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Welcome to the Grendelcat Lair - Independent News And Commentary
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Lairdate: Tuesday 02NOV21 || Archive: Lair Central Archive
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- The Climate Summit in Glasgow Doesn't Look Very Climate Friendly - by Spencer Brown / Townhall 02NOV21.

- Incredibly Bad Idea Gains Steam at COP26: Tariffs to Combat Climate Change - by Mish / Mish Talk 02NOV21.

- Prince Charles Wants To Deploy the Army To Marshal ‘Radical Climate Change Agenda’ Worldwide - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 02NOV21.

- Is Prince Charles becoming Britain’s Pol Pot? - by Michael Rubin / Washington Examiner 02NOV21.

- Dropping F-Bombs, Greta Thunberg Demands More Climate Action,’No More Blah Blah Blah’ - by Niamh Harris / News Punch 02NOV21.

- Sleepy Joe Takes a Nap During Boring Climate Change Summit - by Sean Adl-Tabatabai / News Punch 02NOV21.

- After Falling Asleep, And Speaking Gibberish, Biden Apologises To Globalists For Trump Trying To Get U.S. Out Of Great Reset Agenda - by Steve Watson / Summit News 02NOV21.

- Joseph Biden – AKA President Gremlin - by John Green / Blue State Conservative 02NOV21.

- New Zealand PM Shuts Down Press Conference Over Unauthorized Questions From Indy Reporter - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 02NOV21.

- Marine Corps Commanders Using Form Letter to Deny Religious Exemptions - by Kristina Wong / Breitbart 02NOV21.

- The Worm is Turning on Dr. Anthony Fauci - by Larry Johnson / Gateway Pundit 02NOV21.

- LEAKED CDC EMAILS: We Must Change Definition of Vaccine Thanks To “Right-Wing Covid-19 Deniers” - by Darian Alexander / Big League Politics 02NOV21.

- Archbishop Viganò Writes Stunning Letter on Vaccine Program - by Paul Joseph Watson / Summit News 02NOV21.

- Massive societal collapse coming as a deluge of cities experience widespread outages of vital emergency services due to vaccine mandates - by JD Heyes / DC Clothesline 02NOV21.

- Federal judge steps up, temporarily blocks Biden regime from firing federal workers, contractors over COVID vaccine mandate - by JD Heyes / DC Clothesline 02NOV21.

- Recordings prove that hospital covid protocols are KILLING patients - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 02NOV21.

- Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America - by Michael Snyder / End Of The American Dream 02NOV21.

- JAB ROULETTE: Some covid “vaccine” lots found to be far deadlier than others - by Ethan Huff / Newstarget 02NOV21.

- A Premeditated Crime Against America’s Most Disadvantaged Children - by John Eidson / Blue State Conservative 02NOV21.

- ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Is the Vaccine We Needed - by Drew Allen / American Greatness 02NOV21.

- Never-Before-Seen Kyle Rittenhouse Video Shows the Moment the Mob Almost Got Him, Then He Shoots - by Michael Austin / Western Journal 02NOV21.

- Is Stealing Wrong? Not on the Left - by Dennis Prager / PJ Media 02NOV21.

- FDNY Union Head: De Blasio Has Ensured People Who “Care For Criminals Have More Rights Than People Who Care For The Average New Yorker” - by Steve Watson / Summit News 02NOV21.

- Colin Kaepernick Compares NFL Training Camps to Slavery in Netflix Special - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 02NOV21.

- How Is Colin Kaepernick Still A Thing? - by Derek Hunter / Townhall 02NOV21.

- Survey: Majority of Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter Movement - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 02NOV21.

- House Republicans Request All Documents Concerning DOJ Targeting of Concerned Parents - by Gwendolyn Sims / PJ Media 02NOV21.

- Kendi And Kaepernick: The Failed Narrative Of Black Oppression - by Parker Beauregard / Blue State Conservative 02NOV21.

