - Heartbreaker




- China Attacks ‘Unreasonable’ Travel Restrictions Imposed by Growing List of Countries - by Simon Kent / Breitbart 03JAN23.

- China replaces “zero covid” policy with “zero non-covid” in confusing attempt to save economy - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 03JAN23.

- Medical, Funeral Services in China Overwhelmed as Covid Cases Soar - by Kane Zhang / NTD 03JAN23.

- WHO Scientists Call on China to Reveal Real Covid-19 Death Numbers - by Andrew Thornebrooke / NTD 03JAN23.

- China’s Covid lies could prove deadly for America - by Betsy McCaughey / NY Post 03JAN23.

- Is China’s Military Making Covid-19 Variants? - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Japan’s excess deaths are four times higher after Pfizer “booster” shots - by Rhoda Wilson and Joel Smalley / Exposé 03JAN23.

- Seasoned cardiologist Destroys Big Pharma, statin drugs, covid vaccines on Tucker Carlson Show - by S.D. Wells / Newstarget 03JAN23.

- Covid Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains - by Joseph Mercola / NOQ Report 03JAN23.

- US Quietly Extends Covid-19 Vaccine Proof to Enter Country - by Caden Pearson / NTD 03JAN23.

- Scientifically Illiterate Rep. Katie Porter Reportedly Denounces, Fires Staffer For 'Giving Her Covid' - by Ben Bartee / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- Another Fake Fact-Checker Identified - Politifact’s Jeff Cercone “Fact-Checks” on Covid Despite Zero Credentials - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- More than 25% of Americans believe they personally know someone who died from covid “vaccines” - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 03JAN23.

- At Least 769 Recently Vaxxed Athletes Collapsed Last Year During Competition - by Bo Banks / Big League Politics 03JAN23.

- Buffalo Bills Confirm Hamlin Suffered "Cardiac Arrest", Remains In Critical Condition - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 03JAN23.

- Fed Operatives Move into Place at Cincinnati Hospital Where Damar Hamlin is a Patient - No NFL Player Has Died From On-Field Injury In Over 50 Years - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- NFL Accused of Racism for Not Postponing Bills-Bengals Game Sooner - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- 5G is a weapons system designed to Kill people, says weapons expert Mark Steele - by Kevin Hughes / Newstarget 03JAN23.

- China’s Suppression of the Internet Industry - by Angeline Tan / New American 03JAN23.

- Biden wastes scarce capital on green energy dreams - by James Rogan / Washington Examiner 03JAN23.

- Two Men Arrested For Sabotaging Four Electrical Power Substations in Washington State - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Coca-Cola Paid NAACP to Label Proponents of Soda Tax "Racist" - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 03JAN23.

- New York Legalizes Human Composting - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- NY Times Op-Ed - ‘Mate With Short People To Stop Climate Change’ - by Steve Watson / Summit News 03JAN23.

- Eugenics Experts Advise Having Sex with Short People - by Stephen Green / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- In Report About Overpopulation, CBS Brings on the Man Who's Been Wrong About It for Decades - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 03JAN23.

- Discredited ‘Population Bomb’ Author Predicts “End of Civilization We’re Used To” on 60 Minutes - Previous predictions were laughably wrong - by Paul Joseph Watson / Summit News 03JAN23.

- Elon Musk Slams the Most Perennially Wrong Scientist of Our Time - by Selwyn Duke / New American 03JAN23.

- Eugenicists aim to destroy the role of mother and take control of life-creating processes - by Rhoda Wilson and Sikh For Truth / Exposé 03JAN23.

- Missouri Defies Democrat Politicians, Executes Evil Transgender Child Murderer - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- NHS Allows ‘Trans’ Males to Treat Women Who Request Same-Sex Staff - by Peter Caddle / Breitbart 03JAN23.

- 'This Is Not America' - VA Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Shreds School That Hid Awards From Students in the Name of 'Equity' - by Bob Hoge / Red State 03JAN23.

- ASU Wokes Itself in the Foot with 'Black Male Privilege' - by Lincoln Brown / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- The Equity Paradox - Equal opportunity rewards excellence - Equal outcomes require tyranny and are indifferent to excellence - by Edward Ring / American Greatness 03JAN23.

