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- 10 Days After the Chamndrayaan-3 Historical Landing on the Lunar South Pole, India Launches the Aditya-L1 Space Probe To Conduct Solar Studies - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- CNN Ramps up the Covid Fearmongering Again - by Matt Margolis / PJ Media 02SEP23.

- Fauci admits to lack of Covid mask evidence but wants us to wear them anyway - by Mary Kay Linge / NY Post 02SEP23.

- NYC health bureaucrats say masking up is ‘a good idea’ for everyone - by Sara Higdon / PM 02SEP23.

- Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts - by Zachary Stieber / NTD 02SEP23.

- 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Revives Doctors Claim FDA Overstepped Its Authority on Ivermectin - by Jim Thompson / Red State 02SEP23.

- Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician” - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Sen. Ron Johnson Accuses CDC of Working With Big Tech to Censor Speech Questioning Covid-19 “Vaccines” - by Arsenio Toledo / Natural News via America First 02SEP23.

- When the Government Asked the MHRA to Grant Emergency Approval to the Covid Vaccines, Why Did a Minister Intervene to Reply On its Behalf? - by Nick Hunt / Daily Sceptic 02SEP23.

- Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return - by Jack Davis / Western Journal 02SEP23.

- Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Tries To Scrub Her Lockdown Record - by Kathleen Sheridan / Brownstone Institute via Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Biden administration has only recovered a few of the $280 billion in stolen Covid aid - by John Solomon / Just The News 02SEP23.

- Texas Wildfire Rages Out of Control - Spreads to Over 3,800 Acres - Evacuations Underway - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Biden Surveys Hurricane Idalia Damage in Florida, Says More FEMA Funding Needed - by Mimi Nguyen Ly / NTD 02SEP23.

- Biden Condemns Racism, Lectures on Climate Change During Visit to Florida to Survey Hurricane Damage - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Biden, in Hurricane-Ravaged Florida, Tells Unbelievable Tale About Why He Hasn't Visited East Palestine - by Nick Arama / Red State 02SEP23.

- Biden Makes Excuses for Not Visiting East Palestine, Ohio - Cites His Busy Schedule - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Biden Goes to View Florida Hurricane Damage, Then Laughs, Makes Weird Comment When Asked About DeSantis - by Nick Arama / Red State 02SEP23.

- DeSantis Avoids Christie-Sized Mistake, Snubs Biden’s Visit to Florida Post Hurricane - by Margaret Flavin / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Adam Kinzinger Loses It on DeSantis for Not Meeting With Biden, Calls It 'Absolutely Outrageous' - by Bonchie / Red State 02SEP23.

- Desantis Torpedoes Liberal Spin About Not Meeting With Biden With Action - by Nick Arama / Red State 02SEP23.

- Biden Meets with Paltry Crowd in Live Oak, Florida For His Cheap Photo-Op After Surveying Hurricane Damage - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Biden-approved green energy firm has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party - by Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner 02SEP23.

- Bill Gates Funds Plan to Chop Down, Bury Millions of Trees - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 02SEP23.

- A World Running On Empty - The Decline Of Fossil Fuel Supply - by Gail Tberberg / Our Finite World via Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Biden Admin To Provide "Up To $12 Billion" To Retrofit Auto Plants To Produce EVs - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- The Electric Car Debacle Shows the Top-Down Economics of Net Zero Don’t Add Up - by Will Jones / Daily Sceptic 02SEP23.

- Electric Vehicles Exposed to Saltwater Can Burst Into Flames, Authorities Warn - by Naveen Athrappully / NTD 02SEP23.

- EVs Just Could Be the ‘Biggest Scam of Modern Times’ - by Richard Blakley / WND via America First 02SEP23.

- UAW Files Unfair Labor Practice Charges Against General Motors and Stellantis - by Bryan Jung / NTD 02SEP23.

- Does BRICS Need Its Own Currency? - by Pepe Escobar / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Biden's economic speech omits jobless rate jump, which Fed predicted due to its interest rate hikes - by Nicholas Ballasy / Just The News 02SEP23.

- Unpaid developers rage against Amazon’s ‘zombie’ stores - by Lois Weiss / NY Post 02SEP23.