- Media Salivate Over Another Likely Racial Hoax at Glenn Youngkin's Massive Final Rally - by Bonchie / Red State 02NOV21.

- ‘And We Brought Tiki Torches’: Democrats Fume that Lincoln Project Stunt Failed - by Wendell Hoseb0 / Breitbart 02NOV21.

- A Confederate Flag Spotted at a Youngkin Rally Has All the Hallmarks of Another Failed Democrat Party Stunt. - by Kay Smythe / National Pulse 02NOV21.

- The Injustices Facing J6 Protesters Are Warnings to You - by Dan Gelernter / American Greatness 02NOV21.

- In Virginia, It Was McAuliffe's to Lose (and He Just Might Have) - by Joe Cunningham / Red State 02NOV21.

- CNN’s Libs Gets Depressed Looking at Virginia Results - by Nicholas Fondacaro / mrcNewsBusters 02NOV21.

- Virginia Race Called For Youngkin, Historic Gains Made Over 2020 - by Randy DeSoto / Western Journal 02NOV21.

- Glenn Youngkin's Win Officially Ends the Clinton Era in American Politics - by A.J. Kaufman / PJ Media 02NOV21.

- MSNBC's Wallace: "Critical Race Theory, Which Isn't Real, Turned The Suburbs 15 Points to The Trump Insurrection Endorsed Republican" - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 02NOV21.

- Red Flag Law Opponent Winsome Sears Wins Virginia’s Lt. Governor Race - by Awr Hawkins / Breitbart 02NOV21.

- Buffalo Mayor Declares Victory in Write-in Campaign Against AOC-Backed Democratic Socialist - by Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart 02NOV21.

- NEW JERSEY Republican Jack Ciaterelli STUNS As He Takes Lead In Gov. Race Against Leftist Incumbent Phil Murphy - by Patty McMurray / 100%FedUp 02NOV21.

- “It’s a Bloodbath” – MSNBC, CNN Melt Down After Republicans Sweep Virginia - by Cristina Laila / Gateway Pundit 02NOV21.

- Biden faces doubts about his ability to lead Democrats to victory as voter pessimism sets in - by Katherine Doyle / Washington Examiner 02NOV21.

- Democrats Need to Start Losing Elections—For Their Own Sake - by Adam Mill / American Greatness 02NOV21.

- Half of Republicans don't believe their vote will be counted accurately - by Sophie Mann / Just The News 02NOV21.

- Republicans Rejoice over Ohio Win: ‘Voters Resoundingly Rejected Democrats’ Socialist Agenda’ - by Jacob Bliss / Breitbart 02NOV21.

- Regime Change America: Get Organized - by Max Morton / American Greatness 02NOV21.

- It’s Gonna Hurt A Bit - by Jackson P. Chamberlain / Blue State Conservative 02NOV21.

- Why ‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’ Matters - by Emina Melonic / American Greatness 02NOV21.

- The Southwest Airlines 'Let's Go, Brandon' Pilot Story Takes a Wild Twist - by Sister Toldjah / Red State 02NOV21.

- Democrats urge reporters to do better job pushing Build Back Better agenda, say it would be 'helpful' if they report on plan’s details - by Hannah Nightingale / PM 02NOV21.

- Tens of billions of dollars worth of cargo lay anchored outside American ports as Biden-induced supply chain collapse worsens - by JD Heyes / DC Clothesline 02NOV21.

- Dissent Is Still Patriotic, Even When Republicans Do It - by Andrew Stiles / Washington Free Beacon 02NOV21.

- While 'Joe Biden And His Puppet Show' Spuriously Bankroll The Invasion And Overthrow Of America, The Globalists Put The Pedal To The Metal In Their War Upon Christianity And Americans - by Alan Barton / All News Pipeline 02NOV21.

- Biden to criminals: C’mon in – welcome to America! Record number of illegal immigrants enter USA. - by Pat Droney / Law Enforcement Today 02NOV21.