- Dem Congresswoman [Katie Porter] Used Racist Slurs Against Staff, and the Mainstream Media Couldn't Care Less - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- Anti-White Hate Crimes Rise 260 Percent in Chicago for 2022 - by Shane Trejo / Big League Politics 03JAN23.

- Chicago Continues Its Collapse Into 2023 Under Dem Mayor Lightfoot as Murders, Carjackings Skyrocket - by JD Heyes / NOQ Report 03JAN23.

- Stories Of America's Descent Into Madness Surround Us And Are Directly Tied To Democrat Politics - 'The Purge Law' Begins As Left Creates A 'Criminal's Paradise' That 'Jeopardizes Everyone' - by Stefan Stanford / All News Pipeline 03JAN23.

- UK retail is flooded with facial recognition, digital ID trials - by Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net 03JAN23.

- French interior minister mocked after saying ‘only’ 690 cars torched on New Year’s Eve - by Denes Albert / Remix 03JAN23.

- Trudeau Liberals exceed immigration goals, increase to 500,000 by 2025 - by Alex Timothy / PM 03JAN23.

- Eric Adams says 'there's no more room at the inn' after Colorado sends more illegal immigrants to New York - by Alex Timothy / PM 03JAN23.

- Hate Crime Investigation Opened After Paper Towel ‘Noose’ Found in Michigan Panera Bathroom - by Cassandra Fairbanks / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- FBI Says Violence Against Jews Is in Decline - Jews Aren’t Buying It - by Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon 03JAN23.

- United Nations condemned Israel more than all other countries combined last year - by Madeleine Hubbard / Just The News 03JAN23.

- 2 Socialist MEPs To Have Their Immunity Lifted As EU Corruption Probe Grows - by Ziare / Remix 03JAN23.

- Twitter Files - The FBI "Belly Button" - by Kira Davis / Red State 03JAN23.

- Twitter aided US intelligence agencies to influence foreign governments - by Rhoda Wilson and Joseph Mercola / Exposé 03JAN23.

- Twitter Files Continued: Taibbi Details How Twitter Came to Censor Hunter Biden Bombshell - by Gabriela Pariseau / mrcNewsBusters 03JAN23.

- Dem Rep. Adam Schiff wanted journalist Paul Sperry’s account suspended over reporting on Trump whistleblower, Twitter Files reveals - by Bruce Golding / NY Post 03JAN23.

- Retired FBI boss says agency has lost independence, been co-opted by liberal DOJ ideologues - by John Solomon / Just The News 03JAN23.

- Despite FBI warning, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer still posting on TikTok - by Scott McClallen / Just The News 03JAN23.

- The Guardian offices close after ransomware attack - by Alexandra Steigrad / NY Post 03JAN23.

- The Year of Pushing Back - by Lloyd Billingsley / American Greatness 03JAN23.

- Ontario regulatory body orders Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo “social-media communications retraining” - by Tom Parker / Reclaim The Net 03JAN23.

- Ontario Leftist Group Orders Jordan Peterson to Submit to Social Media “Retraining” for Retweeting Conservative Pierre Poilievre and Criticizing Justin Trudeau - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- America Has Become the Greatest Exporter of Destructive Ideas - by Dennis Prager / Townhall 03JAN23.

- I Support Western Values More Than The West Does: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix - by Caitlin Johnstone 03JAN23.

- Bernie Madoff went to jail to avoid mob hit: new Netflix docuseries - by Alex Mitchell / NY Post 03JAN23.

- FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Enters Plea in Federal Fraud Case - by Jack Phillips / NTD 03JAN23.

- Bankman-Fried Asks Judge To Hide Identities Of Bail Guarantors - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 03JAN23.

- Corrupt Clinton Judge in the SDNY Rules that Two Entities Backing SBF’s Bail Can Remain Anonymous - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Virgin Islands AG Fired After Filing Lawsuit Against JPMorgan Chase, Attacking Their Relationship With Epstein - by Nick Arama / Red State 03JAN23.