- Civil Unrest Fears Grow As Youth Unemployment Accelerates - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- JPMorgan Chase, America’s Largest Bank, Reported $1 Billion in Suspicious Jeffrey Epstein Transactions to the US Treasury - But Only After He Suspiciously Died in Prison While Awaiting Trial - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- JPMorgan Processed More Than $1 Billion for Jeffrey Epstein, US Virgin Islands Lawyer Says - by Wim De Gent / NTD 02SEP23.

- Biden Admin Kneecaps Task Force Charged with Protecting Kids from Predators Amid Criminal Surge - by Patty Knap / Western Journal 02SEP23.

- Former Chris Christie aide arrested on child sex abuse, porn charges - by Katherine Donlevy / NY Post 02SEP23.

- Thousands of US children underwent gender transition - by Breccan F. Thies / Washington Examiner 02SEP23.

- Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys Regarding Gender Identity - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Women’s Lacrosse Coach at Oberlin College Defended Girls’ Sports and Was Subjected to Disciplinary Hearings - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Did a science-denying Nebraska state senator [Megan Hunt] just threaten her state’s governor with physical violence? - by Mitchell McKinley / Law Enforcement Today 02SEP23.

- Canada's latest 'woke' attack on the US is genuinely absurd - by Brad Polumbo / Washington Examiner 02SEP23.

- Leftist NC Supreme Court Justice Files Lawsuit Complaining Her 'Free Speech' Is Being Trampled - by Jim Thompson / Red State 02SEP23.

- ‘The Great British Bake Off’ nixes nationality-themed weeks in Season 13 after racism accusations - by Katherine Donlevy / NY Post 02SEP23.

- In New Biography, Elon Musk Opens Up About His Transgender, 'Communist' Child - by Leah Barkoukis / Townhall 02SEP23.

- Best Buy Fires Whistleblower Who Went Public After Exposing Manager’s Ban on Christian Symbols at the Workplace - So He’s Fighting Back with a Lawsuit - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- ‘Marketing of Evil’ Illuminates Biden-era Mass Psychosis - by David Kupelian / WND via Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Heavy Rain at Burning Man Festival Traps 70,000 Attendees, Virus Rumors Circulate - by Brittany Sheehan / Red State 02SEP23.

- Over 73,000 Burning Man participants ordered to shelter in place following rains - by Isabel Vincent / NY Post 02SEP23.

- 'Burning Man = Total Disaster' - 73,000 Attendees "Hunker Down" As Desert Party Transforms Into Muddy Hellhole - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Burning Man Turns Into Freezing Man - Things Turn From Bad to Worse - Attendees Suffer From Hypothermia as Torrential Rain and Wind Batter Festival - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- San Francisco Records More Than A Dozen Suspected Overdose Deaths In One Day - by Travis Gillmore / Epoch Times via Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Hochul’s fentanyl ‘task farce’ is all about dodging the tough issues - by Post Editorial Board / NY Post 02SEP23.

- RFK Jr. Calls Biden’s Border a ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ - by Catherine Salgado / PJ Media 02SEP23.

- Josh Hawley: U.S. Is a ‘Nation of Americans,’ Not of Immigrants - by Neil Munro / Your News 02SEP23.

- Migrant woman arrested after slapping NYPD cop trying to confiscate her unregistered motorbike outside NYC shelter - by Jesse O'Neill / NY Post 02SEP23.

- Staten Island Residents Are So Frustrated With Illegal Immigrants That They Want to Secede From New York City - by Mike LaChance / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Trump Was Right - Sweden Finally Cracks Down On Illegals With Mandatory Reporting - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings - by Jeff Charles / Red State 02SEP23.

- NRA victory in fight over ammo ban - by Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner 02SEP23.

- Breakout Star Oliver Anthony Releases Another Instant Hit For Labor Day: “90 Some Chevy” - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- NYPD to Monitor Labor Day Gatherings With Drones - by Ryan Morgan / NTD 02SEP23.

- Big Brother at Your BBQ? - NYPD Criticized for Plan to Fly Drones Over Private Parties on Labor Day Weekend - by Jeff Charles / Red State 02SEP23.