- Chinese Govt Tells Citizens to Stockpile Food Before Winter As U.S. Govt Mocks Americans Concerned About Shortages - by Chris Menahan / Information Liberation 02NOV21.

- Washington Breaks International Law With Impunity but Forgets the Blowback Factor - by Brian Cloughley / Strategic Culture 02NOV21.


S0 News: Long Solar Flare, Multiple CMEs Coming to Earth 02NOV21.

Ben / Suspicious 0bservers: Sun Controls Climate | Part 1 - Upper Atmosphere 02NOV21.

RazörFist: Blackpills: The True Purpose of Propaganda 02NOV21.

RazörFist: Nope. I Don't Feel Bad About the Tomahawk Chop. Cope. 02NOV21.

Styx: The Utter Farce of the Legacy Medias' Rittenhouse Trial Narrative 02NOV21.

Styx: Amusing When Leftoids Try to Cast Criticism of Critical Race Theory as a "Right Wing Culture War" 02NOV21.

Salty Cracker: MSNBC Freaks Out Over ‘Let’s Go Brandon' & Calls Secret Service 02NOV21.

Salty Cracker: Man Chased Down After Escaping a Totally Not Concentration Camp 02NOV21.

Count Dankula / Electric Boogaloo: Man Fired For Being White Awarded $10 Million 02NOV21.

Mark Dice: CNN Has Total Meltdown Over "Let's Go Brandon!" 02NOV21.

Hodge Twins: Man Poses As Trans In Women’s Restroom 02NOV21.

John Stossel: Military Boondoggles 02NOV21.

Luke / We Are Change: HOLY COW! They’re Running From Their Own Narrative! 02NOV21.

In Depth

NTD: Evening News 02NOV21.

Steven Crowder Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Opening Arguments! 02NOV21.

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15 seconds

Scott Adams: Sleepy Joe, skirted assailants, NFL slavery, and more fun 02NOV21.

Sargon / Lotus Eaters: #254 02NOV21.

Bannon's War Room Ep 1382 02NOV21.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room Ep 1383 02NOV21.

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15 seconds

Bannon's War Room Ep 1384 02NOV21.

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Dave / X22 Report: “We Have To Bypass The Media In Order To Get Straight To The People”, House Of Cards 02NOV21.


. . . REFRESHMENTS . . .

Fubarbundy: Finding A Bitch 07FEB16.


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Six Supermen Of Sanity: If you are just waking up or getting into your first cup-o-the-day, the Grendelcat suggests imbibing your recommended daily allowance of Styx clanker redpills with a side of optimism and a dash of perspective courtesy of this philosophical independent commentator.

For independent commentary from similarly unique perspectives in longer form try Sargon, Scott, Steven or even Stefan for some superlative barn-burners.  And if you are feeling a bit too black pilled lately and need a picker-upper, try adding a pinch of Salty.

- Image: Superman by Pixy.org (CC4.0) Link

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RazörFist Dirty Harry Dead Pool (YT)
RazörFist Double Indemnity (YT)
RazörFist Escape From LA (YT)
RazörFist Hard To Kill (YT)
RazörFist The Hitman (YT)
RazörFist Invasion USA (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max (YT)
RazörFist (Mad Max) Road Warrior (YT)
RazörFist Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (YT)
RazörFist Malone (YT)
RazörFist Murder My Sweet (YT)
RazörFist Out For Justice (YT)
RazörFist Out Of The Past (YT)
RazörFist Predator (YT)
RazörFist Predator 2 (BC)
RazörFist Rambo Last Blood (YT)
RazörFist Revenge Of The Ninja (YT)
RazörFist Rock-'N'-Roll Nightmare (YT)
RazörFist Rutger Hauer (YT)
RazörFist Scorpion  (BC)
RazörFist Scorpion (1986)  (BC)
RazörFist Showdown In Little Tokyo (YT)
RazörFist Star Wars Force Awakens (YT)
RazörFist This Gun For Hire (YT)
RazörFist Universal Soldier (YT)
Riding The Dragon (I)
Ricky Berwick (BC)
South Park (I)
Suspect Sky - Deep State (BC)
Tubi TV (I)
Wag The Dog (I)
Yoda Seagulls (YT)