- Beginning Today Corrupt and Decrepit Nancy Pelosi Is No Longer Speaker and Liz Cheney Is No Longer in Congress - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- A Look Back at Nancy Pelosi’s Disastrous Record as Speaker of the House and Behaviors of a Mob Boss - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Arizona's Doomsday Clock Is Ticking Now That Crazy Katie Hobbs Is in Charge - by Stephen Kruiser / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- Ron DeSantis' Inauguration Ceremony Unlike Anything in Recent Florida History - by Jeff Reynolds / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- Ron DeSantis takes a shot at ‘floundering’ DC in inauguration speech - by Victor Nava / NY Post 03JAN23.

- The House Is the Representative Body of the Republic - for This Speaker of the House Vote, Let Them Represent - by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell / Red State 03JAN23.

- Trump Mum on if He Is Standing by McCarthy in Speakership Quest, ‘We’ll See What Happens’ - by Nick Gilbertson / Breitbart 03JAN23.

- Kevin McCarthy Loses Third Vote For Speaker of House - Jim Jordan Picks Up 20 Votes - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Can McCarthy Cobble Together Enough Votes to Make Him Speaker? - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- Why Did Kevin McCarthy Wait So Long to Try to Win People Over? - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 03JAN23.

- Democrats and RINOs Hoping Democrats Maintain Speaker of the House - by Joe Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- 'I Earned This Job' - Kevin McCarthy Adamant He Will Not Withdraw From Speaker's Race - by Teri Christoph / Red State 03JAN23.

- Anti-Kevin McCarthy Republicans Make Their Demands and Reveal How Far They Are Willing to Go - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN23.

- Matt Gaetz's Words About Kevin McCarthy Define the Current State of the Republican Party - by Brandon Morse / Red State 03JAN23.

- Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes Down Hard for Weak-Sauce Kevin McCarthy - Slams Conservatives on War Room - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Anti-Trump, Uniparty Leader Karl Rove Suffers Meltdown After McCarthy Fails to Secure Speakership - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Vile Texas RINO Dan Crenshaw Declares McCarthy GOP Hold-Outs “Narcissists” and His “Enemies” - by Cullen Linebarger / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Tucker Carlson Addresses the Battle Over Kevin McCarthy - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN23.

- House adjourns with no speaker after Kevin McCarthy falls short - by Caitlin Doornbos and Steven Nelson / NY Post 03JAN23.

- Kevin McCarthy Goes Down in Flames; House Adjourns Without a Leader - by Bonchie / Red State 03JAN23.

- Rep. Mike Garcia: 'Day One of Being in the Majority Feels an Awful Lot Like Being in the Minority' - by Gwendolyn Sims / PJ Media 03JAN23.

- House GOP must stop this madness over speaker and go after Biden - by Michael Goodwin / NY Post 03JAN23.

- The Best Thing That The House Could Do Would Be To Not Elect A Speaker At All - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 03JAN23.

- House GOP Promises to Ax Proxy Voting - by Liz Sheld / American Greatness 03JAN23.

- Courage Time in the House of Representatives - After the new Congress convenes, the Republicans should announce that they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling until the president and the vice president resign - by Daniel Oliver / American Greatness 03JAN23.

- Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important Videos and Documents for 50 Years So They Can Continue to Lie About J-6 Protests and Fed Involvement - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Russia launches more than 80 Iranian drones at Ukraine to start 2023 - by Mike Brest / Washington Examiner 03JAN23.

- Western Reaction to Confirmed Deaths of More Than 60 Russian Soldiers Is Quite a Tell - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 03JAN23.

- Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History - by Glenn Greenwald / Substack 03JAN23.

- We've Reached Peak Zelensky Now What? - by Robert Freeman / Common Dreams via Zerohedge 03JAN23.

- The Other Invasion of Ukraine May Be Far Worse Than Russia's - by Athena Thorne / PJ Media 03JAN23.


S0 News: Big Solar Eruption, Flare Watch, Solar Forcing 03JAN23.

S0 News: Solar Maximum, Micronova, Clamp-Down | Q and A 03JAN23.

Styx: The JP Morgan Epstein Coverup: A HUGE Scandal as Virgin Islands AG is Sacked 03JAN23.

Styx: Kim Jong Un Wants More Nukes 03JAN23.

Styx: The New Malthusians and Great Reset Propaganda 03JAN23.

Salty Cracker: 24 Year Old NFL Player Collapses On Field as His Heart Explodes 03JAN23.

PJ Dubs / Anything Goes: Utter mayhem yet again. 03JAN23.