- It’s Time to Bring Back Citizen Militias - by Brandon Morse / America First 02SEP23.

- 12-Year Old 'Don't Tread on Me' Kid Can Only Wear Iconic Patch 'If No One Complains' - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 02SEP23.

- CBS News, With Nothing Better to Do, Bashes “The Sound of Freedom” - Fixates on QAnon - by David Greyson / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Wikipedia Is an Information Warfare Tool - by Joseph Mercola / America First 02SEP23.

- An Important Lesson From Chicago On Confronting The Enemies Of Free Speech - by Mark Glennon / Wirepoints via Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Direct Government Censorship of the Internet Is Here - by Michael Snyder / America First 02SEP23.

- Don’t Ignore Politics, Just Ignore The Fake Kind - by Caitlin Johnstone 02SEP23.

- Bill Maher Joins Joe Rogan’s Podcast - An Unfiltered Conversation on the State of Modern Liberalism - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Is Justin Trudeau the Worst Prime Minister in History? - by David Solway / PJ Media 02SEP23.

- Kentucky's Democratic Governor Won't Commit to Naming a Republican If Sen. McConnell Retires - by Rick Moran / PJ Media 02SEP23.

- Even WaPo’s ‘Fact-Checker’ Has Had Enough of Biden’s Constant Lies - by Robet Spencer / PJ Media 02SEP23.

- There's More to This Story About WaPo’s Top Writer Having a Meltdown Over Hunter Biden - by Matt Vespa / Townhall 02SEP23.

- Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters - by Mary Kay Linge and Matthew Sedacca / NY Post 02SEP23.

- McCarthy Stresses Formal Vote for Biden Impeachment Inquiry - by Caden Pearson / NTD 02SEP23.

- Kevin McCarthy Says Impeachment Inquiry Will Require a Floor Vote - Is He Slow-Playing or Avoiding it Altogether? - by JD Rucker / America First 02SEP23.

- Democrats Suffer Humiliating Defeat in First Court Battle to Keep Trump off the Ballot - by Jeff Charles / Red State 02SEP23.

- George Soros’ son shifts priorities, resources to focus on defeating MAGA in 2024 - Libby Emmons / PM 02SEP23.

- Alleged Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching Florida - Laura Loomer Stops to Confront Them - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Trump Refutes NY Lawsuit Claims, Accuses AG of Defamation - by Catherine Yang / NTD 02SEP23.

- Prosecution’s Case in DC Is Weak but Trump May Still Have a Hard Time in Election Interference Case - by Matthew Vadum / NTD 02SEP23.

- Fani Willis Reportedly Has Evidence That Could Exonerate 'Fake' Electors - by Bonchie / Red State 02SEP23.

- After Booking, Mugshot, Trump Top Choice for Most Republican Voters - by Catherine Yang / NTD 02SEP23.

- Trump indictments spark wave of endorsements from rappers - by Jon Levine / NY Post 02SEP23.

- [Per] WSJ Poll, Trump's Primary Lead Just Doubled, Spelling Trouble for Primary Opponents and Biden - by Nick Arama / Red State 02SEP23.

- Daily Beast Falls For Fake Interview (While Wrongly Accusing John Solomon of Fake Trump Interview) - by Nick Arama / Red State 02SEP23.

- Ron DeSantis’ support ‘collapses’ after GOP debate, poll shows - by Jon Levine / NY Post 02SEP23.

- Are Swampy Political Consultants Mucking Up GOP Populism? - Furthermore, who are they? - by Thaddeus G. McCotter / American Greatness 02SEP23.

- Pelosi Trashes Trump - “Cancerous Malignancy”, and His Supporters - “They don’t share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person” - by Kristinn Taylor / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- 22-Year-Old Jourde Meacham Dies Two Weeks After Regime Charges Him with 4 Counts for Walking Inside Open Doors on US Capitol with Trump Flag - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- US Political Prisoner Jake Lang Describes Saving Philip Anderson’s Life on J6 - This Was After Regime Arrested Philip Earlier this Week after They Nearly Killed Him - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Democrat Claims Video Evidence Shows Thumb Drives, Ballots Brought in to Rig Their Election - by JD Rucker / America First 02SEP23.