About JC Musically (R)
About Timmy Musically (R)
Alex Jones Eat My Neighbours (YT)
Alex Jones Eat Yer Ass (YT)
Alex Jones Gay Frogs (YT)
Alex Jones Goblins (YT)
Alex Jones Indie Folksong (YT)
Amazon Music (I)
Ariel Pink (I)
Ariel Pink (YT)
Audiogrotto (I)
Beginner Guitar HQ (I)
CD Baby (I)
Chord Namer (I)
Chris Graham (I)
C'mon Man (YT)
Damon Alire (I)
Factor Calculator (I)
Fortiori (YT)
Grendelcat (BC)
Grendelcat (T)
Gunther Anderson (I)
Insane In The Rain (YT)
ITunes (I)
JC Setlist (R)
Karma and Kerosene (YT)
KrainaGrzybowTV (YT)
Legolambs (YT)
Legolambs Aliens (YT)
Legolambs Conan (YT)
Legolambs Die Hard (YT)
Legolambs Musical Thrones (YT)
Legolambs Liam Neeson (YT)
Legolambs Predator (YT)
Legolambs Rambo (YT)
Legolambs Running Man Hunger Games (YT)
Midi Note Numbers (R)
My Corona (YT)
My Little Armalite (YT)
Nightwish - Over The Hills (YT)
Nikolas Schreck (YT)
Pallets Full Of Ballots (YT)
Peter Hollens (YT)
RazörFist Black Sabbath (YT)
RazörFist Danzig (YT)
RazörFist Dokken (YT)
RazörFist Iron Maiden (YT)
RazörFist Judas Priest (YT)
RazörFist Michael Jackson (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 1 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 2 (YT)
RazörFist MJ Rebuttal 3 (YT)
RazörFist Motörhead (YT)
RazörFist Queen (YT)
RazörFist Ramones (YT)
Reverb Nation (I)
Remix Bros (YT)
San Cheezey (YT)
Sentient Cement (Amazon)
Sentient Cement (iTunes)
Sentient Cement (Spotify)
Sentient Cement (YT)
Sentient Cement (R)
Sentient Cement Flashplayer (I)
Shnaff (T)
Spotify (I)
Transposer (I)
Tunelist (R)
Ultimate Guitar (I)
Yuri Wong (YT)
Yuve Yuve Yu (YT)

Supply Chain
Action PC (I)
Alaska Smoked Porter (I)
Amazon (I)
Behringer Speakers (I)
Breckenridge Brewery (I)
Buy Snus (I)
Door Dash (I)
Elgato Vid Capture (I)
Fender (I)
Grubhub (I)
Guiness (I)
Guitar Center (I)
Home Depot (I)
Jameson Whiskey (I)
Jersey Mike's (I)
Lava Soap (I)
Lowe's (I)
Martin Guitars (I)
MRE Mountain (I)
My Pillow (I)
Olde Town Pickin' Parlor (I)
Penrose Sausages (I)
Pilgrim Ammunition (I)
Pioneer (I)
Rhinegeist (I)
Sennheisser Mics (I)
Skyline Chili (I)
Soundcraft Mixers (I)
Sweetwater (I)
Tesla (I)
Xidax (I)
Yamaha (I)

Purpose:  Tracking progress on topics that interest the Grendelcat and sharing his thoughts about them.
Policy:  No adverts here, no cookies or trackers added, no bloggy debates and no greedy angles.  That's it.  Have fun.
Copyright:  Use or share anything on Lair Central however you want.  A nod to the Grendelcat is appreciated.
Third party content here is published not for profit under fair use as commentary and criticism.
Disclaimer:  The Grendelcat does not claim any official scientific accreditation.
The Grendelcat is a fan of science, a musician by inclination . . .
And a tech dude by compulsion.