Luke / We Are Change: WOAH: Why Did They Silence Her? 03JAN23.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 03JAN23.

Tim Pool: Democrat Wins MORE VOTES For Speaker Than GOP McCarthy In HISTORIC Failure For Republicans 03JAN23.

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15 seconds

Tim Pool: Biden Accused Of Getting AG FIRED After She Sues Chase Bank For HELPING Epstein, Dem PROTECT Epstein 03JAN23.

Tim Pool: Damar Hamlin HEART STOPPED During NFL Game, CNN's Dr. Gupta Says I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE 03JAN23.

John Stossel: The FULL Enes Kanter Freedom: On China, NBA Hypocrisy, LeBron & Cena 03JAN23.

Scott Adams: Sudden Athlete Death Data And You'll Learn Something About Defamation Also 03JAN23.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #559 03JAN23.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2414 03JAN23.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room: Ep 2415 03JAN23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: The [DS]/[D]s Have Lost Control,Patriots In Control,Did Trump Just Hint At Something?Boom 03JAN23.


. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Awaken With JP: These Words are BANNED Now! 03JAN23.


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Six Supermen Of Sanity: If you are just waking up or getting into your first cup-o-the-day, the Grendelcat suggests imbibing your recommended daily allowance of Styx clanker redpills with a side of optimism and a dash of perspective courtesy of this philosophical independent commentator.

For independent commentary from similarly unique perspectives in longer form try Sargon, Scott, Steven or even Stefan for some superlative barn-burners.  And if you are feeling a bit too black pilled lately and need a picker-upper, try adding a pinch of Salty.

- Image: Superman by Pixy.org (CC4.0) Link

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Tsunami Warning - US (I)
US Air Force (I)
US Army (I)
US Coast Guard (I)
US Dept. Of Justice (I)
US Dept. Of State (I)
US Navy (I)
US Space Force (I)
Volcanism (I)
Volcano Discovery (I)
Volcano Hazards (I)
WeatherAction (I)
Windy TV (I)
Weather.Channel (I)

Gamer Gate
BaerTaffy (YT)
Baby Nades (YT)
Blooprint (YT)
Bored Gamer (YT)
Dan Gheesling (YT)
Dan Gheesling Plays (YT)
Dan Gheesling (T)
DeadlySlob (YT)
Dumb Dog (T)
Foxman (YT)
Fubarbundy (YT)
Fubarbundy (T)
Happy Hob (YT)
It'sAGundam (YT)
It'sAGundam (T)
JonTron (YT)
Mathas Games (YT)
Northernlion (YT)
Northernlion (T)
Pestily (T)
PewDiePie (YT)
Pyrocynical (YT)
Rad Brad (I)
RazörFist (BC)
RazörFist (OD)
RazörFist (RMBL)
RazörFist (YT)
Running Man Z (YT)
Shroud (YT)
Skye Storme (YT)
Sour Sweet (YT)
SuperMac (YT)
TommyInnit (YT)

Platforms, Games & Apps
Adblock Plus (I)
Archive Today (I)
Ark (I)
Bandlab/Cakewalk (I)
Brave (I)
Civ (I)
Davinci Resolve (I)
Default Gateway (LAN)
Epik Web Hosting/DNS (I)
Federation / Fediverse (I)
Freedom OS (I)
Give Send Go (I)
IPLocation (I)
IsItDownRightNow? (I)
Izotope//Ozone (I)
Linus Tech Tips (YT)
Mount & Blade II (I)
Noscript (I)
Open.Ink (I)
OpenOffice (Apache) (I)
Opera (I)
Pale Moon (I)
pCloud (I)
Plural Eyes (I)
Proton Mail (I)
Pure VPN (I)
Restream.io (I)
Signal (I)
Social Blade (I)
Star Citizen (YT)
Starlink (I)
Streamlabs (I)
Streamyard (I)
Tallycoin (I)
Tom's Hardware (I)
uBlock Origin (I)
Valve (YT)
Virtual Shield (I)
WhoIs (I)

 Social & Media (S&M)
4Chan (I)
Bastyon (I)
BitChute (BC)
Brighteon (I)
Clouthub (I)
Dailymotion (I)
Discord (I)
Dlive (D)