- “We Have Videotapes of Someone Bringing in Thumb Drives, Bringing in Ballots ” - Democrat County Supervisor Accuses Democrats of Rigging Primary After Discovering Massive Election Fraud - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components - by David And Erin Clements / JoeHoft.com via Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- US counterterrorism abilities in Afghanistan questioned two years after Biden's withdrawal - by Mike Brest / Washington Examiner 02SEP23.

- More Disturbing Revelations on Kabul Bombing, Biden Admin Response on Not Taking out Suspect Is Shameful - by Nick Arama / Red State 02SEP23.

- Tone-Deaf Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine Funding - by Bonchie / Red State 02SEP23.

- U.S. Military Attacks On Mexican Cartels And Ukraine Update - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- The US Plan To Make Ukraine Into Europe's 'Big Israel' - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- US to send depleted-uranium munitions to Ukraine - by Mike Stone / Your News 02SEP23.

- As EU Pushes Massive $5BN In Annual Ukraine Aid, Hungary Blocks Latest Round Of Funding - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Failed Counter-Offensive - Is Ukraine Losing Because Foreign Fighters Are Walking Away? - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 02SEP23.

- Zelensky Needs More Men for Meat Grinder - Ukraine Wants Draft Dodgers to Be Rounded Up in Europe - by Richard Abelson / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- Ukraine counteroffensive breaks through Russia’s strongest defense line in south - by Jacob Geanous / NY Post 02SEP23.

- Russian Hackers Target UK’s Ministry of Defense and leak Thousands of Top Secret Documents Online - by Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- ‘Ireland’s’ Tipperary Peace Prize: A Case Study in NATO’s War Against Belarus - by Declan Hayes / Strategic Culture 02SEP23.

- Niger Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador - Macron Questions Legitimacy of Coup Leaders, Threatens Response if Military or Diplomatic Facilities Are Targeted - by Paul Serran / Gateway Pundit 02SEP23.

- North Korea Fires Multiple Cruise Missiles After US, South Korea End Joint Drills - by Aldgra Fredly / NTD 02SEP23.


Ben Davidson / S0 News: First Impact, Geomagnetic Storm, Chemical Mystery 02SEP23.

Styx: The Revolution Will be Televised! Trump Trial to be Live Streamed from Fulton 02SEP23.

Styx: Ban the ADL 02SEP23.

Salty Cracker: Xim/Xerb Has Meltdown After Gay Man Misgenders It 02SEP23.

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15 seconds

Salty Cracker: BLM Is Going To Burn Down Ohio Over Idiot Trying to Run Over Cops 02SEP23.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Felix Rex / Black Pigeon: China's GIFT to America: 10 Million LEFT OVER Women 02SEP23.

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15 seconds

Hodge Twins: Bryan Callen Exposes the Truth About Strict Gun Laws 02SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: FORTY PERCENT Of US Adults Think The Apocalpyse Is NEAR 02SEP23.

In Depth

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Student Loan Payments RESTART, May Trigger Economic Crisis 02SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Russia DEPLOYS SATAN 2 NUKE, Dispatches It For Combat Sparking WW3 Fears 02SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Biblical Predictions May Be Coming True, We May Be In The End Of Times 02SEP23.

Tim Pool / Timcast IRL: Americans Are NOT PREPARED FOR NUCLEAR WAR, Social Collapse Is WORSE Than You Think 02SEP23.

Scott Adams: If I Told You What's On My Whiteboards Today You Wouldn't Get To See Them 02SEP23.

Bannon's War Room: Ep 3000 02SEP23.

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Bannon's War Room: Ep 3001 02SEP23.

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15 seconds

Sleazy P. Martini: Live From The Bunker 02SEP23.

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15 seconds


Awaken With JP: How to Survive the Upcoming Lockdowns 02SEP23.

It's A Gundam: Zoomers are FINE without the use of their MIND │Part I 02SEP23.

RazörFist Arcade: EVERSPACE 2 02SEP23.

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JC & Timmy - Highwayman (RMBL)

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15 seconds


Highwayman - JC & Timmy

JC & Timmy - Highwayman (BC)


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