Facebook (I)
Foxhole (I)
Gab (I)
Instagram (I)
Kiwi Farms (I)
Librti (I)
Locals (I)
MeWe (I)
Minds (I)
Not The Bee (I)
Odysee (OD)
Panquake (I)
Parler (I)
Periscope (I)
Pilled (I)
Pinterest (I)
Reddit (I)
RedditOld (I)
Rumble (RMBL)
Smashleft (I)
Snapchat (I)
Steemit (I)
Subscribestar (I)
Truth Social (I)
Twitch (T)
Twitter (I)
Uge Tube (I)
You Maker (YM)
You Now (I)
You Tube (YT)
Vimeo (I)
Zion (I)

Movies & Shows
2000 Mules (YT)
5G Health Dangers (BC)
Alex Jones - Endgame (BC)
Armchair Historian (YT)
Big Burb (YT)
Black Mesa Minecraft (YT)
Blacklisted - MDE (BC)
Cas van de Pol (YT)
Cinema Sins (YT)
CompletelyScrewedOverDub - LOTR (RMBL)
Corbett WW1 Conspiracy (I)
Critical Drinker (YT)
Dank Al Capone (BC)
Dank Alcibiades (BC)
Dank Aleister Crowley (BC)
Dank Andre The Giant (BC)
Dank Augustus (BC)
Dank Battle Of Athens (BC)
Dank Billy The Kid (BC)
Dank Blackbeard (YT)
Dank Bonnie & Clyde (BC)
Dank Budd Dwyer (BC)
Dank Burke & Hare (BC)
Dank Buster Keaton (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 1 (BC)
Dank Christopher Lee 2 (BC)
Dank Dr. Ch@os (BC)
Dank Elizabeth Bathory (BC)
Dank General (BC)
Dank Gert Postel (BC)
Dank GG Allin (BC)
Dank Gombe Chimp War (BC)
Dank Gregor MacGregor (BC)
Dank Gustave (BC)
Dank Heaven's Gate (BC)
Dank Helge Meyer (BC)
Dank Hollywood Shootout (BC)
Dank Iron Mike Malloy (BC)
Dank Jack Thompson (BC)
Dank Johnny Rotten (BC)
Dank Julie d'Aubigny (BC)
Dank Ken Allen (BC)
Dank Ken Rex McElroy (BC)
Dank Killdozer (BC)
Dank Mark Defriest (BC)
Dank Mitsuyasu Maeno (BC)
Dank Murder Inc. (BC)
Dank Ned Kelly (BC)
Dank Roof Koreans (BC)
Dank Philip Luty (BC)
Dank Rasputin (BC)
Dank Red Baron (BC)
Dank Robert Liston (BC)
Dank Ross Ulbricht (BC)
Dank Ted Kaczynski (BC)
Dank Toyota War (BC)
Dank Vlad The Impaler (BC)
Dank White Death (BC)
DarkMatter2525 (YT)
Dave Chappelle (NF)
DVD Release Dates (I)
Edge Of Tomorrow (YT)
Eisenhower Cross Of Iron (YT)
Expanse (I)
Frank TV (I)
Giver (BC)
Honest Trailers (YT)
How Not To Land (YT)
Infotoons (BC)
Idiocracy (BC)
Jonathan Pie - Pie Net Zero (YT)
Kyle Dunnigan (YT)
L.Southern-AmericanMirage (YT)
L Southern - Borderless (YT)
Lauren Southern - Crossfire (I)
Lauren Southern - Farmlands (YT)
LOTR - Born Of Hope (YT)
LOTR - Hunt For Gollum (YT)
Oliver Stone Ukraine On Fire (I)
Oversimplified (YT)
RazörFist Abraxas (YT)
RazörFist The Big Combo (YT)
RazörFist The Big Sleep (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner (YT)
RazörFist Blade Runner 2049 (YT)
RazörFist Black Rain (YT)
RazörFist Cobra (YT)
RazörFist Commando (YT)
RazörFist Cosby Rebuttal (BC)
RazörFist Death Wish (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 3 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 4 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 5 (YT)
RazörFist Death Wish 2018 (BC)
RazörFist Demons (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Magnum Force (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Enforcer (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Sudden Impact (YT)
RazörFist Dirty Harry Dead Pool (YT)
RazörFist Double Indemnity (YT)
RazörFist Escape From LA (YT)
RazörFist Hard To Kill (YT)
RazörFist The Hitman (YT)
RazörFist Invasion USA (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max (YT)
RazörFist (Mad Max) Road Warrior (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (YT)
RazörFist Malone (YT)
RazörFist Murder My Sweet (YT)
RazörFist Out For Justice (YT)
RazörFist Out Of The Past (YT)
RazörFist Predator (YT)
RazörFist Predator 2 (BC)
RazörFist Rambo Last Blood (YT)
RazörFist Revenge Of The Ninja (YT)
RazörFist Rock-'N'-Roll Nightmare (YT)
RazörFist Rutger Hauer (YT)
RazörFist Scorpion  (BC)
RazörFist Scorpion (1986)  (BC)
RazörFist Showdown In Little Tokyo (YT)
RazörFist Star Wars Force Awakens (YT)
RazörFist This Gun For Hire (YT)
RazörFist Universal Soldier (YT)
RazörFist Unauthorized.TV (I)
Riding The Dragon (I)
Ricky Berwick (BC)
Samuel Rivera (I)
Samuel Rivera (YT)
South Park (I)
Strange Brew (YT)
Suspect Sky - Deep State (BC)
Tommy Robinson - Rape Of Britain 1 (RMBL)
Tommy Robinson - Rape Of Britain 2 (RMBL)
Uninformed Consent (LB)
Tubi TV (I)
Wag The Dog (BC)
War Games (BC)
Yoda Seagulls (YT)

About JC Musically (R)
About Timmy Musically (R)
Alex Jones Eat My Neighbours (YT)
Alex Jones Eat Yer Ass (YT)
Alex Jones Gay Frogs (YT)
Alex Jones Goblins (YT)
Alex Jones Indie Folksong (YT)
Amazon Music (I)
Ariel Pink (I)
Ariel Pink (YT)
Audiogrotto (I)
beautifullymad (YT)
Beginner Guitar HQ (I)
CD Baby (I)
Chaospin (I)
Chord Namer (I)
Chris Graham (I)
C'mon Man (YT)
Damon Alire (I)
Factor Calculator (I)
Five Times August (I)
Fortiori (YT)
Greg Dombrowski (I)
Grendelcat (BC)
Grendelcat (T)
Gunther Anderson (I)
Insane In The Rain (YT)
ITunes (I)
JC Setlist (R)
Karma and Kerosene (YT)
KrainaGrzybowTV (YT)
Legolambs (YT)
Legolambs Aliens (YT)
Legolambs Conan (YT)
Legolambs Die Hard (YT)
Legolambs Musical Thrones (YT)
Legolambs Liam Neeson (YT)
Legolambs Predator (YT)
Legolambs Rambo (YT)
Legolambs Risa Skywalka (YT)
Legolambs Running Man Hunger Games (YT)
Midi Note Numbers (R)
My Corona (YT)
My Little Armalite (BC)
Nightwish - Over The Hills (YT)
Nikolas Schreck (YT)
Pallets Full Of Ballots (BC)
Peter Hollens (YT)
RazörFist Black Sabbath (YT)
RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
RazörFist Judas Priest (YT)
RazörFist Michael Jackson (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
RazörFist Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
RazörFist Saxon (RMBL)
Real Samson - Pelosi Rap (YT)
Reverb Nation (I)
Remix Bros (YT)
San Cheezey (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement (R)
Sentient Cement Flashplayer (I)
Shnaff (T)
Spotify (I)
Transposer (I)
Tunelist (R)
Ultimate Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Latest Grendelcat Lair Release
Bittersweet Waltz - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Bittersweet Waltz


Purpose:  Tracking progress on topics that interest the Grendelcat and sharing his thoughts about them.
Policy:  No adverts here, no cookies or trackers added, no bloggy debates and no greedy angles.  That's it.  Have fun.
Copyright:  Use or share anything on Lair Central however you want.  A nod to the Grendelcat is appreciated.
Third party content here is published not for profit under fair use as commentary and criticism.
Disclaimer:  The Grendelcat does not claim any official scientific accreditation.
The Grendelcat is a fan of science, a musician by inclination . . .
And a tech dude by compulsion.